Revelation 9 is the scariest chapter in the Bible | STAY HOME if you see this

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Revelation chter 9 is the scariest chapter in the Bible stay home if you ever see this watch this video to the end to discover the worst event on earth and the most terrifying being in the Bible the Old Testament contains 15 books of Prophecy but the New Testament has just one Revelation John an apostle wrote it while he was in Ephesus John and Mary the mother of Jesus moved there together they lived their lives in Ephesus where they were also buried Revelation was written toward the end of the first century during this period Emperor demission
required everyone to burn incense for Caesar once a year on the Lord's Day people had to stand before an altar raise their hands and declare Caesar is Lord for the early Christian groups this was a severe challenge their faith was clear Jesus is Lord they could not say Caesar is Lord without facing severe consequences now it was crucial to see if Christians would firmly hold their faith even before this book was written people were already dying for their faith and this entire book is a guide for those willing to die for what they believe initially
the word martyr just meant witness but it soon became clear that being a true witness for Jesus could mean losing your life that is why the meaning of Marty changed to someone who dies for their faith in Jesus John wrote the book Book of Revelation but it is written differently from the Gospel of John and his three letters here's why the Book of Revelation was given to John in a unique way God the Father gave it to Jesus then Jesus gave it to an angel who in turn passed it to John who wrote it for
all the churches no other book in the Bible came about in such a complex way John wrote what he saw and heard and sometimes what he saw was so extraordinary that the angel had to remind him 11 times to write everything down during his Visions John was taken to heaven where he heard various voices and choirs singing and he had to make sure he wrote all these things down Revelation is an incredible book with a clear theme the return of our Lord Jesus Christ to Earth this event is predicted 318 times in the Bible making
it the most frequently mentioned prediction The Book of Revelation covers the events that occur before during and after the return of Lord Jesus this is where we see the trumpets Revelation is full of imagery and figures using many symbols to help us understand things that are otherwise very complex it's important to know that these symbols are there to make things clearer not more confusing however some people find the symbols in Revelation too complicated and choose to ignore or neglect the message but that's not right we can group these symbols in into four main types first
some symbols are easy to understand the dragon or serpent represents the devil the Lake of Fire means hell the great white Throne is where the Lord judges second some symbols are explained right there in the text the stars are angels the candlesticks represent churches the seals trumpets and bowls represent disasters the incense is like prayers going up to heaven the ten horns symbolize Kings third other symbols are also found elsewhere in the Bible in the Old Testament you'll find the Tree of Life the rainbow the Morning Star the iron Rod Horsemen and oppressive governments shown
as wild beasts we can generally assume that these symbols mean the same as they always have lastly some symbols are unclear take the white stone for example Scholars have many different ideas about what it means it could be a mark of Innocence a sign of approval or a symbol of greatness perhaps we'll only know its true meaning when we receive one numbers often serve as symbols in the Book of Revelation the number seven appears frequently think of stars candlesticks lamps seals trumpets and bowls specifically the seven trumpets are mentioned in Revelation 8: 6 to19 and
chapter 11: 15 to 19 these seven trumpets are what come from the seventh seene seal judgment this means that when the seventh seal is opened it summons Angels who will blow these trumpets Revelation 8: 1 to5 the events announced by these seven trumpets will occur during the tribulation period in the end times the first trumpet when the first Angel sounds his trumpet the Earth is struck by hail and fire mixed with blood as described in Revelation 8:7 a third of the Earth's trees are destroyed by this disaster and every blade of grass is burned this
terrible event is somewhat similar to the seventh plague in Egypt the second trumpet in the sky another Angel blows a trumpet the result is that something like a Giant Mountain all Ablaze was thrown into the sea as stated in Revelation 8:8 a third of the sea turns to blood a third of the ships are destroyed and a third of marine creatures die This Disaster has some similarity I is to the first plague in Egypt the third trumpet the Judgment of the third trumpet is similar to the second but this time it affects the world's freshwater
lakes and rivers instead of the Seas the fourth trumpet the fourth of the seven trumpets causes changes in the sky a third of the sun was struck a third of the Moon and a third of the Stars so that a third of them were darkened after the Judgment of the fourth trumpet John points out an important warning from an Angel flying in the sky this Eagle cries out saying wo wo wo to the inhabitants of the Earth because of the other voices of the trumpets of the Three Angels who are yet to sound Revelation 8:3
this is why the fifth sixth and seventh trumpets are called the three woses here we see the first woe Revelation 9:1 new American version then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet and I saw a star that had fallen from Heaven to Earth and the key to the pit of the Abyss was given to him this is the fifth angel who blew a trumpet before this there were seven seals and then came seven trumpets these events are grouped together although they do not necessarily happen one right after the other the first four seals and the first
four trumpets dealt with terrible things happening on Earth the first four seals involved The Four Horsemen who brought dictatorship War famine and death the first four trumpets caused damage to plants oceans rivers and the sky the last three seals were about things happening in the sky the cries of people who died for their beliefs strange events in the sky and an introduction to the seven Trumpets the last three trumpets will describe Horrors related to Demons we read about a fallen star the text clearly tells us that this star represents a person referred to as he
not a literal star the word Fallen shows that this person had fallen before but who is this star some think it could be Nero a fallen angel an evil spirit Satan the word of God a good angel or even Jesus himself in this story the star is best understood as an angel now whether this Angel is good or bad depends on how he connects with the angel of the Abyss described in Revelation 9:1 if the angel in Revelation 9:1 is the same as the one in Revelation 9:1 then he is an evil angel possibly Satan
himself if it is a different Angel then it may be a good Angel sent by God to open the abyss to bring about judgment he was given the key to the pit of the Abyss the fact that this star had fallen leads us to think of him as Satan or perhaps another high ranking evil angel however the idea that he was given the he makes us reconsider whether he really is Satan the concept that Satan Reigns over hell is not supported elsewhere in the Bible instead Satan will be a prisoner of hell not its Master
at the same time we see that the key is given to this being at a particular time and for a special purpose that advances God's plan whether this Angel is evil or good he is part of God's design even if he does not intend to be the pit of of the Abyss people often wonder where it is the simplest answer might be that it's in the center of the Earth where everything seems to be on top and nothing is deep but some believe that the idea of the pit being bottomless is just a symbol the
abyss is a prison for some demons probably the same as the bottomless pit in a broader sense this place is seen as the realm of the Dead similar to Hades Romans 10:7 or who will descend in into the abyss that is to bring Christ up from the dead he opened the shaft of the abyss and smoke Rose from the shaft like the smoke of a great furnace and the Sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the shaft then from the smoke came locusts upon the Earth and they were given power as the
Scorpions of the Earth have power they were told not to harm the grass of the earth nor any green thing nor any tree but only those people who do not have the Seal of God on their foreheads and they were not permitted to kill anyone but to torment for 5 months and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it stings a person and in those days people will seek death and will not find it they will long to die and death will flee from them Revelation 9: 2-6 these are clearly not ordinary
locusts instead of eating plants they attack people like scorpions they are a representation of the vast number of demons that will be released on Earth the point is that during the Great Tribulation which is a time of God's judgment God will unleash demonic armies that were imprisoned they will descend to earth like a swarm of destructive locusts the Seal of God on their foreheads those who have the Seal of God on their foreheads the 144,000 and possibly others will be safe but no one else will be this judgment of God is inevitable who are the
144,000 in Revelation are they already here could you or I be one of them the Book of Revelation has three references to a group of people numbering 144,000 Revelation 7:4 says and I heard the number of those who were sealed 144,000 sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel why are they sealed they are sealed to be protected from future judgment in this teaching about the future Jesus described this time is a Great Tribulation like there has never been from the beginning of the world to this time nor ever shall be in the New
Testament the word sealed originates from a Greek word that means to Mark with a private Mark God has a specific plan and a time for everything and his goal is to bring people to repentance as written in Revelation 9: 20 to 21 during these times people will want to die but will not be able to they will long for for death but death will elude them there will be no escape from this severe suffering their power is compared to the power of scorpions and although the sting of a scorpion is very painful It generally does
not cause death they will want to die just as Paul spoke in Philippians 1: 21-23 these suffering people will long for death but their reasons and outcomes are completely different from Paul's for Paul to die meant to receive Eternal blessings but for these sufferers death is merely the transition from their current suffering to Eternal punishment Revelation 9: 7 to10 New American version the appearance of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle and on their heads were what looked like crowns of gold and their faces were like the faces of men they had hair like
the hair of women and their teeth were like the teeth of lions they had breastplates like breast plates of iron and the sound of their wings was like the sound of Chariots of many horses rushing to battle they have taals like scorpions and stingers and in their tails is the power to harm people for 5 months the form of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle people have often tried to prove that this description of locusts although poetic actually corresponds to Natural locusts but this view ignores a clear sign of their demonic nature why
would God call them locusts if they are not real locusts but rather evil spirits that ravage like locusts a key reason is that locusts serve as messengers of God's judgment we see this clearly in the Old Testament in stories like Exodus 10: 4-14 and Amos 4:9 like horses like gold like the faces of men like the hair of women like the teeth of lions the repeated use of the word like suggests that the description should not be taken literally the overall effect of this image is one of bizarre and frightening cruelty the locusts mentioned might
indeed symbolize entities like armed helicopters used by the Antichrist or a global government but these are speculative ideas and don't align with every detail it appears that God responding to the longstanding desire of these evil spirits to have their own body IES crafted bodies for them these bodies are terrifyingly suitable just like the evil spirits inhabiting them we cannot pinpoint exactly who or what the swarm of locusts represents what we know for certain is that just before the end of the world evil will endure a period of severe demonic suffering like never before the details
of how this will occur will remain unknown until history reveals them the leader of these locusts apolon apolon and abadon share the same thoughts of Destruction or torment ption abadon is a demon working under Satan in charge of an abyss full of locusts that will make their appearance in the last days as the Old Testament and the New Testament were written in different languages the word for destroyer in Greek will be different from the word in Hebrew this is something we need to keep in mind all the time although we only see the example in
the second half of the Bible in Revelation 9:1 five verses in the Old Testament used the word abdon in the Old Testament seems to mean destruction the name apolon is the Greek form of abadon meaning Destroyer Revelation 9:1 they have as king over them the angel of the Abyss his name in Hebrew is abadan and in Greek he has the name apolon this shows that the enemy's Camp is organized with the title of King in the Book of Daniel we find the Prince of Persia who is also a high ranking demon the term King and
Prince show connections with a kingdom this clearly shows a kingdom with forces opposing us this event marks the beginning of the end during which Satan and the armies under his control will be Unleashed he will be allowed to take those who reject Christ as king during the cleansing of the entire Earth to make way for a new Heaven and a new Earth the the name abdon appears in some versions of the Old Testament John is making a bold spiritual and political statement in the Book of Revelation by referring to both abadon in Hebrew and apolon
in Greek together the seals trumpets and bowls of the end times comprise the great day of God's Wrath and serve to judge the kingdom of the Antichrist of wickedness the abadan and apolon of Revelation is a real demon who will one day inflict real pain on real people during the real Judgment of God abadon was a place of the Dead in the Old Testament job 31:12 which is regularly linked with death and the realm of the dead it is associated with the pit and the Dead Sea Scrolls it is therefore equivalent to Hades the realm
of the Dead sometimes personified over which God and Christ have absolute control here control is temporarily assigned to an evil angel who appears to have been imprisoned with the other spirits of the pit John may be adapting the title slightly to make his point thus many suggest that this title is also intended to mock Apollo the archer god one of whose emblems was the Locust this informs us that the goal of evil which is the chief of abadon is against us John 10:10 the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy I have come that
they may have life and enjoy life and have it in abundance to the full until it it overflows with the abyss open and smoke Rising John sees abadon and his locusts because the locusts were instructed not to harm the grass any green plant or tree or people who have the Seal of God on their foreheads we can deduce that these locusts represent something symbolic true locusts feed on vegetation including trees grass and plants the locusts are symbolic and locusts are used as symbol in the Old Testament note that the sound of the Locust is reminiscent
of a mighty Army approaching the nation the torment of the locusts is permitted for 5 months the lifespan of the locusts is 5 months and the season during which locusts would typically attack also spans 5 months this seems to be the reason for using this number of months for the duration of the torment the distress and Agony will not last just a few days but as long as the locusts continue to exist in the world the only way to end this attack by the locusts of abadon is for the attackers to finish causing their destruction
the torment is so excruciating that it is comparable to the poison of a scorpion and the suffering will be so severe that people will wish to be dead they will seek death but will not find it it is clear and consistent in the Bible that demons exist they are ENT entities that oppose God's Supremacy they seek to carry out their profane Rebellion by influencing people to live in ways that contradict God's stated intentions at the same time they remain under his control and can be used to fulfill the divine plan Christians are to submit to
God and resist the incursions of Satan and his minions as a result we need to understand the fundamental truth of scripture about the behavior of demons and their methods of influence having become aware of the work of demons we are commanded to take a stand in Christ and oppose it whether as individuals corporations or social structures now these demons have free Reign Over the Earth demons seek to draw us away from God by promoting sin inducing Temptations tormenting and frightening us like their counterparts the nature of a demon is spiritual unchangeable and Immortal demon demons
are not omniscient and their power is limited to what God allows Jesus Christ came to Earth to free those oppressed by the power of demons now these demons are released albeit with limits God is ultimately in control Our Father in Heaven is not the Destroyer but it was God who brought about this destruction as part of his just judgment while Satan is evil and Powerful he is not all powerful abidan does not have complete power over the Demons of hell those locusts emerging from the abyss even in this case the locusts are only able to
torture their victims they cannot actually kill them who restrains them even in their most virulent State the Destroyer cannot Escape God's control Revelation 9: 12-5 New American Standard Bible the first woe has passed behold two woes are still to come after these things then the sixth Angel sounded the trumpet and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar that is before God saying to the sixth Angel who had the trumpet release the Four Angels who abound at the great river Euphrates and the Four Angels who had been prepared for the hour
the day the month and the year were released to kill a third of mankind the Four Angels at the river Euphrates that day will be a day of Wrath it will be a day of agony and anguish it will be a day of tribulation and Devastation it will be a day of darkness and sorrow it will be a day of clouds and darkness it will be a day of trumpet and battlecry this event takes place at the river Euphrates the Euphrates is a significant River mentioned in the Bible it is known as a place where
human civilization began and has always been seen as a symbol of life and boundaries when the Euphrates is mentioned in the Book of Revelation it takes on a new meaning it becomes a key symbol in the event events that the Bible predicts will happen in the future this part of the Bible is fascinating and a bit frightening it shows a time when God intervenes and the normal world we know meets the spiritual World in a big way leading to Serious effects for all people the purpose of releasing these angels is to cause great destruction as
they are permitted to kill a third of humanity but the question is why would God allow the death of a third of humanity there is no necessary relationship between these four angels and the Four Angels mentioned in Revelation 7:1 they could be the same Four Angels but it is also possible that they are not whoever they are they are prepared for the hour the day the month and the year of the unleashing of this judgment we read they were released this presupposes that these are evil angels although this may not be the case it is
likely that they are evil angels despite everything they are instruments of the Divine Purpose the Demonic locusts described earlier in Revelation were capable only of wreaking havoc on humans however these four Angels possess the power to execute a massacre on an unprecedented scale these angels are awakened only when God deems it the appropriate time to do so and their sphere of action is limited to a specific portion of humanity they execute God's will at the appointed time the account of the four angels can be seen as a representation of God's judgment in the Bible God's
judgments are often depicted as a means to provoke repentance and demonstrate his power and justice for example Revelation 9: 20 to 21 mentions that the remaining people did not repent of their sins despite the plagues this suggests that the judgments serve as a call to repentance this part of Revelation is a depiction of the consequences of turning away from God and the importance of repentance it is a way to illustrate the seriousness of sin and Humanity's need to seek reconciliation with God Revelation 9: 16-19 New American Standard Bible the number of the mounted troops was
200 million I heard their number and thus I saw the horses and those who rode them the Riders wore breastplates the color of fire hin and sulfur and the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions and out of their mouths came fire smoke and sulfur a third of mankind was killed by these three plagues by the fire the smoke and the sulfur that came out of their mouths for the power of the horses is in their mouths and in their tails for their tails are like snakes and have heads and with them
they do harm the number mentioned may not necessarily be taken literally but suggests an Army so vast it is beyond counting and larger than anything humans have ever seen these riters are described in strange and terrifying ways creating a vivid image of horror destruction and a connection with evil forces the army of the Riders is it referring to a regular army or a supernatural one are we talking about an army composed of humans or demons if this passage describes a regular army of humans then the strange description could be about modern advanced warfare perhaps John
is trying to describe Modern Machinery in the best way he knows resulting in this strange and frightening narrative however no human Army of this magnitude has ever existed the total number of all armies on both sides at the height of World War II was only 70 million in 1965 China claimed to have an army and militia of 200 million but many doubted this claim even if such an army were assembled and advanced to the West it is hard though not impossible to imagine such an army killing a third of humanity perhaps two billion or more
therefore it might be safer to think of this as a literal Army of 200 million but one that is demonic invading Earth this idea follows the previous description of a demonic Army as locusts in the chapter Revelation 9: 2 to 21 New American Standard Bible the rest of mankind that was not killed by these plagues did not repent of the works of their hands so as not to worship demons and Idols of gold silver bronze Stone and wood which cannot see nor hear nor walk and they did not repent of their murders nor of their
sorceries nor of their sexual immorality nor of their thefts generally people showed no repentance or change in their ways even in the face of many clear and Powerful signs they should not worship demons or Idols but people contined worshiping Idols as if nothing had changed they continued to worship demons whether they realized it or not it is surprising to see how quickly things seem to return to what people consider normal after a major disaster Like An Earthquake we quickly forget the lessons God teaches us even those that come with judgments and people did not turn
from their murders use of magic immoral behaviors or thefts this list of transgressions is a strong critique of our times indeed our modern world is Rife with murderers drug use linked to Magic immoral behaviors and thefts those who will escape this judgment the use of seals was common in official contexts for example a Roman Centurion would have placed a seal on a document that was intended only for his superior's review if the seals were broken the recipient of the letter would know that the letter had been altered or read by someone other than the person
who originally sealed it we see the Seal of God in the Book of Revelation The Book of Revelation filled with mysterious visions and messages introduces us to the idea of God seal in a very special and meaningful way the Seal of God serves as a distinctive Mark signifying that God is protecting certain individuals who are his true followers this seal is mentioned in the visions of Revelation particularly during the tumultuous and ominous events it is important to know that this seal is not a physical mark it is more like a spiritual badge a way to
show who is truly connected to God and under his protection the idea of sealing in Revelation is rooted in an ancient practice but it is given a spiritual significance it goes beyond simply establishing Authority ity and authenticity it is about being recognized as belonging to God especially during times of adversity and difficulty this spiritual seal is a powerful representation of faith and divine protection in a chaotic and uncertain World As We explore this theme further we discover that the Seal of God is indeed significant it shows that God promises to protect us and wants us
to remain loyal to him it tells us that even when times are tough God has marked those who are his and he will keep them safe this concept of sealing is also seen in Ephesians 1: 13-4 where it is written in him you also when you heard the word of Truth The Gospel of your salvation and believed in him were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit which is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it to the praise of his glory here the seal is equipped with the Holy Spirit given to the
faithful as a sign of their salvation and a promise of their Eternal inheritance we read do not harm the Earth the Seas or the trees until we have sealed the Servants of our God on their foreheads these Servants of God will receive a protective seal on their foreheads containing God's name in some way Revelation 14 verse1 then I looked and this is what I saw the lamb was firmly established on Mount Zion and with him were 144,000 who had his name and the name of his father inscribed on their foreheads signifying God's ownership we are
not told exactly what their service is but the 144,000 are sealed for a specific and unique purpose however the general idea of being sealed is not limited to them an account of the sealing of the Servants of God it is noted that the work was entrusted to two angels while some angels were tasked with restraining Satan and his agents another Angel was responsible for identifying and distinguishing the Faithful Servants of God these servants were distinguished by the Seal of God on their foreheads a mark easily recognizable by God this seal set them apart ensuring their
safety and protection during the most difficult times many different groups have claimed to be the 144,000 a view on the identity of the 144,000 from Revelation 7 and Revelation 14 can be gleaned from certain facts first the group of people referred to as the children of Israel are descendants of the biblical patriarch Jacob who was later renamed Israel they are also known as Israelites Revelation 7:4 second their tribal affiliation is specific Revelation 7: 4 to8 third During the period of God's Wrath they will be protected and triumphant and will meet Jesus on Mount Zion when
he returns Revelation 14:1 Revelation 14:1 Amplified Bible then I looked and this is what I saw the lamb was standing firmly on Mount Zion and with him were 144,000 who had his name and the name of his father written on their foreheads signifying God's ownership number four they are celibate revelation 14:4 for these are the ones who have not been defiled with women for they are celibates they are the ones who follow the lamb wherever he goes these have been purchased from among men of Israel as first fruits to God and to the lamb Sanctified
and set apart for special service number five they are the beginning of a larger Harvest number six they are marked by integrity and faithfulness Revelation 14:5 together it is hard to argue that the 144,000 are symbolic of the church the act of sealing as described in Revelation signifies a Divine Mark of protection and ownership this sealing process symbolizes spiritual preservation during times of tribulation each of the 12 tribes of Israel contributes 12,000 members signifying completeness in God's selection the number 144,000 is rich in symbolism in biblical numerology 12 generally represents Divine Authority completeness perfect governance
multiplying 12 tribes by 12,000 members from each tribe suggests an expanded completeness the ceiling of the 144,000 is a sign of God's sovereignty and his ability to preserve his chosen ones amidst chaos and destruction this notion offers Comfort to Believers assuring them of God's protection and the import importance of fidelity contrast with the mark of the beast the Seal of God and the mark of the beast from The Book of Revelation show a stark difference between good and evil and between the power of God and the power of the world the Seal of god mentioned
in Revelation 7: 2-3 represents Divine protection and ownership it is given to the faithful followers of God marking them as his own in a spiritual sense unlike a physical mark it symbolizes a deep and personal commitment to God and his teachings possessing the Seal of God indicates spiritual protection during times of judgment and trial it is a sign of being chosen by God reflecting a life lived according to Divine principles the mark of the beast spoken of in Revelation 13: 16-17 is a sign that shows loyalty to the Beast an evil character against God it
signifies turn away from God and choosing to follow the power of people in the world which is often not right or good the mark of the beast appears in Revelation the mark of the beast is referred to as such because it is brought into existence by a man referred to as the Beast according to the passages in Revelation 16:2 and 19:20 the mark of the beast is a symbol that distinguishes those who worship the Beast revelation 13: 16- 17 Amplified Bible furthermore he compels all both small and great rich and poor free and slave to
receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads signifying loyalty to the Beast and that no one may buy or sell except the one who has the mark either the name of the Beast or the number of his name he causes all to receive a mark a Mark will be given to all under the governance of the Beast and his associate this Mark is necessary to participate in the economy and those without it will not be able to buy or sell anything only those who carry a special number on a visible part of
their body and or forehead will be authorized to trade and the number will be marked only on those who engage in Imperial idolatry the number 666 is the coded name of the dictator we have discussed its significance the nature of apocalyptic writing until he arrives when his identity with this figure will be more than obvious all attempts to decode it are mere idle speculations one thing is clear he will fall short of perfection seven in every aspect the word kgma in ancient Greek language refers to a mark but it is not commonly associated with people
thus some interpret it as a symbolic Mark however the idea of a physical Mark being necessary to buy or sell is not impossible and could be practical the technology to give people a Mark that allows them to buy and sell in the electronic economy is available there are many different ways this can happen and such programs are proposed and tested constantly a mark on the right hand or forehead Satan is not a creative being all he can do is imitate God we are not surprised to discover that this is also a satanic parody of something
that God will do it imitates the mark of God on his people accepting this Mark is like turning your back on God it shows that you are choosing to align with those against God it's not just a mark you can see on your body it truly signifies that you are living your life against what God stands for the Seal of God versus the mark of the beast the Seal of God represents Divine Authority and protection while the mark of the beast signifies submission to worldly and corrupt power the Seal of God is a spiritual Mark
denoting faith and obedience to God while the mark of the beast is often interpreted as a physical or visible sign of Conformity to evil forces the Seal of God signifies Eternal salvation and alignment with God's will while the mark represents temporal gain at the cost of spiritual condemnation what is the purpose of God's seal this is how you know you are chosen the revelation of Jesus Christ was given to John by God to show his servants what must soon take place this book is filled with mystery about the things that are to come what does
having the Seal of God on my forehead mean just as God protected his own people in Goan from the plagues he will also be with them while the world faces its judgments in Revelation 7 in the midst of John revealing what will happen at the end of the era knowing what this means for these 144,000 people is critical but what does this mean for you has God placed his seal on you we must learn what it means to be sealed by God so let's discover what this means what is the provision of God's seal there
are three things that God's seal provides you and we'll identify them from this passage in Ephesians 1: 13 and 14 God's seal gives us inclusion as a believer in Christ you are considered part of him this implies that everything that belongs to him also belongs to you for example due to your connection with Christ his righteousness become your righteousness as well what does the seal of God mean for living in the last days it identifies what you should be doing in a way very similar to the 144,000 in Revelation you are required to serve as
his witness next an explanation of what happens after the 144,000 are sealed in Revelation 7 Revelation 7: 9-14 new American version after this I looked and there was a great multitude that no one could count from every nation tribe people and language standing Before the Throne and before the lamb clothed in white robes with palm branches in their hands and they cried out in a loud voice saying salvation Belongs To Our God who sits on the throne and to the lamb and all the Angels were standing around the throne and the elders and the four
living creatures and they fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God saying amen blessing Glory wisdom Thanksgiving honor power and might Belong To Our God forever and ever amen then one of the elders asked me who are these clothed in white robes and where have they come from I answered sir you know and he said to me these are they who have come out of the Great Tribulation they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb we have the songs of the Saints and the angels on this
occasion the Saints praised God for saving a large remnant of Jews from unfaithfulness and destruction the posture of these Saints praising they stood Before the Throne and before the lamb before the Creator and the mediator during religious worship we should consider ourselves in the special presence of God church members are also sealed Paul described members in Ephesus in Ephesians 1 13 in whom you also having heard the word of Truth The Gospel of your salvation and as a result believed in him were marked with the Seal of the promised Holy Spirit whom Christ promised as
a pledge and protected by God later he tells them and do not grieve the holy spirit of God by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption in Ephesians 4:30 writing to the members in Corinth Paul spoke of Jesus Christ who also sealed us and gave us the spirit in our hearts as a guarantee 2 Corinthians 1:22 he also sealed us and gave us the spirit in our hearts as a pledge those who are led by the Holy Spirit are marked as genuine Christians children of God and hires of eternal life Romans 8:14 to16
for all who are led by the spirit of God these are Sons and Daughters of God for you have not received a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear but you have received a spirit of adoption as Sons and Daughters by which we cry ABA father the spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God this ceiling occurs at baptism when someone receives the Holy Spirit after repenting of their sins acts 196 and when Paul laid his hands on them the Holy Spirit came on them and they began to speak in
tongues and prophecy as a significant distinction is that members of the True Church of God are sealed by him for eternal life when they receive and follow the guidance of the holy spirit is salvation limited only to 144,000 it is important to note that salvation is not limited to the descendants of the ancient nation of Israel but individuals from all Races and Nations can achieve it however the people of Israel are still highly valued by God besides the 44,000 mentioned in the bible there will also be a great multitude of righteous individuals standing before God
in white robes Revelation 7 9-13 Revelation 34:5 but you still have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their garments that is have not tainted their character and personal Integrity with sin and they will walk with me dressed in white for they are worthy righteous he who overcomes the world through belief that Jesus is the son of God will be dressed in white robes and I will never erase his name from The Book of Life and will openly acknowledge and confess his name before my father and before his angels saying he is one
of mine this great multitude will be composed of people from All Nations tribes peoples and languages standing before Christ the lamb the question is asked about their origin the answer is that the these are those who come out of the Great Tribulation and have washed their robes making them white in the blood of the Lamb they will serve Before the Throne of God due to their response to God what will cause so many people to turn to God during the tribulation the Bible reveals that two representatives of God called the two witnesses will prophesy in
God's name for three and a half years Revelation 11:3 throughout the turmoil and difficult circumstances that will accompany the tribulation the ministry of these Servants of God will result in many sons and daughters being added to God's Eternal family these people will come from both the 144,000 and the great multitude why does God do this the Bible suggests that God allows the existence of evil including demonic forces to fulfill a greater purpose in the Book of Job for example God allows Satan to test job which ultimately leads to a deeper understanding and faith in God
by job this can be interpreted as God using evil or suffering for a greater good though not necessarily endorsing or creating the evil itself it is a complex topic that often leads to discussions about Free Will and the nature of God's sovereignty the reconciliation of the existence of evil and suffering with God's nature as loving and just is often referred to as the problem of evil in the Bible the Bible addresses this in various ways for example Romans 8:28 says and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love
him who have been called according to his purpose this suggests that God can bring good out of evil or suffering furthermore the concept of Free Will as seen in Genesis with the story of Adam and Eve implies that evil and suffering are often the result of human choices rather than direct Acts of God the coexistence of a loving and just God with evil and suffering is one of the most debated topics the story about the four angels from the river Euphrates is a very important part of John's vision of the Future these Angels were specifically
Chosen and prepared for a specific moment to carry out a great task this part of the story is quite intense and makes us feel a bit uncomfortable it really shows how strong and severe God's decisions can be key points to consider in this narrative include the symbolic meaning of the river Euphrates traditionally seen as a boundary between nations and often associated with conflicts and Wars the release of the Angels marks a time of great changes and Chaos a common theme in the Book of Revelation reflecting on this passage we are confronted with the mystery and
depth of God's plan as revealed in the scriptures the vision of the Four Angels serves as a reminder of God's omnipotence and sovereignty who is in charge even of the most powerful forces in the universe this narrative encourages us to ponder the larger themes of divine judgment Redemption and the ultimate Triumph of good over evil it is a call for personal reflection on our own lives and our place in God's plan as Revelation 13:9 says if anyone has ears let them hear this is a call to listen understand and respond to the profound truths found
in God's word overall the Four Angels at the river Euphrates are not just a story from the past it is a living message relevant for today it invites us to continue learning and to study the Bible carefully to better understand by doing so we can learn more about God's teachings and find help for our daily lives let us be eager and open to learn more and strengthen our faith does China have a role in the end times many people who study biblical prophecies think that a section in Revelation 16 veres 12 to6 might be talking
about China in the last days this part of the Bible describes a huge and important battle called the battle of Armageddon it occurs at the end of a difficult period called the tribulation following the sixth bold Judgment at this point the river Euphrates will dry up this allows the king from the East to cross the dry River to invade the near East and Advance towards Israel it is the phrase Kings from the East that makes many people think of China they believe that the Chinese army or a group led by China will use this chance
to move swiftly Westward to join forces with the army of the Antichrist in the end times many nations will try their luck at Conquest ultimately their struggle will be against God the tribulation will be a tumultuous time of War disasters and divine judgment but God has everything under control as Psalm 2 veres 2-6 assures Psalm 2: 2-6 the kings of the Earth take their stand and the rulers ban together against the Lord and against his anointed saying let us break their chains and throw off their shackles the one who sits in the heavens laughs the
Lord scoffs at them then he speaks to them in his wrath and terrifies them in his Fury saying but as for me I have installed my king on Zion my Holy Mountain if this content was valuable to you I ask that you support me with your subscription so that you do not miss any of our upcoming videos together we can illuminate more minds and expand our understanding thank you for being here and may God bless you
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