They Are Coming - THIS IS THE END

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Lion of Judah
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the scriptures profound and prophetic tell of Spiritual Beings Angelic beings bound beneath the Earth the Bible speaks of spirit beings of the Angelic order restrained under the waters among these there are angels shrouded in mystery and might currently in Chains in a specific ancient location nestled within the Euphrates Embrace a place steeped in history marking the Divide between ancient Assyria and Israel four formidable Angels lie captive waiting they are enveloped in silence biting their time waiting for a predestined moment to emerge this moment precise to the hour day month and year has been eternally set
for their release by God Almighty as the world above them continues its rest less movement oblivious to these four terrifying angels that wait beneath these Celestial prisoners are poised at the Edge of Time their purpose and power pent up ready to be Unleashed upon the Earth and the Earth and the people of the Earth are going on with their lives unaware of what is waiting below the Euphrates these four angels have been prepared for the hour and day and month and year in which they will be released they are waiting there are Fallen Angels which
are roaming freely on this Earth for instance Lucifer the Fallen one and no doubt he has other Fallen Angels which are in operation on this Earth yet here in Revelation 9 the Bible reveals to us that there are some terrible offenders of high rank that have been bound and they are waiting for the day in which they will be released Revelation 9 pulls back the veil on these enigmatic figures hinting at the profound and terrifying significance of of their eventual Freedom the Earth teams with unknowns with Secrets buried beneath its surface suggesting a universe far
stranger and more complex than we could ever imagine we humans with our advancement in technology have this false assumption that we are so intelligent but if the truth be told there are things Beyond us knowledge far above the capability of our human Minds the anticipation for for the release of these Celestial beings is palpable a tension that vibrates through the very fabric of existence the spirit world knows what is coming on the earth even if mankind doesn't the spirit world knows what is coming and what is coming is the second woe in the Book of
Revelation scripture reveals to us a cosmos an underworld a realm teeming with Spirit beings and Horrors Beyond human comprehension and within this Cosmic Underworld the Four Angels at the Euphrates stand out as harbingers of a pivotal Earth shattering event they are not mere footnotes in the grand Narrative of creation but key players in an event that will reshape the world these events are orchestrated By An Almighty God and these events will redefine the course of history the magnitude of their waiting the intensity of the silence that surrounds their captivity is a stark reminder of the
Unseen battles and preparations taking place just out of sight thousands of years have passed yet these four angels are still waiting men and women have crossed the Euphrates for thousands of years oblivious to these four angels for time has passed centuries have passed and these angels have continued to wait these being prepared for a specific Moment In Time carry with them the weight of Prophecy and the inevitability of God's Divine will the Bible reveals to us that beneath our very feet lie secrets and forces that defy our understanding strange indeed are the things hidden from
our eyes as the clock ticks inexorably towards the moment of their release the anticipation builds to a crescendo that will without doubt shake the foundations of the world as we know it Revelation 9: 12-21 one woe is passed and behold there come two woes more Hereafter and the sixth Angels sounded and I Heard a Voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God saying to the sixth Angel which had the trumpet loose the Four Angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates and the Four Angels were loosed which were prepared
for an hour and a day and a month and a year for to slay the third part of men and the number of the army of the horsemen were 200,000,000 and I heard the number of them and thus I saw the horses in the vision and them that sat on them having breastplates of fire and of Jin and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone by these three was the third part of men killed by the fire and by the smoke
and by the brimstone which issued out of their mouths for their powers in their mouth and in their tails for their tails were like unto serpents and had heads and with them they do hurt and the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands that they should not worship devils and Idols of gold and silver and brass and stone and of wood which neither can see nor hear nor walk neither repented they of their murders nor of their sorceries nor of their fornication nor
of their thefts the Four Angels mentioned are depicted as evil Wicked Fallen Angels some Scholars argue that it is not entirely clear whether these beings are malevolent or benevolent Angels however it is commonly understood that good Holy Angels Are Never Bound these four angels are specifically prepared for the hour day month and year to unleash this judgment the Demonic locusts introduced earlier in the ninth chapter were limited to tormenting mankind under the leadership of apolon the Destroyer unlike the Locust these Four Angels possess the authority to kill a third of mankind thus the ninth chapter
of the Book of Revelation presents a fascinating justos of themes surrounding life death and the end of days while apolon the king of the bottomless pit unleashes his evil Locust upon the Earth the Bible States in Revelation 96 and in those days men will seek death and will not find it and they will long to die and Death Shall flee from them this chapter offers a stri contrast in the theme of death between its early and later sections initially we witness a situation where death seems to evade Humanity amidst chaos and tribulations death becomes an
unavailable means of Escape for the suffering this hiding nature of death amidst such calamities brings about a deep sense of Despair and highlights the severity of the Divine judgments being Meed out the purpose behind the release of these four Angels was to decimate a third of mankind the description of the Great Tribulation as a period of unprecedented trouble is certainly supported by the events depicted in this chapter in verse 16 John unexpectedly mentions an army with a specified number there is speculation that the swarm of demonic locusts Unleashed earlier in the chapter Revelation 9:3 could
play a role in either directing or assisting this Army in coordination with the Four Angels who have been liberated this passage specifies the size of the invaded Cavalry as twice 10,000 times 10,000 amounting to an astonishing figure of 200 million John emphasizes that this number was not estimated or counted by him but was a figure he was explicitly informed of this detail suggests that the numerical value provided should be interpreted literally during John's time the concept of an army of such magnitude would have been inconceivable especially when some historians estimate that the global population in
ad. 995 didn't even reach 200 million in the Contemporary World however countries like India and China boast populations that surpass this number by five-fold consequently this has led many to associate the 200 million Horsemen mentioned in Revelation 16 with forces originating from the East the Agents of this unprecedented destruction are described as an immense Army of Horsemen numbering 200 million equipped with the power to kill through three plagues fire smoke and brimstone which issue from the mouths of their horses the imagery used here is vivid and apocalyptic designed to convey the scale and severity of
divine wrath despite the horror and the unparalleled scale of Devastation the passage reveals a profound and unsettling truth about human nature the survivors of these plagues witnessing the unfathomable power and Judgment of God yet remain unrepentant their hearts hardened they continue to worship idols and persist in their transgressions choosing Darkness over light even in the face of clear Divine signs this response underscores a central theme of Revelation the enduring call to repentance and the tragic refusal of many to heed this call the persistence in idolatry sorcery fornication and thefts despite witnessing the dire consequences of
such actions reflects a deep-seated rebellion against God it illustrates the extent to which Humanity can be blinded by sin to the point of ignoring Divine warnings and the opportunity for Redemption this section of Revelation therefore serves not only as a prophecy of judgment but also as a poignant commentary on human stubbornness and the urgent need for Spiritual Awakening to conclude this sermon I want to focus on the last verse of this chapter it states Revelation 9: 21 and they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts Revelation
9:21 stands as a sobering indictment not only of the ancient world world but also strikingly mirrors the moral landscape of our contemporary society and they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts this verse encapsulates a series of transgressions that distressingly find Direct parallels in today's world the Persistence of these sins both ancient and modern underscores a Timeless struggle against moral Decay and the human propensity to resist repentance even in the face of divine warnings in verse 16n unexpectedly mentions an army with a specified number there is
speculation that the swarm of demonic locusts Unleashed earlier in the chapter Revelation 9:3 could play a role in either directing or assisting this Army in coordination with the Four Angels who have been liberated this passage specifies the size of the invading Cavalry as twice 10,000 times 10,000 amounting to an astonishing figure of 200 million
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