Watch these 49 minutes if you want to explode your sales in 2025..

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Jeremy Miner
The only book on sales you'll ever need: Text me if you hav...
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tell me why should I go with your company because I take the chaos out of sales so you can grow why should I go with you because we changed people's lives with the technology why should I go with you cuz we transform the way people sell using AI technology okay so I want you you and you to come up on stage with me real quick real quick now if I asked one of of your competitors the same question and I said why should I go with them what do you think they might say you know
you're competitor so my competitors they I said if I asked them why we're going to increase sales okay so they like Hey we're increase Sal we're going to increase sales okay if I asked one of your competitors the same question I said why should I go with them what do you think they might say they would say they have more features more benefits they provide better value and that sort of thing and if I ask your competitors to say same question why should I go with them what do you think they might say different coaching
technique or a different AI okay just similar what I think I'm hearing all of you start to say is that in your prospect's mind you all sound the saying could that be a problem for you and your salespeople if I asked you to describe sales or selling and just do that in one word what would that word be solving Solutions what else relevance relevance that's good what else helping I love that what else Rel relationships education okay I agree with all of you I would say all of those things are 100% accurate when I first
got into sales and I'll go over my background a little bit here in a second I started to understand that selling was about really one thing only and it was this change all selling is is change all sales are about one thing only and that is change so whether your prospects are wanting something better or they're moving away from pain it's all about change so it's about how good you and your salespeople are at getting your prospects to view that in their mind that by them changing their situation that means purchasing what you're offering your
solutions that by them doing that that is far less risky for them than them doing nothing at all staying in the status C their problems stay the same and nothing ever changes in reality which is more risky now here's your problem though human beings don't like change think about what I just said sales is all about change yet human beings do not like change even though we say we do and why do we not like change well we especially do not like it when it's initiated by some pushy salesperson who's ready to pitch their products
or Services too early in the conversation and repeatedly human behavior shows that we value something that is more familiar to us even if we don't like it that much over something that is let's say new something that is foreign to us and I'll give you an example of this raise your hand you all know the person in your mind already raise your hand if you have a relative a family member a business associate a friend and every time you talk to them all they talk about and complain about is the relationship they're in raise your
hand everybody has that person like they always like oh my girlfriend's bad my boyfriend's bad only four of you nobody else has people to complain to about their relationships raise your hand we all have that person right now they complain about the relationship they're in and do you ever wonder why they don't leave that relationship do you know why well it's because they're a human and humans are afraid of change see that's that word change again so how do we help our prospects overcome the fear of change because that's what your people are going up
against with pretty much every Prospect they're ever going to talk to is that fear how do we get them to do it it's very easy once your teams acquire the necessary skills to do that it's very hard if they don't hence that's why so many have to play the numbers game all right now let's start here realize this we are not selling the thing we are selling the results of what your thing your product your service your program whatever you sell does for them you're not selling the thing itself I'll give you a few examples
I picked just a couple of Industries in here if you are let's say if you sell business Consulting you're not really selling them Consulting you're you might be selling that company uh better operations so they can scale their company and really grow their business that's what you'd be selling right if you sold life insurance to a family you're not selling them a policy or coverage you're selling them the what the results of what that policy does for them when one spouse dies and the rest of the family's financially protected that's what you're selling if you're
selling let's say let's say you're a Head Hunter for a recruiting agency Big Industry word you're not selling them for this client maybe a new sales manager you're selling them the results of what that new sales manager does for the business which is to drive revenue and help grow the sales team that's what you're selling if you're selling I can show this for every industry if you're selling cyber security to Banks you're not selling them cyber security or some software you might be selling them on proding their false positive rate so they continually stop rejecting
good clients see we're selling the results of the thing not the thing itself now here's my question for you how are you going to have a competitive advantage over everybody else in your industry this year and Beyond I'm assuming your competitors are all saying what they're the best right everybody says they're the best how are we going to do that how are we going to have a competitive Advantage it's simply this the ones the teams who learn the companies who learn what to say and ask the that cause their prospects to want to engage and
open up rather than try to get rid of you are always the ones who will always Dominate and win now what I'm going to do today is I'm going to show you how we going to do this how are we going to do this together because it's all talk until we what acquire the skills necessary to achieve so we're going to go over three steps to becoming the trusted Authority in your prospect's mind that could be you that could be your sales teams it doesn't really matter number one becoming a problem finder and problem solver
not a product Pusher product pushers don't do that well in our day and age number two asking the right questions at the right time but especially with the right tone because your tone is how the prospect interprets the meaning behind why you're even asking the question in the first place and then number three eliminating sales resistance so your prospects let their guard down now I'm going to give you a little bit of my background because my background relates to what is necess Neary if you want to take your own sales ability as a leader and
the teams that you represent to a level that a lot of sales people just don't really understand they could be now I got started in sales 22 years ago 23 years ago getting old now as a broke burned out college student I got my first job selling home security systems daughter that's an actual real picture from 23 years ago like people took pictures like that you can't even see the numbers and I got my first job selling door to-door alarm system now raise your hand and if you ever sold door to door when you were
younger so I know who my people are okay we're like a we're like a family you know what I mean right so you know how you know how it goes so they the company hires everybody straight commission like hey you're hired they give you a script they give you a couple books by the sales gurus they tra you out in the van they basically like you know kick you out of the van and they're like hey go make some sales it'll be easy we'll pick you up after dark you know what I mean now I
remember I still remember I was the last one out of this van I was like nervous I was 21 I in college and I remember looking back at my sales manager as I walked to that first house his name was exan you know like the the surfer guys you know the curly blonde hair and he's like yo Miner remember when you knock on the door show them your enthusiasm show them how excited you are show them that you believe in the product and they're going to believe in the product I was like that makes sense
if I'm really excited about it if I show them I believe in it then somehow magically they're going to want to buy I mean what did I know I was 21y old so I started knocking on the doors I was really excited talking about my features and my benefits and we had the number one this in the AA Brady WR a business of this and I started noticing from the very first store that didn't work very well and I started getting all these objections we don't need it we can't afford it it's too expensive I
need to talk with my spouse I need to keep looking around I need to do more research I need to think it over can you call me back in a week a month a year later raise your hand I better see every hand hand raised here if you ever got one of those objections when you're in or your people get those objections raise your hand okay some of you get no objections or never perfect closers closed at 100% rate I don't know what I'm going to do with this room what are we going to do
so I remember standing there about seven eight weeks in barely making any sales and when you sell door to door you get a big base salary oh no it's straight commission so I remember standing there one late Friday evening just sweat drenching down my CH my legs like just like jell if you sold door door you know what I'm talking about after you walk around 12 hours i' made zero sales so I made Z in fact that week I made zero sales and zero dollars so that's a net of zero and I sat there I
still remember like my my right foot like rubbing into like the hot asphalt and I thought maybe selling just wasn't for me you ever felt that way yourself your teams ever felt that you ever had more money go out of your bank account than you had coming in well that's where I was at desperate when my sales manager exan picked us up that night he popped in a Tony Robins CD yes 23 years ago people listen to those round things called CDs it's like aerica I don't know what were and Tony said something like this
and Tony changed my view of what skill set and what learning actually even meant and I could be butchering it so forgive me Father Tony Robbins if I've sinned but here's what he said he said you will fail for the simple reason reason you don't learn the right skills now he actually went on to say everyone is taught skills but he says there are a difference in what level of skill you actually acquire because I'd never thought about that I thought all salese were taught the same things you got the same results but he said
there are certain people that have mastered skills that have a a more advanced way of training that can actually cause you to retain those skills and actually have a better result from those skills and to me that was like a light bulb moment it was like divine intervention from like the heavens above that maybe just maybe what the company was training me and what I was learning from the sales gurus maybe they just weren't the most effective skills anymore maybe they're just a bit outdated so I committed to myselfy I'm going to have to learn
these skills because not making any money because I know I know you like me want to provide a great lifestyle for your family and really lead and grow your companies but here is my dilemma my college professors in school where I started behavoral science and social dynamics they were telling me that the most persuasive way to communicate was over here but the sales gurus in their sales training programs they were saying it was over here so this you know this is like a dilemma this is exact opposite so I'm like okay I'm learning how the
brain makes decisions with human behavior so how do I learn the right questions to ask how how do I learn how to use my body language how do I learn how to use my tonality to get my prospects to do all the work and sell themselves rather than me try to sell them to get my prospects to overcome their own objections rather than me trying to overcome their objections to get my prospects to pull me in rather than push and pressure them and overnight selling became very very easy and exceptionally profitable now why did I
just tell you my story because none of you really give a damn about my story do you why because you're a human and you care more about your own story right that's just Behavioral Science 101 but I told you that story because I'm not anyone famous in fact I'm just like you I'm just a person who very early on in their life realized that if I was going to really provide a great lifestyle for my family I was not going to be able to follow the status quo and sell like all the other salespeople selling
I was not going to be able to get to a higher level unless I started learning a more advanced way of selling than simply using traditional or consultative selling skills unfortunately for me I wasn't born out of my mother's womb with Advanced questioning skills raise your hand if you're born with Advanced questioning skills oh nobody oh just you I wasn't born out of my mother's womb with Advanced tonality skills raise your hand if you're born with advanced tonality oh nobody right see I wasn't born with Advanced objection handling and objection prevention skills raise your hand
if you're born with objection handling skills nobody so when we hear oh that person's a natural born closer that means it's BS anybody do a DNA test oh we have their blood type they're definitely a closer what does that mean if a kid who grew up in the middle of Missouri on a cat Ranch outside of a town with less than 800 people can acquire those skills what does it mean for your own teams they can acquire the same skills even if they're already doing well even if you were already doing 10 billion a year
in Revenue when they acquire Advanced way of ability and sales skill level you can do two three five times that production even if you're already the number one in the market now how are we going to do that because it's all talk until we what we acquire the skills skill number one let's get into this becoming a problem finder and Problem Solver not a product Pusher raise your hand if the prospects you talk to have problems and or emotional needs raise your hand I I think everybody should raise their hand in here because you shouldn't
be in business if you don't solve a problem and or emotional need right there's some products and services that solve emotional needs right does a $500,000 Ferrari solve a problem not necessarily unless you're a race car driver but it does solve a what an emotional need because maybe you moved into a neighborhood and the new doctor's got the new Ferrari and you want to keep up with the you want to raise your status in their mind that you're also successful maybe as a kid your dad said you would Mount to anything so you want to
show him he's wrong so you go out and buy all that $500,000 car anything that's ever been invented solves a problem and or an emotional need so what I want you to do I'm going to have you take 30 seconds grab a pen and a piece of paper I'm not going to give any more time I want you to write down the two biggest problems that your solution solves I'm going to come around and ask some of you just write down the two biggest problems that your Solutions solve 25 seconds somebody got any yell it
out yeah go right there ma'am go ahead uh information visibility and cost andity management okay good somebody else two biggest problems your your go ahead ma'am yeah employee turn and burnout oh that's a big one Trisha that's huge I already know what industry you're in okay now I want you to look at the two problems all of you just wrote down so look at it look at the two problems and or emotional needs you solve I want you to raise your hand if your solution solves those everybody should raise their hand on this one because
that could be trouble if your solution doesn't solve those now here's the question I have for you if your prospects have problems and emotional needs and your solution solves those why are so many prospects not buying from you what's the missing they don't make any sense they've got problems you can solve them why are so many not buying from you ah now before I suggest you what that could be I'm going to suggest you what it's not it's not your prospects that your salespeople are talking about oh you don't understand they're all broke they're just
they just all have fear the leads not the leads it's not that they don't have the right mindset enough or they don't Journal enough or take enough cold showers in the morning that's not really going to help you sell anymore I like that not going to help you sell anymore it's not that they don't read enough personal development I love personal development but when the prospect says hello if your people don't know what to say and ask quickly that cause that Prospect to let their guard down all that personal development goes out the window really
quickly right and they're not motivated would you say that a lot of your most of your sales people are motivated you do a good job motivating them right and would you say that you and your salese work hard raise your hand if you work hard well I hope to see everybody's hand raised on that one see if it's none of those things then what could it actually be now before I suggest you what I what I feel that could be can I ask you like a really cheesy question that I already know what you're going
to say raise your hand if you want to Triple your company Revenue in the next 12 months see we're all like oh yes of course Jeremy that's a dumb question of course right now keep Your Hand raised if your salese can triple their hours what I don't understand you can triple your Revenue how you going to you're going to have to make them work three times they already work eight to 10 hours a day or they're going to work like 24 I I don't think you go past 24 so if your salese can't triple their
hours how are you going to Triple their clo closing percentages their closing ratios their quality is by this they have to learn much better questions to ask than what they currently have been trained right they have to learn how to use their tonality to get their prospects to let their guard down than what they currently know how to do and they're also going to have to learn how to prevent a lot of objections that they don't know how to prevent in the prospect's mind right now because if we can't do that there's no way to
get to the next level who in here raise your hand if you like to read books or you like to go through like training programs I I love going through books training programs raise your hand if if you've ever heard of a guy named Brian Tracy yeah you love Brian really good friends with Brian you know Brian followed my career my first sales seminar I ever went to was in the fall of 2001 after that door thing that you saw me on because I'm like I got to learn how to do this and Brian said
something that really lasted in my head and Brian said use your car as a university on Wheels and from that day forward turn off the radio you know get old Taylor Swift and ACDC and all the political talk shows because how much money how many sales is that helping your team make every month listen to all that stuff oh zero Bagels right and I started listening or watching to five books or five training programs a month times 12 months a year so that's 60 books or 60 training programs on sales persuasion and influence times the
last 23 years and in every single book every single training program I've ever went through true as you know there's three main things it says they always say sales is a numbers game ABC's of closing we've all seen that one and you have to be a problem solver like some of that but if you really peel back what problem solving means how can you be how can your teams be problem solvers if prospects don't the prospect doesn't buy from them how are you Problem Solver if they don't buy see problem solving happens after they buy
after you've actually solved their problems right you want to get your sales people really really honed in and good they got to get better at what we call problem finding problem finder now what is problem finding realize this I think all of you know that when your people or even you talk to prospects maybe if you're doing that when you first start talking to your prospects most of them don't even know they have a problem would we would we be right or maybe they know they kind of have a problem but they don't really understand
how bad the problem really is the depth of the problem and they especially don't understand what the consequences of what happens if they don't solve the problem now what are most sales people I hate to say this most sales people been trained to be called what we call product pushers we as we've been trained to ask a few logical based questions uh can you tell me two problems that keep you awake at night can you tell me some challenges you're having what are you looking for in a solution they tell us a problem they tell
us what they're looking for a solution and what most of our sales people do go into pitch mode Talk talk about the features and benefits and how we have the best this the best that and that's like taking a bucket of mud and like you know throwing it against the wall hoping and praying that something we're going to say is going to magically cause that Prospect to want to buy from us we see some of you heard this term we in our company we call that hopium it's a drug that so many salese take where
we just hope and pray slide 46 is going to magically cause them to want to let their guard down and buy from that it's a hard and unpredictable way for salespeople to make a living and for you to really grow your business to where you could be now let's go to step number two we're going to start getting into more tactical stuff here the last 30 minutes now that's asking the right questions but at the right time in the conversation now here is what most salespeople and most companies don't understand simply because they don't have
a background in human behavior and human psychology according to Behavioral Science there are three forms of communication now I would suggest that you write these down because once you understand the differences in Persuasion and where you as a leader and where your sales people are now even if you're doing really well compared to where you could be it will completely change the ball game for your organization now the first mode of communication era one type of sell I'm not going to give the scientific term for probably bory to death but if I said the words
Boiler Room selling what's the first image that comes to your mind Boiler Room selling what's the first image you just thought of tell me what tell what is it call center what else Boiler Room selling first image image that comes to your mind scammy what else hot and steamy hot and steamy would it be something would it be something maybe oh somebody threw a really cool slide in there would it be something like this wolf on Wall Street hey I got a great opportunity for it that we push and pressure them and try to manipulate
them into buying what we want them to buy according to the data the pesky data this is is the least persuasive way to sell hence sales is a numbers game because of the way we're selling so according to the data we're the least persuasive when we tell people things when we attempt to dominate them posture them manipulate them push or pressure them now I'm going to give you a few forms of the least persuasive way to sell presenting I know don't get angry at me I know you like your 90minut slide deex I know some
of you we you know pull out the presentation the slide decks we go over we have the best this we have the best say here's a picture of our corporate offices here's a picture of our Founders they have the most Integrity I think everybody says that uh would hope they'd have the most Integrity here's a picture of our JD Customer Service Awards here's a picture of our clients here's a picture of our lice windows we have the best this we have the best that which by the way how many salese would you know say that
their product or service is yeah you know we're 17th best in the market every company in sales people says what we're number one we're the best even if you are your prospects don't believe you are do you know why because they're used to every salesperson who's ever tried to sell them anything saying what we're number one we're the best So when you say things like that or you talk down to your competition they actually psychologically start to trust you less okay so we have to be careful that now that doesn't mean you don't have a
presentation we train 161 different Industries in the world according to Forbes there's 163 we're 161 in all those subcategories so the data on this shows us the average salesperson in any organization presents about half of the time we have to get that all the way down to 10% that's a whole another training what about telling your story hate to tell you this when you're selling one to one nobody cares about your story whose story do they care about their own what about this putting sales pressure on them see there's a big difference in getting your
prospects to feel so much internal tension from your questioning ability compared to pushing where they feel like they need to start making a change compared to trying to externally persuade them by pushing and pressuring I'm going to show you some tactical example of this in a minute and here's a big one assuming this oh you're going to get upset some of assuming the sale especially if it's too early in the conversation before you built a gap from where they are to where they want to be it's exactly why some of the sales trainers you might
have learned from nobody in this room we got a lot of great people in here I've looked you guys up say sales is a numbers game right what that sales trainer just told you is hey uh you know what I'm training you doesn't really work that well so unfortunately you're just going to have to work a lot harder you're just going have to call more leads get a lot more nose get more thick skin you're just going to have to work harder how does that give you any competitive Advantage you say those people just going
to work more hours okay now the big one secondary of s is consultative selling I think a lot of us are familiar with that maybe raise your hand if you've heard of consultative selling consultative selling came out in the 70s early 880s Sandler Institute books like spin selling Neil rackam revolutionary at that time compared to Bo the room selling okay but they taught that you needed to ask especially spin selling taugh you need to ask logical based questions to find the needs of the client but what's a potential downfall of only asking logical base we
call surface level questions what answers do our prospects give us in return surface level answers and to human beings by on emotion or logic 100% logic I feel like grabbing this cup to take a drink I feel like every decision you start to make starts with their emotional side of your brain because I'm thirsty justify with logic now more persuasive than the first mode but we're still losing people because I always say this you can never sell to just the needs of the client I know that's her that's that's evil Jeremy why would you say
that why would you never sell to just the needs of the client because most of your prospects don't know what they need when you first start talking to them would it be right it's like getting a headache I'll give an example get a headache right you think oh I got a migraine I go to the doctor go to the ER or I go to to urgent care you think you have a migraine you think that's what you need she starts asking you some pointed questions about the pain and how long you've had the pain and
what the pain feels like and what the Pain's doing to you what the Pain's preventing you from doing and suddenly her questions start to get you to feel what internal tension that you might have a much bigger problem than you originally thought you had she then suggests you do a CAT scan it comes back you have a tumor it's terminal you got 3 months to live the solution is $2 million to take that tumor out your insurance covers 90% leaving with you $200,000 well you thought you needed hundred now you know what your real problems
are so you're going to go out and get the funding for that that's why we always sell to the real problems our questionability allows the prospect to find that they didn't understand they have now I'm going to give you a few examples of consultative questions myself and our sales trainers see these on our desk all the time with scripts from every industry stay away from these no bueno who in here is guilty hey John can you can you tell me two challenges that are keeping you awake at night how many of your pro be like
oh my gosh you have NOA now you'll get something the lay downs will as my good friend Brian Tracy says every blind you know blind scroll eventually finds a nut but I got to rework that question to get them to open up to want to tell me because they've your prospects have heard that script before they know what you're trying to do so what if I word it to this I mean you're already working with XYZ company I what's caused you to feel like you might want to look at someone else well don't get us
wrong JY we like them but the reason why we're looking is and now they start to open up why because I got them to defend themselves on why they're looking to make a change now there's a whole lot more of that I wish I had more time to break that down for you that's generic all right that's called an npq problem awareness question who's been guilty of this what are your goals for the business let's say if you sold business consulting or you're a marketing agency uh John can you tell me your goals for the
business that is such a vague question they could go 75 different directions and you have no control of where you want their mind to go as far as framing them it's too vague so what if I ask this question so what what are you wanting to scale to specifically in the next 12 months now that is a specific question that forces their brain to do what think about what I asked very specifically I'm taking them down a path to help them uncover problems they didn't understand what about this one who's guilty of this in the
first five minutes uh what type of budget do you have for this type of project how can they know what their budget is for problems they don't even know they have yet you would never want to ask that question too early on because they don't know what the real problems are too early in the conversation so your budget's always going to be lower now instead I might word it like this now when I went from door too my next career for the next six years was highle B2B Enterprise sales debt relief services okay and I
started I'm like why are they using words like budget because budget means what limit I don't want them to have a limit-based mindset so I started changing it to funding what type of funding do you have to put into this so you're able to and I repeat back what they said they wanted funding sounds what that's smart I'm funding this thing so I can get to hear budget sounds like I'm capped see words matter how is your tone matters okay that's an NQ qualifying question now error number three according to behavior science we're the most
persuasive when we allow when we get others to persuade themselves that's called dialogue when we ask what are called neuro emotional persuasion questions so when I say neq that's what I mean neuro emotional persuasion questions write that down that's important to you right now now here are the five stages of npq I don't have time to give you guys like industry specific examples of all the different Industries in here I gave a I'm going to give a few here and if we ever work together training of your teams I don't know if some of you
are already clients these questions I'm about to show you will be far more specific I mainly going to give you generic ones that will kind of work really for anybody here okay how do you get your prospects to view your salespeople even you at a networking event at a higher status how are salespeople viewed in society in general low status right but why if nothing's sold there's no economy if there's no economy there's no such thing as a society so shouldn't sales people be viewed at a high status why are they not it's because of
the way we've been taught how to communicate causes our prospects to run the other way so how do we get them to view US higher status as a trusted Authority rather than somebody just trying to sell them something now in Behavioral Science this is called social dynamics this is what I went to school for I know you guys are all smart in here this is all I know I don't even know how to change the oil in my car you know social dynamics now let's give you some examples because here's what we have to do
and here's my concern for you if I show you some questions and statements that most salese have been trained that actually lower their status I'm concerned that if you go out and you you actually use those same questions or statements it's really going to mess your mind up on Monday when I show you some of these things you sure you want me to show you some of these because I'm worried you're be like God damn I do that all the time oh my gosh what am I supposed to say Jeremy everybody okay because we we
had to make a decision do we want our sales people to keep taking the blue pill numbers game just work harder go through more leads cost us way more money to generate those leads to get the conversions do we want to keep taking the blue pill or do we want to take the red pill that's the skills game who in here is an NBA fan raise your hand Steph Curry anybody know Steph Curry three-point Champion imagine if Steph Curry said yeah basketball it's a numbers game and shoot as many times as you can I mean
eventually you'll hit a three-pointer he would have never made his varsity basketball team if he hit one out of 30 because it was a numbers game no Steph knows it's a what a Skills game that's why he's out practicing what every day his elbow movements the way he lines up his wrist his legs his body movement and that's why he's number one because he knows it's a Skills game not a numbers game imagine if your salese started treating sales as a Skills game what their conversions would go to rather than going through the numbers and
the Motions that's what we're going to talk about there's five types of tonalities I don't have time to go through these that we really have to master there's a curious tone there's a confused tone in certain contexts there's a challenging tone there's a concerned tone a tone that shows empathy and there's a playful tone write this down your tone is how your prospect interprets your intention behind everything you say and ask that's how they interpret why you're asking the question now so what I want you to do when I show you some of these questions
I want you to pay attention to my tonality when I show you some of these questions pay attention to my tonality pay attention to my body language even pay attention to my facial expressions your facial expressions are the remote control to your tone try having a confused tone with a straight face very very hard okay all right let's talk about words that lower status in your prospect's brain saying stuff like this Jamie I really appreciate you taking the time with your busy schedule to meet with us now we think that's really polite right because your
mom said you got to be really polite with strangers but in business setting that means in their mind subconsciously that you view them at a much higher status than you view yourself that their time should be respected but not your time see what we're talking about okay we don't want to act like that now this is what's called status framing in social dynamics you learn what's called most uh most people would call that rank framing or authority framing power framing we call it status frame there's different words for it how many of you ever have
been in a situation where you walked into a boardroom meeting or a zoom call and there's like eight decision makers there if you're in B2B sales or or b2g or something and you walk in you've only talked with a couple people and the CEO walks in and says something like this hey uh thanks for coming in we'll have 60 Minutes to hear your presentation so if you can be brief we'd appreciate it and then leave some information and we'll get back to you if you're interested anybody ever had that before they just come in and
take the power over what would most salesp people do oh don't worry we're only going to be here 60 minutes we're so grateful that you allowed us to come here and take the time where I can go over my XYZ Solutions W and where does our status go lower stat sales person trying to sell me something so I had to learn this the hard way going from door to door to B2B a little bit of a transition for for the fews so what I would do is said this I'd go oh jeez you guys must
have a lot of time on your hands I've got 30 to 35 minutes before my next appointment with XYZ should we go and get started and you know what they did everybody's phones would go down and they'd be like what the hell this person must be busy they they don't need me now what did I do now I used a playful tone there oh gez you guys must have a lot of time on your hands today I've got 30 35 minutes before my next appointment with AT&T should we go and get started they like he's
meeting with 18 T next and I would purposely stack appointments with their competition right after them so I could build that urgency and all of a sudden they're like bam I just took back that frame that's called framing now they view me oh he must have something important I need to listen and hone in and guess what happens because all you're like oh well Jeremy at 30 minutes they're going to say Jeremy you said it only going to take 30 minutes you know what happens they don't say a word they're so engulfed and engaged emotionally
in what I'm going over and what you're sales people go over that an hour hour and a half later they're calling their EAS to move their schedule and they don't even care cuz now they're emotionally involved but I first had to get them to let their guard down let me show you a few more examples Le in a voicemail most salese say something like this now in this example let's say that you're a financial adviser that's a big industry probably one of the top 25 30 Industries to be train in the world and let's say
that somebody didn't buy from you three four weeks ago and now you're following up does this sound familiar in a voicemail hey Jim it's it's John Taylor I know we talked three or four weeks ago about getting a plan to retire in time can you please call me back when you have time that's sound familiar see words like can you please call me back even though we've been taught it's polite in a business setting low it's a needy word please it's like you're desperate can you please call me back when you have time that means
you view them at a higher status than you view yourself that means that you value their time more than they should value your time and that's why we don't get many people to call us back so I want to word that much differently now I'm going to show you a few things here real quick before I jump off the stage so when I got into B2B did a lot of cold cing some people would say I was somewhat successful on that end and did a lot of follow-ups you know so let's say I did something
like this and I want you to pay attention to my tonality and what I do here yeah is this John hey uh John it's it's Jeremy uh Jeremy Jeremy Miner with with XYZ company calling you back uh it looks like we talked gosh I want to say it was maybe three four months ago about uh some problems you guys were having with X Y and Z so that you're able to A and C did you guys give up on that or what what actually happened now what did I just do there hey it's it's Jeremy
Jeremy Miner what type of tone was that it's a familiar tone who would here's ever got a call from somebody like hey George hey it's Amy Amy Smith how you doing you're like yeah doing great and in your mind you're going who's Amy Smith who's Amy Smith did I meet her at a networking event did I go on a date with her once like I don't remember what happened but you don't dare say who is this because of why because she sounded familiar because of her tone see what we're doing but if I go hey
is John there hey John it's Jeremy Miner with XYZ company uh just checking in with you I know we talked about two months ago about you XYZ and ABC how are you doing today what goes on in the prospect's mind sing person trying to sell me something guard up see what we're doing now I'm going to show you a few industry specific examples let's say you work for a staffing agency or recruiting agency okay and let's say that they their problem was they needed to get a new executive leadership team to really grow their business
they wanted to scale and they said hey I want to scale to 12 minut a month they told you I want to scale to 12 minut a month but they didn't buy so I'm calling them back three months later yeah is John there yeah John hey it's it's Jeremy Jeremy Miner calling you back it looks like we talked gosh I want to say probably three or or four months ago about I think you guys said you were looking at maybe getting a higher quality executive team so you could scale the business to like I want
to see you said 12 million a month did you guys give up on scaling or what what actually happened now why did I shuffle the papers on the phone why would I do something silly like that why it's called a pattern interrupt because your prospect here's what shuffling papers it triggers curiosity see when you sound like every other said my name is I'm with the XYZ company the reason why I called was what goes off in your prospect survival part of their brain defensive mechanisms because they've heard that before they've heard that script I'm interrupting
the pattern okay did you see how I asked I immediately said the thing they said they were looking for which in their mind new executive leadership team to grow the business very specific number and then I said did you guys give up on scaling or what actually happened it's hard for somebody to say we gave up they like oh well no we're still looking or well we went with XYZ company and now I'm in a what two-way dialogue simply because I broke the pattern and got them to let their guard down let me show you
a few more okay I show you a few more here okay this is the skills game strategy in this example let's say let's say you sold life insurance this is the number one industry we train in the world huge industry for us that we train yeah has John there hey John it's it's Jeremy uh Jeremy Jeremy Miner um just had a few minutes before my next appointment it looks like we talked gosh I want to say he it had to have been like eight or eight or nine months ago you were looking at like different
uh options for like policies for Cindy so she could keep the kids in the same like school district and home like when you passed like did you guys give up on that or what what actually happened now what type of tone did I just use a confused why would I use a confused tone there a confused tone triggers curiosity in this context I don't mean when you get to the the presentation oh I'm confused I don't know how it works that's not what I mean but in context if I can get them to let their
guard down am I able to sell them a lot more than if their guards up yes now who can control getting the prospect's guard down or up who's responsible for that is it the prospect responsible for that or the salesperson has to learn that skill let's keep going here and now who in here gets emails like this raise your hand if you get emails like this from people that uh you that you didn't buy from raise your hands who in here reads those emails pass the two sentences none of you so why do we feel
our prospects are going to read our long emails those three first words hey Sally I'm just following up how many you get following up every day how many you get just checking in how many you get circling back what goes off in your mind when you read that salesperson selling me something and you instantly get defensive remember we have a AAA rate of the BBB and Founders we look forward to hearing back from you and showing you all of our wonderful ABC things we can do for you sincerely Gretchen cworth now Gretchen if you're in
here I apologize if I offended you but we want to do emails like this now I want you to write this down because I want you to send an email right now to one of your prospects send it to three or four prospects that have been ghosting you over the last two weeks then I want you to come to me and tell me how fast they respond to this you've sent three or four emails to this Prospect you've called three or four voicemails they are ghosting you raise your hand if you've got somebody ghosting you
right now or your sales people have people go see I want you to copy that email I want you to write it word for word do not say anything else you're going to say this hey John I called a few times last week and left a few voicemails but we didn't hear back dot dot dot go down two lines where should we go from here and that's it don't say I really look forward to hearing from you don't say I really look forward to working with you do not change it word for word and I
want you to come talk to me at this event be here part of the day today a little bit tomorrow I want you to tell holy crap they got back to me really quick they're be like oh no no Jeremy no we're still looking at this but I've been in the nursing home with my grandma or you know what we decided to go with another company or you know what we're yes we're we're interested can we book another call you will be shocked at how quickly people respond to that email and tell you the truth
of what's really going on so I want you to tell me what happens when you do that okay let's keep going that ever get this from a prospect anybody ever get this raise your hand oh we really liked you or your salese get this we really liked you and what you had to say but we decided now is not a good time for us we'll get back to you ready keep in touch raise your hand if you ever heard of that one now what are you going to do are you going to try to convince
them why they're wrong and try to throw out a rebuttal how often does that work one out of 20 times numbers game right somebody want to role play with me you want to role play yeah can we turn that on yeah we really liked you and what you had to say but we decided now now is not a good time for us we'll get back to you when we're ready keep in touch yeah yeah it's no you wouldn't really say that talking right but let's say I called you back I got an email let's say
I called you back yeah what's your name Rich hey Rich it's it's Jeremy Jeremy minor hey I got your email and hey don't worry about it it's it's not a problem you can always get back to us later um can I can I ask you something though sure how um how can I communicate to you that you might be making a mistake without you getting upset with me uh depends on what the mistake is that you're telling me I made might be oh I didn't say you m you might be make mistake now what did
I just do there let me show you there you're a hard one I've never had that in my life okay let me show you what did I do here read what I did there now why would I say can I can I ask you something what type of tone was that concern tone a tone that shows empathy it's really hard for a like no you cannot ask me something but if I'm like let me ask you and I steam them they get defensive but if I L can I can I ask you something sure what's
going on then I lean in my tone hey how can I how can I communicate to you that you might be making a mistake without you getting upset with me now why did I put my hand on my heart what does that signify to them if they can see me that I'm concerned I have empathy for them it's really hard for somebody to say I'm no I'm mad that I might be making a mistake see that's that's the key word you might not heard might if I said how can I communicate to you that you
are making a mistake you would get defensive but if I said that you might be making a mistake that's a neutral word it's hard for you to resist that but you might be making a mistake without you getting upset with me you know what they do oh no I wouldn't get upset with you it's a defensive reaction because they don't want you to feel bad because they feel like I'm sincere you see what I'm doing there now that's all in your tonality if I'm like hey how can I communicate to you that you're making a
mistake without you getting upset set man they're going to get what like you well it just depends on what's going see defensiveness I said the same words but my tone communicates a different message to their brain which lets their guard down is everybody starting to see how your tonality is really the key for your sales people to really get going that's just one part of the ball game all right I got a few more minutes here then I'm going to loop back around and let's say if I sold sass to associations this is a big
industry Forest assassin Street and I say well because I'm concerned for you because what if you don't get a real system in place and you keep having to do all that manually with your team and losing all that time with the judges and they get fed up I mean what's going to happen to your job at that point that's a consequence question that gets him to internalize what I'm asking now notice I started with the challenging tone and ended with a concern tone a tone that shows empathy here's another one here let's say you have
an AI device Big Industry Force as well helps the doctor automatically dictate their notes the average doctor takes almost 2 hours a day to dictate their notes for the insurance companies and make sure patients don't die imagine if doctors each had two hours more a day to see more patients two more billable hours a day that's like 40 more billable hours a year a month that's huge because I'm concerned because what happens if you keep having to spend the two extra hours they have to manually dictating your notes and you keep missing your daughter's ball
games if that's what the doctor said see I'm always repeating back what the doctor said so now the doctor feels like I understand their unique situation and Prospects will always buy from companies or salespeople who they feel understand their unique situation because they feel they're going to get the best result see where we're at now we're going to give you a free gift here I didn't even get to principle number three here we'll talk about it later so my team wanted to give you this free gift are you guys against us giving you this neq
black Booker question are you against us doing that it be hard for you to say yes see that's another technique are you against getting started today no I'm not against it see all of you've been training you got to get him to say yes 75 times we're actually going to show you in a lot of context getting to say no actually leads to the yes way more okay so we're going to give you this book my team said the best way to get it just uh type or text any PQ to that phone number we'll
give it to you for free uh I brought a couple of my team members our our VP of sales Anthony and our senior vice president of the company David and one of our lead account manager jash here obviously amazing videographer so we'll get that to you for free I think we brought a few books here for for you as well okay everybody thank you so much for your time principle number three Lim says we have to talk about another time thank you
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