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if you've been gone to church for any amount of time you probably have learned somewhere along your journey uh maybe not in these words but certainly in this idea that poverty is piety and wealth is wickedness and money is evil in fact there are people who say money is the root of all evil and they think that's what the Bible says but it doesn't say that um and today I'm going to talk to you about this subject why Christians are broke and it's not because God wants you broke even though that's what you may have
been taught um or you may have learned or may have thought and it may be what you've believed your whole life but it's not it's not a Biblical concept so I'm going to read a read a story to you from um Luke chapter 16 and then these are not the right glasses I'm going to read a story from you for you from Luke chapter 16 and then I'm going to give you three reasons that not the only reason but just three reasons today what um why Christians are broke it says in Luke 16:1 it says
and he said unto his disciples there was a certain rich man which had a steward and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his goods and Steward's basically just a manager right so this guy was in charge of managing the assets of this wealthy person and he called unto him and said how is it that I hear this of thee give an account of thy stewardship for thou mayest no longer be a steward so he said okay show me what you've been doing because you're fired I would have said show me what
you're doing and then I would have fired him later but hey what do I know okay so um then the steward said unto him what shall I do um what shall I do for my lord taketh away uh from me my stewardship I cannot dig and to beg I am ashamed okay that's a fascinating that's a fascinating response like what am I going to do like I can't do manual labor and I'm I'm I'm Too Proud to Beg right and so he says I am resolved to do uh I am resolved what to do this
in other words this is what I'm going to do that when I am put out of my stewardship they may receive me into their house so he called every one of his Lord's debtors unto him and he said unto the first how much owest thou unto my lord lord just means boss okay and he said and 100 measures of oil he said unto him take thy Bill sit down quickly and write 50 I'm going to give you a 50% discount just pay it off now right um and he said and he said unto him um
uh and he said uh right 50 verse 7 he said unto another how much owest thou and he said unto him and 100 measures of wheat he said unto him take thy Bill and write four score four score is 80 and the Lord commanded the unjust steer this his boss not the Lord Jesus right the Lord commanded the unjust steer because he had done wisely does that seem wise well clearly clearly it is clearly it is Jesus is the one telling the story and he says for the children of this world are in their generation
wiser than the children of light what how's that possible well here's how it's possible because they they F like children of this world follow wealth principles and Bible Believers ignore them wealth principles that are laid out in the Bible we ignore them yes that's what I said we ignore them you say principles like what principles like um St and that you study to be quiet and to do your own business walking with working with your hands as we commanded you that you may walk honestly toward them that are without that's talking about paying your bills
on time and that you may have lack of nothing that's 1 Corinthians chapter 4: 11 and 12 it says that we're supposed to study to be quiet and to do our own business why so we can pay our bills on time and so we can have lack of nothing but we ignore that principle and we sell our time to the highest bidder and we're doing the exact opposite of what the scripture says because the scripture says we're supposed to walk wisely work walk circumspectly as wise not as fools doing what Redeeming the time the word
redeem means to buy back so God says okay go buy back your time rescue it from this is what the word redeem means go look it up don't take my word for it it means to buy back your time rescue it from loss and improve your opportunity so God says buy back your time rescue it from loss and improve your opportunity but what do we do we do the exact opposite we sell our time to the highest bidder $50 an hour $20 an hour $30 an hour now we sell our time to the highest bidder
and then we wonder why we can't get ahead because we're doing the exact opposite of what God told us to do and we believe that but that poverty is piety somehow I am closer to God because I have nothing I don't I don't I can't like as I read the Bible I can't fathom that that's the conclusion a person would come to reading the entire Cannon of scripture like you start at the beginning and you go to the end you're not finding this whole idea that poverty is is piety and wealth is wickedness you're not
finding it at all in fact one of the Hebrew words I don't this just came to me so I'm going to share it with you I'm going to write it on the board there's a Hebrew word that um that means rich and it's it's one of the Hebrew words that means rich and it spelled uh man do I oh yeah it's spelled assure so it's spelled assure now assure is the word one of the words for rich or wealth right but oftentimes when you have find a Hebrew word like some Hebrew conceptional conceptual words when
you find them they if you spell the word backwards it means the opposite right so if this is the word that means Rich right like the blessing of the Lord that maketh Rich right or and Abram was very rich in cattle and silver and gold okay so the word Rich well when you spell it backwards it's rosha which would seem that which would seem that okay I spelled it backwards rosha if this is Rich this would be what poor you'd think this got to be poor right if that's rich this is poor but it doesn't
mean Rasha doesn't mean poor you know what it means it means evil wow isn't that fascinating that the opposite of Rich can be evil that's fascinating now that's not implying that all poor people are evil that's not that's not even the like so I don't say I said that cuz I did not say that but what it does imply is that evil behaviors lead to Poverty evil societies end up as impoverished societies it it's true all over the world in fact technological and prosperity advances around the world throughout world history have always taken place in
communities and societies that were Bible believing wrap your mind around that think about how many cultures that are based on like anti-god Concepts and Witchcraft Concepts and they're all po poor societies yes that's it's it's like God is not a god of lack he's a god of abundance when we when we so I'm not even I'm not going to chase I'm not going to rant cuz I want to make sure I cover this so why are Christians broke then if God is a god of abundance okay God doesn't change his mind why because he was
already right he doesn't have to come to a conclusion why he already knows everything God never woke up one day and said well he never woke up one day so God never said well I declare why I declare well well who knew God doesn't talk like that why he knows everything he declared it well here's one of the principles so God doesn't change so all we have to do is read the Bible and meditate on the scriptures and think about it a little not a lot a little and we will know that it's not God's
desire nor his design for his people to be broke that is I get it that is a Catholic ideology that's been passed down through protestantism and then perpetuated through slavery but it is not a Biblical concept I'm not taking that back either I know there are people going not going to like it I don't care I ain't running for office I don't have to be politically correct I'm just telling you what I found in scripture and God is a god of abundance and in Genesis so the physical substance that rep the physical the material substance
that represents wealth and has since the beginning of time is gold is gold well if I want to find out God's original design for for gold or for wealth or for abundance all I got to do is go back and look in the Book of Genesis because if it was true in Genesis it's going to be true in Revelation are y'all tracking and so one day I was walking through my house and I thought to myself I wonder how many times the word gold is mentioned in the Bible I mean in the book of Genesis
and I said I bet it's in Genesis 500 times I thought gold would be in Genesis it ain't in there 500 times it ain't even in there 50 times you know how many times it's in there eight times eight now that by itself is fascinating because every number has significance one is the number of unity two is the number of Separation three is the number of God four is the number of Holiness five is the number of Grace six is the number of man also the number of falsehood seven is the number of completion eight
is the number of abundance Infinity eternity and the new beginning in fact if you take an A and Turnal on aside it is the symbol for infinity well the substance that represents wealth is in the first book in the Bible exactly eight times that's fascinating isn't it fascinating or is it just me am I just easily fascinated okay let me give you another one let me give you another one God used the adjective good to describe what he had created in Genesis chapter 1 exactly seven times the eighth time God used the adjective good to
describe something in the Book of Genesis he was talking about gold in Genesis 2: 11- 12 where he says there's gold in that land and the gold of that land is good so I know that wealth is inherently good it's not inherently bad it's not inherently neutral it's inherently good well wealth is neither good nor bad it's neutral it just makes you more of what you already are no wealth is inherently good even though some evil people use it for evil I wish I had some help in here oh Lord and so what's interesting about
the eight times that gold is mentioned in the Book of Genesis every every time it's mentioned which time every time it's always mentioned in conjunction with God's people oh snap what does that tell us well that God created wealth for his people God created wealth for his people yes the first time gold is mentioned in the bible it's mentioned in Genesis chapter 2 man has not even sinned yet so how's gold going to be evil it's in the Garden of Eden if it's evil why is God putting it in the Garden of Eden and some
people say yeah but the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil is in the Garden of Eden yeah but the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil was just that the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil and it was there so man could obey it's another conversation for a different day so there's gold in the Garden of Eden how many people were in the Garden of Eden again oh there was only two huh was there relationship to each other they weren't like Merchant and customer no they were husband and wife okay what did they
have to buy nothing everything was free so here we have two people they're living in a perfect environment there's nothing for sale there's nothing to buy they're married to each other there are no stores there are no malls there are no kiosk there are no websites with checkout pages and yet God put gold in the Garden of Eden and he didn't just put it there he made sure he told us he put it there and he didn't just put it there and make sure he told us he put it there he put it there made
sure he told us he put it there and made sure he told us it was good now God's not GNA be right about heaven and wrong about everything else so God put the gold in the garden for the two people who had nothing to spend it on why I believe as Providence for God's people to show us that opulence and abundance are natural resources and environment for the children of the King right and he didn't apologize for it he didn't make an excuse for he said I'm going to put this gold here and I want
you to and and make sure that when you use it you use it to serve other people and make sure you tell everybody that that's what you used it for so they can feel just they can feel like you're justified in creating your wealth I don't justify creating my wealth I just do it because I'm got I'm I'm creating IM why well why are you wealthy because I'm creating image of God and I do what he told me to do and it works like Providence for God's people the first time it's me okay second time
it's mentioned that wasn't enough for y'all because you need more than one obviously God has to say it multiple times for us to get it so let's look at the next one Genesis Chapter 13 Verse number two it says and Abram who later became Abraham let me ask you a question good dude or bad dude he was a good dude Abraham was the friend of God he was the father of the faithful he was the father of many nations and Abram was very rich in cattle and silver and gold I have a trick question for
you was Abram Rich no he was very rich I love the fact that the scripture tells that and Abram was very rich in cattle and silver and gold huh that's fascinating God calls Abram in Genesis chapter 12 Genesis chapter 13 God tells he's rich but you want me to believe that somehow money is the root of all evil so if money is the root of all evil why is God calling a guy and then making him Wealthy by the way we know that God made Abraham wealthy because in Genesis chapter 14 when Abraham took the
servant 318 servants that were born in his house and went out and fought against five nations in one to bring back his nephew and all of his nephew's stuff and all the stuff of the people who were in the nation that were conquered the king tried to give Abraham some the goods and Abraham said oh no I don't want you I don't want you to be able to tell other people that you made Abraham Rich God's the one that blessed me you go further into Genesis chter 25 and eliasar tells Rebecca family that God has
blessed my master and made him very wealthy and he's going to give everything to his son that I'm looking for a wife for God is the one that made Abraham Rich huh maybe this whole idea that Solomon wrote about I think it's in Proverbs 10:22 I think that's where it's at where it says and the blessing of the Lord it maketh rich and he adth no sorrow with it maybe Solomon knew what he was talking about the blessing of the Lord it maketh Rich if wealth is so evil how could it possibly be a blessing
from the Lord I I'm not I'm not even I'm not even looking stuff up right now I'm just using my brain to think about what it's saying and and some people say yeah but M the root love of money is the root of all evil I I understand that but whatever that means whatever it means and it means something whatever it means it's not contradicting what it said over here they they they are they are like the love of money is the root of all evil and the blessing of the Lord it rich and he
had no sorrow with it they're not enemies they are friends so whatever one means is not contradicting the other one so like all I have to do is start I got to start with that premise right it's not there is no there is no contrad does God want me to be lazy yes or no talk to me my people yes or no no God doesn't want me to be lazy does God want me to be a drunk no does God want me to be a glutton no okay huh does God want me to be wise
yes are you sure okay well but God wants me to be broke well the scripture if God wanted me to be broke then he also wants me to be a drunken gluttonous lazy person because the drunker and the Glutton shall lie down together in drowsiness will clothe a man with Rags so if God wants me to be broke then this is how I get broke I can become a lazy gluttonous drunk I'm not saying everybody that's broke is a lazy glutton is drunk I'm just saying that's one of the fastest ways to get there but
the scripture says there's treasure and wine and oil in the dwelling place of the righteous what the Bible says that that wisdom will make you wealthy you said God wants me to be wise now now you're trying to make me think God wants me to be wise and broke they don't go together anymore than being a rich gluttonous lazy drunk Works see we have to use our brain that's why God gave us the brain so we could use it right not just so politicians and media could use it against us so why do we Okay
that's the second time it's mentioned in Genesis it's provision for God's people a possession by God's people but the third time it's mentioned it's in Genesis CH 25 where it's mentioned as proof of God's blessing on God's people what Eleazar goes to find a wife for Isaac and he gives her mother and her brother jewels and gold he says God has made my master so rich here take all this stuff my camels are tired anyway take all this stuff I'm looking for a wife my Master is leaving everything to his son that's the one I'm
looking for a wife for now Rebecca had good sense her family was well they were family her mama said baby baby don't you want to wait a week and just spend a week with us don't just you don't want to just leave with this man and go marry his master son right now do you I can see the look on Rebecca's face Mama didn't you hear what this man just said his master is very rich and he has a son he's given him everything that's who he's looking for a wife for you want me to
wait a week so he can go find somebody else I got to go mama I got to go Rebecca had good sense she said I ain't sleeping on this so if God created wealth oh by the way the only time we find in Genesis somebody who's not a child of God having wealth is when is in Genesis 41:42 and that's where it's a provision for God's people where it says it says in pharaoh took the chain off his neck and put it on Joseph's neck took the gold ringer ring off his finger and put it
on Joseph's finger that's where it's shown as a provision for God's people which by the way the Bible clearly teaches oh snap I don't know if youall ready for this the Bible clearly teaches that the reason God gives evil people the ability to accumulate wealth is so they can pass it over to us but they ain't going to pass it over to us if we ain't doing nothing this is so good you say that ain't in the Bible it's it's in the Bible more than once so I'm but I'm gonna read it to you just
so just so I nobody can accuse me of misquoting it so it's in it's in the book of Ecclesiastes which I think it's the perfect place for it because the book of e the theme of the book of Ecclesiastes is I'm going to give you I'm going to give you the Book of Ecclesiastes in a sentence the whole book in a sentence if you live your life for life Under the Sun you've wasted your life and tortured yourself that's the theme of the book of Ecclesiastes all is Vanity and vexation of spirit right okay so
and life Under the Sun those are the that's the theme okay so Ecclesiastes chapter 2 and verse number 26 this is such an amazing verse it says for God giveth to the man that is good in his sight wisdom and knowledge and joy so y'all tell me what does God give to the man as good in his sight wisdom knowledge and joy everybody what does he give wisdom knowledge and joy okay so God gives to the man that's good in his sight wisdom and knowledge and joy and then it says but to The Sinner now
if he would have said and to The Sinner he might give him the same thing but he didn't say and to The Sinner he said but to The Sinner which means he about to give him something completely different am I am I misreading this okay just want to make sure I'm in the in the right passage in the right room okay but to The Sinner he giveth travail what's that hard labor why does he give the sinner hard labor to gather and to Heap up oh to gather and to Heap up why is he giving
the sinner hard labor to gather and Heap up that he may give to him that is good before God I didn't put that in there it was in my Bible when I got up this morning you know what's amazing there are a lot of Christians who want to start I I serve faith-based entrepreneurs I'll serve faith-based entrepreneurs I'll serve Heathen entrepreneurs now I'm not going to serve them in a way where I'm teaching them how to sell things that are going to harm people right but you don't have to be a Christian to buy from
me you can be a pagan Heathen what whatever whatever you want to call yourself you can be whatever religion you want to be I don't care I don't care no why because I I'm I'm not confused about my assignment there are people who don't believe the Bible don't believe in God don't want anything to do with him but they will still pay me hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn what I know yes yes yes that's why I don't back in the door with it why because I'm not trying to get any customers like I'm
not I'm not in fact I'm not attempting to get anything like I'm good nothing's missing in my life and I'm not saying nothing's missing because I have so much money I'm saying nothing's missing because I have the source that is the source of the money and more importantly that Source has me okay so myin if God created wealth for his people why are Christians broke that why we here a ain't that what we talking about okay so here's why because number one misinterpreted passages of scripture misinterpreted loudly preached unstudied passages of scripture like what like
Like For the Love of Money is the root of all evil let's start with that one we've already talked about it once the love of money is the root of all evil that's what it says so whatever it means it's not contradicting everything we just talked about whatever it means it means something and whatever it means it does not contradict any of those passages we just talked about and none of those passages contradict it so what does the love of money as the root of all evil mean well let's talk about what it doesn't mean
it it not only what it doesn't mean what it cannot mean it's impossible for it to mean this it's impossible for it to mean that the love of money is the root of every single solitary evil in the world it cannot mean that sh my but sure it can mean that no it can't it no it cannot mean that because if it meant that then Adam and Eve would have eaten the fruit from the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil because Satan paid them and that transaction had nothing that transgression had nothing to do
with money so it can't mean that the love of money is the root of every single solitary evil in the world are y'all tracking like so whatever it means it doesn't mean that the love of money is the root of every single solitary evil in the world it does not mean that because all the evil that's in the world some people just do evil because they're evil and it has nothing to do with money they do evil for free you ain't even got to pay them right right so when the scripture says the love of
money is the root of all evil the key word in that verse is the word all if you don't know what the word all means in that verse you're going to misinterpret it and think that it means that the love of money is the root of every single solitary evil oh okay if it doesn't mean every single solitary what does it mean just you can go look it up in a strong concordance you don't have to take my word for it I looked it up that's why that's why when somebody yeah but the love of
money is the root of all evil every time I somebody quotes that to me when I'm teaching something like this I think okay I know you know what it says but clearly you have no idea what it's saying because if you did you wouldn't be using that verse to think you're contradicting something I just said H so what does the word all mean in that verse go look it up for yourself but I'm going to tell you it means means all kinds all types all manner so the love of money is the root of all
evil actually means the love of money is the root of all kinds all types all manner of evil what does that mean it means there are people in the world who will do all types all kinds all manner of evil just so they can make some money that's why drug dealers sell drugs that's why pharmaceutical companies are not interested in curing diseases because the love of money is the root of all evil all kinds all types all manner of evil not every single solitary evil in the world every single solitary evil in the world is
not here because of money hm that's pretty simple okay let me give you another one that people misinterpret this is this is this is this is one of the around money this may be the most misinterpreted scripture in the entire Bible it's in Matthew chapter 19 where it says it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven was it that mean exactly what it says but whatever it means it can't mean that people who have money cannot
enter into the kingdom it can't mean that why and Abram was very rich in cattle and silver and gold and Jesus told us that he was he was already in heaven like no no it can't mean that so whatever it means see one of the things we got to do is we got to figure out what stuff sometimes you just got to figure out what stuff don't mean before we figure out what stuff does mean and what we we know it don't don't mean that cuz if if it meant if you have money you can't
go to heaven then Abraham would have to go to hell Isaac Jacob King David Solomon all of the disciples probably why because they all came from Rich Jewish families and Rich Jewish families didn't become rich and Je Rich because Jewish people are somehow greedy and evil they become wealthy because Jewish people understand the spiritual implications of wealth and what the Bible actually teach is about money some Jewish people not all Jewish people even understand that but some do as a as a culture they understand so so whatever it means when it says it's easy for
a camel to go through the eye of an and then he said yay hardly shall a rich man enter into the king like but the disciples were confused when he said that they said who then can be saved now I did a whole video on so I'm not going to read all the passage to you you can go watch the video on my other channel on my my my and golden Channel you can go watch it but and I'll do another I'll do that again on this channel but I'll just I'm just going to go
into it a little bit so the one of the reasons people misinterpret that passage is because they take it out of context and they think the context is the story of the Rich Young Ruler but the story is not that the story is not the story of the Rich Young Ruler that's only half of the story the Rich Young Ruler is only half of the story the story is the story about the children and the Rich Young Ruler and if you go read the story you can see clearly that the story starts with the children
it doesn't start with the Rich Young Ruler the Rich Young Ruler is a contrast to the children and what's happening is people are bringing their children to Jesus that he blessed them and the disciples are saying no get those kids out of here and Jesus said suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such as the Kingdom of Heaven what does that even mean it means that these little children are a perfect representation of what you have to do to get to heaven what does that mean what do children have
to do to eat trust that their parents will buy food what do children have to do to have a house to live in trust that their parents will provide a house for them to live in children are dependent on someone else for everything in their lives that's what there that's of such that's why the scripture talks about we need to have childlike faith it doesn't say children need to have adultlike faith but adults need to have childlike Faith what does that mean we need to be completely dependent on God for our Salvation not dependent on
God and us or US and God or us and if I'm depending on God a lot and me a little I'm still not depending on God if I'm helping him he ain't helping me if I'm helping him save me he ain't saving me because it's not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his Mercy he has saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost so Mar you say the stories about the children of Rich Young Ruler what do the children have to do with the story so
children are a picture in this story in uh Matthew chapter 19 they're a picture of people who are completely dependent on somebody else for everything in their lives Jesus said bring those children they're a perfect example of what it's what it takes to get receive eternal life right after he's done blessing the children and praying for them and laying hands on them the Rich Young Ruler comes to him and says good Master what good thing must I do that I may inherit eternal life Jesus asked him a perplexing question a lot of people try to
imply that this means Jesus wasn't good but that's not what Jesus is saying Jesus said why callest thou me good why are you calling me good Jesus wasn't asking why he was calling him good because he wasn't good Jesus was asking him why are you calling me good if you're thinking there's some good thing you can do to inherit eternal life that's why Jesus said why callest thou me good there's none good but one and that's God so either you can what he's saying is either you can be good or I can be good but
we can't both be good but the man missed it you go read the story I'm not putting any of this in there good Master what good thing must I do that I may inherit eternal life Jesus said why calls thou me good for there's none good but one that is God Jesus wasn't saying I'm not good and he wasn't saying I'm not God what Jesus was saying is there's only one good that's God so either I'm good or you're good but we ain't both good so which is it that's why this whole this whole give
your life to Jesus for salvation garbage and I know some people don't like the fact that I called it garbage but I I I wanted you to have a visceral response to it because I have a visceral response to pastors saying do you want to come give your life to Jesus like Jesus wants your life what's you what's that going to do for him him Jesus gave his life for you salvation is not me giving my life to Jesus salvation is Jesus gave his life for me and I receive that as the full payment for
my sin and when I give my life to Jesus I'm doing it out of gratitude not as a condition of Salvation okay anyway I'm a little heed cuz words matter well then Jesus said but if you want to inherit eternal life if you want to do it yourself here's how you do it he said if you want to do it yourself here's how you do it keep the Commandments what is Jesus doing he's given this opport man an opportunity to repent and say I've attempted to keep the Commandments and I can't do it now if
the man were honest wouldn't he have to say that because that's what all of us have to say I've attempted to be good I'm not good at being good I'm way better at being bad right that' be an honest statement but the man the man didn't he didn't say I'm not I've already tried that I can't do it here's what he said well which Commandments bro like don't you want to coach this like bro stop you're not you're not you're not doing yourself any favors which commandments so Jesus named a bunch of Commandments the guy
was keeping and then he named one he wasn't he said well you know honor your father and your mother you know um um uh I don't even remember what all on which ones he told him to keep now um but he named a bunch of Commandments the guy was keeping and then he named Thou shalt not kill thou sh shalt not steal okay great I'm not doing that I'm not steal I'm Thou shalt not commit adultery Noe never committed adultery cool love thy neighbor as thyself the guy could have just said yeah that's a little
hard that really love me but he didn't say that he said all these have I kept from my youth up what lack I yet and then Jesus gives this man an individual prescription to cure his delusion and his self-righteousness and we've taken it as a universal principle he gave this man an individual prescription for this man that will work for anybody who's depending on themselves this man was rich in self-righteousness what good thing shall I do he owed a debt to God just like all of us do and he's trying to pay the debt with
his good deeds and so Jesus said okay the only thing you lack now since you're going to lie to my face I'm going to show you you a liar he didn't say that but this is this is what the story is showing us you lack one thing go sell everything that you have give it to the poor and come and follow me why did Jesus tell that man to do that because the man just lied to Jesus and told him I've done all these things I've not committed adultery I've honored my mother and my father
I've I've not stolen I've not committed adultery um and I love my neighbor as myself you love your neighbor as yourself well clearly you love you I can tell by that outfit you love you you are clearly your favorite person so since you're telling me you love your neighbor like your you love yourself prove it go sell everything you have give it to the people around you and come and follow me this was not a selling everything you have and giving it to the poor is not a universal principle for salvation it was an illustration
and an individual prescription that God that Jesus gave to this man to show him that he was lying go read the story I didn't put any of this in there it says when he heard that he went away sorrowful because he had many possessions right he had many possessions and here's the problem he loved the possessions more than he loved the people just like so many entrepreneurs love the prophets more than they love the people if you don't get to the place in your life and in your business where you love people so much you'll
never sell them anything that will harm them you don't really love your neighbor like you love yourself Jesus was telling this man stop depending on you you I get it you have enough money to sustain yourself you trust in your wealth what he's saying is the pro your problem is that you're trusting in yourself so go sell everything you have follow me and stop trusting you start trusting me the man went away sorrowful and then Jesus said verily I say unto you hardly shall a rich man enter the kingdom of heaven and it's easier for
the camel to go through the eye of a needle than is for a rich man man anything kingdom of God now there are people who say that's talking about a gate in Israel I went to Israel I asked a whole bunch of people nobody could point me to this gate that's lower that you had to take everything off the camel's back and the Camel had to go through on his knees nobody could direct me to that gate I asked I asked our guide I asked is there a gate that's called the eye of the needle
in Israel that they nobody could point me to this gate that people say it was there okay great I believe that in that passage is talking about a literal camel and a literal sewing needle that your mama used to use to sew up your socks and it's easier for a camel like a big old camel with two humps or one to go through the eye of that needle than it is for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven now if it's talking about a literal camel and a literal needle what am I
missing what you're missing is you're missing the definition of the word Rich because the word rich in that verse is used in another place in scripture and the word rich is the word plos it's not the word Pluto Pluto means literally Rich PLO means figuratively Rich H where else is that passage where else is that word used in the Bible it's used in 2 Corinthians chapter 8 verse number nine verse number eight or nine and it says um um the grace of our Lord Jesus and we know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that
though he was rich plos yet for your sakes he became poor that you through his poverty might be rich if we're just using the definitions and we're just using the context that would mean that if a rich person who has money can't get to heaven that means that Jesus sold physical things for physical money and paid for our salvation with money because it's the same word plos Jesus was rich how he Rich he was rich in righteousness how rich was he in righteousness he was eternally and completely righteous how do I know that CU over
in the book of Hebrews it tells us for such an high priest became us who is Holy harmless undefiled separate from Sinners who needeth not daily as those high priest the descends of Le descendants of Levi to offer up sacrifice first for his own sins then for the sins of the people for this he did once when he offered up himself we know the grace the gift of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor how did he become poor he emptied himself of righteousness and became sin
for us that ye through his poverty might be rich oh oh it's starting to make sense now so a person who's rich in self-righteousness cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven that's what it's teaching I'm I'm not adding any all I'm doing is studying it it's not saying a person who has a lot of money can't go to heaven it can't say that God would be contradicting himself it can't mean that and so you've been resisting creating wealth because you thought somehow if I make too much money I ain't going to get in like you're
confusing your you're unfortunately pastors don't study and parishioners don't study either so people don't study the Bible so what they end up is with some hodg Podge misinterpreted passage that they think they got a Bible Doctrine and what they have is they have some isolated outof context lack of defi lack Illy defined misunderstanding of what they thought the Bible was saying and God never intended any of it so misinterpreted scriptures okay why are Christian why why Christians are broke one one misinterpreted passages two misaligned priorities Christians are broke because their priorities are misaligned well what's
the proper alignment of priorities for a follower of Christ but seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you it's it's fascinating to me that people who quote it they say it but they act like the last part of that all these things shall be added unto you is not part of the verse all what things all the things that the Gentiles worry about I don't have to worry about how I'm going to take care of myself why I'm seeking first the kingdom of God what
does that mean that means I'm seeking to yield my life to God as The Sovereign King Of My Life Moment by moment day by day I'm seeking to yeld my life to God as a sovereign king of my life he gets to run me I don't get to run me and then when I yield my life to God he gives me an assignment to rule over and that assignment has to yield to to me and when that assignment yields to me it brings me peace and it brings me Prosperity why because I'm the king of
my thing ladies you're the queen of your scene this is how God said it I myON didn't make it like this I just like took advantage of the fact that this is how it is I just operated within the Paradigm seek ye first the kingdom of God I yield my life to God as a sovereign King Of My Life I rule over my assignment with Sovereign Authority and then I use the assignment that I rule over to serve every human being I come in contact with and when I do that then I'm seeking the kingdom
of God and when I'm seeking the kingdom of God by doing that all these things shall be added into me why because when I serve people at a high level some of those people pay me at a high level you have misaligned priorities and so therefore you're broke you've not been yielded to God or you've not been ruling over your assignment or you've not been using that assignment to serve people you're broke the unifying theme of the entire Bible is the kingdom of God Jesus first sermon was not about salvation it was about the kingdom
of God the purpose of Salvation is to restore the kingdom of God like we are so confused by religiosity and because of we don't study the Bible and so misinterpreted passages misaligned priorities and misconduct from preachers Christians are broke because pastors don't study study to show thyself approved unto God a Workman that needeth not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of Truth so we're supposed to study and it's supposed to be work I'm not supposed to sit down and conjure up an idea and see if I can find a Bible verse to match and then
make three points and a poem and holler really loud on my weakest points I have a responsibility if I'm going to be teaching the word of God to people I have a responsibility to be a more diligent student than I am a d required to be a dynamic teacher and the Dynamics of your teaching should come from the Ence in your study and if it doesn't come from there then maybe you shouldn't be a teacher anyway this is why the Bible tells in the Book of James chapter 3:1 Brethren my brethren be not many Masters
or many teachers knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation for in many things we offend all that doesn't mean we make them mad it means we cause people to stumble by teaching them errors If any man offend or doesn't cause somebody to stumble in word the same as a perfect man and able also to Bridle the whole body and then there are so many preachers out there preaching messages that their life doesn't match and Jesus said it would have been better for a millstone to be tied around your neck and you be cast into
the sea than to teach these little ones something that causes them to stumble why are Christians broke well I believe the major the the main reason the majority of Christians are broke is number one misinterpreted passages number two misaligned priorities and number three the misconduct of preachers so I hope this video blesses you go do something about it and stop being broke stay blessed by the best I'll see you in the next video [Applause]
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