we're talking today about a principle of impartation this principle has its origin in hebrews chapter six verse one and two is the principle it has its origin in the principle or the doctrine of the laying on of hands dying and the bible says that this principle is one of the fundamental principles of the doctrine of jesus christ and i often use this example the fundamental principles are like the abcs of the alphabet us principles fundamentals absolutely these fundamental principles are like the basic elements of math the addition and subtraction so fundamentals and you know that if you don't understand the abcs you never will progress to the xyz and if you don't understand simple mathematics the first principles of the doctrine of christ are like these things and if you don't understand the more elementary things then you never progress to that which is more profound my in order to take advantage off now my purpose in presenting this type series is quite simple um and second it's to educate you about something that's available to you you see whatever you've received in your life you've received it by impartation is the result of what was imparted to you as a child from your parents and it's same in the things of the spirit but i believe with we are living in a important time in in in the kingdom of god i believe we're in a time where there is more impartation available to you so the purpose of this tape series is to build your faith series we're going to look at many scriptures today in the old and new testaments and i'm going to show you many ways to receive an impartation from the spirit and we're going to begin in the new testament the book of acts chapter 3. because peter and john are going to give us a perfect example of this principle of impartation so first we will read then i will come back and make some comments on certain verses primarily now i said this was the perfect example and it is a voces one man who had a need received an impartation from someone else who had something to give he said let's begin with verse 10 and we will move backwards through those verses which in this particular situation was an impartation in verse 9 it says all of the people saw what happened and verse 10 it says they were filled with amazement in other words this impartation was visible and obvious to everyone in verse number seven it says that when they took him by the hand and lifted him up immediately he received strength and the point i'm making there is that the impartation was immediate it was immediate and it was obvious number five it says an important principle here that he expected to receive something now this is the first thing i want you to really remember in this teaching it's important that you expect something important every time our team goes into a church for revival as i look who are expecting something and i think it's a shame and a and a pity you asked that so many people go to church meetings or to revival meetings but they expect nothing else but i want to point your attention again to verse receiving an impartation and the people that come to our revival meetings when they come hungry and not disappointed the principle of impartation is revealed to us in verse 6 listen to what peter said silver and gold have i none nothing but such as i have i give to you and that's the principle of impartation giving what they have to someone who's thirsty you see what god has done in you he can do through you to others what god has given to you he will give through you so that's the principle of impartation now there's another side to the coin and that means a person who is hungry must be willing to receive them now i'm not saying that i'm the only one that can give that impartation i'm nearly using myself as an example anyone who has a deposit from god has the potential of giving an impartation to others staying a potential peter and john came along with something in their heart to give pedro is now there's something else here that is important i must bring it out to you this man wanted money yes he needed a miracle we have to leave these things up to god because god knows what we need and the impartation is designed to meet your needs and it's a mistake to limit god to what we think we want and look beyond what are our obvious needs and give us what we really need just when people come for prayer in our revival meetings especially and ask as i've already said to you a few moments ago whatever you have in your life in terms of spiritual substance says that impartation was either directly from jesus or through someone operating in jesus name i want you to understand something very important very few people receive an impartation directly from jesus most people myself included especially receive the impartation through someone who's authorized to function in jesus name now there are people that jesus ministers to directly existing for a blessing or an impartation to come to you through the anointed servant of god and you'll just have to accept that as a fact it's wrong to have an attitude that says if jesus wants to do something then jesus will do it jesus i say that's the wrong attitude because it's obvious there are many things jesus wants to do that he's not yet done so you have to be free to receive the impartation through whatever channel it may come from now one of the primary impartations is the qualities of the spirit of one person imparted to another person um and this comes through discipleship and through relationships the the bible says that the companion of the wise will himself be wise let's go to a verse of scripture in the old testament book of numbers let's look at numbers chapter 11 and verse 16. numerous capitals and we're going to read verse 16 and 17.
this is when the lord desired to expand the leadership over the read with us verse 16 and 17. it is now this is a very important principle particularly as it relates to church governments the bible says that moses was struggling very much to provide adequate leadership to the nation of israel there were simply too many people for one man to lead simplies so the lord wanted to expand the leadership espana but how he approached this expansion is very important he said moses i want you to gather 70 men that you know and he said that he was going to take of the spirit that was upon moses and put it on those 70 elders and i want to tell you how important it is that all of the people in leadership have the same spirits especially this there's been untold difficulties in the church because of this very issue thing is the elders and the deacons need to be of the same spirit of the pastors if they are not of the same spirit then there's a division and god established a very important pattern for us right here um and if more churches would give heed to this pattern we would see much less problems in the churches today those problems you see the bible says moses was a very meek man muscle so when the lord took of that spirit that was upon moses and put it on the 70 elders then the same spirit of meekness was upon them also established this is very very important i wish there were time to to say you need to realize that how important this principle is because if your elders or deacons are of a different spirit than you are spiritually then there's always going to be a difficulty and if you are an elder or a deacon in your church there may be no unity in the natural is because there's no unity in the spirit and when there's no unity in the spirit then the outward unity is only superficial so the 70 elders received an impartation they received an impartation of the qualities of the spirit of moses that's qualified but there was one person that was also related to moses that received even a more profound impartation and that was the person of joshua for josue joshua was a very close disciple of moses and out of that close discipleship it is joshua received even a stronger impartation than the 70 elders you see through the principle of discipleship that's it holds the greatest potential for impartation amazing in numbers chapter 27 a numerous capital vinci verses 15 through 23 versicles now we're not going to take the time today to read all of those verses but i suggest to you strongly that you read them and study them yourself yes god must raise up a new leader and then the the choice was joshua because joshua had been such a close associate of moses and the lord said to for moses to lay his hands upon joshua you sing he says i'd like to call your attention to verse 17. this is numbers chapter 27 verse 17.
and he's describing the role of leadership he says this which may go out before them and which may go in before them which may lead them out and which may bring them in that the congregation be not as sheep having no shepherd congregation that's the four functions of leadership right there aqui existing the leader is responsible number one to go out before the people that's not pointing the way is in order to fulfill the second function which is to go in before them you see you can't enter into something new unless you will go out from the old ano and that's the challenge that many face today yesterday agonovo many churches have stagnated many churches are not growing in size non-crescent many churches are bogged down and making many churches are doing today what they were doing five and ten years ago cinco the problem is they have no leader that's willing to go out before the people you problem you see the people love the security of the familiar uh people love to be comfortable especially people love to be comfortable especially we need leaders today that will lead the people out of old traditions and bring them into new experiences in god experiences and often times we see in our revival meetings that when the leaders and the pastor receives a new impartation then they are qualified to lead the people out of the old and into the news qualification now moses laid his hands upon joshua and if you'd like to look in deuteronomy chapter 34. you're going to see what happened in the life of joshua when moses laid his hands upon him deuteronomy 34 and verse 9 says joshua the son of nun was full of the spirit of wisdom for moses had laid his hands upon him now when moses laid his hands upon joshua condom is just like the man in acts chapter three instantaneous there was an immediate impartation it was real it was tangible it was obvious for our view when there is an impartation something takes place inside of you something powerful and wonderful now there are many different ways that the impartation can come to you existing we've talked so far about the laying on of hands and that's a primary way to receive an impartation and in our revival meetings we lay our hands on people freely but there are other ways that an impartation of the spirit of god can come to you transform us you see the impartation is a release of the spirit of god a transference into your life it's an impartation of the spirit of god into your life to meet a need that you have necessity a prophecy a prophetic voice into your life my profession it's the spirit of god and we speed it to judeos released into your life in a greater measure could be more zeal of the lord it could be virtually anything according to the need that you have according to what god desires to do in your life you can receive a fresh impartation of revivals you could receive a spiritual gift it's whatever god desires to do in your life now i want to give you a series of examples of different ways that the impartation can come to your life and the first example i want to give is from numbers chapter 6 verse 22 through 27. and this is an example of the impartation coming to you through the spoken word in this portion of scripture you will see that god gave a series of phrases to be spoken over the people and god said that when these words were spoken that the name of god would be put upon the people and god would bless them those words became containers of the impartation and as the people heard these words they received an impartation of the blessing of god when the priest stood to speak these words and that shows us the power of the spoken contained within that word that is spoken is an impartation of the spirit of god it's powerful it gives us a whole new vision of preaching the word of god it gives us a whole new vision of speaking the words that god gives demos this should give you a new appreciation for the potential that's in your life there's a potential there for the spirit of god to be released on the people the purpose of preaching is not that information be communicated information the purpose of preaching is that the spirit of god would be released upon the people my i believe you're feeling the touch of the spirit of god established the next example i want to give you example number two is found in first samuel chapter 16.
and this is an example of an impartation by the anointing of oil too many churches use the anointing of oil as symbolism symbolic but it's not to be symbolism at all it's to be a real impartation in first samuel chapter 16 and verse 13 samuel came to anoint david with oil primera samuel capital and the bible says that when he was anointed in the midst of his brethren [Music] that the spirit of god came upon him from that very day again we see the impartation was immediate transference there was an actual is [Music] the spirit of god came upon him from that very day and anytime you have an opportunity to be anointed with oil you must expect to receive i've anointed thousands of people with oil and i say i'm embarrassed to tell you that because most of them received nothing you must expect to receive when this i want to give you another example this is number three to see that we're going to look in second kings chapter 3. second kings chapter three verse 15 deals with the ministry of the minstrel segunda lutheran this talks about the ministry of elijah the prophet and he was called upon to to stand in his office as a prophet but before he begin to minister he said bring me a musician and it as it says as the musician begin to play that the hand of the lord came upon elijah music and the ministry of the minstrel is so powerful because in that ministry of music there's the potential of the impartation music in the church is not to entertain you a musica the music in the church is to bring an impartation to you a musica and i want to challenge you today if you're a musician or a leader of worship in your church you're not called as an entertainer foreign the very sound of your voice is a container of the power of god and when the minstrel begin to play his instrument that was resident in the music and in the voice of the minstrels songs is just the way you begin a church service they've missed the point completely the musician is to be just as powerful as the minister of the word um because as a team they perform something powerful of god i tell you the potential is enormous if you only can understand this principle of impartations i want to give you two examples of the impartation by the laying on of hands says those examples deuteronomy 34 and verse nine deuteronomy it says joshua was full of the spirit because moses laid his hands upon him and the second one is in first timothy chapter four in verse 14. the apostle paul speaks to timothy this young minister of the gospel apostle and he warns him don't neglect the gift that is within you negligence [Music] which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of hands when hands were laid upon timothy condo has mounts for imposters there was an actual impartation and he received the spiritual gift example number five is found in acts chapter 19.
the bible says that handkerchiefs and aprons were taken from the body of the apostle paul a bibliography and when those aprons and handkerchiefs were laid upon sick people then they were healed of their diseases that's a special miracles milagris specialized because the anointing and the impartation can be contained it can be contained through articles of clothing and it can be contained even in a cassette message when you bought this cassette message you bought we're going to conclude this message in a few moments from now on just how powerful is this impartation it's powerful enough to transform your life i'll give you two examples of a transformed life by the impartation i'll give you an example in the old testament and an example in the new testament and we have this example in first samuel chapter 10. chapter 10 and verse 1 samuel anointed saul with oil and then in verses five through seven even you can look for yourself the bible says that the spirit of god came upon saul abilities and he was changed into another man the potential of the impartation is so powerful but it will transform your life the second example is in the new testament acts chapter nine a persecutor day a simple disciple came to him you'll find this in acts chapter 19 and verse 17.