The Bible Reveals Who REALLY Controls The U.S Government

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a profound question that has puzzled many throughout history who really controls the world is it the president is it a billionaire we do not know the name of is it the Deep state is it some sort of secret society is it the Illuminati is it some secret family with all the chaos disorder and uncertainty we see around us it's essential to understand the forces at play especially as we witness the unfolding of global events including elections and decisions that shape Nations we live in a world influenced by more than just the physical Powers we see
the Bible makes it clear that there are Spiritual Beings both good and evil actively working behind the scenes influencing the course of history and the Affairs of humankind these Spirit beings especially the Fallen ones have great sway over the world's systems governments and ideologies the Bible refers to Satan as the God of this world 2 Corinthians 4:4 when the Bible assigns a title it's essential to pay close attention this title tells us something significant about Satan's influence he has a level of control over the systems of this world its ideologies values and even the very
framework through which society operates Satan's influence extends far beyond just tempting individuals he shapes the very thoughts philosophies education and commerce that influence Millions Satan is also called The Prince of the power of the air in Ephesians 2: 2 and the ruler of this world John 12:31 these titles emphasize Satan's power and his ability to operate within the physical and spiritual Realms to influence events on Earth however it's important to clarify that Satan's power is not sovereign he doesn't hold ultimate Authority only God is Sovereign but Satan has been granted a measure of power during
this age and we would be wise not to underestimate it one of the clearest demonstrations of Satan control is in the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness in Luke 4: 5-7 Satan offers Jesus all the kingdoms of the world saying I will give you all their Authority and Splendor it has been given to me and I can give it to anyone I want to now notice something important Jesus does not refute Satan's claim he doesn't say these kingdoms don't belong to you instead Jesus simply refuses the offer one of the most pervasive misconceptions in popular
cult culture is the idea that Satan is somewhere in Hell sitting on a throne wielding a pitchfork and tormenting those in hell this portrayal though common in media and folklore is far from what the Bible actually teaches contrary to this image the Bible paints a very different picture of Satan's current location and activity according to scripture Satan is not confined to Hell rather he is here on Earth actively working to deceive and destroy the the Bible clearly states that Satan prows around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour 1 Peter 5 8 this
passage alone dismantles the myth that Satan is locked away in Hell detached from the events of this world instead it makes it evident that Satan is present and engaged in the spiritual warfare happening all around us moreover Revelation 12:12 warns that Satan has come down to earth with great Wrath knowing that his time is short this is not some far off future event but an ongoing reality the rejection of the Gospel the growing trend of sin and the passage of laws that seem to defy God's principles are all signs of his influence in the world
today the increasing hostility toward Christian values and the moral Decay we see across various cultures are not merely the result of political decisions or secret societies pulling the strings behind the scenes the love of the satanic you see in music and movies is not to do with some secret society or the Illuminati or whatever label you want to give it the Bible tells us that Satan the father of Lies is the one influencing these Trends Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil in the
Heavenly Realms this indicates that while human beings have a fallen nature and are capable of great evil on their own there is also an undeniable satanic Force at work in the world in intensifying the battle what we are witnessing in our world today is the culmination of Satan's agenda he thrives in the confusion disorder and Rebellion against God's truth while human beings have free will and bear responsibility for their actions the Bible makes it clear that Satan plays a significant role in leading Humanity astray from the Garden of Eden where he tempted Eve to the
present day his mission has been to deceive and turn people away from God we must remember that Satan is not an abstract idea or merely a symbol of evil he is a real being actively working in this world to undermine God's kingdom understanding that Satan is here on Earth and not in some distant place of Torment helps clarify why the world is in such a state of chaos it's not just human nature or the result of political Systems Failing it's the direct influence of a malevolent spiritual being who seeks to blind people to the truth
of the gospel and keep them in bondage to sin we are not dealing with a passage enemy but an active and cunning adversary who has been given a measure of influence over this present age what does this teach us it teaches us that Satan does indeed have control over the kingdoms of this world its governments economies and power structures this influence is still present today which means Satan can and does manipulate these systems for his own purposes the greed corruption and injustices we see in the world today often have a spiritual roote consider the example
of of corporate greed look at the case of the EpiPen a life-saving device for people with severe allergies the stark contrast between the relatively low manufacturing cost of around $20 to $30 and the high retail price of up to $600 shows how greed can take precedence over human life companies drastically inflate prices exploiting vulnerable people who depend on these products to survive this is more than just corporate mismanagement this is the manifestation of a deeper darker Force a satanic greed this greed is not just a random occurrence it is part of a larger spiritual battle
where the forces of Darkness seek to exploit human suffering for profit we must understand that Behind These greedy practices is a spiritual Force pushing for control for power and for the manipulation of lives and this satanic greed doesn't stop at one product it extends into many sectors of society another example of this satanic control is seen in the con concentration of power over resources who are some of the largest Farmland owners in the United States today Bill Gates a man who made his fortune in technology is now one of the largest private owners of Farmland
in America Gates has amassed more than 27,000 Acres of Farmland ask yourself why would a man who built his career in computers and software suddenly need control over vast amounts of agricultural land consider this deeply when you control the food supply you control people by owning large tracks of Farmland Gates has influence over what is grown how it is distributed and what people consume this isn't just an investment it's a form of control and when you pair this control with influence over Healthcare as Gates has through various philanthropic Ventures you begin to see how certain
individuals can shape not just the technology we use but the very Essentials of Life Food and medicine but this influence is not limited to one man Satan uses these Avenues control over food health and resources as tools to shape the world according to his desires he is attempting to mold the World In His Image a world driven by greed power and oppression Beyond greed and control Satan's influence is evident in the moral decay of society today we live in a world where sin is not only tolerated but celebrated there are things happening in our nation
that would shock even the people of Sodom and gomorah laws are being passed that endorse immorality and the lines between right and wrong are being blurred this moral Decay is a direct result of Satan's influence as the God of this world he twists the truth and leads people into deception causing them to embrace what is evil and reject what is good the Bible warns us about this in Isaiah 5:20 woe to those who call evil good and good evil who put Darkness for light and light for Darkness this confusion and moral inversion are all part
of Satan's plan to lead Humanity away from God he knows his time is short and he is working harder than ever to corrupt and deceive the Nations but we must remember despite Satan's influence he does not have the final say though Satan may be the God of this world for now his Reign is temporary the Bible tells us that his time is short and he knows it in Revelation 12:2 we read woe to the earth and the Sea because the devil has gone down to you he is filled with fury because he knows that his
time is short Satan's ultimate defeat is already sealed Jesus Christ has won the victory through his death and resurrection and Satan's Destiny is to be bound for 1,000 years during the millennial Kingdom and ultimately cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity Revelation 20:10 his power is temporary and though he may have influence now it is limited by God's Sovereign plan man
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