Let God Handle the Impossible

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Atmosphere of Grace
This video is a profound demonstration of the incredible power of faith and trust in God. Titled "Wh...
Video Transcript:
God is indeed a miracle worker his word has the power to create wonders in our lives when you have faith in his word it transforms The Impossible into the possible turning mountains into simple mole Hills remember what might seem beyond your reach God can effortlessly accomplish this video proves that when you have faith in him he can make the impossible possible remember to share a fountain of inspiration by passing this video [Music] along psalm 77:14 you are the God who performs Miracles you display your power among the [Music] peoples in the midst of what seems
like an unending storm dear child where every turn feels like a dead end and every hope appears to be just Out Of Reach I want you to hear something from me I am here with you you know I am the god who Delights in doing what seems impossible to you I'm not just up here watching from afar I'm right there beside you working things out in ways you might not yet see think about this child I'm the artist behind the sunrise the masterm of the changing seasons and the Whisperer of life into every living thing
my creativity knows no bounds and my power stretches far beyond the edges of your imagination when you're faced with mountains that seem too high to climb or Rivers too wide to cross remember I specialize in making a way where there seems to be none now I understand that sometimes saying trust me might not seem enough especially when what you're facing feels overwhelmingly big but here's the thing I've been in the business of Miracles long before the stars were hung in the sky from parting Seas to Bringing Down walls with just a shout from providing in
the desert to turning a few Loaves and Fishes into a feast for thousands my resume is filled with the impossible made possible so here's my invitation to you let go and let me take the lead not because I want you to give up your strength but because I want you to lean on mine you see when you let me handle the things that are out of your control you're not just handing over your worries you're placing them into hands that have shaped the universe and in those very same hands I hold your today your tomorrow
and all the days after that I know it's not easy Letting Go can feel like the hardest thing to do but in this space of surrender you'll find freedom freedom from the weight of trying to figure it all out on your own freedom to breathe and to live fully knowing that I am taking care of what concerns you the most consequently child as you walk through each day facing what comes your way remember you're not alone I am with you turning the pages of your story crafting each chapter with a purpose and a promise that
in the end you'll see the impossible become a part of your history a story of my love and power fully displayed in your life just trust me and watch the Wonders [Music] unfold Matthew 19 verse 26 but Jesus looked at them and said to them with men this is impossible but With God all things are possible dear child you might look around and see mountains too steep to climb oceans too vast to cross and paths too tangle to navigate these moments can make you feel small unsure and alone facing the impossible with just your own
strength but here's something I want you to hold close to your heart what seems impossible for you is perfectly possible for me you see I've created this world with all its complexities and wonders and I've seen countless Generations face their own Giants just like you are facing yours there's nothing new Under the Sun for me and there's no situation no matter how Tangled or daunting that I can't turn around around for good I understand how easy it is to get caught up in the Whirlwind of worry and fear it's human but I'm here to tell
you in the most straightforward and soothing way that you don't have to carry this burden along my strength is made perfect in your weakness when you're at the end of your rope that's where my capabilities begin Let Me Take the Lead hand over those heavy seemingly insurmountable obstacles and watch as I work in ways you might not even expect this is how you should think about it just as the sun rises each day bringing light to the darkest of nights so too can I bring light to your darkest situations just as the seasons change bringing
new life and New Beginnings so too can I bring renewal and hope to your life there's a rhythm and a reason to everything and just as nature trusts in the order of things I ask you to trust in me letting go and trusting me doesn't mean you won't face challenges it doesn't mean the path will always be clear or that Solutions will appear overnight but it does mean mean that you're not walking this path alone with me you'll find strength you didn't know you had peace in the midst of Storms and possibilities where there seem
to be none therefore when the world tells you it's impossible remember my words to you today with me all things are possible not just the small everyday tasks but the big life-changing moments to trust in my timing lean on my strength and watch as I transform the impossible into possible right before your [Music] eyes Jeremiah 32 verse 27 [Music] behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for [Music] me precious child now you're standing before a vast ocean its waves rolling in endlessly touching the shore with a gentle
yet powerful Embrace this ocean like everything under the sun from the smallest grain of sand to the mightiest mountains is part of my creation I am the Lord your God the Craftsman of the universe the one who paints the sky with stars at night and brings forth the Sun at dawn at this moment think about your life the moments of joy and the times of struggle just as I command the SE reasons to change and guide the path of the Stars so too am I intimately involved in the details of your life there's no situation
too complex no problem too intricate and certainly nothing too hard for me to handle you might wonder amidst the chaos and the noise of everyday life where I am remember I am as close to you as your next breath quietly working things out for your good the same power that raised mountains and set the boundaries for the Seas is at your disposal ready to work through your impossible situation consider the birds that soar high in the sky or the flowers that bloom with vibrant colors each one cared for each one known you my beloved child
are far more precious to me than these your worries your fears and your dreams are all known to me let this knowledge be your comfort let go of your burdens and Trust in my timing and my perfect plan for you at times when uncertainty prevails remember the Miracles woven into the fabric of the every day the sunrise each morning the stars that light up the night sky the laughter of a loved one all signs of my presence and my promise to be with you guiding you through every moment so this is what I would like
you to do have faith in me lean not on your own understanding but in every way acknowledge me and I will direct your path your journey might seem uncertain and the road ahead might appear daunting rest assured I am always here for you I am here ready to take the impossible and turn it into a testament of my unending love and [Music] power let your heart find peace in my presence for with me all things are possible [Music] Luke 1 verse 37 for with God nothing will be impossible in this vast Universe Where Stars light
up the endless sky and the sun rises every morning I am always always at work weaving Miracles into the fabric of life you see with me the extraordinary becomes everyday and the impossible well it just becomes another opportunity to show you how much I [Music] care let's talk about Mary for a moment a young woman ordinary in many ways living her life with simple faith and trust yet I chose her for something extraordinary something that to the human mind would seem impossible Mary a virgin found herself carrying a child without the involvement of a man
now if that's not outside the realm of what's considered possible I don't know what is but here's the thing Mary believed when told about the role she would play in bringing my love to the world in a very special way she didn't doubt or question the logic of it she simply said let it be to me according to your word her faith made room for the impossible to happen I share this not just as a reminder of a miraculous moment in history but as a personal invitation to you just like Mary you're part of my
story and I am part of yours in your life there will be moments that seem too difficult challenges that seem insurmountable and dreams that seem unreachable but remember with me nothing absolutely nothing is impossible you might be facing a mountain right now now feeling overwhelmed unsure maybe even scared but I am here Whispering into the chaos trust me like Mary all you need to do is believe believe in the power of the one who created the universe from nothing who makes the sun rise and set and who chose a humble girl to play a key
role in The Greatest Story Ever Told so hand over those worries those fears and those situations you think are too complicated let me take them from you I've got this just as I orchestrated the birth of Jesus Through Mary a Beacon of Hope and love I can work through your circumstances turning what seems impossible into a testament of my love and Power remember with me there's always a way your part is to trust to let go and to believe that in my hands The Impossible becomes possible let's walk this journey together hand in hand heart
tohe heart and with you always [Music] job 42 verse 2 I know that you can do anything and nothing that you plan is impossible my dear child I want you to hear me very clearly and simply because I know the weight you're carrying feels heavy almost too heavy to bear I see the mountains you're facing the storms you're weathering and the Shadows that seem to stretch out endlessly before you but here's something I need you to understand with all your heart there's absolutely nothing too hard for me to handle you know the world is full
of surprises some wonderful and some challenging and it's easy to feel overwhelmed when you're staring down a situation that seems impossible but remember I am the creator of everything you see and even the things you can't from the furthest stars in the sky to the smallest grain of sand on the beach I've made it all and I did not stop creating when I made the world I'm still at work today in your life in the midst of your impossible situation let me put it in the simplest terms I've got this just as I keep the
planet spinning and the seasons changing I am more than capable of handling whatever is troubling you there's no need to lose sleep to Fred or to wonder how things will work out I am already there in your future making a way where there seems to be no way I want you to imagine the peace that comes from knowing that you're not in this alone that peace can be yours it's like having a best friend who's always there who listens who understands and who by the way happens to have unlimited power and that friend to you
now I don't want you to think that just because I can do anything you won't face more challenges life is a journey with its ups and downs but it's how you walk through those moments that matters and in every step I am with you not just as a silent Observer but as an active guide supporter and provider in your heart I hope you can find a quiet confidence knowing that I am by your side you don't have to have all the answers or figure everything out on your own Lean on Me trust in my timing
and watch How I work things out in ways you couldn't even imagine it's not just about making the impossible possible it's about showing you my love my power and my commitment to you every single day so take take a deep breath let it out slowly and let go of those heavy burdens give them to me and let's walk this path together with me you're never alone and with my vast love and power we can face [Music] anything Luke 1 verse 45 blessed is she who believed for there will be a fulfillment of those things which
were told her from the Lord my dear child in moments when the world feels too heavy when the path in front of you seems too Tangled and steep to climb remember I am with you I know the weight of the invisible burdens you carry the silent battles you fight every day just as I spoke to those before you promising them a future filled with hope and fulfillment I speak to you now you might wonder how your situation which feels so complicated and insurmountable could ever untangle itself I see your heart your dreams and your fears
I understand the depth of your struggles and I am here to tell you that nothing is too complex for me believe as those who came before you believed and saw the promises made to them come to life remember the story of a woman who was told she would be a part of something far greater than she could imagine she believed not because she saw how it could happen but because she knew propest it to her it was her faith simple yet profound that allowed the impossible to unfold this is the kind of faith I ask
of you not to see the full path but to take the next step knowing I am guiding you I do not ask for blind faith without reason I ask for trust because you have seen time and again how I work in the lives of those who love me you've witnessed moments of unexpected Joy of serendipitous help and of peace that seems to come from nowhere these are not coincidences they are Whispers of my love my involvement in the miniu of your life let go of the need to control every outcome life in its Essence is
a series of unfolding stories yours included each chapter brings its own challenges but also its beauty and growth your story is still being written and it has moments of Triumph and fulfillment ahead moments that will surpass your expectations in your journey there will be times of waiting of not knowing how or when the promises made to you will come to pass it is in these times that your faith is most precious it is a beacon not just for you but for those around you showing that belief in something greater than oneself can bring peace amidst
the [Music] storm as a result my child hold on to your faith Let It Be the Anchor for your soul in this vast ocean of Life the promises made to you will be fulfilled not because of who you are but because of who I am just as the dawn follows the darkest night so too will your moments of fulfillment follow your times of Doubt believe for your belief is the key to seeing the impossible become possible [Music] Isaiah 43: [Music] 18-9 remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold I am doing
a new thing now it Springs forth do you not perceive it I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert my child let's not linger on yesterday's Tales or the shadows of what has been the world is vast filled with stories yet Untold and I am here weaving The Narrative of tomorrow with you with the heart of it it's easy to get caught up in looking back to get stuck in the pages of what once was but I encourage you gently yet firmly to lift your gaze in this very moment something
remarkable is taking shape can you sense it it's like the first light of dawn creeping Over the Horizon promising the start of a new day I understand how looking forward can sometimes feel like standing at the edge of an unknown Wilderness the path ahead might not always be clear and the destination might seem far Out Of Reach but believe in the journey I am laying out for you where you see a desert I see fertile ground waiting to Spring to life where you see obstacles I see opportunities for growth and strength I am crafting paths
in places you never imagine possible creating streams of refreshment and renewal in the Dr of your [Music] deserts this isn't about erasing what has been it's about embracing what can be every step forward is a step into a realm of new possibilities a chance to see the world and your place within it through fresh eyes and not asking you to forget your past entirely but to trust in the beauty of what lies ahead to believe that every moment every challenge is a stepping stone to something even greater I am here in the midst of it
all guiding you supporting you loving you together we will navigate this Wilderness together together we will find our way through the unknown drawing strength from the promise of new beginnings this journey we're on it's about transformation about taking the raw materials of yesterday and shaping them into the Stepping Stones of Tomorrow therefore my dear one keep your heart open and your eyes lifted embrace the newness I am bringing into your life trust in the paths I am creating for you for they are designed with love filled with purpose and brimming with hope let's step forward
into this new day side by side ready to see what wonders [Music] await he Hebrews 6: [Music] 18 God did this so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie we who have fled to take hold of the Hope set before us may be greatly encouraged in the heart of your struggles dear child in the middle of those chaotic moments I want you to remember that I'm here with you you see the promises I've made are not like the ones you sometimes hear from others promises that might change with
the weather or disappear when the going gets tough my words my commitments they're as solid as the ground you walk on as unchanging as the course of the stars in the night sky child you're holding on to a rope one that's tied to something unmovable unshakable that's my promise to you it's something you can hold on to something that won't budge no matter how hard the Winds of Life blow and it's not because I simply refuse to let go it's because it is utterly and completely impossible for me to break my word it's not in
my nature to lie or to mislead that's the kind of reliability I offer you now why does this matter you might wonder it's because in this reliability in this steadfastness there's hope not just any hope but a deep enduring hope that can brighten the darkest of days and lighten the heaviest of burdens it's the kind of hope that you can lean into when you're not sure where else to turn the kind that can be your guide when the path ahead is unclear life I know can sometimes feel like a puzzle with missing pieces or a
journey without a clear destination in those times I'm not just a distant Observer I'm right there with you offering my guidance my support and my strength when you're standing at the edge of what seems like an impossible situation when you're not sure if you can face what's ahead let my promise to you be the light that guides your way this isn't about ignoring the realities of your situation or pretending that challenges don't exist it's about knowing that amidst all that there's a foundation you can stand on the foundation made of my unchangeable nature and my
unwithering promise so let this assurance fill you with peace let it be the strength you draw on in times of need and remember you're never facing this life alone I'm with you every step of the way offering you not just my promise but my presence my love and my eternal support [Music] numbers 11 verse [Music] 23 the Lord said to Moses is the Lord's power limited now you shall see whether my word will come true for you or not [Music] in the vast open Wilderness where the Horizon stretches endlessly under the blazing sun my children
once wandered their hearts heavy with doubt and their stomachs echoing the Pains of hunger they questioned whispered among themselves wondering how they could possibly find sustenance in such a Barren land it was then I asked Moses a simple yet profound question is the Lord's power limited words that echoed through the desert air not just a question but a gentle reminder of who I am you see my child in those moments of uncertainty when the path ahead seems cloaked in Shadows and the weight of the world rests uneasily on your shoulders it's easy to forget the
might and compassion of the creator the same God who painted the skies with vibrant sunsets and dotted the night with stars uncountable I understand the worries that tug at your heart the silent prayers whispered in the dead of night the yearning for a sign for relief for a miracle in response to their doubts I did something extraordinary something to show my power and my care for them I promised meat not just for a day but for a whole month until it would come out of their nostrils and become loathsome to them his statement so bold
it was almost unfathomable how could meat be provided in such abundance in the wilderness yeah I did exactly as I said using the wind to bring quailes from the sea covering the camp and surrounding areas it was a sight to Behold a testament to my boundless provision and a clear answer to my earlier question my power is indeed Limitless this story my dear child is a token for you today in your moments of Doubt when you're facing challenges that see seem impossible remember the Wilderness and the quailes just as I provided for my children then
I am here for you now my power is not diminished my capacity to provide to comfort and to guide remains unchanging so as you stand facing your own Wilderness your own doubts let this story be a Beacon of Hope let it remind you that nothing is too difficult for me the same God who fed a multitude with Mana and quailes who parted the Red Sea who made the sun stand still is The God Who Walks with you [Music] today my promises are true my love unfailing and my power indeed Knows No Limit trust in me
for with me what seems impossible becomes possible let your heart rest in this assurance Isaiah [Music] 62:4 no longer will they call you deserted or name your land desolate but you will be called heah and your land Bula for the Lord will take Delight in you and your land will be married in these toughest moments my beloved when the path ahead seems like an insurmountable desert I want you to know that just as a desert can miraculously burst into life with the right conditions so can your life flourish even in the most challenging of times
I won't ever leave you feeling deserted or lost in Desolation instead you'll be called hefa a name that carries the warmth of the sun and the promise of brighter days your land Bula will be a place where joy and love abound like a garden in full bloom it will be a land that's marry to the goodness of life like a harmonious partnership that brings out the vest in both you see just as a desert when nurtured transforms into a vibd Oasis your life will transform too you might feel like you're in a dry and Barren
place right now but remember this simple yet deep truth I take great Delight in you my love for you is like the Gentle Touch of a breeze on your face a reminder that I'm with you guiding you through every moment your journey might have challenges but they are not impossible they are the EB and flow of life like waves on the shore life can seem big and complicated but you're never on this journey alone I'm here as your constant [Music] companion so take courage my dear one you are not alone in this Grand Symphony of
existence even in the quiet Stillness of your heart I am there Whispering reassurance and love your life like a desert transformed into a lush Garden can be a testament to the Miracles that will happen when you trust in me in the story of your life I am the constant presence binding every moment together and as you walk through this journey know that I am by your side leading you toward the beauty and joy that awaits in your Bula Land Trust In This Promise for it is the comforting steadfast truth that will see you through [Music]
[Music] Psalm 77 verse 14 you are the God who performs Miracles you display your power among the peoples [Music] in the midst of what seems like an unending storm dear child where every turn feels like a dead end and every hope appears to be just Out Of Reach I want you to hear something from me I am here with you you know I am the god who Delights in doing what seems impossible to you I'm not just up here while watching from afar I'm right there beside you working things out in ways you might not
yet see think about this child I'm the artist behind the sunrise the masterm of the changing seasons and The Whisper of life into every living thing my creativity knows no bounds and my power stretches far beyond the edges of your imagination when when you're faced with mountains that seem too high to climb or Rivers too wide to cross remember I specialize in making a way where there seems to be none now I understand that sometimes saying trust me might not seem enough especially when what you're facing feels overwhelmingly big but here's the thing I've been
in the business of Miracles long before the Stars were hung in the sky from parting Seas to Bringing Down walls with just a shout from providing in the desert to turning a few Loaves and Fishes into a feast for thousands my resume is filled with the impossible May possible so here's my invitation to you let go and let me take the lead not because I want you to give up your strength but because I want you to lean on mine you see when you let me handle the things that are out of your control you're
not just handing over your worries you're placing them into hands that have shaped the universe and in those very same hands I hold your today your tomorrow and all the days after that I know it's not easy Letting Go can feel like like the hardest thing to do but in this space of surrender you'll find freedom freedom from the weight of trying to figure it all out on your own freedom to breathe and to live fully knowing that I am taking care of what concerned you the most consequently child as you walk through each day
facing what comes your way remember you're not alone I am with you turning the pages of your story crafting each chapter with a purpose and a promise that in the end you'll see the impossible become a part of your history a story of my love and power fully displayed in your life just trust me and watch the Wonders unfold [Music] Matthew 19 verse 26 but Jesus looked at them and said to them with men this is impossible but With God all things are possible dear child you might look around and see mountains too steep to
climb o s too vast to cross and paths too Tangled to navigate these moments can make you feel small unsure and alone facing the impossible with just your own strength but here's something I want you to hold close to your heart what seems impossible for you is perfectly possible for me you see I've created this world with all its complexities and and wonders and I've seen countless Generations face their own Giants just like you are facing yours there's nothing new Under the Sun for me and there's no situation no matter how Tangled or daunting that
I can't turn around for good I understand how easy it is to get caught up in the Whirlwind of worry and fear it's human but I'm here to tell you in the most straightforward and soothing way that you don't have to carry this burden along my strength is made perfect in your weakness when you're at the end of your rope that's where my capabilities begin Let Me Take the Lead hand over those heavy seemingly insurmountable obstacles and watch as I work in ways you might not even expect this is how you should think about it
just as the sun rises each day bringing light to the darkest of nights so too can I bring light to your darkest situations just as the seasons change bringing new life and New Beginnings so too can I bring renewal and hope to your life there's a rhythm and a reason to everything and just as nature trusts in the order of things I ask you to trust in me letting go and trusting me doesn't mean you won't face challenges it doesn't mean the path will always be clear or that Solutions will appear overnight but it does
mean that you're not walking this path alone with me you'll find strength you didn't know you had peace in the midst of Storms and possibilities where there seemed to be none therefore when the world tells you it's impossible remember my words to you today with me all things are possible not just the small everyday tasks but the big life-changing moments too trust in my timing lean on my strength and watch as I transform the impossible into possible right before your [Music] eyes Jeremiah 32: [Music] 27 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh
is there anything too hard for me precious child now you're standing before a vast ocean its waves rolling and endlessly touching the shore with a gentle yet powerful Embrace this ocean like everything under the sun from the smallest grain of sand to the mightiest mountains is part of my creation I am the Lord your God the Craftsman of the universe the one who paints the sky with stars at night and brings forth the Sun at dawn at this moment think about your life the moments of joy and the times of struggle just as I command
the seasons to change and guide the path of the Stars so too am I intimately involved in the details of your life there's no situation too complex no problem too intricate and certainly nothing too hard for me to handle you might wonder amidst the chaos and the noise of everyday life where I am remember I am as close to you as your next breath quietly working things out for your good the same power that raised mountains and set the boundaries for the Seas is at your disposal ready to work through your impossible situation consider the
birds that soar high in the sky or the flowers that bloom with vibrant colors each one cared for each one known you my beloved child are far more precious to me than these your worries your fears and your dreams are all known to me let this knowledge be your Comfort let go of your burdens and Trust in my timing and my perfect plan for you at times when uncertainty prevails remember the Miracles woven into the fabric of the AY day the sunrise each morning the stars that light up the night sky the laughter of a
loved one all signs of my presence and my promise to be with you guiding you through every moment so this is what I would like you to do have faith in me lean not on your own understanding but in every way acknowledge me and I will direct your path your journey might seem uncertain and the road ahead might appear daunting rest assured I am always here for you I am here ready to take the impossible and turn it into a testament of my unending love and [Music] power let your heart find peace in my presence
for with me all things are [Music] possible Luke 1 verse 37 [Music] for with God nothing will be impossible in this vast Universe Where Stars light up the endless sky and the sun rises every morning I am always at work weaving Miracles into the fabric of life you see with me the extraordinary becomes everyday and the impossible well it just becomes another opportunity to show you how much I [Music] care let's talk about Mary for a moment a young woman ordinary in many ways living her life with simple faith and trust yet I chose her
for something extraordinary something that to the human mind would seem impossible Mary a virgin found herself carrying a child without the involvement of a man now if that's not outside the realm of what's considered possible I don't know what is but here's the thing Mary believed when told about the role she would play in bringing my love to the world in a very special way she didn't doubt or question the logic of it she simply said let it be to me according to your word her faith made room for the impossible to happen I share
this not just as a reminder of a miraculous moment in history but as a personal invitation to you just like Mary you're part of my story and I am part of yours in your life there will be moments that seem too difficult challenging that seem insurmountable and dreams that seem unreachable but remember with me nothing absolutely nothing is impossible you might be facing a mountain right now feeling overwhelmed unsure maybe even scared but I am here Whispering into the chaos trust me like Mary all you need to do is believe believe in the power of
the one who created the universe from nothing who makes the sun rise and set and who chose a humble girl to play a key role in The Greatest Story Ever Told so hand over those worries those fears and those situations you think are too complicated let me take them from you I've got this just as I orchestrated the birth of Jesus Through Mary a Beacon of Hope and love I can work through your circumstances turning what seems impossible into a testament of my love and power remember with me there's always a way your part is
to trust to let go and to believe that in my hand The Impossible becomes possible let's walk this journey together hand in hand heart tohe heart and with you [Music] always job 42: 2 I know that you can do anything and nothing that you plan is impossible my dear child I want you to hear me very clearly and simply because I know the weight you're carrying feels heavy almost too heavy to bear I see the mountains you're facing the storms you're weathering and the Shadows that seem to stretch out endlessly before you but here's something
I need you to understand with all your heart there's absolutely nothing too hard for me to handle you know the world is full of surprises some wonderful and some challenging and it's easy to feel overwhelmed when you're staring down a situation that seems impossible but remember I am the creator of everything you see and even the things you can't from the furthest stars in the sky to the smallest grain of sand on the beach I've made it all and I did not stop creating when I made the world I'm still at work today in your
life in the midst of your impossible situation let me put it in the simplest terms I've got this just as I keep the planet spinning and the seasons changing I am more than capable of handling whatever is troubling you there's no need to lose sleep to Fred or to wonder how things will work out I am already there in your future making a way where there seems to be no way I want you to imagine the peace that comes from knowing that you're not in this alone that peace can be yours it's like having a
best friend who's always there who listens who understands and who by the way happens to have unlimited power am that friend to you now I don't want you to think that just because I can do anything you won't face more challenges life is a journey with its ups and downs but it's how you walk through those those moments that matters and in every step I am with you not just as a silent Observer but as an active guide supporter and provider in your heart I hope you can find a quiet confidence knowing that I am
by your side you don't have to have all the answers or figure everything out on your own Lean on Me trust in my timing and watch How I work things out in ways you couldn't even imagine it's not just about making the impossible possible it's about showing you my love my power and my commitment to you every single day so take a deep breath let it out slowly and let go of those heavy burdens give them to me and let's walk this path together with me you're never alone and with my vast love and power
we can face [Music] anything Luke 1 ver 45 blessed is she who believed for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord my dear child in moments when the world feels too heavy when the path in front of you seems too Tangled and steep to climb remember I am with you I know the weight of the invisible burdens you carry the silent battles you fight every day just as I spoke to those before you promising them a future filled with hope and fulfillment I speak to you now you
might wonder how your situation which feels so complicated and insurmountable could ever untangle itself I see your heart your dreams and your fears I understand the depth of your struggles and I am here to tell you that nothing is too complex for me believe as those who came before you believed and saw the promises made to them come to life remember the story of a woman who was told she would be a part of something far greater than she could imagine she believed not because she saw how it could happen but because she knew who
process it to her it was her faith simple yet profound that allowed the impossible to [Music] unfold this is the kind of faith I ask of you not to see the full path but to take the next step knowing I am guiding [Music] you I do not ask for blind faith without reason I ask for trust because you have seen time and again how I work in the lives of those who love me you've witnessed moments of unexpected Joy of serendipitous help and of peace that seems to come from nowhere these are not coincidences they
are Whispers of my love my involvement in the miniu of your life let go of the need to control every outcome life in its Essence is a series of unfolding stories yours included each chapter brings its own challenges but also its beauty and growth your story is still being written and it has moments of Triumph and fulfillment ahead moments that will surpass your expectations in your journey there will be times of waiting of not knowing how or when the promises made to you will come to pass it is in these times that your faith is
most precious [Music] it is a beacon not just for you but for those around you showing that belief in something greater than oneself can bring peace amidst the storm as a result my child hold on to your faith Let It Be the Anchor for your soul in this vast ocean of Life the promises made to you will be fulfilled not because of who you are but because of who I am just as the dawn follows the darkest night so too will your moments of fulfillment follow your times of Doubt believe for your belief is the
key to seeing the impossible become [Music] possible Isaiah 43: 18-9 [Music] remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold I am doing a new thing now it Springs forth do you not perceive it I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert my child let's not linger on yes yesterday's Tales or the shadows of what has been the world is vast filled with stories yet Untold and I am here weaving The Narrative of tomorrow with you at the heart of it it's easy to get caught up and
looking back to get stuck in the pages of what once was but I encourage you gently yet firmly to lift your gaze in this very moment something remarkable is taking shape can you sense it it's like the first light of dawn creeping Over the Horizon promising the start of a new day I understand how looking forward can sometimes feel like standing at the edge of an unknown Wilderness the path ahead might not always be clear and the destination might seem far Out Of Reach but believe in the journey I am laying out for you where
you see a desert I see fertile ground waiting to Spring to life where you see obstacles I see opportunities for growth and strength I am crafting paths in places you never imagine possible creating streams of refreshment and renewal in the drast of your deserts this isn't about erasing what has been it's about embracing what can be every step forward is a step into a realm of new possibilities a chance to see the world and your place within it through fresh eyes and not asking you to forget your past entirely but to trust in the beauty
of what lies ahead to believe that every moment every challenge is a stepping stone to something even greater I am here in the midst of it all guiding you supporting you loving you together we will navigate this Wilderness together we will find our way through the unknown drawing strength from the promise of new beginnings this journey we're on it's about transformation about taking the raw materials of yesterday and shaping them into the Stepping Stones of Tomorrow therefore my dear one keep your heart open and your eyes lifted embrace the newness I am bringing into your
life trust in the paths I am creating for you for they are designed with love filled with purpose and brimming with hope let's step for forward into this new day side by side ready to see what wonders [Music] await Hebrews 6: [Music] 18 God did this so that by two two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie we who have fled to take hold of the Hope set before us may be greatly encouraged in the heart of your struggles dear child in the middle of those chaotic moments I want you to
remember that I'm here with you you see the promises I've made are not like the ones you sometimes hear from others promises that might change with the weather or disappear when the going gets tough my words my commitments they're as solid as the ground you walk on as unchanging as the course of the stars in the night sky child you're holding on to a rope one that's tied to something unmovable unshakable that's my promise to you it's something you can hold on to something that won't budge no matter how hard the Winds of Life blow
and it's not because I simply refuse to let go it's because it is utterly and completely impossible for me to break my word it's not in my nature to lie or to mislead that's the kind of reliability I offer you now why does this matter you might wonder it's because in this reliability in this steadfastness there's hope not just any hope but a deep enduring hope that can brighten the darkest of days and lighten the heaviest of burdens it's the kind of hope that you can lean into when you're not sure where else to turn
the kind that can be your guide when the path ahead is unclear life I know can sometimes feel like a puzzle with missing pieces or a journey without a clear destination in those times I'm not just a distant Observer I'm right there with you offering my guidance my support and my strength when you're standing at the edge of what seems like an impossible situation when you're not sure if you can face what's ahead let my promise to you be the light that guides your way this isn't about ignoring the realities of your situation or pretending
that challenges don't exist it's about knowing that amidst all that there's a foundation you can stand on a foundation made of my unchangeable nature and my unwithering promise so let this assurance fill you with peace let it be the strength you draw draw on in times of need and remember you're never facing this life alone I'm with you every step of the way offering you not just my promise but my presence my love and my eternal [Music] support numbers 11 verse 23 [Music] the Lord said to Moses is the Lord's power limited now you shall
see whether my word will come true for you or not in the vast open Wilderness where the Horizon stretches endlessly under the blazing sun my children once wandered their hearts heavy with doubt and their stomachs echoing the Pains of hunger they questioned whispered among themselves wondering how they could possibly find sustenance in such a Barren land it was then I asked Moses a simple yet profound question is the Lord's power limited words that echoed through the desert air not just a question but a gentle reminder of who I am you see my child in those
moments of uncertainty when the path ahead seems cloaked in Shadows and the weight of the world rests uneasily on your shoulders it's easy to forget the might and compassion of the Creator the same God who painted the skies with vibrant sunsets and dotted the night with stars uncountable I understand the worries that a tug at your heart the silent prayers whispered in the dead of night the yearning for a sign for relief for a miracle in response to their doubts I did something extraordinary something to show my power and my care for them I promised
meat not just for a day but for a whole month until it would come out of their nostrils and become loathsome to them his statement so bold it was almost unfathomable how could meat be provided in such abundance in the wilderness yeah I did exactly as I said using the wind to bring quailes from the sea covering the camp and surrounding areas it was a sight to Behold a testament to my boundless provision and a clear answer to my earlier question my power is indeed Limitless this story my dear child is a token for you
today in your moments of Doubt when you're facing challenges that seem impossible remember the Wilderness and the quailes just as I provided for my children then I am here for you now my power has not diminished my capacity to provide to comfort and to guide remains unchanging so as you stand facing your own Wilderness your own doubts let this story be a Beacon of Hope let it remind you that nothing is too difficult for me the same God who fed a multitude with Mana and quailes who parted the Red Sea who made the son stands
still is The God Who Walks with you [Music] today my promises are true my love unfailing and my power indeed Knows No Limit trust in me for with me what seems impossible becomes possible let your heart rest in this assurance Isaiah [Music] 62:4 no longer will they call you deserted or name your land desolate but you will be called heah and your land buah for the Lord will take Delight in you and your land will be married in these toughest moments my beloved when the path ahead seems like an insurmountable desert I want you to
know that just as a desert can miraculously burst into life with the right conditions so can your life flourish even in the most challenging of times I won't ever leave you feeling deserted or lost in Desolation instead you'll be called hefa a name that carries the warmth of the sun and the promise of brighter days your land bua will be a place where joy and love abound like a garden in full bloom it will be a land that's married to the goodness of life like a harmonious partnership that brings out the vest in both you
see just as a desert when nurtured transforms into a vibrant Oasis your life will transform too you might feel like you're in a dry and Barren place right now but remember this simple yet deep truth I take great Delight in you my love for you is like the Gentle Touch of a breeze on your face a reminder that I'm with you guiding you through every moment your journey might have challenges but they are not impossible they are the E and flow of life like waves on the shore life can seem big and complicated but you're
never on this journey alone I'm here as your constant [Music] companion so take courage my dear one you are not alone in this Grand SYM SYM of existence even in the quiet Stillness of your heart I am there Whispering reassurance and love your life like a desert transformed into a lush Garden can be a testament to the Miracles that will happen when you trust in me in the story of your life I am the constant presence binding every moment together and as you walk through this journey know that I am by your side leading you
toward the beauty and joy that awaits in your Bula Land Trust In This Promise for it is the comforting steadfast truth that will see you through [Music] [Music] Psalm 77:14 you are the God who performs Miracles you display your power among the [Music] peoples in the midst of what seems like an unending storm dear child where every turn feels like a dead end and every hope appears to to be just Out Of Reach I want you to hear something from me I am here with you you know I am the god who Delights in doing
what seems impossible to you I'm not just up here watching from afar I'm right there beside you working things out in ways you might not yet see think about this child I'm the artist behind the sunrise the masterm of the changing seasons and the Whisperer of life into every living thing my creativity knows no bounds and my power stretches far beyond the edges of your imagination when you're faced with mountains that seem too high to climb or Rivers too wide to cross remember I specialize in making a way where there seems to be none now
I understand that sometimes saying trust me might not seem enough especially when what your facing feels overwhelmingly big but here's the thing I've been in the business of Miracles long before the stars were hung in the sky from parting Seas to Bringing Down walls with just a shout from providing in the desert to turning a few Loaves and Fishes into a feast for thousands my resume is filled with the impossible May possible so here's my invitation to you let go and let me take the lead not because I want you to give up your strength
but because I want you to lean on mine you see when you let me handle the things that are out of your control you're not just handing over your worries you're placing them into hands that have shaped the universe and in those very same hands I hold your today your tomorrow and all the days after that I know it's not easy Letting Go can feel like the hardest thing to do but in this space of surrender you'll find freedom freedom from the weight of trying to figure it all out on your own freedom to bring
breathe and to live fully knowing that I am taking care of what concerns you the most consequently child as you walk through each day facing what comes your way remember you're not alone I am with you turning the pages of your story crafting each chapter with a purpose and a promise that in the end you'll see the impossible become a part of your history a story of my love and power fully displayed in your life just trust me and watch the Wonders [Music] unfold Matthew 19 verse 26 but Jesus looked at them and said to
them with men this is impossible but With God all things are possible dear child you might look around and see mountains too steep to climb oceans too vast to cross and paths too Tangled to navigate these moments can make you feel small unsure and alone facing the impossible possible with just your own strength but here's something I want you to hold close to your heart what seems impossible for you is perfectly possible for me you see I've created this world with all its complexities and wonders and I've seen countless Generations face their own Giants just
like you are facing yours there's nothing new Under the Sun for me and there's no situation no matter how Tangled or daunting that I can't turn around for good I understand how easy it is to get caught up in the Whirlwind of worry and fear it's human but I'm here to tell you in the most straightforward and soothing way that you don't have to carry this burden alone my strength is made perfect in your weakness when you're at the end of your rope that's where my capabilities begin Let Me Take the Lead hand over those
heavy seemingly insurmountable obstacles and watch as I work in ways you might not even expect this is how you should think about it just as the sun rises each day bringing light to the darkest of nights so too can I bring light to your darkest situations just as the seasons change bringing new life and New Beginnings so too can I bring renewal and hope to your life there's a rhythm and a reason to everything and just as nature trusts in the order of things I ask you to trust in me letting go and trusting me
doesn't mean you won't face challenges it doesn't mean the path path will always be clear or that Solutions will appear overnight but it does mean that you're not walking this path alone with me you'll find strength you didn't know you had peace in the midst of Storms and possibilities where there seem to be none therefore when the world tells you it's impossible remember my words to you today with me all things are possible not just the small everyday tasks but the big lifechanging moments too trust in my timing lean on my strength and watch as
I transform the impossible into possible right before your [Music] eyes Jeremiah 32: [Music] 27 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for [Music] me precious child now you're standing before a vast ocean its waves rolling in endlessly touching the shore with a gentle yet powerful embrace this ocean like everything under the sun from the smallest grain of sand to the mightiest mountains is part of my creation I am the Lord your God the Craftsman of the universe the one who paints the sky with stars at night and
brings forth the Sun at [Music] dawn at this moment think about your life the moments of joy and the times of struggle just as I command the seasons to change and guide the path of the Stars so too am I intimately involved in the details of your life there's no situation too complex no problem too intricate and certainly nothing too hard for me to handle you might wonder amidst the chaos and the noise of every day life where I am remember I am as close to you as your next breath quietly working things out for
your good the same power that raised mountains and set the boundaries for the Seas is at your disposal ready to work through your impossible situation consider the birds that soar high in the sky or the flowers that bloom with vibrant colors each each one cared for each one known you my beloved child are far more precious to me than these your worries your fears and your dreams are all known to me let this knowledge be your comfort let go of your burdens and Trust in my timing and my perfect plan for you at times when
uncertainty prevails s remember the Miracles woven into the fabric of the every day the sunrise each morning the stars that light up the night sky the laughter of a loved one all signs of my presence and my promise to be with you guiding you through every moment so this is what I would like you to do have faith in me lean not on your own understanding but in every every way acknowledge me and I will direct your path your journey might seem uncertain and the road ahead might appear daunting rest assured I am always here
for you I am here ready to take the impossible and turn it into a testament of my unending love and [Music] power let your heart find peace in my presence for with me all all things are [Music] possible Luke 1 verse 37 for with God nothing will be impossible in this vast Universe Where Stars light up the endless sky and the sun rises every morning I am always at work weaving Miracles into the fabric of life you see with me the extraordinary becomes every day and the impossible well it just becomes another opportunity to show
you how much I [Music] care let's talk about Mary for a moment the young woman ordinary in many ways living her life with simple faith and trust yet I chose her for something extraordinary something that to the human mind would seem impossible Mary a virgin found herself carrying a child without the involvement of a man now if that's not outside the realm of what's considered possible I don't don't know what is but here's the thing Mary believed when told about the role she would play in bringing my love to the world in a very special
way she didn't doubt or question the logic of it she simply said let it be to me according to your word her faith made room for the impossible to happen I share this not just as a reminder of a miraculous moment in history but as a personal invitation to you just like Mary you're part of my story and I am part of yours in your life there will be moments that seem too difficult challenges that seem insurmountable and dreams that seem unreachable but remember with me nothing absolutely nothing is impossible you might be facing a
mountain right now feeling overwhelmed unsure maybe even scared but I am here Whispering into the chaos trust me like Mary all you need to do is believe believe in the power of the one who created the universe from nothing who makes the sun rise and set and who chose a humble girl to play a key role in The Greatest Story Ever Told so hand over those worries those fears and those situations you think are too complicated let me take them from you I've got this just as I orchestrated the birth of Jesus Through Mary a
Beacon of Hope and love I can work through your search circumstances turning what seems impossible into a testament of my love and power remember with me there's always a way your part is to trust to let go and to believe that in my hands The Impossible becomes possible let's walk this journey together hand in hand heart to heart and with you always [Music] is job 42: 2 I know that you can do anything and nothing that you plan is impossible my dear child I want you to hear me very clearly and simply because I know
the weight you're carrying feels heavy almost too heavy to bear I see the mountains you're facing the storms you're weathering and the Shadows that seem to stretch out endlessly before you but here's something I need you to understand with all your heart there's absolutely nothing too hard for to handle you know the world is full of surprises some wonderful and some challenging and it's easy to feel overwhelmed when you're staring down a situation that seems impossible but remember I am the creator of everything you see and even the things you can't from the furthest stars
in the sky to the smallest grain of sand on the beach I've made it all and I did not stop creating when I make the world I'm still at work today in your life in the midst of your impossible situation let me put it in the simplest terms I've got this just as I keep the planet spinning and the seasons changing I am more than capable of handling whatever is troubling you there's no need to lose sleep to Fred or to wonder how things will work out I am already there in your future making a
way where there seems to be no way I want you to imagine the peace that comes from knowing that you're not in this alone that peace can be yours it's like having a best friend who's always there who listens who understands and who by the way happens to have unlimited power am that friend to you now I don't want you to think that just because I can do anything you won't face more challenges life is a journey with its ups and downs but it's how you walk through those moments that matters and in every step
I am with you not just as a silent Observer but as an active guide supporter and provider in your heart I hope you can find a quiet confidence knowing that I am by your side you don't have to have all the answers or figure everything out on your own Lean on Me trust in my timing and watch How I work things out in ways you couldn't even imagine it's not just about making the impossible possible it's about showing you my love my power and my my commitment to you every single day so take a deep
breath let it out slowly and let go of those heavy burdens give them to me and let's walk this path together with me you're never alone and with my vast love and power we can face anything Luke 1 verse 45 blessed is she who believed for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord my dear child in moments when the world feels too heavy when the path in front of you seems too Tangled and steep to climb remember I am with you I know the weight of the invisible
burdens you carry the silent battles you fight every day just as I spoke to those before you promising them a future filled with hope and fulfillment I speak to you now you might wonder how your situation which feels so complicated and insurmountable could would ever untangle itself I see your heart your dreams and your fears I understand the depth of your struggles and I am here to tell you that nothing is too complex for me believe as those who came before you believed and saw the promises made to them come to life remember the story
of a woman who was told she would be a part of something far greater than she could imagine she believed not because she saw how it could happen but because she knew proess it to her it was her faith simple yet profound that allowed the impossible to unfold this is the kind of faith I ask of you not to see the full path but to take the next step knowing I am guiding [Music] you I do not ask for blind faith without reason I ask for trust because you have seen time and again how I
work in the lives of those who love me you've witnessed moments of unexpected Joy of serendipitous help and of peace that seems to come from nowhere these are not coincidences they are Whispers of my love my involvement in the miniu of your life let go of the need to control every outcome life in its Essence is a series of unfolding stories yours included each chapter brings its own challenges but also its beauty and growth your story is still being written and it has moments of Triumph and fulfillment moment ahead moments that will surpass your expectations
in your journey there will be times of waiting of not knowing how or when the promises made to you will come to pass it is in these times that your faith is most precious it is a beacon not just for you but for those around you showing that belief in something greater than oneself can bring peace amidst the storm [Music] as a result my child hold on to your faith Let It Be the Anchor for your soul in this vast ocean of Life the promises made to you will be fulfilled not because of who you
are but because of who I am just as the dawn follows the darkest night so too will your moments of fulfillment follow your times of Doubt believe for your belief is the key to seeing the impossible become [Music] possible Isaiah 43 verses 18 to [Music] 19 remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold I am doing a new thing now it Springs forth do you not perceive it I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert my child let's not linger on yesterday's Tales or the shadows of
what has been the world is vast filled with stories yet Untold and I am here weaving The Narrative of tomorrow with you at the heart of it it's easy to get caught up in looking back to get stuck in the pages of what once was but I encourage you gently yet firmly to lift your gaze in this very moment something remarkable is taking shape can you sense it it's like the first light of dawn creeping Over the Horizon promising the start of a new day I understand how looking forward can sometimes feel like standing at
the edge of an unknown Wilderness the path ahead might not always be clear and the destination might seem far Out Of Reach but believe in the journey I am laying out for you where you see a desert I see fertile ground waiting to Spring to life where you see obstacles I see opportunities for growth and strength I am crafting paths in places you never imagine possible creating streams of refreshment and renewal in the Dr of your [Music] deserts this isn't about erasing what has been it's about embracing what can be every step forward is a
step into a realm of new possibil ities a chance to see the world and your place within it through fresh eyes and not asking you to forget your past entirely but to trust in the beauty of what lies ahead to believe that every moment every challenge is a stepping stone to something even greater I am here in the midst of it all guiding you supporting you loving you together we will navigate this Wilderness together we will find our way through the unknown drawing strength from the promise of new beginnings this journey we're on it's about
transformation about taking the raw materials of yesterday and shaping them into the Stepping Stones of Tomorrow therefore my dear one keep your heart open and your eyes lifted embrace the newness I am bringing into your life trust in the paths I am creating for you for they are designed with love filled with purpose and brimming with hope let's step forward into this new day side by side ready to see what wonders await [Music] Hebrews 6 verse [Music] 18 God did this so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie
we who have fled to take hold of the Hope set before us may be greatly encouraged in the heart of your struggles dear child in the middle of those chaotic moments I want you to remember that I'm here with you you see the promises I've made are not like the ones you sometimes hear from others promises that might change with the weather or disappear when the going gets tough my words my commitments they're as solid as the ground you walk on as unchanging as the course of the stars in the night sky child you're holding
on to a rope one that's tied to something unmovable unshakable that's my promise to you it's something you can hold on to something that won't budge no matter how hard the Winds of Life blow and it's not because I simply refuse to let go it's because it is utterly and completely impossible for me to break my word it's not in my nature to lie or to mislead that's the kind of reliability I offer you now why does this matter you might wonder it's because in this reliability in this steadfastness there's hope not just any hope
but a deep enduring bring hope that can brighten the darkest of days and lighten the heaviest of burdens it's the kind of hope that you can lean into when you're not sure where else to turn the kind that can be your guide when the path ahead is unclear life I know can sometimes feel like a puzzle with missing pieces or a journey without a clear destination in those times I'm not just a distant Observer I'm right there with you offering my guidance my support and my strength when you're standing at the edge of what seems
like an impossible situation when you're not sure if you can face what's ahead let my promise to you be the light that guides your way this isn't about ignoring the realities of your situation or pretending that challenges don't exist it's about knowing that amidst all that there's a foundation you can stand on a foundation made of my unchangeable nature and my unwithering promise so let this assurance fill you with peace let it be the strength you draw on in times of need and remember you're never facing this life alone I'm with you every step of
the way offering you not just my my promise but my presence my love and my eternal [Music] support numbers 11 verse [Music] 23 the Lord said to Moses is the Lord's power limited now you shall see whether my word will come true for you or not in the vast open Wilderness where the Horizon stretches endlessly under the blazing sun my children once wandered their hearts heavy with doubt and their stomachs echoing the Pains of hunger they questioned whispered among themselves wondering how they could possibly find sustenance in such a Barren land it was then I
asked Moses a simple yet profound question is the Lord's power limited words that echoed through the desert air not just a question but a gentle reminder of who I am you see my child in those moments of uncertainty when the path ahead seems cloaked in Shadows and the weight of the world rests uneasily on your shoulders it's easy to forget the might and compassion of the Creator the same God who painted the skies with vibrant sunsets and dotted the night with stars uncountable I understand the worries that tug at your heart the silent prayers whispered
in the dead of night the yearning for a sign for relief for a miracle in response to their doubts I did something extraordinary something to show my power and my care for them I promised meat not just for a day but for a whole month until it would come out of their nostrils and become loathsome to them his statement so bold it was almost unfathomable how could meat be provided in such abundance in the wilderness yeah I did exactly as I said using the wind to bring quailes from the sea covering the camp in surrounding
areas it was a sight to Behold a testament to my boundless provision and a clear answer to my earlier question my power is indeed Limitless this story my dear child is a token for you today in your moments of Doubt when you're facing challenges that seem impossible remember the Wilderness and the quailes just as I provided for my children then I am here for you now my power is not diminished my capacity to provide to comfort and to guide remains unchanging so as you stand facing your own wilderness your own doubts let this story be
a Beacon of Hope let it remind you that nothing is too difficult for me the same God who fed a multitude with Mana and quailes who parted the Red Sea who made the sun stand still is The God Who Walks with you [Music] today my promises are true my love unfailing and my power indeed knows No Limit trust in me for with me what seems impossible becomes possible let your heart rest in this assurance Isaiah 62:4 [Music] no longer will they call you deserted or name your land desolate but you will be called heah and
your land Bula for the Lord will take Delight in you and your land will be married in these toughest moments my beloved when the path ahead seems like an insurmountable desert I want you to know that just as a desert can miraculously burst into life with the right conditions so can your life flourish even in the most challenging of times I won't ever leave you feeling deserted or lost in Desolation instead you'll be called hefa a name that carries the warmth of the sun and the promise of brighter days your land vula will be a
place where joy and love abound like a garden in full bloom it will be a land that's merry to the goodness of life like a harmonious partnership that brings out the v in both you see just as a desert when nurtured transforms into a vibrant Oasis your life will transform too you might feel like you're in a dry and Bar in place right now but remember this simple yet deep truth I take great Delight in you my love for you is like the Gentle Touch of a breeze on your face a reminder that I'm with
you guiding you through every moment your journey might have challenges but they are not impossible they are the EB and flow of life like waves on the shore life can seem big and complicated but you're never on this journey alone I'm here as your constant [Music] companion so take courage my dear one you are not alone in this Grand Symphony of existence even in the quiet Stillness of your heart I am there Whispering reassurance and love your life like a desert transformed into a lush Garden can be a testament to the Miracles that will happen
when you trust in me in the story of your life I am the constant presence binding every moment together and as you walk through this journey know that I am by your side leading you toward the beauty and joy that awaits in your bu Land Trust In This Promise for it is the comforting Stead fast truth that will see you [Music] [Music] through Psalm 77:14 you are the God who performs Miracles you display your power among the [Music] peoples in the midst of what seems like an unending storm dear child where every turn feels like
a dead end and every hope appears to be just Out Of Reach I want you to hear something from me I am here with you you know I am the god who Delights in doing what seems impossible to you I'm not just up here watching from afar I'm right there beside you working things out in ways you might not yet see think about this child I'm the artist behind the sunrise the masterm of the changing seasons and the Whisperer of life into every living thing my creativity knows no bounds and my PO stretches far beyond
the edges of your imagination when you're faced with mountains that seem too high to climb or Rivers too wide to cross remember I specialize in making a way where there seems to be none now I understand that sometimes saying trust me might not seem enough especially when what you're facing feels overwhelmingly big but here's the thing I've been in the business of Miracles long before the stars were hung in the sky from parting Seas to Bringing Down walls with just a shout from providing in the desert to turning a few Loaves and Fishes into a
feast for thousands my resume is filled with the impossible May possible so here's my invitation to you let go and let me Take the Lead not because I want you to give up your strength but because I want you to lean on mine you see when you let me handle the things that are out of your control you're not just handing over your worries you're placing them into hands that have shaped the universe and in those very same hands I hold your today your tomorrow and all the days after that I know it's not easy
Letting Go can feel like the hardest thing to do but in this space of surrender you'll find freedom freedom from the weight of trying to figure it all out on your own freedom to breathe and to live fully knowing that I am taking care of what concerns you the most consequently child as you walk through each day facing what comes your way remember you're not alone I am with you turning the pages of your story crafting each chapter with a purpose and a promise that in the end you'll see the impossible become a part of
your history a story of my love and power fully displayed in your life just trust me and watch the Wonders unfold [Music] Matthew 19 verse 26 but Jesus looked at them and said to them with men this is impossible but With God all things are possible dear child you might look around and see mountains too steep to climb oceans too vast to cross and paths too Tangled to navigate these moments can make you feel small unsure and alone facing the impossible with just your own strength but here's something I want you to hold close to
your heart what seems impossible for you is perfectly possible for me you see I've created this world with all its complexities and wonders and I've seen cess Generations face their own Giants just like you are facing yours there's nothing new Under the Sun for me and there's no situation no matter how Tangled or daunting that I can't turn around for good I understand how easy it is to get caught up in the Whirlwind of worry and fear it's human but I'm here to tell you in the most straightforward and soothing way that you don't have
to carry this burden along my strength is made perfect in your weakness when you're at the end of your rope that's where my capabilities begin Let Me Take the Lead hand over those heavy seemingly insurmountable obstacles and watch as I work in ways you might not even expect this is how you should think about it just as the sun rises each day bringing light to the darkest of nights so too can I bring light to your darkest situations just as the seasons change bringing new life and New Beginnings so too can I bring renewal and
hope to your life there's a rhythm and a reason to everything and just as nature trusts in the order of things I ask you to trust in me letting go and trusting me doesn't mean you won't face challenges it doesn't mean the path will always be clear or that Solutions will appear overnight but it does mean that you're not walking this path alone with me you'll find strength you didn't know you had peace in the midst of Storms and possibilities where there seem to be none therefore when the world tells you it's impossible remember my
words to you today with me all things are possible not just the small everyday tasks but the big life-changing moments to trust in my timing lean on my strength and watch as I transform the impossible into possible right before your [Music] eyes Jeremiah 32: [Music] 27 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for [Music] me precious child now you're standing before a vast ocean its waves rolling in endlessly touching the shore with a gentle yet powerful Embrace this ocean like everything under the sun from the smallest grain
of sand to the mightiest mountains is part of my creation I am the Lord your God the Craftsman of the universe the one who paints the sky with stars at night and brings forth the Sun at dawn at this moment think about your life the moments of joy and the times of struggle just as I command the seasons to change and guide the path of the Stars so too am I intimately involved in the details of of your life there's no situation too complex no problem too intricate and certainly nothing too hard for me to
handle you might wonder amidst the chaos and the noise of everyday life where I am remember I am as close to you as your next breath quietly working things out for your good the same power that raised mountains and set the boundaries for the Seas is at your disposal ready to work through your impossible situation consider the birds that soar high in the sky or the flowers that bloom with vibrant colors each one cared for each one known you my beloved child are far more precious to me than these your worries your fears and your
dreams are all known to me let this knowledge be your comfort let go of your burdens and Trust in my timing and my perfect plan for you at times when uncertainty prevails remember the Miracles woven into the fabric of the every day the sunrise each morning the stars that light up the night sky the laughter of a loved one all signs of my presence and my promise to be with you guiding you through every moment so this is what I would like you to do have faith in me lean not on your own understanding but
in every way acknowledge me and I will direct your path your journey might seem uncertain and the road ahead might appear daunting rest assured I am always here for you I am here ready to take the impossible and turn it into a testament of my unending love and [Music] power let your heart find peace in my presence for with me all things are possible [Music] Luke 1 verse 37 for with God nothing will be impossible in this vast Universe Where Stars light up the endless sky and the sun rises every morning I am always at
work weaving Miracles into the fabric of life you see with me the extraordinary becomes everyday and the impossible well it just becomes another opportunity to show you how much I [Music] care let's talk about Mary for a moment a young woman ordinary in many ways living her life with simple faith and trust yet I chose her for something extraordinary something that to the human mind would seem impossible Mary a virgin found herself carrying a child without the involvement of a man now if that's not outside the realm of what's considered possible I don't know what
is but here's the thing Mary believed when told about the role she would play in bringing my love to the world in a very special way she didn't doubt or question the logic of it she simply said let it be to me according to your word her faith made room for the impossible to happen I share this not just as a reminder of a miraculous moment in history but as a personal invitation to you just like Mary you're part of my story and I am part of yours [Music] in your life there will be moments
that seem too difficult challenges that seem insurmountable and dreams that seem unreachable but remember with me nothing absolutely nothing is impossible you might be facing a mountain right now feeling overwhelmed unsure maybe even scared but I am here Whispering into the chaos trust me like Mary all you need to do is believe believe in the power of the one who created the universe from nothing who makes the sunrise and set and who chose a humble girl to play a key role in The Greatest Story Ever Told so hand over those worries those fears and those
situations you think are too complicated let me take them from you I've got this just as I orchestrated the birth of Jesus Through Mary a Beacon of Hope and love I can work through your circumstances turning what seems impossible into a testament of my love and power remember with me there's always a way your part is to trust to let go and to believe that in my hands The Impossible becomes possible let's walk this journey together hand in hand heart to heart and with you always [Music] job 42: 2 I know that you can do
anything and nothing that you plan is impossible my dear child I want you to hear me very clearly and simply because I know the weight you're carrying feels heavy almost too heavy to bear I see the mountains you're facing the storms you're weathering and the Shadows that seem to stretch out endlessly before you but here's something I need you to understand with all your heart there's absolutely nothing too hard for me to handle you know the world is full of surprises some wonderful and some challenging and it's easy to feel overwhelmed Med when you're staring
down a situation that seems impossible but remember I am the creator of everything you see and even the things you can't from the furthest stars in the sky to the smallest grain of sand on the beach I've made it all and I did not stop creating when I made the world I'm still at work today in your life in the midst of your impossible situation let me put it in the simplest terms I've got this just as I keep the planet spinning and the seasons changing I am more than capable of handling whatever is troubling
you there's no need to lose sleep to Fred or to wonder how things will work out I am already there in your future making a way where there seems to be no way I want you to imagine the peace that comes from knowing that you're not in this alone that peace can be yours it's like having a best friend who's always there who listens who understands and who by the way happens to have unlimited power and that friend to you now I don't want you to think that just because I can do anything you won't
face more challenges life is a journey with its ups and downs but it's how you walk through those moments that matters and in every step I am with you not just as a silent Observer but as an active guide supporter and provider in your heart I hope you can find a quiet confidence knowing that I am by your side you don't have to have all the answers or figure every anything out on your own Lean on Me trust in my timing and watch How I work things out in ways you couldn't even imagine it's not
just about making the impossible possible it's about showing you my love my power and my commitment to you every single day so take a deep breath let it out slowly and let go of those heavy burdens give give them to me and let's walk this path together with me you're never alone and with my vast love and power we can face [Music] anything Luke 1 verse 45 blessed is she who believed for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord my dear child in moments when the world feels
too heavy when the path in front of you seems too Tangled and steep to climb remember I am with you I know the weight of the invisible burdens you carry the silent battles you fight every day just as I spoke to those before you promising them a future filled with hope and fulfillment I speak to you now you might wonder how your situation which feels so complicated and insurmountable could ever untangle itself I see your heart your dreams and your fears I understand the depth of your struggles and and I am here to tell you
that nothing is too complex for me believe as those who came before you believed and saw the promises made to them come to life remember the story of a woman who was told she would be a part of something far greater than she could imagine she believed not because she saw how it could happen but because she knew prested it to her it was her faith simple yet profound that allowed the impossible to [Music] unfold this is the kind of faith I ask of you not to see the full path but to take the next
step knowing I am guiding [Music] you I do not ask for blind faith without reason I ask for trust because you have seen time and again how I work in the lives of those who love me you've witnessed moments of unexpected Joy of serendipitous help and of peace that seems to come from nowhere these are not coincidences they are Whispers of my love my involvement in the miniu of your life let go of the need to control every outcome life in its Essence is a series of unfolding stories yours included each chapter brings its own
challenges but also its beauty and growth your story is still being written and it has moments of Triumph and fulfillment ahead moments that will surpass your expectations in your journey there will be times of waiting of not knowing how or when the promises made to you will come to pass it is in these times that your faith is most precious it is a beacon not just for you but for those around you showing that belief in something greater than oneself can bring peace amidst the [Music] storm as a result my child hold on to your
faith Let It Be the Anchor for your soul in this vast ocean of Life the promises is made to you will be fulfilled not because of who you are but because of who I am just as the dawn follows the darkest night so too will your moments of fulfillment follow your times of Doubt believe for your belief is the key to seeing the impossible become possible [Music] Isaiah 43: [Music] 18-19 remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold I am doing a new thing now it Springs forth do you not perceive
it I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert my child let's not linger on yesterday's Tales or the shadows of what has been the world is vast filled with stories yet Untold and I am here weaving The Narrative of tomorrow with you at the heart of it it's easy to get caught up in looking back to get stuck in the pages of what once was but I encourage you gently yet firmly to lift your gaze in this very moment something remarkable is taking shape can you sense it it's like the
first light of dawn creeping Over the Horizon promising the start of a new day I understand how looking forward can sometimes feel like standing at the edge of an unknown Wilderness the path ahead might not always be clear and the destination might seem far Out Of Reach but believe in the journey I am laying out for you where you see a desert I see fertile ground waiting to Spring to life where you see obstacles I see opportunities for growth and strength I am crafting paths in places you never imagin possible creating streams of refreshment and
renewal in the drast of your [Music] deserts this isn't about erasing what has been it's about embracing what can be every step forward is a step into a realm of new possibilities a chance to see the world and your place within it through fresh eyes and not asking you to forget your past entirely but to trust in the beauty of what lies ahead to believe that every moment every challenge is a stepping stone to something even greater I am here in the midst of it all guiding you supporting you loving you together we will navigate
this Wilderness together we will find our way through the unknown drawing strength from the promise of new beginnings this journey we're on it's about transformation about taking the raw materials of yesterday and shaping them into the Stepping Stones of Tomorrow therefore my dear one keep your heart open and your eyes lifted embrace the newness I am bringing into your life trust in the paths I am creating for you for they are designed with love filled with purpose and brimming with hope let's step forward into this new day side by side ready to see what wonders
[Music] await Hebrews 6 verse 18 [Music] God did this so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie we who have fled to take hold of the Hope set before us may be greatly encouraged in the heart of your struggles dear child in the middle of those chaotic moments I want you to remember that I'm here with you you see the promises I've made are not like the ones you sometimes hear from others promises that might change with the weather or disappear when the going gets tough my words my
commitments they're as solid as the ground you walk on as unchanging as the course of the stars in the night sky child you're holding on to a rope one that's tied to something unmovable unshakable that's my promise to you it's something you can hold on to something that won't budge no matter how hard the Winds of Life blow and it's not because I simply refuse to let go it's because it is utterly and completely impossible for me to break my word it's not in my nature to lie or to mislead that's the kind of liability
I offer you now why does this matter you might wonder it's because in this reliability in this steadfastness there's hope not just any hope but a deep enduring hope that can brighten the darkest of days and lighten the heaviest of burdens it's the kind of hope that you can lean into when you're not sure where else to turn the kind that can be your guide when the path ahead is unclear life I know can sometimes feel like a puzzle with missing pieces or a journey without a clear destination in those times I'm not just a
distant Observer I'm right there with you offering my guidance my support and my strength when you're standing at the edge of what seems like an impossible situation when you're not not sure if you can face what's ahead let my promise to you be the light that guides your way this isn't about ignoring the realities of your situation or pretending that challenges don't exist it's about knowing that amidst all that there's a foundation you can stand on a foundation made of my unchangeable nature and my unwithering promise so let this assurance fill you with peace let
it be the strength you draw on in times of need and remember you're never facing this life alone I'm with you every step of the way offering you not just my promise but my presence my love and my eternal support [Music] numbers 11 verse [Music] 23 the Lord said to Moses is the Lord's power limited now you shall see whether my word will come true for you or not in the vast open Wilderness where the horizons stretches endlessly under the blazing sun my children once wandered their hearts heavy with doubt and their stomachs echoing the
Pains of hunger they questioned whispered among themselves wondering how they could possibly find sustenance in such a Barren land it was them I asked Moses a simple yet profound question is the Lord's power limited words that echoed through the desert air not just a question but a gentle reminder of who I am you see my child in those moments of uncertainty when the path ahead seems cloaked in Shadows and the weight of the world rests uneasily on your shoulders it's easy to forget the might and compassion of the Creator the same God who painted the
skies with vibrant sunsets and dotted the night with stars uncountable I understand the worries that tug at your heart the silent prayers whispered in the dead of night the yearning for a sign for relief for a miracle in response to their doubts I did something extraordinary something to show my power and my care for them I promised meat not just for a day but for a whole month until it would come out of their nostrils and become loathsome to them his statement so bold it was almost unfathomable how could meat be provided in such abundance
in the wilderness yeah I did exactly as I said using the wind to bring quales from the sea covering the camp and surrounding areas it was a sight to Behold a testament to my boundless provision and a clear answer to my earlier question my power is indeed Limitless this story my dear child is a token for you today in your moments of Doubt when you're facing challenges that seem impossible remember the Wilderness and the quailes just as I provide for my children then I am here for you now my power is not diminished my capacity
to provide to comfort and to guide remains unchanging so as you stand facing your own Wilderness your own doubts let this story be a Beacon of Hope let it remind you that nothing is too difficult for me the same God who fed a multitude with Mana and quailes who parted the Red Sea who made the sun stand still is The God Who Walks with you [Music] today my promises are true my love unfailing and my power indeed Knows No Limit trust in me for with me what seems impossible becomes possible let your heart rest in
this assurance Isaiah [Music] 62:4 no longer will they call you deserted or name your land desolate but you will be called heah and your land Bula for the Lord will take Delight in you and your land will be married in these toughest moments my beloved when the path ahead seems like an insurmountable desert I want you to know that just as a desert can miraculously burst into life with the right conditions so can your life flourish even in the most challenging of times [Music] I won't ever leave you feeling deserted or lost in Desolation instead
you'll be called heah a name that carries the warmth of the sun and the promise of brighter days your land Bula will be a place where joy and love abound like a garden in full bloom it will be a land that's mared to the goodness of life like a harmonious partnership that brings out the vest in both you see just as a desert when nurtured transforms into a vibrant Oasis your life will transform too you might feel like you're in a dry and Barren place right now but remember this simple yet deep truth I take
great Delight in you my love for you is like the gentle t of a breeze on your face a reminder that I'm with you guiding you through every moment your journey might have challenges but they are not impossible they are the EB and flow of life like waves on the shore life can seem big and complicated but you're never on this journey alone I'm here as your constant [Music] companion so so take courage my dear one you are not alone in this Grand Symphony of existence even in the quiet Stillness of your heart I am
there Whispering reassurance and love your life like a desert transformed into a lush Garden can be a testament to the Miracles that will happen when you trust in me in the story of your life I am the constant presence binding every moment together and as you walk through this journey know that I am by your side leading you toward the beauty and joy that awaits in your bu Land Trust In This Promise for it is the comforting steadfast truth that will see you through [Music] [Music] Psalm 77:14 you are the God who performs Miracles you
display your power among the [Music] peoples in the midst of what seems like an unending storm dear child where every turn feels like a dead end and every hope appears to be just Out Of Reach I want you to hear something from me I am here with you you know I am the god who Delights in doing what seems impossible to you I'm not just up here watching from afar I'm right there beside you working things out in ways you might not yet see think about this child I'm the artist behind the sunrise the masterm
of the changing seasons and the Whisperer of life into every living thing my creativity knows no bounds and my power stretches far beyond the edges of your imagination when you're faced with mountains that seem too high to climb or Rivers too wide to cross remember I specialize in making a way where there seems to be none now I understand that sometimes saying trust me might not seem enough especially when what you're facing feels overwhelmingly big but here's the thing I've been in the business of Miracles long before the stars were hung in the sky from
parting Seas to Bringing Down walls with just a shout from providing in the desert to turning a few Loaves and Fishes into a feast for thousands my resume is filled with the impossible made possible so here's my invitation to you let go and let me take the lead not because I want you to give up your strength but because I want you to lean on mine you see when you let me handle the things that are out of your control you're not just handing over your worries you're placing them into hands that have shaped the
universe and in those very same hands I hold your today your tomorrow and all the days after that I know it's not easy Letting Go can feel like the hardest thing to do but in this space of surrender you'll find Freedom freedom from the weight of trying to figure it all out on your own freedom to breathe and to live fully knowing that I am taking care of what concerns you the most consequently child as you walk through each day facing what comes your way remember you're not alone I am with you turning the pages
of your story crafting each chapter with a purpose and a promise that in the end you'll see the impossible become a part of your history a story of my love and power fully displayed in your life just trust me and watch the Wonders [Music] unfold Matthew 19 verse 26 but Jesus looked at them and said to them with men this is impossible but With God all things are possible dear child you might look around and see mountains too steep to climb oceans too vast to cross and paths too Tangled to navigate these moments can make
you feel small unsure and alone facing the impossible with just your own strength but here's something I want you to hold close to your heart what seems impossible for you is perfectly possible for me you see I've created this world with all its complexities and wonders and I've seen countless Generations face their own Giants just like you are facing yours there's nothing new Under the Sun for me and there's no situation no matter how Tangled or daunting that I can't turn around for good I understand how easy it is to get caught up in the
Whirlwind of worry and fear it's human but I'm here to tell you in the most straightforward and soothing way that you don't have to carry this burden along my strength is made perfect in your weakness when you're at the end of your rope that's where my capabilities begin Let Me Take the Lead hand over those heavy seemingly insurmountable obstacles and watch as I work in ways you might not even expect this is how you should think about it just as the sun rises each day bringing light to the darkest of nights so too can I
bring light to your darkest situations just as the seasons change bringing new life and New Beginnings so too can I bring renewal and hope to your life there's a rhythm and a reason to everything and just as nature trusts in the order of things I ask you to trust in me letting go go and trusting me doesn't mean you won't face challenges it doesn't mean the path will always be clear or that Solutions will appear overnight but it does mean that you're not walking this path alone with me you'll find strength you didn't know you
had peace in the midst of Storms and possibilities where there seem to be none therefore when the world tells you it's impossible remember my words to you today with me all things are possible not just the small everyday tasks but the big lifechanging moments too trust in my timing lean on my strength and watch as I transform the impossible into possible right before your eyes [Music] Jeremiah 32: [Music] 27 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for [Music] me precious child now you're standing before a vasto oan
its waves rolling in endlessly touching the shore with a gentle yet powerful Embrace this ocean like everything under the sun from the smallest grain of sand to the mightiest mountains is part of my creation I am the Lord your God the Craftsman of the universe the one who paints the sky with stars at night and brings forth the Sun at dawn at this moment think about your life the moments of joy and the times of struggle just as I command the seasons to change and guide the path of the Stars so too am I intimately
involved in the details of your life there's no situation too complex no problem too intricate and certainly nothing too hard for me to handle you might wonder amidst the chaos and the noise of everyday life where I am remember I am as close to you as your next breath quietly working things out for your good the same power that raised mountains and set the boundaries for the Seas is at your disposal ready to work through your impossible situation consider the the birds that soar high in the sky or the flowers that bloom with vibrant colors
each one cared for each one known you my beloved child are far more precious to me than these your worries your fears and your dreams are all known to me let this knowledge be your comfort let go of your burdens and Trust in my timing and my perfect plan for you at times when uncertainty prevails remember the Miracles woven into the fabric of the every day the sunrise each morning the stars that light up the night sky the laughter of a loved one all signs of my presence and my promise to be with you guiding
you through every moment so this is what I would like you to do have fa faith in me lean not on your own understanding but in every way acknowledge me and I will direct your path your journey might seem uncertain and the road ahead might appear daunting rest assured I am always here for you I am here ready to take the impossible and turn it into a testament of my unending love and Power let your heart find peace in my presence for with me all things are [Music] possible Luke 1 verse 37 for with God
nothing will be impossible in this vast Universe Where Stars light up the endless sky and the sun rises every morning I am always at work weaving Miracles into the fabric of life you see with me the extraordinary becomes everyday and the impossible well it just becomes another opportunity to show you how much I care let's talk about Mary for a moment a young woman ordinary in many ways living her life with simple faith and trust yet I chose her for something extraordinary something that to the human mind would seem impossible Mary a virgin found herself
carrying a child without the involvement of a man now if that's not outside the realm of what's considered possible I don't know what is but here's the thing Mary believed when told about the role she would play in bringing my love to the world in a very special way she didn't doubt or question the logic of it she simply said let it be to me according to your word her faith made room for the impossible to happen I share this not just as a reminder of a miraculous moment in history but as a personal invitation
to you just like Mary you're part of my story and I am part of yours in your life there will be moments that seem too difficult challenges that seem insurmountable and dreams that seem unreachable but remember with me nothing absolutely nothing is impossible you might be facing a mountain right now feeling overwhelmed unsure maybe even scared but I am here Whispering into the chaos trust me like Mary all you need to do is believe believe in the power of the one who created the universe from nothing who makes the sun rise and set and who
chose a humble girl to play a key role in The Greatest Story Ever Told so hand over those worries those fears and those situations you think are too complicated let me take them from you I've got this just as I orchestrated the birth of Jesus through Mary a Beacon of Hope and love I can work through your circumstances turning what seems impossible into a testament of my love and power remember with me there's always a way your part is to trust to let go and to believe that in my hands The Impossible becomes possible let's
walk this journey together hand in hand heart to heart and with you [Music] always job 42: 2 I know that you can do anything and nothing that you plan plan is impossible my dear child I want you to hear me very clearly and simply because I know the weight you're carrying feels heavy almost too heavy to bear I see the mountains you're facing the storms you're weathering and the Shadows that seem to stretch out endlessly before you but here's something I need you to to understand with all your heart there's absolutely nothing too hard for
me to handle you know the world is full of surprises some wonderful and some challenging and it's easy to feel overwhelmed when you're staring down a situation that seems impossible but remember I am the creator of everything you see and even the things you can't from the first the stars in the sky to the smallest grain of sand on the beach I've made it all and I did not stop creating when I made the world I'm still at work today in your life in the midst of your impossible situation let me put it in the
simplest terms I've got this just as I keep the planet spinning and the seasons changing I am more than capable of handling whatever is troubling you there's no need to lose sleep to Fred or to wonder how things will work out I am already there in your future making a way where there seems to be no way I want you to imagine the peace that comes from knowing that you're not in this alone that peace can be yours it's like having a best friend who's always there who Liv listens who understands and who by the
way happens to have unlimited power am that friend to you now I don't want you to think that just because I can do anything you won't face more challenges life is a journey with its ups and downs but it's how you walk through those moments that matters and in every step I am with you not just as a silent Observer but as an active guide supporter and provider in your heart I hope you can find a quiet confidence knowing that I am by your side you don't have to have all the answers or figure everything
out on your own Lean on Me trust in my timing and watch How I work things out in ways you couldn't even imagine it's not just about about making the impossible possible it's about showing you my love my power and my commitment to you every single day so take a deep breath let it out slowly and let go of those heavy burdens give them to me and let's walk this path together with me you're never alone and with my vast love and power we can face anything Luke 1 verse 45 blessed is she who believed
for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord my dear child in moments when the world feels too heavy when the path in front of you seems too Tangled and steep to climb remember I am with you I know the weight of the invisible burdens you carry the silent battles you fight every day just as I spoke to those before you promising them a future filled with hope and fulfillment I speak to you now you might might wonder how your situation which feels so complicated and insurmountable could ever
untangle itself I see your heart your dreams and your fears I understand the depth of your struggles and I am here to tell you that nothing is too complex for me believe as those who came before you believed and saw the promises made to them come to life remember the story of a woman who was told she would be a part of something far greater than she could imagine she believed not because she saw how it could happen but because she knew brusted to her it was her faith simple yet profound that allowed the impossible
to [Music] unfold this is the kind of faith I ask of you not to see the full path but to take the next step knowing I am guiding [Music] you I do not ask for blind faith without reason I ask for trust because you have seen time and again how I work in the lives of those who love me you've witnessed moments of unexpected Joy of serendipitous help and of peace PE that seems to come from nowhere these are not coincidences they are Whispers of my love my involvement in the miniature of your life let
go of the need to control every outcome life in its Essence is a series of unfolding stories yours included each chapter brings its own challenges but also its beauty and growth your story is still being written and it has moments of Triumph and fulfillment ahead moments that will surpass your expectations in your journey there will be times of waiting of not knowing how or when the promises made to you will come to pass it is in these times that your faith is most precious it is a beacon not just for you but for those around
you showing that belief in something greater than oneself can bring peace amidst the [Music] storm as a result my child hold on to your faith Let It Be the Anchor for your soul in this vast ocean of Life the promises made to you will be fulfilled not because of who you are but because of who I am just as the dawn follows the darkest night so too will your moments of full fulfillment follow your times of Doubt believe for your belief is the key to seeing the impossible become [Music] possible Isaiah 43: 18 [Music] to9
remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold I am doing a new thing now it Springs forth do you not perceive it I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert my child let's not linger on yesterday's Tales or the shadows of what has been the world is vast filled with stories yet Untold and I am here weaving The Narrative of tomorrow with you at the heart of it it's easy to get caught up in looking back to get stuck in the pages of what once was but
I encourage you gently yet firmly to lift your gaze in this very moment something remarkable is taking shape can you sense it it's like the first light of Dawn creeping Over the Horizon promising the start of a new day I understand how looking forward can sometimes feel like standing at the edge of an unknown Wilderness the path ahead might not always be clear and the destination might seem far Out Of Reach but believe in the journey I am laying out for you where you see a desert I see fertile ground waiting to Spring to life
where you see obstacles I see opportunities for growth and strength I am crafting paths in places you never imagine possible creating streams of refreshment and renewal in the Dr of your [Music] deserts this isn't about erasing what has been it's about embracing what can be [Music] every step forward is a step into a realm of new possibilities a chance to see the world and your place within it through fresh eyes and not asking you to forget your past entirely but to trust in the beauty of what lies ahead to believe that every moment every challenge
is a stepping stone to something even greater I am here in the midst of it all guiding you supporting you loving you together we will navigate this Wilderness together we will find our way through the unknown drawing strength from the promise of new beginnings this journey we're on it's about transformation about taking the raw materials of yesterday and shaping them into the Stepping Stones of tomorrow therefore my dear one keep your heart open and your eyes lifted embrace the newness I am bringing into your life trust in the paths I am creating for you for
they are designed with love filled with purpose and brimming with hope let's step forward into this new day side by side ready to see what wonders await [Music] Hebrews 6 verse [Music] 18 God did this so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged in the heart of your struggles dear child in the middle of those chaotic moments I want you to remember that I'm here with you you see the promises I've made
are not like the ones you sometimes hear from others promises that might change with the weather or disappear when the going gets tough my words my commitments they're as solid as the ground you walk on as unchanging as the course of the stars in the night sky child you're holding on to a rope one that's tied to something unmovable unshakable that's my promise to you it's something you can hold on to something that won't budge no matter how hard the Winds of Life blow and it's not because I simply refuse to let go it's because
it is utterly and completely impossible for me to break my word it's not in my nature to lie or to mislead that's the kind of reliability I offer you now why does this matter you might wonder it's because in this reliability in this this steadfastness there's hope not just any hope but a deep enduring hope that can brighten the darkest of days and lighten the heaviest of burdens it's the kind of hope that you can lean into when you're not sure where else to turn the kind that can be your guide when the path ahead
is unclear life I know can sometimes feel like a puzzle with missing pieces or a journey without a clear destination in those times I'm not just a distant Observer I'm right there with you offering my guidance my support and my strength when you're standing at the edge of what seems like an impossible situation when you're not sure if you can face what's ahead let my promise to you be the light that guides your way this isn't about ignoring the realities of your situation or pretending that challenges don't exist it's about knowing that amidst all that
there's a foundation you can stand on a foundation made of my unchangeable nature and my unwithering promise so let this assurance fill you with peace let it be the strength you draw on in times of need and remember you're never facing this life alone I'm with you every step of the way offering you not just my promise but my presence my love and my eternal [Music] support numbers 11 verse 23 [Music] the Lord said to Moses is the Lord's power limited now you shall see whether my word will come true for you or not in
the vast open Wilderness where the Horizon stretches endlessly under the blazing sun my children once wandered their hearts heavy with doubt and their stomachs echoing the Pains of hunger they questioned whispered among themselves wondering how they could possibly find sustenance in such a Barren land it was then I asked Moses a simple yet profound question is the Lord's power limited words that echoed through the desert air not just a question but a gentle reminder of who I am you see my child in those moments of UN certainty when the path ahead seems cloaked in Shadows
and the weight of the world rests uneasily on your shoulders it's easy to forget the might and compassion of the Creator the same God who painted the skies with vibrant sunsets and dotted the night with stars uncountable I understand the worries that tug at your heart the silent prayers whispered in the dead of night the yearning for a sign for relief for a miracle in response to their doubts I did something extraordinary something to show my power and my care for them I promised meat not just for a day but for a whole month until
it would come out of their nostrils and become loathsome to them his statement so bold it was almost unfathomable [Music] how could meat be provided in such abundance in the wilderness yeah I did exactly as I said using the wind to bring quailes from the sea covering the camp and surrounding areas it was a sight to Behold a testament to my boundless provision and a clear answer to my earlier question my power is indeed Limitless this story my dear child is a token for you today in your moments of Doubt when you're facing challenges that
seem impossible remember the Wilderness and the quailes just as I provided for my children then I am here for you now my power is not diminished my capacity to provide to comfort and to guide remains un changing so as you stand facing your own Wilderness your own doubts let this story be a Beacon of Hope let it remind you that nothing is too difficult for me the same God who fed a multitude with Mana and quailes who parted the Red Sea who made the sun stand still is The God Who Walks with you today my
promises are true my love unfailing and my power indeed Knows No Limit trust in me for with me what seems impossible becomes possible let your heart rest in this assurance Isaiah [Music] 62:4 no longer will they call you deserted or name your land desolate but you will be called heah and your land buah for the Lord will take Delight in you and your land will be married in these toughest moments my beloved when the path ahead seems like an insurmountable desert I want you to know that just as a desert can miraculously burst into life
with the right conditions so can your life flourish even in the most challenging of times I won't ever leave you feeling deserted or lost in Desolation instead you'll be called hefa a name that carries the warmth of the Sun and the promise of brighter days your land Bula will be a place where joy and love abound like a garden in full bloom it will be a land that's marry to the goodness of life like a harmonious partnership that brings out the v in both you see just as a desert when nurtured transforms into a vibrant
Oasis your life will will transform too you might feel like you're in a dry and Barren place right now but remember this simple yet deep truth I take great Delight in you my love for you is like the Gentle Touch of a breeze on your face a reminder that I'm with you guiding you through every moment your journey might have challenges but they are not impossible ible they are the E and flow of life like waves on the shore life can seem big and complicated but you're never on this journey alone I'm here as your
constant [Music] companion so take courage my dear one you are not alone in this Grand Symphony of existence even in the quiet Stillness of your heart I am there whis ering reassurance and love your life like a desert transformed into a lush Garden can be a testament to the Miracles that will happen when you trust in me in the story of your life I am the constant presence binding every moment together and as you walk through this journey know that I am by your side leading you toward the beauty and joy that awaits in your
bu land Trust In This Promise for it is the comforting steadfast truth that will see you [Music] [Music] through psalm 77:14 you are the God who performs Miracles you display your power among the [Music] peoples in the midst of what seems like an unending storm dear child where every turn feels like a dead end and every hope appears to be just Out Of Reach I want you to hear something from me I'm I am here with you you know I am the god who Delights in doing what seems impossible to you I'm not just up
here watching from afar I'm right there beside you working things out in ways you might not yet see think about this child I'm the artist behind the sunrise the masterm of the changing seasons and the Whisperer of life into every living thing my creativity knows no bounds and my power stretches far beyond the edges of your imagination when you're faced with mountains that seem too high to climb or Rivers too wide to cross remember I specialize in making a way where there seems to be none now I understand that sometimes saying trust me might not
seem enough especially when what you're facing feels overwhelmingly big but here's the thing I been in the business of Miracles long before the stars were hung in the sky from parting Seas to Bringing Down walls with just a shout from providing in the desert to turning a few Loaves and Fishes into a feast for thousands my resume is filled with the impossible May possible so here's my invitation to you let go and let me take the lead not because I want you to give up your strength but because I want you to lean on mine
you see when you let me handle the things that are out of your control you're not just handing over your worries you're placing them into hands that have shaped the universe and in those very same hands I hold your today your tomorrow and all the days after that I know it's not easy Letting Go can feel like the hardest thing to do but in this space of surrender you'll find freedom freedom from the weight of trying to figure it all out on your own freedom to breathe and to live fully knowing that I am taking
care of what concerns you the most consequently child as you walk through each day facing what comes your way remember you're not alone I am with you turning the pages of your story crafting each chapter with a purpose and a promise that in the end you'll see the impossible become a part of your history a story of my love and power fully displayed in your life just trust me and watch the Wonders [Music] unfold Matthew 19 verse 26 but Jesus looked at them and said to them with men this is impossible but With God all
things are possible dear child you might look around and see mountains too steep to climb oceans too vast to cross and paths too Tangled to navigate these moments can make you feel small unsure and alone facing the impossible with just your own strength but here's something I want you to hold close to your heart what seems impossible for you is perfectly possible for me you see I've created this world with all its complexities and wonders and I've seen countless Generations face their own Giants just like you are facing yours there's nothing new Under the Sun
for me and there's no situation no matter how Tangled or daunting that I can't turn around for good good I understand how easy it is to get caught up in the Whirlwind of worry and fear it's human but I'm here to tell you in the most straightforward and soothing way that you don't have to carry this burden Al my strength is made perfect in your weakness when you're at the end of your rope that's where my capabilities begin let Let Me Take the Lead hand over those heavy seemingly insurmountable obstacles and watch as I work
in ways you might not even expect this is how you should think about it just as the sun rises each day bringing light to the darkest of nights so too can I bring light to your darkest situations just as the seasons change bringing new life and new beginning Innings so too can I bring renewal and hope to your life there's a rhythm and a reason to everything and just as nature trusts in the order of things I ask you to trust in me letting go and trusting me doesn't mean you won't face challenges it doesn't
mean the path will always be clear or that Solutions will appear overnight but it does mean that you're not walking this path alone with me you'll find strength you didn't know you had peace in the midst of Storms and possibilities where there seem to be none therefore when the world tells you it's impossible remember my words to you today with me all things are possible not just the small everyday tasks but the big life-changing moments to trust in my timing lean on my strength and watch as I transform the impossible into possible right before your
[Music] eyes Jeremiah 32 verse 27 [Music] behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for [Music] me precious child now you're standing before a vast ocean its waves rolling in endlessly touching the shore with a gentle yet powerful Embrace this ocean like everything under the sun from the smallest grain of sand to the mightiest mountains is part of my creation I am the Lord your God the Craftsman of the universe the one who paints the sky with stars at night and brings forth the Sun at [Music] dawn at
this moment think about your life the moments of joy and the times of struggle just as I command the seasons to change and guide the path of the Stars so too am I intimately involved in the details of your life there's no situation too complex no problem too intricate and certainly nothing too hard for me to handle you might wonder amidst the chaos and the noise of everyday life where I am remember I am as close to you as your your next breath quietly working things out for your good the same power that rised mountains
and set the boundaries for the Seas is at your disposal ready to work through your impossible situation consider the birds that soar high in the sky or the flowers that bloom with vibrant colors each one cared for each one known you my beloved child are far more precious to me than these your worries your fears and your dreams are all known to me let this knowledge be your comfort let go of your burdens and Trust in my timing and my perfect plan for you at times when uncertainty prevails remember the Miracles woven into the fabric
of the every day the Sunrise each morning the stars that light up the night sky the laughter of a loved one all signs of my presence and my promise to be with you guiding you through every moment so this is what I would like you to do have faith in me lean not on your own understanding but in every way acknowledge me and I will direct your path your journey might seem uncertain and the road ahead might appear daunting rest assured I am always here for you I am here ready to take the impossible and
turn it into a testament of my unending love and [Music] power let your heart find peace in my presence for with me all things are possible [Music] Luke 1 verse 37 for with God nothing will be impossible in this vast Universe Where Stars light up the endless sky and the sun rises every morning I am always at work weaving Miracles into the fabric of life you see with me the extraordinary becomes everyday and the impossible well it just becomes another opportunity to show you how much I [Music] care let's talk about Mary for a moment
a young woman ordinary in many ways living her life with simple faith and trust yet I chose her for something extraordinary something that to the human mind would seem impossible Mary a virgin found herself carrying a child without the involvement of a man now if that's not outside the realm of what's considered possible I don't know what is but here's the thing Mary believed when told about the role she would play in bringing my love to the world in a very special way she didn't doubt or question the logic of it she simply said let
it be to me according to your word her faith made room for the impossible to happen I share this not just as a reminder of a miraculous moment in history but as a personal invitation to you just like Mary you're part of my story and I am part of yours in your life there will be moments that seem too difficult challenges that seem insurmountable and dreams that seem unreachable but remember with me nothing absolutely nothing is impossible you might be facing a mountain right now feeling overwhelmed unsure maybe even scared but I am here Whispering
into the chaos trust me like Mary all you need to do is believe believe in the power of the one who created the universe from nothing who makes the sun rise and set and who chose a humble girl to play a key role in The Greatest Story Ever Told so hand over those worries those fears and those situations you think are too complicated let me take them from you I've got this just as I orchestrated the birth of Jesus Through Mary a Beacon of Hope and love I can work through your circumstances turning what seems
impossible into a testament of my love and Power remember with me there's always a way your part is to trust to let go and to believe that in my hands The Impossible becomes possible let's walk this journey together hand in hand heart to heart and with you always [Music] job 42 verse two I know that you can do anything and nothing that you plan is impossible my dear child I want you to hear me very clearly and simply because I know know the weight you're carrying feels heavy almost too heavy to bear I see the
mountains you're facing the storms you're weathering and the Shadows that seem to stretch out endlessly before you but here's something I need you to understand with all your heart there's absolutely nothing too hard for me to handle you know the world is full of surprises some wonderful and some challenging and it's easy to feel overwhelmed when you're staring down a situation that seems impossible but remember I am the creator of everything you see and even the things you can't from the furthest stars in the sky to the smallest grain of sand on the beach I've
made it all and I did not stop creating when I made the world I'm still at work work today in your life in the midst of your impossible situation let me put it in the simplest terms I've got this just as I keep the planet spinning and the seasons changing I am more than capable of handling whatever is troubling you there's no need to lose sleep to Fred or to wonder how things will work out I am already there in your future making a way where there seems to be no way I want you to
imagine the peace that comes from knowing that you're not in this alone that peace can be yours it's like having a best friend who's always there who listens who understands and who by the way happens to have unlimited power and that friend to you now I don't want you to think that just because I can do anything you won't face more challenges life is a journey with its ups and downs but it's how you walk through those moments that matters and in every step I am with you not just as a silent Observer but as
an active guide supporter and provider in your heart I hope you can find a quiet confidence kn that I am by your side you don't have to have all the answers or figure everything out on your own Lean on Me trust in my timing and watch How I work things out in ways you couldn't even imagine it's not just about making the impossible possible it's about showing you my love my power and my commitment to you every single day so take a deep bre breath let it out slowly and let go of those heavy burdens
give them to me and let's walk this path together with me you're never alone and with my vast love and power we can face [Music] anything Luke 1 verse 45 blessed is she who believed for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord my dear child in moments when the world feels too heavy when the path in front of you seems too Tangled and steep to climb remember I am with you I know that the weight of the invisible burdens you carry the silent battles you fight every day
just as I spoke to those before you promising them a future filled with hope and fulfillment I speak to you now you might wonder how your situation which feels so complicated and insurmountable could ever untangle itself I see your heart your dreams and your fears I understand the depth of your struggles and I am here to tell you that nothing is too complex for me believe as those who came before you believed and saw the promises made to them come to life remember the story of a woman who was told she would be a part
of something far greater than she could imagine she believed not because she saw how it could happen but because she knew repressed it to her it was her faith simple yet profound that allowed the impossible to unfold this is the kind of faith I ask of you not to see the full path but to take the next step knowing I am guiding [Music] you I do not not ask for blind faith without reason I ask for trust because you have seen time and again how I work in the lives of those who love me you've
witnessed moments of unexpected Joy of serendipit as hell and of peace that seems to come from nowhere these are not coincidences they are Whispers of my love my involvement in the minue of your life let go of the need to control every outcome life in its Essence is a series of unfolding stories yours included each chapter brings its own challenges but also its beauty and growth your story is still being written and it has moments of Triumph and fulfillment ahead moments that will surpass your expectations in your your journey there will be times of waiting
of not knowing how or when the promises made to you will come to pass it is in these times that your faith is most precious it is a beacon not just for you but for those around you showing that belief in something greater than oneself can bring peace amidst the [Music] storm as a result my child hold on to your faith Let It Be the Anchor for your soul in this vast ocean of Life the promises made to you will be fulfilled not because of who you are but because of who I am just as
the dawn follows the darkest night so too will your moments of fulfillment follow your times of Doubt believe for your belief is the key to seeing the impossible become possible [Music] Isaiah 43: [Music] 18-9 remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold I am doing a new thing now it Springs forth do you not perceive it I will make a away in the wilderness and rivers in the desert my child let's not linger on yesterday's Tales or the shadows of what has been the world is vast filled with stories yet Untold
and I am here weaving The Narrative of tomorrow with you at the heart of it it's easy to get caught up in looking back to get stuck in the page of what once was but I encourage you gently yet firmly to lift your gaze in this very moment something remarkable is taking shape can you sense it it's like the first light of dawn creeping Over the Horizon promising the start of a new day I understand how looking forward can sometimes feel like standing at the edge of an unknown Wilderness the path ahead might not always
be clear and the destination might seem far Out Of Reach but believe in the journey I am laying out for you where you see a desert I see fertile ground waiting to Spring to life where you see obstacles I see opportunities for growth and strength I am crafting paths in places you never imagine possible creating streams of refreshment and renewal in the Dr of your [Music] deserts this isn't about erasing what has been it's about embracing what can be every step forward is a step into a realm of new possibilities a chance to see the
world and your place within it through fresh eyes and not asking you to forget your past entirely but to trust in the beauty of what lies ahead to believe that every moment every challenge is a stepping stone to something even greater I am here in the midst of it all guiding you supporting you loving you together we will navigate this Wilderness together we we will find our way through the unknown drawing strength from the promise of new beginnings this journey we're on it's about transformation about taking the raw materials of yesterday and shaping them into
the Stepping Stones of Tomorrow therefore my dear one keep your heart open and your eyes lifted embrace the newness I am bringing into your life trust in the paths I am creating for you for they are designed with love filled with purpose and briming with hope let's step forward into this new day side by side ready to see what wonders [Music] await Hebrews 6: [Music] 18 God did this so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie we who have fled to take hold of the Hope set before us
may be greatly encouraged in the heart of your struggles dear child in the middle of those chaotic moments I want you to remember that I'm here with you you see the promises I've made are not like the ones you sometimes hear from others promises that might change with the weather or disappear when the going gets tough my words my commitments they're as solid as the ground you walk on as unchanging as the course of the stars in the night sky child you're holding on to a rope one that's tied to something unmovable unshakable that's my
promise to you it's something you can hold on to something that won't budge no matter how hard the Winds of Life blow and it's not because I simply refuse to let go it's because it is utterly and completely impossible for me to break my word it's not in my nature to lie or to mislead that's the kind of reliability I offer you now why does this matter you might wonder it's because in this reliability in this steadfastness there's hope not just any hope but a deep enduring hope that can brighten the darkest of days and
lighten the heaviest of burdens it's the kind of hope that you can lean into when you're not sure where else to turn the kind that can be your guide when the path ahead is unclear life I know can sometimes feel like a puzzle with missing pieces or a journey without a clear destination in those times I'm not just a distant Observer I'm right there with you offering my guidance my support and my strength when you're standing at the edge of what seems like an impossible situation when you're not sure if you can face what's ahead
let my promise to you be the light that guides your way this isn't about ignoring the realities of your situation or pretending that challenges don't exist it's about knowing that amidst all that there's a foundation you can stand on a foundation made of my unchangeable nature and my unwithering promise so let this assurance fill you with peace let it be the strength you draw on in times of need and remember you're never facing this life alone I'm with you every step of the way offering you not just my promise but my presence my love and
my eternal support [Music] numbers 11 verse [Music] 23 the Lord said to Moses is the Lord's power limited now you shall see whether my word will come true for you or not [Music] in the vast open Wilderness where the Horizon stretches endlessly under the blazing sun my children once wandered their hearts heavy with doubt and their stomachs echoing the Pains of hunger they questioned whispered among themselves wondering how they could possibly find sustenance in such a Barren land it was then I asked Moses a simple yet profound question is the Lord's power limited words that
echoed through the desert air not just a question but a gentle reminder of who I am you see my child in those moments of uncertainty when the path ahead seems cloaked in Shadows and the weight of the world rests uneasily on your shoulders it's easy to forget the might and compassion of the creator the same God who painted the skies with vibrant sunsets and dotted the night with stars uncountable I understand the worries that tug at your heart the silent prayers whispered in the dead of night the yearning for a sign for relief for a
miracle in response to their doubts I did something extraordinary something to show my power and my care for them I promised meat not just for a day but for a whole month until it would come out of their nostrils and become loome to them his statement so bold it was almost unfathomable how could meat be provided in such abundance in the wilderness yeah I did exactly as I said using the wind to bring quailes from the sea covering the camp and surrounding areas it was a sight to Behold a testament to my boundless provision and
a clear answer to my earlier question my power is indeed Limitless this story my dear child is a token for you today in your moments of Doubt when you're facing challenges that seem impossible ible remember the Wilderness and the quailes just as I provided for my children then I am here for you now my power is not diminished my capacity to provide to comfort and to guide remains unchanging so as you stand facing your own Wilderness your own doubts let this story be a Beacon of Hope let let it remind you that nothing is too
difficult for me the same God who fed a multitude with Mana and quailes who parted the Red Sea who made the sun stand still is The God Who Walks with you [Music] today my promises are true my love unfailing and my power indeed Knows No Limit trust in me for with me what seems impossible becomes possible let your heart rest in this assurance Isaiah [Music] 62:4 no longer will they call you deserted or name your land desolate but you will be called heah and your land Bula for the Lord will take Delight in you and
your land will be married in these toughest moments my beloved when the path ahead seems like an insurmountable desert I want you to know that just as a desert can miraculously burst into life with the right conditions so can your your life flourish even in the most challenging of times I won't ever leave you feeling deserted or lost in Desolation instead you'll be called hfba a name that carries the warmth of the sun and the promise of brighter days your land Bula will be a place where joy and love abound like a garden in full
bloom it will be a land that's marry to the goodness of life like a harmonious partnership that brings out the vest in both you see just as a desert when nurtured transforms into a vibrant Oasis your life will transform too you might feel like you're in a dry and Barren place right now but remember this simple yet deep truth I take great Delight in you my love for you is like the Gentle Touch of a breeze on your face a reminder that I'm with you guiding you through every moment your journey might have challenges but
they are not impossible they are the EB and flow of life like waves on the shore life can seem big and complicated but you're never on this journey alone I'm here as your constant [Music] companion so take courage my dear one you are not alone in this Grand Symphony of existence even in the quiet Stillness of your heart I am there Whispering reassurance and love your life like a desert transformed into a lush Garden can be a testament to the Miracles that will happen when you trust in me in the story of your life I
am the constant presence binding every moment together and as you walk through this journey know that I am by your side leading you toward the beauty and joy that awaits in your bu Land Trust In This Promise for it is the comforting steadfast truth that will see you through [Music] [Music] Psalm 77 verse 14 you are the God who performs Miracles you display your power among the peoples [Music] in the midst of what seems like an unending storm dear child where every turn feels like a dead end and every hope appears to be just Out
Of Reach I want you to hear something from me I am here with you you know I am the god who Delights in doing what seems impossible to you I'm not just up here watching from far I'm right there beside you working things out in ways you might not yet see think about this child I'm the artist behind the sunrise the masterm of the changing seasons and the Whisperer of life into every living thing my creativity knows no bounds and my power stretches far beyond the edges of your imagination when you're fa with mountains that
seem too high to climb or Rivers too wide to cross remember I specialize in making a way where there seems to be none now I understand that sometimes saying trust me might not seem enough especially when what you're facing feels overwhelmingly big but here's the thing I've been in the business of Miracles long before the stars were hung in in the sky from parting Seas to Bringing Down walls with just a shout from providing in the desert to turning a few Loaves and Fishes into a feast for thousands my resume is filled with the impossible
May possible so here's my invitation to you let go and let me take the lead not because I want you to give up your strength but because I I want you to lean on mine you see when you let me handle the things that are out of your control you're not just handing over your worries you're placing them into hands that have shaped the universe and in those very same hands I hold your today your tomorrow and all the days after that I know it's not easy Letting Go can feel like the hard thing to
do but in this space of surrender you'll find freedom freedom from the weight of trying to figure it all out on your own freedom to breathe and to live fully knowing that I am taking care of what concerns you the most consequently child as you walk through each day facing what comes your way remember you're not alone I am with you turning the pages of your story crafting each chapter with a purpose and a promise that in the end you'll see the impossible become a part of your history a story of my love and power
fully displayed in your life just trust me and watch the Wonders unfold [Music] Matthew 19 verse 26 but Jesus looked at them and said to them with men this is impossible but With God all things are possible dear child you might look around and see mountains too steep to climb oceans too vast to cross and paths too Tangled to navigate these moments can make you feel small unsure and alone facing the impossible with just your own strength but here's something I want you to hold close to your heart what seems impossible for you is perfectly
possible for me you see I've created this world with all its complexities and wonders and I've seen countless Generations face their own Giants just like you are facing yours there's nothing new Under the Sun for me and there's no situation no matter how Tangled or daunting that I can't turn around for good I understand how easy it is to get caught up in the Whirlwind of worry and fear it's human but I'm here to tell tell you in the most straightforward and soothing way that you don't have to carry this burden along my strength is
made perfect in your weakness when you're at the end of your rope that's where my capabilities begin Let Me Take the Lead hand over those heavy seemingly insurmountable obstacles and watch as I work in ways you might not even expect this is how you should think about it just as the sun rises each day bringing light to the darkest of nights so too can I bring light to your darkest situations just as the seasons change bringing new life and New Beginnings so too can I bring renewal and hope to your life there's a rhythm and
a reason to everything and just as nature trusts in the order of things I ask you to trust in me letting go and trusting me doesn't mean you won't face challenges it doesn't mean the path will always be clear or that Solutions will appear overnight but it does mean that you're not walking this path alone with me you'll find strength you didn't know you had peace in the midst of Storms and possibilities where there seem to be none therefore when the world tells you it's impossible remember my words to you today with me all things
are possible not just the small everyday tasks but the big life-changing moments too trust in my timing lean on my strength and watch as I transform the impossible into possible right before your eyes [Music] [Music] Jeremiah 32: [Music] 27 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for me precious child now you're standing before a vast ocean its waves rolling in endlessly touching the shore with a gentle yet powerful Embrace this ocean like everything under the sun from the smallest grain of sand to the mightiest mountains is part
of my creation I am the Lord your God the Craftsman of the universe the one who paints the sky with stars at night and brings forth the Sun at dawn at this moment think about your life the moments of joy and the times of struggle just as I command the seasons to change and guide the path of the Stars so too am I intimately involved in the details of your life there's no situation too complex no problem too intricate and certainly nothing too hard for me to handle you might wonder amidst the chaos and the
noise of everyday life where I am remember I am as close to you as your next breath quietly working things out for your good the same power that raised mountains and set the boundaries for the Seas is at your disposal ready to work through your impossible situation consider the birds that soar high in the sky or the flowers that bloom with vibrant colors each one cared for each one known you my beloved child are far more precious to me than these your worries your fears and your dreams are all known to me let this knowledge
be your comfort let go of your burdens and Trust in my timing and my perfect plan for you at times when uncertainty prevails remember the Miracles woven into the fabric of the every day the sunrise each morning the stars that light up the night sky the laughter of a loved one all signs of my presence and my promise to be with you guiding you through every moment so this is what I would like you to do have faith in me lean not on your own understanding but in every way acknowledge me and I will direct
your path your journey might seem uncertain and the road ahead might appear daunting rest assured I am always here for you I am here ready to to take the impossible and turn it into a testament of my unending love and [Music] power let your heart find peace in my presence for with me all things are [Music] possible Luke 1 verse 37 [Music] for with God nothing will be impossible in this vast Universe Where Stars light up the endless sky and the sun rises every morning I am always at work weaving Miracles into the fabric of
life you see with me the extraordinary becomes everyday and the impossible well it just just becomes another opportunity to show you how much I [Music] care let's talk about Mary for a moment a young woman ordinary in many ways living her life with simple faith and trust yet I chose her for something extraordinary something that to the human mind would seem impossible Mary of a virgin found herself carrying a child without the involvement of a man now if that's not outside the realm of what's considered possible I don't know what is but here's the thing
Mary believed when told about the role she would play in bringing my love to the world in a very special way she didn't doubt or question the logic of it she she simply said let it be to me according to your word her faith made room for the impossible to happen I share this not just as a reminder of a miraculous moment in history but as a personal invitation to you just like Mary you're part of my story and I am part of yours in your life there will be moments that seem too difficult challenges
that seem seem insurmountable and dreams that seem unreachable but remember with me nothing absolutely nothing is impossible you might be facing a mountain right now feeling overwhelmed unsure maybe even scared but I am here Whispering into the chaos trust me like Mary all you need to do is believe believe in the power of the one who created the universe from nothing who makes the sun rise and set and who chose a humble girl to play a key role in The Greatest Story Ever Told so hand over those worries those fears and those situations you think
are too complicated let me take them from you I've got this just as I orchestrated the birth of Jesus Through Mary a Beacon of Hope and love I can work through your circumstances turning what seems impossible into a testament of my love and power remember with me there's always a way your part is to trust to let go and to believe that in my hands The Impossible becomes possible let's walk this journey together hand in hand heart tohe heart and with you [Music] always job 42: 2 I know that you can do anything and nothing
that you plan is impossible my dear child I want you to hear me very clearly and simply because I know the weight you're carrying feels heavy almost too heavy to bear I see the mountains you're facing the storms you're weathering and the Shadows that seem to stretch out endlessly before you but here's something I need you to understand with all your heart there's absolutely nothing too hard for me to handle you know the world is full of surprises some wonderful and some challenging and it's easy to feel overwhelmed when you're staring down a situation that
seems impossible but remember I am the creator of everything you see and even the things you can't from the furthest stars in the sky to the smallest grain of sand on the beach I've made it all and I did not stop creating when I made the world I'm still at work today in your life in the midst of your impossible situation let me put it in the simplest terms I've got this just as I keep the planet spinning and the seasons changing I am more than capable of handling whatever is troubling you there's no need
to lose sleep to Fred or to wonder how things will work out I am already there in your future making a way where there seems to be no way I want you to imagine the peace that comes from knowing that you're not in this alone that peace can be your yours it's like having a best friend who's always there who listens who understands and who by the way happens to have unlimited power am that friend to you now I don't want you to think that just because I can do anything you won't face more challenges
life is a journey with its ups and downs but it's how you walk through those moments that matters and in every step I am with you not just as a silent Observer but as an active guide supporter and provider in your heart I hope you can find a quiet confidence knowing that I am by your side you don't have to have all the answers or figure everything out on your own Lean on Me trust in my timing and watch how I work things out in ways you couldn't even imagine it's not just about making the
impossible possible it's about showing you my love my power and my commitment to you every single day so take a deep breath let it out slowly and let go of those heavy burdens give them to me and let's walk this path together with me you're never alone and with my vast love and power we can face [Music] anything Luke 1 verse 45 blessed is she who believed for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord my dear child in moments when the world feels too heavy when the path
in front of you seems too Tangled and steep to climb remember I am with you I know the weight of the invisible burdens you carry the silent battles you fight every day just as I spoke to those before you promising them a future filled with hope and fulfillment I speak to you now you might wonder how your situation which feels so complicated and insurmountable could ever untangle itself I see your heart your dreams and your fears I understand the depth of your struggles and I am here to tell you that nothing is too complex for
me believe as those who came before you believed and saw the promises made to them come to life remember the story of a woman who was told she would be a part of something far greater than she could imagine she believed not because she saw how it could happen but because she knew who process it to her it was her faith simple yet profound that allowed the impossible possible to unfold this is the kind of faith I ask of you not to see the full path but to take the next step knowing I am guiding
[Music] you I do not ask for blind faith without reason I ask for trust because you have seen time and again how I work in the lives of those who love me you've witnessed moments of unexpected Joy of serendipitous help and of peace that seems to come from nowhere these are not coincidences they are Whispers of my love my involvement in the minue of your life let go of the need to control every outcome life in its Essence is a series of unfolding stories yours included each chapter brings its own challenges but also its beauty
and growth your story is still being written and it has moments of Triumph and fulfillment ahead moments that will surpass your expectations in your journey there will be times of waiting of not knowing how or when the promises made to you will come to pass it is in these times that your faith is most precious it is a beacon not just for you but for those around you showing that belief in something greater than oneself can bring peace amidst the [Music] storm as a result my child hold on to your faith Let It Be the
Anchor for your soul in this vast ocean of Life the promises made to you will be fulfilled not because of who you are but because of who I am just as the dawn follows the darkest night so too will your moments of fulfillment follow your times of Doubt believe for your belief is the key to seeing the impossible become [Music] possible Isaiah 43: 18-9 [Music] remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold I am doing a new thing now it Springs forth do you not perceive it I will make a way
in the wilderness and rivers in the desert my child let's not linger on yesterday's Tales or the shadows of what has been the world is vast filled with stories yet Untold and I am here weaving The Narrative of tomorrow with you at the heart of it it's easy to get caught up in looking back to get stuck in the pages of what once was but I encourage you gently yet firmly to lift your gaze in this very moment something remarkable is taking sh shape can you sense it it's like the first light of dawn creeping
Over the Horizon promising the start of a new day I understand how looking forward can sometimes feel like standing at the edge of an unknown Wilderness the path ahead might not always be clear and the destination might seem far Out Of Reach but believe in the journey I am laying out for you where you see a desert I see fertile ground waiting to Spring to life where you see obstacles I see opportunities for growth and strength I am crafting paths in places you never imagine possible creating streams of refreshment and renewal in the Dr of
your [Music] deserts this isn't about erasing what has been it's about embracing what can be every step forward is a step into a realm of new possibilities a chance to see the world and your place within it through fresh eyes and not asking you to forget your past entirely but to trust in the beauty of what lies ahead to believe that every moment every challenge is a stepping Stone to something even greater I am here in the midst of it all guiding you supporting you loving you together we will navigate this Wilderness together we will
find our way through the unknown drawing strength from the promise of new beginnings this journey we're on it's about transformation about taking the raw materials of yesterday and shaping them into the Stepping Stones of Tomorrow therefore my dear one keep your heart open and your eyes lifted embrace the newness I am bringing into your life trust in the paths I am creating for you for they are designed with love filled with purpose and brimming with hope let's step forward in to this new day side by side ready to see what wonders [Music] await Hebrews 6:
[Music] 18 God did this so that by two unchanged chable things in which it is impossible for God to lie we who have fled to take hold of the Hope set before us may be greatly encouraged in the heart of your struggles dear child in the middle of those chaotic moments I want you to remember that I'm here with you you see the promises I've made are not like the ones you sometimes hear from others promises that might change with the weather or disappear when the going gets tough my words my commitments they're as solid
as the ground you walk on as unchanging as the course of the stars in the night sky child you're holding on to a rope one that's tied to something unmovable unshakable that's my promise to you it's something you can hold hold on to something that won't budge no matter how hard the Winds of Life blow and it's not because I simply refuse to let go it's because it is utterly and completely impossible for me to break my word it's not in my nature to lie or to mislead that's the kind of reliability I offer you
now why does this matter you might wonder it's because in this reliability in this steadfastness there's hope not just any hope but a deep enduring hope that can brighten the darkest of days and lighten the heaviest of burdens it's the kind of hope that you can lean into when you're not sure where else to turn the kind that can be your guide when the path ahead is unclear life I know can some times feel like a puzzle with missing pieces or a journey without a clear destination in those times I'm not just a distant Observer
I'm right there with you offering my guidance my support and my strength when you're standing at the edge of what seems like an impossible situation when you're not sure if you can face what's ahead let my promise to you be the light that guides your way this isn't about ignoring the realities of your situation or pretending that challenges don't exist it's about knowing that amidst all that there's a foundation you can stand on a foundation made of my unchangeable nature and my unwithering promise so let this assurance fill you with peace let it be the
strength you draw on in times of need and remember you're never facing this life alone I'm with you every step of the way offering you not just my promise but my presence my love and my eternal [Music] support numbers 11 verse 23 [Music] the Lord said to Moses is the Lord's power limited now you shall see whether my word will come true for you or not in the vast open Wilderness where the Horizon stretches endlessly under the blazing sun my children once wandered their hearts heavy with with doubt and their stomachs echoing the Pains of
hunger they questioned whispered among themselves wondering how they could possibly find sustenance in such a Barren land it was then I asked Moses a simple yet profound question is the Lord's power limited words that echoed through the desert air not just a question but a gentle reminder of who who I am you see my child in those moments of uncertainty when the path ahead seems cloaked in Shadows and the weight of the world rests uneasily on your shoulders it's easy to forget the might and compassion of the Creator the same God who painted the skies
with vibrant sunsets and dotted the night with stars uncountable I understand the worries that tug your heart the silent prayers whispered in the dead of night the yearning for a sign for relief for a miracle in response to their doubts I did something extraordinary something to show my power and my care for them I promised meat not just for a day but for a whole month until it would come out of their nostrils and become loome to them his statement so bold it was almost unfathomable how could meat be provided in such abundance in the
wilderness yeah I did exactly as I said using the wind to bring quailes from the sea covering the camp and surrounding areas it was a sight to Behold a testament to my boundless provision and a clear answer to my earlier question question my power is indeed Limitless this story my dear child is a token for you today in your moments of Doubt when you're facing challenges that seem impossible remember the Wilderness and the quailes just as I provided for my children then I am here for you now my power is not diminished my capacity to
provide to comfort and to guide remains unchanging so as you stand facing your own Wilderness your own doubts let this story be a Beacon of Hope let it remind you that nothing is too difficult for me the same God who fed a multitude with Mana and quailes who parted the Red Sea who made the sun stand and still is The God Who Walks with you [Music] today my promises are true my love unfailing and my power indeed Knows No Limit trust in me for with me what seems impossible becomes possible let your heart rest in
this assurance Isaiah 62 verse [Music] 4 no longer will they call you deserted or name your land desolate but you will be called heah and your land buah for the Lord will take Delight in you and your land will be married in these toughest moments my beloved when the path ahead seems like an insurmountable desert I want you to know that just as a desert can miraculously burst into life with the right conditions so can your life flourish even in the most challenging of times I won't ever leave you feeling deserted or lost in Desolation
instead you'll be called heah a name that carries the warmth of the sun and the promise of brighter days your land Bula will be a place where joy and love abound like a garden in full bloom it will be a land that's marry to the goodness of life like a harmonious partnership that brings out the best in both you see just as a desert when nurtured transforms into a vibrant Oasis your life will transform too you might feel like you're in a dry and Barren place right now but remember this simple yet deep truth I
take great Delight in you my love for you is like the Gentle Touch of a breeze on your face a reminder that I'm with you guiding you through every moment [Music] your journey might have challenges but they are not impossible they are the EB and flow of life like waves on the shore life can seem big and complicated but you're never on this journey along I'm here as your constant [Music] companion so take courage my dear one you are not alone in this Grand Symphony of EX assistance even in the quiet Stillness of your heart
I am there Whispering reassurance and love your life like a desert transformed into a lush Garden can be a testament to the Miracles that will happen when you trust in me in the story of your life I am the constant presence binding every moment together and as you walk through this journey know that I am by your side leading you toward the beauty and joy that awaits in your bu Land Trust In This Promise for it is the comforting steadfast truth that will see you through [Music] [Music] Psalm 77:14 you are the God who performs
Miracles you display your power among the [Music] peoples in the midst of what seems like an unending storm dear child where every turn feels like a dead end and every hope appears to be just Out Of Reach I want you to hear something from me I am here with you you know I am the god who Delights in doing what seems impossible to you I'm not just up here watching from afar I'm right there beside you working things out in ways you might not yet see think about this child I'm the artist behind the sunrise
the masterm of the changing seasons and the Whisperer of life into every living thing my creativity knows no bounds and my power stretches far beyond the edges of your imagination when you're faced with mountains that seem too high to climb or Rivers too wide to cross remember I specialize in making a way where there seems to be none now I understand that sometimes saying trust me might not seem enough especially when what you're facing feels overwhelmingly big but here's the thing I've been in the business of Miracles long before the stars were hung in the
sky from parting Seas to Bringing Down walls with just a shout from providing in the desert to turning a few Loaves and Fishes into a feast for thousands my resume is filled with the impossible made possible so here's my invitation to you let go and let me take the lead not because I want you to give up your strength but because I want you to lean on mine you see when you let me handle the things that are out of your control you're not just handing over your worries you're placing them into hands that have
shaped the universe and in those very same hands I hold your today you're tomorrow and all the days after that I know it's not easy Letting Go can feel like the hardest thing to do but in this space of surrender you'll find freedom freedom from the weight of trying to figure it all out on your own freedom to breathe and to live fully knowing that I am taking care of what concerns you the most consequently child as you walk through each day facing what comes your way remember you're not alone I am with you turning
the pages of your story crafting each chapter with a purpose and a promise that in the end you'll see the impossible become a part of your history a story of my love and power fully displayed in your life just trust me and watch the Wonders [Music] unfold Matthew 19 verse 26 but Jesus looked at them and said to them with men this is impossible but With God all things are possible dear child you might look around and see mountains too steep to climb oceans too vast to cross and paths too Tangled to navigate these moments
can make you feel small unsure and alone facing the impossible with just your own strength but here's something I want you to hold close to your heart what seems impossible for you is perfectly possible for me you see I've created this world with all its complexities and wonders and I've seen countless Generations face their own Giants just like you are facing yours there's nothing new Under the Sun for me and there's no situation no matter how Tangled or daunting that I can't turn around for good I understand how easy it is to get caught up
in the Whirlwind of worry and fear it's human but I'm here to tell you in the most straightforward and soothing way that you don't have to carry this burden along my strength is made perfect in your weakness when you you're at the end of your rope that's where my capabilities begin Let Me Take the Lead hand over those heavy seemingly insurmountable obstacles and watch as I work in ways you might not even expect this is how you should think about it just as the sun rises each day bringing light to the darkest of nights so
too can I bring light to your darkest situation just as the seasons change bringing new life and New Beginnings so too can I bring renewal and hope to your life there's a rhythm and a reason to everything and just as nature trusts in the order of things I ask you to trust in me letting go and trusting me doesn't mean you won't face challenges it doesn't mean the path will always always be clear or that Solutions will appear overnight but it does mean that you're not walking this path alone with me you'll find strength you
didn't know you had peace in the midst of Storms and possibilities where there seem to be none therefore when the world tells you it's impossible remember my words to you today with me all things are possible not just the small everyday tasks but the big life-changing moments too trust in my timing lean on my strength and watch as I transform the impossible into possible right before your [Music] eyes Jeremiah 32 verse [Music] 27 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for [Music] me precious child now you're standing
before a vast ocean its waves rolling in endlessly touching the shore with a gentle yet powerful embrace this ocean like everything under the sun from the smallest grain of sand to the mightiest mountains is part of my creation I am the Lord your God the Craftsman of the universe the one who paints the sky with stars at night and brings forth the Sun at dawn at this moment think about your life the moments of joy and the times of struggle just as I command the seasons to change and guide the path of the Stars so
too am I intimately involved in the details of your life there's no situation too complex no problem too intricate and certainly nothing too hard for me to handle you might wonder amidst the chaos and the noise of everyday life where I am remember I am as close to you as your next breath quietly working things out for your good the same power that raised mountains and set the boundaries for the Seas is at your disposal ready to work through your impossible situation consider the birds that soar high in the sky or the flowers that bloom
with vibrant colors each one cared for each one known you my beloved child are far more precious to me than these your worries your fears and your dreams are all known to me let this knowledge be your comfort let go of your burdens and Trust in my timing and my perfect plan for you at times when uncertainty prevails remember the Miracles woven into the fabric of the every day the sunrise each morning the stars that light up the night sky the laughter of a loved one all signs of my presence and my promise to be
with you guiding you through every moment so this is what I would like you to do have faith in me lean not on your own understanding but in every way acknowledge me and I will direct your path your journey might seem uncertain and the road ahead might appear daunting rest assured I am always here for you I am here ready to take the impossible and turn it into a testament of my unending love and [Music] power let your heart find peace in my presence for with me all things are [Music] possible Luke 1 verse 37
for with God nothing will be impossible in this vast Universe Where Stars light up the the endless sky and the sun rises every morning I am always at work weaving Miracles into the fabric of life you see with me the extraordinary becomes everyday and the impossible well it just becomes another opportunity to show you how much I [Music] care let's talk about Mary for a moment a young woman ordinary in many ways living her life with simple faith and trust yet I chose her for something extraordinary something that to the human mind would seem impossible
Mary a virgin found herself carrying a child without the involvement of a man now if that's not outside the realm of what's considered possible I don't know what is but here's the thing Mary believed when told about the role she would play in bringing my love to the world in a very special way she didn't doubt or question the logic of it she simply said let it be to me according to your word her faith made room for the impossible to happen I share this not just as a a reminder of a miraculous moment in
history but as a personal invitation to you just like Mary you're part of my story and I am part of yours in your life there will be moments that seem too difficult challenges that seem insurmountable and dreams that seem unreachable but remember with me nothing absolutely nothing is impossible you might be facing a mountain right now feeling overwhelmed unsure maybe even scared but I am here Whispering into the chaos trust me like Mary all you need to do is believe believe in the power of the one who created the universe from nothing who makes the
sun rise and set and who chose a humble girl to play a key role in The Greatest Story Ever Told so hand over those worries those fears and those situations you think are too complicated let me take them from you I've got this just as I orchestrated the birth of Jesus Through Mary a Beacon of Hope and love I can work through your circumstances turning what seems impossible into a testament of my love and power remember with me there's always a way your part is to trust to let go and to believe that in my
hands The Impossible becomes possible let's walk this journey together hand in hand heart to heart and with you always [Music] job 42: 2 I know that you can do anything and nothing that you plan is impossible my dear child I want you to hear me very clearly and simply because I know the weight you're carrying feels heavy almost too heavy to bear I see the mountains you're facing the storms you're weathering and the Shadows that seem to stretch out endlessly before you but here's something I need you to understand with all your heart there's absolutely
nothing too hard for me to handle [Music] you know the world is full of surprises some wonderful and some challenging and it's easy to feel overwhelmed when you're staring down a situation that seems impossible but remember I am the creator of everything you see and even the things you can't from the furthest stars in the sky to the smallest grain of sand on the beach I've made it all and I did not stop creating when I made the world I'm still at work today in your life in the midst of your impossible situation let me
put it in the simplest terms I've got this just as I keep the planet spinning and the seasons changing I am more than capable of handling whatever is troubling you there's no need to lose sleep to Fred or to wonder how things will work out I am already there in your future making a way where there seems to be no way I want you to imagine the peace that comes from knowing that you're not in this alone that peace can be yours it's like having a best friend who's always there who listens who understands and
who by the way happens to have unlimited power am that frighten to you now I don't want you to think that just because I can do anything you won't face more challenges life is a journey with its ups and downs but it's how you walk through those moments that matters and in every step I am with you not just as a silent Observer but as an active guide supporter and provider in your heart I hope you can find a quiet confidence knowing that I am by your side you don't have to have all the answers
or figure everything out on your own Lean on Me trust in my timing and watch How I work things out in ways you couldn't even imagine it's not just about making the impossible possible it's about showing you my love my power and my commitment to you every single day so take a deep breath let it out slowly and let go of those heavy burdens give them to me and let's walk this path together with me you're never alone and with my vast love and power we can face anything Luke 1 verse 45 blessed is she
who believed for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord my dear child in moments when the world feels too heavy when the path in front of you seems too Tangled and steep to climb remember I am with you I know the weight of the invisible burdens you carry the silent battles you fight every day just as I spoke to those before you promising them a future filled with hope and fulfillment I speak to you now you might wonder how your situation which feels so complicated and insurmountable could
ever un tangle itself I see your heart your dreams and your fears I understand the depth of your struggles and I am here to tell you that nothing is too complex for me believe as those who came before you believed and saw the promises made to them come to life remember the story of a woman who was told she would be a part of something far greater than she could imagine she believed not because she saw how it could happen but because she knew proess it to her it was her faith simple yet profound that
allowed the impossible to [Music] unfold this is the kind of faith I ask of you not to see the full path but to take the next step knowing I I am guiding [Music] you I do not ask for blind faith without reason I ask for trust because you have seen time and again how I work in the lives of those who love me you've witnessed moments of unexpected Joy of serendipitous help and of peace that seems to come from nowhere these are not coincidences they are Whispers of my love my involvement in the miniu of
your life let go of the need to control every outcome life in its Essence is a series of unfolding stories yours included each chapter brings its own challenges but also its beauty and growth your story is still being written and it has moments of Triumph and fulfillment ahead moments that will surpass your expectations in your journey there will be times of waiting of not knowing how or when the promises made to you will come to pass it is in these times that your faith is most precious it is a beacon not just for you but
for those around you showing that belief in something greater than oneself can bring peace amidst the storm [Music] as a result my child hold on to your faith Let It Be the Anchor for your soul in this vast ocean of Life the promises made to you will be fulfilled not because of who you are but because of who I am just as the dawn follows the darkest night so too will your moments of fulfillment follow your times of Doubt believe for your belief is the key to seeing the impossible become [Music] possible Isaiah 43: 18
to [Music] 19 remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold I am doing doing a new thing now it Springs forth do you not perceive it I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert my child let's not linger on yesterday's Tales or the shadows of what has been the world is vast filled with stories yet Untold and I am here weaving The Narrative of tomorrow with you at the heart of it it's easy to get caught up in looking back to get stuck in the pages of
what once was but I encourage you gently yet firmly to lift your gaze in this very moment something remarkable is taking shape can you sense it it's like the first light of dawn creeping Over the Horizon promising the start of a new day I understand how looking forward can sometimes feel like standing at the edge of an unknown Wilderness the path ahead might not always be clear and the destination might seem far Out Of Reach but believe in the journey I am laying out for you where you see a desert I see fertile ground waiting
to Spring to life where you you see obstacles I see opportunities for growth and strength I am crafting paths in places you never imagine possible creating streams of refreshment and renewal in the Dr of your [Music] deserts this isn't about erasing what has been it's about embracing what can be every step forward is a step into a realm of new possibilities a chance to see the world and your place within it through fresh eyes and not asking you to forget your past entirely but to trust in the beauty of what lies ahead to believe that
every moment every challenge is a stepping stone to something even greater I am here in the midst of it all guiding you supporting you loving you together we will navigate this Wilderness together we will find our way through the unknown drawing strength from the promise of new beginnings this journey we're on it's about transformation about taking the raw materials of yesterday and shaping them into the Stepping Stones of Tomorrow therefore my dear one keep your heart open and your eyes lifted embrace the newness I am bringing into your life trust in the paths I am
creating for you for they are designed with love filled with purpose and brimming with hope let's step forward into this new day side by side ready to see what wonders await [Music] Hebrews 6 verse [Music] 18 God did this so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie we who have fled to take hold of the Hope set before us may be greatly encouraged in the heart of your struggles dear child in the middle of those chaotic moments I want you to remember that I'm here with you you see
the promises I've made are not like the ones you sometimes hear from others promises that might change with the weather or disappear when the going gets tough my words my commitments they're as solid as the ground you walk on as unchanging as the course of the stars in the night sky child you're holding on to a rope one that's tied to something unmovable unshakable that's my promise to you it's something you can hold on to something that won't budge no matter how hard the Winds of Life blow and it's not because I simply refuse to
let go it's because it is utterly and completely impossible for me to break my word it's not in my nature to lie or to mislead that's the kind of reliability I offer you now why does this matter you might wonder it's because in this reliability in this steadfastness there's hope not just any hope but a deep enduring hope that that can brighten the darkest of days and lighten the heaviest of burdens it's the kind of hope that you can lean into when you're not sure where else to turn the kind that can be your guide
when the path ahead is unclear life I know can sometimes feel like a puzzle with missing pieces or a journey without a clear destination in those times I'm not just a distant Observer I'm right there there with you offering my guidance my support and my strength when you're standing at the edge of what seems like an impossible situation when you're not sure if you can face what's ahead let my promise to you be the light that guides your way this isn't about ignoring the realities of your situation or pretending that challenges don't exist it's about
knowing that a amidst all that there's a foundation you can stand on a foundation made of my unchangeable nature and my unwithering promise so let this assurance fill you with peace let it be the strength you draw on in times of need and remember you're never facing this life alone I'm with you every step of the way offering you not just my promise but my presence my love and my eternal [Music] support numbers 11 verse [Music] 23 the Lord said to Moses is the Lord's power limited now you shall see whether whether my word will
come true for you or not in the vast open Wilderness where the Horizon stretches endlessly under the blazing sun my children once wandered their hearts heavy with doubt and their stomachs echoing the Pains of hunger they questioned whispered among themselves wondering how they could possibly find sustenance in such a Barren land it was then I asked Moses a simple yet profound question is the Lord's power limited words that echoed through the desert air not just a question but a gentle reminder of who I am you see my child in those moments of uncertainty when the
path ahead seems cloaked in Shadows and the weight of the world rests uneasily on your shoulders it's easy to forget the might and compassion of the Creator the same God who painted the skies with vibrant sunsets and dotted the night with stars uncountable I understand the worries that tug at your heart the silent prayers whispered in the dead of night the yearning for a sign for relief for a miracle in response to their doubts I did something extraordinary something to show my power and my care for them I promised meat not just for a day
but for a whole month until it would come out of their nostrils and become loome to them his statement so bold it was almost unfathomable how could meat be provided in such abundance in the wilderness yeah I did exactly as I said using the wind to bring quailes from the sea covering the camp and surrounding areas it was a sight to Behold a testament to my boundless provision and a clear answer to my earlier question my power is indeed Limitless this story my dear child is a token for you today in your moments of Doubt
when you're facing challenges that seem impossible remember the Wilderness and the quailes just as I provided for my children then I am here for you now my power is not diminished my capacity to provide to comfort and to guide remains unchanging so as you stand facing your own wilderness your own doubts let this story be a Beacon of Hope let it remind you that nothing is too difficult for me the same God who fed a multitude with Mana and quailes who parted the Red Sea who made the sun stand still is The God Who Walks
with you [Music] today my promises are true my love unfailing and my power indeed Knows No Limit it trust in me for with me what seems impossible becomes possible let your heart rest in this assurance Isaiah 62:4 [Music] no longer will they call you deserted or name your land desolate but you will be called heah and your land Bula for the Lord will take Delight in you and your land will be married in these toughest moments my beloved when the path ahead seems like an insurmountable desert I want you to know that just as a
desert can miraculously burst into life with the right conditions so can your life flourish even in the most challenging of times I won't ever leave you feeling deserted or lost in Desolation instead you'll be called hefa a name that carries the warmth of the sun and the promise of brighter days your land Bula will be a place where where joy and love abound like a garden in full bloom it will be a land that's Mary to the goodness of life like a harmonious partnership that brings out the v in both you see just as a
desert when nurtured transforms into a vibrant Oasis your life will transformed too you might feel like you're in a dry and Barren place right now but remember this simple yet deep truth I take great Delight in you my love for you is like the Gentle Touch of a breeze on your face a reminder that I'm with you guiding you through every moment your journey might have challenges but they are not impossible they are the EB and flow of life like waves on the shore life can seem big and complicated but you're never on this journey
alone I'm here as your constant [Music] companion so take courage my dear one you are not alone in this Grand Symphony of existence even in the quiet Stillness of your heart I am there Whispering reassurance and love your life like a desert transformed into a Lush Garden can be a testament to the Miracles that will happen when you trust in me in the story of your life I am the constant presence binding every moment together and as you walk through this journey know that I am by your side leading you toward the beauty and joy
that awaits in your bu Land Trust In This Promise for it is the comforting steadfast Trust truth that will see you [Music] [Music] through Psalm 77:14 you are the God who performs miracles you display your power among the [Music] peoples in the midst of what seems like an unending storm dear child where every turn feels like a dead end and every hope appears to be just Out Of Reach I want you to hear something from me I am here with you you know I am the god who Delights in doing what what seems impossible to
you I'm not just up here watching from afar I'm right there beside you working things out in ways you might not yet see think about this child I'm the artist behind the sunrise the masterm of the changing seasons and the Whisperer of life into every living thing my creativity knows no bounds and my power stretches far beyond the edges of your imagination when you're faced with mountains that seem too high to climb or Rivers too wide to cross remember I specialize in making a way where there seems to be none now I understand that sometimes
saying trust me might not seem enough especially when what you're facing feels overwhelmingly big but here's the the thing I've been in the business of Miracles long before the stars were hung in the sky from parting Seas to Bringing Down walls with just a shout from providing in the desert to turning a few Loaves and Fishes into a feast for thousands my resume is filled with the impossible made possible so here's my invitation to you let go and let me take the lead not because I want you to give up your strength but because I
want you to lean on mine you see when you let me handle the things that are out of your control you're not just handing over your worries you're placing them into hands that have shaped the universe and in those very same hands I hold your today your tomorrow and all the days after that I know it's not easy Letting Go can feel like the hardest thing to do but in this space of surrender you'll find freedom freedom from the weight of trying to figure it all out on your own freedom to breathe and to live
fully knowing that I am taking care of what concerns you the most consequently child as you walk through each day facing what comes your way remember you're not alone I am with you turning the pages of your story crafting each chapter with a purpose and a promise that in the end you'll see the impossible become a part of your history a story of my love and power fully displayed in your life just trust me and watch the Wonders unfold [Music] Matthew 19 verse 26 but Jesus looked at them and said to them with men this
is impossible but With God all things are possible dear child you might look around and see mountains too steep to climb oceans too vast to cross and paths too Tangled to navigate these moments can make you feel small unsure and alone facing the impossible with just your own strength but here's something I want you to hold close to your heart what seems impossible for you is perfectly possible for me you see I've created this world with all its complexities and wonders and I've seen countless Generations face their own Giants just like you are facing yours
there's nothing new Under the Sun for me and there's no situation no matter how Tangled or daunting that I can't turn around for good I understand how easy it is to get caught up in the Whirlwind worry and fear it's human but I'm here to tell you in the most straightforward and soothing way that you don't have to carry this burden Al my strength is made perfect in your weakness when you're at the end of your rope that's where my capabilities begin Let Me Take the Lead hand over those heavy seemingly insurmountable obster and watch
as I work in ways you might not even expect this is how you should think about it just as the sun rises each day bringing light to the darkest of nights so too can I bring light to your darkest situations just as the seasons change bringing new life and New Beginnings so too can I bring renewal and hope to your life there there's a rhythm and a reason to everything and just as nature trusts in the order of things I ask you to trust in me letting go and trusting me doesn't mean you won't face
challenges it doesn't mean the path will always be clear or that Solutions will appear overnight but it does mean that you're not walking this path alone with me you'll find strength you didn't know you had peace in the midst of Storms and possibilities where there seem to be none therefore when the world tells you it's impossible remember my words to you today with me all things are possible not just the small everyday tasks but the big lifechanging moments too trust in my timing lean on my strength and watch as I transform the impossible into possible
right before your [Music] eyes Jeremiah 32: [Music] 27 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard hard for [Music] me precious child now you're standing before a vast ocean its waves rolling in endlessly touching the shore with a gentle yet powerful Embrace this ocean like everything under the sun from the smallest grain of sand to the mightiest mountains is part of my creation I am the Lord your God the Craftsman of the universe the one who paints the sky with stars at night and brings forth the Sun at
[Music] dawn at this moment think about your life the moments of joy and the times of struggle just as I command the seasons to change and guide the path of the Stars so too am I intimately involved in the details of your life there's no situation too complex no problem too intricate and certainly nothing too hard for me to handle you might wonder amidst the chaos in the noise of everyday life where I am remember I am as close to you as your next breath quietly working things out for your good the same power that
that raised mountains and set the boundaries for the Seas is at your disposal ready to work through your impossible situation consider the birds that soar high in the sky or the flowers that bloom with vibrant colors each one cared for each one known you my beloved child are far more precious to me than these your worries your fears and your dreams are all known to me let this knowledge be your comfort let go of your burdens and Trust in my timing and my perfect plan for you at times when uncertainty prevails remember the Miracles woven
into the fabric of the every day the sunrise each morning the stars that light up the night sky the laughter of a loved one all signs of my presence and my promise to be with you guiding you through every moment so this is what I would like you to do have faith in me lean not on your own understanding but in every way acknowledge me and I will direct your path your journey might seem uncertain and the road ahead might appear daunting rest assured I am always here for you I am here ready to take
the impossible and turn it into a testament of my unending love and [Music] power let your heart find peace in my presence for with me all things are [Music] possible Luke 1: 37 for with God nothing will be impossible in this vast Universe Where Stars light up the endless sky and the sun rises every morning I am always at work weaving Miracles into the fabric of life you see with me the extraordinary becomes everyday and the impossible well it just becomes another opportunity to show you how much I [Music] care let's talk about Mary for
a moment a young woman ordinary in many ways living her life with simple faith and trust yet I chose her for something extraordinary something that to the human mind would seem impossible Mary a virgin found herself carrying a child without the involvement of a man now if that's not outside the realm of what's considered possible I don't know what is but here's the thing Mary believed when told about the role she would play in bringing my love to the world in a very special way she didn't doubt or question the logic of it she simply
said let it be to me according to your word her faith made room for the impossible to happen I share this not just as a reminder of a miraculous moment in history but as a personal invitation to you just like Mary you're part of my story and I am part of yours in your life there will be moments that seem too difficult challenges that seem insurmountable and dreams that seem unreachable but remember with me nothing absolutely nothing is impossible you might be facing a mountain right now feeling overwhelmed unsure maybe even scared but I am
here here Whispering into the chaos trust me like Mary all you need to do is believe believe in the power of the one who created the universe from nothing who makes the sun rise and set and who chose a humble girl to play a key role in The Greatest Story Ever Told so hand over those worries those fears and those situations you think think are too complicated let me take them from you I've got this just as I orchestrated the birth of Jesus Through Mary a Beacon of Hope and love I can work through your
circumstances turning what seems impossible into a testament of my love and power remember with me there's always a way your part is to trust to let go and to believe that in my hands The Impossible becomes possible let's walk this journey together hand in hand heart tohe heart and with you always [Music] job 42: 2 I know that you can do anything and nothing that you plan is impossible my dear child I want you to hear me very clearly and simply because I know the weight you're carrying feels heavy almost too heavy to bear I
see the mountains you're facing the storms you're weathering and the Shadows that seem to stretch out endlessly before you but here's something I need you to understand with all your heart there's absolutely nothing too hard for me to handle you know the world is full of surprises some wonderful and some challenging and it's easy to feel overwhelmed when you're staring down a situation that seems impossible but remember I am the creator of everything you see and even the things you can't from the furthest stars in the sky to the smallest grain of sand on the
beach I've made it all and I did not stop creating when I made the world I'm still at work today in your life in the midst of your impossible situation let me put it in the simplest terms I've got this just as I keep the planet spinning and the seasons changing I am more than capable of handling whatever is troubling you there's no need to lose sleep to Fred or to wonder how things will work out I am already there in your future making a way where there seems to be no way I want you
to imagine imagine the peace that comes from knowing that you're not in this alone that peace can be yours it's like having a best friend who's always there who listens who understands and who by the way happens to have unlimited power am that friend to you now I don't want you to think that just because I can do anything you won't face more challenges life is a journey with its ups and downs but it's how you walk through those moments that matters and in every step I am with you not just as a silent Observer
but as an active guide supporter and provider in your heart I hope you can find a quiet confidence knowing that I am by your side you don't have to have all the answers or figure everything out on on your own Lean on Me trust in my timing and watch How I work things out in ways you couldn't even imagine it's not just about making the impossible possible it's about showing you my love my power and my commitment to you every single day so take a deep breath let it out slowly and let go of those
heavy burdens give them to me and let's walk this path together with me you're never alone and with my vast love and power we can face [Music] anything Luke 1 verse 45 blessed is she who believed for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord my dear child in moments when the world feels too heavy when the path in front of you seems too Tangled and steep to climb remember I am with you I know the weight of the invisible burdens you carry the silent battles you fight every
day just as I spoke to those before you promising them a future filled with hope and fulfillment I speak to you now you might wonder how your situation which feels so complicated and insurmountable could ever untangle itself I see your heart your dreams and your fears I understand the depth of your struggles and I am here to tell you that nothing is too complex for me believe as those who came before you believed and saw the promises made to them come to life remember the story of a woman who was told she would be a
part of something far greater than she could imagine she believed not because she saw how it could happen but because she knew processed it to her it was her faith simple yet profound that allowed the impossible to unfold this is the kind of faith I ask of you not to see the full path but to take the next step knowing I am guiding [Music] you I do not ask for blind faith without reason I ask for trust because you have seen time and again how I work in the lives of those who love me you've
witnessed moments of unexpected Joy of serendipitous help and of peace that seems to come from nowhere these are not coincidences they are Whispers of my love my involvement in the miniu of your life let go of the need to control every outcome life in its essence is a series of unfolding stories yours included each chapter brings its own challenges but also its beauty and growth your story is still being written and it has moments of Triumph and fulfillment ahead moments that will surpass your expectations in your journey there will be times of waiting of not
knowing how or when the promises made to you will come to pass it is in these times that your faith is most precious it is a beacon not just for you but for those around you showing that belief in something greater than oneself can bring peace amidst the [Music] storm as a result my child hold on to your faith Let It Be the Anchor for your soul in this vast ocean of Life the promises made to you will be fulfilled not because of who you are but because of who I am just as the dawn
follows the darkest night so too will your moments of fulfillment follow your times of Doubt believe for your belief is the key to seeing the impossible become possible [Music] Isaiah 43: [Music] 18-19 remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold I am doing a new thing now it Springs forth do you not perceive it I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert my child let's not linger on yesterday's Tales or the shadows of what has been the world is vast filled with stories yet Untold and I
am here weaving The Narrative of tomorrow with you at the heart of it it's easy to get caught up in looking back to get stuck in the pages of what once was but I encourage you gently yet firmly to lift your gaze in this very moment something remarkable is taking shape can you sense it it's like the first light of dawn creeping Over the Horizon promising the start of a new day I understand how looking forward can sometimes feel like standing at the edge of an unknown Wilderness the path ahead might not all always be
clear and the destination might seem far Out Of Reach but believe in the journey I am laying out for you where you see a desert I see fertile ground waiting to Spring to life where you see obstacles I see opportunities for growth and strength I am crafting paths in places you never imagine possible creating streams of refreshment and renewal in the Dr of your [Music] deserts this isn't about erasing what has been it's about embracing what can be every step forward is a step into a realm of new possibilities a chance to see the world
and your place within it through fresh eyes and not asking you to forget your past entirely but to trust in the beauty of what lies ahead to believe that every moment every challenge is a stepping stone to something even greater I am here in the midst of it all guiding you supporting you loving you together we will navigate this Wilderness together we will find our way through the unknown drawing strength from the promise of new beginnings this journey we're on it's about transformation about taking the raw materials of yesterday and shaping them into the Stepping
Stones of Tomorrow therefore my dear one keep your heart open and your eyes lifted embrace the newness I am bringing into your life trust in the paths I am creating for you for they are designed with love filled with purpose and brimming with hope let's step forward into this new day side by side ready to see what wonders [Music] await Hebrews 6 verse 18 [Music] God did this so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie we who have fled to take hold of the Hope set before us may
be greatly encouraged in the heart of your struggles dear child in the middle of those chaotic moments I want you to remember that I'm here with you you see the promises I've made are not like the ones you sometimes hear from others promises that might change with the weather or disappear when the going gets tough my words my commitments they're as solid as the ground you walk on as unchanging as the course of the stars in the night sky child you're holding on to a rope one that's tied to something unmovable un aable that's my
promise to you it's something you can hold on to something that won't budge no matter how hard the Winds of Life blow and it's not because I simply refuse to let go it's because it is utterly and completely impossible for me to break my word it's not in my nature to lie or to mislead that's the kind of reliability I offer you now why does this matter you might wonder it's because in this reliability in this steadfastness there's hope not just any hope but a deep enduring hope that can brighten the darkest of days and
lighten the heaviest of burdens it's the kind of hope that you can lean into when you're not sure where else to turn the kind that can be your guide when the path ahead is unclear life I know can sometimes feel like a puzzle with missing pieces or a journey without a clear destination in those times I'm not just a distant Observer I'm right there with you offering my guidance my support and my strength when you're standing at the edge of what seems like an impossible situation when you're not sure if you can face what's ahead
let my promise to you be the light that guides your way this isn't about ignoring the realities of your situation or pretending that challenges don't exist it's about knowing that amidst all that there's a foundation you can stand on a foundation made of my unchangeable nature and my unwithering promise so let this assurance fill you with peace let it be the strength you draw on in times of need and remember you're never facing this life alone I'm with you every step of the way offering you not just my promise but my presence my love and
my eternal support [Music] numbers 11 verse [Music] 23 the Lord said to Moses is the Lord's power limited now you shall see whether my word will come true for you or not in the vast open Wilderness where the Horizon stretches endlessly under the blazing sun my children once wandered their hearts heavy with doubt and their stomachs echoing the Pains of hunger they questioned whispered among themselves wondering how they could possibly find sustenance in such a Barren land it was then I asked Moses a simple yet profound question is the Lord's power limited words that echoed
through the desert air not just a question but a gentle reminder of who I am you see my child in those moments of uncertainty when the path ahead seems cloaked in Shadows and the weight of the world rests uneasily on your shoulders it's easy to forget the might and compassion of the Creator the same God who painted the skies with vibrant sunsets and dotted the night with stars uncountable I understand the worries that tug at your heart the silent prayers whispered in the dead of night the yearning for a sign for relief for a miracle
in response to their doubts I did something extraordinary something to show my power and my care for them I promised meet not just for a day but for a whole month until it would come out of their nostrils and become loathsome to them his statement so bold it was almost unfathomable how could meat be provided in such abundance in the wilderness yeah I did exactly as I said using the wind to bring quailes from the sea covering the camp and surrounding areas it was a sight to be Behold a testament to my boundless provision and
a clear answer to my earlier question my power is indeed Limitless this story my dear child is a token for you today in your moments of Doubt when you're facing challenges that seem impossible remember the Wilderness and the quailes just as I provided for my children then I am here for you now my power is not diminished my capacity to provide to comfort and to guide remains unchanging so as you stand facing your own Wilderness your own doubts let this story be a Beacon of Hope let it remind you that nothing is too difficult for
me the same God who fed a multitude with Mana and quailes who parted the Red Sea who made the sun stand still is The God Who Walks with you [Music] today my promises are true my love unfailing and my power indeed Knows No Limit trust in me for with me what seems impossible becomes possible let your heart rest in this assurance Isaiah [Music] 62:4 no longer will they call you deserted or name your land desolate but you will be called heah and your land buah for the Lord will take Delight in you and your land
will be married in these toughest moments my beloved when the path ahead seems like an insurmountable desert I want you to know that just as a desert can miraculously burst into life with the right conditions so can your life flourish even in the most challenging of times [Music] I won't ever leave you feeling deserted or lost in Desolation instead you'll be called hefa a name that carries the warmth of the sun and the promise of brighter days your land Bula will be a place where joy and love abound like a garden in full bloom it
will be a land that's merry to the goodness of life like a harmonious partnership that brings out the vest in both you see just as a desert when nurtured transforms into a vibrant Oasis your life will transform too you might feel like you're in a dry and Barren place right now but remember this simple yet deep truth they take great Delight in you my love for you is like the Gentle Touch of a on your face a reminder that I'm with you guiding you through every moment your journey might have challenges but they are not
impossible they are the E and flow of life like waves on the shore life can seem big and complicated but you're never on this journey alone I'm here as your constant [Music] companion so take courage my dear one you are not alone in this Grand Symphony of existence even in the quiet Stillness of your heart I am there Whispering reassurance and love your life like a desert transformed into a lush Garden can be a testament to the Miracles that will happen when you trust in me in the story of your life I am the constant
presence binding every moment together and as you walk through this journey know that I am by your side leading you toward the beauty and joy that awaits in your Bula Land Trust In This Promise for it is the comforting steadfast truth that will see you through [Music] [Music] Psalm 77:14 you are the God who performs Miracles you display your power among the [Music] peoples in the midst of what seems like an unending storm dear child where every turn feels like a dead end and every hope appears to be just Out Of Reach I want you
to hear something from me I am here with you you know I am the god who Delights in doing what seems impossible to you I'm not just up here watching from afar I'm right there beside you working things out in ways you might not yet see think about this child I'm the artist behind the sunrise the masterm of the changing seasons and the Whisperer of life into every living thing my creativity knows no bounds and my power stretches far beyond the edges of your imagination when you're faced with mountains that seem too high to climb
or Rivers too wide to cross remember I specialize in making a way where there seems to be none now I understand that sometimes saying trust me might not seem enough especially when what you're facing feels overwhelmingly big but here's the thing I've been in the business of Miracles long before the stars were hung in the sky from parting Seas to Bringing Down walls with just a shout from providing in the desert to turning a few Loaves and Fishes into a feast for thousands my resume is filled with the impossible made possible so here's my invitation
to you let go and let me take the lead not because I want you to give up your strength but because I want you to lean on mine you see when you let me handle the things that that are out of your control you're not just handing over your worries you're placing them into hands that have shaped the universe and in those very same hands I hold your today your tomorrow and all the days after that I know it's not easy Letting Go can feel like the hardest thing to do but in this space of
surrender you'll find Freedom freedom from the weight of trying to figure it all out on your own freedom to breathe and to live fully knowing that I am taking care of what concerns you the most consequently child as you walk through each day facing what comes your way remember you're not alone I am with you turning the pages of your story crafting each chapter with a purpose and a promise that in the end you'll see the impossible become a part of your history a story of my love and power fully displayed in your life just
trust me and watch the Wonders [Music] unfold Matthew 19 verse 26 but Jesus looked at them and said to them with men this is impossible but With God all things are possible dear child you might look around and see mountains too steep to climb oceans too vast to cross and paths too Tangled to navigate these moments can make you feel small unsure and alone facing the impossible with just your own strength but here's something I want you to hold close to your heart what seems impossible for you is perfectly possible for me you see I've
created this world with all its complexities and wonders and I've seen countless Generations face their own Giants just like you are facing your there's nothing new Under the Sun for me and there's no situation no matter how Tangled or daunting that I can't turn around for good I understand how easy it is to get caught up in the Whirlwind of worry and fear it's human but I'm here to tell you in the most straightforward and soothing way that you don't have to carry this burden along my strength is made perfect in your weakness when you're
at the end of your rope that's where my capabilities begin Let Me Take the Lead hand over those heavy seemingly insurmountable obstacles and watch as I work in ways you might not even expect this is how you should think about it just as the sun rises each day bringing light to the darkest of nights so too can I bring light to your darkest situations just as the seasons change bringing new life and New Beginnings so too can I bring renewal and hope to your life there's a rhythm and a reason to everything and just as
nature trusts in the order of things I ask you to trust in me letting go and Trust trusting me doesn't mean you won't face challenges it doesn't mean the path will always be clear or that Solutions will appear overnight but it does mean that you're not walking this path alone with me you'll find strength you didn't know you had peace in the midst of Storms and possibilities where there seemed to be none therefore when the world tells you it's impossible remember my words to you today with me all things are possible not just the small
everyday tasks but the big life-changing moments too trust in my timing lean on my strength and watch as I transform the impossible into possible right before your eyes [Music] Jeremiah 32: [Music] 27 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for [Music] me precious child now you're standing before a vast ocean its waves rolling in endlessly touching the shore with a gentle yet powerful Embrace this ocean like everything under the sun from the smallest grain of sand to the mightiest mountains is part of my creation I am the
Lord your God the Craftsman of the universe the one who paints the sky with stars at night and brings forth the Sun at dawn at this moment think about your life the moments of joy and the times of struggle just as I command the seasons to change and guide the path of the Stars so too am I intimately involved in the details of your life there's no situation too complex no problem too intricate and certainly nothing too hard for me to handle you might wonder amidst the chaos and the noise of everyday life where I
am remember I am as close to you as your next breath quietly working things out for your good the same power that raised mountains and set the boundaries for the Seas is at your disposal ready to work through your impossible situation consider the birds that soar high in the sky or the flowers that bloom with vibrant colors each one cared for each one known you my beloved child are far more precious to me than these your worries your fears and your dreams are all known to me let this knowledge be your comfort let go of
your burdens and Trust in my timing and my perfect plan for you you at times when uncertainty prevails remember the Miracles woven into the fabric of the everyday the sunrise each morning the stars that light up the night sky the laughter of a loved one all signs of my presence and my promise to be with you guiding you through every moment so this is what I would like you to do have faith in me lean not on your own understanding but in every way acknowledge me and I will direct your path your journey might seem
uncertain and the road ahead might appear daunting rest assured I am always here for you I am here ready to take the impossible and turn it into a testament of my unending love and Power let your heart find peace in my presence for with me all things are [Music] possible Luke 1 verse 37 for with God nothing will be impossible in this vast Universe Where Stars light up the endless sky and the sun rises every morning I am always at work weaving Miracles into the fabric of life you see with me the extraordinary becomes everyday
and the impossible well it just becomes another opportunity to show you how much I care let's talk about Mary for a moment a young woman ordinary in many ways living her life with simple faith and trust yet I chose her for something extraordinary something that to the human mind would seem impossible Mary a virgin found herself carrying a child without the involvement of a man now if that's not outside the realm of what's considered possible I don't know what is but here's the thing Mary believed when told about the role she would play in bringing
my love to the world in a very special way she didn't doubt or question the logic of it she simply said let it be to me according to your word her faith made room for the impossible to happen I share this not just as a reminder of a miraculous moment in history but as a personal invitation to you just like Mary you're part of my story and I am part of yours in your life there will be moments that seem too difficult challenges that seem insurmountable and dreams that seem unreachable but remember with me nothing
absolutely nothing is impossible you might be facing a mountain right now feeling overwhelmed unsure maybe even scared but I amend here Whispering into the chaos trust me like Mary all you need to do is believe believe in the power of the one who created the universe from nothing who makes the sun rise and set and who chose a humble girl to play a key role in The Greatest Story Ever Told so hand over those worries those fears and those situations you think are too complicated let me take them from you I've got this just as
I orchestrated the birth of Jesus Through Mary Mary a Beacon of Hope and love I can work through your circumstances turning what seems impossible into a testament of my love and power remember with me there's always a way your part is to trust to let go and to believe that in my hands The Impossible becomes possible let's walk this journey together hand in hand heart to heart and with you [Music] always job 42: 2 I know that you can do anything and nothing that you plan is possible my dear child I want you to hear
me very clearly and simply because I know the weight you're carrying feels heavy almost too heavy to bear I see the mountains you're facing the storms you're weathering and the Shadows that seem to stretch out endlessly before you but here's something I need you to understand and with all your heart there's absolutely nothing too hard for me to handle you know the world is full of surprises some wonderful and some challenging and it's easy to feel overwhelmed when you're staring down a situation that seems impossible but remember I am the creator of everything you see
and even the things you can't from the furthest star in the sky to the smallest grain of sand on the beach I've made it all and I did not stop creating when I make the world I'm still at work today in your life in the midst of your impossible situation let me put it in the simplest terms I've got this just as I keep the planet spinning and the seasons changing I am more than capable of handling whatever is troubling you there's no need to lose sleep to Fred or to wonder how things will work
out I am already there in your future making a way where there seems to be no way I want you to imagine the peace that comes from knowing that you're not in this alone that peace can be yours it's like having a best friend who's always there who listens who who understands and who by the way happens to have unlimited power and that friend to you now I don't want you to think that just because I can do anything you won't face more challenges life is a journey with its ups and downs but it's how
you walk through those moments that matters and in every step I am with you not just as a Sil Observer but as an active guide supporter and provider in your heart I hope you can find a quiet confidence knowing that I am by your side you don't have to have all the answers or figure everything out on your own Lean on Me trust in my timing and watch How I work things out in ways you couldn't even imagine it's not just about making the impossible possible it's about showing you my love my power and my
commitment to you every single day so take a deep breath let it out slowly and let go of those heavy burdens give them to me and let's walk this path together with me you're never alone and with my vast love and power we can face anything Luke 1 verse 45 blessed is she who believed for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord my dear child in moments when the world feels too heavy when the path in front of you seems too Tangled and steep to climb remember I
am with you I know the weight of the invisible burdens you carry the silent battles you fight every day just as I spoke to those before you promising them a future filled with hope and fulfillment I speak to you now you might wonder how your situation which feels so complicated and insurmountable could ever untangle itself I see your heart your dreams and your fears I understand the depth of your struggles and I am here to tell you that nothing is too complex for me believe as those who came before you believed and saw the promises
made to them come to life remember the story of a woman who was told she would be a part of something far greater than she could imagine she believed not because she saw how it could happen but because she knew proess it to her it was her faith simple yet profound that allowed the impossible to [Music] unfold this is the kind of faith I ask of you not to see the full path but to take the next step knowing I am guiding [Music] you I do not ask for blind faith without reason I ask for
trust because you have seen time and again how I work in the lives of those who love me you've witness moments of unexpected Joy of serendipitous help and of peace that seem seems to come from nowhere these are not coincidences they are Whispers of my love my involvement in the miniature of your life let go of the need to control every outcome life in its Essence is a series of unfolding stories yours included each chapter brings its own challenges but also its beauty and growth your story is still being written and it has moments of
Triumph and fulfillment ahead moments that will surpass your expectations in your journey there will be times of waiting of not knowing how or when the promises made to you will come to pass it is in these times that your faith is most precious it is a beacon not just for you but for those around you showing that belief in something greater than oneself can bring peace amidst the [Music] storm as a result my child hold on to your faith Let It Be the Anchor for your soul in this vast ocean of Life the promises made
to you will be fulfilled not because of who you are but because of who I am just as the dawn follows the darkest night so too will your moments of fulfillment follow your times of Doubt believe for your belief is the key to seeing the impossible become [Music] possible Isaiah 43: [Music] 18-9 remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold I am doing a new thing now it Springs forth do you not perceive it I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert my child let's not linger
on yesterday's Tales or the shadows of what has been the world is vast filled with stories yet Untold and I am here weaving The Narrative of tomorrow with you at the heart of it it's easy to get caught up in looking back to get stuck in the pages of what once was but I encourage you gently yet firmly to lift your gaze in this very moment something remarkable is taking shape can you sense it it's like the first light of dawn creeping Over the Horizon promising the start of a new day I understand how looking
forward can sometimes feel like standing at the edge of an unknown Wilderness the path ahead might not always be clear and the destination might seem far Out Of Reach but believe in the journey I am laying out for you where you see a desert I see fertile ground waiting to Spring to life where you see obstacles I see opportunities for growth and strength I am crafting paths in places you never imagine possible creating streams of refreshment and renewal in the Dr of your [Music] deserts this isn't about erasing what has been it's about embracing what
can be [Music] every step forward is a step into a realm of new possibilities a chance to see the world and your place within it through fresh eyes and not asking you to forget your past entirely but to trust in the beauty of what lies ahead to believe that every moment every challenge is a stepping stone to something even greater I am here in the midst of it all guiding you supporting you loving you together we will navigate this Wilderness together we will find our way through the unknown drawing strength from the promise of new
beginnings this journey we're on it's about transformation about taking the raw materials of yesterday and shaping them into the Stepping Stones of tomorrow therefore my dear one keep your heart open and your eyes lifted embrace the newness I am bringing into your life trust in the paths I am creating for you for they are designed with love filled with purpose and brimming with hope let's step forward into this new day side by side ready to see what wonders await [Music] Hebrews 6: [Music] 18 God did this so that by two unchangeable things in which it
is impossible for God to lie we who have fled to take hold of the Hope said before us may be greatly encouraged in the heart of your struggles dear child in the middle of those chaotic moments I want you to remember that I'm here with you you see the promises I've made are not like the ones you sometimes hear from others promises that might change with the weather or disappear when the going gets tough my words my commitments they're as solid as the ground you walk on as unchanging as the course of the stars in
the night sky child you're holding on to a rope one that's tied to something unmovable unshakable that's my promise to you it's something you can hold on to something that won't budge no matter how hard the Winds of Life blow and it's not because I simply refuse to let go it's because it is utterly and completely impossible for me to break my word it's not in my nature to lie or to mislead that's the kind of reliability I offer you now why does this matter you might wonder it's because in this reliability in this Stead
fastness there's hope not just any hope but a deep enduring hope that can brighten the darkest of days and lighten the heaviest of burdens it's the kind of hope that you can lean into when you're not sure where else to turn the kind that can be your guide when the path ahead is unclear life I know can sometimes feel like a puzzle with missing pieces or a journey without a clear destination in those times I'm not just a distant Observer I'm right there with you offering my guidance my support and my strength when you're standing
at the edge of what seems like an impossible situation when you're not sure if you can face what's ahead let my promise to you be the light that guides your way this isn't about ignoring the realities of your situation or pretending that challenges don't exist it's about knowing that amidst all that there's a foundation you can stand on a foundation made of my unchangeable nature and my unwithering promise so let this assurance fill you with peace let it be the strength you draw on in times of need and remember you're never facing this life alone
I'm with you every step of the way offering you not just my promise but my presence my love and my eternal [Music] support numbers 11 verse [Music] 23 the Lord said to Moses is the Lord's power limited now you shall see whether my word will come true for you or not in the vast open Wilderness where the Horizon stretches endlessly under the blazing sun my children once wandered their hearts heavy with doubt and their stomachs echoing the Pains of hunger they Quest questioned whispered among themselves wondering how they could possibly find sustenance in such a
Barren land it was then I asked Moses a simple yet profound question is the Lord's power limited words that echoed through the desert air not just a question but a gentle reminder of who I am you see my child in those moments of uncertainty when the path ahead seems cloaked in Shadows and the weight of the world rests uneasily on your shoulders it's easy to forget the might and compassion of the Creator the same God who painted the skies with vibrant sunsets and dotted the night with stars uncountable I understand the worries that tug at
your heart the silent prayers whispered in the dead of night the yearning for a sign for relief for a miracle in response to their doubts I did something extraordinary something to show my power and my care for them I promised meat not just for a day but for a whole month until it would come out of their nostrils and become loathsome to them his statement so bold it was almost unfathomable [Music] how could meat be provided in such abundance in the wilderness yeah I did exactly as I said using the wind to bring quailes from
the sea covering the camp and surrounding areas it was a sight to Behold a testament to my boundless provision and a clear answer to my earlier question my power is indeed Limitless [Music] this story my dear child is a token for you today in your moments of Doubt when you're facing challenges that seem impossible remember the Wilderness and the quailes just as I provided for my children then I am here for you now my power has not diminished my capacity to provide to comfort and to guide remains unchanging so as you stand facing your own
Wilderness your own doubts let this story be a Beacon of Hope let it remind you that nothing is too difficult for me the same God who fed a multitude with Mana and quailes who parted the Red Sea who made the sun stand still is The God Who Walks with you [Music] today my promises are true my love unfailing and my power indeed Knows No Limit trust in me for with me what seems impossible becomes possible let your heart rest in this assurance Isaiah [Music] 62:4 no longer will they call you deserted or name your land
desolate but you will be called heah and your land buah for the Lord will take Delight in you and your land will be married in these toughest moments my beloved it when the path ahead seems like an insurmountable desert I want you to know that just as a desert can miraculously burst into life with the right conditions so can your life flourish even in the most challenging of times I won't ever leave you feeling deserted or lost in Desolation instead you'll be called hefa a name that carries the warmth of the sun and the promise
of brighter days your land Bula will be a place where joy and love abound like a garden in full bloom it will be a land that's merry to the goodness of life like a harmonious partnership that brings out the vest in both you see just as a desert when nurtured transforms into a vibrant Oasis your life will trans form too you might feel like you're in a dry and Barren place right now but remember this simple yet deep truth I take great Delight in you my love for you is like the Gentle Touch of a
breeze on your face a reminder that I'm with you guiding you through every moment your journey might have challenges but they are not impossible they are the EB and flow of life like waves on the shore life can seem big and complicated but you're never on this journey alone I'm here as your constant [Music] companion so take courage my dear one you are not alone in this Grand Symphony of existence even in the quiet Stillness of your heart I am there whispering re assurance and love your life like a desert transformed into a lush Garden
can be a testament to the Miracles that will happen when you trust in me in the story of your life I am the constant presence binding every moment together and as you walk through this journey know that I am by your side leading you toward the beauty and joy that awaits in your Bula land Trust In This Promise for it is the comforting steadfast truth that will see you [Music] [Music] through psalm 77:14 you are the God who performs Miracles you display your power among the [Music] peoples in the midst of what seems like an
unending storm dear child where every turn feels like a dead end and every hope appears to be just Out Of Reach I want you to hear something from me I am here with you you know I am the god who Delights in doing what seems impossible to you I'm not just up here watching from afar I'm right there beside you working things out in ways you might not yet see think about this child I'm the artist behind the sunrise the masterm of the changing seasons and the Whisperer of life into every living thing my creativity
knows no bounds and my power stretches far beyond the edges of your imagination when you're faced with mountains that seem too high to climb or Rivers too wide to cross remember I specialize in making a way where there seems to be none now I understand that sometimes saying trust me might not seem enough especially when what you're facing feels overwhelmingly big but here's the thing I've been in the business of Miracles long before the stars were hung in the sky from parting Seas to Bringing Down walls with just a shout from providing in the desert
to turning a few Loaves and Fishes into a feast for thousands my resume is filled with the impossible made possible so here's my invitation to you let go and let me take the lead not because I want you to give up your strength but because I want you to lean on mine you see when you let me handle the things that are out of your control you're not just handing over your worries you're placing them into hands that have shaped the universe and in those very same hands I hold your today your tomorrow and all
the days after that I know it's not easy Letting Go can feel like the hardest thing to do but in this space of surrender you'll find freedom freedom from the weight of trying to figure it all out on your own freedom to breathe and to live fully knowing that I am taking care of what concerns you the most consequently child as you walk through each day facing what comes your way remember you're not alone I am with you turning the pages of your story crafting each chapter with a purpose and a promise that in the
end you'll see the impossible become a part of your history a story of my love and power fully displayed in your life just trust me and watch the Wonders [Music] unfold Matthew 19 verse 26 but Jesus looked at them and said to them with men this is impossible but With God all things are possible dear child you might look around and see mountains too steep to climb oceans too vast to cross and paths too Tangled to navigate these moments can make you feel small unsure and alone facing the impossible with just your own strength but
here's something I want you to hold close to your heart what's seems impossible for you is perfectly possible for me you see I've created this world with all its complexities and wonders and I've seen countless Generations face their own Giants just like you are facing yours there's nothing new Under the Sun for me and there's no situation no matter how Tangled or daunting that I can't turn around for good I understand how easy it is to get caught up in the Whirlwind of worry and fear it's human but I'm here to tell you in the
most straightforward and soothing way that you don't have to carry this burden along my strength is made perfect in your weakness when you're at the end of your rope that's where my capabilities begin let me take the lead hand over those heavy seemingly insurmountable obstacles and watch as I work in ways you might not even expect this is how you should think about it just as the sun rises each day bringing light to the darkest of nights so too can I bring light to your darkest situations just as the seasons change bringing new life and
New Beginnings so too can I bring renewal and hope to your life there's a rhythm and a reason to everything and just as nature trusts in the order of things I ask you to trust in me letting go and trusting me doesn't mean you won't face challenges it doesn't mean the path will always be clear or that Solutions will appear overnight but it does mean that you're not walking this path alone with me you'll find strength you didn't know you had peace in the midst of Storms and possibilities where there seem to be none therefore
when the world tells you it's impossible remember my words to you today with me all things are possible not just the small everyday tasks but the big life Chang in moments too trust in my timing lean on my strength and watch as I transform the impossible into possible right before your [Music] eyes Jeremiah 32 verse 27 [Music] behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for [Music] me precious child now you're standing before a vast ocean its waves rolling in endlessly touching the shore with a gentle yet powerful
Embrace this ocean like everything under the sun from the smallest grain of sand to the mightiest mountains is part of my creation I am the Lord your God the Craftsman of the universe the one who paints the sky with stars at night and brings forth the Sun at dawn at this moment think about your life the moments of joy and the times of struggle just as I command the seasons to change and guide the path of the Stars so too am I intimately involved in the details of your life there's no situation too complex no
problem too intricate and certainly nothing too hard for me to handle you might wonder amidst the chaos and the noise of everyday life where I am remember I am as close to you as your next breath breath quietly working things out for your good the same power that raised mountains and set the boundaries for the Seas is at your disposal ready to work through your impossible situation consider the birds that soar high in the sky or the flowers that bloom with vibrant colors each one cared for each one known you my beloved child are far
more precious to me than these your worries your fears and your dreams are all known to me let this knowledge be your comfort let go of your burdens and Trust in my timing and my perfect plan for you at times when uncertainty prevails remember the Miracles woven into the fabric of the everyday the sunrise each morning the stars that light up the night sky the laughter of a loved one all signs of my presence and my promise to be with you guiding you through every moment so this is what I would like you to do
have faith in me lean not on your own understanding but in every way acknowledge me and I will direct your path your journey might seem seem uncertain and the road ahead might appear daunting rest assured I am always here for you I am here ready to take the impossible and turn it into a testament of my unending love and [Music] power let your heart find peace in my presence for with me all things are possible [Music] Luke 1 verse 37 for with God nothing will be impossible in this vast Universe Where Stars light up the
endless sky and the sun rises every morning I am always at work we leaving Miracles into the fabric of life you see with me the extraordinary becomes every day and the impossible well it just becomes another opportunity to show you how much I [Music] care let's talk about Mary for a moment a young woman ordinary in many ways living her life with simple faith and trust yet I chose her for something extraordinary something that to the human mind would seem impossible Mary a virgin found herself carrying a child without the involvement of a man now
if that's not outside the realm of what's considered possible I don't know what is but here's the thing Mary believed when told about the role she would play in bringing my love to the world in a very special way she didn't doubt or question the logic of it she simply said let it be to me according to your word her faith made room for the impossible to happen I share this not just as a reminder of a miraculous moment in history but as a personal invitation to you just like Mary you're part of my story
and I am part of yours in your life there will be moments that seem too difficult challenges that seem insurmountable and dreams that seem unreachable but remember with me nothing absolutely nothing is impossible you might be facing a mountain right now feel feeling overwhelmed unsure maybe even scared but I am here Whispering into the chaos trust me like Mary all you need to do is believe believe in the power of the one who created the universe from nothing who makes the sun rise and set and who chose a humble girl to play a key role
in The Greatest Story Ever Told so hand over those worries those fears and those situations you think are too complicated let me take them from you I've got this just as I orchestrated the birth of Jesus Through Mary a Beacon of Hope and love I can work through your circumstances turning what seems impossible into a testament of my love and Power remember with me there's always a way your part is to trust to let go and to believe that in my hands The Impossible becomes possible let's walk this journey together hand in hand heart tohe
heart and with you always [Music] job 42 verse two I know that you can do anything and nothing that you plan is impossible my dear child I want you to hear me very clearly and simply because I know the wake you're carrying feels heavy almost too heavy to bear I see the mountains you're facing the storms you're weathering and the Shadows that seem to stretch out endlessly before you but here's something I need you to understand with all your heart there's absolutely nothing too hard for me to handle you know the world is full of
surprises some Wonder and some challenging and it's easy to feel overwhelmed when you're staring down a situation that seems impossible but remember I am the creator of everything you see and even the things you can't from the furthest stars in the sky to the smallest grain of sand on the beach I've made it all and I did not stop creating when I made the world I'm still at work today in your life in the midst of your impossible situation let me put it in the simplest terms I've got this just as I keep the planet
spinning and the seasons changing I am more than capable of handling whatever is troubling you there's no need to lose sleep to Fred or to wonder how things will work out I am already there in your future making a way with there seems to be no way I want you to imagine the peace that comes from knowing that you're not in this alone that peace can be yours it's like having a best friend who's always there who listens who understands and who by the way happens to have unlimited power and that friend to you now
I don't want you to think that just because I can do anything you won't face more challenges life is a journey with its ups and downs but it's how you walk through those moments that matters and in every step I am with you not just as a silent Observer but as an active guide supporter and provider in your heart I hope you can find a quiet confidence knowing that I am by your side you don't have to have all the answers or figure everything out on your own Lean on Me trust in my timing and
watch How I work things out in ways you couldn't even imagine it's not just about making the impossible possible it's about showing you my love my power and my commitment to you every single day so take a deep breath let it out slowly and let go of those heavy burdens give them to me and let's walk this path together with me you're never alone and with my vast love and power we can face [Music] anything Luke 1 verse 45 blessed is she who believed for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told
her from the Lord my dear child in moments when the world feels too heavy when the path in front of you seems too Tangled and steep to climb remember I am with you I know the weight of the invisible burdens you carry the silent battles you fight every day just as I spoke to those before you promising them a future filled with hope and fulfillment I speak to you now you might wonder how your situation which feels so complicated and insurmountable could ever untangle itself I see your heart your dreams and your fears I understand
the depth of your struggles and I am here to tell you that nothing is too complex for me believe as those who came before you believed and saw the promises made to them come to life remember the story of a woman who was told she would be a part of something far greater than she could imagine she believed not because she saw how it could happen but because she knew processed it to her it was her faith simple yet profound that allowed the impossible to [Music] unfold this is the kind of faith I ask of
you not to see the full path but to take the next step knowing I am guiding [Music] you I do not ask for blind faith without reason I ask for trust because you have seen time and again how I work in the lives of those who love me you've witnessed moments of unexpected Joy of serendipitous help and of peace that seems to come from nowhere these are not coincidences they are Whispers of my love my involvement in the miniu of your life let go of the need to control every outcome life in its Essence is
a series of unfolding stories yours included each chapter brings its own challenges but also its beauty and growth your story is still being written and it has moments of Triumph and fulfillment ahead moments that will surpass your expectations in your journey there will be times of waiting of not knowing how or when the promises made to you will come to pass it is in these times that your faith is most precious it is a beacon not just for you but for those around you showing that belief in something greater than oneself can bring peace amidst
the storm as a result my child hold on to your faith let it be the anchor for your soul in this vast ocean of Life the promises made to you will be fulfilled not because of who you are but because of who I am just as the dawn follows the darkest night so too will your moments of fulfillment follow your times of Doubt believe for your belief is the key to seeing the impossible become possible [Music] Isaiah 43: 18 [Music] to9 remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold I am doing
a new thing now it Springs forth do you not perceive it I will make a way in the Wilderness and rivers in the desert my child let's not linger on yesterday's Tales or the shadows of what has been the world is vast filled with stories yet Untold and I am here weaving The Narrative of tomorrow with you at the heart of it it's easy to get caught up in looking back to get stuck in the pages of what once was but I encourage you gently yet firmly to lift your gaze in this very moment something
remarkable is taking shape can you sense it it's like the first light of dawn creeping Over the Horizon promising the start of a new day I understand how looking forward can sometimes feel like standing the edge of an unknown Wilderness the path ahead might not always be clear and the destination might seem far Out Of Reach but believe in the journey I am laying out for you where you see a desert I see fertile ground waiting to Spring to life where you see obstacles I see opportunities for growth and strength I am crafting paths in
places you never imagin possible creating streams of refreshment and renewal in the drast of your [Music] deserts this isn't about erasing what has been it's about embracing what can be every step forward is a step into a realm of new possibilities a chance to see the world and your place within it through fresh eyes and not asking you to forget your past entirely but to trust in the beauty of what lies ahead to believe that every moment every challenge is a stepping stone to something even greater I am here in the midst of it all
guiding you supporting you loving you together we will navigate this Wilderness together we will find our way through the unknown drawing strength from the promise of new beginnings this journey we're on it's about transformation about taking the raw materials of yesterday and shaping them into the Stepping Stones of Tomorrow therefore my dear one keep your heart open and your eyes lifted embrace the newness I am bringing into your life trust in the paths I am creating for you for they are designed with love filled with purpose and brimming with hope let's step forward into this
new day side by side ready to see what wonders [Music] await Hebrews 6 Verse [Music] 18 God did this so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie we who have fled to take hold of the Hope set before us may be greatly encouraged in the heart of your struggles dear child in the middle of those chaotic moments I want you to remember that I'm here with you you see the promises I've made are not like the ones you sometimes hear from others promises that might change with the weather
or disappear when the going gets tough my words my commitments they're as solid as the ground you walk on as unchanging as the course of the stars in the night sky child you're holding on to a rope one that's tied to something unmovable unshakable that's my promise to you it's something you can hold on to something that won't budge no matter how hard the Winds of Life blow and it's not because I simply refuse to let go it's because it is utterly and completely impossible for me to break my word it's it's not in my
nature to lie or to mislead that's the kind of reliability I offer you now why does this matter you might wonder it's because in this reliability in this steadfastness there's hope not just any hope but a deep enduring hope that can brighten the darkest of days and lighten the heaviest of burdens it's the kind of hope that you can lean into when you're not sure where else to turn the kind that can be your guide when the path ahead is unclear life I know can sometimes feel like a puzzle with missing pieces or a journey
without a clear destination in those times I'm not just a distant Observer I'm right there with you offering my guidance my support and my strength when you're standing at the edge of what seems like an impossible situation when you're not sure if you can face what's ahead let my promise to you be the light that guides your way this isn't about ignoring the realities of your situation or pretending that challenges don't exist it's about knowing that amidst all that there's a foundation you can stand on a foundation made of my unchanging able nature and my
unwithering promise so let this assurance fill you with peace let it be the strength you draw on in times of need and remember you're never facing this life alone I'm with you every step of the way offering you not just my promise but my presence my love and my eternal support [Music] numbers 11 verse [Music] 23 the Lord said to Moses is the Lord's power limited now you shall see whether my word will come true for you or not [Music] in the vast open Wilderness where the Horizon stretches endlessly under the blazing sun my children
once wandered their hearts heavy with doubt and their stomachs echoing the Pains of hunger they questioned whispered among themselves wondering how they could possibly find sustenance in such a Barren land it was then I asked Moses a simple yet profound question is the Lord's power limited words that echoed through the desert air not just a question but a gentle reminder of who I am you see my child in those moments of uncertainty when the path ahead seems cloaked in Shadows and the weight of the world rests uneasily on your shoulders it's easy to forget the
might and compassion of the creator the same God who painted the skies with vibrant sunsets and dotted the night with stars uncountable I understand the worries that tug at your heart the silent prayers whispered in the dead of night the yearning for a sign for relief for a miracle in response to their doubts I did something extraordinary something to show my power and my care for them I promised meat not just for a day but for a whole month until it would come out of their nostrils and become loathsome to them his statement so bold
it was almost unfathomable how could meat be provided in such abundance in the wilderness yet I did exactly as I said using the wind to bring quailes from the sea covering the camp and surrounding areas it was a sight to Behold a testament to my boundless provision and a clear answer to my earlier question my power is indeed Limitless this story my dear child is a token for you today in your moments of Doubt when you're facing challenges that seem impossible remember the Wilderness and the quailes just as I provided for my children then I
am here for you now my power is not diminished my capacity to provide to comfort and to guide remains unchanging so as you stand facing your own Wilderness your own doubts let this story be a Beacon of Hope let it remind you that nothing is too difficult for me the same God who fed a multitude with Mana and quailes who parted the Red Sea who made the sun stand still is The God Who Walks with you [Music] today my promises are true my love unfailing and my power indeed Knows No Limit trust in me for
with me what seems impossible becomes possible let your heart rest in this assurance Isaiah [Music] 62:4 no longer will they call you deserted or name your land desolate but you will be called heah and your land Bula for the Lord will take Delight in you and your land will be married in these toughest moments my beloved when the path ahead seems like an insurmountable desert I want you to know that just as a desert can miraculously burst into life with the right conditions so can your life flourish even in the most challenging of times I
won't ever leave you feeling deserted or lost in Desolation instead you'll be called hefa a name that carries the warmth of the sun and the promise of brighter days your land Bula will be a place where joy and love abound like a garden in full bloom it will be a land that's marry to the goodness of life like a harmonious partnership that brings out the vest in both you see just as a desert when nurtured transforms into a vibrant Oasis your life will transform too you might feel like you're in a dry and Barren place
right now but remember this simple yet deep truth they take great Delight in you my love for you is like the Gentle Touch of a breeze on your face reminder that I'm with you guiding you through every moment your journey might have challenges but they are not impossible they are the EB and flow of life like waves on the shore life can seem big and complicated but you're never on this journey alone I'm I'm here as your constant [Music] companion so take courage my dear one you are not alone in this Grand Symphony of existence
even in the quiet Stillness of your heart I am there Whispering reassurance and love your life like a desert transformed into a lush Garden can be a testament to the Miracles that will happen when you trust in me in the story of your life I am the constant presence binding every moment together and as you walk through this journey know that I am by your side leading you toward the beauty and joy that awaits in your Bula Land Trust In This Promise for it is the comforting steadfast truth that will see you through [Music] [Music]
Psalm 77:14 you are the God who performs Miracles you display your power among the peoples [Music] in the midst of what seems like an unending storm dear child where every turn feels like a dead end and every hope appears to be just Out Of Reach I want you to hear something from me I am here with you you know I am the god who Delights in doing what seems impossible to you I'm not just up here watching from afar I'm right there beside you working things out in ways you might not yet see think about
this child I'm the artist behind the sunrise the masterm of the changing seasons and the Whisperer of life into every living thing my creativity knows no bounds and my power stretches far beyond the edges of your imagination when you're faced with mountain that seem too high to climb or Rivers too wide to cross remember I specialize in making a way where there seems to be none now I understand that sometimes saying trust me might not seem enough especially when what you're facing feels overwhelmingly big but here's the thing I've been in the business of Miracles
long before the stars were hung in the sky from parting Seas to Bringing Down walls with just a shout from providing in the desert to turning a few Loaves and Fishes into a feast for thousands my resume is filled with the impossible May possible so here's my invitation to you let go and let me take the lead not because I want you to give up your strength but because I want you to lean on mine you see when you let me handle the things that are out of your control you're not just handing over your
worries you're placing them into hands that have shaped the universe and in those very same hands I hold your today your tomorrow and all the days after that I know it's not easy Letting Go can feel like the hardest thing to do but in this space of surrender you'll find freedom freedom from the weight of trying to figure it all out on your own freedom to breathe and to live fully knowing that I am taking care of what concerns you the most consequently child as you walk through each day facing what comes your way remember
you're not alone I am with you turning the pages of your story crafting each chapter with a purpose and a promise that in the end you'll see the impossible become a part of your history a story of my love and power fully displayed in your life just trust me and watch the Wonders unfold [Music] Matthew 19 verse 26 but Jesus looked at them and said to them with men this is impossible but With God all things are possible dear child you might look around and see mountains too steep to climb oceans too vast to cross
and paths too Tangled to navigate these moments can make you feel small unsure and alone facing the impossible with just your own strength but here's something I want you to hold close to your heart what seems impossible for you is perfectly possible for me you see I've created this world with all its complexities and wonders and I've seen countless Generations face their own Giants just like you are facing yours there's nothing new Under the Sun for me and there's no situation no matter how Tangled or daunting that I can't turn around for good I understand
how easy it is to get caught up in the Whirlwind of worry and fear it's human but I'm here to tell you in the most straightforward and soothing way that you don't have to carry this burden along my strength is made perfect in your weakness when you're at the end of your rope that's where my capabilities begin Let Me Take the Lead hand over those heavy seemingly insurmountable obstacles and watch as I work in ways you might not even expect this is how you should think about it just as the sun rises each day bringing
light to the darkest of nights so too can I bring light to your darkest situations just as the seasons change bringing new life and New Beginnings so too can I bring renewal and hope to your life there's a rhythm and a reason to everything and just as nature trusts in the order of things I ask you to trust in me letting go and trusting me doesn't mean you won't face challenges it doesn't mean the path will always be clear or that Solutions will appear overnight but it does mean that you're not walking this path alone
with me you'll find strength you didn't know you had peace in the midst of Storms and possibilities where there seem to be none therefore when the world tells you it's impossible remember my words to you today with me all things are possible not just the small everyday tasks but the big life-changing moments too trust in my timing lean on my strength and watch as I transform the impossible into possible right before your eyes [Music] Jeremiah 32: [Music] 27 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for me precious
child now you're standing before a vast ocean its waves rolling in endlessly touching the shore with a gentle yet powerful Embrace this ocean like everything under the sun from the smallest grain of sand to the mightiest mountains is part of my creation I am the Lord your God the Craftsman of the universe the one who paints the sky with stars at night and brings forth the Sun at [Music] dawn at this moment think about your life the moments of joy and the times of struggle just as I command the seasons to change and guide the
path of the Stars so too am I intimately involved in the details of your life there's no situation too complex no problem too inter it and certainly nothing too hard for me to handle you might wonder amidst the chaos and the noise of everyday life where I am remember I am as close to you as your next breath quietly working things out for your good the same power that raised mountains and set the boundaries for the Seas is at your disposal ready to work through your possible situation consider the birds that soar high in the
sky or the flowers that bloom with vibrant colors each one cared for each one known you might beloved child are far more precious to me than these your worries your fears and your dreams are all known to me let this knowledge be your comfort let go of your burdens and Trust in my timing and my perfect plan for you at times when uncertainty prevails remember the Miracles woven into the fabric of the every day the sunrise each morning the stars that light up the night sky the laughter of a loved one all signs of my
presence and my promise to be with you guiding you through every moment so this is what I would like you to do have faith in me lean not on your own understanding but in every way acknowledge me and I will direct your path your journey might seem uncertain and the road ahead might appear daunting rest assured I am always here for you I am here ready to take the impossible and turn it into a testament of my unending love and [Music] power let your heart find peace in my presence for with me all things are
[Music] possible Luke 1 verse 37 [Music] for with God nothing will be impossible in this vast Universe Where Stars light up the endless sky and the sun rises every morning I am always at work weaving Miracles into the fabric of life you see with me the extraordinary becomes everyday and the impossible well it just becomes another opportunity to show you how much I [Music] care let's talk about Mary for a moment a young woman ordinary in many ways living her life with simple faith and trust yet I chose her for something extraordinary something that to
the human mind would seem impossible Mary a virgin found herself carrying a child without the involvement of a man now if that's not outside the realm of what's considered possible I don't know what is but here's the thing Mary believed when told about the role she would play in bringing my love to the world in a very special way she didn't doubt or question the logic of it she simply said let it be to me according to your word her faith made room for the impossible to happen I share this not just as a reminder
of a miraculous moment in history but as a personal invitation to you just like Mary you're part of my story and I am part of yours in your life there will be moments that seem too difficult challenges that seem inser mountable and dreams that seem unreachable but remember with me nothing absolutely nothing is impossible you might be facing a mountain right now feeling overwhelmed unsure maybe even scared but I am here Whispering into the chaos trust me like Mary all you need to do is believe believe in the power of the one who created the
universe from nothing who makes the sun rise and set and who chose a humble girl to play a key role in The Greatest Story Ever Told so hand over those worries those fears and those situations you think are too complicated let me take them from you I've got this this just as I orchestrated the birth of Jesus Through Mary a Beacon of Hope and love I can work through your circumstances turning what seems impossible into a testament of my love and power remember with me there's always a way your part is to trust to let
go and to believe that in my hands the imposs becomes possible let's walk this journey together hand in hand heart to heart and with you [Music] always job 42: 2 I know that you can do anything and nothing that you plan is impossible my dear child I want you to hear me very clearly and simply because I know the weight you're carrying feels heavy almost too heavy to bear I see the mountains you're facing the storms you're weathering and the Shadows that seem to to stretch out endlessly before you but here's something I need you
to understand with all your heart there's absolutely nothing too hard for me to handle you know the world is full of surprises some wonderful and some challenging and it's easy to feel overwhelmed when you're staring down a situation that seems impossible but remember I am the creator of everything you see and even the things you can't from the furthest stars in the sky to the smallest grain of sand on the beach I've made it all and I did not stop creating when I made the world I'm still at work today in your life in the
midst of your impossible situation let me put it in the simplest terms I've got this just as I keep the planet spinning and the seasons changing I am more than capable of handling whatever is troubling you there's no need to lose sleep to Fred or to wonder how things will work out I am already there in your future making a way where there seems to be no way I want you to imagine the peace that comes from knowing that you're not in this alone that peace can be yours it's like having a best friend who's
always there who listens who understands and who by the way happens to have unlimited power am that friend to you now I don't want you to think that just because I can do anything you won't face more challenges life is a journey with its ups and downs but it's how you walk through those moments that matter Ms and in every step I am with you not just as a silent Observer but as an active guide supporter and provider in your heart I hope you can find a quiet confidence knowing that I am by your side
you don't have to have all the answers or figure everything out on your own Lean on Me trust in my timing and watch How I work things out in ways you couldn't even imagine it's not just about making the impossible possible it's about showing you my love my power and my commitment to you every single day so take a deep breath let it out slowly and let go of those heavy burdens give them to me and let's walk this path together with me you're never alone and with my vast love and power we can face
[Music] anything Luke 1 verse 45 blessed is she who believed for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord my dear child in moments when the world feels too heavy when the path in front of you seems too Tangled and steep to climb remember I am with you I know the weight of the invisible burdens you carry the silent battles you fight every day just as I spoke to those before you promising them a future filled with hope and fulfillment I speak to you now you might wonder how
your situation which feels so complicated and insurmountable could ever untangle itself I see your heart your dreams and your fears I understand the depth of your struggles and I am here to tell you that nothing is too complex for me believe as those who came before you believed and saw the promises made to them come to life remember the story of a woman who was told she would be a part of something far greater than she could imagine she believed not because she saw how it could happen but because she knew who processed it to
her it was her faith simple yet profound that allowed the impossible to fold this is the kind of faith I ask of you not to see the full path but to take the next step knowing I am guiding [Music] you I do not ask for blind faith without reason I ask for trust because you have seen time and again how I work in the lives of those who love me you've witnessed moments of unexpected Joy of serendipitous help and of peace that seems to come from nowhere these are not coincidences they are Whispers of my
love my involvement in the miniu of your life let go of the need to control every outcome life in its Essence is a series of unfolding stories yours included each chapter chapter brings its own challenges but also its beauty and growth your story is still being written and it has moments of Triumph and fulfillment ahead moments that will surpass your expectations in your journey there will be times of waiting of not knowing how or when the promises made to you will come to pass it is in these times that your faith is most precious it
is a beacon not just for you but for those around you showing that belief in something greater than oneself can bring peace amidst the storm as a result my child hold on to your faith Let It Be the Anchor for your soul in this vast ocean of Life the promises made to you will be fulfilled not because of who you are but because of who I am just as the dawn follows the darkest night so too will your moments of fulfillment follow your times of Doubt believe for your belief is the key to seeing the
impossible become [Music] possible Isaiah 43: 18-9 [Music] remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold I am doing a new thing now it Springs forth do you not perceive it I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert my child let's not linger on yesterday's Tales or the shadows of what has been the world is vast filled with stories yet Untold and I am here weaving The Narrative of tomorrow with you at the heart of it it's easy to get caught up in looking back to get stuck
in the pages of what once was but I encourage you gently yet firmly to lift your gaze in this very moment something remarkable is taking shape can you sense it it's like the first light of dawn creeping Over the Horizon promising the start of a new day I understand how looking forward can sometimes feel like standing at the edge of an unknown Wilderness the path ahead might not always be clear and the destination might seem far Out Of Reach but but believe in the journey I am laying out for you where you see a desert
I see fertile ground waiting to Spring to life where you see obstacles I see opportunities for growth and strength I am crafting paths in places you never imagine possible creating streams of refreshment and renewal in the Dr of your [Music] deserts this isn't about about erasing what has been it's about embracing what can be every step forward is a step into a realm of new possibilities a chance to see the world and your place within it through fresh eyes and not asking you to forget your past entirely but to trust in the beauty of what
lies ahead to believe that every moment every challenge is a stepping stone to something even greater I am here in the midst of it all guiding you supporting you loving you together we will navigate this Wilderness together we will find our way through the unknown drawing strength from the promise of new beginnings this journey we're on it's about transformation about taking the wrong raw materials of yesterday and shaping them into the Stepping Stones of Tomorrow therefore my dear one keep your heart open and your eyes lifted embrace the newness I am bringing into your life
trust in the paths I am creating for you for they are designed with love filled with purpose and brimming with hope let's step forward into this new day side by side ready to see what wonders [Music] await Hebrews 6: [Music] 18 God did this so that by two unchangeable things things in which it is impossible for God to lie we who have fled to take hold of the Hope set before us may be greatly encouraged in the heart of your struggles dear child in the middle of those chaotic moments I want you to remember that
I'm here with you you see the promises I've made are not like the ones you sometimes hear from others promise that might change with the weather or disappear when the going gets tough my words my commitments they're as solid as the ground you walk on as unchanging as the course of the stars in the night sky child you're holding on to a rope one that's tied to something unmovable unshakable that's my promise to you it's something you can hold on to something that won't budge no matter how hard the Winds of Life blow and it's
not because I simply refuse to let go it's because it is utterly and completely impossible for me to break my word it's not in my nature to lie or to mislead that's the kind of reliability I offer you now why does this matter you might want Wonder it's because in this reliability in this steadfastness there's hope not just any hope but a deep enduring hope that can brighten the darkest of days and lighten the heaviest of burdens it's the kind of hope that you can lean into when you're not sure where else to turn the
kind that can be your guide when the path ahead is unclear life I know can sometimes feel feel like a puzzle with missing pieces or a journey without a clear destination in those times I'm not just a distant Observer I'm right there with you offering my guidance my support and my strength when you're standing at the edge of what seems like an impossible situation when you're not sure if you can face what's ahead let my promise to you be the light that guides your way this isn't about ignoring the realities of your situation or pretending
that challenges don't exist it's about knowing that amidst all that there's a foundation you can stand on a foundation made of my unchangeable nature and my unwithering promise so let this assurance fill you with peace let it be the strength you draw on in time of need and remember you're never facing this life alone I'm with you every step of the way offering you not just my promise but my presence my love and my eternal [Music] support numbers 11 verse 23 [Music] the Lord said to Moses is the Lord's power limited now you shall see
whether my word will come true for you or not in the vast open Wilderness where the Horizon stretches endlessly under the blazing sun my children once wandered their hearts heavy with doubt and their stomachs echoing the Pains of hunger they questioned whispered among themselves wondering how they could possibly find sustenance in such a Barren land it was them I asked Moses a simple yet profound question is the Lord's power limited words that echoed through the desert air not just a question but a gentle reminder of who I am you see my child in those moments
of uncertainty when the path ahead seems cloaked in Shadows and the weight of the world rests uneasily on your shoulders it's easy to forget the might and compassion of the Creator the same God who painted the skies with vibrant sunsets and dotted the night with stars uncountable I understand the worries that tug at your heart the silent prayers whispered in the dead of night the yearning for a sign for relief for a miracle in response to their doubts I did something extraordinary something to show my power and my care for them I promised meat not
just for a day but for a whole month until it would come out of their nostrils and become loathsome to them his statement so bold it was almost unfathomable how could meat be provided in such abundance in the wilderness yeah I did exactly as I said using the wind to bring quailes from the sea covering the camp and surrounding areas it was a sight to Behold a testament to my boundless provision and a clear answer to my earlier question my power is indeed Limitless this story my dear child is a token for you today in
your moments of Doubt when you're facing challenges that seem impossible remember the Wilderness and the quailes just as I provided for my children then I am here for you now my power is not diminished my capacity to provide to comfort and to guide remains unchanging so as you stand facing your own Wilderness your own doubts let this story be a Beacon of Hope let it remind you that nothing is too difficult for me the same God who fed a multitude with Mana and quailes who parted the Red Sea who made the sun stand still is
The God Who Walks with you [Music] today my promises are true my love unfailing and my power indeed Knows No Limit trust in me for with me what seems impossible becomes possible let your heart rest in this assurance Isaiah 62 verse [Music] 4 no longer will they call you deserted or name your land desolate but you will be called heah and your land buah for the Lord will take Delight in you and your land will be married in these toughest moments my beloved when the path ahead seems like an insurmountable desert I want you to
know that just as a desert can miraculously burst into life with the right conditions so can your life flourish even in the most challenging of times I won't ever leave you feeling deserted or lost in Desolation instead you'll be called heah a name that carries the warmth of the sun and the promise of brighter days your land Bula will be a place where joy and love abound like a garden in full bloom it will be a land that's marry to the goodness of life like a harmonious partnership that brings out the vest in both you
see just as a desert when nurtured transforms into a vibrant Oasis your life will transform too you might feel like you're in a dry and Barren place right now but remember this simple yet deep truth I take great Delight in you my love for you is like the Gentle Touch of a breeze on your face a reminder that I'm with you guiding you through every moment your journey might have challenges but they are not impossible they are the EB and flow of life like waves on the shore life can seem big and complicated but you're
never on this journey alone I'm here as your constant [Music] companion so take courage my dear one you are not alone in this Grand Symphony of existence even in the quiet Stillness of your heart I am there Whispering reassurance and love your life like a desert transformed into a lush Garden can be a testament to the Miracles that will happen when you trust in me in the story of your life I am the constant presence binding every moment together and as you walk through this journey know that I am by your side leading you toward
the beauty and joy that awaits in your Bula Land Trust In This Promise for it is the comforting steadfast truth that will see you through [Music] [Music] Psalm 77:14 you are the God who performs Miracles you display your power among the [Music] peoples in the midst of what seems like an unending storm dear child where every turn feels like a dead end and every hope appears to be just Out Of Reach I want you to hear something from me I am here with you you know I am the god who Delights in doing what seems
impossible to you I'm not just up here watching from afar I'm right there beside you working things out in ways you might not yet see think about this child I'm the artist behind the sunrise the master of the changing seasons and The Whisper of life into every living thing my creativity knows no bounds and my power stretches far beyond the edges of your imagination when you're faced with mountains that seem too high to climb or Rivers too wide to cross remember I specialize in making a way where there seems to be none now I I
understand that sometimes saying trust me might not seem enough especially when what you're facing feels overwhelmingly B but here's the thing I've been in the business of Miracles long before the stars were hung in the sky from parting Seas to Bringing Down walls with just a shout from providing in the desert to turning a few Loaves and Fishes into a feast for thousands my resume is filled with the impossible May possible so here's my invitation to you let go and let me take the lead not because I want you to give up your strength but
because I want you to lean on mine you see when you let me handle the things that are out of your control you're not just handing over your worries you're placing them into hands that have sh aped the universe and in those very same hands I hold your today your tomorrow and all the days after that I know it's not easy Letting Go can feel like the hardest thing to do but in this space of surrender you'll find freedom freedom from the weight of trying to figure it all out on your own freedom to breathe
and to live fully fully knowing that I am taking care of what concerns you the most consequently child as you walk through each day facing what comes your way remember you're not alone I am with you turning the pages of your story crafting each chapter with a purpose and a promise that in the end you'll see the impossible become a part of your history a story of my love and power fully displayed in your life just trust me and watch the Wonders [Music] unfold Matthew 19 verse 26 but Jesus looked at them and said to
them with men this is impossible but With God all things are possible dear child you might look around and see mountains too steep to climb oceans too vast to cross and paths too Tangled to navigate these moments can make you feel small unsure and alone facing the impossible with just your own strength but here's something I want you to hold close to your heart what seems impossible for you is perfectly possible for me you see I've created this world with all its complexities and wonders and I've seen countless Generations face their own Giants just like
you are facing yours there's nothing new Under the Sun for me and there's no sit situation no matter how Tangled or daunting that I can't turn around for good I understand how easy it is to get caught up in the Whirlwind of worry and fear it's human but I'm here to tell you in the most straightforward and soothing way that you don't have to carry this burden along my strength is made perfect in your weakness when you're at the end of your rope that's where my capabilities begin Let Me Take the Lead hand over those
heavy seemingly insurmountable obstacles and watch as I work in ways you might not even expect this is how you should think about it just as the sun rises each day bringing light to the darkest of nights so too can I bring light to your darkest situations just as the seasons change bringing new life and New Beginnings so too can I bring renewal and hope to your life there's a rhythm and a reason to everything and just as nature trusts in the order of things I ask you to trust in me letting go and trusting me
doesn't mean you won't face challenges it doesn't mean the path will always be clear or that Solutions will appear overnight but it does mean that you're not walking this path alone with me you'll find strength you didn't know you had peace in the midst of Storms and possibilities where there seem to be none therefore when the world tells you it's impossible remember my words to you today with me all things are possible not just the small everyday tasks but the big lifechanging moments too trust in my timing lean on my strength and watch as I
transform the impossible into possible right before your [Music] eyes Jeremiah 32 ver verse [Music] 27 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for [Music] me precious child now you're standing before a vast ocean it's waves rolling in endlessly touching the shore with a gentle yet powerful embrace this ocean like everything under the sun from the smallest grain of sand to the mightiest mountains is part of my creation I am the Lord your God the Craftsman of the universe the one who paints the sky with stars at night
and brings forth the Sun at dawn at this moment think about your life the moments of joy and the times of struggle just as I command the seasons to change and guide the path of the Stars so too am I intimately involved in the details of your life there's no situation too complex no problem too intricate and certainly nothing too hard for me to handle you might wonder amidst the chaos and the noise of everyday life where I am remember I am as close to you as your next breath quietly working things out for your
good the same power that raised mountains and set the boundaries for the Seas is at your disposal ready to work through your impossible situation consider the birds that soar high in the sky or the flowers that bloom with vibrant colors each one cared for each one known you my beloved child are far more precious to me than these your worries your fears and your dreams are all known to me let this knowledge be your comfort let go of your burdens and Trust in my timing and my perfect plan for you at times when uncertainty prevails
remember the Miracles woven into the fabric of the every day the sunrise each morning the stars that light up the night sky the laughter of a loved one all signs of my presence and my promise to be with you guiding you through every moment so this is what I would like you to do have faith in me lean not on your own understanding but in every way acknowledge me me and I will direct your path your journey might seem uncertain and the road ahead might appear daunting rest assured I am always here for you I
am here ready to take the impossible and turn it into a testament of my unending love and [Music] power let your heart find peace in my presence for with me all things are possible [Music] Luke 1 verse 37 for with God nothing will be impossible in this vast Universe Where Stars light up the endless sky and the sun rises every morning I am always at work weaving Miracles into the fabric of life you see with me the extraordinary becomes everyday and the impossible well it just becomes another opportunity to show you how much I [Music]
care let's talk about Mary for a moment a young woman ordinary in many ways ways living her life with simple faith and trust yet I chose her for something extraordinary something that to the human mind would seem impossible Mary a virgin found herself carrying a child without the involvement of a man now if that's not outside the realm of what's considered possible I don't know what is but here's the thing Mary believed when told about the role she would play in bringing my love to the world in a very special way she didn't doubt or
question the logic of it she simply said let it be to me according to your word her faith made room for the impossible to happen I share this not just as a reminder of a miraculous moment in history but as a personal invitation to you just like Mary you're part of my story and I am part of yours in your life there will be moments that seem too difficult challenges that seem insurmountable and dreams that seem unreachable but remember with me nothing absolutely nothing his imposs possible you might be facing a mountain right now feeling
overwhelmed unsure maybe even scared but I am here Whispering into the chaos trust me like Mary all you need to do is believe believe in the power of the one who created the universe from nothing who makes the sun rise and set and who chose a humble girl to play a key role in The Greatest Story Ever Told so hand over those worries those fears and those situations you think are too complicated let me take them from you I've got this just as I orchestrated the birth of Jesus Through Mary a Beacon of Hope and
love I can work through your circumstances turning what seems impossible into a testament of my love and power remember with me there's always a way your part is to trust to let go and to believe that in my hands The Impossible becomes possible let's walk this journey together hand in hand heart tohe heart and with you always [Music] job 42: 2 I know that you can do anything and nothing that you plan is impossible my dear child I want you to hear me very clearly and simply because I know the weight you're carrying feels heavy
almost too heavy to bear I see the mountains you're facing the storms you're weathering and the Shadows that seem to stretch out endlessly before you but here's something I need you to understand with all your heart there's absolutely nothing too hard for me to handle you know the world is full of surprises some wonderful and some challenging and it's easy to feel overwhelmed when you're staring down a situation that seems impossible but remember I am the creator of everything you see and even the things you can't from the furthest stars in the sky to the
smallest grain of sand on the beach I've made it all and I did not stop creating when I made the world I'm still at work today in your life in the midst of your impossible situation let me put it in the simplest terms I've got this just as I keep the planet spinning and the seasons changing I am more than capable of handling whatever is troubling you there's no need to lose sleep to Fred or to wonder how things will work work out I am already there in your future making a way where there seems
to be no way I want you to imagine the peace that comes from knowing that you're not in this alone that peace can be yours it's like having a best friend who's always there who listens who understands and who by the way happens to have unlimited power am that friend to you now I don't want you to think that just because I can do anything you won't face more challenges life is a journey with its ups and downs but it's how you walk through those moments that matters and in every step I am with you
not just as a silent Observer but as an active guide supporter and provider in your heart I hope you can find a quiet confidence knowing that I am by your side you don't have to have all the answers or figure everything out on your own Lean on Me trust in my timing and watch How I work things out in ways you couldn't even imagine it's not just about making the impossible possible it's about showing you my love my power and my commitment to you every single day so take a deep breath let it out slowly
and let go those heavy burdens give them to me and let's walk this path together with me you're never alone and with my vast love and power we can face anything Luke 1 verse 45 blessed is she who believed for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord my dear child in moments when the world feels too heavy when the path in front of you seems too Tangled and steep to climb remember I am with you I know the weight of the invisible burdens you carry the silent battles
you fight every day just as I spoke to those before you promising them a future filled with hope and fulfillment I speak to you now you might wonder how your situation which feels so complicated and insurmountable could ever untangle its self I see your heart your dreams and your fears I understand the depth of your struggles and I am here to tell you that nothing is too complex for me believe as those who came before you believed and saw the promises made to them come to life remember the story of a woman who was told
she would be a part of something far greater than she could imagine she believed not because she saw how it could happen but because she knew who process it to her it was her faith simple yet profound that allowed the impossible to [Music] unfold this is the kind of faith I ask of you not to see the full path but to take the next step knowing I am guiding [Music] you I do not ask for blind faith without reason I ask for trust because you have seen time and again how I work in the lives
of those who love me you've witnessed moments of unexpected Joy of serendipitous help and of peace that seems to come from nowhere these are not coincidences they are Whispers of my love my involvement in the miniatu of your life let go of the need to control every outcome life in its Essence is a series of unfolding stories yours included each chapter brings its own challenges but also its beauty and growth your story is still being written and it has moments of Triumph and fulfillment ahead moments that will surpass your expectations in your journey there will
be times of waiting of not knowing how or when the promises made to you will come to pass it is in these times that your faith is most precious it is a beacon not just for you but for those around you showing that belief in something greater than oneself can bring peace amidst the storm [Music] as a result my child hold on to your faith Let It Be the Anchor for your soul in this vast ocean of Life the promises made to you will be fulfilled not because of who you are but because of who
I am just as the dawn follows the darkest night so too will your moments of fulfillment follow your times of Doubt believe for your belief is the key to seeing the impossible become [Music] possible Isaiah 43: 18 [Music] to9 remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold I am doing a new thing now it Springs forth do you not perceive it I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert my child let's not linger on yesterday's Tales or the shadows of what has been the world is vast
filled with stories yet Untold and I am here weaving The Narrative of tomorrow with you at the heart of it it's easy to get caught up in looking back to get stuck in the pages of what once was but I encourage you gently yet firmly to lift your gaze in this very moment something remarkable is taking shape can you sense it it's like the first light of dawn creeping Over the Horizon promising the start of a new day I understand how looking forward can sometimes feel like standing at the edge of an unknown Wilderness the
path ahead might not always be clear and the destination might seem far Out Of Reach but believe in the journey I am laying out for you where you see a desert I see fertile ground waiting to Spring to life where you see obstacles I see opportunities for growth and strength I am crafting paths in places you never imagine possible creating streams of refreshment and renewal in the drast of your [Music] deserts this isn't about erasing what has been it's about embracing what can be every step forward is a step into a realm of new possibilities
a chance to see the world and your place within it through fresh eyes and not asking you to forget your past entirely but to trust in the beauty of what lies ahead to believe that every moment every challenge is a stepping stone to something even greater I am here in the midst of it all guiding you supporting you loving you together we will navigate this Wilderness together we will find our way through the unknown drawing strength from the promise of new beginnings this journey we're on it's about transformation about taking the raw materials of yesterday
and shaping them into the Stepping Stones of Tomorrow therefore my dear one keep your heart open and your eyes lifted embrace the newness I am bringing into your life trust in the paths I am creating for you for they are designed with love filled with purpose and brimming with hope let's step forward into this new day side by side ready to see what wonders await [Music] Hebrews 6 verse [Music] 18 God did this so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie we who have fled to take hold of
the Hope set before us may be greatly encouraged in the heart of your struggles dear child in the middle of those chaotic moments I want you to remember that I'm here with you you see the promises I've made are not like the ones you sometimes hear from others promises that might change with the weather or disappear when the going gets tough my words my commitments they're as solid as the ground you walk on as unchanging as the course of the stars in the night sky child you're holding on to a rope one that's tied to
something unmovable unshakable that's my promise to you it's something you can hold on to something that won't budge no matter how hard the Winds of Life blow and it's not because I simply refuse to let go it's because it is utterly and completely impossible for me to break my word it's not in my nature to lie or to mislead that's the kind of reliability I offer you now why does this matter you might wonder it's because in this reliability in this steadfastness there's hope not just any hope but a deep enduring hope that can bright
the darkest of days and lighten the heaviest of burdens it's the kind of hope that you can lean into when you're not sure where else to turn the kind that can be your guide when the path ahead is unclear life I know can sometimes feel like a puzzle with missing pieces or a journey without a clear destination in those times I'm not just a distant Observer I'm right there with you offering my guidance my support and my strength when you're standing at the edge of what seems like an impossible situation when you're not sure if
you can face what's ahead let my promise to you be the light that guides your way this isn't about ignoring the realities of your situation or pretending that challenges don't exist it's about knowing that amidst all all that there's a foundation you can stand on a foundation made of my unchangeable nature and my unwithering promise so let this assurance fill you with peace let it be the strength you draw on in times of need and remember you're never facing this life alone I'm with you every step of the way offering you not just my promise
but my presence my love and my eternal [Music] support numbers 11 verse [Music] 23 the Lord said to Moses is the Lord's power limited now you shall see whether my word will come true for you or not in the vast open Wilderness where the Horizon stretches endlessly under the blazing sun my children once wandered their hearts heavy with doubt and their stomachs echoing the Pains of hunger they questioned whispered among themselves wondering how they could possibly find sustenance in such a Barren life land it was then I asked Moses a simple yet profound question is
the Lord's power limited words that echoed through the desert air not just a question but a gentle reminder of who I am you see my child in those moments of uncertainty when the path ahead seems cloaked in Shadows and the weight of the world rests uneasily on your shoulders it's easy to forget the might and compassion of the Creator the same God who painted the skies with vibrant sunsets and dotted the night with stars uncountable I understand the worries that tug at your heart the silent prayers whispered in the dead of night the yearning for
a sign for relief for a miracle in response to their doubts I did something extraordinary something to show my power and my care for them I promised meet not just for a day but for a whole month until it would come out of their nostrils and become loathsome to them his statement so bold it was almost unfathomable how could meat be provided in such abundance in the wilderness yeah I did exactly as I said using the wind to bring quailes from the sea covering the camp and surrounding areas it was a sight to Behold a
testament to my boundless provision and a clear answer to my earlier question my power is indeed Limitless this story my dear child is a token for you today in your moments of Doubt when you're facing challenges that seem impossible remember the Wilderness and the quails just as I provided for my children then I am here for you now my power is not diminished my capacity to provide to comfort and to guide remains unchanging so as you stand facing your own Wilderness your own doubts let this story be a Beacon of Hope let it remind you
that nothing is too difficult for me the same God who fed a multitude with Mana and quailes who parted the Red Sea who made the sun stand still is The God Who Walks with you [Music] today my promises are true my love unfailing and my power indeed Knows No Limit trust in me for with me what seems impossible becomes possible let your heart rest in this assurance Isaiah 62:4 [Music] no longer will they call you deserted or name your land desolate but you will be called heah and your land Bula for the Lord will take
Delight in you and your land will be married in these toughest moments my beloved when the path ahead seems like an insurmountable desert I want you to know that just as a desert can miraculously burst into life with the right conditions so can your life flourish even in the most challenging of times I won't ever leave you feeling deserted or lost in Desolation instead you'll be called hefa a name that carries the warmth of the sun and the promise of brighter days your land vula will be a place where Joy and love abound like a
garden in full bloom it will be a land that's merry to the goodness of life like a harmonious partnership that brings out the v in both you see just as a desert when nurtured transforms into a vibrant Oasis your life will transform too you might feel like you're in a dry and Barren place right now but remember this simple yet deep truth I take great Delight in you my love for you is like the Gentle Touch of a breeze on your face a reminder that I'm with you guiding you through every moment your journey might
have challenges but they are not impossible they are the E and flow of life like waves on the shore life can seem big and complicated but you're never on this journey alone I'm here as your constant [Music] companion so take courage my dear one you are not alone in this Grand Symphony of existence even in the quiet Stillness of your heart I am there Whispering reassurance and love your life like a desert transformed into a lush Garden can be a testament to the Miracles that will happen when you trust in me in the story of
your life I am the constant presence binding every moment together and as you walk through this journey know that I am by your side leading you toward the beauty and joy that awaits in your Bula Land Trust In This Promise for it is the comforting steadfast truth that will see you through [Music]
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Play These Scriptures All Night And See Wh...
SOAKSTREAM - Healing Scriptures
Deeper With God: 3 Hour Prayer & Meditation Music with Bible Verses
Deeper With God: 3 Hour Prayer & Meditatio...
Believe God for the Impossible
Believe God for the Impossible
Atmosphere of Grace
Why Living Alone Is Better for Your Soul Than Any Relationship โ€“ Joe Dispenza Motivation
Why Living Alone Is Better for Your Soul T...
Motivation Masteryโ„ข
God Will Make Your Life Beautiful Again
God Will Make Your Life Beautiful Again
Atmosphere of Grace
Let Go of Anxiety & Experience PEACE Trusting God ๐Ÿ•Š Fall Asleep Resting in God's Word
Let Go of Anxiety & Experience PEACE Trust...
Abide Meditation App
My ALL TIME Favorite Movie About Jesus Christ: The Gospel of John HD
My ALL TIME Favorite Movie About Jesus Chr...
Michael Chriswell (RELENTLESSHEART)
The Billy Graham Rule: Is It Wrong for Unmarried Men & Women to Be Alone Together? | Ep 1005
The Billy Graham Rule: Is It Wrong for Unm...
Phil Robertson
"I See Angels and Demons" Michael & The Seer | Blake Healy
"I See Angels and Demons" Michael & The Se...
Michael Knowles
Be Patient: Your Breakthrough Is Closer Than You Think
Be Patient: Your Breakthrough Is Closer Th...
Atmosphere of Grace
๐€๐›๐ข๐๐ž ๐’๐ฅ๐ž๐ž๐ฉ - ๐’๐ญ๐จ๐ซ๐ฒ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ƒ๐š๐ฏ๐ข๐, ๐Œ๐ž๐๐ข๐ญ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง ๐จ๐ง ๐๐ž๐ซ๐Ÿ๐ž๐œ๐ญ ๐‹๐จ๐ฏ๐ž
๐€๐›๐ข๐๐ž ๐’๐ฅ๐ž๐ž๐ฉ - ๐’๐ญ๐จ๐ซ๐ฒ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ƒ...
Abide Meditation App
You Can Trust God Through It All
You Can Trust God Through It All
Atmosphere of Grace
Don't Worry
Don't Worry
Atmosphere of Grace
๐‹๐ž๐ญ ๐†๐จ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐€๐ง๐ฑ๐ข๐ž๐ญ๐ฒ, ๐…๐ž๐š๐ซ, ๐–๐จ๐ซ๐ซ๐ฒ ๐๐ž๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ๐ž ๐’๐ฅ๐ž๐ž๐ฉ | ๐‚๐ก๐ซ๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ๐ข๐š๐ง ๐’๐ฅ๐ž๐ž๐ฉ ๐Œ๐ž๐๐ข๐ญ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐ฌ + ๐‚๐š๐ฅ๐ฆ ๐‘๐š๐ข๐ง ๐Œ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ข๐œ
๐‹๐ž๐ญ ๐†๐จ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐€๐ง๐ฑ๐ข๐ž๐ญ๐ฒ, ๐…๐ž๐š๐ซ,...
Abide Meditation App
The Promises of God | Bible Verses For Sleep
The Promises of God | Bible Verses For Sleep
SOAKSTREAM - Healing Scriptures
The 7 Hardest Spiritual Tests Only the Chosen Ones Endure
The 7 Hardest Spiritual Tests Only the Cho...
Spiritual Odyssey
God's Perfect Timing: Stop Worrying and Start Believing
God's Perfect Timing: Stop Worrying and St...
Atmosphere of Grace
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