Full Moon September 17th 2024 - This Lunar ECLIPSE is Going to SHAKE Things UP!

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Full Moon September 17th 2024, This Lunar ECLIPSE is Going to SHAKE Things UP! Discover the shocking...
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The Pisan eclipse, like a cosmic surgeon, is carefully slicing away the shadows that have obscured our souls and our world. It's a celestial reset that returns us to our true, authentic selves. This eclipse, like a master architect, contains the blueprints for rebuilding Earth's damaged structures caused by time and neglect.
It's a call to transformation, a chance to rise from the ashes and begin again. We are currently experiencing a deep cleansing of our energetic bodies. The Pisan influence helps to release outdated patterns, beliefs, and traumas that have become ingrained in our personal and collective consciousness.
This process reveals our true essence, allowing us to reconnect with our original divine blueprint. Pisces transports us to this inner space of integration and acceptance of our shadow self, which Neptune in Pisces has been assisting us with for many years and will continue to do so as it moves gradually into Aries next year, bringing another significant shift in 2025. The cosmic energies present during this eclipse are especially effective at healing various types of energetic distortions.
This includes hybridization; the eclipse is addressing non-benevolent genetic manipulations that may have occurred along our soul's path. It aids in the purification and realignment of our energetic and physical bodies to their natural, untainted state. Crown anomalies—we are clearing any distortions or blockages in our crown chakra, which connects us to higher realms of consciousness.
This process helps us strengthen our spiritual connection and intuitive abilities. DNA repair—Pisan energies work on a cellular level to repair and activate dormant DNA strands. This activation is thought to awaken latent abilities and increase our vibrational frequency.
Soul fragmentation—the eclipse is facilitating the retrieval and integration of soul fragments that may have been lost due to trauma or difficult experiences over multiple lifetimes. This process restores our sense of wholeness and completion. Genetic blocks—various genetic limitations imposed on humanity during previous incarnations on Earth are being addressed and removed.
This allows us to better express our true potential. Pisan energies are currently creating an environment that is ideal for shadow work and integration. This process includes neutral witnessing, encouraging us to observe our thoughts, emotions, and experiences without judgment.
This detached perspective enables us to gain clarity and insight into our underlying patterns. Taking full responsibility—the eclipse is encouraging us to recognize and accept all aspects of ourselves, including those we may have previously rejected or denied. This acceptance is necessary for genuine transformation.
Engaging in healing work—as we become more aware of our shadows and distortions, we are called to actively participate in our healing process. This could include various modalities like energy healing, meditation, therapy, or other spiritual practices. The ultimate goal of this Pisan eclipse is to help us emerge as enlightened beings.
As we progress through this intense period of purification and realignment, we shed layers of illusion and limitation. This process reveals our innate light and wisdom, empowering us to embody higher states of consciousness and contribute to humanity's collective evolution. It is important to note that this transformative process may elicit difficult emotions or experiences as we confront our shadows.
A mass awakening of souls characterizes this watershed moment in our spiritual evolution. Many people are starting to access and integrate memories and abilities from their angelic, six-dimensional origins. This retrieval of higher-dimensional aspects of self is not a coincidence but rather a carefully orchestrated component of a larger cosmic plan.
A large number of souls currently incarnated on Earth are descended from advanced civilizations in fifth and sixth-dimensional timelines of the future. These beings have chosen to incarnate at this specific point in Earth's history with the sole purpose of assisting in the recovery and reactivation of the original human prototype—a multi-dimensional being with immense spiritual power and consciousness. These advanced souls, which may include many of those reading this message, contain the pure essence of the creator: light, love, and wisdom.
They did not experience separation or polarization from the divine source in their original state. They lived in perfect harmony and unity with God's infinite love and intelligence. This state of divine union is the fundamental nature of all souls, although many have temporarily lost sight of it during the Earth's experiment of duality and free will.
In the current cosmic climate, powerful astrological forces are aligning to facilitate a massive awakening and healing process for many souls. The recent eclipse in Pisces, a sign associated with spiritual consciousness and the collective unconscious, serves as a catalyst for profound emotional and karmic release. This celestial event is causing energetic openings, allowing long-held illusions to dissolve and suppressed truths to surface.
Similarly, Pluto's entry into Aquarius marks a significant shift in collective energy. Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth, is now channeling its immense power through Aquarius, the astrological sign of innovation, liberty, and humanitarian principles. This global movement is hastening the process of karmic liberation at both the personal and societal levels.
These cosmic influences present a unique opportunity for souls to engage in profound healing work. Many of you are currently clearing traumatic imprints accumulated over multiple lifetimes. These traumas, which are stored within your energetic and physical bodies, have long served as impediments to your full self-realization and spiritual development.
The current energetic climate is also beneficial to the restoration of your original divine blueprint. This process involves reactivating dormant DNA strands and realigning your energy fields to higher frequencies. As this genetic restoration progresses, you may notice rapid shifts in consciousness, improved intuitive abilities, and a stronger sense of connection to your higher self and the universal consciousness.
The reactivation of these higher-dimensional aspects within individuals is having a significant impact on the planet's overall energy field. Each awakened soul serves as a living anchor for higher frequencies, thereby raising the overall vibration of Earth and its inhabitants. This energetic shift is.
. . Facilitating the planet's transition to a higher state of consciousness, also known as the New Earth or the Golden Age, many people are experiencing an increase in their psychic and intuitive abilities, as well as more synchronicities and a stronger connection to nature and all life forms.
These experiences indicate the reintegration of higher-dimensional aspects of oneself and the gradual dissolution of the veil between dimensions. The trauma we carry is multifaceted and complex; at its core is the primordial pain of separation from the Divine Source, also known as God. This separation, whether literal or metaphorical, represents a fundamental schism in our spiritual awareness; it is the source of our feelings of isolation, fear, and incompleteness in the human experience.
As people become more aware of their true nature, they begin to acknowledge these long-held traumas. This recognition is not a simple intellectual exercise, but rather a profound emotional and energetic one. It entails facing our shadows, confronting our fears, and accepting the aspects of ourselves that we have long rejected or hidden away.
This healing journey is transforming people, allowing them to claim their sovereignty, their true power, and authenticity as spiritual beings living a human experience. The process of remembering our true nature is inextricably linked to healing and clearing; our bodies and hearts contain energetic imprints from previous traumas and limiting beliefs. These shadows obscure our true selves and distort our memories of our Divine Essence.
The only way to reveal our true selves is to do deep inner work that removes energetic blockages and heals the wounds that have long defined our existence. This healing process is not always straightforward or comfortable; it frequently entails confronting painful memories, releasing long-held emotions, and challenging deeply held beliefs about oneself and the world. However, as we engage in this work, we begin to peel back the layers of conditioning and trauma, revealing the radiant divine beings that we are.
In the current astrological landscape, the sign of Pisces is critical to this collective healing and awakening process. Pisces, the Zodiac's last sign, represents the subconscious, spirituality, and oneness. It guides us through the depths of our inner world, allowing us to integrate and accept our shadow self.
Neptune, the planet of spirituality, illusion, and transcendence, has been transiting Pisces for many years. This transit has facilitated our collective exploration of spirituality and inner healing. Neptune in Pisces has served as a cosmic balm, softening the boundaries of our ego-driven reality and allowing us to discover deeper truths about ourselves and the universe.
As you cross the numerous ethereal barriers required to incarnate on Earth, you frequently experience significant distortions in your spiritual blueprint. Many souls experience profound amnesia as they journey through the veils of consciousness, losing touch with their true identity and the higher purpose that guided their descent into physical form. Upon arrival, you find yourself immersed in a dense reality that obscures your innate connection to the Divine Source.
Your once-clear soul memories become clouded, and your radiant inner light dims under the strain of earthly existence. This plane of reality, with its numerous illusions and limitations, instills false beliefs and programming in your psyche; these artificial constructs push you further away from your true self and spiritual origins. Neptune's transition from Pisces to Aries will add a new flavor to our spiritual journey.
While Pisces energy is receptive and fluid, Aries energy is active and initiatory. This shift may encourage us to take more decisive action in expressing our spiritual insights in the material world. As evolved souls from future timelines, you have arrived at a critical juncture in which you must fully embrace your inherent divinity and stand tall with confidence and purpose.
This is not a passive process, but rather one that requires conscious effort and dedication. You are being called to recognize your immense power and potential, which transcends ordinary human limitations and connects you to the vast cosmic energy of the universe. Your role is to be beacons of love, light, and healing in a world that desperately requires these qualities.
This includes radiating positive energy and compassion in your daily interactions, providing support and kindness to those around you, and working to raise humanity's collective consciousness. You are responsible for identifying areas of darkness, pain, or conflict in your communities and the world at large, and actively working to bring healing and harmony to these areas. The present moment is critical because it is the opportunity for all souls to unite as one collective consciousness.
This unity is more than a metaphor; it is a tangible shift in reality's energetic fabric. It entails acknowledging the fundamental interconnectedness of all beings and working to dispel the illusions of separation that have long divided humanity. By collaborating in this way, you are actively contributing to the creation and anchoring of a new timeline for Earth and its inhabitants.
This new timeline represents a higher vibrational state of being, distinguished by greater harmony, cooperation, and spiritual awareness. It is the culmination of countless lifetimes of preparation and spiritual growth, not just for you personally, but for humanity as a whole. The new Aquarian age, which is frequently discussed in spiritual and esoteric circles, is not a distant future event that will suddenly appear one day.
Instead, it is a gradual transformation that is taking place right now. Every day, through your thoughts, feelings, and actions, you help shape and define this new age. Your awakening to your innate power and reclaiming your sovereignty are critical components of this process.
This entails acknowledging that you are not constrained by limiting beliefs, societal conditioning, or past traumas. Instead, you can overcome these limitations by connecting with your higher self and gaining access to the universe's infinite wisdom and power. This process awakens the divine wisdom that has lain dormant within you.
This is not new information, but rather an ancient understanding that you brought with you when you incarnated on Earth. Earth, it's as if you're remembering a language you used to speak fluently. As time passes, more words and concepts become clear to you.
Your purpose, which may have previously seemed elusive, is now crystallizing in your mind. You understand that you are not here by chance, but as part of a larger plan. You are one of New Earth's anchors, a beacon of light in a world undergoing massive transformation.
As an anchor, you are now expected to carry out your duties. The process of planetary reconnection has begun, and you are at the forefront. This entails restoring humanity's harmonious relationship with the Earth and healing the wounds left by centuries of disconnection and exploitation.
You're learning to tune into the planet's rhythms and energies, becoming a conduit for healing and balance. You are simultaneously working on the complex task of fifth-dimensional bridging. This means you're establishing connections between your current reality and a higher level of consciousness.
You're learning to perceive and operate in multiple dimensions at once, anchoring higher frequencies to the physical world. This bridging is more than just an abstract idea; you can feel it in your body, in your thoughts, and in how you interact with others and your surroundings. Your senses are becoming sharper and more sensitive to subtle energies.
You may notice that you are picking up on other people's thoughts and emotions, or that you are more sensitive to the life force in plants and animals. Colors may appear more vivid, and you may hear sounds that are beyond your normal hearing range. As you embrace this new phase, you discover abilities you didn't know you possessed.
Perhaps you're developing stronger intuition, the ability to heal with your hands or thoughts, or the ability to communicate with nature spirits. These gifts are resources to assist you in your role as an anchor. Others are awakening and stepping into their roles all over the world, just as you are.
You are starting to connect with them, creating a web of light that spans the globe. You're laying the groundwork for a new way of life—a New Earth with a higher frequency. This is only the beginning.
As you mature and evolve, you will become increasingly important in guiding humanity through this transition. The path ahead may not always be obvious, but you believe in your inner guidance and the divine plan that led you here. You are ready and prepared, and the time to act is now.
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