today I am grooming Sheldon the 13-year-old very aggressive Cocker Spaniel and poodle mix Sheldon was recommended to me by his veterinarian after years of him being groomed under anesthesia I spoke personally with Sheldon's veterinarian to ensure that his vet felt it was safe for me to attempt grooming on him tweets peace offerings good boy good boy okay let's see if we can do this Sheldon this dog has the most calm relaxed Dopey personality and then I went to go pick him up and he lost his [Music] mind this is the kind of dog that is
very friendly and very calm and very laid-back with people and then the second he thinks you're grooming him he just totally turns the owner said that they've had him groomed since he was a young pup he was groomed professionally for three years until the groomer eventually gave up and he had been to different groomers so it's not like I don't know I want to see what he does just want to see if he'll actually bite hey hey it's okay it's okay he is sedated on two different types of medication as well as CBD oil this
is going to be a longer process than I anticipated good boy good boy there we go I think muzzling him is going to be absolutely impossible which is a big problem good boy good boy no I am not taunting him I'm just trying to see whether or not he actually goes for the equipment because I need to be able to muzzle him if he does treat look treat no look treat treat yep no he does not want treats anymore okay the owner was grooming the dog herself for years and then he was okay with it
and then one day he just decided he was not okay with it and she couldn't do it anymore so he just has an extreme fear surrounding grooming good boy good boy what happens when this goes around your neck good boy you have to wear the muzzle which I don't think I'm getting on your face also grimming your face is going to be impossible it's okay it's okay good boy good boy it's okay good boy yeah you're all right you're all right see if we can do something back here okay I'm wearing bite proof gloves but
I have to take these things off people ask why I don't wear them they're pain hey it's okay it's okay so okay don't bite it right you're not biting [Music] it okay why why why are you so scared of grooming I want to know she said she wouldn't be surprised if I couldn't get the dog groomed and unfortunately I think she she might be right obviously he's extremely mted since they cannot groom him assuming they also can't brush him because he is so terrified this is one of those dogs where they really don't know why
he's like this some dogs are just they just don't like grooming and that's all there is to it why it's not that bad you blue your anal glands and you stink you're smart you are a smart dog you're definitely going to pull out of this for sure it's not tight enough around your neck I don't care what this haircut looks like I just need to get him done that's it so I don't think turning Sheldon to the other side is going to be an option today so I am actually going to pull this table out
from the wall and just try to groom him on the other side that way do you have balls no normally I'm talking a lot in my videos but I'm quite focused not to get bit today this is a very upset doggo keep this on keep it on I am going to give him a break for a minute and I'm going to pull the table out so that I can groom the other side of him little dude you're a stressful haircut man I am not going to bathe him the owner told me that he'd probably be
fine with a bath but just picking him up and putting him on the table he lost his mind so if I try to pick him up off this table and bring him to the tub I think it's going to be dangerous situation for me so he is just getting a shave today because that's really all he needs and I'm sure the owners can B them at home and also we do not care what this haircut looks like at all good boy Sheldon he can't really hear me so I can't really do much talking him [Music]
anyways no no don't get it off hey hey you're fine you're fine it's okay before anyone says maybe he's in pain we need to remember that he's been difficult like this for grooming since he was born so I mean doesn't mean he doesn't have arthritis he probably does but that's not the reason for his behavior the reason why they don't the vet does not want to put him under anastesia is I guess because of his kidneys they've done it so many times throughout his life I don't know hey hey can you stand up yeah thank
you okay I need to give him a break because this blade is getting hot wow you must really cause your owners a lot of stress that you can't do thise keep that on I'm sorry [Music] just kind of waiting for him to just settle for a second is try to put him in the hanging harness see what happens now see if this is any better it's okay Sheldon it's okay Sheldon I don't even know if the nails are worth it but see what he does it's okay Sheldon it's okay Sheldon it's okay Sheldon good boy
he doesn't seem to absolutely hate the nails which is great he just really doesn't like his paws um yeah the inside of his paw is matted but I don't think I'm getting getting in there [Music] so I'm just shaving the bottom of the Paw without going inside the paw pad good boy interesting how the Paw the nails aren't that big of a deal very interesting it's okay it's okay no no no no no it's just Nails good boy good boy Sheldon no no no no no I got them all done let's just finish in this
video I'm going to put the email that I got from the vet that gave me permission to groom this dog you guys can pause to read it if you like this is too much for one person if somebody was holding him right now and no I do not have help today while the other person was trimming this would be a lot easier good boy okay groin is nice and clean relax legs are done that was obviously your biggest Trigger he doesn't seem to M too much when I get close to his head it's just I
think once this cones off I do not have any protection now because his cone is gone so everybody keep that in mind when people say oh my God she's so afraid of dogs I work with really aggressive dogs I really don't want to get bit here it's okay [Music] it's okay it's okay okay I think I'm going to take the Groomer's helper off because it's kind of getting in the way okay okay I'm going to give him again a little bit of a break and then try to attempt the rest of his face wish me
luck everyone I fear the only reason why he was letting me do this earlier was because he was in the Grier's Helper and felt like he couldn't move let me see you really maded you're maded it's okay well you went from not even letting me touch you to letting me do quite a bit so I guess we made some progress today I want to do your face though I want to do your face can I do your face your face is so matted sir good boy Sheldon good boy Sheldon good boy Shing good boy good
boy good boy I don't know why do I feel like crying right now good boy good boy did you just yawn or show me your teeth you're going to let me do one side but not the [Music] other you itchy under there that probably feels good e you're very red under there oh it's okay it's okay it's okay Sheldon Sheldon Jobing it's okay okay I'll give him one more break and then I will try to complete this I'm going to try to finish his face with scissors as opposed to the Clipper he seems to be
letting me touch his face you let me trim your ears with [Music] scissors so that you can look a little bit more presentable when he came in he wouldn't even let me basically touch him and now he is letting me hold and trim his face which I am shocked about especially after the performance he put on for his body he was probably more sedated when he came in than now the sedatives are probably starting to wear off a little bit obviously we're not getting a fancy groom today obviously this is just for health and comfort
purposes so no it's most certainly not going to look pretty but that's not what we're here for like in here oh okay the teeth they're showing every dog that is aggressive and doesn't like having their face done has a real big problem with the removal of the lip hairs apparently they like those in there I think we've accomplished more than the owner ever thought possible I'm going to see if she's okay with me filming an owner reaction and if she is I will film her at pickup the owner said that usually when they would pick
him up from grooming he would be very stressed and he doesn't seem stressed at all to me right now he's not even panting so that's good if you liked this video you can support the channel and more complimentary Grooms just like Sheldon by hitting that subscribe or follow button and sharing with all of your friends thank you all so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this difficult groom today and I will see you again in a few days hi you bud oh you did a great job he looks so good looks better do you
feel good yeah oh he's so soft and sweet hi buddy