Curso de Java #01 - História do Java - Gustavo Guanabara

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Aula Completa em A História da Linguagem Java se ...
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♫ ♫ buzz ♫ ♫ Opening Music Hello Welcome to your first lesson of your course of Java. The application as Java course. My name is Gustavo Guanabara, I am your teacher and like most of the students asked: "I want Java course, I course of Java.
" Take the course of Java And in this first lesson we will deal with the following subject: What is the history of Java? And if you are a former student of the "Video Course" You already know everything I start, beginning with the history of this thing And if you're a new student: Welcome ! I call you "little grasshopper" Ever And the "Video Course" already has a number of recorded courses already available for free on the platform, with download packages and free certificate.
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You need to be a "little grasshopper", already pre registered in the course site Video. And as I always say: so we can understand a technology, You have to know where it came from, and this time, I'll take a step back too large you will understand why, you will understand what is the need that I have it. ♫ ☕ coffee Sound falling in ☕ ♫ mug And the step after that I will give, is the history of computers yes, I'm going back to the first computer.
This ai for example, that're appearing on your screen, is the ENIAC it was the University of Pennsylvania it occupied an entire floor when you went to college, or when you studied basic computer, you probably heard of him. what I mean about these computers is the following: They did not have a specific programming language, they had no way to program by typing commands, how to program them, it is the way you ta seeing there, the woman turning the knob, and doing his programming this programming that you see there, was through plugs and buttons then you had previous definition of positions, where each button should be and that, had the pre programming the machine. This part that is appearing there the boy doing maintenance, are the valves, the first computers were valved ENIAC, out of curiosity, was a computer that did not work in binary base he worked directly in decimal base And that meant that the amount of necessary valves were too large So there is curiosity.
So what I mean these early computers was that they had no effective language, you could not program it typing commands, because he had no keyboard input panel that's when you saw the video Then the first languages, with the evolution of computer I'm going to jump a little further ahead, right? This development was slightly slower what I'm doing now here with you The first computers, they had no language. From the moment in which the computer He won the table, right?
He won the Desktop He began to effectively have a market him, software, languages ​​have evolved and began to emerge what we call high-level languages For example, you may have heard in Pascal And if you have not heard, have no major problems not Pascal is an ancient language, a very old programming language If you are a little older, you probably studied Pascal in his high school Or in the early periods of his college I'll put here for example, a program "Hello World" in Pascal So I create a variable there, a variable of type String msg Put hello world in this variable, then msg receives hello world And write is the command to write the message on the screen, then he would write "Hello, world" on the screen. And the funny thing here is this: if you are not a guy who knows Pascal, just looking, you had sense of what was happening there. He will write "hello, world" on the screen.
So even if you do not know the specific language, commands, with this short explanation I gave here, you will be able to understand what he is going to write on the screen. So this language, agree with me that she's very close to you? You can understand, even without knowing the fact that language.
I showing the command, showing on the screen, you can understand. This code that is appearing on your screen, is what we call the source code in Pascal. To write "Hello World" on the screen.
So I'll say that this source is in a high level language, that is, it is a language that is close to you user. Here you would be down here would be the machine, It would be what we call "machine language" microinstructions. Then a high-level language, is far from the microinstructions that a machine will require.
So, Pascal language, is a language spoken high level, and code you entered is said source code. The big problem is that if the source code is submitted to a machine, it certainly will not understand anything. Then you can think ta "put Guanabara, a machine is not a smart thing?
" No, the computer is dumb as hell! The computer only understands the microinstructions, the language that it is programmed to understand. So the language that the computer will understand it is only the microinstructions.
Your high-level language does not mean anything to him. So basically, if you get this source code that you understand without any problem and go pro your computer, it will not understand anything. You need a process there.
Basically, this process consists of the following: I'll have a software component, which we will call the compiler. And I'll submit this source code to the computer but not the compiler. Which is software.
This compiler will turn your source code into something that is understandable by the computer, we call executable code. Note that now the executable code is the language that the computer understands and you do not understand more. So I needed this compiler there in the middle to transform the source code into executable code.
And then I wanted to make one thing clear pros students arriving in the current video and want many details, very detailed things. This is an introductory course, I know that and you are an experienced programmer knows which is not only the compiler, you have the compiler, you have the linker, you have the assembler, you have the interpreter, you have a number of things that are part what I called compiler What I want to make clear here is that I'm focusing on this course the users who are starting you who can program to hell today already had to start at some point, did not you? Then his teacher, he started in a way a little quieter, a little more quiet showing you the details gradually, And that's exactly what I'm talking about.
So save your complaint saying: It is not only the compiler, the linker has, has the assembler has the assembler. calm, you can not talk about all the details at the same time because who's starting, you have to learn and gradually. This executable code that was generated I can submit it to my computer and without any problem he will understand and will run on the screen.
And that was long the traditional programming process. Then in the first languages those high level that arose early in programming was done in this way: The programmer, sat on the computer typing the source code It went through a build process, generated executable code, and executable code that would run on the computer. And it's very simple, it is all very easy.
And what is the major impediment that? What's the big problem that arose in relation to this? We will return here for you to see.
then as I said before the build process It is the transformation of the source code executable code the major impediment it all It was as follows if you get this source and this executable code it will only be executable on a particular platform which was the platform on which it was compiled SE If I have other systems such as LINUX and MacOS They will stay out of the implementation of this program This is because they have been compiled into a platform specific In my case here, I exemplified as MSDOS If I want this system to work on several other platforms I'll need a mechanism somewhat different Let's use as an example, another language, which is the C language The C language is another very old language, but it is such an important language that today the market The C language functions as follows: I also have a source . . .
that there is a program to write "hello world" on the screen And you just pause the video, I will not say anything You pause the video when you see the source code and you will understand it you may not understand everything, but you will understand exactly what is the command to write on the screen C language has a peculiarity very specific, has compilers for various platforms So if I get the source code of C language, typed on a computer and pass by the compiler, other computers other platforms So what I did there was take a C program and pass three different compilers These compilers will generate different results executable code specific to each platform Taking these executable codes, and sending to their respective platforms Each of them will understand your C program So you get the idea which is running the business? Basically, it will get the source code in C, will build on a platform specific And this platform will generate an executable code for this platform This for many years, was seen as revolutionary, So that the C language has a very great importance Basically, to have this feature The C language is known as a cross-platform language That is, since using the right compiler It will work for multiple platforms And again, here it is a small parenthesis In some cases, most of them, you have to get this source code in C and make minor adjustments, because different platforms work with micro instructions a little different So basically, in practice it did not work very well as books spoke You had to, yes, you picked up a source code and compiled, but you need to make minor changes Let me be clear that Because of this feature multiple platforms, The C was used for many years, and even today is still To create many known software such as: Firefox If you remember well, Firefox is a browser that exists on multiple platforms, You have it for Windows, you have to Linux, You have to Mac, you have to mobile devices and many others. The key to that Firefox works on all these platforms It is the platform of the C language, Windows you use is done in C, Linux you use is done in C, If you're on Mac OS is written in C, If you're seeing on your mobile iOS or Android These systems were made in C language And so it is a great injustice to keep the C language with the title you're up there, "Ancient Languages" The C evolved, Also part of modern languages The evolution of C is C ++ This "++" It concerns the addition of Object Orientation in language That is an extremely modern concept.
And I could not speak of C ++ without telling the joke that're involved in this, The very language C, It has an increment operator is the operator "++" A unit that increases, If you are our PHP course student Surely you know how to use the "++" In several PHP course lectures I talked about the "++" "++" Means adding one more Then, the C language is the traditional language, The C ++ language is a traditional language with some more extra, Then he added one more thing that was the Object Orientation in C, And so it is called "C ++" He found a bad joke? Then you will hate this next here, The evolution of C ++, Later it is known as "C ++" adding two more "+", Giving rise to what we now call C # (Sharp) Basically, this serquilha there would be four symbols "+" represented visually. Bad, right?
"Wisecrack programmer" But that's exactly what works, The C language is the traditional language, the next C ++, Above C ++, C #, But then I took a very big step, C # is a very modern language Let's go back to C ++ and understand how it was important, in a specific project ♫ ☕ coffee Sound falling in ☕ ♫ mug I'll take a break, that his first class java course to talk about two very important things, I hope you will listen with great care. the course of java, it is being done, "so" professionally. Who's seeing the other courses, answers and everything, if you are coming now, you have seen that the quality of our courses is different from others and another thing you may have noticed, is that you are not paying anything for it.
This course is free and this is only possible thanks to our sponsors and I came here to speak briefly about the two "But just" do not even forward the video, is quick thing. The "Host Net" website hosting is the company that believes in "ongoing video" from the beginning "So then," I would like to ask is the following: If you have a client, or if you even want to put a website online, but do not know which company to choose "Man," believes the Host Net, they have the best hosting service in Brazil, I guarantee "face" their service is very good, and their support is phenomenal. more forward in the course, I'll talk a little more about each of the sponsors, now it's just a quick pass, saw how quickly?
According sponsor is the "Educandus Teaching System" That is divided into two parts: The Educandus school that prepares military he makes military preparatory for technical, "Man, look" you are studying "algorithm", is not it? you are studying "php", is not it? You are studying "java", is not it?
There is a strand within the Navy and within the aeronautical how technology professionals Basically, you have to have the 2nd grade between 17 and 24 years Take a peek after the site of the guys And you'll be naval officer and aeronautical In the marine cable as you enter and aeronautical you enter as a sergeant. to work with computer! And Educandus has two things, as I said.
the Educandus that way in person. and online Educandus How the Internet. so if you were curious, you have a really cool thing that we will see this week visit the Course In Video during this week one more time Monday is the day to leave class, is not it?
You are happy, left the course, he he he . . .
back here to the end of the week will be a day that will have a special surprise for you signed by Educandus so this is my dear, thank you for your attention, I tried to be as fast as possible go back to your class, there will little grasshopper, studying boy In 1990, a company called Sun Microsystems had a project using the C ++ language they wanted to connect multiple interfaces and make several different devices to work together and I need you here that shipping in time, we're talking 1990 in 1990 there was already the C ++ with object orientation and a team of Sun Microsystems, but the company was called "sun" this team would be responsible for creating a technology using C ++ language itself, where different devices could communicate with each other this Sun team led by James Gosling would be responsible to perform the feat In 1990 it was increasingly difficult because he had not automatons microprocessors as an agent has today the thing would be a bit more complicated and it was. the C ++ language was not enough to do this, and they had to, what? abandon the project?
do not. Let's create our own language within the company, this group became known as Green Team more a joke without programmer for free was a call from Dram Team basketball, which was the dream team they called the Green Team Green Team create a language to replace the C ++ in this task and baptized her GreenTalk basically it is a language with the aim intercommunication make deferent devices talk to each other before long, the GreenTalk became one of the largest projects of Sun Microsystems and quickly was renamed, and not lose the habit, renamed a very bizarre way the new name chosen in 1991 for the language would be Oak and if you did know basic English Oak that means what? Carvalho, but the tree, oak because, legend has it, the Gosling room overlooked a leafy oak So imagine the situation: the guy is sitting in his office and he talks like this: "I need a better name for that language" He looked out the window, oak's there, Oak was so, so ran the business logo oak yielded good results and was soon created this little device here known as Seven Star or simply * 7 starlet seven the project Seven Star was revolutionary for its time basically this device that is showing up there on your screen which looks like a right GPS, he had a 6 or 7-inch screen, I do not remember very well Some devices such as: antenna communication, integrated microchip, he had smartcards he had input headphone jack, had .
. . Infrared transmission devices integrated sound system and a touch screen this screen was a particular treat there she had her system, so there you're showing is the boot screen of the Seven Star of the day He showed that you could in addition to tighten, drag the screen, so you had components and to make the most interactive thing, it was created a little mascot, Duke one that is showing up there on the screen basically then you would control your entire home through the Seven Star then there he squeezed into the room, in the living room you have television and VCR he would control the TV, he pressed the television he would show there some controls such as brightness, contrast, volume of television channels, it could choose the channels and choosing a channel he could see the programming of this channel which programs would go and in what time but once I got to tell it to you if transport time, I know that today you have interactive TV, you have even more than that but in 1991, it was revolutionary a 6 "screen, touch allowing control appliances and lamps of your home That was the idea of ​​* 7 (star serven) And you will say: Our Sun was then the multimillion it, why this device is sensational no Unfortunately they produced six of these devices They offered this project for large companies, for major TV channels which could appear more propaganda, full interactivity but unfortunately no company was interested and in 1992 the green project team was emgavetado then "just" a project that appeared very nice, a very interesting proposal unfortunately not interested companies, perhaps by its revolutionary made not interested and was unfortunately for the "drawer" and there you saw talk: Powder Guanabara, why are you graduate student me, this sad story you showed me a technology that emerged, evolved, right, the Oak language was sensational and .
. . okay a name through the scrotum, but sensational and there are you telling me this story for what?
this because in this life my dear grasshopper, not everything happens at the time that we want not everything happens the way we want, learn it and that's how it worked with the Oak language, she in 1992 was "shelved" and no one had more hope to create anything with it until in 1994, an old acquaintance of ours appeared in 1994 you must remember, Tim Berners-Lee was creating the HTML and all the technologies involved have you ever stopped to think that Tim Berners-Lee appears in every single course Course in Video inventions of Tim Berners-Lee so important in all fields of technology including the emergence of the Java language so basically we had here ô: we had a Green Team project evolved, it created a language, baptized is Oak, created a project that was the Star Seven that would be revolutionary but nobody was interested and was "shelved" and then came the invention of Tim Berners-Lee to facilitate it all all this because he was creating the HTML that was an interactive language for the web Seven Star was interactive, the Oak language allowed interactivity So why do not we take it all and joins a technology only? and that's exactly what they thought, then comes the project WebRunner the Sun Microsystems project called WebRunner and was more of a "piadoca" it is without grace also you've probably seen the movie "Blade Runner", did not you? because it was there that they decided to do homage tá difficult that names the WebRunner would actually be a similar browser with Internet Explorer or Firefox only in 1994 that there was nothing that the main idea was to create WebRunner interactivity to the web that is, the proposal was as follows: let's take everything that was created for Star Seven and implement the web, all lovely everything perfect but then came a big problem with the language name as incredible as it may seem, there was already a registered technology as Oak and there, in time to register the name of the language, a small problem for Gosling team would not use the name and honor the leafy oak that was there in front of the window Gosling they would have at the last minute to change the name of the language as Oak was not the one available name Gosling had a meeting with all programmers Green Team the record of this meeting coast a story like this: very sad Gosling, the Green Team sad as hell too "Hey we could not right .
. . .
we will not be able to honor the oak . . .
" It could not be the Oak, and there Gosling asked, "What makes you more excited" and developers responded: Coffee no no no, so for, you're kidding that they will call the coffee language? not, it will be worse it happens that a language called "coffee" would be odder still what they did, they thought the following: for the coffee is good, the coffee has to be strong and there it is a cultural parenthesis here: strong coffee as hell there are the grain grown in the islands of Java this was the coffee they consumed when they needed to be animadíssimos ♫ ♫ reggae music playing I particularly think they consumed something else but nevermind, I'm not I'll be judging anyone here in some places in the United States there was a slang called "Java coffee" it was the Java coffee, which was not necessarily a cultivated coffee in Java Islands it was a jargon for "strong coffee" then some Americans when they want to say: I want a strong coffee, he asks for a "java coffee" then when Gosling asked what makes you excited? they said: Java coffee, not necessarily referring to foreign coffee but the strong coffee, because that answer all laughed, all embraced and was chosen the new name of the language, Java and why even today the symbol of language is a nice hot cup of coffee and there, like the evolution, like by the time we arrived so that's why the Java language had that name Java Java is called because it is the Java language once dubbed the language, let's return to WebRunner project that was where we had stopped as well as they renamed the language and got a pretty cool name in their view WebRunner the project would also be renamed, and would be called: HotJava this was the face of one of the first versions of the browser the idea was to take all the interactivity of the Java language project, formerly named Oak to the web and it was around this same time that there was a "boom" in the media that is, everyone spoke: Java is the language of the future, Java is the interactivity of language if you are a programmer you learn Java because Java is now the future and there, one of the big companies that develop browser, Netscape He decided to enter this marketing ploy and launched the JavaScript language that has nothing to do with Java, JavaScript and Java has nothing to do with each other and not the weird name, this because the Java language created by Sun Microsystems It was a great success, so Netscape decided to enter this wave and use the same name in a language that was to call LiveScript and was renamed JavaScript, a small marketing jogadinha but do not confuse, Java and JavaScript are two completely different language with completely different functionality and proposals and there with this play of interactivity Sun Microsystems right away wanted to create some external interactivities, that is, using the web you could for example interact with external mechanisms, for example on and off your TV and all one of the first steps taken by Sun for interconnection of external devices It was the Java Ring the project Java Ring proposed the creation of a ring, but a small ring you could get close to the computer and it replace your passwords and would also make automatic settings all in favor of that initial proposal to interact external things with Java this interaction that language was made exactly for this one of the exponents of this interaction between computers and remote devices I'll show you now in 2004 NASA had an ambitious project that was to get to the "red planet," Mars with this they sent a small robot that ai map the Martian soil and there you may be thinking, damn what you have to see a robot with the soil of Mars and Java this because this robot was on Mars communicated with computers here on Earth through, guess what language, Java Java he had in his heart and it was really cool to language and was also reported quite everybody was talking robot and everything, but you know that this little robot was running Java from there the language underwent a major process of popularization and this process of popularization culminate with a very important thing leaves a do you a question first of all: when I talk to you about open source free software, what do you think?
to 99. 999999% response of users is Linux at most one LibreOffice, it is buzzword in computer whenever a speech on free software or open source, basically speaking Linux, LibreOffice and nothing more than that I'll show you some projects that are open source in addition to Linux and LibreOffice, if you answered that you're absolutely right some other very popular designs that you use during the day are open source such as Firefox browser, "but Guanabara I do not use Firefox", and Chrome is also if you are a student of the Course In Video you access a site that done in WordPress which is open source, and if you are also a student of the Course In Video surely we have learned the PHP language, which also has its open source and there you may be saying, this open source business is more programmer, is not it? no artist also use open source if you are a graphic artist you can use Gimp to make photo editing or if you are 3D artist can use Blender for it all those software that are appearing on your screen, are open source and you can download them for free and it was this way of open source that was gradually won the hearts of everyone in the Sun and it was there that in 2006 was added to this to this great hall open source our dear and esteemed language of hot coffee Yes, since 2006 the Java language is open source, and it was recorded as GPL which is one of the most popular free software licenses another very big change that happened was in relation to Sun Microsystems in 2009 the company ceased to exist, and there you can ask: Damn, went bankrupt?
no, he was sold, and it was not for little money in 2009 by the small amount of 7. 4 billion dollars it was sold to giant Oracle This is it, by 2009 Java was controlled by Sun Microsystems and from 2009 to today's date I'm recording this video Java and owned by Oracle company and there you're worried: and Gosling was sent away? not he was transferred company, he started working at Oracle, but a year later in 2010 he withdrew from the company, resigned and was dealing with other projects Today he works in a small startup that takes care of projects related to the creation of clean energy and today is undisputed success of Java, you can find Java multiple things in your life Today the language is present in your life, I guarantee it for you I'll show some examples of the use of the Java language currently and you'll know what I mean, sure you use them and do not even know that Java's there when you use banking systems on your computer and want to access the Home Banking you probably received a message that had to install something Java when you use credit cards today or bank cards that have that little chip smart chips that are all read by an interface created in Java Java is also present in your phone if you have an Android system, and the vast majority have all the software you use are created in Java know when you pick up your phone and your Facebook lit, open WhatsApp take a picture and put on Instagram, all these programs are written in Java as I said earlier, the Android system is also free and is created in C language but the software for Android, all are in Java other place where Java is present is on Blu-ray You know when you put a Blu-ray disc to watch a movie et al appears that menu, those options, everything is controlled by a system in Java and speaking of personal entertainment, you should also have a reader and paper one of the examples and the Kindle, the Kindle also Java wheel and if you are not connected in reading it sure is connected to TV, Digital TV the pattern of TVi created in Brazil is made entirely in Java when digital TV was implemented in Brazil, much was made of the Ginga system it was the interactive system and all, this system is done in Java Wearable modern systems such as watches as the Moto 360 also run Java on your heart and Java is present in up to half a few things inconvenient You know when you arrive at the end of the year, you have to make the income tax declaration and opens the IRS program to make online statement it is up to it, even in this sad moment of our lives Java is present that system of IRS to you declare the income tax and in Java then that's before you start to learn Java was seen with interesting people know the evolution of language as it came, how it evolved, with that she arrived today and what it is being done now on the market, so that's galley I hope you have enjoyed the first class of your Java course, she ended in class that comes, you will learn how Java works you saw to say: "powder Java is equal to C" I showed how the C language Java is different, it is a little different, and I will show the next class how it works I sincerely hope you have enjoyed this first class this Java course it is being much sought so I sincerely hope that you cooperate, collaborate as giving me money?
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