Mystery drones: ‘Banfield’ experts spot craft in three states | Banfield

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Three eyewitnesses to the unexplained phenomena — NewsNation’s Rich McHugh, forensic psychologist Ka...
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I want to bring in three eyewitnesses to these unexplained phenomena uh and they're not just any Witnesses but three names that we all know very well people that I know well and trust and are my friends news Nation correspondent Rich McHugh happened to be with New Jersey police last night out doing the job when he spotted the drones we've got Dr Katherine ramsland forensic psychologist this woman doesn't lie she writes the books by the way she saw the drones two nights in a row uh she's known here for taking us inside the mind of serial
killers she saw half a dozen drones in Pennsylvania I also want to welcome Scott Rouse our goto behavioral and Body Language expert I know Scott well he tells the truth he saw the drones over Tennessee I mean if look at these three have all seen them what is going on I want to start with Rich MCH though because Rich uh you were out on the story last night didn't know what to expect uh and take it from there I mean what happened off the top I've been skeptical of this story as a resident of New
Jersey as a journalist here I thought it was going to be some sort of yahoos uh and we would get a laugh out of this in several weeks what happened yesterday completely changed my my entire view on the story uh earlier in the in the afternoon I was out with the Ocean City uh sheriff's department they have a drone unit they've investigated these things what they they've saw a bunch over the weekend we did not see any with them last night I was coming back home I got a tip Monmouth County they're spotting them in
Monmouth County that's where I live so I raced up here and I tried to figure out where the picture was that somebody sent me and sure enough I saw one so I TR I trailed it to a neighborhood uh Dead End Street and I got out of my car and I took my phone out with you know my iPhone and I couldn't really capture it but I was staring literally at this drone 200 ft Above Me Maybe I called our photographer Nick and I said get up here as soon as you possibly can meet me
at this location Etc uh I tracked a few more to the location where we are right now over a body of water behind us and I got to say Brian over the next two hours we saw dozens and dozens of these things and they look like nothing you've ever seen before I'm not even sure I'm right in calling them a drone you know they were they looked like they were fixed Wing aircraft they had multiple you know blinking lights they did not look anything like like a plane cuz there's plenty of planes flying overhead like
tonight they're not here we're we're seeing just planes last night was totally different they look creepy and they move at a different pace we tried to even follow a couple they went off in the distance and disappeared uh it's completely rewired my brain on this topic and I'm I am a believer and we need answers uh and we don't have uh we don't have answers and we we need someone to step up and say here is what's going on um cuz otherwise like we're heading down this path in New Jersey and these states where uh
people are just going to take this into their own hands yeah and I'm looking at your video right now we have it in the middle of the screen I know it's tough at night um when you're using your iPhone and it's pitch black you said you were near the water but so it's kind of hard to see uh but you know we've heard these reports from people but hearing it from you rich as our investigative reporter knowing you knowing the kind of work you do it is kind of freaky to hear you say that it
um that that you couldn't identify it describe it a little more I mean how big and you know when I think of a drone you think of like the you know it's got the four it's almost like a little helicopter with the four rotors are these not do these look different than that they look different they almost look like like a a U-shaped or a v-shaped uh they didn't make a sound it was you know couple hundred feet above us they um you just didn't know what you were looking at it was moving across the
sky very quietly and we were we kept saying to each other like Nick and I like what are we looking at like are you getting the shot and what the heck are we filming um there's a couple shots you can see where you can see that it's fixed wing and it doesn't look like a plane it almost looks like inverted um it sounds crazy as I say this now Brian like that that's what you're seeing on the screen that's what we were seeing right above our heads and it happened till about 11:30 at night and
then it started to like die off and I was like we could stay out here all night but I went to bed this is my community I've never seen these things in the sky over my community before I went to bed thinking like this is wild these things are flying over our over our homes over our residences there's a military Earl which is a munici Depot just like about a mile and a half behind me they've reported sightings of these things above and they said they're ready to take action if they need to this is
um for for naysayers out there like this is real so how many did you see at once Rich was it just the one or well no I think we saw we would see a couple at a time in various parts of of the sky over this water and we'd be like oh we didn't get this shot on that one and they'd be like well wait we'll just wait you know I'm sure there'll be another one and sure enough like the one started creeping towards us and it's like it felt like I was in a bad
sci-fi movie like that it was just that I was placed in but it involved my my actual Hometown it was very very surreal I mean to hear you saying this again it just sort of hits me in a different way coming from you um wow I want to go to Dr ramsland now uh Dr ramsland lives in Pennsylvania you ever told me that I would be asking Dr ramsland about drones flying near her home and we usually talk to her about Killers um wasn't expecting this but they said Dr Ramson seeing the drones what did
what did you see a similar experience uh tonight actually well it started last night we were hearing about them in New Jersey and suddenly and we're in eastern Pennsylvania it's as if they migrated over I called a couple of friends and we were texting each other as we were each all of us seeing them in different areas and the one tonight I saw one going west it was red red blinking light like this one another one was coming toward it from the West going east and then and then the westward one suddenly turned around and
went into formation with the one going east turned green the lights turned green and then yellow and it looked very much like the what we're seeing here in the in these pictures have you ever seen anything like it Dr ramlin and are you sure it was in a plane it it couldn't possibly be a plan it was flying low is within half a mile of me um there there's no plane path at that point and it didn't act like a plane it a plane can't turn that fast and and it also had oddly spiral kinds
of movements that you you just don't see with a plane and so it was last night no noise again no noise yeah no noise so last night and again tonight yes same same look of of drone I mean did it look the same I could see him more clearly t tonight and I think it's cuz it is a very clear night I saw them really distinctly and there were more of them tonight according to my two friends again got out and and we all could see more tonight wow okay so uh Dr ramsland is in
Pennsylvania rich is in New Jersey Scott you are in Tennessee so you're in a different area where we haven't heard as much about this tell us about your sighting yeah Mine mine's different than your alls mine's a lot different mine don't look like like what you're showing there at all these things are round the ones that I saw were round and they've got this ring around them and around the ring it's got little lights on it and the light is spinning on the video that I sent you guys you can see that first before I
zoom in on it because when I zoom in it gets all blurry it looks like it's changing uh shapes but it really isn't but if you look really closely you'll see how it's it there's a thing spinning around it and it and so I don't know what mine didn't look like a plane at all and I saw like 30 of them all together together yeah that thing right there was the first one I believe that was the first one and when it scooches in you can sort of see see that you can sort of see
there's something spinning around it yep but it's hooked to it it's like a ring that it's so hard at night to video these things I mean that's the thing it's like no matter it looks so distinctive in person um and then you look at the video even with our new iPhones it's just you can't really capture it but are you sure it wasn't a plane Scott because sometimes it's it's hard to tell oh positive I think I think all three of your guests tonight we're all professional observers and that's one of the things that we
that we check out what does it sound like what does it look like what does it doing what does it sound like and that had no sound at all and there were at one point there were there were five when I when I after I saw this one and there were three up in in the by themselves and there were two ahead of it that came that came past those and then as they went on the other three started following that that one then they split up and then I got video of where they there's
one there in different sections of the front yard and the backyard you could see them through the trees but it but the these were completely different than than what you guys were seeing this these are completely different so rich you've been reporting on this for for a couple of days what do you make of the homeland security response that essentially um the people are misidentifying these objects that most of the time it's planes and uh the secretary Homeland Security secretary was actually on TV tonight saying you know there's no they keep saying there's no threat
to the public I I mean you've seen them for yourself you don't seem satisfied with that response all due respect Brian to the to the uh security advisor it's ton deaf it's insulting um you know I know a bunch of state legislator and uh sheriffs here in New Jersey who would be happy to talk to him the Ocean County Sheriff told me a story yesterday today that over the weekend there was a one of his officers was on the beach called 911 reported seeing 5050 50 drones come off the ocean Inland um they they called
everybody the FBI the Coast Guard whatever the Coast Guard went out to investigate told them they had 13 drones following them in this is documented stuff this isn't just like you know Bill down the street is calling this in and nobody's nobody's verifying these things these are real people like police officers um you know this is happening so they they need to to get they should frankly they should be scrambling something up here you know like figure it out I'm surprised they haven't put a plane up just to like say here's what we've done but
to see no response no federal response is is truly upsetting and the longer this goes on as I mentioned before someone's just going to take matters into their own hands and just you know now that Trump is is is is saying what he's saying they're they're just going to they're going to do it they're going to take a rifle and shoot one of these things yeah and I mean look with video and phones and social media you know you can't just say oh nothing to see here anymore the government can't really get away with that
anymore I mean clearly everybody's seeing it I'm just curious Rich I'm looking at your video again it's such good video you got but you can see the the blinking on the like it almost looks like wings almost like a plain wood which makes me think you know do you think based on what you saw these are some kind of military drone some kind of technology that because you know with UFOs that we've covered there's no this looks like man-made maybe I could say from what I'm seeing although it's blurry I mean is that the sense
that you got I I hope so Brian like that thought went through my mind and there is some sort of like hope in my brain that this is a secret military operation that you know at a base near here and they're playing they're calling it red teaming where they're they're they're coming out to test for in uh you know uh lapses in our security and where we would be at fault I hope that that's the solution or that's what we find out in a week or two weeks uh if we don't find that out if
it's not our military it's worse it's like it's it's a scary scenario if it's not our military right if it's something from another country what do you think Dr ramsland I mean you've you've covered everything in there from the vampires to the killers and I mean I I'm just curious what you like what goes through your mind when when when you looking up even tonight is it do you think it's a military exercise like what's Your Gut telling you I I'm frustrated with the government response because you can't say we don't know what it is
and also say it's not a threat yeah because if you don't know what it is you don't know that and who knows if it's a future threat they might be gathering Intel that will come back on us eventually and it's a it could be a matter of National Security why can't they act on that alone that's potentially it is a threat and just rope one of those things in take a net up there in a helicopter or something they're not that far away from us they're not way up in the sky they they can fly
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