Beloved, within the plan of the evolution of the worlds, Earth is leaving behind the third-dimensional frequency, a vibration that has always accompanied it, since its earliest history. We are entering higher frequency bands, where the lowest frequency corresponds to the fifth dimension. Everything was already predicted, because in Divine time, there is no linear time as we know it.
What actually exists are energetic vibrations that correspond to certain frequency bands known as dimensions. The third dimension is considered an illusion, as the consciousnesses that inhabit it live in a dual reality, that is, the polarities of everything that is possible in these worlds. Furthermore, there is the aggravating factor of the veils of forgetfulness, since without the veil of forgetfulness, no experience of duality would be possible.
In 3D vibration, matter is predominant. Everything is coarser, heavier. Everything is carbon based, as this way everything is impermanent.
Carbon decomposes and then renews itself, as if it were reborn from itself. This partly explains the wheel of Samsara, which is nothing more than the circle of reincarnations. There are an infinite number of third-dimensional worlds spread across the cosmos.
Earth is just one of those homes. However, as we said before, everything follows the evolution determined by the Creator. Why would it be different in relation to our planet?
We still do not have the knowledge nor the ability, at the current level of consciousness, to understand the true history of humanity. However, as this consciousness atones , more and more information arrives and we are allowed to disseminate, since they are also able to absorb such knowledge. There would be no point in information if no human being could understand it.
Today, as the days go by, everything quickly expands. The veils are being lifted one by one, and in a short time, human consciences will no longer be the same. We are in the last decades of the planetary transition, which is estimated to last three centuries.
It began around 1750 and to this day most incarnates have had an average of three reincarnations within this transition phase. Thus, almost no one noticed the incredible changes that occurred during this period. But the last century, which also corresponds to the last of the three incarnations within the planetary transition, was indeed impactful.
We are not going to include here facts already mentioned in previous texts, such as the opportunity for millions of hardened souls who were reincarnated between 1950 and 1970, in order to have one last chance to redeem themselves and thus be able to inherit the new Earth. We will also not talk here about the coming of the souls classified as indigo children, who came next. Neither from the crystal children who came after the indigos, nor from the star seeds that are coming now, from 2012 to the present day.
Let's just talk about the dissolution of the third dimension. Everything is funneled down now. The last 50 years are the most incredible within these three centuries.
Around 2001, Jezara would be announced in September of that year. Jezara is a definition that corresponds to the exchange of all systems in force in the third dimension, in order to adapt to the new reality, fifth dimension. The hidden forces that have always commanded humanity through work and debt do not wish for the end of 3D, as they cannot resist the new frequencies.
Even though it is a universal plan, some human actions can advance or delay the processes, since everything is energy. So, a retaliation was put into practice that September. You all already know the consequences.
Even so, due to the expansion of collective consciousness, in 2010, the Earth timeline was changed. With the Armageddon line excluded, a new, gentler and less painful line was put into practice. This timeline will prevail until the end of the transition.
Then, by 2050, there will be no trace of the old Earth left. A 25-year time window was created within this final 50-year period. This window corresponds to the year 2012, the year in which Earth fully entered the gamma light photon belt until the year 2037.
This window determines the time in which the last transformations, which are also the most impactful, can definitively occur. However, the latest information coming through the upper pipelines is that the most incredible years within the window will be the years between 2020 and 2026. So hold on tight, we are in the eye of the storm.
Even if perceptions are still a little dull, there is no way not to see what has already come, and especially what is yet to come. Minds, even if still limited, will have to support the new. because there is no way to ascend to the new Earth without living and understanding the new reality.
Dormant consciences will suffer a greater impact, as the change will shock those who do not want to wake up to the new reality. Just yesterday, a channeling said the following: nothing that continues to vibrate in 3D will remain on Earth from now on. Of course, it won't be today or tomorrow that the incarnated souls that vibrate in 3D will leave Earth, but we can get a sense of the facts and understand that they won't have much time.
This does not mean that everyone who disembodies now will leave Earth. We need to understand that each person has a soul plan, which stipulates how long they need to be incarnated in order to execute it. Once this time has arrived, the soul detaches from the body, disembodies and returns to the astral.
If you are on the frequency of the new Earth, you will return here later, while those who are not on the frequency will be taken to planets still in the third dimension, consistent with your soul vibration. Today's message also wants to bring a little encouragement to souls worried about the future. We have already said before that the light at the end of the tunnel is already felt.
We still have three incredible years ahead of us, but they will be the most decisive within the three centuries mentioned in the text. Remembering that the universe does not have a calendar, as it is simply non-time. However, as a parameter, we must place things in parallel within our perception of linear time.
This makes comparisons easier. The third dimension will soon cease to exist definitively. All the chaos we see is nothing more than the old energy desperately fighting for its survival.
People attached to the illusion of matter, 3D, finitude and fear will have more difficulties from now on. Those who know that we are an immortal soul and who now have the opportunity to finally ascend to a higher frequency will increasingly feel the relief of time that is ending. Don't get into the drama of what will cease to exist.
Don't get attached to old beliefs or matter. The time of material man no longer exists. The time now belongs to the spiritual man.
The time of competition also dissolves now. Only cooperation will prosper, because in the fifth dimension nothing will be the same as before. The old 3D dissipates like mist on a spring morning.
Celebrate. You are entering the dimensional portal that will take you to an incredibly better world. I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment.