πŸ”₯He's a genius who unintentionally made the most popular girl fall in love with him // Anime Recap

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πŸ”₯He's a genius who unintentionally made the most popular girl fall in love with him // Anime Recap ...
Video Transcript:
High School is often painted as this perfect Sunny picture filled with making friends playing sports and romance but not everyone's High School experience fits that mold take our protagonist utaru oriki for example he's perfectly fine with a life that's a bit on the gray side simple peaceful and a little empty he's got one friend Satoshi fuku who's been by his side since elementary school and that's more than enough for him when H's sister who's off on an adventure in India sends him a letter pleading for him to rescue the classic literature Club from shutting down
due to a lack of members he reluctantly agrees he expects to find the club in Ruins but instead he's greeted by the side of aruk katanda a Charming girl peering out of the window the catch she's somehow inside the locked Club room and utaru wants to know how she got in katana's eyes sparkle with excitement as she begins to bombard him with questions enter Satoshi who can't resist teasing hataru about his new girlfriend when Satoshi learns katana's last name he's impressed she's the eldest daughter of a well-known family famous for beauty and brains the mystery
of how she ended up locked inside the club room piques her interest utaru Enchanted by her charm agrees to crack the case kander revealed she had been in the room for about 30 minutes before he arrived during which she heard some noises utaru steps outside and spots a janitor changing light bulbs he figures out that the janitor must have accidentally locked katanda and when she entered before they leave Katana invites Satoshi to join the club for a bit of fun utaru despite his reluctance is once again swayed by her charm and turns in his registration
form the next day as Satoshi regales hotaru with a school legend utaru probes her details discovering it was sourced from the classic literature Club when hutar meets katanda again he mentions a secret recruitment note she's unfamiliar with intrigued katanda asks Satoshi for details leading them to a mystery and horror story that fascinates her utaru agrees to help her find the note and they discover it behind a poster on the first floor bulletin board on their way home Satoshi questions Hut's elaborate distraction from a piano mystery Kant mentioned utaru admits he wanted to avoid tackling a
complex mystery so he quickly fabricated a simpler one Satoshi warns him that today's minor issues might haunt him later a month into their classic literature Club Adventure katanda proposes they submit an anthology for the cultural Festival they head to the library where they meet MAA ibra who has a crush on Satoshi and is intrigued by utaru she shares a story about a library book that's been borrowed and returned by different people at almost the same time every week for five weeks Kitana's curiosity is peaked and utaru is dragged into solving this new puzzle utaru deduces
the book isn't used for reading but Borrowed by second-year girls Kitana notices a faint smell of paint thinner leading them to the art room where they find paintings of various girls with the book utaru solves the mystery quickly leaving him with two curious girls eager for more once the weekend rolled around Katana called our protagonist to meet at a cafe because she had something important to tell him when they met she was really nervous jokingly our protagonist asked if she was going to confess her feelings or something her answer gave him false hope as it
turned out she just needed a favor something personal her uncle went to India 7 years ago and has been missing ever since she started to to tell her story saying he belonged to a literature club and would answer all her silly questions except one time when he hesitated to answer a question about his Club eventually he did answer but it made young katanda cry and he didn't do anything to comfort her she had forgotten these memories until she started High School which made her curious again initially our protagonist didn't want to help her because this
favor was a heavy responsibility and he's someone who barely has the energy to live his own life however he was intrigued by why she came to him specifically if she had other friends she explained that she doesn't like sharing her past with just anyone hearing this our protagonist decided to help her exam week hit hard leaving our protagonist exhausted but during this time he received another letter from his sister now in Istanbul surprisingly she knew the literature Club was planning to create an anthology because she had done so in past years she told him where
her old anthologies were hidden in a chemistry lab cupboard upon arriving at the lab lab they met a guy named to from the wall newspaper Club who also used air freshener something only our protagonist noticed oddly when they asked about the old anthologies to seemed unwilling to help after some persistent pestering he allowed them to search the room however utaru found something off and suggested asking the student council to inspect the entire room which annoyed to this reaction was exactly what hitu was aiming for so they left but not before telling him to hand over
the an ologies if he found them they waited outside for a few minutes before utaru declared it was time to go back in miraculously the anthologies appeared he later explained he had used a bit of intimidation on to who wanted to hide that he was smoking in the club and had stashed his cigarettes in the chemistry cupboard later katanda confided in hataru that the hyoka Anthology number two was the one she found as a child and had asked her uncle about upon examining it they discovered a name Jun seatan who turned out to be T's
Uncle he had gone from being a hero to a legend in the year after he left however the truth hidden in anthology number one was still missing all their research would have been pointless if not for Katana trusting IA and Satoshi with her secret with everyone's help they resumed their investigation starting by visiting the katana family Mansion to analyze the incident that happened in the club 45 years ago and to plan the topics for their Anthology both Satoshi and Hutu rejected kanda's ideas suspecting her uncle might have faced thieves or violent guys leading to his
reputation as a hero while taking a break they ate on a gyri made by Katana and considered satoshi's hypothesis that the incident wasn't violent but something that United the whole school possibly gaining the support of all the students it was then atara's turn to share his thoughts but he had no idea what to say and felt overwhelmed by the energy it would take luckily rain interrupted giving Katana a reason to leave and collect some things while utara took a moment to go to the bathroom on his way he noticed a room with a slightly Open
Door peeking inside he found kanda's room filled with her research on the case he started to piece together every detail and after a long while rejoined the group to give a general explanation he suggested that all the students were involved because they feared the cultural Festival would be shortened this is where katana's uncle secan came in according to hioka he went from hero to Legend because he sacrificed himself to save the Beloved cultural Festival from being shortened the incident took so long because if they had expelled him during the festival it would have caused more
chaos they waited until it ended to expel him thus ending Hut's explanation which made a lot of sense with that they concluded the meeting and katanda thanked toaru for his help however a few days later our protagonist gets a phone call from his sister after telling him all about her trip she suddenly mentioned something about Jun seani and the cania festival which was a tragedy that bonded her out but jotaro realized that the mysterious incident didn't happen the way it was told he didn't believe someone would ruin their school life for their classmates so he
gathered everyone in the club to tell them that the heroic act might have been more of a sacrifice they decided to find the person who wrote The prologue which was atah the librarian to clear up everyone's doubts jotaro asked her if she was the one who wrote The prologue when she confessed that she did she immediately knew what they were getting at the movement that took place 45 years ago after jotaro explained his hypothesis about what might have happened during that incident itah was surprised because he spoke as if he had witnessed it all so
she got straight to the point saying it was just as our protagonist described the directors wanted to cut the festival from five days to only two which caused a huge uproar and a counter movement without a clear leader but they picked Kat's Uncle as the chosen one while the real June seani was another guy leading from the Shadows never revealing his name they even made a bonfire to lift their spirits and all that but that's when the incident happened a fire broke out and the sports building was destroyed the school didn't forgive this behavior and
decided to make an example by expelling the supposed leader of the movement since no one could do anything to help he just kept quiet however his Anthology hyoko was a perfect complaint about what happened to him the cover had a wolf symbolizing the school and rabbits representing the students one rabbit was being devoured by the wolf implying he was June secan no one knew why katana's Uncle chose the name hyoka for the Anthology but our protagonist was the only one who managed to interpret the title hyoka when translated to English means ice cream but it
also had a hidden meaning sounding like ice cream when katanda heard this she started crying remembering everything her uncle told her about hyoka this concluded the mystery freeing katanda from that cruel memory that had haunted her days later while our protagonist was in class he suddenly heard scream from the neighboring classroom and recognized kanda's voice when everyone gathered in their literature Club they chatted a bit until our protagonist mentioned kanda's argument with a teacher which was a bad idea because it triggered her overwhelming curiosity she started asking our protagonist what could have happened to make
her so angry since she didn't even know the reason herself katanda began to explain everything first the teacher arrived just as the bell rang but looked at the classroom plaque before entering which was typical for him he then wrote an equation and asked a random student to solve it however the student didn't know anything about the exercise causing the teacher to get angry and scold everyone but katanda noticed that the teacher was wrong about the class topic she stood up to argue with him and end the commotion which led to her pestering jotaro to help
her figure out how the teacher could have made such a mistake after explaining everything our protagonist concluded that the teacher had simply mixed up the letters of the notes for each classroom confusing a with d and so that easy my was resolved days later during summer vacation the group went on a trip to the mountains to stay in a hot spring and owned by ior's Family however when our protagonist decided to go to the hot springs he ran into katanda but upon arriving he fainted from the Heat and because he imagined things he shouldn't have
with her his best friend helped carry him to his room and when he thought he was alone Katana appeared worried about what happened to him as night fell ibra's two little cousins told them a story about the abandoned room next door it was a legend about a blood curdling scream followed by the shadow of someone hanging from side to side which led to the room being closed off when our protagonist took a look he noticed a girl running outside the in but didn't give it much thought however the next day ibra said she woke up
at midnight and saw that shadow which left her terrified faced with this new mystery that Katana also witnessed it was time for our protagonist to think they went to the Forbidden room and met Koo one of ibra's cousins asking for her help in investigating the hanging Shadow but she didn't allow it while eating jotaro felt a shadow watching him so on the way to the hot springs he began thinking about what could be behind the legend thanks to a vague detail from his best friend he found an answer the shadow was a yucata hanging to
dry and the person who did it was KO envious of her sister's yucata and wanting to wear it of course her sister Reena never led her anything because she marked everything as her own but KO didn't care and used it to go to the Festival anyway unfortunately for her it rained that day and with fireworks the next day her sister would obviously want to wear Yukata so KO decided to dry it in the only place no one would see it the seventh room the shadow was the Moonlight hitting it through the window though katanda didn't
want to believe that siblings could be so petty with each other these family things often happen however oriki and the Gang find the sisters getting along just fine so they decide to drop the mystery for now days later k AA invites the whole Classics Club to a screening of a movie made by her childhood friend's class this friend fumi irisu comes from a family with close ties to kandas so they known each other since they were kids before the movie starts our protagonist oriki wonders why they should even watch it since they can't reshoot it
anyway irisu explains that it's more efficient this way and that she'd like to ask them something afterward so after watching this mystery movie where a group of friends visit a spooky house in the woods and St upon various abandoned items they reach the climax where a character named Kaiu is found dead from bleeding just when the movie gets good it abruptly ends irisu then appears and asks them who they think the Killer is sharing some details about the shoot they had trouble with the script because the girl in charge got sick and couldn't finish it
irisu wanted to make sure that viewers could still deduce the killer from what was already shot so she needed their honest opinions but no one except for oriki who's a whiz at this sort of thing had had a clue he didn't want to do someone else's work so he initially refused to help however as expected kanda's curiosity got the better of him the next day they observed three detectives trying to figure out the movie's strange ending each presenting their theories Ori listens but dismisses all three finding them far from what the script writer intended on
his way home oriki runs into irisu who invites him for tea there she admits that she knew the detectives couldn't solve it but used them to push or into offering his own solution she had always sought him out not the entire Club because she wanted to see his skills firsthand during the holidays orii returns to school to help irisu he watches the film several times to get a clear idea and eventually calls irisu with his conclusion in the room where Kaiu died none of the other characters could have entered or exited undetected it was also
impossible for the killer to use the window so they must have used the door since there was no mention of the door being tampered with it made sense that the killer had a master key however the building was being checked by the group and one detail went unnoticed there was actually a seventh character the cameraman this guy was recording everything and lighting up the characters with his flashlight the film's poor production quality made it logical to think the killer was the cameraman who had an opportunity to kill when the camera was left in the hallway
irisu impressed leaves orii in peace but not before mentioning that he has a unique talent at the screening the club isn't as surprised as usual Katana tries to say something but can't vardu however points out that the ending was ori's idea since the characters never used an important element the Rope which even one of the detectives included in the theory feeling down about the oversight or Ricki remembers advice from Satoshi about viewing things from a different perspective the next day he invites irisu for tea and calls her out saying her praise of his skill was
a lie she just needed a mystery writer he discovered that the classroom service on the movie's ending had one invalid vote someone didn't want any deaths and that vote was from hanu the script writer summing it up hanu ignored the survey to create the ending she wanted but was too shy to ask her classmates to reshoot irisu stepped in claiming hanu was sick and couldn't finish the script none of the endings proposed by her classmates pleased irisu either so kitanda decided to involve the classics Club to get everything wrapped up by jitaru this means she
played him like a pro after a few days the long- awaited festival finally kicked off it was now a 3-day event so all the students were busy decorating and setting up attractions to have a blast the classics Club planned to sell 30 copies of their Anthology but due to a slip up by ibra they ended up with an order for 200 to manage this they thought about setting up an extra sales Booth somewhere else at the festival but they needed special permission from the student council Katana was tasked with negotiating with the council president while
Satoshi would handle the club's public publicity by participating in every available event to try and come in first in short everyone had a part to play and our protagonist was left to man in the booth and do nothing it turns out katanda didn't quite nail her task since she easily got distracted after a while she returned to the classics Club to drop off the chaos she'd been carrying Ori noticed a small pile of what looked like kanda's cosplay photos as she was trying to convince togao to include them in the newspaper it was pretty clear
they were going to get rejected onor way Katana also encountered a relative named cjo who had set up a fortunetelling booth with tarot cards and all that jazz however kjo mentioned that she couldn't do anything at the moment because a mysterious person named yum mji had stolen her Fortune Wheel and left a note about the theft thus ended the first day of the festival the club gathered and Satoshi asked Katana and ibra for help with a team cooking competition the next day but moments earlier they remembered that Katana had returned to the club to drop
off some stuff which included an envelope with cosplay photos she had taken orii had obviously seen them but had forgotten to close the envelope so katanda figured out he looked at her photos the next day the thes by yam Manji continued Satoshi saw this as the perfect opportunity to channel his inner Sherlock Homes while Katana besides asking irisu for help selling the anthologies also asked for tips on how to manipulate people Iris has shared some secret tricks that katanda later put into practice jaru negotiated with some girls dressed as pumpkins and managed to sell a
few anthologies also trading a water gun for flow which was crucial for the cooking battle since each team member had to prepare a dish without help from their teammates however Iber being late because of her manga Club showed up with few ingredients jaru stepped in with the flower to help them win the competition later the classics Club met up and katanda showed them the mysterious tarot cards from yam Manji who had also stolen a ladle from The Cooking Club toi came up with a plan to sell the anthology by selling the details of the mysterious
case to the newspaper and radio clubs who had their own detective to catch yum mji a bait for customers however Satoshi didn't like that idea and decided to think about the mystery himself he check which clubs have been robbed so far the go Club the a capella Club the cooking club and the fortune telling Club he concluded that the thief was following a pattern similar to the alphabet so the last Club to be robbed would be the classics Club katanda went back to togao to put her manipulation lessons into practice though it didn't quite work
out she managed to get a chance by mentioning she had information about yum Manji she then ran into Satoshi who was heading to the magic club to try and catch the thief in action he was surprised to see a lot of people searching for the mysterious Thief yum mji seemed to be a step ahead as he had stolen one of the candles from the show before it even started the next day Ori never expected his sister to visit the festival meanwhile jutaro made a small trade swapping a mirror he got from ibra for a manga
called the body of the Knight which he could choose to read or not kitanda went to see the president of the radio club and ended up being a special guest due to all the chaos caused by yum Manji when she returned to the classics Club she recognized the manga jaru was reading and asked to borrow it she then went to see ibra and pointed out that there was a poster very similar to the manga illustrations promoting the festival there was a chance the Poster's Creator was among the crowd they went to the student council to
find out who designed the poster and learned it was the president who did the artwork while someone else did the writing this whole situation seemed odd to oriki there was something that didn't quite fit but everyone noticed he was deep in thought and figured he discovered something about yam Manji he warned that the answer might be terribly obscene but that was just an excuse to reveal the secret to Satoshi first he explain why yam Manji stole from 10 different clubs why he left greeting cards at the crime scenes and why used the word lost instead
of taken besides leading a book about the festival's journey also the previous year the Mand of the body of the night announced that the following year would feature a Manda about an ultra famous work coincidentally this Festival was experiencing events that seemed like they were taken straight out of that mentioned work after hearing all of that Satoshi decided to step back but not without first looking at jitaru and thinking to himself that he had high hopes for him that same afternoon Katana had her interview at the radio club and used it as a chance to
heavily promote their new Anthology and the Potential Threat from Yumi naturally many students flocked to see it and by the Anthology unexpectedly satoshi's phone rang and right after that his manuscript on the desk caught fire along with it there was an anthology with a note from yum mji saying that the literature Club had lost their manuscripts so the club did get popular but not in the way they had hoped what no one knew was that before the attack jutaro had already figured out out who yam Manji was he was a member of the student council
named tanjiro while Satoshi was looking for jitaru he saw him talking to someone in the school parking lot jaru had gathered all the solid evidence to conclusively say that tanabe was the thief yum mji had tried to send a coded message to someone who was the only one capable of decoding it since the thief followed the same plot as that famous story and managed to get a hold of the festival guide schedule only someone from the committee could manipulate it even though there were 20 people on the committee there was a clear clue based on
the manga the body of the Knight where its author president kugayama along with Ango Haruna should know the sequence of that famous story out of the team members only one person knew the original story also there was a character named hotaka the mongus author which was a blend of the names of the three members who wrote it so after removing some initials from the name only two words remained which only one person at last year's Festival could relate to and that was T of airo he was surprised to learn that an outsider managed to crack
the difficult code which was actually a sort of Declaration he never managed to convey to someone named Haruna who was transferred now came the business part jaru asked the student council to buy 30 copies of the hyoka Anthology so he could resell them on his website in exchange for keeping yum Manji secret though tonay couldn't buy them without a valid reason jaru provided one by attacking the literature Club both tanabe and Satoshi would become accomplices in in his latest theft this way everyone would focus on the literature club and many anthologies would be sold obviously
requested online which would wrap up his last Heist perfectly and that's how the supposed accident we saw earlier happened where the literature club's manuscript caught fire out of nowhere later Satoshi was with ibra who asked if he was trying to Abdu jitaru he replied that he didn't want to surpass him but admired him and felt a bit indous a few days later while hanging out in the literature Club a helicopter flew very close to their school jaru remembered a professor named oi who always got excited like a kid whenever he saw a helicopter however Satoshi
mentioned that once a squadron did an incredible formation but the professor didn't react as usual for the first time jutaro felt curious about this mystery so he went to the library to investigate further kando was also curious about what could spark jara's interest so ibra and Satoshi let them go to the library together once T arrived early she found information about Professor ogi from a news article about when he was a climber participating with 11 other volunteers to clean up a mountain jaru had an idea about what might have happened but to be sure he
decided to check more old newspapers with the keyword lost after getting a book with the information they wanted they found a new story about two members of a mountaineering Association who went missing they concluded that OG was one of those missing members who had eagerly awaited a helicopter to rescue him unfortunately the weather worse in that day and he had to endure until he was rescued in short the sound of a helicopter always reminded him of the hope he had when he got lost as they were heading home kitanda asked chitaru again why he was
curious about such a topic basically he wanted to understand the truth to avoid being insensitive to his Professor by saying he liked helicopters when it was something much deeper after hearing all this Katana tried to say something but didn't know how to express it however she was glad to see this unexpected side of jaru the next day while alone in the club Katana asked jaru if he could accompany her to light incense at her uncle's grave which was kidani he agreed later jutaro decided to give a small lesson showing that his deductions wouldn't always be
correct and that she shouldn't trust him too much he asked her to come up with a challenge for him to solve just then a radio announcement mentioned that anyone who had bought something from kundo near the train station on October 31st should report immediately katano was tasked with deciphering the reason for this radio Announcement by asking questions and connecting some data about that condo store which was a stationary shop she realized that the announcement was urgent and probably related to a theft the theft involved buying something from condo with a fake bill but the thief
feeling remorseful decided to send a letter of apology to the store owner the vice principal who made the announcement seemed to be reading a note about unusual things mentioned a key tian's law troduction Al angles Del tto manendo antono dynamico y colloquial so once she came to that conclusion kitanda couldn't believe it she kept repeating it to our protagonist as she moved closer and closer but in the end he figured out that the police weren't involved because of the fake bill but to trace where it came from and that's how their so-called game ended one
neither of them remembered why they started at least they got to spend some time together the next day while jotaro was reading the newspaper he realized his deduction was spot on since they had arrested a guy with fake money a few days later Katana called jotaro to see if he had plans for New Year's Eve she wanted to invite him to the shrine where ibero would also be though she'd be there working Satoshi agreed and that's how things were settled fast forward to New Year's Eve and Katana showed up in a kimono that totally blew
jotaro away kicking off their date they then visited a local place run by a familiar face kjo to show their respect and good wishes for the new year while Joe Taro observed the distinguished families around they continued their journey to visit ibra who was finishing her shift in an hour later they went back to koo's place where she asked for their help to fetch more sake bowls from the storage jotaro decided to join her but as they both entered the door closed behind them leaving them stuck inside the cold storage they had to wait for
someone to help them or for jotaro to shout as loud as he could for someone to hear however kitanda stopped him saying she couldn't do that because people at the place and the temples knew her in other words they might misunderstand it as her being trapped alone with a guy since neither had their phones jotaro got creative and used a shovel to make a small hole so katanda could drop a recognizable handkerchief a guy found it and took it to koo's place where ibra and Satoshi tried to decode the message but since they were clueless
jotaro threw his wallet and as a last resort they lower kanda's bag with a rope finally Satoshi got the message and ran to the shed to rescue them because J Tom was freezing then we get a flashback to Valentine's Day when IA tried to give Satoshi chocolate but he made up excuses not to accept it she took it as a challenge to surprise him the next year setting the stage for the new story on the big day we see ibra leaving her artwork on the club's table where katanda noticed all the effort she put in
meanwhile our protagonist was chilling in the library when katanda and Satoshi showed up and she revealed that ibra's chocolates had been stolen because she left the club door open she wanted jotaro's help they all headed to the club to explain the situation once jotaro got all the details the tough part was asking around between clubs who had seen or stolen chocolates they eventually returned to the club and jotaro was pretty sure who was behind it then ibrush showed up and hearing about her stolen chocolates made her feel bad so she decided to go home kitanda
feeling guilty was stopped by our protagonist who asked to handle it alone since he couldn't do it with her there kitanda trusted him and left the club followed by jotaro and Satoshi on the way jotaro asked to see her bag and sure enough ior's chocolate was in pieces seemingly broken by Satoshi this time jotaro wanted to know why he did it fighting the urge to give him a smack Satoshi explained that in the past he only cared about winning and was demanding about many things but it wasn't fun now he didn't care much about any
of that however he had a problem he wanted to be with ibra but didn't want the responsibility of worrying about her feelings even if it meant hurting her and katanda in the process despite that Iber still hoped to win satoshi's heart someday and with this Revelation our protagonist learned a new side of his best friend he never knew a few days later our protagonist got a call from Katana asking him to carry her umbrella while she dressed up like a doll for a traditional Temple Festival he agreed to help and went to the venue to
get all the necessary instructions but while the organizers were talking jotaro overheard that the parade would pass through a street treat under construction he mentioned it and they had to figure out how to solve the problem suddenly katanda called our protagonist to be a messenger telling the elders she would talk to another priest and asking her father to call the parish representative jotaro delivered the message and everyone got back to work the parade eventually started and our protagonist began to regret helping as his energy was running low once it was over Katana quickly asked him
about the unexpected construction that caused the parade to take a different route they both wrote their responses on their hands to show simultaneously and found they had both thought of the same person the parade turned out to be unusual but in a good way as they passed under a huge cherry blossom tree which made everything better they took a little walk home knowing that for their second year they'd be separated by their chosen courses especially katana who had to pick Sciences due to her family role with two options either develop a commercial product or improve
production efficiency as a key person in her family business it wasn't the best choice for her but she had to try not to waste her family's efforts for a moment it seemed like jotaro tried to tell her he wanted to help with the second option taking over the family business with her even though he didn't manage to say it he knew there was still time to confess and that's a wrap on this summary I've been waiting so long for a second season of this anime I might start setting up a shrine to it if you
enjoyed the ride make sure to smash that like button subscribe and drop a comment about what you thought of the video or which anime you want me to dive into next hit that notification Bell so you don't miss out on any future content see you next time and keep the anime Vibes alive
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