What is Christ Consciousness? | Christ Series Part 4

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Embody your Christ Consciousness with the new Activate Your Lightbody program - we're keeping the sa...
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as we deepen our exploration into the nature and reality of Christ today we're going to open up the question into the ever popular discussion of Christ Consciousness this idea has become very popular in more new age circles and even certain Christian circles however the vast majority of Christianity generally seems to disregard or even oppose the concept and in that there is a bit of a challenge with the idea of Christ Consciousness today which is that generally there's a lack of cohesiveness in the idea that is often put forth different websites and networks and people will
suggest various ideas and interpretations ranging from Christ Consciousness is a universal state of love and acceptance and connection with all things all the way to it is a level of unity with the creative spirit so great that it allows one who attains it the ability to perform Miracles just like Jesus did in this video today we're going to explore this term in a way that is both scientifically sound spiritually resonant and bridges the gaps between the various belief systems of the world ready here we go creation is not an act of Separation but an expression
of the infinite spirit's desire to experience its Bliss in multiplicity the spirit alone and all sufficient entertained a desireless desire to create and enjoy its Cosmic play from this impulse the universe was born not as a distinct entity but as an extension of the spirit itself from that vast impulse of creation a singular Essence permeated all things the cosmic Universal intelligence that pervades everything this Essence is what we know know as Christ Consciousness the Divine intelligence that binds and sustains the cosmos it's not bound by culture religion or time it is the Eternal thread that
connects the finite to the infinite the material to the spiritual but to truly understand Christ Consciousness we must first understand the nature of reality itself reality is not a single unified plane but a dynamic interplay of three distinct layers the causal the astral and the material each layer serves a purpose in the divine design all interconnected each sustained by the universal intelligence of Christ Consciousness the causal plane is the highest and most subtle it is the realm of divine ideas where everything that exists begins as a thought in the mind of the Supreme Spirit In
This Plane the universe is a blueprint a seed of potential waiting to unfold it is from this realm of pure causation that creation flows Untouched by form or limitation from the causal plane emerges the Asal plane the realm of light and energy here the Divine ideas of the causal plane takes on vibratory forms it's a world of radiant energies of life force and subtle vibrations the astral plane serves as a bridge between the infinite potential of the causal realm and the manifested reality of the material world its energies are Dynamic constantly in motion shaping and
sustaining the physical world below a wise Master once described the astral like this the astral universe made of various subtle vibrations of light and color is hundreds of times larger than the material Cosmos the entire physical creation hangs like a little solid basket under the huge luminous balloon of the astral sphere just as many physical Suns and stars Raman space there are also countless astral solar and Stellar systems their planets have astral Suns and moons more beautiful than the physical ones the astral world is infinitely beautiful clean pure and orderly there are no dead planets
or Barren lands astral planets maintain the even temperature of an Eternal spring with occasional luminous white snow and rain of many colored lights astral planets abound in opal lakes and bright seas and Rainbow Rivers the ordinary astral universe is also peopled with millions of Astral beings who have come more or less recently from the earth and also with myriads of fairies mermaids fishes animals goblins gnomes demigods and Spirits all residing on different astral planets in accordance with karmic qualifications various spheric Mansions or vibratory regions are are provided for good and evil spirits good ones can
travel freely but the evil spirits are confined to limited zones in the same way that human beings live on the surface of the earth worms inside the soil fish in water and birds in air so astral beings of different grades are assigned to suitable vibratory quarters therefore among the Fallen Dark Angels expelled from other worlds friction and War takes place with life tronic bombs or mental mantric vibratory Rays these beings dwell in the Gloom drenched regions of the lower astral Cosmos working out their evil karma understanding this reality of the astral we can easily correlate
the description with how many Traditions would describe Concepts like heaven or hell and that those with dense and evil karma would upon death return to the lower parts of the astral the hell and the rest of us would enjoy for a Time the higher more Heavenly astral reality that we earned by participating well in life now moving down from there of course we have the material plane which is the gross manifestation of these higher Realms it is the world we perceive with our senses the tangible and the physical but even this seemingly solid reality is
a manifestation of divine vibration matter as modern science confirms is simply energy vibrating at lower frequencies in this the spiritual wisdom of ancient teachings and the discoveries of modern science converge affirming the vibratory nature of creation the process of incarnation is that the soul an individualization of light from the Supreme Spirit which is the Christ Consciousness is continuously wrapped in the three vibratory bodies the causal first then the astral and then the physical in successive stages the act of coming into being is a journey of entering into the womb of creation within a mortal body
through the light of love coming from the union of two humans and the process of death is the release of the Mortal body returning back to the higher spheres it is said that we continue to Journey between these Realms learning in all of them until we attain complete Mastery in each after which we can Mount higher and return to full Union with the Supreme Spirit from which we came after that Unity what happens is truly Beyond any of us to know but it's said that we are then free to go wherever we want and do
anything we want which can include making our own universes if we like or reincarnating back into the lower worlds wherein we usually become Master Teachers or Saints among people Christ Consciousness is the thread that unites these three Realms it flows through the causal plane as Divine thought through the astal plane as light and energy and through the material plane as the energy which brings forth the forms we see and experience it is the unifying Essence that sustains all of existence the Divine intelligence that brings order and meaning to the cosmos to grasp this concept consider
the example of the Supreme light and the Crystal imagine a bright and supreme white light in an endless void this light is shining in all directions but there's nothing else for it to shine upon now imagine that from out of this supreme light the light itself becomes comes concentrated with so much energy that it materializes a form of a blue spherical Crystal then you have the white light shining through the void and all around this Crystal but the light also passes through the crystal when it passes through the crystal the light becomes blue creating a
new expression of the light that didn't previously exist now the singular light appears in two ways as white light and as blue light inside the crystal Crystal the blue light is not separate from the original white light but is a manifestation of it conditioned by the crystal so in this analogy the white light and its source represent the unmanifested Supreme Spirit the crystal is the vibratory creation essentially the causal astral and material world and the blue light is Christ Consciousness the reflection of the infinite within the finite now this analogy aligns with the profound truth
of the Holy Spirit and a concept which is very necessary to make this whole thing make sense the Holy Spirit one portion of the Holy Trinity arises from the Supreme Spirit as the vibration of creation that Supreme spirit in its absolute state is undivided and transcends form and vibration however when creation comes into being through the vibration of divine thought a Triune relationship emerges so the Supreme Spirit untouched and infinite then from our awareness becomes the Father the source and sustainer of all that exists the vibration of Creation The Cosmic hum of om or amen
becomes the Holy Spirit the intelligent creative force that animates and sustains the universe as the light of the Supreme Spirit shines into this vibration it becomes Christ Consciousness the universal intelligence imbued within creation guiding and upholding it according to the divine plan thus the Holy Trinity reflects the Eternal interplay between the unmanifested and the manifested the father exists Beyond creation Transcendent and formless the Holy Spirit is the active vibratory power that brings form into existence Christ Consciousness is the Divine Light Within this vibration imminent in every particle of creation and the bridge between the finite
and the infinite this Triune relationship illustrates the unity of spirit in its three three Expressions Source energy and Consciousness each Inseparable from the other creation itself arises from vibration known in spiritual Traditions as the word or in eastern Traditions as m in the beginning it was said the word was with God and the Word was God this word is the first vibration the Divine sound that brought forth all things science corroborates this understanding revealing that everything in the Universe from the smallest particle to the largest star is in a state of vibration every form is
a frozen wave of energy every sound a ripple in the cosmic ocean Christ Consciousness then is not only the sustainer of the universe but also the guide within each individual it is the Divine spark that resides in every soul the reflection of the infinite within the finite but if this is the case and Christ Consciousness is within everything why don't we all have Supreme access to this Limitless light well the Great Barrier to experiencing Christ Consciousness is a form of delusion which manifests in two forms in the Eastern scriptures it's called Maya the cosmic delusion
and avidya individual ignorance Maya is the Divine Play of opposites light and Shadow joy and sorrow creation and destruction that keeps the universe in motion a Vidya on the other hand is the personal illusion that veils our awareness of the divine within us together these forces obscure the radiant truth of Christ Consciousness yet even within delusion the Divine has placed Clues to guide us back the very structure of Creation with its vibratory interplay of energy and matter hints at a deeper reality the teaching of saints and sages the scriptures of the world and the quiet
voice of intuition inside each of us all Point towards the same truth that we are Divine beings temporarily lost in the dream of separation thus to access Christ Consciousness one must transcend these Illusions through meditation prayer and acts of selfless love it is through these practices that the soul reconnects with its Divine Source Rising above the constraints of the material plane and aligning with the higher Realms of astrolite and causal thought this journey is not merely theoretical it is profoundly experiential as one meditates and prays deeply connecting with the spirit within the layers of Illusion
begin to dissolve and the in Inner Light of Christ Consciousness becomes perceptible in moments of deep Stillness one may hear the cosmic hum of M that sacred vibration that sustains the universe this is the voice of creation the echo of the Divine calling us back to our true nature the realization to Christ Consciousness is not limited to meditation though it manifests in Every Act of love compassion and forgiveness every moment of kindness every selfless deed is an expression of this divine Essence it reminds us that we are not separate from the universe but intricately woven
into its fabric that the same Consciousness that sustains the cosmos flows through each of us the teachings of Christ Consciousness Bridge the Realms of Science and spirituality the insights of ancient sages align with modern discoveries revealing the harmonious interplay between the seen and the Unseen the finite and the infinite this understanding offers a profound message we are not mere observers of creation but active part participants in its unfolding by aligning with Christ Consciousness we become co-creators with the Divine throughout history certain Souls have fully embodied this Universal Consciousness these Master Souls known as avatars descend
into the material world to guide Humanity they live among us teaching by example demonstrating the potential of the human soul to rise above delusion and realize its divine nature these beings are not separate from Christ Consciousness they are its pure expression mirrors of the infinite in human form Jesus especially to traditional Western thought was the living reflection of the Supreme Spirit his life was a testament to the power of God to transform heal and uplift but what is the purpose of such incarnations to many Christians Jesus is seen as Beyond any other Avatar but why
is that and was he to answer this we must explore the nature of avatars and their role in guiding [Music] [Applause] Humanity thank you so much for joining us for this episode if you're feeling inspired to deep in your journey we're excited to share that our new program activate your life body is now available with a special discount for the start of the New Year this transformative 5we course is designed to help you connect with your energetic Essence align with your astral body and attune to your higher self through powerful teachings and practices if this
resonates with you you can find a link in the description to watch a private video with more details thank you so much for watching and we'll see you in the next episode of this series
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