I suspected that my wife was cheating on me and decided to set a trap for her. Sending an anonymous

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Cheating Secrets
I suspected that my wife was cheating on me and decided to set a trap for her. Sending an anonymous ...
Video Transcript:
welcome to the cheating Secrets Channel I had a feeling that something was wrong with my wife Caroline it was a small feeling but enough for someone who had known her for 12 years 10 of which we had been married Caroline and I have a typical Scandinavian family with two children a 7-year-old boy and a 5-year-old girl we live in our own house not far from the district capital and we both work full-time Caroline at the Town Hall and I work at a small consulting company my wife and I met at an evening class on Advanced
Microsoft Excel usage and got married 2 years later of course like most others our marriage had its ups and downs but there were never any serious problems at least from my point of view the first signs appeared about a month after our 10th anniversary it was a slight decrease in her interest in sex not that she refused me but she started suggesting quickies much more often than making love much more frequently than before another subtle but no noticeable sign was her increased spending on clothes another sign was that she started criticizing me more and more
without any real reason Caroline always spend at least two evenings a week with her friends doing various harmless activities like aerobics evening classes bowling and badminton but she only had a couple of late nights out a year with the girls at a bar or restaurant when someone in the group wanted to celebrate something I did everything I could but couldn't find any new or strange patterns in her evenings out my colleague Eric noticed that I was having problems in my marriage and told me that it was better to find out the truth than to keep
feeling as miserable as I was I told him that a private detective could probably uncover the truth but I couldn't hire one for two very simple reasons first there wasn't one at least not in the phone book in our town or the entire District second even if there was I didn't have the money to keep Caroline under surveillance for an extended period but I promised to do everything possible to resolve the issues between Caroline and me the last straw that broke the camels back happened on the first Saturday evening after Eric suggested I take some
action Caroline and I were invited to a pleasant dinner hosted by friends not far from the city where she behaved like a loving wife all evening she even kept it up all the way home in the taxi which we shared with another couple naturally I hope to continue the pleasant evening by making love to her but as soon as the babysitter left our house Caroline stopped being so sweet and snapped at me forget about it if you were foolish enough to expect anything from me tonight I gave up my attempts and replied with a beaming
smile what could I expect from an icy frigid witch nothing more was said that evening but it took me several hours before I fell asleep I used that time to come up with a simple plan the only thing I needed to do was subscribe to an anonymous internet service so I could send emails without being traced after testing the email service on Sunday morning I sent Caroline the following email at her workplace on Monday Dear Mrs emman in my great disappointment I have obtained evidence of your infidelity which makes me feel sorry for your husband
and envious of your lover for the pleasures he enjoys with such a magnificent woman as you of course I am strongly tempted to share this information with your husband but I have a better proposal as I want and need to have a good time with a wonderful woman like you during my next business trip therefore I expect you to be sitting alone at the plaza Cafe today Monday between 2:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. with €600 in an envelope on the table my associate will greet you with the words aren't you lar sister you should respond
no I'm his wife after that you must hand him the envelope thank you for your very kind cooperation your true friend €600 is a very modest amount which cannot be considered serious blackmail if she goes to the police and they are unlikely to treat it as a priority case to save the reputation of a cheating wife on the other hand it was a small enough amount for Caroline to easily withdraw from an ATM both euros and our own Kona are available from ATMs outside the main office of our bank that Monday I suggested to Eric
that we take a 3-hour coffee break at the plaza Cafe we entered a few minutes before 3 and to my faint surprise I saw Caroline sitting alone at a table then to my genuine surprise I saw Martin Jensen sitting alone a few tables away from her that bastard Martin also works at the Town Hall and he's married to one of Caroline's best friends we had dinner with him and his wife last Saturday but I didn't notice anything unusual between him and Caroline staring at Caroline and Martin I loudly shouted what the hell is going on
here why are you two here instead of working why don't you sit at the same table Martin ran off without saying a word to me and Caroline silently left the cafe right after him Eric was even more confused than I was when I told him that we had probably caught Caroline with her lover after that I called Martin's wife Cecilia and asked her if she had any idea why my wife and her husband took the afternoon off and were sitting at different tables in a cafe then I told her that I suspected Caroline was having
an affair and now Martin must be the prime suspect unless I receive a very good explanation of what they were involved in she promised to have a serious talk with Martin and call me back once she found out something Martin was a very handsome man usually well-dressed polite with good manners and a real party lover of course those of us who knew him from childhood had a very different opinion of him at home I checked our bank account where it showed that €600 had been withdrawn and then deposited back during the day for the moment
that was enough information for me so I filled out the divorce papers that I had picked up at the courthouse during my lunch break when Caroline came home she was as angry as a hornet and lashed out at me you acted like an idiot at the cafe I can explain everything if you just take the time to listen to me I replied no I don't want to listen because I don't care about your explanations just read these divorce papers and signed them everything is split 50/50 and you won't get a better deal even with a
lawyer who would cost you a fortune it was clear that she was truly Furious and she shouted at me these divorce papers are the only reasonable thing you've managed to do in a long time boiling with anger she signed the divorce papers without reading them and yelled it will be a great relief to finally get a real man instead of a worthless loser like you and that's how my marriage ended Caroline left the house and I didn't care Where She Went later I received a call from a sobbing Cecilia who told me that Martin had
confessed to having an affair with Caroline now he was crying and begging her to forgive him she said she didn't know what to do and had demanded that Martin move out and live with his parents for the next 2 weeks so she could have time to think about their future I told her that Caroline and I had already signed the divorce papers one thing was certain if Caroline considered Martin her new dream man she could forget about it but it wasn't my place to tell tell her that after the phone call I moved all of
Caroline's clothes to the guest room which made her furious when she returned home I couldn't resist the temptation to tell her that I had informed Cecilia about what I saw at the plaza Cafe this news didn't make her any happier the next day strange things happened when Caroline came home after work she surprised me by saying de Lars I'm sorry and I regret everything I said yesterday in my Angry mood I was stressed and said foolish things I didn't mean can you forgive me for that you are and always will be my true love no
more resentment we are adults and people expect us to do everything we can to resolve our problems please tear up those silly divorce papers we signed yesterday in anger and I promise to be a much better loving wife I will explain everything about yesterday I looked her straight in the eyes and said the divorce papers are already in court and I already know everything about Martin and your Affair last night after you left Martin confessed his infidelity to Cecilia who called and told me that your so-called real man was a crying weakling begging for forgiveness
claiming that you were the deceitful adulteress who seduced him not exactly the real man you thought you were trading me for is he Caroline sobbed and asked gasping Cecilia told you about Martin and me yes and that explains why our marriage has been Loveless for some time now I suspected your deceit but I didn't have any real proof until Martin confessed to Cecilia Caroline had a strange expression on her face when she said but how did you get me to sign the divorce papers hours before Cecilia told you about Martin's confession I had had enough
last Saturday night and during several Sleepless hours I decided that divorce was my only option the decision to divorce was made long before that crying fool Martin confess to your Affair I'm sorry and I wish I could undo everything I did with Martin can you give me a second chance and forgive me no because I will never understand how you could prefer that scoundrel Martin over me and think of him as a real man I will never forget how you humiliated me since you fell for him but that pile of garbage will be yours once
Cecilia is done with him you probably didn't know that all their inherited stocks savings expensive house and cars are Cecilia's private property the only thing Martin owns is a damn pile of debt since he bankrupted his business now Martin will lose his fancy Rolex and BMW if those toys impressed you if you truly love that sniveling bastard you'll have to support him and his expensive habits she replied I made a terrible mistake and will never understand how I could have been so foolish as to be seduced and deceived by that slippery worm I'd rather be
alone for the rest rest of my life than have anything to do with him gossip from the town hall reported that Martin told Caroline to go to hell when she informed him about the signed divorce papers and suggested they become an official couple that explains why the day after signing the divorce papers she begged me to forgive her and cancel the divorce Martin successfully avoided me ever since he saw me at the cafe just two days after his confession a doctor put him on sick leave due to stress and physical issues as I expected Cecilia
filed for divorce after the two-e break and Martin never returned to his job at the Town Hall after being on sick leave for several months he left town for a new job he and Caroline never saw or spoke to each other again Caroline rented an apartment in a good neighborhood but she had to wait 3 months before she could move in we agreed that until then she would stay in our guest room and that neither of us would start seeing anyone until our divorce was finalized despite the cold atmosphere in the house the arrangement worked
better than expected then about 2 months after we filed for divorce something very unexpected happened with Caroline one Saturday evening she asked me if I could promise to keep an important secret about her financial affairs I promised and she said you've probably heard that someone in our town won the lottery jackpot I'm the winner the jackpot is $3 million that's enough to solve all my problems we're still married which is why I have to ask if you want half of it congratulations no I don't want anything and don't expect anything from you my only suggestion
is that you set up funds for the children so they can pay for their education buy cars and apartments when they grow up and support them when they get married she looked at me and said are you sure you won't try to ask for anything yes when we liveed together your love was all I needed but I'm sure that once Martin hears about about this he'll be at your door in no time begging for your forgiveness and asking to be with you again he'll never find out because you're the only one I've told and you
promis to keep it a secret even though I didn't keep my promises to you I'm convinced that you're better than I am and we'll keep yours nothing more was said on the matter and everything went on as usual except that Caroline was out of town the following Thursday and Friday on Saturday she asked me if we could have dinner together because she had something to tell me I agreed our children were spending the night at a friend's house the dinner was excellent with my favorite food and great wine so I started to expect some attempt
to buy my love I was curious about how much she thought my love was worth and how much she was willing to pay for it during the delicious dessert she said I did exactly as you suggested and set up funds for our children I replied you're a good mother and those funds will greatly benefit them when they grow up up nothing more was said on the matter and we continued with Pleasant small talk about other everyday things during coffee with conac after the meal as we comfortably settled on the living room couch she said I'm
sorry for being a foolish cheap adulteress who destroyed our happy family by deceiving and humiliating the best man I've ever known today I can't understand how or why I fell for Martin's advances and seduction I deeply regretted and have spent many Sleepless nights crying over how incredibly stupid I was of course I know that money can't buy your love and forgiveness however we know that courts often order the offender to pay money to their victim as compensation for the pain and humiliation cost but since no court in this country cares about what I did to
you I took matters into my own hands I acted as both prosecutor and judge and I've ruled that all the remaining lottery money after setting up the funds for our children is to be trans referred to your personal account what I've done cannot be undone she handed me the bank receipts and I was silent for a long time before I finally said oh my god what have you done I can't take your money I'll return it to you she replied you don't need to return anything to me the lawyers who arranged this said it's impossible
because there are no conditions attached the money is yours and only yours and I can't and won't regret what I've done with it I don't respect or ask for anything in return I did what I should have done before I got caught in that foolish Affair what the hell could I do my love wasn't for sale but Caroline wasn't trying to buy it there were no conditions no request for forgiveness she only spoke of compensation she didn't even try to kiss me although I was in a bit of shock I began to realize that her
love for me was genuine Caroline was a smart beautiful woman and the mother of my children I suspected without a doubt that she was still in love with me could I ever find a woman better than her probably not find even one woman equal to her not likely could I forgive her I didn't know but why not give it a serious try I decided to do just that I said dear Caroline we are still married and we need to talk to each other about the past and about the future I think a conversation about the
future is more appropriate after this delicious dinner don't you agree she replied yes I continued divorce causes hellish pain and now it's even more painful after realizing how much you truly love me and how deeply you regret your affair she started to cry and sobbed I pray every night that one day you will forgive me and give me a second chance I moved closer to Caroline hugged her and said we are still married should we seriously try to stay that way she looked me straight in the eyes and whispered Am I Dreaming or is this
real it's real because I hope you're still the same Caroline you were before Martin tainted you I've missed that Caroline so much she hugged me tightly and whispered you'll never regret this that evening could only end one way with intense passionate love making that night I did everything I could to give her the best sex she'd ever had and she did the same for me it felt like our wedding night all over again and for a long time after that night we behaved like Newly Weds we called off the divorce our relationship improved and now
we're a happy family again our children made Caroline and me promised that we would never try to divorce again we rarely talk about Caroline's affair with Martin for some reason I'm not really concerned with any of the details even though she gave me all her money I never felt like she was buying me back because there were no conditions attached just a faint hope she risked everything she had won what she wanted and only time will tell if she made the right choice the truth is I missed her so much that I probably would have
done something to get her back even without the money one thing is certain I love Caroline and she loves me thank you for listening Until the End see you in the next episode of cheating Secrets take care of yourself and your loved ones goodbye
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