How To Get What You Want: MONEY, SUCCESS, LOVE | Vishen Lakhiani

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Sheen Gurrib
In this special episode of Dream, Girl we welcome our first solo male guest: Vishen Lakhiani from Mi...
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we should be completely open and transparent with women at all time no games be open and transparent and when you get your decisions fine tuned that's when you get what you want when I quit to teach meditation I was so embarrassed because my friends from my University were doctors they were lawyers they had well-paying jobs and I was broke feminine energies actually give you a Competitive Edge not just in the workplace but in politics and then he goes what the hell is going on and he felt his hand and this said you use the word
hell a lot how about understanding what the heaven is going on seek sex seek Fame seek money seek power seek all of these beautiful aspects of humanity and stop judging [Music] them hello and welcome back to the podcast if you're new here my name is Sheen I'm your host and today we're going to be doing something a little bit different a little bit special we are going to make an exception and actually have a a male guest but listen to me he deserves to be here he won his seat okay obviously there is the need
to be inclusive and to take into account all different perspectives but also it's important to have mail voices as part of the dialogue but our guest himself is pretty cool he is on a mission to redefine the global structure of Education by really defying everything that we know about traditional education systems but not just education he is also redefining work culture um well-being politics please join me in welcoming Vision Lani vision is the founder of Mind Valley one of the world's largest life transformation platform with over 20 million users across almost 200 countries and he
is the author of two bessling books please welcome Vision I'm so delighted to be here and I'm so honored to be your first male guest on this podcast I know it is it is it is a special place to be but honestly you deserve to be here I've already introduced you and we are here to hear about you tell us about your story my story well yes I found at mine Valley which um I was a Silicon Valley Computer Engineer quit Silicon Valley CU I was so stressed out I was so bored at my job
I wasn't really feeling fulfilled I became a teacher of meditation and and and uh mind practices built a website to support my classes um and this was the Silver method if anyone is wondering it was a a protocol from the 19 1960s and that website grew and grew and grew it became a media Empire called Mind Valley and today we are the biggest platform in the world for mind body and spirit wow how does it feel it feels pretty damn good yeah I mean I love my job and the thing is my job keeps me
healthy keeps me spiritually fit and um keeps me keeps me becoming the best damn human being I can be every day CU I'm constantly learning so it's so nice to be in a career where learning is part of your job but it must have been such a leap of faith back then right when you decided to go out on your own and you you knew that you were not feeling fulfilled and you thought you put all of your trust into something that wasn't there right right so this is a really important thing so many people
who have regular jobs they want to quit to try something that that you know they feel kind of deep inside them is their mission and I always say go and do this but when you do this you must be aware of this phenomenon if you do anything that's un usual there's no unpredictability so when I quit to teach meditation I was so embarrassed because my friends from my University were were doctors they were lawyers they had well-paying jobs and I was broke and so I even built a website I had to use a fake name
I didn't want anyone figuring out that oh I was selling meditation CDs online in a crummy little website in 2003 but while in the beginning I was earning so much less than my friends because what I did was unusual M and it was something that really that that I was passionate about I was able to accelerate it and so my income grew and grew and grew and soon I'd overtaken by 10x all of my friends who were doctors or lawyers or had um um jobs with Big Consulting companies so the important lesson over here is
if you try to do something unusual you actually have a competitive Advantage people don't get this it's going to be hard in the beginning cuz you got to figure things out but once you figure things out you have two advantages first you're doing something with less competition because it is unusual it's this crazy idea that you dreamt up secondly if you are passionate about it you have fuel you have stamina to plow through it when everyone else is complaining about their jobs so those crazy ideas jump on them wow yeah it what do they call
it they call it being in a slingshot right when you take a risk on yourself you're pulling back to be released to go much further than I've never heard that analogy but I think it sounds about right right and well you'd be happy to know I just resigned from my job to go full-time on cont yeah well think about how many people have built great Empires right just going into podcasting again it's not easy but it happens now there was a really interesting statistic I read about which I think is worth mentioning if you're doing
one of these weird things don't quit your day job people think you got to quit your day job and go all in but no if you do that you lose your source of money and then now you're prone to Stress and Anxiety when things go wrong you're actually 30% more likely to succeed building something new if you do it on nights and weekends and you keep your day job yeah and that's what I did mhm I built up my company mind Valley on nights and weekends working an extra 2 hours after coming back from my
day job working on the weekend it took me one year before I could quit my day job but I had flow of money so there was no stress no anxiety I was safe always keep yourself safe so when did you know it was now time to go full on this so simple and and and I love turning this into equations right you must calculate your minimal livable income so back then I was living with my girlfriend in New York MH and we as a couple we were making maybe $7,500 a month we were spending 4,000
a month right 4,000 a month is what we needed for food for to pay our cable bills to pay our internet bills for for rent and so 4,000 became that goal if from my side hustle I could hit 4,000 my minimal liable income that's when I could quit M and exactly I hit 4,000 Thanksgiving weekend 2003 and the very next day I went to my boss and I said I'm going to quit you know what he did he increased my salary by 40% and I was so tempting and I almost said all right I'm going
to quit quitting and maybe stick to this job but I'm glad I stuck to it m now as now what happened was as soon as I quit my job and I double down on my side Hustle in just a few months that 4,000 went to 8,000 and now I was making more than my day job so it's crazy how it worked but again don't quit early because when I first started I was I lost money in month one lost money in month two and I I would have been so stressed out but because I had
a day job I was learning I had my my salary taken care of I was safe always be safe I like that and in terms of how do you plan you know because one question I get a lot from my audience which is primarily women as discussed is that they all have very exciting ideas creative ideas of what they want to do and they have that gut feeling that this is where they should be but then how do you get the courage to take that jump you know how do you know if this is not
just you know me being bored in my job every day and I wanted to try something new or is it that this is worth me pursuing so that's a very good question so again I bet most people who want to start out an entrepreneurial venture you have a multitude of ideas maybe you want to design custom artsy coasters maybe you have an idea for a new type of shampoo maybe you have an e-commerce store you want to launch so one of the things I do is I first identify what are 10 values that really resonate
for me that would be my dream business so make a list of 10 values of your dream business so for example a value of this dream business might be okay I'm really good at this another one might be it creates long-term subscription Revenue because subscription revenue is useful right a third one is the market is in my city so I'm in the right place I don't have to relocate a for one is I have a unique skill maybe I'm a great designer maybe I have studied um um science and I understand what ingredients in a
shampoo is going to create Luscious Hair make a skill of 10 things that matter and it's different for everyone some people may value passion some people may value um engineering skills what are these 10 things that matter to you now you take your ideas and you rate them on a on a scale SC of 1 to 10 which of these 10 items um the this idea possesses even to this day if I'm looking at a new a new project in mind Valley I look at some of these 10 things is it elevating our brand is
it going to be a win for our authors is it going to produce recurring revenue is it going to give us a technological Edge is it something that builds a competitive mode again different for everyone but rate it now you have your ideas with a score each one has a score of 1 to 10 but you're not done yet now look at those ideas do some market research and predict how much revenue can this bring 3 years out right if you're selling coasters I don't know how much revenue you're going to make you're selling shampoo's
great you can get on shelves at at supermarkets if you if you really Market this well maybe you have a friend who has a spa who's willing to carry these shampoos estimate but how much revenue you're going to make three years out now the third one is how difficult is it going to be and again this is an estimate difficulty is from a scale of 1 to 10 1 being super easy 10 being difficult now you multiply okay so values okay the 10 10 things that you care about what is that score times revenue and
revenue you want to put it in millions so you know you're not multiplying it by 2 million you're multiplying it by two if it's 2 million and then the third one is is um ease 1 to 10 so I do this exercise and now all my ideas have a score so this quarter my team and I rated 30 different new ideas we could pursue in 2024 all of them have the score and the score takes away emotion but instantly we know exactly what to focus on mhm and now we have a higher predictor for Success
wow okay you you literally just took my question away from me I was going to say see this is what happens when you interview an engineer every everything I'm giving you has a mathematical basis anal I'm a nerd me too you now have a PhD in science oh you have a PhD sign so you totally get this so I was going to say it's so analytical so you're really taking the emotions out and do you think that's really important in well if you think the emotions are important remember the first part where you're you're you're
ranking Things based on your 10 values then you put emotional rankings in there so you might say is this going to make me happy every single day sometimes an idea that's going to make you a lot of money isn't going to be the easiest or the happiest or the most joyous to work on right so you if happiness matters to you you put that there but you figure out what matters to you right okay okay I love that now if we were to like been a little bit of that now we know how to take
the leap and let's say someone is doing something they really love but one thing I've heard a lot of women struggle with I've struggled with personally as well is so I worked in science obviously I was a PhD and then I went into business Consulting then I went to Tech startup so I've seen a lot of different corporations work and one thing you struggle with is taking space as a woman especially if you're the only one in the room who's female I was in a lot of Consulting teams of like 11 plus and I'm the
only one women in there and taking space is an issue speaking out as an issue what advice do you have for women you've worked with women of all types so firstly firstly I I sympathize what you're talking about sounds a lot like the concept of imposter syndrome uh we just released a program on this on mind Valley by shade zaran whom I think youed with shade is a great teacher 54% of women experience imposter syndrome now with men it's closer to 25% now why do more women experience imp syndrome than men I think there are
two reasons firstly men tend to be overconfident and cockier yes I remember a woman telling me you know why I can't find a men to date she said I read a study that showed that 55% of American men think they could safely land a Boeing 747 if the pilot fainted and she goes men are so so stupid over their own real dulu yes delusional over their own abilities um but that's actually very true mhm men I guess biologically um are more uh tend to overestimate their own abilities for example 70% of men think that they
drive their driving skills are above average oh wow right so so there's this weird thing about men women simply but women are a little bit more modest women are a little bit more in tune with themselves and women like it or not are working in a corporate hierarchy that evolved from the US military industrial hierarchy so the way corporations are structured today actually is a postor War II artifact from the military and so it's very rigid and it was designed for predominantly males feminine energy actually operates and collaborates and in extremely different ways and and
we can go to that later right so it is reasonable for women to have imposta syndrome but what I want women to understand is this firstly the men are cocky stupid so so they are not necessarily better than you but secondly the world is changing and if you look at the workplace right now feminine energies actually give you a Competitive Edge not just in the workplace but in politics there was a study done during covid countries run by women leaders did far better because during Co it was the whole world became an experiment yes and
it was striking how countries run by women leaders performed way way way better now the same thing is happening in in the corporate workplace let me give you an example first let's talk about what do we mean by feminine attributes in the workplace so I want you to hold up your right hand so that's a really interesting thing right if you uh and it's and it's it has to do with prenatal testosterone right so most men this finger is taller than this finger yeah mine is not yours is not right so what this means is
that when you were a fetus your prenatal testosterone the amount of testosterone in you uh when you were a fetus was less than me because and obviously right most men have higher prenatal testosterone it's not necessarily um um correlated with men and women you can be a woman and you can have high pral testosterone but it also turns out that this prenatal testosterone not only does it cause a difference in finger size it actually causes a difference in your brain okay so like it or not a man and a woman's brain are actually different for
examp if you look at SAT scores across the world in 19 out of 20 countries women do significantly better in the verbal portion M MH but in SAT scores men do better at Ma yes okay so the man's brain tends to be better at certain things the woman's brain tends to be better at certain things now remember corporate hierarchy is an evolution from the military industrial structure which was built for men so Men actually have a slightly easier time but things are now getting more balanced and now we are starting to see studies that show
that feminine attributes right which are the opposite of prenatal testosterone which are correlated with the feminine brain and the advantages of the woman's brain actually give you an edge so here are two things first thing is there was a study done on 10 million employees by Gallup and these employees were were asked to answer yes or no to the following question my supervisor or manager cares about me as a person now employees who want to said yes to that they performed better at work they were more engaged they had higher they they contributed more profit
to the company but let's look at this question my supervisor or someone at work cares about me at a person that is actually a predominantly feminine attribute women tend to be a lot more caring a lot more nurturing to their PE so if you're a woman leader you already have that advantage and studies now show that it causes the employees you lead to to feel cared for for and this caes a huge boost in their performance now another study done by Sha AER of Howard showed that one of the biggest things that increase the culture
of a company that boosts revenue is the act of gratitude and appreciation so shaer did a study in a company where he had all of the people come up to work and before they started anything they had to set an iPhone timer for 2 minutes and write an email expressing appreciation and gratitude for another coworker MH and exactly 2 minutes and they had to type for 2 minutes if it was less than 2 minutes it was too short and therefore meaningless if it was more than 2 minutes it was too much work mhm so he
did this as a trial with a company um and this company I believe it was an insurance company their revenues were stagnating at 650 million in 18 months they went up to 950 million oh wow they are the number of applicants applying to join this company went up 270% Google flew down to see what they were doing all they did was created a culture of appreciation and appreciation and gratitude is another feminine attribute yes now I'm not saying that men don't do that remember they are we're talking about differences in our brain which are scientific
and measurable but what I'm trying to get at is that women hold a certain set of powerful skills in appreciation in nurturing in compassion in empathy in listening in understanding which modern corporate science is showing make massive differences in a company so if you are a leader and you happen to be a woman never ever ever try to act like a male Embrace those feminine attributes bring those attributes to the company because I'm telling you they are a huge Advantage right now in the way work is evolving and let's together evolve work to bring these
attributes in because these attributes actually create more democratic workplaces workplaces with greater empathy workplaces where people are happier workplaces where people are healthier and more appreciated and less generate I'm sure people will stand for longer exactly and if I can add to this I love the two the the way you explain these two things and the analytical brain is Crazy by the way Vision the way you explain things you're such a good teacher but I want to add to this as well listening skill because I personally did this exercise when I was at work and
the where you were paired up male and female and you were given two minutes two minutes to speak to the other person and the other person can only respond with um facial features they're not allowed to use words and then it switches and the other person speaks for two minutes and then you will see the women struggle to fill the 2 minutes they don't they can't take space for 2 minutes and just talk at somebody but the listening they're incredible at it and obviously it's the reverse for men they're very comfortable speaking but every time
it's for them to stay quiet you can see them struggling their mouth is about to open and they have to close because listening is not something that men can do very easily naturally right men or or human beings who have a primarily more more masculine tra versus feminine trait yes for sure and you're right I think it's just we are seeing the move now where um companies are starting to understand that we need to Value these traits better um great so you've mentioned mind Valley we all know how mind Valley is this huge platform where
you talk a lot about spirituality so tell us a bit more because I think people are still very unsure about what is spirituality how do I bring more of it into my that's a really interesting topic right so mind Val firstly is a platform for creating better humans no matter what you want whether it's a better dating life it's better body it's a better mind it's more money we bring in the best teachers but spirituality is approximately 35% of the content on our platform it's a it's a big chunk of it spirituality is really interesting
concept and I recently had a friend um ask me Vision what books would you recommend for me to read for me to be more spiritual this was a woman and I said well Define spiritual because everyone defines it differently and she's like I don't know just spiritual um so so you want to know what I shared with her yeah okay so this this is a general general advice firstly let's talk about what spiritual means okay there are many different definitions my definition of spiritual which is the the Mind value definition is understanding that we are
more than just our physical bodies that there's a part of us that's connected to something greater and there's a part of us that's connected to each other Neil Donnell Walsh who wrote The Incredible series of books conversations with God said the number one Hallmark of a spiritual being is unity is recognizing that you and I are far more connected than we are than than what the world tells us so much of what alienates Us in the world is our cultural stories culture and memory can often be the opposite of spir of spirituality our cultural stories
say that we are ex religion we are ex nationality that we our cultures are different but spirituality tells us that no we are both particles of God experiencing this human plane to understand ourselves as God's experiencing itself and because of this we are both connected so for example in the conversations with God books Neil Donal Walch gives a very practical exercise that I guarantee if you do this exercise you feel this essence of unity and it will change your life he says the next time you're walking through the street or going to work and you
see something that annoys you look at it look at that person and say there I go again for example you see a and I did this I was I was living in New York back then I remember walking the streets of New York I see a homeless guy and he's begging for cash and I can see that he's an alcoholic and he smells of liquor um and rather than condemn him or judge him I look at him and I say there I go again being a smelly drunk homeless person I keep walking there I go
again being a litterbug there I go again being an inconsiderate loud person on the subway and by the end of half an hour I was actually had tears in my eyes cuz I felt so connected to every other life form I saw in New York if you try this exercise you cannot help but start feeling Beyond yourself you just got a glimpse of spirituality and that Glimpse will often impact you as much as say going on a 2 3day spiritual Workshop cuz the essence of spirituality is deep connection and unity you cannot hurt another person
because hurting them is hurting yourself you want to give to others because giving to others is giving to yourself you understand that you're part of a larger hole and there's this mesmerizing impact of that because you start understanding just how powerful you are but just how powerful everyone else is when you truly Embrace this you would never take another person's life to defend your religion or culture if I was working if I was part of a country and they drafted me for the military and they said you got to go and attack this opposing country
because they their culture is a is in a war with our culture I would rather be jailed and put behind bars I would give up my culture give up my religion rather than take another life because that other life is also me when you understand this you have moved in a big way towards a spiritual understanding this is the opening to all other mystical and spiritual experiences it is this feeling of unity any religious Dogma that takes away from Unity didn't come from the religious teacher it came from men mostly men 2,000 years ago trying
to interpret the religious teacher but who were nowhere at their level mhm so that's the first step yeah now how to be spiritual I prescribed a simple exercise there are number of really great books you can read I think Neil Donald Walsh's book um is a great one conversations with God it's a channeled work uh so that's a wonderful book uh there are four books in the series book 1 2 3 and book four there's also a program on it on mind Valley called awaken the species read book one and if you like it you
might want to read the other books but it's a channeled work Neil was a homeless man he had had six failed marriages he had broken his neck he was living in a in a tent in a park in in Oregon and he had this habit where he would write an angry letter to anyone who had hurt him so an angry letter to the woman who left him an angry letter to the boss who fired him and angry letter to the government then he would crush it up and toss it away and one day he wrote
an angry Letter to God why are you doing this to me mhm but before he could put his pen down he felt something grab his hand and say do you really want to know oo and then he goes what the hell is going on and he felt his hand and this Force said you used the word hell a lot how about understanding what the heaven is going on and this started this process of it's called automatic writing mhm and he put together sheet after sheet after sheet after sheet of of all of these incredible writings
where he was having a conversation with god and in one of the writings God actually said and this is going to be a book because other people need to read this to so he goes to multiple Publishers 20 of them reject him one reads it actually reads these like handwritten notes and starts crying and goes this is so moving I want to publish you so they publish a book called conversations with God it stays in the New York Times for five years wow and it becomes one of the most transformative books in the world personally
change my life so you want to be spiritual I prescribed an exercise I prescribed a book and here's what I want people to know spirituality after you understand Unity the essence of spirituality is not to step away from the world it's to embrace the world in conversations with God Neil actually says this and this is going to come as a bit of a slap in the face for many people who think they're exploring spirituality he said don't waste your human life trying to unravel all the secrets of the universe you're going to understand that when
you die cuz death isn't the end of it spend this life truly embracing Being Human and he says this in book two seek sex seek Fame seek money seek power seek all of these beautiful aspects of humanity and stop judging them sex is one of the most wonderful aspects of Life money is glorious power is Beautiful cuz you have influence seek all these things that priest and religious leaders have told us to shun because they wanted to control us seek though but seek these with the understanding that you and everyone else around you is one
so you would never hurt another person but with your power with your with your attractiveness with your money with your Fame you can uplift as many people as possible but go out there and seek it so I tell people don't waste your time trying to be a monk monks serve a purpose mhm they teach us about life you don't have to be a monk you don't have to go on a 12-day silent Retreat why Embrace Being Human you have a mouth you're meant to communicate you're not meant to sit in a freaking yoga pose or
or cross-legged in meditation for 12 days stop it that's nonsense I don't buy that stuff at all there are fastest way faster ways to being to a spiritual path and it's merely understanding that we are all one and that so much what restricts us and holds us a Dogma from the past to be spiritual is to truly be liberated the people who tell you what you're doing is not right you're not being faithful to your religion or your culture are simply saying look at me I have bigger change than you oh that is so good
that's a very good comeback I'm going to use it from now on but that quote is by Sal Miss Adora a wonderful spiritual teacher now past whom I got to know oh want me amazing well I I know in the interest of time we're going to address the last thing we really wanted to talk about which is about dating so you know being the first men on the podcast obviously we have to ask you about this right but where are the good men Vision how do we find them it's easy to find good men I
think uh and it's easy to find great women I think the way dating is structured in the world today there's so much awful skepticism and so people often don't give each other a chance okay so since we have a a short amount of time I want to prescribe two things that I want to suggest firstly if you're a woman um and you could be a man as well if you want to date a male there are two books which I think are worth reading one is David D's book The Way of the superior man uh
it is an Incredible Book on masculine energy and surprisingly more women are buying this book today than men okay according to data like I got in a call with him and he shared this with me and I it was I was flabbergasted read that book because you will understand good male energy you will learn to tell the difference David data breaks it down in the most powerful way right and masculine energy is powerful it's intoxicating it's needed women need that but sometimes because of the way the world is constructed men are for men a men's
masculine energy is sometimes forced to turn down this is to the detriment of the male and the female read David data's way of the superior man and it'll help you identify men who have the right masculine energy which is nurturing which is healing which elevates a woman second Mark Manson wrote a book called The subtle art of not giving an F right bestseller but what many people don't know is that he also wrote a book on dating and I met Mark and I met his wife his book on dating is called models attract women true
honesty okay okay let me say looking at the camera his book on dating is called models attract women true honesty and it's basically a book for men with the philosophy that we should be completely open and transparent with women at all time no games be open and transparent unfortunately if you actually look at the world often when a man is open and transparent with a woman he is shut down the men who are manipulative they know how to manipulate and they are the men who often get the woman I really wish women would would would
appreciate truth and honesty and not see it as weakness so Mark Manson wrote this book because he was fed up with dating books for men that were talking about um how to come across you know in a sexual way how to manipulate women he's like no I believe in truth and honesty and openness so I I asked Mark's wife What attracted you to Mark so Mark's wife is Brazilian beautiful Brazilian woman she said I was in a bar in Brazil and Mark came up to me and I never met a man who was so pure
honest and direct he was just so direct and I found that such a turn on honest respectfully honest and so Mark wrote that book it became actually an undercover book that so many men fully loved uh but you don't really hear about it because his other book L blew up right and he got associated with it so woman if you read both those books David D way of the superior man and how to win women true truth and honesty by Mark Benson I think it will help you understand what to look for when you're on
a date okay so those two books now the second thing is this go on lots of dates yeah I know it's painful but go on lots of dates let me explain why so I have a friend and she's this Phenomenal Woman uh in Silicon Valley African-American and she got married at the age of of 17 don't ask me how I don't know how that happened but by the time before she was 30 she and her husband divorced now this woman is one of the top um growth hackers in Silicon Valley she has a brilliant analytical
mind and she takes apps and she blows them up and she was feeling lonely after her divorce and she decided how can I find my next husband I want to be in a committed relationship and she decided to give herself a challenge she was going to go on three dates a week for 10 weeks O Okay so she said so I asked her how did it go and she says I go I I'm I'm dating three three guys a week for 10 weeks that's 30 dates I tell her did you meet anyone and she goes
no I met a lot of interesting friends I um met a lot of people who bought the heck out of me I felt exhausted and I felt sometimes I didn't want to do it but I did it anyway cuz that was my commitment 30 dates after 10 weeks I'd not found any guy who really lit me up MH but then two weeks later I met a guy and he was everything I wanted and we've now been married for 10 years how so she explained this to me she said when you put in the effort okay
when you put in the effort when you tell the Universe I am meeting lots of men I am prepared to to to go through go through through the work I'm prepared to identify what I want and what I don't want you're narrowing your band of of of desires all the great teachers who talk about manifesting say that you got to make a decision and when you start getting your decisions fine-tuned you're constantly manifesting when you get your decisions fine tuned that's when you get what you want most people I believe are not finding the right
person because they don't know what they want when you commit to going on these dates and you're understanding what I like what I don't like oh he did that and that's freaking sexy oh he did that and I don't want to see I don't want to have that you narrow down your decisions you become clearer and clearer and clearer on what you want and at the same time you're telling yourself look men are abundant yes I'm going to hold my I'm going to hold my value but are abundant and I believe that's why she met
the man of the dreams her husband of 10 years two weeks after she did this exercise so the point is go on a lot of dates I know it's going to be crazy I know you're going to feel that you don't want it sometimes but it's a form of training you are fine-tuning your receivers of understanding what you want but you're also commit giving commitment to the universe that you're willing to go out there and do the research and and be open to someone stepping in amazing so final fce Vision any message you want to
say to women out there I'm so grateful that that woman exists um I I I have many female friends I have an equal number of female friends as male friends I think it's an absolute myth that men and women cannot just be friends right I find that my life is so much more en is so much more enriched because I have such close personal um female friends as well as male friends um who who Elevate me um and so I love women I love having women as friends I love being in relationships with woman um
I love I have a daughter um and I just love experiencing that Dam of masculine and feminine energy I think it's so healing it's so beautiful it's so necessary and it is exactly what spirituality is about spirituality is about unity and the ultimate Act of unity is when a man and woman come together right you're literal you're literally able to experience the essence of God you're literally able to create life mhm and that is why dating sex relation ships are actually one of the purest and most beautiful ways to experience a true nature of spirituality
and we I I wish people would not have so many as many Hang-Ups about it as they do well that's beautiful thank you so much vision for being here and hopefully next time we'll do a longer version thank you thank you
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Learn How To Attract Financial Abundance with Regan Hilyer | Mindvalley
Learn How To Attract Financial Abundance w...
Mindvalley Talks
💎MINDVALLEY FOUNDER tells the SECRETS that led him to SUCCESS🔥 | Interview with Vishen Lakhiani
Carolina Millan
Can you find your purpose and build your confidence through coaching - Aliya Rajah
Can you find your purpose and build your c...
Sheen Gurrib
The Power of Kundalini Awakenings | The Mindvalley Podcast | Ep #47
The Power of Kundalini Awakenings | The Mi...
Vishen Lakhiani
Vishen Lakhiani's Vision for Future Human: A Roadmap for 2025
Vishen Lakhiani's Vision for Future Human:...
Unleash Your Feminine Energy And Transform Your Life | Raghida Shaman
Unleash Your Feminine Energy And Transform...
Sheen Gurrib
If You Want to Create Change in Your Life, Listen to This | Sheen Gurrib
If You Want to Create Change in Your Life,...
The Balance Theory Podcast
LEARN TO RAISE Your FREQUENCY CORRECTLY: What THEY Are NOT Telling You! | Vishen Lakhiani
Next Level Soul Podcast
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