Why Did God JUDGE The Sin Of David So Severely? - Be CAREFUL Of This

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why did God judge the sins of David So severely be careful of this why would God judge a man who is after God's Own Heart understanding the nature of God especially in relation to sin can often be misunderstood a common phrase we hear is God loves The Sinner but hates the sin however the statement can be misleading in this video we will be breaking down the nature of God using the story of David God's nature to hate sin it is important we understand that God's love for Sinners doesn't negate his hatred for sin the Bible
plainly says that God really loathes wickedness and evil you are not a God who Delights in wickedness evil may not dwell with you the boastful shall not stand before your eyes you hate all evildoers Psalm 5: 4-5 in this verse God doesn't like bad behavior or evil Deeds this is consistent with what we know about God being good and just he's all about what's right and fair so naturally he wouldn't be happy with anything that's wrong or unjust there is also an emphasis on the fact that those who continually engage in evil Deeds who make
a habit of doing wrong aren't going to be in good standing with God it's like when you have someone in your life who keeps doing bad things you might start keeping your distance from them it's kind of like that with God but because David understood the nature of God his desire was always to chase after God's heart by repenting of his sins to ensure God's presence in his life David was never arrogant about his actions he accepted the fact that he was at fault this was one thing God valued in David his humility and the
phrase you hate all who do wrong is pretty intense it doesn't mean that God hates people in the way we might have someone who cut us off in traffic it's more about hating the wrong actions the sins that people commit similarly the Lord tests the righteous but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence Psalm 11:5 this verse offers a direct and straightforward view of how God views righteousness and wickedness and it can provide some insight into why God judged David's sins so severely let's break this down this verse tells us two
main things first God closely looks at or examines the righteous those who try to live good and moral lives it's like God is paying attention to how people are living and making choices it's not just about following rules it's about the heart and intentions behind actions second the verse says that God really dislikes even hates the wicked and those who love violence this doesn't mean that God is full of hate like how humans might hate it's more about how strongly God opposes anything that is evil or harmful God's nature is good and just so anything
that goes against that like hurting others being unjust or causing harm is something God can't stand David was a Man Who Loved God and was considered righteous in many ways but he also committed some sever sins like his affair with beath Sheba and arranging for her husband Uriah to be killed in battle these actions were clearly against what God stands for they were unjust and caused harm here is how the story began the sins of David David was the king of Israel known for his bravery his leadership and his close relationship with God he was
The Man Who as a young Shepherd defeated Goliath with just a sling and a stone people respected and loved him but like everyone David wasn't perfect David and bath Sheeba the story starts in 2 Samuel 11 one evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of his Palace from there he saw beautiful woman bathing this woman was beath Sheba the wife of Uriah one of David's soldiers despite knowing she was married David sent for her and slept with her she later sent word to David that she was pregnant now David
had a big problem he tried to cover it up first he called Uriah back from the war hoping he would go home to Beth Sheba and everyone would think the baby was Urias but Uriah being loyal to his fellow Soldier still in battle didn't go home David even got him drunk but still Uriah didn't go to his house the murder of Uriah when that plan failed David took a drastic step he sent Uriah back to the battlefield and instructed his Commander to put Uriah on the front lines where the fighting was fiercest and then pulled
back so Uriah would be killed and that's exactly what happened in ancient times battles were fought up close and personal there were no long-range missiles or drones soldiers fought hand toand with swords Spears and shields being on the front lines meant you were in the thick of the action directly facing the enemy it was the most dangerous part of the battlefield where the fighting was most intense and the risk of injury or death was highest so when King David instructed his Commander to put Uriah on the front lines he wasn't just giving him a difficult
assignment he was sending him into the most perilous part of the battle it was almost a certain death sentence especially with the added instruction to pull back the other soldiers leaving Uriah exposed and without support In the Heat of battle soldiers relied on each other for a defense and support removing that support made Uriah extremely vulnerable now you can understand why to God this was considered Injustice and David had to face the consequences of his sins why did David do this if you follow the story carefully you will notice David's desperate attempt to cover up
his affair with Beth Sheba after she became pregnant by getting rid of Uriah David probably thought he could marry B Sheba and make the whole problem go away without anyone noticing his wrongdoing it was a pretty drastic and morally wrong move by David this is a great example of how one sin can lead to another escalating the situation David's initial sin of adultery led to deception and eventually to arranging uriah's death after uriah's death David married Beth Sheba and she bore him a son but what David did displease the Lord 2 Samuel 11:27 God was
not going to let this slide so he sent Nathan the prophet to David Nathan told David a story about a rich man who took a poor man's only lamb to prepare a meal for a visitor instead of using one of his own many sheep David angered by the Injustice in the story said the rich man deserved to die Nathan then turned to David and said said you are the man 2 Samuel 12:7 this was Nathan's way of telling David that he was the one who had done wrong David realized the gravity of his sins unlike
his initial attempts to hide or escape from his wrongdoing he genuinely repented he said to Nathan I have sinned against the Lord 2 Samuel 12:13 David wrote Psalm 51 a beautiful expression of repentance asking for God's mercy and forgiveness but even though David repented his actions had consequences Nathan told David that the sword would never depart from his house and that what he did in secret God would do before all of Israel in broad daylight 2 Samuel 12: 10 and 12 and indeed David's family life became quite turbulent after this the first child born to
beath Sheeba and David died and there were other painful family situations that followed the story of David and beath sheba teaches us several things first it shows that no one is above Temptation and sin not even a great king or a man after God's Own Heart it also shows how one sin can lead to another from lust to adultery to deception to murder it's a slippery slope second it demonstrates the seriousness with which God views sin despite d AV close relationship with God his sins were not overlooked they had serious consequences this part of David's
story reminds us that our actions matter and that we are accountable for them lastly the story is about God's mercy in the midst of judgment even after committing such serious sins David was forgiven when he repented this doesn't mean he escaped the consequences but he did receive forgiveness Psalm 51 is a testament to God's mercy and willingness to forgive a repentant heart still wondering why did God judge David's sin so severely it's because God cares deeply about Justice and righteousness when David who was known to be a man after God's Own Heart committed these grave
sins and went against everything God values David's actions showed a disregard for life and for the righteous ways God wanted him to live it's here that we see God's nature in full spectrum God's punishment of David demonstrates his profound disapproval of sin sin in the Bible's perspective is not an abstract concept floating around it's deeply rooted in the human heart sin expresses a rejection of God a deviation from his perfect will when we sin it's not just an action it's a reflection of our inner State a rebellion against God this is why 1st Samuel chap
15:23 equates Rebellion with the sin of Witchcraft when God punished David he wasn't being mean or cruel he was upholding his righteous nature God's punishments aren't just to penalize they're also meant to help fix and improve things through his suffering David came to an understanding of his own sinfulness and God's mercy lesson this teaches us that no matter how close someone is to God or how righteous they might seem when they do something that's clearly wrong it's taken seriously by God it's a reminder that actions have consequence and even those who are generally good can
make mistakes that are against God's ways but it's also a story of redemption because despite his severe sins David repented and God forgave him showing that God's love and mercy are also a huge part of who he is so why does this matter to us it matters because it shows that God's hatred of sin is not detached from his love for us think about it if God hated Sinners and not just sin would he have sent his son to die for us while we were still Sinners As Romans 5:8 declares it's his very Act of
sending Jesus a testament to his love for Sinners but then does this mean God overlooks our sins because he loves us absolutely not God's love and hatred of sin coexist his love doesn't excuse our sins rather it provides a way to redemption in disciplining David God was not rejecting him he was bringing him back to the right path so what should our response be first we must recognize the seriousness of sin and its consequences sin separates us from God and if left unaddressed it leads to Eternal separation from him secondly we must understand that God's
hatred of sin is part of his holy nature he hates sin because he is good and sin is the exact opposite of his goodness finally we must Embrace God's provision for our sin Jesus Christ Jesus's sacrifice on the cross is the ultimate expression of God's love for Sinners for God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life John 3:16 the story of David and God's response to his sin teaches us a vital lesson about the nature of God God hates sin because
it's contrary to his holy nature but his love for Sinners led him to provide a way of redemption we like David can find forgiveness and Restoration in him but let's not forget the seriousness of sin and God's absolute disapproval of it the question for us is how do we respond to this profound truth why would God allow an innocent child to die this is especially hard to understand when we think of God as loving and just Nathan tells David that because of his actions the child born to him and Beth Sheba Would Die 2 Samuel
12:14 this part of the Bible is hard to read why would God let an innocent baby suffer for the sins of his parents first let's remember that God's ways are different from our ways we can't fully understand his actions or his reasons but we can try to make some sense of it one thing to remember is that sin has consequences and sometimes those consequences affect more than just the person who sinned it's like when someone breaks the law and their family suffers because of it in David's case his sins were not just personal he was
the King and his actions had a big impact by taking bath Sheba and killing Uriah he set a terrible example and showed great disrespect to God God's punishment for David was severe ongoing trouble in his family public humiliation for a private sin and ultimately the death of his son now about the child's death it's important to understand that from God's perspective death isn't the end the Bible teaches us that when children die they are with with God 2 Samuel 12:23 it doesn't make the death of a child any less sad or tragic but it does
give us a different Viewpoint for the child being with God is a good thing even though it's incredibly hard for those left behind some people might think wasn't there another way for God to punish David without the child dying we don't know all the reasons why God does what he does but we do know that God's justice and his Mercy go hand in hand he punishes sin but he also offers forgiveness and restoration that doesn't mean there were no consequences but it does show God's mercy in a fallen world where sin exists sad and hard
things happen God doesn't enjoy our suffering but he allows it for reasons we might not understand and in the midst of it he's still a god of love and mercy he doesn't treat us as our sins deserve he has not dealt with us according to our sins as we deserve nor rewarded us with punishment according to our wickedness Psalm chap 103:10 he's compassionate and his love for us is huge it is because of the Lord's loving kindness that we are not consumed because his tender compassions never fail Lamentations 3:22 this might seem a bit confusing
when we think about the story of David his child died as a consequence of his sin so how does that show God's great love and unfailing compassion let's try to unpack it first remember the context of Lamentations it was written during a really hard time for the Israelites they were suffering greatly and yet the writer believed to be the Prophet Jeremiah is still talking about God's love and compassion it's a reminder that even in the worst of times God's love is still there his compassion doesn't stop because we're going through tough times now back to
David when his son died because of David's sin it was a severe consequence no doubt about it but this story isn't just about punishment it's also about mercy and restoration David sinned by committing adultery and murder and there were consequences for that but despite these sins God didn't turn away from David instead he brought David to a place of deep repentance lesson in allowing the child to die God was showing that sin has serious consequences but at the same time he was working to bring it back to the right path it's like when a parent
disciplines a child the parent doesn't stop loving the child they're trying to correct them and bring them back on track so Lamentations 3:22 is a reminder that even when we face the consequences of our sins God's love and compassion are still there he's not out to destroy us but to bring us back to him his compassion is about our long-term good not just making things easy for us in the moment this doesn't make the death of of David's child any less tragic it's a heartbreaking part of the story but it does help us see that
God's actions are always rooted in his love and compassion even when they're hard to understand it's a reminder that God's ultimate goal is to draw us closer to him to turn us away from sin and to guide us into a deeper more meaningful relationship with him why didn't God punish David directly for his sins wouldn't that be more straightforward here's where we see the depth of God's justice and mercy Mery in an honor-based culture like the ancient near East being alive but Dishonored could be worse than death David living with the consequences of his actions
was a more unique statement than if he had simply been killed this punishment showed the gravity of sin it's not something to be taken lightly but what about the child the death of David and B sheba's infant son is the part that really troubles us why would an innocent suffer for the sins of his parents it seems so unfair but from God's perspective it's not about punishing the child it's about the consequences of David's actions in the Bible we often see that the consequences of sin are far-reaching affecting more than just the sinner this doesn't
mean God is unjust rather it shows how sin disrupts God's perfect plan when we sin it's not just about us it affects others around us sometimes in ways we can't even imagine now let's think about atonement in the Old Testament the concept of atonement was about restoring The Sinner to God it wasn't just about punishment it was about reconciliation this is key to understanding why God didn't just kill David God's goal is not to destroy us because of our sins but to bring us back into fellowship with him that's why he provided ways for people
to atone for their sins David's repentance was important it showed that David understood the gravity of his actions and turned back to God and this this is where we see God's mercy shining through despite the harshness of David's sin God forgave him the story has a lot to teach us it shows us that sin is serious and has real consequences it reminds us that our actions can hurt others not just ourselves but it also shows us that God is merciful he doesn't abandon us in our sin he provides a way back to him in a
way the story of David is our story too we all sin and we all face the consequ quences of our actions but like David we are also offered forgiveness and restoration God's justice and mercy are not opposing forces they work together to bring us back to him so
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