if you have your Bibles I would like for you to open them with me as we go to the Book of Luke Chapter 2 and I want to speak to you for a few moments this morning I'm calling this sermon what is your I must watch your I must what your one thing you must do that you know God has laid on your heart to do in Luke Chapter 2 now so it was after three days they found him speaking of Jesus at the age of 12 in the temple sitting in the midst of the
teachers both listening to them he's 12 years of age it says this in a in earlier in the passage and he sitting in the temple with the scholars and they saw him and they were amazed and he's in the midst of the teachers both listening to them and asking them questions that were that that the questions were so complex deep and wellth thought that they baffled the minds of the of the theologians of that day the scholars the rabbis and all who heard him were astonished at a 12year old at his understanding and answers and
when they saw him they were amazed and his mother said to him I love this she's ticked she is ticked at her 12year old boy son why have you done this to us look your father and I have been seeking you anxiously and she she doesn't say it right here but it says that he was lost from him for three days he had been gone and he said to them why did you seek me woo he's on Dangerous Grounds boy did you not know that I must be about my father's business and they did not
understand the statement which he spoke what's your I must Jesus at the age of 12 had his parents terribly upset which brings me great joy to know that even the parents of Jesus when their child was turning a teenager was already driving them crazy we're not that far he truly was a human and Jesus in this text said I must Mom Dad I must be about my father's business we're good at taking care of our business but he said I must be about my father's business if you'll ever learn this secret if you'll be about
and the father's business and put him first God will always take care of your business I must be about my father's business in 1 Corinthians 15 the Apostle Paul said by the grace of God I am what I am what a powerful verse many times before I go to a pull pit I will think of that verse and I've even caught myself saying it especially in intimidating circumstances by the grace of God I am what I am because life will put you in situations where you feel insufficient you feel not good enough but by the
grace of God I am what I am God told Moses I am that I am and I'm not confused about who I am as God so the point that I'm making is this the first revelation that you get from God is who you are if you will spend time with God he will show you photographs and glimpses of who you really are you are not a drug addict you're not an alcoholic the rest of your life you're not a fake failure you're not a loser if you spend time with God he knows who he is
and he knows who he created you to be and the first thing that happens is you get an I am from God and the I am establishes your identity but then there's something that is goes equally with that that God can give you it's called an I must and an I must establishes your purpose I am therefore I must do this I know who I am I've got my identity from God I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and when I'm weak his grace is sufficient for me I am
what I am by the grace of God and then secondly I must because God has has dropped a must into my spirit John in verse 14 Jesus said I am the Good Shepherd and then in verse 16 he said I must bring them together as one flock with one Shepherd I want you to see it he said I am and then he said I must I I have my identity and I have my must when you have an I must from God and every one of you every one of you if you will begin to
come to a church like this on a regular basis and get in the Bible and start reading it for yourself God will clearly make to you known your I must who you are and what you must do before you leave this planet I an I must moves you from being to doing an I must will move you from complacency to being compelled when I say I must I'm in the grip of something that is greater than myself when an I must that God puts in sets down in your spirit it begins to consume you I
am not on this planet just to eat and drink and pay bills I am a person of purpose and I must means you're overcome by something and I must means that you've eliminated some things in your life that are not part of the purpose that God has for you your life when I say I must it means I'm not living out of convenience anymore I'm living out of conviction I must do some things and therefore anything I have to eliminate that would hinder me I got to get rid of it I must fulfill the purpose
God has for my life there are certain non-negotiables in my life because I have an I must my life has a purpose Beyond Myself self I must there's a difference between an opportunity and an I must you'll get a lot of opportunities and if you don't watch it you'll waste a lot of your life just doing opportunities but then there are the I must that God says this is my plan for you focus on this and this will get you to everything you're supposed to every other thing will come out of this I must there's
a difference as I said between an opportunity and an I must and I must listen carefully releases a certain order into your life there are things that are less important because when you discover your eye must they're just distractions there are things that are most important when you find your eye must my eye must tells me what I must give my money to my eye must tells me what I give my time to my eye must tells me what I use my energy for in life in Numbers 22 and 38 balum said the word of
God was put in my mouth that I must speak job had three friends and they talked a lot and then finally in job 32 he said I must open my lips and answer the power of an i mus will help you decide when you need to talk when you have to speak up Jeremiah said it's like a fire shut up in my bones and I wanted to quit but my eye must with wouldn't let me quit I had to speak up and I had to say something and I couldn't hold back that's what's wrong with
your preacher when I get on issues that are controversial I read the Bible and when I get them in me I must get up and preach what God tells me to do and sometimes you you know it's amazing when somebody when you begin to touch on somebody's ey must notice this in your children they make be silent about this and that and they know but then you hit that one thing it's a clue to their Destiny when they have to talk about it that's their eye must speaking you see there are times when you should
be silent in their times when you should speak I must helps you decide what kind of people you need to be close to Jesus in Luke 19 and verse 5 said zachus come out of that tree and then he said for I must come to your house today when you have an I must on your life you understand that not everybody belongs in your inner circle it's not that you're ugly or you're Superior or you're better it's just that there are certain people that are supposed to be close to you and you understand that I
must helps you choose the places that you go choose the people that you hang out with and I must help you understand the things that you're supposed to talk about in John 4 Jesus said to his disciples on the way to Jerusalem I must my needs be I must I've got to do this I must go to Samaria let me tell you something about an I must that every Christian under the sound of my voice needs to get Jesus when he made that statement he said the boy they said why are we going to they
started arguing with why are we going going over there we don't have any business we don't mix with those people they're not our kind of people we're Jews they're Samaritans we don't want to have nothing to do with them but Jesus had an I must that made him go to places that other people wouldn't go why because he had a soul on his radar the woman at the well who had been married five times and was living shacking up with number six but Jesus had an I must assignment to get a burden for a woman
God Almighty In the Flesh was so had an eye mus on him that he said we're walking 16 miles out of the way bypassing and you guys go get some lunch cuz they were whining we're hungry when they finally got there he said go get lunch I don't need you just go get you something to eat and while he sat there he waited because he knew that woman was coming I wish that every one of us would Lord help me I wish every one of us would get an and I must for one lost person
in our life and get them on our radar and say before this year is over I must get them Sav I must get them in a service or I must witness to them I'm going to start it with prayer but I must I must see my child my son my husband my friend the person I work with every day that's lost as they can be I must see them saved I must go to Samaria in Acts 18 the Apostle Paul was warned by a prophet he came and he said and he tied himself up as
an illustrated sermon the prophet did and he said don't go don't go where you're going don't do it if you do they're going to bind you up they're going to torture you they're going to hurt you Paul but listen to what he said when they asked him not to go he said I must keep the feast in Jerusalem God told me to go to Jerusalem and if it costs me it costs me Acts 19 and 21 I must also see Rome he said in Luke 4 and verse 43 Jesus said I must preach the kingdom
of God to other cities and then he makes this statement for this purpose I have been sent notice that and I must connects you to your purpose and I must ties together with purpose Paul was on the road to Damascus and he was as lost as he could be and Jesus in his resurrected body appeared to him and he was blinded and then in Acts n Jesus said to him arise go into the City and you will be told what you must do is't that something what are you pouring your life into Jesus prayed until
his sweat became drops of blood why because there's a difference between I want to and I must Jesus was wrestling in the garden with what he wanted to do with his life versus what he knew the father said you must do with your life and he said if it's possible I don't want to go this way I want to go that way but he wrestled with it in prayer until his ey must one Jesus understood I'm not going to sacrifice my ey must for an I want what's your I must you got one it may
be delayed it may be hindered it may be denied but it is still intact and you have one something on the inside that compels something on the inside that drives you something on the inside that is a mandate from God when God called me to preach it was an I must that it's really when he gave me that one of the first sermons I ever preached was this sermon because I could not I could not shake it I could not get away from it I would read this Bible 40 chapters a day I don't do
that anymore I need to start it again but I used to read 40 chapters a day and I would read it and I would wet it with tears because my eye must I left my friends I used to have friends and all that for but for That season of my life my ey must just said separate from all of that and I got a plan for your life but you it's not guaranteed you got to seek me I know who you are I want to show you your identity and I want to give you and
I must I am therefore I must it's worth it it's worth it to fast and pray and that's when I started fasting I started going on Fast the first one I ever went on I was a crazy guy I went on a 21 day fast and I'd never fasted no food for 21 days what would compel you to do that I must Something in My Heart said I didn't know where it would lead me I I didn't know what God would do but something in me said I must fulfill this call I'm not I don't
even know how to preach I'm terrified but I must and I must will overcome your fear Hallelujah and I must doesn't care there's no such thing oh I feel like preaching there's no such thing as I don't have enough money if you have an I must if you have an I must the money will line up if you have an I must the doors will open if you have an I must and you seek God nothing can stop an I must clap your hands and Shout just a minute aren't you so thankful that God has
a purpose for your life and that he puts in our hearts a dream that can take you and lift you out of your presence circumstances to a point and place of Destiny I really know that I have experienced that I had an i mus that gried my life when God called me to preach at the age of 20 and everything changed and I didn't know what I was going to do and how I was going to do it but I knew I must preach the gospel what about you how long are you going to waste
your life running from God God's got an I must for you and it begin ends with this pray this prayer say Jesus be Lord of my life I must be born again I must be baptized in water in the mighty name of Jesus I must get involved in the Kingdom of God in every way with my time my talent my treasure I must please you above all and I must love you with all of my heart mind soul and strength say Jesus Come into my life you you are my God and savior amen and amen
welcome to the family of God boy I feel that and we can't wait to hear from you it means so much to us if you need prayer today we care go and pray write that number down and call that number or go online there's so many amazing free devotionals that we would love to send you as you have probably been seing Israel is under attack like never before their enemies in Iran Hezbollah and Hamas it's it's coming from every direction thousands of rockets not hundreds thousands of rockets are raining down on the nation of Israel
and that's why we're building a hospital right now that's why we're reaching out and in the north right where all the action is God told us two years ago to get involved in that region and start building a hospital and start supporting and building shelters and to go to the Border in Gaza Strip and do what I tell you to do Northern Israel our Emergency Center is being built and in the South we're keeping fam safe through our newest initiative light over Darkness don't you like that everybody watching say light over Darkness it's a comprehensive
three-year plan that I believe God has called us to stand with our Jewish brothers and sisters to Ure them that we have their back and the Christians in America will not abandon them phase one of this initiative is all about safety when you bless what God loves there is a blessing that will come on you your family and your business I have experienced it it is the truth you can be a part of that blessing today together be light over Darkness watch this and see how you can be involved on October 7 Israel was attacked
by the dark Forces of Hamas it was the worst massacre the Jewish people experienced since the Holocaust the eshal region in southern Israel was attacked directly this is where Jensen Franklin media Ministries in partnership with the Jewish National Fund have been working the Last 5 Years to build fortified schools bomb shelters and other life-saving projects thankfully these projects did save many lives that day and now we stand at a pivotal moment poised to provide provide a Lifeline for the people of eskal who continue to be attacked by terrorists every day Jens and Franklin media Ministries
recently committed the largest amount of funding ever towards the initiative from Darkness to light representing our unwavering dedication to not just help rebuild communities in esal but to mend hearts and restore what seemed irrevocably lost we have a comprehensive plan that will be completed in three phases phase number one provides physical safety that is why we are building civil defense centers and over 800 safe houses making sure every family in the region has a safe room in case of terrorist attacks when you give to a project like this there is a promise for you found
in Genesis 12:3 I will bless those who bless you Israel together we can demonstrate that Faith combined with Collective action can illuminate the darkest moments and Forge a brighter more hopeful future for the eso Community call or go online today one of the most important elections of our lifetime is happening in just a few months if it's anything like the 2020 election your vote matters more now than ever in state after State during the last election the direction of our nation was decided by as few as 10 to 20,000 votes most disturbing is the 20
million evangelicals Nationwide that believe the Bible is the inspired word of God that belied Jesus lived a perfect life born of a virgin died on a cross and rose from the dead 20 million evangelicals Nationwide did not vote in 2020 if you're a Christian I want to challenge you to be sure you're registered to vote and that you vote your values the future for our children and our grandchildren is on the line and we cannot sit this one out [Music] [Music] [Music] what special treasure what special talent do you have on the inside are you
being driven are you being moved by an I must or are you just about your own business and you're ignoring the father's business this program has been sponsored in part by friends and partners of Jensen Franklin media Ministries we hope you've enjoyed this teaching by Jensen Franklin and thank you for your continued support of this ministry for more information about this message and other Ministry resources ources visit us online at Jensen franklin.tn [Music] [Music]