BEWARE! This New Emerging Religion That People Are Falling For Is Dangerous

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Grace For Purpose
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now here we have to not only be careful we have to be super careful what you are about to hear is just one of many false doctrines in the world out there and if you find any church or any Pastor who teaches this kind of Doctrine be warned that it is not sound Doctrine it's very popular these days to hear about the law of attraction and manifesting things but this isn't something Christians should be involved in our Sproul is about to explain what pantheism is and according to the Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy I quote pantheism
may be understood either a positively as the view that God is identical with the cosmos I.E The View that there exists nothing which is outside of God or B negatively as the rejection of any view that considers God as distinct from the universe end quote in a nutshell pantheism is a Doctrine which identifies god with the universe because this brings us so close to the edge of pantheism that confuses the Creator and the creature and said everything in the universe is God all is God God is all which is a wicked and pernicious blasphemy it's
the very essence of idolatry when you identify the creation or part of the creation with the very being of God now he then goes on to tell us that ancient idolators would worship the storm and refer to it as the storm God or the Sun God but in biblical categories God was in the storm but God was not the storm God was in the wind but God was not the wind Hollywood has made it so popular to refer to the sun god or the moon God but you and I should be wise to see that
this is erroneous Doctrine it's extremely important to pay attention to the doctrine you are following throughout scripture we find numerous instances where God lovingly warns his people of impending danger and judgment God's warning to Noah in genes is 6 we encounter the story of Noah and the Ark God warned Noah of the impending flood instructing him to build an ark for the Salvation of his family and the Animals despite facing ridicule and disbelief from others Noah obeyed God's warning and was saved from destruction just as Noah listened to God's warning and found safety in the
ark we must heed God's warnings in our lives to avoid the destructive consequences of Disobedience Jonah's warning War to Nineveh in the Book of Jonah we read how God sent Jonah to warn the city of Nineveh of impending judgment due to their wickedness despite initially resisting God's call Jonah eventually obeyed and delivered the warning to Nineveh remarkably the people of Nineveh repented and God relented from bringing judgment upon them just as Nineveh heeded Jonah's warning and repented we must listen to God's warning and turn from our sinful ways to avoid his righteous judgment Jesus's warning
to the churches in the Book of Revelation Jesus gives warnings to the seven churches urging them to repent and return to their first Love These Warnings address issues such as lukewarmness compromise and spiritual apathy Jesus warns of the consequences of failing to heed his words including being spewed out of his mouth just as the church were warned by Jesus to repent and return to him we must take heed of his warnings in our own lives and strive to remain faithful and obedient to his commands the parable of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25 Jesus tells
the parable of the 10 virgins five of whom were wise and five foolish the wise virgins were prepared with oil for their lamps while the foolish virgins were unprepared when the bridegroom arrived the wise virgins entered the wedding Feast but the door was shut to the foolish virgins who were not ready just as the wise virgins were prepared for the bridegroom's arrival we must be spiritually prepared and Vigilant lest we be caught unprepared and shut out of the kingdom of God and so Jonah Noah and the 10 virgins these are all examples of people who
have taken heed of God's warnings but what about us what are the warnings that we should take heed of well you're about to hear some of the most serious biblical warnings concerning the last days let's dive in 1 John 2:18 says children it is the last hour and as you have heard that Antichrist is coming so now many antichrists have come therefore we know that it is the last hour so take two things away from this verse the Antichrist is coming and many Antichrist have come here we are being forewarned that the great opposer is
coming but what does the bible mean by many antichrists many could there be more than one Antichrist well 1 John 4:3 says and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God this is the spirit of the Antichrist which you heard was coming and now is in the world already so the Bible clearly states that any spirit that refuses to conf confess Jesus Christ is not from God and the key part from this verse is that it says this is the spirit of the Antichrist which you heard was coming and now is in
the world already so here's what we can establish there is the Antichrist there is the spirit of the Antichrist and this Spirit of the Antichrist is already in the world and it's a spirit that refuses to confess Jesus Christ as Lord it refuses to acknowledge Jesus Christ as king now take a moment and think in this world today can you not see the spirit of the Antichrist operating are there not people establishments and institutions that now refuse to acknowledge Jesus Christ for who he is they refuse to acknowledge Him as the Son of God they
refuse to acknowledge Him as the way the truth and the life they even refuse to acknowledge that he died and rose again this is the spirit of the Antichrist in operation now the next warning can be found in Revelation 12:12 which says therefore Rejoice O heavens and you who dwell in them woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the Sea for the devil has come down to you having great wrath because he knows that he has a short time now I want to emphasize the last sentence in this passage of scripture the devil has
come down to you having great wrath because he knows that he has a short time we need to take this seriously in this day and age we need to be a people who abide in God's presence always because there is eternal consequences when we are outside of God's will you see the devil is always looking for opportunities to lead people away from God especially in these last days he is intent to direct people onto a path of Destruction that's why you see the increase in evil nowadays and by evil I mean evil in every sense
in entertainment throughout society and even in many of the ideologies that are pushed out this is all because the devil has great wrath and knows his time is short moving on the Bible in 2 Corinthians 4:4 says in their case the God of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God think about that for a moment the God of this age the God of this world Satan has prevented unbelievers from seeing the light of
the Gospel now in case you didn't know the devil is very influential on this Earth whether you see it or not whether you believe it or not the devil can and has influence influence on the ideals opinions and standards in this world that's why the Bible says the God of this world the devil has his tentacles in the world's philosophies they are in so many institutions and you may think well how exactly does he do this well look at the driving force of many many major companies it's money money has become a god an idol
to many people including the bosses of many major corporations they will track your movements watch what you're watching analyze what you click on some even take your personal information and sell it with the objective of what money money is the number one objective money is the only objective for so many institutions in this world yet the word of God says the love of money is the root to all evil this is just one example but you see the god of this world the devil he blinds unbelievers so that they don't see that things like money
have become an idol their career can be an idol material things can be an idol all of these things can be and are used by the enemy to Blind the minds of unbelievers another strong warning can be found in Matthew 24:12 which states because of the increase of wickedness the love of most will grow cold when Jesus came to fulfill the law the law was Consolidated into two commands to love the Lord with one's whole heart with all your soul and with all your mind and to love your neighbor as yourself and so naturally the
absence of Love would be a Telltale sign of the end of days as we can see today in many parts of the world lives are no longer valued there is a lack of human compassion a lack of kindness between people Jesus commanded us to love others as we love ourselves people's failure to give adequate love to others is simply a reflection of their failure to love even themselves adequately but how can one truly love oneself without appreciating the love of God towards us furthermore the Bible in Ephesians 5:1 15-6 says be very careful then how
you live not as unwise but as wise making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil what does that mean what does the bible mean when it says the days are evil what does it mean when it tells us that the days are filled filled with evil I believe you only need to look at the state of the world today the devil is attacking the very essence of our lives and future he's attacking us in clever ways he's stealing people's time time he's occupying their thoughts he's keeping their eyes from seeing the truth
and he has closed their ears from hearing the truth and what I mean when I say this is that people don't have time for God anymore they don't have time to sit down and study the Bible consistently they don't have time to pray anymore we are so preoccupied with chasing money chasing houses chasing our Ambitions and businesses and he is doing it so subtly by desensitizing ing the general population to evil I'd like to bring your attention to an article published by CBN the headline read the satanic temple planning more Afterschool clubs in response to
Good News clubs here's what the article says in Memphis Tennessee controversy arose following the announcement by TST of its intention to start an Afterschool club for children aged from kindergarten through the fifth grade at a local school June Everett a minister at the satanic Ministry and campaign director for the Afterschool Satan Club emphasized that the club's activities are benign we're not sacrificing children or killing baby goats Everett said in a video posted on the social media platform X the club intends to teach children about Nature and Science portraying Satan as a symbol of kindness and
sharing let me just pause here for a second and highlight what is being said here versus what the Bible ible says TST the satanic temple say they intend to portray Satan as a symbol of kindness and sharing however the Bible says Satan is the father of Lies the Bible says Satan's goal is to steal kill and destroy the Bible says Satan prows around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour once again TST want to portray Satan as a symbol of kindness and sharing but the Bible says in Isaiah 5: 20 woe unto them
that call evil good and good evil that put Darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and Sweet for bitter now keep all of this in mind as we go back to the article TST which currently has 10 Afterschool clubs in Six States started these initiatives as a counter to the child evangelism fellowships CF 3,000 good news clubs in the US and 880,000 worldwide the mission of the good news clubs is to share the gospel with students after school recently a Kansas School District approved the first High School Satan Club proposed
by TST while the initiative has been met with opposition including a petition with over 8,000 signatures the club has fulfilled all requirements for registration and is set to start meeting in the coming weeks so let me ask if the Temple of Satan is really something good and wholesome for children why are they only targeting schools that have after school clubs teaching about Jesus could it be that the devil is trying to establish these Afterschool programs simply to make a stand against Christianity when the Bible tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but
against princip alties against Powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places this is what we're seeing this is how these battles manifest themselves you are hardly ever going to look into the sky and have your spiritual eyes opened to such an extent where you see the battle between demons and angels taking place that will most likely not happen what will happen is that you'll begin to see strange things happen where good is now being called evil and evil is now being called good do you ever turn on
the news or take a peek at your favorite online news outlets and think what is going on it seems that more and more lately we find ourselves throwing our hands up in the air in response to where Society is heading from our conservative non-religious friends to our Brothers and Sisters in Christ we all are in disbelief of how low morality has been sinking lately anyone one with a shred of decency in them is starting to feel more and more out of place in the world today Godly values or any values for that matter are being
tossed out the window daily we look around us at the people who seem to be okay with it all as we scream don't you see what's happening but the silence proves to us that few people actually care or see how we are approaching terribly Wicked times that apathy can sometimes make us think that we're The Crazy Ones the Bible did tell us that the last days would be like the days of Noah this pre flood era is known for being violent and sinful that is why God intervened and sent a global flood Jesus when speaking
about his return said as were the days of Noah so will be the coming of the son of man Matthew 24: 36-37 reads but concerning that day and hour no one knows not even the angels of heaven no nor the son but the father only for as were the days of Noah so will be the coming of the son of man so how do we interpret what Jesus is saying here how do we make it relevant in this day and age that we live in well Noah was a righteous man he was a righteous man
living in a time when the world was filled with sin Society had become perverse and wicked people preferred to do things their own way and evil was rampant in the hearts of many let me stop there and ask a few questions about this current day and age that we live in are we living in a time where the world is filled with sin has Society become perverse and wicked do people prefer to do things their own way and is there evil in this world today as I continue I want you to apply what the days
of Noah were like and compare them to today now before the flood and while Noah was building the ark he spent years and years and years preaching to the people and no one responded people ignored the warnings that God's judgment is coming people ignored the calls to repent now let me ask you how many people can access the gospel today but choose not to how many people hear the gospel today but choose to ignore it I am sure that when Noah preached and after some time when people didn't see the flood coming I believe he
would have been mocked by some and persecuted even now in this day and age are Christians being mocked are they being persecuted we get another good insight into the sinful mind of man as we get closer to the return of Christ in 2 Peter 3 from verse 1 to 3 the Bible says beloved I now write to you this Second Epistle in both of which I stir up your pure Minds by way of reminder that you may be mindful of The Words which were spoken before by the holy prophets and of the Commandment of us
the Apostles of the Lord and Savior knowing this first that scoffers will come in the last days walking according to their own lusts when people hear about God the Bible or wholesome and Traditional Values these days what do they tend to do you guessed it scoff why do people scoff at the very principles that we hold dear is it because they would rather follow their own sinful desires than follow after Christ the devil has people convinced tricked and absolutely Hoodwinked today that their sin is good and God is somehow bad most people don't even see
that their Sin is Sin most people have been tricked into thinking that the sin which harms them is good for them furthermore the devil has planted the lie in people's minds that God is some restrict Ive Tyrant what people do not understand is that it's not only the fact that God hates sin and that we should avoid it it's also that those very sins people want to cling to are what destroy us in the end the Temple of Satan is not alone in this train of thought all around the world today Society seems to be
doing everything in its power to stand in the way of people learning about Christ more and more we see Society accepting and even promoting Lifestyles ideologies and activities that are directly against God why does the Bible say in proverbs 4 verse 23 Above All Else guard your heart for everything you do flows from it look at that the Bible says above all else why why is it that the heart should be guarded so closely so diligently well I believe that Satan The Serpent of old is after our hearts especially in these last days the plan
of the enemy is to attack your heart it's to infiltrate your heart so that you would be consumed with everything but God the Bible tells us that the spirit of antichrist is already in operation in this world and think about that for a minute there is so much deception today entertainment is deceiving appearing to be good when there's an evil agenda music is deceiving it's sounding good but there is an evil agenda behind it some churches are deceiving they have a form of godliness but there is a subtle evil and in these last days you'll
begin to see more and more mockers and scoffers of the Gospel appear 2 Peter 3:4 says they will say where is the promise of his coming for ever since the fathers fell asleep all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation for they deliberately overlooked this fact that the heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and through Water by the word of God and that by means of these the world that then existed was deluged with water and perished but by the same word the heavens and earth
that now exist are stored up for fire being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly the Bible says that in the last days people will mock the return of Christ as well as Creation in general people take for granted that God is long suffering and they think that because he won't return this very second and judge their wickedness he either doesn't exist or doesn't care in this portion of scripture the Bible tells us that they deliberately Overlook the obvious Works God has accomplished in nature the handiwork of God is all around
us in creation and yet they choose to ignore it Romans 1 makes mention of this and tells us that people are without excuse because even by looking around in nature it is obvious that God exists and made the world also there's evidence of a global flood and they chose to ignore that also in the name of science Society comes up with all kinds of bizarre teachings that are contrary to God and Common Sense this is all done in an attempt to pretend he does not exist people are going to to continue standing against all that
we believe in there is no changing that what we can do is realize what exactly is going on and wake up to the fact that sin is rampant in this world and when we realize that we must raise our banners high and sound the alarm it is our duty as God's people to stand up to this wickedness around us stand firm on God's word
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