ready to break the internet friend how are we going to break the internet you said you wanted this to be impactful what's what would that look like to you that's a really good question I think a lot of people are interested in my journey I think a lot of people are interested in how it feels to go through what I'm going through yeah I think there's a lot of people who want me to martor myself a lot of people are living vicariously through me yeah there's a lot of people who say yeah Andrew keep going
but they don't really care they just enjoy the drama of it all and uh I think I've already broken the internet but you're a very interesting man to talk to and with your insights I think together we're going to have quite a large audience yeah I mean that's a question that I have for you why why did you want to talk to me because I'm a psychotherapist you have your skepticism about Psychotherapy and yet here I am that's true we had a conversation before and it was I've been told by many people it was our
my most interesting podcast ever so I think it obviously varies from the norm in terms of the normal things I'm asked about you have some unique insights and uh I thought it'd be an interesting conversation a lot of people are asking me especially about my mental state and those kind of things post-jail so I thought well my most interesting podcast ever people seem to be very interested in that side of me so perhaps it can be a good conversation does it make you nervous that there may be things that you don't know about yourself that
I'm going to try to reveal to you I know everything about myself you know everything about yourself I believe that I have a intimate grasp of all the things about myself which matter which allow me to compete right so there may be things I don't know but I'm not sure if I particularly need them so I'm not that interested right what's what's useful is more important than what's true absolutely right and you've developed a framework of thinking about yourself and thinking about reality that's been incredibly effective for you completely what's useful is more you nailed
it what's useful is more important than what's true this is an a old argument of mine but I think we discussed in the last podcast and I'll say it again when I say I don't believe in depression nobody convinced me to can convince me to believe in depression that's not a matter of discussing whether depression is real or not that's a matter of me accepting that my mental model for going through life is more com is more effective if I don't believe I can become a depressed person I don't believe in depression so I can't
be depressed so that allows me to be more effective it's not a matter of sitting there going well maybe it's true maybe it isn't I don't believe in it so I can't catch it you shape your own reality through the conviction of your thoughts your beliefs and the words that you use why else would you adopt any kind of mindset unless it's designed specifically to make you competitive and make you win you install the software in your mind right so if I'm going to install software in my mind well I've tried very hard to create
it right because wasn't it installed by your upbringing wasn't installed by your uh mother and your father in some way before you were conscious while you were just developing child like something got programmed into your psyche that has to have an impact on you and those things can't necessarily be known because you were such a young age absolutely we're all programmed to some degree I agree with you on this so far I don't think anybody can escape programming whether it's Society whether it's a television show whether it's the people around you peer pressure whether it's
a religion we're all programmed to some degree that's absolutely not really true what I have done and what I think most people do not do is heavily analyze why I hold the beliefs I hold why why they help me if I don't if I don't hold the belief personally or if I didn't learn it from personal experience I know where it came from who tried to teach me that whether their intentions for me were good or bad and I've tried very hard to have my mindset rigidly analyzed and make sure that it's put together in
a way which benefits me completely and absolutely and I do not believe in things that take away power from me I refuse to do that I would rather say that they are not real and people will sit here and argue to the end of time that they are real but they're not real in my world and I live inside of my mind so even if you throw me in a Romanian dungeon the idea that I become a depressed person is not a framework that my mind works within so I can't become depressed I can feel
a little bit sad sure I can feel depressed but I can't be depressed they're very different things so that's just the mindset I've installed and it's allowed me to be competitive and I believe personally my personal beliefs are that life is a man is hyper competitive and whatever software you have in your mind should be designed to make you as competitive as possible and you shouldn't be believing in absolutely anything else so I've I've tried very hard to make sure all of my World Views and all of my experiences and everything is created and aimed
in a a direction which is going to allow me to be a fearsome competitor in all Realms of human endeavor has have there been some of your beliefs or convictions that have been challenged through the experiences that you've had particularly in the last well recently well people challenge me often and what a lot of people don't understand is that I will never adopt the thinking of somebody who is sad and I will never adopt the thinking of somebody who is less competitive than I am or less successful than I am if someone comes along goes
Andrew you are wrong the way you see the world is wrong but they are suffering from an Affliction why would I adopt a single IO of what they say so if it's kind of funny when I talk about depression the number of people who defend depression depression ruin my life it's super real and my loss my wife and my life is over and I want to kill myself it's real I'm like surely you should like my my worldview if depression is so terrible and has destroyed your entire existence you should be listening to me tell
you it's not real but instead they're defending it and sticking up for it which I find very interesting so that's the first thing in regards to whether I have had any of my convictions challenged it's kind of amazing maybe it's just a semantics trick and maybe it's that simple maybe it's as simple as saying I feel a little bit depressed today but I am not a depressed person and I cannot become depressive I'm not gonna have depression maybe it's just a semantics trip and by saying that alone I understand that it's a temporary state of
mind which I can alter and I can affect and I've never struggled with long-term depression or long-term negative thoughts because I don't believe in that mental model I think that your mind like I said it's software it's programmed in and they say inside the Matrix or in every single video game there are boundaries and there are limits there are certain things you can and can't do and I don't believe I my mind can be put in a state of permanent negativity I don't believe in that I don't think it's possible so it just doesn't happen
you said you experienced depression some form of depression or depression depressive feelings and sadness in prison what what were the thoughts that were coming up what was happening well there's a lot of uncertainty which is the first thing which it has to be scary it is scary it's scary and also because you're a man who's totally in control of your world of your life and that's almost like an imperative for you and that gives you power and all of a sudden you're thrust into a situation where you're essentially helpless well you just nailed it you
you completely nailed it because I was exactly about to say it's the uncertainty that I struggle with the most because in my life I'm in charge of everything I know exactly how everything works and I'm the boss and I get to control absolutely everything and this is the first time in a long time I'm in a scenario where I have no power whatsoever yeah no influence basically I don't know what's going to happen nobody else knows what's gonna happen and also in my worldview in my world I'm the hero right I'm the head of the
clan not just my family but of a lot of people a lot of people rely on me lots of women rely on me children rely on me Etc so everyone comes to me every time there's a problem so they continue to do that while I'm in a jail cell expecting me to have some kind of answer right right and I'm like well I don't have an answer this time every other time I had an answer but this time is a bit unique how did that feel you don't have the answers you can't help yeah I
mean it was frustrating it's very frustrating and it's the uncertainty that would bother me I don't think I felt sad very often but I certainly felt extremely frustrated I would sit there and think there has to be a way out of this room not breakout but like there must just be some words I can say someone I can talk to there must be a way it's only a door like I can't just be stuck in this room and it was it was hyper frustrating yeah and the uncertainty of it is also scary because in my
situation every 30 days they decide if they hold you longer or not and I was encountering people who had been there for years in my scenario so the uncertainty is a form of torture really oh absolutely yeah it's it's yeah it's torture it is torture it's a it and it's designed to make you break you don't know how long you're going to be there for nobody knows you hear horror stories you see other people getting out who've done worse things than you after a week because they've signed a piece of paper or admitted to something
or whatever they've done done a deal and you're sitting there and yeah it's hyper frustrating and I I think you have two choices as a man often when bad things happen I feel like you can maybe get depressed and sad about it but the other outlets usually anger or form of anger I felt like anger was more in many cases anger is more effective I guess is more useful you were angry in there I wouldn't say I was angry but if I started to feel negative I could turn it into frustration or anger which I
could at least alleviate with 2000 push-ups it's better than feeling sorry for myself I feel like if I had to choose one of the two outlets deciding to use controlled anger was more beneficial than sitting around feeling sorry for myself I don't ever believe in moping or feeling sad so when I was at my worst perhaps I was a little bit angry but then again I also think I do that in my normal life if I'm honest I don't think anger is a necessarily bad thing I think that misdirected anger is a bad thing I
think if you get very angry about scenarios and you put it in the correct direction you get unlimited motivation and you get a lot done the war or behind the dam it can be destructive but it's pushing through the turbine it Powers the town right so if I wake up and I go I want more money if I can get pissed off enough about it I can do 36 hour work days right so there's nothing wrong with being angry in my world as long as you are putting it in the correct direction it's uncontrolled anger
I think is a problem right anger anger can be used as a fuel and it's necessary and from my framework anger sometimes is a mask for pain I'd agree with that so did you experience pain in there I know that's a pain is a you know a kind of an abstract word but was it painful for you like I want to know about your pain yeah it's strange because I'm being as honest as possible it's strange because I had this instilled sense of Duty where even though I'm in a jail cell and I can't leave
and even though I'm cripplingly bored I don't feel like I had time to feel pain or I didn't feel like I had time to be a victim you had nothing but time no I didn't have time what are you talking about because everyone outside still relied on me so I I when I would get on the phone people is that avoidance though I don't know do you keep busy do you avoid your feelings by keeping busy being on the computer all the time all the things I had to do still had to be done just
because they threw me in a Cell it just made it more difficult which means I have less time than ever because the difficulty has been increased and when I would get on the phone we wouldn't discuss how I'm feeling I'd be worried about how everyone else is they'd be like how are you yeah I'm in jail what's going on with this are you okay are your bills paid are press hassling you I was worried about fixing everyone else's problems from jail more than I was concerned about myself or my own mental well-being and when if
I felt particularly when I say pain pains is an awkward one I don't know if I felt pain because I don't feel sorry for myself and I've developed this mindset of such absolute accountability that even though what happened to me I believe was unfair and even though I'm completely innocent I didn't think ah why I didn't I didn't think why is this happening I didn't think why me I didn't think oh this is unfair like none of these things crossed my mind I was like this is garbage however you can't become the most Googled man
in the world without uh with every light has a dark right like let's be realistic about this yeah I'm throwing in a jail cell do I belong here no but am I here yes I was pretty logical about it and I was like okay I've got a lot of things I need to get done and I would feel angry if I couldn't get them done but I don't think I felt pain now I'll admit I don't sleep very well since I've left why I could admit you know why I heard you say in one interview
that you have nightmares I do have nightmares what are your nightmares about I don't think they're about anything I just have like almost like an adrenaline rush out of nowhere while I'm sleeping and I I'd chew up I ball awake no thoughts no memories no no real thoughts no real story fear that's fear I guess it is yeah so there's there's so let's just you know you're uncon we would let's you know the dreams are a reflection of the unconscious and if you're having nightmares there must be some unresolved fear that wants to get worked
out I believe so but then also I love the idea of that of having unresolved fear that sounds like the most interesting thing in the world to me if some were to say to me Andrew take this pill and your unresolved fear will vanish I would say absolutely and early not that's not fun the fun is there's something in my mind which I don't have complete control or complete understanding of yet and it's not detrimenting my day-to-day life really okay I lose a bit of sleep but this sounds like an interesting Journey it sounds like
I'm in a new level of the video game and I've been thrust into a dark forest and I get to do something brand new and I'm I'm I'm really genuinely not worried about it you're not yeah you shouldn't be worried about it it's just where you are I'm not worried about it and I'm also not like oh I need to fix this I don't care I'll have nightmares and I'll wake up and I'll either go back to sleep or I'll continue to work and that's life maybe life will keep giving you situations in which you'll
have to confront that fear to resolve it why would I want to resolve it well because I mean if I'm really that tired I'll sleep no but but but fear creates distortions in our mind right I mean fear is the seed of evil yeah right and so we want to know what we're afraid of because if we block our fear we're susceptible to bad actions right and fooling ourselves about what they are rationalizing so I would argue that it's it's actually vital for you in the position that you are in and the responsibility that you
have to can actually confront your fear in a very real way which probably goes back to your childhood I mean your dad was I mean I'm you know the haircut story and I I don't know if you want to talk about that if you're willing but that's a you know when I read that I'm thinking about that little boy they must have been terrifying it is but I do think I had the best father on Earth I'm not I'm not disputing that I mean there's a lot of good that came from your father I'm not
disputing their father was a good man when you say he could go from zero to a hundred like that that for a little boy it's scary it's scary it is but that fear has to be in you you don't know what the he's going to do yeah completely yeah but that's I think that's prepared me for Life fantastically and I also and I also think the fear but have you reached a limit have have you well of the video game I mean you're you're you're facing all these charges yeah right so something and maybe this
is what you need to go through I mean you're on the hero's journey right and this is inevitable in some way but also along the hero's journey you have to die to be reborn that's true and I agree with all of that but if I'm genuinely I mean I psychoanalyze myself all the time which is one of the main reasons I don't believe in therapy and psychology psychoanal analysis of course you can I do I do it myself you don't think that's hubris no you can know your own mind that you don't need Reflection from
others to to see yourself you can see yourself perfectly I think that no I don't think I can see myself perfectly but I think that life is a perfect reflection but why not get help why why not like because because then it becomes a crutch I like the idea that I can rely on myself to fix myself well you have a coach is that a crutch no it's not because he's teaching me something different that's fine but like if I had an Affliction I would like to be my own doctor and I think with your
mind you can do a lot of it yourself and I think if you have a very strict framework and how you measure how successful you are as a human and I do it through competence and achievement I say which mindset do I need to achieve as much as I can possibly achieve right and I can measure that in real time I can measure that in literally dollars and world championship title belts I could literally measure the success I'll say okay well then this is the mindset I need to have to be as successful as possible
anything that's deviating me away from that needs to be addressed and concerned and dealt with and I can do that myself and I think the fear that if I if it's fear that's waking me up from nightmares now it's just because I understand there's a very big apparatus a very big enemy which I cannot destroy and I cannot be coming to get me so I do think that wakes me up I think the fear is healthy I think I'd be stupid to not be afraid but I don't necessarily want the fear to go away because
I have no problems feeling bad well it's not about going away it's coming into deeper relationship with it and and and understanding there's fear that's happening in real time but there's also fear that may be in your psyche somewhere in your body that's connected to your history and that may need to be resolved because otherwise you're projecting things out that may you may not be seeing reality totally clearly that's the thing right like is there a way that you're not seeing things perfectly clearly well then we go back to my what I just said about
perhaps that's true but if I measure myself purely on competence and purely on achievement whatever I think and whatever I'm doing is obviously fantastic so I'm very happy with the mindset I have and then we go into the argument which is a level deeper is do am I supposed to be happy am I supposed to feel good no it's not happy no of course but this is what I don't understand about people especially men in the world today why are they so worried about being afraid why are they so worried about I was afraid every
time I fought yeah I fought anyway yeah like I don't let fear guide what I'm gonna do I do what I'm supposed to do regardless of how I feel so I don't see anything wrong with feeling fearful I don't see anything wrong with feeling stressed or under pressure or anxious all these things men are trying to get rid of and I talk about men specifically I gender this because I'm a man I don't know how it feels to be a woman but all these things that people are trying very hard to get rid of from
their brains I don't see why they need to leave I will argue the point that if I feel anxious and pressured and stressed and fearful I will get more done than if I was happy I think if I was happy I'd just be hedonistic and just wasting my time I think that you get a whole bunch done with these negative connotations and negative emotions and I think that life is suffering and pain and you're here to go through it and you're and the sooner you get used to the taste the more successful you're going to
be I have no interest in trying to change the flavor my friend the flavor of life is pain and I will eat all of it and it doesn't matter if they put me back in jail or not I'm not sitting there going how can I be happy in jail I will sit in jail and say yes this sucks it's supposed to suck yes I'm not enjoying this yes I'm anxious and paranoid and yes that guy might stab me and yes I can't sleep and I miss my family and this is what's supposed to happen to
me and this is how I become the best man I can possibly be and I'm going to succeed regardless you're very convincing you're so good though right it's almost like I feel like you can rationalize anything right it's almost like a trick magic trick well you're really good at talking you're really smart and it's almost like any question you can turn and and make it work for you which is great it's a skill but there's also a place where there's the potential yeah for self-delusion oh absolutely and I'm not even going to sit here and
say that I'm not delusional to a degree I'm not saying that self-delution doesn't exist we all are right let me give you a very simple example let me try and use an analogy I think the only thing better than having everything you want is not wanting anything right so I have every car on this planet I have 40 supercars most people want a Supercar I have 40 but there's that unique 0.1 percent of people who genuinely don't want one and I think that's more freeing than having everything you want right so the the true mindset
is not wanting anything most people the best they can do is having everything they want and I feel like you can kind of do this with the emotions as well I guess my general consensus is that I don't think I can change or affect the world to the point where pain and suffering and bad things are not going to happen so isn't it best if I just enjoy all of that doesn't that make me as powerful as possible if I say oh yeah okay this is gonna suck good I mean I do it when I
fight yesterday I was fighting right we were doing 12 rounds and all of us were destroyed and the more he hurt me the more I wanted to hurt him back the more he hurt me the better it felt the more powerful I felt the more he hit me because then it's my turn right so if I can't stop him from punching me and I'll do my best but if I can't then surely you should learn to enjoy it right and I don't think you can stop life from hitting you and I don't think you can
stop life from giving you unexpected surprises another thing you can stop yourself from feeling sometimes sad or anxious or upset so I think the best mindset you could adopt is finding that engaging and exciting I'm not going to lie to you although I am facing very serious charges and although they are trying to destroy my life and although I cannot sleep the same and although they're out to get me and although I've suffered part of me is excited part of me is like okay why because it's a war you you like War I think all
men do I do yeah of course everyone do so it's about it's exciting yeah it's exciting so I'm not saying I'm glad it happened because I'm certainly not and I'm not saying I'm gonna win but I'm saying I'm saying that I've trained myself to the point where if I were walking down the street and 10 men would have pulled knives on me I'd be intimidated but 20 of me would go this this is going to be because we want to remember do you have a belief that you could take 10 men with knives I have
a belief that yeah I do because that's but that that's delusional that's delusional yeah but it makes me it gives me a best chance of possibly winning no running away would give you the best chance of possibly winning and then coming back and being safe and then serving out your mission of course I would run away in that scenario but if I but if I had to engage them if I had yeah if I had to engage them right if I had to fight them I believe I'd be the most capable if I believed I
could win of course so for that reason if I have to self-delude then I will self-delude and I will convince myself that I am here to destroy all 10 of them and I will say it in a way where at least seven of them believe me and that's the most important part sometimes about all of this self-delusion is that a lot of other people start to believe what you say and I'm not saying that I say bad things if a man were to sit in front of you and say I can rip your head off
with my little finger and he said it in the right terms and he truly believed it in his heart you wouldn't want him to try as as ridiculous as that sounds you'd be like in a big maybe you know it crosses your mind so I think that yeah I have psychoanalyzed myself even though I'm not officially you know certified and I've decided that I can't stop bad things from happening to me so instead I'm going to enjoy bad things happening to me and I'm going to build a mindset that makes me fearsome enough to succeed
regardless of how stacked the odds are against me yeah yeah and I and I appreciate your mindset and it's well thought out and it's useful to you and so I'm not I'm just pushing up against the places where I think there might be contradictions and I like to hear it yeah I like to hear it but I like like I said right now I'm not a coward and I want to make this very clear I'm not a coward I don't care if I don't sleep again for the rest of my life I refuse to take
any pill and I refuse to sit and have my mind altered by anything I do not control I don't care if I have nightmares for the rest of human time right as long as I'm in charge of my mind I'm in charge of my life if God decides that I don't need nightmares anymore I'll fathom out how to stop it if God decides I need to wake up in the middle of the night in a sweat fearful or afraid they're coming to get me then that's God's plan for me and that's what I'm going to
deal with I'm all coward I'm not afraid of any of these things I'm not afraid of feeling bad I'm not afraid of anxiety I'm not afraid of panic this is one of the things I think a lot of men out there struggle with is they're so worried and afraid of bad feelings and and to me that's just showing that you've had an easy life like there's real people out here who are trying to kill you there's people I ever put a knife in your neck you're scared of us feeling sad who cares like there's real
problems were you worried about feeling sad for who gives a I could feel sad for the rest of my life and I guarantee one nobody would know and two I would be monumentally successful regardless so why are we even talking about it I have no fear for a negative feeling I have fear for me not be able to provide for my children I have fear for people who rely on me not being provided for and cared for but I don't have a single I don't wake up and go oh I'm really I'm worried if I
might feel sad today who cares who cares I can be happy or sad on the same day nobody knows this and the same things get done the exact same amount of work gets done nothing changes how are you making sense of what's happening to you is it God's will is it uh a co-creation in some way did you co-create this oh no or are you a just like a victim of of the Matrix no I'm not a victim so absolutely everything is I believe you're a victim completely but I believe in self-accountability sure I could
have prevented this well how did you co-create this if if let's presuppose you did I co-create I created this by being monumentally successful right there's no light without dark equal and opposite Force but you said you were excited about it so maybe there's some way you actually wanted this I didn't want this in fact I had conversations with Tristan for a long time and I kept saying Icarus to him when I would decline I would decline certain podcasts I would decline meeting certain famous people I would decline talking about politics I would decline things and
I'll keep saying Icarus and he would say why are you doing this I just apply Icarus because I knew if I got too big that they were going to come for me I knew that so I tried to balance it and I felt like I did a pretty good job but unfortunately I got it a little bit wrong my fault I got it wrong I put myself here but I also don't believe that there's any light without dark it's yin and yang for a reason I don't think that I can just become the most Googled
man on the planet and become monumentally successful and make hundreds of millions of dollars and nothing bad is going to come from it I think that would be hubris you just use the word Hebrews it's a fantastic word I think it would be stupid for me to sit there and go I should be able to do all of this good and have a fantastic life and there's going to be no repercussion in any form I knew this was coming to the point where I literally sat with Tristan about three weeks before it happened and said
we're so why did it happen it happened because I became monumentally successful and I became monumentally influential and the world is about you did you did create it in some way you co-created it like you knew you knew this was going to happen and so there may be some way and unconsciously you you wanted it to happen like if you're if you're on this hero's journey and you're living this big life and you have a big vision for yourself I mean you know you bring up guys like Genghis Khan and I think that I think
that's kind of appropriate because in another area you probably would have been one of those cats right so now we're here and maybe you need this in some way need this test to really feel yourself to know how strong you actually are I mean I know what you're saying I I don't think I need the test I do feel like I need to tell the truth I do feel like I the truth is well the truth about the Matrix yeah what what I believe and I do believe that I have a responsibility because of my
massive platform yeah and I do believe that the responsibility is for me to do my best to educate people in a way that's going to make them happy and I know I could have sold my soul a thousand times and I know I could have avoided this I know I could have not said certain things and I understand all of that I wasn't looking for a war this large I wouldn't say I was looking for it but I wasn't ignorant to the fact that it might happen and I wasn't afraid you didn't do anything to
avoid it though I did I did a lot to avoid you did Icarus I must have said it a thousand times I could have made it much worse yeah but I was never afraid of it happening I think I think there's a difference between knowing something bad might happen and taking the calculated risk and going this is my journey for truth and this is what I believe is what I should do and being afraid of something like I understand if I go into the ring I might lose but I do believe 93 chance I'm going
to destroy him well and you want the fight either way I guess so because how else do you matter right that's that's my point and I'm not saying that I'm glad I'm being persecuted for false human trafficking side of Romania I'm not saying that at all but I'm saying that yet on the other side of this how strong will you be stronger stronger than you could be otherwise good for sure and have more power and influence otherwise absolutely and it's in Nelson Mandela completely now so I wouldn't want to spend whatever amount of time in
jail that that sounds scary but it's not uncommon for Heroes well exactly and if you if you take the lessons from it and if we want to once again talk about being as formidable as possible then I don't think jail okay it's given me nightmares but I don't think it's made me weaker no and it could have easily made me weaker I could have gone through the exact same experience with a different mental model and emerged weaker I believe I've emerged stronger regardless of the fact that I have nightmares I didn't have nightmares before now
I do but I still see myself as a stronger person that's one more thing I no longer have to fear from an unknown perspective I know exactly what it's like I know the best ways to deal with which I developed within the three months and if they put me back I know what I'm going into so that's a unknown area of the map explored yes and I don't want to go but I do believe that I'm more powerful than ever and you have to find the good in it that's absolutely not the for sure but
I don't think I was I want to be very careful I don't think I was looking for this fight I'm finding the good in this fight I believe that my fight actually has far-reaching repercussions for society now I think that however this plays out is going to affect society in real time I wasn't looking for it but I was never did you attract it in some way well if you if you are a Force for good then the evil is going to attack you isn't it and I do genuinely believe this is the Battle of
good versus evil in the world today I believe that truth is always going to be on the side of good I am religious I believe the things I say most people knew were true only 10 to 15 years ago I don't think they're radical radical ideas and I think that there is an evil force in the world which is extremely deceptive and they are out to try and silence me not because what I say is wrong it's in fact because what I say is right I believe the reason I have so much influence and the
reason so many young boys listen to me and pay attention to me is because I say things that are true that they know intrinsic evolutionarily inside of their bones as true that I say things which work people often wonder why my fan base is so feverish why my fan base is so dedicated well if they listen to me it's the first time they ever feel good the first time they ever train hard and start to feel better physically and they start to feel better mentally and they adopt my mental model and now they're not stressed
or depressed anymore and then they may start to make some money and they go you know what I start listening to Tate a year ago I'm in the best shape financially the best shape physically the best shape mentally takes the man so they're hyper dedicated to me and yeah I mean there's there's going to be a negative to that I I've been I want to make something clear I've been brutally aware of the fact that all of this might blow up in my face for a very long time I'm not I've not been ignorant to
that and I think that's why jail didn't cause me pain because I wasn't in jail like how did this happen I was in jail thinking they got me I knew it they've been after me for a long time I knew they were coming and uh I mean I don't know if that's a coping mechanism but I was saying on every single podcast before I went to jail they're gonna try and put me in jail I knew it right right you said that there's a light in the dark what what's the is there darkness in you
I mean there must be there's Darkness inside of everybody right and do you do you know that part of you are you in relationship with it do you think about it that's a good question first I have to identify what would the darkness in me be well let me let me present something to you because I stood up for you after you uh got canceled off social media and I have a lot of female clients and they had questions about that I mean they know me and they trust me so they're curious but one of
them said well you know Andrew is he's uh he's out there saying that he's helping all these young men but in the beginning he made his millions in in some level exploiting these very men okay that's the frame that they were thinking about it and is there validity in that and what they're saying because I didn't know how to answer that question I don't think I exploited the men I think I exploited maybe I did exploit the men but let me change my answer I don't think me not exploiting them would have prevented them being
exploited I think these men were out to be exploited regardless whether I did it or not so but you can see how that sounds cynical to somebody where you said well they're going to be exploited anyway so I'm going to make money off them and then once I make money off them I get this platform then I'm going to Champion them completely I mean it's a I guess that's probably one of the most logical arguments against me I've heard then we have to argue whether I was really exploiting them which is enough which is another
argument right because a lot of these men the only reason they didn't kill themselves is because they had an online girlfriend sure so I actually think that webcaming and girls as a whole is closer to this therapy than it is porn truly these men are completely miserable and the only joy they have is logging into that website so I don't think I did exploit them the reason I said the fact about the fact they're going to be exploited anyway it's very similar to having an alcohol store let's say there's three alcohol stores in a row
and all of your customers are alcoholics well if you close your alcohol store what happens they just buy at the next door next door they're still gonna be an alcoholic you're not saving anyone's life but I don't think I necessarily exploited I I didn't see myself as exploiting them or exploiting the girls I don't think that I think it was a business opportunity and I approached it the way I approach everything which is extremely professionally and I was good at it and we had a very successful company everybody was happy including the men at home
and including the women who all became millionaires I've turned more women into millionaires than I've turned men into millionaires so maybe that's the reason they're coming after you because they they feel in that a contradiction and they're not buying your story right they don't believe it they're like oh this is an act he's not genuine he's actually out for himself right and so that's the place that they want to get you because there's definitely an energy out there they want to get you oh no they're out to get me yeah and it's but it's I
don't think that's the reason why though well depends what we're talking about yeah but we're talking about the Matrix I understand why they're and you've talked about that a lot in podcasts we could talk about that you know uh because you are speaking a lot of Truth and you're confronting all the lies in the culture and you're you're speaking against the most powerful forces in the world but individual women let's say uh they're gonna look at what you're doing a lot of them and and a lot of them you know it's it's they're completely insane
and they're looking at these little clips and they're they're distorted in their own feminism and maybe unconsciously uh they can't reconcile to the fact that they would actually want a man like you I think that's a lot of what's going on it's like projection I'd agree with that you know nevertheless there is an energy that's like they want to get you they want you to be punished in some way yeah and so like how do you like what do you do with that how do you deal with that like how do you answer to that
like if that woman was sitting here what do you say to her yeah I would I would say that her argument to a degree is a logic fail let's let's take it away from webcaming it's a female logic there's your blind spot right there don't be a misogynist but that's like saying because you're misogyny no no of course but that I'm that's like saying because you've ever eaten a steak you don't care about animals right effectively that's what she's saying is because he had a business in which some man may have felt exploited at some
point he doesn't care about Humanity which is a logic fail yeah so that's not valid what I have found in my experience often is that many women who seem to dislike me after they meet me don't dislike me anymore I think the energy which they find repulsive over a screen or affects them emotionally over a screen they end up liking in person I think hate and love are actually very close to each other and I've had women who who scream how much they hate me at the screen and then they meet me and they're literally
in love with me well you're a nice guy of course so I've yet to meet a female person who dislikes me and I would love to talk to these women I think that'd be the best conversation ever I think it'd be the best podcast on Earth yeah but they are out to get me they're certainly out to get me I think that the fact that I'm so assured in a lot of my convictions they find very threatening people in general now seem to find it threatening when you're the kind of person who says no it's
this way and they say oh but the news said it's that way don't care it's this way and they find that ignorant but it's not ignorant I think it's just assured in your convictions and they find that threatening very threatening I think that there's a lot of people who find me threatening not because of necessarily what I say but just how sure I am in my convictions and the way I present myself and in my Monumental success they find that overall threatening the same way uh rabbit will find a tiger threatening it doesn't know why
it's just like it just wants to run away from it so is it incumbent on you then change the way you're delivering the information so more people can hear it no no no because there are some no because there are some people who cannot be saved and it's not my intention to save everybody I have no intention of trying to convince everybody to like me my intention is to try to speak to the people out there who know what I'm saying is the truth and who like the way it's being presented and said I once
again have no concern with being disliked by X and percentage of the population and I want to make this clear I've spoken to a lot of people who have talked about how their mental health has been affected by you know online bullying and media campaigns and smear campaigns I don't think anybody's been attacked by the media in the last two years harder than me every day there is something in the media trying to paint me as a bad person on on TV channels from Ulan Batar to Utah across the entire world and I can sit
here and stay categorically I've never read a media report and been like I've just been like clowns don't care that's a lot of energy coming at you I mean psychic energy coming at you and like have you reconciled to this idea that you you're you you're Andrew Tate you you know you were born you have a life you have your own inner world just doing your thing and then there's an Andrew Tate that's out there and people are projecting their love and hate onto you and it's not none of it's really real but you have
to hold all of that that mass projection correct how how is that yeah but then let's psychoanalyze me right you're the professional I'm the amateur but let's do it why don't I care that the media continues to attempt to slander me continuously and and they don't do it to anybody else and it's unfair that they're doing it to me because if I was a genuine sexual predator or like the people they defend I'd be protected by these people you know we can discuss this right if I was if I was going into girls toilets they
wouldn't say anything bad about what I was doing yeah so why are they the fact that it's so unfair and it's so pervasive and it's so aggressive why doesn't it bother me am I ignorant it doesn't bother you I don't think it does you block it out I mean you must read these things and you see your name associated with these horrendous crimes but it's not real it's it's it's it's false but your age if what they were if what if what if what they were saying was true it would bother me yeah but genuinely
because I know it's all garbage it's all lies it doesn't it's water off a duck's back and maybe my obsession with truth is Obsession I don't know if that's the right word but because I believe I'm talking the truth and because I believe the current War we're in is genuinely one of Truth against deception and lies that's their only weapon sure that's their weapon is deception and lies so everything they say is a lie so it doesn't really affect me and I I will sit and say that but I know for me it's painful when
I'm not seen like my goodness isn't seen right like it's painful or people misrepresent the things that I say or judge me because of my association with you like it's it's painful I'm not seen correct right and that can make me angry and and maybe cause I don't know uh some some kind of negative reaction within me and and I guess I I'm just curious like isn't it painful in some way like people because there's a lot of people out there they don't see you they don't see your goodness they only see this the dark
part of you or they project their own Darkness onto you or their father's Darkness or Trump whoever the it is they project that onto you in some way isn't that like but those people those people are already paying the price because but but those people but for you I'm saying for you your inner it doesn't bother me because those people are already paying the price for their ignorance their minds are not free anybody who sits and watches the news and believes what the news says about me is the same kind of person who believes everything
the news says and if you have two choices in this world people are talking about the Battle I'm in and yes I may be spearheading it I may be at the front of it but I believe that this war cannot be avoided you are either at war against the Injustice and against the lies or you're at war with your own mind when you believe they're garbage it is impossible for a man to believe the crap they want you to believe and be a happy functioning adult it's impossible if you believe the that's on the television
as a man you're going to be miserable so you're either at war with your brain you're at war with them anyone who's going to sit there and go I believe Andrew Tay is a human trafficker I have 25 vaccines I believe in Ukraine uh these people are already paying the price because they're already miserable and I can guarantee everyone who dislikes me is an unhappy person because their minds are enslaved so I don't feel like I don't feel when someone sits to me when someone sits across from me which has never happened in person but
let's say someone on the internet right makes a video about me right and these happen a new Andrew takes the worst man ever I can load up the video and just look at him for a fraction of a second and go he's paid he's paid the price right he's already he's already missed if I if I then depression would be real trolls losers who have no who can't compare to me in any human metric they know it which is why they dislike me because anybody who genuinely gets out in the world and looks for truth
and looks to be successful and is tenacious and is brave agrees with everything I say so I don't feel pain when someone sits and says garbage about me because I believe that their mind is already suffering because they're not free their mind's not freed anybody who can listen to what I say long enough and not be emotional about it and actually understand it well those people aren't paying a price so maybe that's a coping mechanism but every single time I see a woman who hates me or a man who hates me and I compare them
to the people who like me there's a massive contrast in overall physical attractiveness success financial success like it's amazing so it's like okay well my haters are way down here and the people who agree with me are way up here so let them hate maybe they just resent you of course no maybe I think I think a lot of the reason this is happening to me is and maybe this is arrogant but are you I'm with the therapist so I'm allowed to be arrogant right a lot of the reason this is happening to me is
because I'm I'm I'm tall and built muscles and cool cars and you know smart people don't like me there's people look at me and go he thinks he's too cool teach him a lesson there's a massive amount of resentment involved in all of this yeah for even for even from the Matrix itself even from the we talk about the Matrix and I talk about it and people you know of course we compare it to the movie but the end of the day there are people moving Parts in all of this there's a prosecutor there's a
a judge there's a lawyer whatever someone is sitting in an office who gets a piece of paper saying destroy Andrew Tate and that person looks at my life and Compares it to theirs and they feel resentful and then they go okay let me use every Power I have to try and destroy this man right if my life wasn't so aspirational as a word you can use but it also didn't tick nearly every single box in regards to every teenage boy's dream I think that they would be a lot less interested in trying to hurt me
right they're trying to hurt me because of the things I have and what I can do so there's a massive level of resentment in all of it and I also think the people who dislike me a lot of it's resentful it's either weaponized virtue or resentment right especially weaponized virtue let's talk about that because whenever I have a hater online it's funny people who hate me in person are very respectful to me it's very strange isn't it weird how the bottom line of humanity is always going to be physicality when they meet me they shut
up sure Warriors are very tough of course but online it's very hard to say I'm stupid it's very hard to say I'm not successful it's very hard to say I'm fat it's very hard to say I'm ugly it's very hard to say I'm not Charming or I'm not charismatic it's very difficult to attack me with anything other than the fact I'm a bad person he's all these things he's perfect in nearly every metric but he's a bad person yeah right so how do you do that will you take a virtue and you weaponize it misogyny
homophobic whatever it is they pretend they care about the subject when they don't and they put it into a bullet and they shoot at you and it's weaponized virtue it's not genuine virtue these people who are saying I'm a misogynist don't care about women or care about combating misogyny they just want to try and hurt me with it yeah that's the first thing or the second thing is genuine resentment yeah I remind him of the guy who picked on him in school yeah or the guy who their girl took the girl off them and and
they don't like me for it but that's not my problem that's their issue are you defensive is there is that like a defensive posture is the way that you can be I don't I really want what are you open to these people no and when I talk to you I don't want you to be open this is this is what I think it is it's like you are the man it's like you are the daddy it's just like why are you being so mean to me why are you yelling at me I want you I
need you brother like show up in a good way where are you like that's what's going on for them emotionally perhaps yeah and so do you have a responsibility in that place to transcend the place you are in to really fully realize your leadership you know what I'm saying that's a very good question and when I'm talking to you I want to be as honest and vulnerable as I've ever been I'm trying to be as vulnerable as I can be but also so let's let's talk about these people who resent me the most are these
people who disagree with my message what's it like for you to be vulnerable what's that word even mean to you how do you relate to that word of vulnerability that's a really good question I don't know I don't know how I relate to the word vulnerability well you are vulnerable you can't put yourself out in the world like this to be seen that is invulnerable act getting into the ring with another fighter where he might kick your ass that's vulnerable that's that's intense vulnerability I think but I think emotional vulnerability nearly at every form at
every level is basically a form of manipulation so I maybe that's just how you experienced it growing up perhaps with your mother emotionally manipulative no but if a girl cried in front of me I believe she'd be trying to get an out I don't think it's just because she feels bad I think it's because she's trying to get a reaction from me and I think when men cry to their wives or whatever A lot of it is trying to inspire sympathy from her I think a lot of emotional vulnerability to a degree I would argue
it's all manipulation like that that's it that that then that would indicate that in some way that you are manipulating we all manipulate each other well that's what I'm saying so if you're seeing manipulation in others that must also exist in you and I guess that's the question is is there a way right like can you actually not be manipulating and it manipulates a strong word has a negative connotation but like in some sense trying to control because one of the things that I find in this conversation right it's like I mean you actually think
you're you're going along with my line of questioning really well like it so it's you're not trying to control everything but there is a way right that you're you're you have a tactic you're trying to control things you're trying to get away from something you're trying to control the conversation on some level of course but what if you gave that up well okay I'm like just the idea of it right like what would happen if let's do it I'm trying my very best old habits die hard just but but don't worry about the result just
ask yourself a question like what would happen if yeah you let go of trying to control everything just feel in just feel into what that would feel like and and and but that goes back to the point about what vulnerability is because I don't think humans are as emotionally incontinent as they pretend to be and I believe that when you truly feel pain or truly feel trauma or something really bad happens to you the result to that is usually silence I don't think you talk very much at all so people you ask me what is
it like to be vulnerable well to me that's not crying that's not I think when anyone's doing that 99 of the time it's a manipulation tactic I believe personally maybe that's just my personal experience but yeah maybe but I think especially with men especially with men I think it's a manipulation tactic when they try and show too much emotion and women do it as well and I don't react very well to it if someone were to sit in front of me and start bawling their eyes out it's very hard to elicit sympathy from me for
that reason I feel like you get sympathy from me by sitting and explaining to me why something bad happened to you in a logical calm stoic matter manner if someone starts crying in front of me I feel like they're trying to manipulate me and I don't buy it or maybe you judge it in them because you judge that in yourself perhaps I mean it's my Human Experience right and it's my bias right but I'm trying to think of the very few scenarios in which I would ever cry and I'm thinking would it genuinely be because
I feel so much pain or if I think it could benefit me or help me would I be trying to manipulate somebody now that's not something I'd ever do because it's not my personality and mental frame but I but crying is just a physiological reaction to express pain and grief that allows us to release this and to come back to homeostasis well it can be it's don't attack me but it's also a physiological response oh completely but it's don't attack me anymore it's I'm the victim don't attack me yes I cheated on you ah don't
live it's it's a shield and so when we talk about what does vulnerable mean I feel like I'm being vulnerable now when I'm explaining things extremely logically that's as vulnerable as I can be I cannot be the kind of person who's gonna cry but once again this is my mental model I haven't instilled is that what it means vulnerability cry I guess vulnerability what about admitting your weaknesses I'll admit my weaknesses then this is see this is so interesting because I will tell you no it is because I will tell you I'll admit my weaknesses
and I will but now I have to try and identify some because in my mental in my mental framework I don't have weaknesses right so now it's like okay I am prepared to admit where I'm weak where am I weak well I've tried so hard for so long to make sure I'm not weak anywhere and if I am I've compensated so heavily in some other way I don't fail so I was like where am I weak I'm that guy who does not fail it doesn't matter what scenario anybody's life is in it doesn't matter if
you get dumped into jail it doesn't matter if you're going into war doesn't matter if you're bankrupt whatever it is if someone says tapes on your side you feel good I'll Tate's here God Tate okay yeah you can't even he can't even swim but he's here to he's the Lifeguard Tate doesn't fail I can't swim but it's an example right so I I do not fail ever so it's very hard for me to identify weaknesses because I feel like they've all been ruthlessly I think I've rooted out any weakness or I've compensated so heavily so
long ago I don't see myself as a weak person I don't see myself as a person who can fail people said to me in jail how did you handle that what else can I do not handle it what does that look like we're gonna bang my head on the wall like a dummy am I gonna am I gonna have a breakdown and just be a be a pile of mush all you can do is handle it so I've I we're talking about vulnerability I'm being as vulnerable as I can but I can't even I can't
even honestly sit here and tell you a weakness I have because in my mind I have no weaknesses and perhaps that's delusion perhaps that's Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps it's delusion yeah but that's but a useful delusion is what you're saying it's it's brutally useful yeah and when I teach this or when I talk about this there's a lot of men who perhaps want to adopt it but the mistake they make is they don't have the real world experience to back it up I don't want people to be completely lose their minds yeah we're not talking about
that but we're talking about the fact that I can name so many scenarios in my life where I was supposed to fail and I did not fail I am it's brutally realistic it's brutally logical it's built on competence it's built on real world of Accolade and achievement everything I've ever wanted I have achieved and I have gotten I have never failed anything I've ever wanted ever so how am I going to wake up and say oh I've got this weakness that weakness when I have 100 success rate 100 there's never a girl I wanted I
didn't get there's never a car I wanted I didn't drive there's never a scenario where I said I want to get through this I didn't get through it I've never failed so of course I'm going to sit and say yeah I I would love to tell you my weaknesses I can't think of any I don't know right but it are you being humbled right now is this whole series of events of events humbling you it's it's taught me things I already knew I know you can't be bigger than a justice system I was saying Icarus
for a reason I knew they would come for me I know I'm only human but you're not in do you I do I'm just a very good one I'm just a very good one is there somewhere inside your belief that you're Invincible like you you can't get got because that that is a dangerous Distortion no no I wouldn't have been saying Icarus for that reason right I'm actually far more cautious than most people would believe I err on the side of caution you're tactical I'm very Tactical with all of my life even the security I
organized the places I stay where I go I'm extremely tactical I don't believe I'm super I just believe that I do not fail and because you have no weaknesses doesn't mean you can't lose right you you can be strong in all Realms and still lose there are world champion boxers who are who have no weakness they do everything right and they lose fights right so I'm not saying I'm invincible I'm just saying if you ask me to name my weakness I can't think of one what would you ask the guys sure you can you can
you can ask people you can ask people around me I would love to hear it and I guess I can tell you what people say about me well do actually that's a good question do you feel like uh you get I mean I guess Tristan but you get honest reflection can you trust the reflection because you know you're at the center of this kind of Empire and and you have all of these friends and but but can you trust the information that's coming to you from anyone because everybody's got I mean I'm here in some
way from my own self-interest right and the fact that you trust me is it was interesting to me you let me in your house I I assume that you have some kind of instinct about it but that must be hard like to trust I get a lot of feedback and it all goes into a big pile and I and I listen to every word that said to me I'm not the person who's Beyond reproach everyone I work with a lot of people have said things to me and I I'm told about myself quite often yeah
and I put it all in a pile and I analyze every single word carefully I ignore most of it but I do listen to it and I guess the number one bad or negative thing that people will say about me who know me is they may say I'm very insensitive I hear that sometimes usually from usually from women they're insensitive I'm insensitive because I think once you become a ruthless Problem Solver you come across to a degree is incentive we have this big issue issue when everyone's crying okay stop crying fix the issue right it's
it's you have to be insensitive okay what are you crying about let's fix that right well you know you know that's wrong well a lot of people want to vent they don't want to fix the problem they want to I just need you to be with them and understand here you are baby I love you complete you're rolling your eyes yeah but but I'm important that's what I'm saying so when you become a ruthless Problem Solver right you become to a degree incentive now there are some scenarios which that doesn't work right there's some some
problems you can't fix the death of a loved one that's different yeah but if people are crying about something which is very fixable it's very difficult for me to be in interested in their crying and I'll tell you why because if I have a set standard for myself if I wouldn't allow myself that luxury it's very hard for me to give it out to everybody else if I don't allow myself the luxury of being incompetent because of an emotion then it's very hard for me to look at others and go well you're allowed to be
incompetent because of your emotions and you're allowed to be incompetent because your emotions and I'll just deal with the struggle of never being incompetent ever regardless of how I feel if I have standard for myself I'm going to implore my standard or imply my standard on others if they don't meet that standard then they're going to call me insensitive what would you have to give up to become more sensitive particularly to your women I'm very I'm a very sensitive romantic nice man yeah in general I'm actually a romantic man I get called that a law
no one calls me cold right it's different you're loving completely but I when it comes to problems especially right I am in sense I am can be incentive default to problem solving absolutely not what they want what's the issue they want to cry about the problem a while and time is expense time is money time is money I'm like okay yeah yeah boom boom fixed right no but you don't understand I do understand now it's fixed next like right right I think that's just but I think that's just competence and I think that's genuinely I
think most men are kind of like that perhaps I'm just hyper like that yes um so I get called insensitive sometimes what else do people say negative about me this is interesting are you arrogant well the difference between arrogance and reality is just competence isn't it uh say that again the difference between arrogance and a healthy grasp of reality is only going to be the competence of an individual there's one way of looking at it but if I can kick the out of everybody for example and I say I can kick the out of everybody
am I arrogant uh not necessarily it depends on the the kind of energy of it right but I mean one might say that arrogance hides in security like are there places where you're insecure that's another very good question but let me think about this for a second and answer it because these are questions I've never been asked before but I don't okay so where am I insecure about I this is another point and maybe this is a personality characteristic which is interesting I don't do anything I'm bad at ever like sing yeah like saying I
cannot sing so I will not sing and I'd love to hear you say I'm sure you wouldn't but maybe that once again shapes my reality because I refuse to do anything I am bad at if I'm bad at it I hire someone else to do it or I find someone else who's good at it and I offer value for them to do it I don't do any my entire reality why why because you don't want to I mean there's the things you're incompetent in and you have time but like uh because you're scared to look
uh foolish or not be good at something and people are going to see oh Tate's not so great at everything oh I don't think it's emotional I think it's purely logical I I'm thinking about my day every single thing I do are the things I am absolute best at if I I'll put boxing gloves on after this and I'll go fight and I'll be everybody I'll destroy everyone and I think I only enjoy things that I'm good at and I also think that if I have X amount of hours in the day the way I
can be the most competitive most fearsome predators to spend all of my waking time doing things I'm the best at and leave things I'm not good at to the other people who perhaps are good at them if you're an accountant and you want to become as rich as possible then what you do is as many hours as possible accounting but you're rationalizing I am correct so let me rationalize it I'll rationalize it yeah but that's what you do and that's it that that can be a defense I mean rationalization is a classic defense yeah but
that's my rack and you're really good at it but right right but but it's like a sword you have that's super sharp and you want to use it all the time all the time yeah but what if you set it down and realize there's other tools available in your toolkit maybe you need to develop those but rationalizing is how I built my mind it's all you have to give it up the sword's right there you just have to use it all the time but but it's but it's all my entire framework and how I view
the world has all been one massive rationalization and it's lent it's let me build a reality which is exactly what I want it to be no you must know that that has limitations because you can't rationalize everything that's not what life is isn't it right there's any well there's there's other layers of reality that the Mind does not understand okay well right you're right and just because I rationalize things doesn't mean I don't feel things but yeah I know you feel things yeah I feel things and I know you're I actually know that you're really
sensitive like I feel I wouldn't be here yeah if I thought you were some you know maniacal psychopath because I'm here because I can and that's what I think a lot of people saw in in the interview um they felt your sensitivity they felt your vulnerability and they were really attracted to it oh I'm a lot more sensitive than people know and this is one of the things I like to say when I talk about depression not being real or how life is pain and suffering that doesn't mean that I I'm not saying those things
because I've never felt them yeah I'm saying those things because I know them intimately I'm saying those things because I know exactly how it would feel to label myself a depressed person yeah I know it very well I just refused to do it right so yeah I'm absolutely not only a sensitive person I would label myself sensitive but maybe but maybe one second I just want to go back to my original point maybe my world view is affected by and we're talking about arrogance when you wake up and all you do are things your World
level at yeah everything you do are things you're fantastic at right all of the time and you beat everybody all of the time at all of it yeah aren't you gonna have a degree a tinge perhaps of arrogance of course of course you are so but what I label myself an arrogant person well I'm not going to sit down and say I'm good at something I'm not right so I don't think I'm unrealistic are you are you taking on the full responsibility that you have given all of the gifts that you've been given by God
yeah do you do you is there any place where you're uh not taking on responsibility for that no I think I take care of absolutely everybody I love in every single way I think anybody who's ever needed me I've been there for them if they've deserved it I think anybody who listens to my message is becoming a better person overall I genuinely believe I'm fixing and helping Society I don't know what else more I'm supposed to do I mean to a degree I'm almost martyred myself what else more can I do my options at this
point are either to continue to help people and explain to men why I became so successful which is all I'm basically doing I'm saying you're a man and you're upset and you want to be ex I'm telling you how I became what I wanted to be this is what I did is there anything beyond the things you just said that you're responsible for like what is your responsibility here my responsibility well I guess ultimately to yourself is to your family first right to to what is your responsibility to God I think God wants me to
be the best possible version of myself I think that God dislikes people who are lazy I said this to somebody once and he got very offended I said God doesn't like lazy people God has created you and he wants to see the absolute best you can be I think that if you don't take care of yourself God has no interest in taking care of you if you have a Ferrari on the drive and you don't take care of it who's going to take care of it nobody I think that taking care of yourself and being
the best possible version of yourself you can be is how you please God I think that's one of the best ways to praise him is to wake up every day and say I need to be the strongest smartest fastest most fearsome most stoic most capable man I can possibly be this is how I please God so I think your duty to God is also these things and that's another massive source of strength that I that I get when I'm alone in a jail cell I understand that God is still watching and God would be unhappy
if I couldn't handle it I I don't think maybe we can we can talk about God or we can also talk just about basic Cosmic balance I don't believe you can become the most famous man on the planet calling yourself the top G without the universe testing you if you're really about it I don't think it's you're going to get to a point where the universe whatever you want to call it is going to say is he really the top G yeah and you're going to have to prove it if you walk through life and
say I'm I'm made of iron I'm Mr tough guy sooner or later someone's going to check you right and find out if you are or not right so when I was doing this for a very long time I wasn't ignorant to the fact that something's going to come along and see if I am who I am so when I'm sitting in a jail cell by myself with cockroaches all over the floor I'm like okay this is my chance to show I'm not full of right was I full of no I wasn't am I going to
allow everything I've ever said in my last name and my duty to God and everything to go down the pan or am I going to just man up and win right so I saw it I guess to a degree as an opportunity but there was a massive burden of responsibility on me on how I had to perform I didn't have time to be depressed or sad this is what I'm saying to you earlier I didn't have time I had I had things to do top G's kids can't eat top G's women can't pay the bills
top G's business is over talk to no I had to fix all of it from jail and fix myself and get out I was very busy inside of my brain staring at a wall so I didn't have time for this and and this is another thing I try and explain to people and I don't understand about and I talk about men specifically because I understand how to be successful as a man when men say to me they're depressed with unlimited options with the capability to become anything you desire with God giving you a full and
Able Body in mind how do you have time to be depressed you have so much you could do there's so much that you need to do to be your best self and you're competing against men like me and you're finding hours a day to be sad no wonder you're going to perpetually lose forever that's suicide so how do you find time to do this it's it's brutally ineffective you have a brain you have a mind you have a mental model you can't think of everything you can't do everything you can only have certain Frameworks instilled
inside of your mind as a man you should be hyper competitive if you're trying to be the best version of yourself you can be you're competing against every other man on Earth for the girl you want the car you want the house you want the watch you wear it's all competition you should be as competitive as you possibly can anything that's inside of your mind which doesn't allow you to be competitive should be erased this is why I can't name a weakness I can't name a weakness I have I've compensated so heavily for any weakness
that may exist I don't even see them anymore is your belief in God tied into this concept that we talked about that what's useful is more important than what's true or better than what's true so we don't do we know that God exists I mean we don't know correct but it's useful to believe in God that's a very good question I think that believing in God certainly makes you more powerful yeah which is proof for God if God makes you more powerful than God is real yeah yeah so maybe that's very simplistic but if I
believe in God and I'm a more powerful version of myself because I believe in him then he must exist yes God has made me more powerful well it's the act of believing him that makes him exist which is another way of saying correct yeah so this is why I believe faith is such an important thing but I think everybody has a God in any way yeah there's no such thing as atheists if you look at the people who say I don't believe in God they worship a flag and a vaccine yeah so everyone believes in
something yeah so you have to decide what your religion is and I once again refuse to believe anything that takes away power from me I believe in things that may be more powerful and I believe that believing in God gives you a new degree of strength and I also think everybody to some degree believes in God I don't care what anybody says if you put anyone in that submarine just before it imploded everyone would pray yeah everyone yeah so it's ignorant to even say you don't believe in God at this point it's interesting that you
chose Islam and I heard you talk a little bit about how you see God in Islam uh as kind of you know I don't know harshness but like firm and directional and clear and this is right and this is wrong which sounds a lot like your dad well it sounds a lot of Life yeah like life there's there's right and wrong in life all this complete subjectiveness this mush they're trying to create yeah is done on purpose to confuse us yeah I like the idea of right and wrong I I like the idea of not
having a choice if you walk in if you're hungry and you walk in to buy a sandwich and there's 100 sandwiches it takes 10 minutes if there's one sandwich isn't life easier sometimes yeah so all this subjectiveness and all this choice and all this garbage sometimes when I'm like okay I want to be a good person I want framework to adhere to that makes me a good person well this is very clear yes no easy have you had do you have like embodied experiences of God like do you do you relate to God in that
way you know I want to say Supernatural but um like do you feel God I absolutely feel him and there's certain times where I may feel particularly energetic when do you feel God so usually when I'm feeling powerful uh-huh there's been times I was in jail and I just got up and I just felt like you know what yeah like just Shadow boxed a bit I don't know it's like you just felt it like I'll be okay I will win I don't feel God when I'm sad or something like that I think that the whole
idea of spirituality and I believe God himself he wants the best for you and it's interesting yeah how we're tying religion to to My World Views because my World Views were the same before religion I guess before it was to cause Moss or just the way the universe works or light dark yin yang Etc I still say these things but now I attribute a lot more of it to spirituality a lot more of it to God and yeah I chose Islam because it's firm and I believe that I'm a person with firm principles so I'm
obviously gonna alike in myself or I'm going to feel the Affinity to a religion that has firm principles because that's who I am as a person I'm a person who's principled yes no and I have no problem with people sitting with me and saying what you're saying is bigoted or what you're saying is wrong or what you're saying is insensitive I think Islam also has a similar issue yeah I think you also chose the winning team oh it's completely the winning team I mean it's the winning team because and it's winning team and I didn't
choose it because it's the winning team it's just it's just the winning team because it has principles yeah I agree and unfortunately when you have no principles if you stick up if you don't believe in it if you have no hard line if you'll accept anything then you don't believe in anything as soon as you'll accept anything then you have no hardcore beliefs you have if you have any set of principles or you have any things you believe in there's going to end up being a barrier or the people who fall outside of those barriers
are going to be offended by it that's the reality of it if you have a religion or a belief system that doesn't offend anybody that it's not a religious or belief system that's my view so yeah I chose the winning team because I think more and more people are starting to understand how important God is in society we're this is the first time in human history we're testing Society without God and what do we have we have evil yeah we have Satanism we have degeneracy and I think that most people are starting to understand that
God is really needed when I was young I used to make fun of what Bible Bashers let's make fun of them yeah and now I'm like we need more where are they we need more Bible Bashers so uh yeah and I I guess I certainly feel more powerful since I've reverted but I always felt powerful anyway but I guess now instead of just believing it's the cosmic nature of the universe or let me change that I always felt a strong Affinity to my last name and my ancestors so I always had a to a degree
a spiritual aspect to where I got my strength I always felt like well my dad is watching me or my ancestors tried very hard for me to be born so I can't disappoint them so I've always had this spiritualistic side like I can't my imagine the disappointment my ancestors would feel if they fought saber-toothed tigers and survived World War II and went through all the garbage they went through just for my father to be born and then he suffered like he suffered to raise me for me to be raised and become the most famous man
in the world and call myself top G and then cry when I went to jail no I go to jail with my head hell high and if they put me in jail for the next 20 years I'll walk in with my head held I and if anybody sees me I'm not gonna be a broken man I refuse to be a broken man it's disrespectful to everybody who ever died or tried hard for me to be raised for me to emerge from this difficulty as a broken person that's absolutely not least selfish when a man sits
and says to me he's broken or he's depressed or he's sad Etc that's selfishness you have to do and you have people to be respectful to including people who are no longer here I don't have time they can put me in solitary confinement for 20 years and when I walk out of there and the first podcast I do I refuse to be called broken I refuse and that's because I feel like I had to do it to my ancestors and now I feel like I have a Duke to my ancestors and a duty to God
so I've always felt that and I assume you feel like you're fulfilling your duty that your father would be proud of you I absolutely believe you'd be extremely powerful proud of me I think I'm doing the best I can possibly do and there's something that people say you tried your best and that's true but a lot of people overuse it people say oh well you didn't get it but you tried your best 99 of the time they didn't try their best people don't actually try very hard for things anymore I am truly genuinely trying my
best I don't waste a minute of my day before this podcast as they set up cameras I'm working I don't waste a minute of my day I do not miss a training session I do not miss an email I do not make mistakes I no longer like I'm on it so I'm trying my absolute best if I fail for the first time in new ministry then I failed but at least I get the satisfaction in my heart of knowing I actually really tried my best most people don't get to get that satisfaction because they know
deep down they could have tried a bit harder whereas if I end up in jail I'll be like Andrew you did everything you could have done so you that gives you a level of peace I did my best my ancestors are proud of me God is proud of me I did my absolute best I couldn't have possibly done better and I got hit with a lucky punch and that's life and all I can do is just smile regardless are your your oration skills is that an art do you think I think that if you don't
have the ability to make other people understand exactly what you think that you're going to struggle but is it is it is it an art like when I watched you with pbd and you got in the zone you did you do it all the time and you're doing it right now you get in these zones where it's just like you're just flowing I mean that's it's almost you can say it's a god state right it's a flow State and it must feel really good it does yeah like it feels good that you never run out
of things to say and it feels good that I already have 10 things I want to say lined up before I say the first ones and you know how to say them perfectly and your voice is clear and resonant and you're you're embodied in it it's a skill it's a skill well it's but it's almost like an art because I was watching it and I was thinking this is like watching you know Charlie Parker play the sacks or Michael Jordan play basketball I mean you really and and people might say oh those are exaggerations but
I don't I don't think so I don't I don't know that I've seen somebody who's able to do what you do but that's emotional so we'll talk about how I'm actually quite a sensitive person yeah I think the reason people believe what I say is because they can feel the I feel when I talk yes and it's because I feel things yes so I'm not a cold person at all I'm just a person with a lot of emotion that I try and control and channel in the correct directions but I think that yes it's a
superpower to a degree well I think that's why people are one of the reasons that people are so drawn to you because you let whatever wants to come through come through and it's also why so many people hate me yeah of course yeah because there's no light without dark yeah there's no you know there's no joy without pain you can't have a rainbow without little rain that's how it goes so I think that it's definitely a super powerful life it's something I'd encourage every man to learn how to do yeah it's certainly something worth practicing
it's the reason I don't learn another language because I haven't mastered English yet right so I refuse to learn another language I I can't imagine me and my personality Andrew Tate stuttering in Spanish it just be like what is this garbage so I don't have time so I will only speak English for the rest of my human years that's it because I've not learned everywhere in the dictionary yet yeah but yeah I guess to a degree it's a superpower it's extremely beneficial in all aspects of life especially relationships I'm not gonna lie it's very I
don't argue with women very often because any woman who respects me and listens to me I can very quickly and compenduously explain exactly why I'm correct it's maybe the most powerful skill it the most powerful thing about it is there's two levels to it one making people understand exactly what you think yes and the second one is making them think what you think right right and if you can do the second one do you like to make people think what you think you like like what like because you have a lot of influence yeah and
that's got to feel good you're influencing people you have this world view it's it's a powerful worldview it's got you know all these things and so you want to influence other people in some way to to adopt that I think that charity even of itself I think charity is probably one of the most selfish things you can do which most people say I'm giving money I give 25 million a year there's a website you can see it and I feed children all across war-torn countries mainly in the Islamic world and in Africa am I
doing that for the children yes but I also feel great I feel good for doing that of course so this it's not a selfless act no nothing selfless nothing self and it shouldn't be and it shouldn't be that's right so when I'm helping all these people out here I'm not doing it because I'm some philanthropist I feel good helping people and people sending me emails saying you changed my life I feel good about it I'm not going to sit here and pretend I'm just Mr philanthropist and I just care about the world no I like
helping people because I feel good about doing it it makes me feel good inside yeah which is why I do it so yeah I use my power to feel good and I think the best the easiest way to feel good is to make others feel good I believe that humans exist that way and I think that's why we're societal animals even in jail when I felt my worst my goal was to make someone else smile because if I can make someone else smile I would smile so if on my worst days I was my most
Charming my most energetic my most interesting my most talkative yeah I was happiest on my worst day because I decided that's how I have to be to stop myself feeling bad because I decided I also feel like you know it's kind of interesting no one's emotionless and I certainly feel things and I'm going to come up with a theory which you're going to call complete garbage because I am not qualified but this is my theory I go for it I believe that emotional energy is a lot like a bucket of War you have all this
emotional energy right you have a bucket of war and then you have a bunch of different holes you can pour it down so I believe if you wake up one day and you feel particularly depressed you don't feel depressed you just have a lot of emotional energy that day some days you don't have that much emotional energy and life's pretty calm but some days you wake up and you have this big bucket of water and the superpower is deciding which emotion you're going to put it in not to not feel the energy but to decide
which emotion you're going to put it in and I think that's my superpower I don't have the superpower of being able to stop myself feeling things I have the superpower of being able to choose how I use that energy and what I decide to feel and then if you want to be hyper successful as a person you have to be very careful to avoid the happy hole because happy is what everyone thinks they would choose if you had this emotional energy and could choose any emotion you'd choose happy but if you choose happy you don't
get much done what do you choose I choose if I had to choose how I wanted to feel all the time I would choose proud and proud means you have to work proud means you have to do things you have to achieve things if you want to be proud and be realistic you have to do fantastic things so my default favorite emotion is proud right that's how I I'm happiest when I feel proud about anything well in the organism releases dopamine in the brain where we do hard work I have to win all the time
I I love proud to feel good I don't like happy if I feel happy diddish happiness like a child or like a female is usually default to happy they don't care how they get there they just want to get there right they just want to feel happy I avoid the happy hole because I think people who are desperate to only feel happy are the ones who are addicts you know gambling addicts drug addicts drink too much do dumb it's all temporary no delayed gratification that's how you destroy your life choosing the happy hole so we're
talking earlier about jail and how what I felt particularly bad I'd wake up with a whole bunch of emotional energy it's unchanneled it's a bit wild so I guess that can be perceived as sad or depressed you're out of your routine so I would sit and go I have all this emotional energy today where am I going to put it and I put it in a place where perhaps on that day I might feel happy or perhaps I choose something else but I would try my very best to take all the energy and put it
into a place where the feeling that emotion was the most competitive emotional or is the perfect emotion for me to be as competitive as possible in that particular scenario so yeah on days where I woke up and I felt a little bit sad I'd be like okay I'm going to turn the charm on today I'm going to make everybody laugh right and by the end of the day I felt fantastic do you think God wants to break you if God wants to rape me he's going to do it because we said right the heroes Journey
there must be death in rebirth so what like something you have to be broken at some point you must be broken you you can't fulfill your mission without being broken and whatever that is it has to terrify you but can't I be semi-broken or semi-close to broken and back from the edge back from the edge and rebirth that's that's the archetype right and what does that require it goes It goes means going into the cave and facing Your Dragon which is your deepest fear and feeling like it's going to kill you and then entering into
the void of nothingness and then coming out the other side reborn and in that place where you're reborn you're going to know things that you did not know sitting right here but you're gonna have a much bigger perspective right I mean you agree with that template right I agree with it but I feel like I can just I don't feel like around that not get around it but I don't ever have to fully die like I can just come close enough enough times like I'm not gonna under no of course of course but I'm not
gonna underplay house significantly difficult my jail experience was yeah because you you do talk about like how tough you were you managed it and I guess I'm I'm and which is I believe that I'm not but I you know there had to be moments where you're just like it was terrible despair no it was absolutely or fear or like but this is very interesting into your death and rebirth point because when it felt completely terrible I do have the emotional control to not feel that but I decided to let myself feel it because I felt
like I wouldn't learn as much if I turned my brain off that's right so we I've talked on pbd about Tristan Tristan and I have the same superpower Tristan didn't care about jail he didn't care you didn't or he he acted like he didn't care he acted like he didn't care but that's it was his coping mechanism don't care about jail I decided no I'm gonna care I'm gonna feel everything I'm gonna allow myself to feel these negative emotions because I feel like I will learn more I could have done what Tristan did I could
have woke up and said one day or later they let me out still Rich give a right could have done that I didn't do that and Jay that's why he sleeps that's why I have nightmares because I don't believe his jail experience was that traumatic because he he was very he turned his brain off to it and and that is a superpower yes and and I do have that power if I went to war I could go to war and watch all my friends be blown to pieces and still fight I would still be capable
I can turn my brain off if I have to but I decided not to because I felt that feeling things would teach me more which is why I'm kind of arguing your point about death and rebirth because I feel like I don't have to fully break I just have to get close enough to the edge to learn something and come back why not break because if I break then there's too much my Empire might fall man you don't know exactly you don't I don't know not scary it is scary yeah so why would I that's
why you don't want to break completely scary I don't want to lose what I have yeah mentally physically financially yeah but that attachment what would God say to that attachment I don't want to lose what I have but okay I don't want to lose what I have because I also have a responsibility for others uh let me tell you something if my mind broke and I couldn't come back from that what's more important your family or God does God want me to break I don't know you should ask you asked the question and if he
does I will break right right but you don't have a choice I won't have a choice but but jail itself was was terrible like we're talking about vulnerability I can sit and explain all the things I struggle with in jail it was absolutely terrible and I think a lot of people who are watching this I think they need to keep in mind I wasn't in jail I was in Romanian jail which is what's the difference well it's the poorest country in Europe and it was built during communism and it's basically designed to torture cockroaches yeah
I mean it's not like jail like we imagine jail I don't want to insult the Romanian justice system I don't assault any Romanians I'm still within the confines of Romania but I think most people at home understand what I'm talking about I didn't have yard time I didn't have any friends I was in a room for 93 days I did not leave that room unless I was being dragged to court in a language I didn't understand to be sent back to the room yeah it was hard I did a four day Vision Quest four days
four nights no food or water out in the mountains like in a restricted area like just like a prison cell and that was took me to my Edge so I can't even imagine and yeah 93 days yeah I mean it's terrible and you don't know how long you're gonna be in there for yeah and you have no control over anything and uh you don't sleep very well people think you just sleep it off but you can't the jail is very loud there's a lot of distressed people in there a lot of upset people the energy
is sad yeah it's it's it's a it's it's a bad place to be but I knew that my only option was to deal with it so I knew that not handling it wasn't an option so if not handling it it's not an option the only option left is handling it so you just have to find the best way to do it and I certainly allowed myself to feel a lot of emotions in there that I could have probably blocked out so that I could learn as many lessons as possible and I've learned a lot of
things but I would say that I mean all in all I understood as a man you need to have a strong body so you're not attacked by anyone else in a strong mind so you don't attack yourself and I think jail in many ways is just pressurized life and if you feel a little bit angry outside of jail you'll be very angry in jail it's pressurized life and you can't distract yourself with anything most people if you feel angry right now you'd like oh that pissed me off and then you got your phone and talked
to someone else about something else you distract yourself but you're left alone with your thoughts and you can't distract yourself and uh God decided to put me in there to learn some things and I think it just confirmed a bunch of things I already knew and I think it was a chance for me to prove to him and to prove to myself I'm not full of and I think that that was did you worry that you were full of never but it's good when you get tested no but this is actually the truth I I
said top G right it's the names nickname blah blah Tip Top G the basic premise behind it and why I'm idolized by all these young men especially is on top G the number one G the guy who can do anything he's the guy I never for a second when I was saying it didn't mean it I never for a second when I was saying it thought I was full of so God was like okay let's find out he's full of right and I was placed there and I said all right this is a chance for
me to prove to myself and prove to God and prove to the man watching on the to the prison guards and prove to everyone else my ancestors that I'm not full of I had a sense of Duty in there and I feel like I perform it exceptionally and it doesn't matter if they kept me in there for three months or three years or 30 years I have to perform that's who I am and I will default to rationalizing as you said whatever it takes I will come up with any rationale and I will say it
in any way which is interesting and engaging and convincing enough to the outside world and to myself to install it in my brain that allows me to compete that's just what I'm going to do because I don't want to lose anything ever and yeah life perhaps if we want to extrapolate this out perhaps God's trying to break all of us maybe life is a big competition of who breaks last I would actually argue I would argue and I said this before that the number one indicator of a man's success is his ability to deal with
stress I don't think it's IQ I don't think it's physical capability I don't think it's anything if you take a man who can deal with a bunch of stress he's going to be more successful than a man who can deal with less stress how much stress you can put up with has a direct correlation to the kind of life you're going to live most people who want my life don't have my life because they couldn't handle my life yeah that's why they go I want to be like hey I want fast cars and private jets
and all these girls and all these kids and Allah but they couldn't handle it they couldn't deal with the pressure of it which is why they'll never get there because even they get anywhere near it they'll have a mental breakdown so how how big your life is and how successful you are in the physical Realms directly linked how much stress you can deal with and perhaps God's trying to break all of us he's trying to find all of our limits I think most people at home watching this probably have something going on in their mind
right now or something going on in their lives it might break them yeah to me it would be nothing to them it's a big deal yeah so God's out here to break all of us and I want to be the guy who breaks last well he's trying maybe he's trying to make us stronger give us give us tests to help us evolve to help us grow to help us know him more absolutely so let's assume that's what God is doing to a degree he's trying to see where all of us would break you have two
responses to that you can either be intimidated by the fact that God is out there trying to make your life difficult or you can be excited by the idea of it and saying this is my chance to prove myself to God right which is what I was saying earlier on the very beginning of our podcast why I have adopted the mindset where struggle is semi-exciting to me God is out here trying to ask me questions or put me through scenarios where I get to prove myself to him and perhaps that's why all the bad things
happen maybe that's why that girl left you maybe that's why he made you love her so much so that she could break your heart and your best friend on purpose so that you to see how close you could come to Breaking maybe that's what it's all about maybe that's the fun of it the Mantra that I use is yes thank you whatever comes whatever comes yes thank you and yes is an acceptance to God and thank you is gratitude for what's happening and that mindset is is a kind of surrender to God's will yeah do
you struggle between I mean your will is very strong yeah and I I can feel the place where you like to impose your will in the world so your will versus God's will well he'll win are you in all right but you enough are you in a fight with God and some level like not not literally but unconsciously uh between his will and your will no I think I'm doing I think I am doing his will I think I am doing his will which is is what it takes to uh be truly successful in the
world I do believe that the moral Arc of the universe does Bend towards truth and that's not my saying I think that's Martin Luther King's but I think that it bends towards truth and Justice in the end I think that the battles we are currently fighting in society which look hopeless in the end can can be won and I feel like I am doing his will by standing up and telling the truth I think I'd have to be a complete Coward of a man to end up having all of the masculine Youth of a planet
paying attention to every word I say and then say Oh but if I tell them good things if I help them and help the World by extension I might get in trouble that made me a and that's not who I am so if I think if you give any man worth his salt that degree of power and influence and responsibility he's going to stand up and say okay this is how you should live as a man and this is how you can make the world a better place unless he's afraid of the repercussions by the
evil people by the people who are on the other side who are genuinely evil and satanic or about to destroy good and Truth and I'm not a coward I've never seen myself as a coward and in fact we're going to talk about vulnerability the number one thing I could never exist as is a coward I think that's you won't talk about my biggest fear it would be knowing I'm a coward seeing myself as a coward and being very realistic and knowing I was actually a coward I couldn't I couldn't accept that because I feel like
I would be disappointing all of my ancestors and God and I would have been full of all the time I was talking now I'm a fake now I'm a liar and I'm none of those things right when I say to the camera and I sit here and talk about depression not being real I mean what I say because I've lived enough to tell you that if Depression was real I would have been depressed and people know that which is why they listen to me in the first place I would hate to be to look in
the mirror and know I acted like a coward on that scenario I can't be that person so courage is the highest virtue I think you think so courage love well I like to think of myself as a man with plenty of love in his life and a very loving man I also like to think of myself as an extremely Brave person I'm I've never been a coward and even just the idea of being a coward is enough to motivate me to do nearly anything so if you were to try and here we go vulnerability if
you were to try and manipulate me how could you manipulate Andrew take one of the smartest people in the face of the planet well you would have to try and convince him that it was the only Brave act that's how I could be manipulated interesting now I allow manipulation to find out where my enemy wants me to go use my mind to break the Trap punish the perpetrators I will allow them to manipulate me and at the end of their attempt I will decide whether I agree with their attempt or I destroy their attempt right
but that would be give you the best possible chance and I give you a perfect example of it covid went on day one when everyone got locked in their houses and they were talking about Italian hospitals being full and people were dying on the street in China when everyone believed because it was brand new day one me and Tristan decided to fly to Sweden and just run around nightclubs because it's only open country did we do that because we have medical expertise did we do that because we were guaranteed to not get sick did we
do that because we knew something other people didn't know it was the brave Choice the brave choice is to go do something Reckless we might all die let's die in a nightclub in Sweden instead of dying in our house so we always have chosen and defaulted to the brave choice and Part of Me Maybe when we talk about excitement I love when God or life or the universe or whatever you want to call it gives me a chance to be brave I love when he gives me an opportunity here's your chance to be brave Andrew
here is your chance to show you are that guy here's your chance to have another story where everyone else would have failed you would have succeeded here is your chance to win I love that because you know it's easy to fly around on private jets and stay in five star hotels with a bunch of beautiful women and drive Bugattis around cool but where's the point where I get to actually prove I'm I mean every word I say right so God gave it to me so yes thank you I agree we agree thank you and if
God decides I have to go back then the best mental model I can have is not the Romanian system of justice is unfair uh it's corrupt I got too big The Matrix got me you know the best mental model is God wants me to learn something here and he's going to teach me that through suffering he's going to make this difficult and he's going to make me feel pain and he's going to make this as hard as he decides it needs to be so that I can sit here and learn things so I'm going to
go and sit with my cockroach friends and I'm going to learn I learned I already learned things I can tell you a bunch of things I learned even even physical things I would hunt cockroaches in the dark at night I would stand to kill them I'd stand near the wall and I'd measure out a palm strike directly exact measurement so I didn't hurt my elbow or my hand to the wall and I just sit and just wait and I'd hear them crawling and then pitch nearly pitch black I could I could hear one in front
of me bam I tore it I go up to the point where I could kill the Ninja for real I was like I'm learning in here right so that was fantastic I uh yeah I learned anything about yourself this is again a new new information that's all I mean you must have right I mean you had you had a new experience so you must there must be new information you got tested right you're in jail for sakes like something must have popped into your mind there must have been some Revelation some Edge that you came
to it had to be no I'm exactly who I thought I was I am zero percent full of I am exactly who I thought I was if you would have told me if you would have told me before I went like point one before I went to before I went to jail before they put me in that dungeon in the dark with the Cockroaches if you would have told me how I would react to that scenario I would have said to you I would have suffered and it wouldn't have been nice but I would have
refused to break and I would have been the kind of person who sat there and endured and emerged more powerful than ever before that's what I would have said yeah and that's what I've done that's exactly what I've done so but that's not the question there may no it's not there may be a side order of nightmares I I learned I've never had nightmares before in my life that surprised me that surprised me but they're here now that's life I learned that I guess I learned that when I got out of jail I didn't have
nightmares in jail which is strange I had nightmares when I got out maybe it's fear of going back don't know yeah but what else did I learned about myself I had already pre-decided and I'd already told the universe how I would act in said scenario this scenario was not a scenario I hadn't discussed or didn't believe could happen to me I had already analyzed if this happens what are you going to do it was a pre-designated plan and I just followed the plan I had already laid out for myself when I had already psychoanalyzed myself
without my qualifications I had already decided what I must do so I did it yeah yeah and and I was and I and I was able and capable of following the plan and following through yeah yeah so I'm not a liar I'm zero percent full of right I hear you I hear you and and and if I was full of I would sit here at Mary's though but then I there's something and that's not full of but just the the something happened oh completely right because you're having nightmares now so something is going on yes
that you don't like understand that's that's all I'm getting that's completely true I performed exactly how I needed to perform and how I knew I would perform so when I talk about being top G and mental control and depression is not real everything I say is true I performed exactly as I could and I should there is a side effect which happens to be these nightmares but my attitude towards the nightmares is yes thank you good I don't want them to go away they will go away when whatever needs to be dealt with is dealt
with by my own mind and like I said if anyone else could fix them for me I would not allow them to because I believe it is my lesson and it's my pain and my trauma and it's mine to deal with and if I have to keep them forever I'll keep them I am not afraid of feeling negative I'm not afraid of it I'm not afraid of having nightmares I'm not I don't I don't wake up going I want to feel good I don't care so if I have to feel miserable it doesn't bother me
I don't see why in fact I'm going to change that I don't see how you can put such importance on how you feel as a man because it makes you non-competitive well but it makes you what it does is it brings you into presence and presence is the most powerful quality that you can have as a human being and if you are not in touch with your feelings if you disown them or you rationalize them in some way you're not fully present completely agree right so the the reason we want to connect with the places
we have fear or pain or sadness right or anger whatever it is it's not it's not to feel it and let ourselves be a slave to it it's just to let it come into our conscious awareness to know what it is there's information there it's data right and if we can be present with all that we feel right we're much more powerful beings now it's super interesting you said that because you're right because I wouldn't consider myself a present person I am always thinking about what must be done I'm thinking about interesting always that you
would make you would confess that you're not a present person no I'm not person if I'm present in the moment I'm either on my computer or talking to someone else millions of miles away or dealing with something else or I'm doing this podcasting about how I have to spar afterwards and then I've got a friend coming at 8 15 tonight I have to see I'm not present because things must be done and they must be organized that this is I am not competitive if I'm present I need to do things now I I'll agree with
you you're right I'm not I'm very rarely present but here's my frame for presence right the reason I'm not all the way present which is all the way here is because there's something here that I don't want to feel no I would say there's two there's two scenarios in which I am very present and we'll talk about them in a second but I'm not a very present person but I have sacrificed the idea of feeling presence and feeling happy in the moment for let's say absolute capability and Legacy but would you agree that being more
present would give you more power in certain scenarios well look I think that might be the reason I love fighting so much because that's the only time I feel present right because I have to be right there because one I'm in pain and two of them I'm going to be asleep are you not present right now I am are you present with me I'm paying attention my my brain's on I'm paying attention stop thinking I can't stop thinking stop thinking you can't you can't stop thinking if you can't stop thinking you don't have control over
your mind all right cool so I stopped thinking but and just be in the place where there's no thinking sure and just feel yourself who you are and see what happens yeah and I believe I am but I'm saying generally in life I wouldn't consider myself a present person I'm not the person who is enjoying the moment but I am now because I'm focused no but but now I'm focused but do you see the difference in the quality of the interaction we just had but what's it okay let me ask you do you see the
difference though yeah and how did that feel it felt fine but what's the difference fine what's it there but what's the difference between more connected in some way isn't there more possibility to get to something deeper or something more truthful there when your mind is not constantly running but I haven't lied to you I'm not saying you've lied to me yeah I'm not saying you've lied to me I just said there's other levels there's other layers right is there is there you get to it that's why you fight you see what you said because it
gets you out of your mind fully in your body and and when you're fighting you're in that zone some of their intelligence opens up though yes you're doing things you can feel that guy and you can miss the punch by doing you don't even know why correct right and so that is available all the time if you're willing to get present does life require that degree of focus not focus presence I know they're they're slightly different maybe I maybe I see them as the same I don't see myself as a particularly present person I do
enjoy the presence of fighting I do enjoy the presence of driving fast cars very fast I'm thinking of it just so you understand my mental model when I think of guys and I do know some who are like enjoying the moment I very rarely enjoy the moment does that make sense I don't ever I'm sitting around I'm like yeah I look around and go I'm having fun that's just not how my brain works ever that feels sad to me yeah but this is the thing Perhaps it is I don't know I'm not going to say
it is because I don't feel sad about it but let's imagine it is sad I have no fear of feeling sad if some were to say to me Andrew you're going to enjoy the moment less because you're constantly preoccupied with running an Empire that most people wouldn't believe is as large as you say it is even if you told them and you're going to have unlimited Offspring who adore you and you're going to have unlimited female interaction from women who truly would die for you and you're gonna be one of the most respected men on
the planet and you're gonna have street cred in every city from Baltimore to Berlin and you're going to end up going through all these trials and tribulations and they're going to talk about your name after you're dead for hundreds of years but you're not going to be present in the moment would you take that and I would say yes sir I would give that to me I can't be present because there's too much happening how can I be present how could I be present with hundreds of millions of dollars and decal trying to put me
in jail and then how can I be president I've got things happening in my brain I can't be person I've got things to deal with I've got problems myself so I've sacrificed maybe you have a mental model that says I can't be all the way present and do all of those things and maybe that model is incorrect well presence is is if you're truly present then you're not worried about anything outside of the moment you're in not necessarily how does that work this I'm interested I mean because you the the presence right you can let
your Consciousness go out right and you're kind of you can be aware of everything right I'm perspicacious it's one of my favorite words I am aware of what's Happening yeah I'm just not particularly interested in it so I will sit at a table where everyone's having a conversation and I'll sit on my laptop and I'll chime up once every hour I hear every word I've analyzed every word I know who's right I know who's wrong I know what I could have said I know whose brain I could have changed what mind I could have affected
I've already considered if it's worth doing but if I'd rather do my work and I'll ignore it all until I pop up and say three words and control the entire conversation and go back to my laptop yeah I'm aware of everything I'm just not particularly present because I feel like I've built a life which is so large that it's hard for me to be present in the moment I'm present with my children for an hour or two and then it's like okay right back to work so was your father was your father present with you
no but I don't think but then this again I'm just saying it's a psychotherapist when somebody said that you said that very he wasn't present with you that must have been that didn't bother me at all it didn't bother you no he had things to do he's a full grown man I mean you know like we could talk about the the haircut tweet but I I didn't I didn't understand you know your history that you you were raised by a singer mother your father wasn't around yeah so you see him once a year about that
yeah when we lived in America up to the age of 11 I saw him more often once or twice a month maybe and then when did you they split I was 10. when they left but I always understood he's very busy and has a lot to do so I I never did you see how the Boy Might interpret that as my father doesn't care about me no no you can see how I understand you sitting here right now but you understand like a little boy I think a little boy might think why isn't where's Daddy
I want Daddy I'm here alone with Mom and he might be right because some fathers may not care but my father did care right he was just very busy but it must have been confusing for you no not for the little boy no like like bring I'm being honest I'm being I'm being honest I'm being honest it wasn't I never forever or you cut off or those feelings were so painful overwhelming you cut off from them so quickly and then created this mindset to deal I never for a second felt like he didn't care about
me ever I I never felt that it didn't cross my mind like consciously consciously but is it possible that unconsciously you might have a different belief some and that and that on some level some of what you're doing in the world is motivated by that like wanting to to win the love of your father I think that is semi-true but I'll tell you I think that's that's fine no no no that's semi-truth that's semi-true because I believe I have a duty to my ancestors I don't think it's coming from a set a place of I'm
broken trying to fix myself I think I have the last name Tate it was bestowed upon me and I have responsibilities to live up to the last name Tate yeah I do believe I have a duty to my ancestors so is that trying to win the love of my father perhaps I never felt unloved by my father ever in fact I would argue I had the best father on Earth I never felt like I was owed all of his time I was it was very clear to me as at a young age that he's extremely
busy and extremely important and that I can earn his time or that I can't have as much of it as I want you have to earn his time that was the yeah a son should have to earn his father's time yeah why not because he's a boy true and and so my father's love should be at least for a boy unconditional in some way love and time are not necessarily the same thing if I told my father I want to play chess I want you to teach me chess he could find two hours if I
said to Dad I want to play video games or let's watch TV together and say no son I have things to do right so to a degree I during his time his time was valuable and it could not be wasted I feel like I have a duty to my ancestors I don't feel like and when I'm in jail I feel like I can't disappoint him and I feel like I do good for the world I don't think this is me being some kind of broken secret this is where we're going to disagree you're gonna think
I'm some broken child inside or something okay okay well the inner child or I'm guessing but okay I don't think it's I don't think it's anything to do with that child I think it's Duty I think I have duty and I'm honored yeah I understand you have duty as a man but that doesn't mean the inner child is not there and I guess that's if the inner child has been disowned in some way or his his feelings have been uh you know relegated to the unconscious like that that's impacting you that's affecting you and knowing
what those feelings are and how they impact you I think would be important information for you but I was never sad I I can't say I had a hard childhood I can't say I was sad I can't say I wish he was different I once again and once again let me psychoanalyze myself once again this might be rationale I might be rationalizing yes I might say well whatever happened made me the person I am today and I love who I am today so I'm glad it was the way it was perhaps but once again I
think that puts me in the correct mental framework to be as capable as possible I'm not going to sit here and say I wish my dad did something else that what's the point that's astronauts both things can be true though I wanted to see my father more I wish he was there and he wasn't and now I'm here and I'm going to make the best of it and this is this is the result of that I've turned myself into this uh Beast because of it I mean you made the most of the situation but that
doesn't discount the place where you may have wanted more from you you may have wanted more love more connection just more time I think I think my father did the one the best he knew how to do and second he did what exactly what was necessary to make me the person I am would it be okay for you to be angry with your father no absolutely not disrespectful why not why because he's my father but but I'm not saying that you would have to confront him I mean obviously he's not here but it's just like
uh that's selfish but but if it's just a feeling right if it's just a feeling that wants to come ungratefulness um well you're judging the feeling yeah I am yeah for me to sit and say to the man who made me the man I am today who I once again never felt unloved by who tried his very best to raise me who sacrificed for me to exist who gave me my last name who bestowed upon me the honors and principles of morals I live by today for me to be angry at him because he was
busy some days would be brutally ungrateful no I'm not allowed no I'm not allowed I'm not allowed that feeling it's ungrateful I refuse to accept it I refuse to feel it I truly believe I had the best father on Earth I truly believe it I don't believe even now if if I have sons I don't talk about what children I have publicly if I have sons or when I have sons or my sons I have whichever one it is they will get my time sure they will get my dedication absolutely but I have expectations of
them because of their last name and they're going to have my time while we're working towards something fantastic I'm not going to just sit around with my kids just for hours because they just deserve it there's no participation trophies in the Tate household right and time is and time is a trophy and it must be earned like everything else in life so I'm not going to sit and have sons and go well he's my son so we're just gonna all day do nothing no we're gonna all day do something important for sure or I'm gonna
go do something important and he can sit around do nothing by himself for sure but you can also imagine if you saw if you if you had sons and you saw them once a year that would have an impact on them like would you how would you feel about that if you had sons and you only saw them once a year I think I'd miss them of course they'd miss me I bet your dad missed you oh completely absolutely I bet he was sad there oh completely and I wonder if he had self-judgment about it
I wonder if he questioned himself well I think as a man because you would I don't think would you do that well as a man you have to make a choice and I think it used to be more binary than it is today because of the nature of money and Empire and how things work but as a man you have to make a choice you either go to war and come back with stories or you sit at home all day and be a second mother and then you're not a man it's you have to find
the balance between the two right my father was away a lot but he wasn't away a lot because he was doing nothing right so if you have a soldier as a father okay he's not there but he's doing something he's coming back with a story and I think that that was typical in a lot of households for a very long time maybe it's changed a little bit in modern times but typically the man went away yeah did whatever he had to do and then came back with a story or a hunt or whatever for sure
so that's how I saw my father living his life and that's how I want to live my life I'll do the same thing I don't think I would be the same man if I decided to say okay I have a son now so I'm just going to stay at home and I think that I need to be a kind of man my son wants to emulate which means I have to be a hero and I don't think you can be a hero sitting at home so I think that I need to yeah in his time
of course he does but he also needs an example set and the example must be set out there in the harsh brutal realities of the real world so yeah it's time you could that now the argument is quantity of Time Versus quality of time and I would argue that the quality of time I will give my sons is going to be much higher want to give your sons more quality time than you had with your I'll give them the exact same amounts he gave me will you but if I'm happy would you not want to
give them more I may want to wanted more I meant I didn't say I wanted more that's that's smart I didn't say I wanted more you didn't no you must no I'm saying that who wants time with his daddy how can I mean it has to be if I wanted it I could have earned it anytime I wanted well are you sure about that I'm pretty sure yeah I mean when we go I mean I don't know if we need to read the Tweet but it's like um uh your mom was pretty upset with him
so there was a he was like I'm not coming back here I mean what is just about you is about your mother oh completely and I think my father sacrificed his marriage for us boys he sacrificed his marriage and his relationship with my mother to ensure that us boys were taught the way he believed we should be raised my mom was very unhappy with certain things he did which he insisted on doing anyway because he saw his legacy in US is more important than his marriage with my mother but I'm I'm not saying look if
my son calls me and says I'm really upset I need to talk to you I'm gonna say no you can't talk to me I'm not I'm not psycho right I understand all of these things I'm just saying and obviously we're talking about a very general scenario the general scenario is I'm a man I'm away at War I come home with a story or if I'm spending time with my son and wants to be building him as an individual I believe that the mother does a lot of the day-to-day keeping the Child Alive changing diapers feeding
them Etc and the man is the one who instills a lot of the mindset and the man is the one who grows them in very important ways and I think to do that I need to be a man of genuine capability and I would argue that the two hours a month or two hours a week or whatever I spent with my father him being the man he was was worth more than the 200 hours a month that most men spend with their fathers that's why I am the man I am so there'll be some fathers
who sit and say I could never do that to my son well what can you do you can go do basically nothing with your life pay your taxes come home be bitched at by your wife be quiet about it and be with your son all the time sure you win in quantity of time but who you are as a man and what the lessons you can really teach you lose in quality of time so I believe my father was such a fantastic figure that it's the quality of his time that made up for the quantity
and the only way to do that is to go out in the world and be fantastic and we can actually extrapolate this out to other things let's look at relationships for example I see men who spend every day with their woman that's fantastic that's fine that's how he elicits her love and are you intentionalizing I'm completely that's how he I am that's how my brain works yeah I see men who spend every day with a woman which is fantastic he wants to she wants to that's great they're happy she feels loved and she feels respected
and she's glad she has all of his time when you reach a certain quality of man a certain level of man in terms of competence a certain Echelon I don't have to spend all day with a woman I can see a woman one hour a month and she'll be loyal to me because I'm me right because the quality of who I am and the quality of my time outweighs the quantity which can be offered by a lesser being yeah so you can put this in nearly any Dynamic you put it in a romantic relationship and
also in a in a family Dynamic once you reach a certain level of competence once you're at the highest echelons of human achievement your time is by extension more valuable and extrapolates out an hour with the president is worth more than 100 hours with a guy McDonald's it's the same so I think my father raised me by not being there he raised me by being out there and doing so many Fantastic things and being such a fantastic individual that I understood I had a duty to him and a duty to my last name and I
can't be his son and not be fantastic so I think he raised me in absence that's what I think he did you're proud of yourself that you got there yeah you won that one but I think all right that's good no that that's that's actually a fair argument that would be the argument about God's will that was God's will correct yeah and so I have to surrender to it and this is what it is and and my task is to is to deal with it maybe it may be there are feelings you have about it
that you don't fully understand but that's okay you know you're here now and you're doing your thing and you're living your life and it's all good yeah so let me ask you and maybe maybe this will be the last question I can go forever you tell me and and I am and the reason I wanted to talk to you is because I genuinely didn't want to learn about myself yeah I know and I and I do like discussing these things and like I said I'm being as vulnerable as I can be I'm not I if
you feel like I'm shielding I'm truly not trying to well you would you when we Shield it's so habitual it's so quick right our defense our defense is I mean we become identified with our defenses so we don't even know when we're doing them that's true but but I also feel like the framework that I've instilled the rational mind everything is going through this filter this is how my brain operates my filter is brutal rationality that's the filter so no matter what we're discussing or any conversation we're having it has to go through this filter
and I end up rationalizing because that's the way I've always functioned of course and so I can't turn off that I can't start saying things that don't make sense to me yes and what I'm also aware of is that I am bringing my own filter and you're open to it you're not you're not closed off to it you're listening you're curious about it so I I sense that too and I appreciate that you know um you identify you talk about yourself as a man of capability correct man of Courage right man of action yes are
you a man of love I think a lot of those things come from love hmm let's let's Analyze This I think a lot of those things come from Love I think it's very difficult to do nearly anything important if it's not perhaps to a degree driven by love or the desire for love even I think the reason a lot of men want to become rich is because they want to feel loved or feel important or to matter I also feel like the reason that a lot of men do the things they do is is for
love either of themselves or of someone else I think the reason men go to work is because they love their family the reason you go to the gym is because you love yourself I think that love is a very powerful driving force I certainly feel love my world is full of love like I would argue I'm one of the most loved people like if I check my phone it's just love yeah it's endless emails to people I don't know who love me endless females who do know me love me endless pictures of children saying they
miss me like my I'm a very loved person in a very loved world I love a lot of people you love I absolutely love but because I believe in myself so strongly I feel like the way I love them is to have a degree of authority over them not in a crazy Psychopathic way but in a I love you so you should do this right I love you so act this way I love you so don't do that almost in the same way a parent loves a child you love your child so you don't let
them eat candy all day because you love them yeah I'm like that with everyone in my life because I see myself as the most competent person on the planet so I'm like I love you I care about you you shouldn't do this this way right because you may think you know better but you don't you don't know better than me I know best and this is how it should be for anyone I care about um I guess the reason I asked the question is can you defeat the matrix by fighting it or can you only
defeat the Matrix through love absolutely very it's a that's a very astute question and you're asking because you already know the answer and you already know the answer of course Only Love Can Be Only Love Can win yeah yeah and it's the most powerful driving force on the face of the planet it always has been and it's only when people are going to wake up and have a true love for themselves and love for their community and love for their children and love for these things that we're going to start to resist to evil and
the Satanism and the insanity which is coming in the world today but I believe as a man at least your love only has value when you're capable which is why my mayor perhaps I'm so obsessed with capability because I want my love to have value we talked about how time has value when you're at a certain Echelon I would also argue that love has value in a certain Echelon if I'm in love with a girl she can get a lot more from that love than if a Joe schmo's in love with her right so my
love has value because I have value so I have to build myself and especially as a man if you want to feel loved then you want to give love the more capable you become the more valuable your love is going to be and that's that's certainly how we're going to fix the world so yeah the answer is love of course but it can't just be blind empty love it has to be love that is backed by a brutal harsh capability right which is born in the the worst scenarios you're going to endure as a man
and the world at its Baseline is a very brutal place it can be and I think that becoming comfortable with those scenarios and becoming capable in those scenarios is how you give your love deep True Value but I think that yeah love is the answer right love is the answer but I don't want to I don't know make the funds no yeah love it love it but but we have to make this clear because most people misunderstand what love is I understand no because you say love is not coming from you I don't think they're
going to misunderstand it coming from you and I guess this is it like maybe this is it maybe this is what people want more from you yeah right they want your love they want to feel your love I see it right like I can feel it coming off you but I'm not like I see your sense of humor I see how you work so I'm not I don't feel threatened by you right I feel like I understand you in some way but a lot of people can I think that's that that to me is the
problem in the world right now is that people cannot feel the Father's Love I agree with you and if they could feel that and also the firmness also the Direction all the things you're talking about the discipline but if they can't feel the Father's Love I mean that's God's love coming through and the father is the embodiment of God on Earth if they can't feel that love then we're going to have a lot of problems but that's super interesting because they've hijacked the word love now and they've confused the word love with tolerance and a
complete lack of boundaries and they're saying if you love if you're a loving person you accept all this garbage no I I disagree with that you just said a very important thing you said Father's Love a Father's love comes with tests and trials and tribulations what does a dad even traditionally do for his son take him out there push him in the pool let him struggle a bit get him out put him on the bike let him fall over help him get up yeah you have to go through the bad things to be rewarded and
the bad things to learn that's how a father typically loves and a father also loves by saying no no you cannot do that so you nailed it by how Society needs a Father's Love completely true and Society has actually hijacked the word love and tried to convince you that you don't need the Father's Love perhaps you need this unconditional love which is more like a mother's love if you want to gender it perhaps so it's unconditional you can act without honor you can act without courage you can act without discipline and you'll be loved anyway
just because you exist I don't believe that for myself I believe if I start if I remove all my morality I will not just be loved by default not by my family not by God not by Society I don't believe that and the people who do believe that who think I should be loved just for how I just for existing regardless of how I act and what I think those are some of the most evil people on the planet I truly believe I they're also some of the most unsuccessful and unspectacular and they're the people
who are out here genuinely trying to change society in a direction which has never been tested which I believe is going to lead down into the the depths of Hell truly I think it's evil so yeah I agree with you Father's Love is important but love in and of itself has boundaries love is strict love is hard Love Is Love is a hard emotion love is fierce love is not an emotion of oh do whatever you want it's the opposite love is no you have to do this I believe love is a very hard very
strong emotion and if I think of how let's say I have two women one I love one I don't love and I enjoy both of their company I'm harder on the one I love I expect more from her in terms of how she acts I expect more from her in terms of how she speaks to me I expect more from her and how she presents herself to the world the more I love her the more I expect of her the more parameters I want to put on her in regards to how she should behave because
I love her love it love is a hard emotion so yeah love wins but not in the way that people think love they've hijacked the word love and convince people that love means oh I tolerate everything that's that's not love I I agree and it goes back to this uh what we're talking about with presents I wonder and I'm just having this thought now that if we come all the way into presence if we allow ourselves to be all the way here and feel everything that's here that is actually the thing that we would feel
love like like like God which is you could say God is love and maybe maybe that that's the scariest thing that's the edge because if we're fully surrendered to that like we're in that flow state that that with the disillusion of the ego letting go of all the things that we have and we have to be in that places so maybe that's that to me is like you know if you want to defeat the Matrix right like if you want to become Neo yeah I think that's what it is interesting and what I will do
and I will take away from this conversation is I am I will I will def I definitely have moments of presence I mean I'm human I do have like a couple minutes where I sit and just look around and go you know life's not all that bad of course but I will perhaps try and dedicate a little bit more time maybe I can turn two I'll see if I can allocate three minutes instead of two towards presence and see how that makes me feel overall it's interesting that you said when you're present you feel love
I actually completely agree with that I can't think of a time I've been present and felt anything other than gratefulness just to look around and go you know what yeah everything's fine yeah in fact in fact even in jail that happened even in jail I had moments of presence and I looked around and goes this is not nearly as bad as like the media is saying it is and the woman on the phone are crying and everyone's panicking you know what I'm not in a trench I'm probably not going to get blown up if a
fire started could I get through that steel door if anyone could it's me I'm not on a submarine in World War II there's no depth charges yeah I'm not in a car crash yeah it's fine a cup of tea I did have those moments right so when you come to a moment yeah when you come to a moment of presence even in a terrible scenario it often ends up love you're right and I certainly have felt them and I certainly could do it my rationality my argument would be does that make me more powerful you're
arguing it does and maybe perhaps I need to try it whereas I would typically up until this conversation I would say I don't have time for that I have things to do right so that's where it all comes down to and then it comes down to like I said earlier am I here as a human to enjoy my experience as a human and enjoy being in this vessel and have as much fun as possible and be as present as possible or am I here to make the biggest impact I can possibly make and and build
a legacy and of course probably like most things in life the answer is somewhere in between the two is probably some balance perhaps I'm slightly out of balance and that's why I am living the life I am but I'm not unhappy with it and if I was unhappy with it it wouldn't change anything but I I actually do consider myself I do genuinely consider myself one of one of because I put no importance On Emotion and when I say that I try and make people understand that when I say no importance it doesn't affect how
I act so I don't see the point in talking about it or I don't see the point in even acknowledging it because it doesn't affect what I'm going to do for the day so who cares right it doesn't matter if it's sunny or raining if you're gonna go to work you're gonna go to work so why talk about the weather so I don't put any importance On Emotion but I would actually call myself one of the happiest people on Earth not because I'm particularly happy but because I'm just never sad so if you're if it's
never dark it must be light if it's never cold it must be hot so I'm I don't when I say I will say I'm one of the happiest people on Earth and people think oh he's happy all the time no I'm just never sad right never so if you're never sad you're always happy another thing I'll actually argue okay now this early look at all this easy oh that got away with a win there I would actually argue that why are you arguing what are you arguing because you maybe you maybe you won't disagree with
me okay I'll I would also like to I will just explain uh when we were talking about how I built my mental model and how I rationalize everything one of the things I've done when I rationalize is I've changed the boundary of what I believe happy to be so let's say happiness is this line on this table right most people this is the full spectrum of human emotion this is absolute distraught because your parents just died and this is extremely happy and getish and you're laughing and jumping around like a child for whatever reason most
people would probably put Happy somewhere up here near the top yeah whereas I've just changed that bar and I've just said unless I'm truly distraught unless I'm actually at the point where I can barely speak let's move happiness down to here unless I'm truly distraught and something really bad has happened to me I've already passed the threshold I'm just a different level of happy now I'm I the more I talk to you the more I realize that a lot of what I've done are just simply semantic dreams tricks they're language tricks yeah I've changed language
tricks if I'm not absolutely distraught I am some version of Happy therefore I am the happiest man on Earth because I'm always some level of happy it's semantic tricks but if it works I mean it could be a cheap language trick but if the cheap language trick works then it's more than a cheap language tree so I I've also changed what I believe happy to be I think that there's probably five or six times in your adult life you're going to be unhappy and the rest of the time you're just a different level of happy
maybe less happy more happy but you're all at some point of happy if you can speak You're Happy enough because when you're truly upset you can't even talk that's what I believe is that enough is that all I have to say it's interesting yeah because you're so here I'm gonna you want you want me to tell you what I noticed sure it is hard for you to stay present yeah yeah right like you come present and then you you go to a thought you go to idea and you talk you talk you talk you talk
and it's very convincing and it's very persuasive and you're asserting your world view your your frame of reality which you know but like sometimes like I lose you there like I'm like where are you like I'm you're there's words but I can't feel you entirely I understand you know what I mean and I want to like feel you more I understand you know what I mean I I understand but but I don't think but just stay just stay with that just stay in that like don't don't let your mind go just stay in the feeling
yeah don't go off with a thought so what am I feeling right now let me just stay with me okay just stay with me and be present in the experience with no words and see what happens sure like something will change in how we relate to each other something will soften like if you let yourself soften and just be with me yeah right which is kind of a weird experience for two men to have yep right but it's actually what children long for with their father so it's actually what we long for is deeper levels
of connection yes we just let yourself be here with me and just see what happens but then what are we going to talk about we don't have to talk about anything is it isn't it doesn't it feel good to feel another man like just to feel the strength like without the words without without that layer of thought and and dialogue and discussion come back come back I'm thinking come back don't think don't think but I have to you don't have to you don't have to just be here this is the place you get to when
you're fighting it feels good it's true but doesn't it feel good yes but there's an action involved like I can feel I can feel everything about the person I'm fighting whether it's good or bad I can feel if I've hurt them or not I don't get to punch you my friend you know it's been good fun and uh I feel like I've learned some things and I feel like we need to do it again absolutely yeah that was fun I appreciate you man thank you bro yeah thank you