DON'T FORGET WHAT YOU PROMISED YOURSELF 2.0 - One Of The Most Powerful Motivational Video Speeches

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Absolute Motivation
The best view comes from the hardest climbs. This motivational speeches compilation, featuring origi...
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live with purpose you owe it to them and to yourself take a moment and think about the journey that brought you here not just your personal Journey but the long winding roads your ancestors walked the sacrifices they made the dreams They Carried and the love they poured into building a world where you could exist think about your family your friends the people who have been there for you looking out for you believing in you now ask yourself are you living up to that are you honoring their efforts their love their sacrifices you see the best
advice I can give you is this keep in mind that you are here because of others who cared enough to give you this chance and because of that you owe it to them no excuses no shortcuts you owe them your absolute best every one of us carries a legacy whether we realize it or not think about your ancestors people who lived in times far tougher than ours they didn't have the luxuries we take for granted today they fought Wars endured hardships and made unimaginable sacrifices all to create a world that's just a little bit better
for the next Generation what's your role in this Legacy are you moving it forward or are you letting it stagnate because here's the truth it's not enough to Simply exist life isn't about coasting it's about contributing growing and building something greater than yourself when you slack off when you settle for mediocrity you're not just short changing yourself you're dishonoring all those who came before you and all those who will come after you but life demands effort it demands purpose and it demands that you honor the debt you owe to the people who brought you here
imagine disappointing someone who gave you everything they had to see you succeed not because you failed but because you didn't try you owe it to the people who love you to be your best self not because because they demand it but because they deserve it they deserve to see you thrive to see you become the person they always knew you could be that's how you repay them not with words but with action gratitude is a powerful thing it's not just about saying thank you it's about living thank you it's about showing through your actions that
you appreciate the opportunities and the love you've been given when you wake up in the morning think about all the people who have poured into your life think about the fact that you're here breathing living with endless potential ahead of you that's a gift a gift not everyone gets and the best way to honor that gift is to use it it's about finding the motivation to push through challenges not just for yourself but for everyone who has helped you along the way gratitude is what turns obligation into inspiration here's the the hard truth Comfort is
the enemy of growth when you sit around content with a bare minimum you're not just wasting time you're wasting potential and wasting potential is one of the greatest disservices you can do to yourself and to those who believe in you yes life gets tough yes there are moments when you'll want to give up but those moments are where character is built the more you push through discomfort the stronger you become and the stronger you become the more you can give back to your family your community and the world even on the days when it feels
impossible your purpose isn't just about you it's about how you can use your gifts your talents and your time to make an impact because at the end of the day the greatest fulfillment comes not from what you take but from what you give now let's address the elephant in the room self-doubt we've all felt it that agging voice in the back of your head that says you're not good enough that you're going to fail that you should just give up but let me tell you something that voice is a liar it's not the truth the
truth is that you are capable of far more than you can imagine the truth is that every great person you admire every artist every leader every innovator started out just like you with doubts and fears what set them apart was their refusal to let that Voice win so the next time self-doubt Creeps in remember this you are not your DS you are your actions and every time you take a step forward no matter how small you're proving that voice wrong now that you've heard all this the question is what will you do will you let
these words wash over you and then go back to the same old habits or will you take this moment as a turning point life is a debt we repay with effort and every step you take every goal you achieve every ounce of effort you give it all comes it all matters and it all brings you closer to becoming the person you are meant to be you're not alone in this journey you have a legacy behind you a community around you and a purpose ahead of you the road might not always be easy but it will
always be worth it so when you feel like like giving up think of the faces of those who love you think of the sacrifices that pav the way for you think of the potential within you that's just waiting to be Unleashed you owe it to them you owe it to yourself you owe it to the Future that you're building not just for you but for everyone who will come after you remember life isn't about perfection it's about effort it's about trying your hardest every sing single day even when it's tough even when it feels like
you're not making progress because every little step counts every little effort adds up you've got what it takes you're stronger than you think smarter than you believe but none of that matters unless you take action start now start today and don't stop until you've given it your all visual a young person from earlier running toward the Horizon as the sun sets simp izing determination and hope turn voice over closing lines this is your life this is your moment Make It Count honor those who believed in you repay the love and sacrifices that brought you here
and most importantly believe in yourself you owe it to the world and you owe it to the greatness within you let's make it happen so you have an image of what you want your life to be like but you'd seriously allow an arbitrary self-doubt to get in the way of that you see the people that get what they want in this life are the ones that believed they would before it happened and I promise you are made for a lot more than watching someone else live that life the work of all this is going to
be found and giving yourself the evidence that you ought to bet on yourself and when that confidence is ingrained in who you you are you'll have zero reason to believe you'll fall short of what you're searching for people talk all the time about wanting to find success or be successful in something they talk about wanting to accomplish something at the end of which would be success yet they've never sat down and taken the time to actually Define what success looks like they've never really identified what that dream is if you don't have the dream defined
then how do you know when you get there and more importantly if that dream is not defined how do I know when I'm making progress towards that dream and then once I've defined it once I've defined what that looks like then I can start to feel what it takes to get there then I can say now I've defined it now I'm willing to put in the time I'm willing to make the effort I'm willing to make the sacrifices I'm willing to do the things that will change who I am that will allow me to be
successful at the end of this journey and I know full well that while I'm putting in the work there are going to be challenges and obstacles along the way I'm going to get knocked down but when I am intentional about what my success looks like when I'm intentional with that definition when I know the significance the why of going after that success it makes it so much easier to get back up when I get knocked down and success without challenges is not nearly as rewarding is Success where I have to put in the Blood Sweat
and Tears to get there there are the days that we want and the days that we get the important question is how do we handle it when we get the ones we don't want there will always be points in life where things won't go according to plan there are external factors and variables that are out of your control that's just life you can't focus on them instead how do you rise to the occasion how do you stay positive how do you stay focused how do you look at what's in front of you and say okay
this is what we have let's make the best of it because I guarantee you if you make the best of a day that hasn't gone to plan it won't Tak you that far off course in life but if you spend all of those days worrying about what wasn't it's going to be hard to win so instead take control make everything of what's in front of you you won't be disappointed take the day and it will be your day the fact is that you're more amazing than you've ever imagined you're more qualified more gifted more useful
more meaningful than anyone has ever defined that told you you could be there are times where youve tried to talk yourself into believing your value by Looking In in the mirror and you haven't gotten the right reflection because you haven't set it with the right inflection you got to begin to believe this thing in your core you got to believe it and to others believe it you got to sell this thing to yourself and to you so sold on it that no one can talk you out of that thing that you believe that you are
born to do the greatness that is within you the greatness that is around you the greatness that you will cause you're more than a ripple you're the one that will cause waves in life but you got to keep going there is a thing called you have to get into it and the only way to get into it is get through the things that try to interrupt your flow your development as a person you got to find out that one thing and invest yourself in it so much so that you got to hold stock when everyone
tells you that it has no value you matter and you always have matter your skill set is being developed under pressure under denials under rejection under the people that have told you no those NOS are things that you need it needs you to force ify and believe in yourself until you can get to the point where it doesn't matter what anyone else says you believe it with all your soul that I matter that I was born to do something and the greatness within me is going to touch other lives because the one thing you don't
want is regret not with the dash that we have our lives are way too short to live it just for us the countless nights that you spent staring up at the ceiling wondering if you're delusional if you are truly capable of obtaining what your heart tells you is yours the days go by and it feels like nothing is moving the effort it feels unrewarded when will I win when will I be freed from this Dreadful cycle of stagnation my friend every dead end every inch of doubt it all feeds the fire the fire that is
molding you into your purest form but you have to learn to live in the heat one thing I need you to understand and realize is that fear that's holding you back it seems like it's an ocean wide but it's only an inch deep what you need to do is take that leap of faith within your own self and trust that you're going to be okay and every single door that's locked inside of you will open and your external reality will reflect and your life will change the thing that makes success so exclusive and rare is
that most people never understand the pain it takes to get there and when they start on your path and get their first taste of it they'll think something must be wrong and resort to quitting I remember being on the other side of this concept where I recognized the pain it would take to emulate those I looked up to and I remember thinking there's no way it feels the same for them but it does if you think of what it would feel like to uphold the commitments that I do every single day your assumptions are probably
spot on but what most people will never resonate with is the willingness to face that discomfort e [Music] imagine this it's late at night you're lying in bed staring at the ceiling the room is quiet but your mind it's loud thoughts keep circling like bues what if I had tried harder what if I had spoken up what if I'd gone all in that's the thing about regret it's not the things you failed at that haunt you it's the chances you didn't take the moments you didn't give your all the dreams you gave up on too
soon here's the truth wondering what if is a slow poison it eats at you it Whispers In Your Ear you could have been more you could have done more and you are left wondering what if I had just given it everything I had today I want to talk to you a person watching this a person who feels stuck the person who's doubting themselves this is your wakeup call stop holding back stop half assing your life because the stakes are too high and the cost of regret is too heavy giving your all isn't just about effort
it's about hard it's about showing up fully even when you're tired even when you're scared even when the odds aren't in your favor when you give your all one you silence the doubting voice inside you two you prove to yourself that you're capable of more than you ever thought possible three you redefine what's possible for your future but here's the catch giving your all doesn't guarantee success and that's where most people falter they think what's the point of trying so hard if I might fail let me tell you why because when you give your all
Win Lose or Draw you walk away with peace of mind you walk away knowing you tried and that sense of closure that's priceless think about it how many times have you regretted trying your best probably never but how many times have you regretted holding back too many to count right giving your all is a mindset shift it's about saying no matter what happens I'm going to make sure that when I look back on this moment I can say I gave it everything I had let's talk about a dangerous little phrase good enough we tell ourselves
this all the time my grades are good enough my effort at work is good enough this relationship is good enough but deep down we know the truth good enough is a lie we tell ourselves when we are too scared to push harder why because pushing harder is uncomfortable it requires discipline sacrifice and the willingness to fail it's easier to settle for good enough than to risk going all in but here's the harsh reality good enough doesn't lead to Greatness it doesn't lead to fulfillment it doesn't lead to the life you dream about it leads to
mediocrity and mediocrity that's where regret lives here's what happens when you aim for good enough one you cheat yourself out of your potential two you rob yourself of the chance to see how far you can go three you create a pattern of settling for less than you deserve less than you're capable of but when you aim higher when you say good enough isn't good enough for me everything changes let's address the elephant in the room fear fear of failure is the hash one reason people hold back and I get it nobody likes to fail but
here's the thing failure isn't the enemy fear is failure teaches you it builds resilience it forces you to grow fear on the other hand paralyzes you it keeps you small think about this every successful person you admire every athlete entrepreneur artist has failed repeatedly the difference between them and everyone else they didn't let fear stop them the key is to change how you see failure stop seeing it as an end start seeing it as a step a lesson a necessary part of the process and let me be real with you giving your all doesn't mean
you won't feel fear it doesn't mean you won't fail it means you won't let those things Define you you here's a hard truth you can't give your all without commitment commitment means showing up even when it's hard even when it's inconvenient even when no one is watching it's the decision to keep going no matter what but commitment isn't just about discipline it's about passion it's about finding something that matters so much to you that quitting isn't an option let me ask you something what's your why what's the thing that lights a fire in you what's
the thing you'd fight for cry for stay up all night for when you find that thing hold on to it let it drive you let it push you to give your all every single day at the end of the day life isn't about winning or losing it's about how you play the game it's about whether you can look yourself in the mirror and say I gave it everything I had because here's the truth the outcome doesn't matter as much as you think it does what matters is the effort the intention the willingness to try so
don't half ass it don't hold back don't settle for good enough whatever it is your chasing your dream job your Fitness goal your relationships go all in give it your all Win Lose or Draw you'll walk away with something far more valuable than success you'll walk away with peace of mind you'll walk away knowing you lived fully you'll walk away Without Regrets and that that's worth everything now it's your turn what's the one thing in your life you've been holding back on what's the one area where you've been settling for good enough take a moment
think about it and then make a decision no more holding back starting today you're going to give it everything you've got let's make sure no one is like Ling awake at night wondering what if remember your life is too important to half ass it so go out there and give it your all you don't have to be who you were yesterday you don't have to be who you've been your whole life if right now you can picture the version of yourself that you'd like to be you can be them just right now start pretending do
the things they do say the things they'd say and before long you won't be pretending a lot of people will tell you that's not true but it is it's what I did and it [Music] works the best place to start is just to start don't complicate it how do you start the next bestselling book you write a page how do you start a marathon the first walk and continue with that one commitment in the sun in the rain when you're scared when you're strong and what starts to happen is the more you stay with that
commitment the stronger you grow if you're someone who loses sleep at night because they want a successful future so bad regardless if you want to be a content creator you want to your personal brand you want to start an online business whatever your vehicle is that's going to get you there I need you to know how quickly your life can really change because I get it this road is tiresome and exhausting and lonely and you hit dead end after dead end and it feels like you're not really getting anywhere most of the time but you
never know when your day is going to come so you never know when your break is going to come but you have to just consistently show up even if it feels like you're not getting anywhere even if you don't don't feel like it even if whatever because that's how it's going to feel most of the time that's just the way it is and that's why most people don't make it if you can manage to be that person promise you if you're going to do it do it say what you can do do what you say
if you can't do it don't say you can do it don't over leverage yourself don't over leverage the decision and then jump in and kind of dip a toe I think I'll try it out no think if you're going to try it out beforehand but when it's time to go dive finish it f out come out the other side don't leave it and go o if I just would it uh-uh that keeps me up at night I think it keeps a lot of us up at night when you half ass something you just don't know
whether you failed or succeeded got what you want or didn't get what you want finding out and looking in the mirror and going I didn't have has it I went all the way I found out and that ain't for me or I found out and you damn right that is for me that's a great place to get to but the limbo of not knowing if you half ass something the limbo of going I hedge my B you don't know success isn't built in the spotlight it's built in silence in the moments no one else will
ever know about what people see is just the tip of the iceberg but what they don't see is where the real story lies it's not just about showing up when Everyone's Watching it's the grind in the dark the hours spent mastering the smallest details and the discipline to keep going even when it feels pointless so put in the work when no one's looking because that's what separates those who want it from those who make it [Music] happen the problem with lies is when you lie to yourself you close the door on what's possible and you
keep yourself stuck and when you tell yourself that lie whether it's a relationship that didn't work out or a job that didn't work out that's what you become the truth is this you've never failed because everything that you do is preparing you for what comes next that's the truth you are never failing you are never stuck and if you can look backwards and see how everything has led you here why can't you stand where you are here and tell yourself the truth that where I am now is leading me to where I need to be
in the [Music] future our limitations exist within our own minds and the most important quality or characteristic that you can develop for happiness and success is to be unstoppable it's by the basic psychological behavioral development principle of simply saying it to yourself because whatever you say to yourself and believe over and over again you start to believe as a reality you start to walk it and talk it and act it so what you say is I am Unstoppable and just simply decide these are my dreams and write them down if you can clearly Define that
Target you can hit it you eventually always hit the targets that you set for yourself allow your mind to float freely and ask yourself this question what one great thing would you dare to dream if you knew it could not fail and write it down the very fact that you allow yourselves to Dream Big Dreams causes you to feel better about yourself see yourself better think of yourself better and it starts the process of making yourself Unstoppable I will win I will win I will win when that negative Voice pops into your head and tells
you that you don't have it in you that you should give up and go back to your old ways that you don't have any chance at succeeding you must tell yourself that you will win as conin ition is one of the greatest powers that you possess I mean how many people do you know I don't want to say later stages of their life but after you've lived a couple of years how many people wish they could have turned back the clock and done what they really wanted that's up to you man that's uh that's sort
of the sneaking that's sort of the sneaking opposition of your life I chose to show up regardless every single day there's a lot of things that you cannot control but you can control your consistency you can control stepping up to the plate you can control your effort effort is something that is between you and you effort effort doesn't have to deal with anything else or anybody else consistency makes you legendary if you're not consistent it just don't mean that much much to [Music] you you don't become wise through books you don't become wise through formal
education and you certainly don't become wise by accepting the noise in this world as truth you must dive deep into your own mind you must explore the inner workings of your mental framework and it is here where you will begin to understand yourself when you begin to understand yourself on such a level you begin to understand life but not life in the sense of what we see and observe nve that is far too shallow I mean life in the sense of what we feel [Music]
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