3 reasons you should never chase women

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Jessica Os
There are things that separate boys from men. This is one of them. In this video, Jessica highlights...
Video Transcript:
So this video seeks to do two things; first,  address the issue of why women make you chase them. And two, to give you reasons why it's a bad  idea to actually do that. Drw closer and stay  tuned because I've got some very interesting pointers to share with you today.
Welcome, Jessica here. In today's video, I'm  giving you three reasons why men should not chase women. Now i have my ideas and theories  about why chasing women is actually a bad idea and can completely distract you from what the  bigger goal and your bigger life's purpose should entail or entails.
So if you'll indulge me,  we will jump right in. There are two reasons why women make you chase them. The first one is that she probably is not that into you.
When a woman is really into you and of course depending on her  age, level of experience and stuff like that, she will be more than willing not to drag things  out just because of the thrill she may feel about being chased. So now when a woman  really likes you it's quite easy to see, in her speech, in her availability,  in her body language, and things that she does when you are around. However, if you're the  one who seems to always be doing the chasing, then you're in trouble because it means that  she's not into you she probably has multiple suitors and you're not the top on her list so  she would want you to work a little harder to win her, okay?
Second reason women make you do  the chasing is because she probably is not feeling safe with you because she's had some really  bad previous experiences where the male gender is concerned and is being wary, so she has all  these barricades and walls up in a way to sort of protect her heart. And so she would let you  actually work really hard to win her affection over and she feels as if the harder a  man is willing to work, for her affection and her attention, the more dedicated he will be.  That usually though is not the case, and we can have a separate conversation about that; that  there are some men who just chase for the thrill and not necessarily because they want to take  women seriously, right guys?
I'm right, aren't I? I mean top of mind these are two main  reasons why women make men chase them, they're not that into you or they've just had  really terrible experiences and want to be sure that you're actually who you say you are. Now let  me give you three reasons why I believe that men should not be chasing anyone.
Now for starters I  feel if your main focus is to chase a woman, it diverts your attention from actually pursuing  the things that I think really matter in life, and that's you. What are your goals? what are  your aspirations?
what is it that you want to do with your life? , what are your dreams? Now is the time to make those dreams come true.
Now if you're busy spending time chasing women instead  of chasing your dreams, then a couple of years down the line you're going to realize that your  dreams are even harder to attain and you've wasted a lot of time. So I think rather than chasing you  know women, focus on your dreams and guess what, once you do become successful, guess who's going  to be chasing you, i didn't hear that, who? Yep, women.
So don't chase women,  chase your dreams. If you successfully manage to check those dreams the women will  come. Number two, now the second reason men shouldn't chase women is because you come  across as desperate and sometimes even pathetic, especially when the feeling is not mutual, the  love is unrequited and so much more.
Now listen, I've had a personal experience with a guy who just  did not want to take my no for an answer. And in this case I was not even trying to play hard to  get, I genuinely did not want to be with him in his space, didn't even want to be a friend because I personally didn't find him attractive and it cut across. It had nothing to do even with  his looks necessarily but there was something about his personality that just didn't seem  to gel with mine.
Anyway so long story short, this guy kept pursuing me, kept calling me, kept  wanting to see me and I wanted nothing to do with him because whenever I was around him my skin  crawled. I don't want to put too much out there because I don't know if he'll ever get to  see this video, and I don't want him to feel bad about it because I'm sure that he'll know exactly  what I'm talking about if I go into details but, all I'm saying is if I were a guy, the minute a  woman said no to me, I would probably just walk, like if I was trying to make an effort to get  to know her and I got any kind of negative vibe, cool, cut my losses and I would move on. And  I think that's what a lot of men need to do, because you see if you do get that kind  of woman who already knows what she wants, is a go-getter herself or has really big  dreams that she's personally trying to smash.
This would become  a really big turn-off for her. One, you're desperately looking for attention she's told you  in more ways than one that she's not interested but you keep pursuing because you feel as if,  the more you push one day she's going to give in. No, back up!
Back all the way up my brother,  back up because it does not work. And trust me if you have to work too hard to get someone's  attention, consider this, it actually might mean that you're coercing her into a relationship with  you. Now who wants to beg another person to be in a relationship with them, especially if they're  not interested.
Waste of time, waste of energy, waste of money, So whatever it is, do  not chase women, you come across as desperate, you come across as pathetic, just  cut your losses and move on. There are of course quite a number of fish in the sea. Number  three, now I believe that whatever you start you need to finish.
If you begin a relationship  with a woman and you're always the one doing the chasing, for starters, is when you met  her you actively chased her, pursued her, and over time, YES, you were successful you won  her attention. Guess what, she's now the prize. You're gonna have to work harder and over time  to be able to maintain that attention that she's giving you.
You put her on a higher  pedestal just because you're the one who does the chase, where on another level I believe that  you could actually level the playing ground if you do not chase. Yes you can make yourself  available, you can let her know your intentions, but to chase no you wouldn't do  that. If she's also someone who is used to having men chase her, she's  going to be wondering why isn't this guy chasing me and then her attention is going  to suddenly switch, to not see all the guys who are coming her way, but you who is not even  paying attention really.
Why does that happen? Her curiosity will be piqued and suddenly she'll  be more interested in getting to know you. Of course, this does not happen every single time, but  the times that something like this has occurred one of the reasons is what I just mentioned. 
So I guess what I'm really trying to say is, if you start to chase you continue to chase. In that  relationship, it's always going to be you working a little harder to make things happen, it's always  going to be you making the extra sacrifice to keep the relationship going, because you already  set the precedence for chasing. Trust me, you're probably going to be the only one working  overtime to maintain that relationship.
And over time you probably also get very worn out and  tired of always being the one to try. So basically  don't start what you can't finish, because you  and I both know you're not going to chase her for the rest of her life. You came to the relationship  with some level of aggression, with some level of commitments, with some level of promise and she is  going to want to demand those things constantly to keep the relationship going, and you on the other  hand may not be in that same position.
I've heard men say maybe even in jest, "why do you continue  to campaign after the election is over? " There's no need to. So whilst you're cruising in  the relationship, she's demanding so much more of you because you already set the precedence and  you're gonna have to maintain it.
My thoughts, let me know what you think in the comments  below. My name is Jessica, smash the like button if you liked the video. Don't forget  to subscribe, turn on all notifications as well so you get a notification every single  time I post.
Thanks for watching and later.
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