Weak Boy Somehow Enslaves A Demon Lord Spirit Giving Him Overwhelming Powers And Shocks Everyone

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Cito quesa is your average high school dummy who just so happens to have the power of the demon king and the ultimate RIS to pull in more chicks than Johnny has since one day while walking through a forest he runs into a young redhead girl enjoying an open air bath like a freak he tries to excuse himself but she calls him a pervert and summons her first Spirit Whip and starts swinging it around like a bronze player Cito tells her to calm down but her dumb Rampage ends up slashing a tree down and it falls
over her Cito jumps in and manages to save her and gets rewarded from the gods with a soft cushiony feeling on his hand seeing this the girl slaps him unconscious and ties him up with her whip before dressing up in the uniform of the aracia Spirit Academy after Cito wakes up he teases her about her dressing sense before revealing that he came there on the instructions of their head mistress miss greyworm that it's the real deal and asks him why would the head mistress call a guy to the academy as only girls are able to
form contracts within wield the power of the spirits Cito tells her to ask the old hag and says he didn't think that the school schol grounds would be so big hinting that he got lost on his way to meet greyworld that defeated the Demon King Solomon which was supposedly sealed in a shrine here on the school grounds they then make their way to the said Shrine and CLA breaks the seal on the door and walks in camoo follows until they reach the pedestal holding the holy sword and CLA walks up to it and starts the
ritual of forming a contract with the spirit she pulls the sword out and it looks like she will succeed but the spirit rejects her and instead starts fighting back camoo saves CLA once again by pushing her aside but she stands back up and says that if the spirit doesn't make a contract with her peacefully she will have to use force and enslave it she takes her whip out and calls upon its Spirit Scarlet which turns out to be a small fire cat the cat fights the sword but it turns out just as one would expect
and the sword cuts the kitty down before heading straight for cla's head camoo once again comes in clutch and jumps in between but this time instead of pushing her away he puts his hand forward towards the sword and surprises CLA by forming a spirit contract with the sword himself he reveals that there has only ever been one man in history who was able to form Spirit contracts and that was the Demon Lord salomo who brought the world to chaos and ruins after having her spirit snatched by Cito being The Ungrateful cat lady that she is
CLA says that Cito is now her spirit because he stole hers with that she ties him up with her Whip and brings her to the academy she then calls him a pervert and wonders how she will be treating him but camoo takes this as a chance and makes a run for it after getting free from her he walks his way through the corridor and reaches the head mistress's office as he tries to open the door he hears a girl complaining about not accepting the admission of a man to the maiden Academy from the inside just
then the door slams open on his face knocking him back on the ground as a blue-haired girl jumps over him with her sword and threatens to turn him into marinated salmon the head mistress calls out to her from behind and tells her to put her sword away r revealing her name to be Ellis she then greets camito who returns by calling her an old hag and a witch she then walks inside the office with him and has Ellis stand on guard inside she tells him that Ellis is the captain of the silid knights which is
a group assigned to keep order at the school she then asks him about the spirit seal on his hand and he says that it just kind of happened before she asks if he was finally able to part ways with his ghosts camoo becomes angry and says that she is not a ghost and then asks her about the contents of the invitation it turns out Cito used to have a spirit named to which broke off from him greyworm that she is alive and that she will tell him more about her whereabouts if he agrees to join
her Academy as a student after that Ellis gives camito a tour of the facility and warns him about never going to the girl's bathroom she then takes him to his living quarters which turns out to be a small shack beside the horse stable and he is told to share the bathroom with the horses she then tells him that he will be joining the Raven class which is notorious for its bunch of problem children after finishing the tour Ellis walks away and camito runs into CLA who immediately captures him with her whip she asks him what
he was doing with Ellis and he explains that she was just showing him around as he is now a fellow student of theirs Claire then brings up the topic of him stealing the sword spirit and says that she wants him to become her spirit now he decides to tease her and says that if she wants that then she should know the proper way of forming a contract with a humanoid Spirit implying it to be a kiss he makes her go all red and teary before their Professor Freya walks up to them and takes Cito to
the classroom for an introduction there kamito gets introduced to a frost Elementalist named rinslet she fights CLA over the rights to make Cito her slave and it is a whole drumk but just then a girl wearing a ma uniform runs inside telling rinslet to calm down or else the professor would get angry but she ends up tripping and falls down from the stairs but not before camito jumps in to save her and ends up getting rewarded with a closeup view of Heaven later that night kamito thinks back on what greyworld him and it turns out
she wants him to participate in the blade dance tournament as her Academy's representative and bribes him by saying that the strong blade dancer Ren ashell is going to participate this time as well and the news is that she will be bringing a humanoid Darkness Spirit hinting towards it being Rashia he also reminds himself of the conversation he had with Professor Freya while walking to the class she told him how the blade dance tournament was held in honor of the five Great Elemental Spirit Lords the academy trains these girls from high nobility who then represent the
country of their choice in the tournament the winner gets the blessing of the elemental Spirit Lords and the country they represent experience a prolonged period of prosperity and divine blessing she then turns to camoo and asks him what he was fighting in the tournament for and he simply says that he was invited by greyworm the menu than he can count later that night rinslet walks up to his room and offers him a meal in exchange for barking for her and becoming her loyal servant he closes the door on her and tells her to try Reddit
she then knocks again and says she will give it to him if he just licks her feet and obeys all her orders but but he tells her that the wrong subred it and shuts the door again she then walks in again and just leaves the food on the table saying the maid made extra anyway so he can have it as she leaves kamito says that he doesn't know about all those things but he won't mind being her friend which makes her blush just then CLA walks into them with a boat load of pet food and
it turns out she had the same idea of feeding him just not the right way she looks at rinslet and starts arguing to her about trying to steal her slave rinslet doesn't like that and responds by summoning her ice Elemental Spirit fener CLA calls her fire cat out and they both start fighting with each other during their fight kito's Shack catches up on fire and rinet stops it by shooting a freezing Arrow at it and putting it out alongside the shack itself CLA tells her that she still has no control over her power and rinslet
argues back but just then Ellis arrives on the scene alongside her nights she asks about the broken Shack that she worked so hard to make herself and tells the girls that they will be notified of their punishment later meanwhile the other Knights taunt rinslet for trying to make a move on the new student as soon as she saw that he was a guy they then tell CLA that she isn't even a noble and her elder sister is just a betrayer this makes them both angry and they challenge Ellis and the others to a Duel By
calling them cowards Ellis says that she won't stand this and tells camito to join in because he doesn't have any human rights anyways and also so they can have a three versus three battle after that CLA takes kamito to her room to spend the night as she is the one responsible for him not having his any more but we all know it's kito's insane Riz pheromones that entice her to do so she then goes to the bathroom to take a shower while telling Cito to clean the room up Scarlet but also helps him and he
gets on to Kitchen Duty after cleaning the place up Suddenly he hears Claire's scream and finds out that the water spirit in the shower started acting up for some reason and attacked her Cito uses his Riz magic to calm the spirit down and saves CLA only to have his ass torched as she Burns him down for seeing her naked after that they get to their dinner and Cito asks Claire about her obsession with getting a strong Spirit she says that she wants to meet someone close to her and then shows him a locket with the
crest of the elstein noble family the family was renowned for their strong Fire Spirit elementalists but it all ended four years ago when the eldest daughter of the Duke ruia caused a great catastrophe in the ordia Empire and ran away she was then given the title of the Calamity Queen and Claire happens to be her younger sister camoo wonders how he has been trying to meet someone important to him for the last 3 years as well and thinks that perhaps they ain't really that different after that they walk up to the astral gate on the
school grounds which connects the realm of the demons and spirits astral zero to the human world if someone gets injured here their body suffers minimal injuries but their mind can still be damaged this specific gate connects to a place with low-level Spirits so they often use this place to train and settle conflicts while walking to the battle arena Claire talks about Ren ashbell and how she inspired her to become a better blade dancer through her performance and how she owes her as it was her performance that calmed the enraged Elemental Lords and stopped the destruction
caused by her sister after that they reached the arena with rinet and her maid waiting for them she tells them about the water spirit incident and camito notes that it was an issue that happened happened specifically to CLA and wasn't a problem with the spirit device just then Ellis and the others arrive on the scene and start their duel Ellis summons her wind demon Spirit simor it starts attacking Cito and keeps him running like a loser CLA and rinslet help him out from the rear and give him a chance to summon his newly contracted spirit
in its weapon form but the spirit comes out as a small dagger instead of the sword that they saw earlier the other Knights also join in but the girls keep them away from camito rinet deals with the Earth Hammer girl but gets taken out by Ellis's bird CLA fights the ice sword girl as Cito rushes towards Ellis he throws the dagger at her but it ends up falling on the ground and breaking apart Ellis laughs at his small size and turns her spirit into a long weapon camoo looks at her form and makes her blush
by calling her beautiful she strikes back with a wind blade and goes in for the final hit but Cito stops her and tells her that something is wrong while pointing at the massive Dark Cloud behind them they all turn around and look at it as a highlevel demon Spirit comes out of it camoo wonders what a highlevel demon spirit is doing there in the lowlevel area and wonders if this was in any way linked to that water spirit attack on CLA CLA on the other hand sees this as a chance to make a contract with
a strong spirit and decides to fight it on her own Ellis helps her a bit and CLA launches a barrage of fire attacks using Scarlet but the Demon's Spirit proves to be too strong for her and it decides to make mince meat out of her for dinner having been backed off into a corner CLA starts crying and asks for help from her sister while weeping the demon Spirit attacks her but Scarlet jumps in and Strikes it away only to be e eaten by it instead CLA loses her mind after seeing this and starts crying more
seeing this Cito decides to step in and uses his power to call out to the spirit of the sword once again and this time tells it to show her true form and begs her to lend him her true power the spirit answers his call and with this commo sweeps in with the big holy sword and cuts the demon in half while claiming that he won't lose to such a pathetic Spirit as he is the strongest blade dancer there is ran ashbell after the battle Clare walks up to him and asks him why he didn't save
Scarlet but then accepts the it's all because she was powerless and weak and cries to herself on the other hand kamito falls unconscious as the sword Spirit sucked too much of his juice I mean strength while asleep he dreams about his childhood and how he was named the successor of the Demon Lord by a shady group when he first met rishia just then he wakes up and wonders where CLA is but then he finds something moving under his sheets and he's sure as hell that it isn't him doing all that it turns out there is
a girl in there and she happens to be the true form of his sword Spirit EST it turns out rinet brought him to her room after he fainted She Walks Into check up on him and mistakes s's presence as him trying to make a move on a girl she calls fener and orders it to attack him but tells the ice puppy to sit down and Pats it on the other hand Claire is down in the dumps over the loss of her spirit and decides to walk out in search of power Cito gets up to check
on her with the EST but he can't find her in her room he then walks around the campus looking for her and Ellis points her sword at him for picking up a girl ESD bends her sword and they all sit down and Cito clears the confusion regarding his spirit's humanoid form he then asks Ellis about any clues regarding where CLA might be and she tells him about a Contracting ceremony happening in the town where Academy students get to form contracts with military Spirits the rumor has it that they have a strong Spirit called glacia to
form a contract with this time around camoo also finds out that they do blade dance to decide who gets to form a contract with the spirit and thinks that participating without having a spirit of her own would be a really dumb idea for CLA he then asks Ellis about the location of the ceremony and makes a run for it with the SD meanwhile while CLA runs into a shady looking person who offers her a strongl looking Spirit she forgets about what her mom told her about not accepting any Spirits from strangers and accepts it and
ends up becoming the owner of the Mad Spirit jpen on his way towards the ceremony Arena he thinks back on what CLA told him about being the younger sister of the Calamity Queen he remembers that Rubio was one of the strongest flamed spirit elementalists in the ordia Empire but one day she stole the strongest flame Spirit liotine from the spirit Shrine and ran away this act enraged the Fire Spirit King and he started destroying the whole empire with his flames and that's why people gave her this title he remembers that CLA wishes to be strong
so she can confront her sister and says that he's worried she might do something stupid on the other hand CLA is busy doing the exact same stupid thing that camito was worried about by participating in the tournament without any Spirits she fights through her weak-ass flame magic and a normal whip against a fleet of giant Spirit Monsters And Blade dancers in a Battle Royal as expected she has her ass handed over to her due to the power Gap and once she becomes weak enough the Mad Spirit takes over her and starts leeching out her divine
power forcefully it manifests itself in the form of a fierce cat demon and emits an aura that corrupts all the other Spirit demons in the area the corrupted Spirits start attacking everyone in their sights including their owners and cause chaos just then Cito arrives on the scene and wonders if Claire is responsible for all this he then asks estd for help with dispelling the curse but she says that she can't access her real body due to kito's damaged contract seal he realizes that this is because of his contract with rishia and says that he will
manage himself he then turns ESD into her sword form and jumps in towards the Mad Spirit he slashes it and realizes that it's actually Scarlet mixed with the Mad spirit and tells CLA about it he says that she didn't die but instead just lost her spirit energy during the battle last time this gives CLA some hope and she says that she will take care of this situation and summons a flame with her magic C wonders what she's going to do with that pesky flame against this giant monster but she surprises him by attacking her own
hand with Scarlet SE and makes her return to normal once she returns to normal the other Spirits also calm down and return to the spirit realm after this whole incident Cito turns towards Claire and asks her how she managed to get her hands on the Mad Spirit she tells him that she got him from a girl with dark hair and just then we see a black-haired girl fly down and in front of Cito it turns out she is Rashia and she's the one who has been causing all these incidents around Cito Lately from the water
spirit that attacked CLA to the high level demon spirit that appeared during the duel to even now with the Mad spirit camoo asks her why she was doing this but she says that she has waited 3 years for him and that this is what he actually wanted she then awakens the strongest spirit in the arena glacia with her maddening magic and flies off while totally not showing kamito a scene from the heavens Cito is understandably in a days after witnessing all this but Clare pulls him back to reality as glacia breaks out of its confinement
and starts rampaging in the arena Clare pulls back with kamito and takes him to safety and asks him about the darkhaired girl camoo tells her that she used to be his contracted spirit and that it's all his fault that she has now become someone like this CLA looks at him and says that it doesn't matter right now but he is her contracted spirit so he should focus on helping her out with defeating glacia camoo says okay but still feels worried so CLA pulls him back to reality by kissing him out of the blue and says
that this is a one-time thing this works almost too well as Cito lets out the Sanji within him and starts focusing on ways to impress her Claire says that they can't wait for the Academy to send help as the spirit would get to the town first and start attacking normal people come here agrees and rushes straight towards the giant with his sword and says that he will show her the real power of Ren ashbell CLA stays back on support Duty as Scarlet is still weak and they manage to defeat the spirit while doing so Cito
slashes its feet making it fall down before doing a fancy jump over his head and stabbing its eye this reminds CLA of her Idol Ren ashbells moves from the blade Dance 3 years ago and she becomes amazed however Cito is still pretty Rusty and the spirit manages to get up for a punch but CLA stops IT and lets kamito finish it off with a straight slash down the center splitting it in half just like he did as ran ashbell years ago once again CLA wonders if he's the real deal but when he looks at him
she finds him lying on the ground unconscious just like during the Dual fight last time sometime later kamito wakes up in his bed once again with the SD under his sheets CLA walks in on them and points her weapon at him and tells ESD that he is her slave so by extension she is hers as well rinet her maid and Ellis also come by to check up on him and it all ends in them standing over cito's bed ready to beat his ass up because they can't stand him being in bed with a girl just
because she is his contracted Spirit on the other hand we see a purple-haired girl riding towards the academy in her coach and it seems she is here for the real Ren ashbell it turns out this young girl knows about Ren Ash Bell's true identity as Cito when she was little she once got stranded while being chased by a demon Spirit she tried to defend herself by calling her spirit but it didn't work and things looked pretty bad but just then with his rizing magic Cito arrived on the scene with a dark blade and cut through
the spirit like a giga chat after seeing his sword manip and the dark blade he was carrying she realized that he was actually ran ashbell camoo made her promise to keep it their little secret and then helped her out of the astral zero Forest by carrying her over his back as she had lost her shoes we also find out that the dark blade was in fact rishia in her weapon form the girl asks him about why he dressed up as a girl and participated in the blade dance and he says that it was because he
had a wish he wanted to come true he then drops the girl off by the astral gate and they make a promise to meet each other once again after the blade dance is over now years later she is there to fulfill that promise meanwhile we see camito getting up from his nap and getting his ass roasted by CLA and Scarlet due to estd and her usual hiding under his sheets Shenanigans it has already been over a week since the fight with the corrupted spirit and Cito thinks that he will be able to finally go all
out in team practice today they make their way to the training grounds and meet up with Professor Freya she tells them that they will be practicing for the chance to participate in the blade Dance 2 months from now all teams would compete and only the top three would get in there seems to be another problem for our couple though to participate in a blade dance you need to have a team of five people and they don't have anyone else on theirs Claire says that they would be enough anyways and would make up the numbers with
some side characters but she forgets that camoo is the protagonist and that she is one of those side characters herself the Team Battle starts and is expected they both get their asses handed over to them by the opposing team they still manage to beat them up in terms of raw Firepower but the lack of teammates makes them lose to their opponent's strategy to stall out for a powerful summoning spell that causes all the animals in the surrounding Forest to March over them with no mercy after this their school ranking takes a good hit and CLA
whines about them being cowards for stalling the fight like that they discuss the matter over lunch and wonder how they are going to make up their numbers just then rinslet walks by and joins them for lunch alongside her maid Carol she hints towards wanting to join their team as she was having trouble with forming one of her own due to her high expectations from her teammates camito catches on to this with Carol's help and nudges CLA on to make an offer CLA does it but as expected they start having a fight over the leadership of
the team they also talk about there being a new transfer student at the Academy who happens to wield the holy attribute CLA wonders if they should try inviting her to join their team as well just then Ellis walks by and asks Cito to join her team Cito considers it for a second as it would help him land directly into the blade dance but then decides against it as Claire insists that he is her spirit and must not leave her while handing on to him showing her abandonment issues camoo realizes this and declines the offer respectfully
Ellis respects that and walks away after telling him that the head mistress was calling for him in her office later that day Cito goes to the office to see what greyworm annoying her she fights back by saying that he has certainly changed a lot from when he was a young little boy under her care like getting much weaker referring to his utter defeat in the practice battle in the morning he says that he is aware of it but it is what it is she then tells him that he should learn when to give up on
someone referring to risda this makes kamito angry and he asks if that's all what she called him there for but she says that she wanted to introduce someone to him she then calls in the new purple-haired transfer student and introduces her as the second princess of the ordia Empire F the girl looks at Cito and confirms that he doesn't remember her this surprises Cito and greyworm it even more surprising by saying that she wants him and his team to be her bodyguards until her stay at the Academy meanwhile we see rishia meet up with a
shady looking guy named Gio she makes a deal with him about stealing the sealed documents from the academy Gio says that he isn't really interested in what she's up to but he will do it to prove that he is the rightful successor of the Demon Lord unlike kamito back in the office Kito accepts the mission to be f as bodyguard on the condition that it will help improve his ranking to participate in the blade dance greyworm a mission to go to the mining City to find out why the place was experiencing long earthquakes recently camoo
says that the city was known for its Spirit Stone mines but it has been a ghost town for age now greyworld dance if need be we also find out that f is called The Lost Queen and has been abandoned by the royal family completely this all happened when 3 years ago Claire's elder sister ruia caused the fire incident and fana stepped up to be her replacement in hopes of calming the anger of the fire element Spirit King however why she volunteered to do all that is still unknown F also tells Cito that she knows about
his true identity as Ren ashbell and then pouts that he still doesn't remember who she is after that Cito and FAA go to cla's room and inform her about everything she doesn't seem too happy about the idea especially after learning that feno will be staying with them in Claire's room as she needs Cito to be beside her 24/7 F then notices how CLA is super close to Cito and asks her about their relationship she says that he is her slave spirit and they even formed a contract by kissing each other this makes fer really mad
and she challenges Clary to a duel over the rights to cito's ownership as usual the dude has zero human rights and gets thrown around as property they end up deciding upon a cooking competition and it turns out both of them are just as bad CLA serves them up with burnt charcoal while Fina manages to poison them with her special mix of BS cookery meanwhile we see Gio infiltrating the Academy's library and stealing the sealed documents but he encounters Ellis in her nights on his way out and it turns into an allout battle being a badass
villain he wipes the floor with all of them and prepares to finish their leader off as well before camito and CLA jumping to protect Ellis the guy turns out to be a male Elementalist as well and he wields more than four Spirits at once he also reveals that he knows kamito and about his secret identity and they all engage in a battle he says that he has what he came here for and runs away while Cito and the others chase after him into the forest during their battle he outwits kamito in terms of swordsmanship and
overwhelms him with his multiple spirit weapons he also reveals that the previous Demon King Solomon wielded over 72 Spirits at once and he is his rightful successor and prepares to push him back he says that finishing him off here won't prove anything so he will wait for the right opportunity but just then FAA decides to do fena things and throws a Spirit Rock at him as her special move the thing hurts him like a pebble and does just a little over annoying him and makes him shoot an energy blast at fena who's shivering from Fear
it looks like this is the end for her but camoo being the simp he is decides to jump in between and takes the hit for her he hurts his shoulder and CLA rushes to him to ask if he is fine but then they both turn around and find out that fana has collapsed meanwhile Gio takes his leave and goes back to Rashia the next morning F wakes up in her bed and kamito comes to check up on her he sits down beside her and says that he has something important to talk with her about but
F Cuts him off when she notices CLA spying on them once noticed CLA walks in and says that she wants in on the scoop as well but camito says that it's personal and runs away with fire in his arms Claire tries to follow them but Cito loses her fast she then runs into rinslet and starts talking to her about ways to grow prettier as a girl on the other hand Cito walks around with FAA through the forest and asks her about how she knows of his true identity she smiles and gives him some hints and
finally makes him remember her as the girl he saved all those years ago he then asks her how she found him and she says that she used her network to get some information on him after his name got spread around when he stopped the berserk military Spirit she then says that she wants his help and Reve feels that her goal is to have him join her team in the blade dance so she can win and prove that she is not useless she says that she lost everything when she became the Lost Queen and wants to
regain her honor and prove to everyone that she is also worth something camoo agrees which surprises her and she asks him why he is willing to help her even though she is just trying to use him for her own cause he says that he doesn't have any human rights and Everyone is always using him anyway including greyworm so he doesn't mind having another pretty girl trying to use him this makes them both laugh as as they remember CLA and form a team meanwhile rinet makes a deal with Clare to let her join her team for
the blade dance and their mission so she could be closer to Cito and in exchange she would tell her secret Beauty growing secrets on the other hand Cito and fer run into Ellis in her kns she tells them that they are headed towards the mining town to capture the culprit from last night and retrieve the documents he stole she then reveals that the documents contained important information about the military Spirit named jingan sealed in the mining town camoo offers her to join his team to go together but she says that the knights would go separately
as it is their job to deal with it after that Cito and FAA meet up with Claire and rinslet and they all prepare to head towards the mining town on horses FAA doesn't know how to ride one so being the secur of this show she calls out to camoo and lets him carry her like I carry trash during my promotion matchups they eventually arrive in the abandoned town by night and Clary tells fena to stop clinging to Cito like a koala bear and to summon her spirit as the enemy could be hiding anywhere here F
says that the guardian Spirit of the royal family can't be summoned just casually like this unlike her little cat and continues to walk with camoo while walking through the mine Fina notices a fake blade dance Shrine which was recently used for an unbinding ceremony and they wonder who performed it just then they hear a big blast and they Rush towards it only to find Ellis and her group getting their asses kicked at the hands of Gio once again he seems to have a mirror spirit that reflects attacks and uses it to defeat Ellis easily just
then kamito and the others arrive on the scene Gio looks at them and uses one of his Spears spirits to fill the area with poisonous gas while protecting himself with a wind barrier Ellis decides to be useful for once and blows Gio's poisonous fart away with her wind spirit giving CLA and Cito time to launch a Counterattack on Gio they all then cover for Ellis and Cito rushes in to fight Gio with his sword he then surprises him by cutting through Gio's blade one after another as he summons more and more spirits to defend against
ESD but the overwhelming number of spirits under his control proed to be too much for camoo and it starts tiring him out and rinslet try to help him but Gio puts them back in place but forgets that he doesn't have a spirit that can create a kitchen Cito tries to fight against but EST says that his sword is small as he has used too much of his divine power Gio taunts kamito and says that he is no longer the strongest blade dancer and he will show him why before jumping and launching an attack towards his
friends tomito decides to save them by tanking the hit like a giga chat Gio walks up to him and says that he has started bothering himself with ideas like having friends and protecting others and that's why he has become so pathetically weak now he then says that it's time to finish it all and prepares to summon his strongest spirit that Ria gave him it looks bad for Our Heroes but then Fina decides to be useful and reveals that she had been hiding a Blood Stone that allows her to temporarily use the power of a spirit
King she summons a beam of light that not only destroys Gio's Spirit but also sends him flying with a lot of damage with his Spirit gone Gio makes a strategic Escape while kamito and the others get back on their feet they all do a checkup on each other and it turns out that Ellis and her Knights alongside side rinslet are all not in fighting condition they decide to stay back while kamito and the rest go on to stop Gio from unsealing the military Spirit as well as having FAA do the recing blade dance they also
ask FAA about the Bloodstone and she reveals that 4 years ago she lost her guardian Spirit during the Calamity Queen incident and that is also why she was abandoned by the royal family and lost her right to ascending the throne CLA asks her about the reason she came to the academy and she teases her by saying that she came there to kiss camoo but that aside she actually wanted to win blade dance and reclaim her honor and position and to do that she joined their team as she thought that the only male Elementalist in the
academy and the younger sister of the Calamity Queen would be the only people who won't worry about someone like her without a spirit joining their team she then asks them about their decision regarding letting her be a part of them and CLA replies that she is now her friend and so they will accept a with open arms but first they need to deal with the spirit that's sealed here to make it all happen they need to First find the location of the real Spirit Temple and worry that Gio will get to it first with the
help of the documents he stole but Ellis reassures them that all the documents in the academy are coded so he won't be able to get any information out of those documents anyways just then EST speaks up and says that she used to come here many thousands of years ago before she was sealed in the sword Shrine and might know the location of the real Temple she then leads them all to the entrance of the real Spirit temple in the minds and opens the door to the spirit Fountain which has the seals of all the elemental
Spirit Kings she mentions the spirit of Darkness Ren ashall and it intrigues Cito as her name sounds awfully like his other identity as well as Ria's last name he tries to ask about it from ESD but she moves the subject along as they need to perform the recing blade dance quickly CLA joins the purification ceremony alongside fena and they have kamito stand guard at the gate outside on the other hand Gio runs into rishia and dams fena for destroying his spirit rishia says that he is just weak and that's why he is losing to the
real successor of the Demon King Cameo but he says that it's all her fault for giving him a weak spirit and then asks her to take him to the real Temple so he can defeat Cito once and for all meanwhile Kito wonders about Gio while waiting outside the Temple's gate and thinks that in reality he isn't a demon king at all just then Gio appears on the scene and they both start engaging in a battle camoo pushes him back by immediately breaking his sword spirit and then pushing him on the ground to give him some
old school beating but Gio pushes him back with his wind spirit and they both start using T no Jutsu BS flaming to taunt and berate each other camoo reveals that Gio is just a failure who can only control one spe spirit and all the other Spirits he has are a one-time use crystals just like fena this pisses Gio off and he lashes back by saying that it doesn't matter and Reveals His trump card which happens to be a Blood Stone with the power of a strong Darkness spirit that weakens es and he manages to stab
Cito he then stands over him acting all high and mighty thinking that he has won but Cito says that his battle was never against just him and reveals CLA and F who are about to turn Gio's life upside down with their attacks Clare binds him with her Whip and F uses blade dance which makes makes all the spirits reiding within Gio to reach in response and it blood bends the BS out of him with Gio defeated Cito says that he will tell them everything about the military Spirit on why he tried to unseal it but
just then Ria spawns in and says that it was her will to do so she then talks to Gio and calls him weak and useless for not being able to defeat camoo in his weak and unawakened state and says that he was a fake failure after all Gio says that if he had stronger Spirits he would be able to defeat him and this gives Rashia the idea to let him use her to fight kamito in hopes of him re Awakening as the demon Lord's true successor seeing his old Spirit be used by Gio Kito becomes
really sad and angry and he rushes into attack him but Gio responds by shooting a black lightning attack at the defenseless F prompting Cito to jump in between and take it for her seeing kamito suffer for her again makes fer really emotional and she calls upon her old spirit and begs it to respond to the contract that they once shared and has it protect camito the spirit heeds her call and launches a Counterattack at Gio CLA joins in his well giving Cito a chance to strike back and they managed to defeat Gio the next day
we see kamito waking up in his bed and wondering why Rashia was doing all this F wakes up beside him and explains that she was helping him restore his Divine energy it turns out they handed Gio over to the military and with the resaling of the military Spirit their mission was over a few days later camoo wakes up and thanks the gods for not having any of the girls ambushing him this time he then walks out only to see F and CLA making some chocolate for the Ripoff Valentine's Day and mixing illegal things in it
to make Cito fall for them after all the fun and games Cito and his team including CLA and Fina go out for their next training match for the blade dance tournament CLA takes the charge and says that she will deal with the three girls on the front while Cito and Fina go into the forest to defeat the other two members in the forest Cito gets ambushed by one of the girls who uses a musical instrument to launch wind blades at him and another who amplifies and reflects them back using her mirror spirit he takes some
damage from them but being the previous strongest blade dancer he manages to out with them by throwing EST in her dagger form at the wind blade girl and then defeating the other one with her sword form he then walks back to the main ground where Claire is just about to finish the last of them she deals with the stone Spirit using her whip but then one of the girls with the water spirit manages to capture fena the spirits start doing tentacle things to her but she summons her guardian spirit and defeats it easily with this
match their ranking improves and they wonder if they will be put up against Ellis team next as they are ranked third but as two of the girls on that team are still recovering they wonder if they would be put up against the rank two or one teams and Claire says that she would like to avoid fighting the rank one team due to the Academy's top blade dancer veleria who is a knight with the title of the strongest Fortress after that they meet up with rinslet and spend the rest of the day walking around the town
which is being decorated for the Valentine's Festival the next day camoo also finds out that it's Claire's birthday on that day and decides to buy a cat necklace for her when he catches her looking at it in the shopping district meanwhile another trouble seems to be brewing in the town as assassins and Shady Merchants enter the to the town and greyworm Ellis while taking an extra class to make up for his attendance while doing so he helped her with her studies and she asked him if he would be willing to help her with some tuition
later on camito agreed and Ellis took this time to thank him for all the help he provided during the mining town Mission later that noon Cito meets up with her again for tuition and she tells him that she wants him to come to her room as that's where she studies the best camoo is hesitant at the start but agrees to go anyway when they arrive at her room Ellis tells him to wait on the couch as she goes inside and changes into a maid uniform she says that it is a gift for him as she
feels bad for burdening him so much lately camoo realizes that it must be one of rin's pranks where she tells other girls absurd ways about how to conduct themselves as Noble women he tells her that she doesn't have to do all this and at the end they settle on her making a meal for him instead after that he checks her room out and finds a crystal picture of Ren Ashville alongside the picture of veleria she tells him that veleria is her elder sister and three years ago she was trying to join the numbers which are
the top Knights of the Kingdom but then she lost her first match against Ren ashbell during the blade dance she was the previous leader of the Academy's nights before her and was an upright and strict leader with a just heart but after her defeat she became cold and power hungry and her personality had changed completely she then tells him that she would be coming back the next day and she won't be able to invite him to her room again she says that she wants to prove to her sister that she is a great leader and
wants to show her how her current attitude towards seeking power is wrong and then asks Cito to join the knights and help her Cito says that he owes her as well and accepts his request and then asks for his salary in advance so he can buy the birthday present for CLA after that he goes to CLA and tells her that he spent time with Ellis and joined the knights and she thinks that Cito has abandoned her and has broken his promise and kicks him out of her room while crying the next day Cito joins the
knights and tries to start his first day there on the right foot but weria decides to steal the Spotlight by making an entrance and destroying all the knights there with a single attack she then takes four of them under her and forms team belaria for the blade dance and asks Cito to join him as well he denies her request and says that he is on team Scarlet which belongs to CLA leria calls him a fool and says that she will simply destroy him if he tries to stand in her way alongside Ellis and walks away
after that Kito joins Ellis and continues his duties as a knight by dealing with Spirit monsters and random street fights in the academy City during this time he encounters CLA and tries to explain himself but she throws her stuff at him and walks away while being mad at him just then we see a green-haired girl approach two knights who hate CLA and offer them cursed seals she then approaches CLA herself and offers one as well but she remembers kamito and pushes her away saying that she isn't fond of pushy salesmen just then the two knights
arrive on the scene and it looks like they are being controlled suddenly a dark Aura starts coming out of them as they summon their spirits who have grown in power and are now mixed with dark elements the spirits start rampaging and attacking everything in their sight starting with CLA CLA fights back and runs for the city while Cito and Ellis hear a big blast and encounter one of the cursed seal Spirits wreaking havoc in the town they start fighting it but it proves to be too hard for them to cut in one strike just then
commo sees the spirit attacking an innocent child and he jumps in to protect her but ends up getting severely injured by the spirit after that he decides to finish it off and asks for Ella's help their combo attack manages to crack the mirror spirit but it strikes back almost taking camoo down but CLA stops it with her Whip and joins the fight the other Spirit arrives on the scene as well and they start destroying everything camoo and the girls decide to charge at them but just then a strong attack rains down from the sky and
decimates everything in the area including buildings and the spirits it turns out veleria is the one who launched that attack and she once again mocks Ellis for being a weak Knight this makes Cito angry and he tells her to take her words back and starts charging at her but she knocks him back with a simple push and walks away the next evening Cito wakes up in his bed all wrapped up in bandages CLA walks into check up on him and they both make up after Cito explains himself and gives her her birthday present CLA apologies
for being harsh on him just then F walks in and announces that they are going to have a blade dance match against team bsia the next day camoo says that they will need a way to deal with her defenses from afar F says that they will figure something out but there's no way he's participating in the battle with his injuries just then rinet walks in and says that she has a way of dealing with Valeria's defense from a range and Cito requests her to officially join their team besides that Claire goes to Ellis and asks
her to join them as well but she says that she will fight alongside her Knights but then her injured friends walk in and say that they won't be able to recover by the blade dance tournament and want her to join team scarlet and achieve her dream with this team Scarlet finally gets all its members for the blade dance tournament and they prepare for their match against Valeria meanwhile we find out that Valeria has been dealing with the green-haired merchant who calls herself a researcher and it turns out veleria has been using her cursed seals as
well the next day everyone in the academy gathers around the astral gate to see V area's team fight against team Scarlet once they arrive at astral zero CLA gives out orders for everyone to take position and search for the enemies but veleria arrives on the scene and says that it won't be necessary as she will take care of them all alone and points her massive guns at them her spirit dreadn is a mecha armor type which grants its user various abilities alongside a strong defense she shoots at them but rinit counters by firing down all
of her blasts with her arrows she then shoots multiple ice arrows at her joints and freezes the mecca completely locking it in place this gives CLA and others enough time to charge up their attacks and they launch a full power combo attack at her which brings her down to the ground Bia compliments them but then reveals that her spirit is an earth type and that the ground is where it excels she then charges straight at them like a tank but Fina stops her with her guardian Spirit bsia points her weapon at her but CLA stops
her with her flaming whip and pushes her back with Ellie's help by creating a fire tornado Valaria says that it's all meaningless in front of her and unleashes a barrage of attacks at them even defeating F's Guardian Spirit it looks like they will end up losing but CLA uses talk no j and raises everyone's morale she then rushes in and sends Scarlet to distract vsia while heating her armor up with her Fire Spirit magic volera says that such a dumb attack won't do anything to her but Claire jumps back and lets rinet attack the same
spot with a freezing arrow and then heating it again with her Fire magic the rapid Heating and Cooling breaks the iron and does a lot of damage to the spirit with that Ellis finishes the job by launching a wind tornado and they defeat veleria by breaking her armor Ellis rushes in to see if her sister is fine but she gets up and starts losing her mind like the other cursed seal users and emits dark Aura and attacks everyone in the area including her own teammates she captures everyone and is about to land a lethal blow
on Ellis but Cito jumps in and cuts her spirit arm off saving the knight's Captain he then goes full Sasuke mode and cuts all the dark Ora arms and saves his teammates before rushing in swiftly and overwhelming belsera with his slashing attacks and impressing everyone watching during their fight veleria sees an opening as kamito stops moving to tolerate the pain in his wound and prepares to launch a spear attack but F goes full Vegeta and shares her power with him and heals Kito off with her energy Kito Dodges her attacks and Strikes Back Ellis CLA
and rinslet decide to fight along as well and with a team effort they manage to finish her off as camito stabs her spirit through its core destroying the cursed seal in her heart and bringing bsia back to her senses with that team Scarlet wins the match and gets the right to participate in the blade dance from the academy on the other hand we see the green-haired cursed seal Celler watching over Valeria's match she makes a comment about how they broke her toy and that she would like to play with camito next time but greyworm seal
patterns on the two nights from earlier and that they match the ones that she was working on when she was her student she then says that she won't forgive her for messing with her precious students and then turns her into not so alive Sashimi as she turns around she realizes Ria's presence and says that she knew it was all her doing rishia says that she won't let her use camito either and then vanishes away on the other hand Our Heroes celebrate their Victory and belaria is sent off to recover from her injuries it looks like
she will make a complete recovery thanks to s's ability to destroy curses after a sweet celebration with his teammates they all prepare for the upcoming blade dance tournament and we see all the participants line up on the day of the event as they make their way to the floating island in astral zero on a flying ship and this brings the anime to an end don't forget to like the video If you enjoyed And subscribe with notifications on so you never miss out on any more of my recaps until next time take care
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