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Shimon Davis
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Video Transcript:
our world is full of lust and we all contribute to it in some way shape or form it's not that you want to but it's damn near like you have to you don't even have to want to do anything it's all around you it's on TV it's on social media it's on your phone it's on your laptop it's in a book it's everywhere and that's that's not on accident there's a purpose behind the things that you see there's an agenda behind the things that you see and I'm not here to tell you how lustful you
are or just tell you about the basic things of lust I want you to understand the thought process and the mindset that saved me from these things I'm a human I still lust I still have lustful thoughts but I think I'm doing all right for myself and lust has always been here and it'll always be here but the least you can do is learn how to navigate through it and control your lust and overcome these desires and move in a way where it won't ruin your life but first and foremost you got to understand straight
from the first talking point availability these lustful things are everywhere and everything that you see the availability for these lustful things is just unrivaled back in the day you had to go somewhere and you know you had to be a certain age to do something you had to go to a certain place to see these lustful things it's not like that anymore lust is literally everywhere at any age you canun run into these traps when I found you know my first pornography tape I was like seven and many kids are saying this now they don't
even have to find the tape and put it in they seen it on social media they seen it in the TV show they seen it in the movies I seen a commercial earlier that Disturbed me they was promoting a phone and there was some kids outside of a bedroom and they was ease dropping on their parents and it sound like their parents were having a sexual encounter but they were looking at a phone and the lady was like oh how bad do you want to touch it the man was like oh I want to touch
it real bad but I'm not going to beg for it and she was like well just touch it right here and the phone start vibrating and they start moaning and talking about how they should do this some other time and yeah I I understand that could be funny right it was comedy that's what they intended sure that's intended to get those vulnerable Minds because a young curious person can see that and wonder what are they doing like what some something wasn't right about that because I felt like that as a child and somebody who's been
exposed to something like that that will trigger them that will set them off into going there and see the thing about lust is lust doesn't need a vehicle to come and get you anxiety anger all those things don't either but they kind of do somebody has to piss you off something has to happen for you to get pissed off something usually has to happen for you to get anxious and something can attack you while nothing is going on to make you feel anxious but it's still usually something Dee rooted you know something that made you
scared before that thought of it is coming to creep and get you but lust can get you anywhere lust can come get you in a church lust can come get you in a club lust can come get you while you laying down the first thing you think about when you wake up lust can come get you anywhere and lust also opens you up to many other things like lying and stealing and cheating and indulging and all the things that are bad for you that's why lust is so dangerous but you got to understand if you
can overcome lust if you can overcome your sexual desires and if you can overcome dehumanizing people for simple pleasure you will be a Unstoppable being that is like the final boss of Life lust because you got to think about it our basic purpose in life is to reproduce the basic purpose of a living organism is to reproduce so you got all these juices flowing within your existence that drive you to reproduce you see somebody that you can reproduce with and you want to that is your basic evolutionary right evolutionary thought but they know that and
they're using your evolutionary desires and basic Primal instincts they playing on that they using that to manipulate you they orchestrating all of this it's not bad that you you know you have the urge to do this and the urge to do that you're a human you're an animal just the way things is but the way we going about things the way we think about things it gets a little bit different but like I said if you can overcome that you will be powerful and I can attest to that I overcame my sexual desires I conquered
my porn addiction I've conquered myself and it's made my life better it made me feel like I was glowing and floating right but that weakness can cause you to be lured into traps that you don't want to be in just for a basic example do you know how many people get set up with prostitutes paid off women right they have they have these these bad you know connections with people or they're in a bad standing with a local gang or somebody who can pull some strings and what they do they call up a little lady
bring her to the club send send her at him right and she touches all of them tell them oh I want to go back home to your place and she lures him out they go to his house he's laying there thinking he's about to have the greatest night of his life and then he fill a piece of metal on the back of his head now he got a pistol to the back of his head because he let lust lure him into a situation that he didn't want to be in and now he's thinking damn here
I am I'm about to get robbed I'm about I'm about to die because I was thinking with you know my other half my other third whatever your third whatever you want to call it whatever you want to call it and that's just one example about how lust can lure you into places you don't want to be in a lot of people have got horny as hell and they out here wanting to touch people that they wouldn't touch with a 10-ft pole because you cannot control your desires how many times you just sat there telling yourself
I'm not going to do this and I'm not going to I'm not going to be shameful in the eyes of God I'm going to stop masturbating I'm not I'm going to stop doing all of this but you get lured back into that thing why because you cannot overcome your lust it's that weakness that it brings out about you you have to understand that is it's a portal I just told you it is a portal it opens you up to so many things and you don't want to fall into that [Music] portal you just don't but
the thing is a lot of us try to fight it and it's not something that you can fight you really can't it's literally against your nature to fight it you don't want to fight it you want to run from it one of the things about being intelligent is knowing when to speak and knowing when not to speak knowing when to fight knowing when not to fight this is not something that you fight because the more you fight something like this the more it kills you the more it can hurt you the more it can hurt
other people you have to accept it and you have to run from it and I'll give you an example it's like you it's like the guns in the movies you know when a person is about to do something bad whether it's a robbery or maybe they want to commit suicide or something and somebody's like look just give me the gun right I know you're hurt I know you're in pain just give me the gun now I understand this is a movie but these things happen in real life things are cool when the person with the
gun surrenders the gun cries fall into their arms whatever but when the person resists and they got the gun on you tell them give me the gun and they got the gun pointed at you they got the gun pointed at you and they they shaking and they fighting it and they don't want to give it up and then you go to get it and they fight it and that gun goes off May shoot you it may shoot the person that was trying to help you it may shoot the person that was trying to save you
know other people somebody's going to get hurt because you're fighting it it's like holding on to a rope that's tied around your hand and somebody's pulling it the longer you hold on to it the more it squeezes and rips your hand when you let go that's when a burden is gone you got to run from it this is not a battle that you want to fight cuz it's just going to get stronger and the problem is we sit there and tell ourselves oh I'm going to be porn free and I'm going to stop watching porn
we tell ourselves these things every day I'm going to stop consuming in this content I don't want to be lustful and I want to do this and I want to do right by God but what you're doing is plating these things in your head and I'm sure you're familiar if you tried to stop your porn addiction you counted the days I'm 14 days porn free stop counting what are you counting for you're just manifesting those things back into your head you're planting those things in your head you don't think so think of an elephant think
of a giraffe think of a donut now think of an elephant again and I want you not to think of an elephant why are you still thinking of an elephant I said don't think of an elephant why are you still thinking of an elephant because I've planted elephant in your head you have to run away from it you have to now in order for you to truly get away from these things it's going to take some true work but you got to know yourself you got to know yourself you got to understand understand what triggers
me what makes me more prone to doing X Y and Z never in my life have I thought about going you know to go get a prostitute or going to do XYZ certain things don't trigger me certain things turn me off certain things are just not me now I'd be lying to you if I said one of those beautiful ladies on Instagram or Tik Tok or some social media website never made me feel like doing something or never enticed me to go doing something I wasn't proud of I know my triggers I've watched pornography before
and I've had events in real life that were manipulated by my worm mind because I thought just because the teacher asked me something that something was about to play out I I know I knew my triggers I learned myself and I didn't run from who I was so it helped me navigate through my own world through my own journey of overcoming this stin but the thing is a lot of people are not willing to look in the mirror and see what triggers them they're not willing to see what they more likely to be enticed by
but you got to do that maybe magazines is your thing maybe it's the movies maybe it is social media my advice would be to get the hell off of all of this because all of it is bad that's a deep conversation and a very uncomfortable situation that a lot of people are not willing to have a lot of people are not willing to go on that journey and find themselves because it's uncomfortable you have to strip yourself down you have to be alone you have to sit out out there in the wind you have to
sit out there in the cold and you have to figure out what's really important to you and it's going to be lonely it's going to suck but you got to do it this is just something that you have to overcome and it's a privilege you know to go through this it may not seem like it but it is because when you learn how to navigate through certain Waters it makes you a better Navigator it makes you a better Explorer it makes you better at this journey called life because when you don't know how to face
adversary when you don't know how to go through things you're more likely to get crushed when you actually do you're more likely to fall into the traps that people set when you don't know how to go through things but moving back to these points you got to re you got to rethink a lot of things and you got to renovate your mind see another thing that I I forgot to mention about how you plant things in your mind and how you want to change the way you think instead of you saying to yourself I want
to be less lustful I want to stop my porn addiction I want to get away from this I want to get away from that just forget it write it down burn it forget it change your focus to I want to be this I want to do this instead of me saying oh um I'm not going to be a drug addict anymore I'm not going to be a bum I'm not going to be a jobless person my my Focus transforms to I'm going to have a job I have a job right I have the life that
I want I have everything that I want I am happy focus on what you want don't focus on what you don't want just take all the energy molecules that you're connecting to that disconnect them sever the bond cut the wire whatever you have to do cut that Bond you're focusing on everything over here because if you're steady looking over your shoulder thinking about what you don't want your focus is away from from here why the hell do you think the windshield in your car is so damn big compared to the rear the rear glass cuz
you're going forward this is what we focused on not this so completely change your focus I don't ever want to see another comment talking about I don't want to you know fall into the Trap of porn no just tell me what you want and what you're going to do focus on that for the religious people focus on God focus on pleasing God focus on being a person for God all these things are all the same whether you believe it or not the thing is you have to believe in something outside of what you are but
truly that is still you whether that's some goal you have whether that's God it doesn't matter it's all the same energy a lot of people just not ready to have that conversation it's energy energy and energy but you got to believe in something outside of what's going on right here so that you can have something to focus on that what it that's what it means to renovate your mind things are going to creep into your mind things are going to entice you to fall backwards and you're going to battle with temptation you're going to think
oh well it's just one more time we've always thought about that it's just one more time or it's nothing or it's not important oh it is and you know it is but you got to be willing to go through that battle now upon you renovating your mind reshaping your thoughts reshaping your focus people think well I've had all these bad habits how do I get rid of them you replace them you don't try to take this and do this I mean there's all types of processes but bottom line you got to replace your bad habits
and some people going to say well I don't have any good habits make some find some start going to the gym exercise working out is literally a cheat Cod bro it's literally a cheat code it helps you mentally physically spiritually it's just one of those cheat codes it exerts you makes you tired so that time that you spend you up at 3:00 a.m. when you go work out and you do things you put in work and you exert energy especially into these positive things you don't have the energy to creep up you know at 3:00
a.m. and make these bad decisions you don't have the energy to entertain certain things you start to focus on your goals and you start to focus on the results you getting and you start to fall in love with the processes that happen in life instead of the end result when you work out when you exercise when you learn to fall in love with it you start to connect with your body you start to connect with your body your mind you start to know yourself a little better and it's good for you exercise if you don't
have a good habit do that one stay consistent at it fall in love with it you can draw you can paint there's anything that you can do that's better than what you're doing if you're falling into these traps so I don't want to hear the excuses there's habits there's Hobbies there's all types of things to do maybe it's 50 push-ups when you wake up maybe when you have these thoughts and desires you do 50 push-ups you go for a run you go for a walk but don't fight it when he starts creep into your mind
L you say I accept that I have these thoughts but I won't be controlled by it I give these thoughts to the abyss and that's it run from it don't fight it put your phone down if you have to turn your phone off but you are in control that's something that you have to understand you are in control you can reshape your life the way you want it to be you just have to have the courage and you just have have to stay consistent and things are going to happen on this journey that you're not
going to be proud of but don't beat yourself up you're human that's not an excuse it's an explanation things are going to happen you're going to think of things it's just the way it is but as long as your heart is in the right places and you leading to a better place every day and you're making progress in some way shape or form every day you going to be all right now understand that you're environment plays a big role in these things your mind and your body if you're not in a place that's good for
you no matter what Journey you're on you're not going to make much progress now perspective is key right you can be in a place that you don't want to be in and it can motivate you to get out of it right but still think about the process you're in a situation that you don't want to be in you're in an environment that you don't want to be in and that motivates you to get out of it that is the best perspective you can have in a bad situation but even your mind is telling you this
is motivation to get out I'm somewhere I don't want to be this is motivation to get out it's not telling you to stay and deal with it's telling you to get out because some battles we're not supposed to fight if we fight them only for so long to learn lessons and do this and do that but some things are not worth fighting for because they will eventually over come you these is one of those battles right so you can't be hanging out at the strip club you can't be going to the bar and looking at
half naked people and doing X Y and Z if you want to be on this journey for real I'm not telling you to lock yourself in a box and cover your eyes and you know freeze yourself I'm not telling you to do that but I'm telling you if you're in an environment that's influencing you to go back down a path that you are trying to save yourself from or be saved from you're not going have much progress imagine if you were an addict a recovering addict and you went to sleep in the trap house and
there's cocaine here and there's weed here and heroin here and you know there's everything that you could ever want just sitting all around you you might bump into it somebody may offer it from me you might turn it down but I guarantee by the end of the week you're going to fall into it oh it's just a little bit oh it's just a little bit it's just a little bit final words you got to change your environment you got to change the things that you see because the things that you see the things that you're
around develop and manifest into thoughts and what do we know about thoughts we get lost in them a lot of us cannot separate ourselves from our thoughts we think we are our thoughts we're not we observe our thoughts but when you see things and they influence thoughts and You observe them they influence decisions lustful eyes lead to a lustful mind and a lustful mind leads to lustful actions and decisions so you got to change your environment if you're around people that's influencing you to be lustful you got to step away I'm not telling you to
not be friends with these people forever but you're on a journey sometimes you're going to have to be alone sometimes you're going to have to sit out in the rain and sit in a cave with a fire and no body's going to be there with you because it's for your better purpose your better intention it's for you to be better for you to grow and develop you got to change your environment it's uncomfortable it's lonely just like everything we've talked about this growth this journey all these things is lonely but it's for your better judgment
and understand something when you're battling these urges when you battling these desires when you're battling the thought of having to change your environment and drop these friends think about this some of the greatest things in life most of the greatest things in life you don't really see them you may but you feel them right I'll explain a warm hug somebody caring about you somebody rubbing your scalp somebody just being real somebody just showing you love you you just feel in love you listening to music you start to feel that music good music is music you
feel you don't just hear it you feel it we hear trash every day we see trash every day but you feel what's real think about this you've been in a situation somebody has treated you terribly they made you feel bad but they tell you they love you they tell you that they care about you but you don't feel it it makes you sick it makes you cry it makes you upset because you don't feel it but then you also get hurt in situations when somebody treats you terribly or they're going through some sort of trauma
and they let it affect your relationship but you can feel the love that they have for you you can feel that compassion that they may have for you you can feel it because it's real right you can feel it you can feel when you walk into a room and people hate you you can feel when you walk into a room and people like you they don't even have to say a word you can feel when you walking down the alleyway and somebody's in there with malicious intent you can feel it when you go somewhere and
you feel safe feel is Big we see things we hear things we smell things but we feel the most we feel the most we forget about what people said we forget lyrics to songs we forget what things smell like but we never forget what it feels like you never do because it's a direct link to your soul so if you're battling with these desires understand that you're in love with things that you see you're in love with things that you smell and you hear you don't feel these things you don't feel for that that that
that prostitute you're not feeling for some cheap desire these are things that are influenced by what you're seeing it can lead to feeling that's why it's so dangerous but it starts here the real things in life you're usually going to feel them first then you start to look at them then you start to smell them and see them and all this so remember that order feel first if you don't feel it first it's probably not good for you if it's attracted by the eyes if it's attracted by the flesh it's probably not good for you
now that also leads me to the last and final point that I'm going to make cuz I I don't want to take up too much of y'all time I don't want to Yap too much but the reason why lust is so prominent in this world is from the lack of love the lack of compassion and many people think that lust is love and love is lust and you know so so whatever whatever A lot of it gets confused a lot of people are in relationships because of lust they don't want to be alone and they
want somebody to just snuggle up on and you know they just they just want to have a little pleasure each is their own I'm not knocking nobody you got a life you live it the way you want to I'm going live mine the way I want to but lust is dangerous cuz when those lustful desires no longer become a priority that love that y'all have it's gone when you become too much to put up with and those lustful desires aren't being met it's over it's just the way it is the reason why lust is so
prominent is because love is not here you don't care about these people these people don't care about you I've seen people I'm sure y'all seen it too people know get on social media they on only fans they on whatever and they're promoting their content and they got people who are paying thousands millions of dollars to these people and they don't care about them the Creator order the fans they don't care about them they just want some sort of pleasure they want some sort of money There's No Love in between but imagine if somebody you cared
about you seen them selling their body all over the Internet imagine if somebody you cared about was buying all these types of content and all these things on the internet and consuming these things how would that make you feel it probably wouldn't make you feel too well imagine if it was your mother your sister your aunt your grandmother somebody that you cared about out here creating things to influence people to be lustful or imagine it was those people that you cared about that are being trapped in these systems that are lustful it will probably not
make you feel good but that's because you care you have some sort of love you have some sort of compassion you're not dehumanizing anybody the thing is lust dehumanizes people you got people who go to the bar just to get a quick little bang they go to a party just to get a quick little bang they looking at girls like a piece of meat you got girls who look at dudes like a piece of meat they don't care about them they just want to get their rocks on that's just the way it is lust but
when you care about people you want them to be oberved there's a lot of people out here that have treated women like dogs but when they have a daughter oh you better not touch my daughter and my daughter better not do this my daughter better not do that where was that love and compassion when you was out here doing that to people the same thing goes for ladies y'all be tricking these dudes take their money you know and him to do things you get what you want and then it's gone but the moment you have
a son oh no nobody better break my son heart nobody better hurt my brother or my cousin where is that love and compassion for everybody else I'm not telling you you have to go 1,000% for everybody else when you start to look at people like humans and other creations and not just a piece of meat not just a platform for you to get your rocks off not just somebody for you to get some pleasure from things start to get a little bit different you start to have a little compassion for people you start to understand
people you start to feel bad for people you start to care a little bit your pleasures don't you know they don't they don't seem so strong anymore because you start to see people for people people get hurt people feel things people are alive just like you makes things a little bit different so when you starting to lust over people and you're controlled by these simple desires and you're thinking about all these negative thoughts and negative actions or being influenced by these thoughts think that is Somebody's Daughter that is somebody's son that is Somebody's Baby somebody
cares about that person maybe I should care about that person maybe that person is going through something and it's not good for me to use this person for x y and z i shouldn't be exploiting this person I shouldn't be profiting off this person's insecurities I shouldn't be getting pleasure from this person's pain have some love have some compassion put some thought behind what you do as many times if we you know consume porn as many times as I consume porn before I knew I didn't think about what those girls were going through how much
they were being exploited and how bad they were being treated the same with the dudes they getting drugged up and exploited and work like horses never thought about all the torture that people went through I just wanted to get my rocks off I just wanted to get some pleasure going you got people who call up girls in the middle of the night they don't care a damn about them damn girls but they want to get their rocks off so they tell them a bunch of sweet nothings to get what they want and then disappear have
some damn [Music] compassion would you want your daughter to be treated like that would you want your mother to be treated like that I'm not sitting here telling you that I treat every person in the world the greatest I don't sometimes I don't have the energy for it sometimes I just don't agree with certain people sometimes I just don't align with certain people but it'll be rare for you to find somebody out there in the world that said I didn't respect him I didn't show him respect I may not be attracted to you I may
not give you the time of the day I might I may not sit there and have a 60-minute conversation with you but not many people in this world can say I've disrespected them or if I did they can't say that I didn't try to make it right I didn't apologize I didn't explain what was going on in my mind and make things right you got to respect people man you got to have love you have you got to have some type of compassion and those things that light will shine on your heart too it will
save you from this battle so you just let that sit on your soul for the rest of the day for the rest of the year you're lustful you're controlled by lust you're creating lust you're enticing people you're being enticed have some respect for yourself have some respect for other people understand that maybe they weren't loved in their life and maybe this is the only way they can find validation maybe you showing them love can help them a little bit you just never know what can happen The Power of Love is insane the world will never
be at peace until the power of love overcomes the love for power just the way it is but hey I'm done yapping I have nothing more to say that you haven't heard don't feel like burning your ear off anymore and I just hope I can help somebody so let's overcome this battle let's overcome this pandemic this epidemic this damn plague let's just be better let's have some love let's show some compassion so love y'all y'all take care and I'm out of here [Music]
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