Dock Strike Begins in the USA: My Predictions and Advice

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the doc workers on the East Coast have officially gone on strike as of today Tuesday October 1st so in today's video I want to tell you four things number one what happened two how this affects all of us three should you go Panic by things right now and four my prediction on when this is going to end so listen I'm going to talk to you very straightforward very honestly I'm not going to waste your time with drama or fake news so here's what happened the major ports in the east coast and Gulf Coast they have
now shut down so the doc workers have gone on strike against the port operators why it's over the labor contract so why it's because of pay raises you know they couldn't come to an agreement on pay raises and also automation they want guarantees well doc workers want guarantees that automation is not going to replace human workers okay so they've been trying to work out a deal ever since June they had a six-year contract that contract expired last night September 30th and they couldn't come to an agreement okay so why is it just the east coast
and Gulf Coast it's because those ports they're represented by the Ila International long shoreman Association so the the West Coast they're represented by a different organization okay so I want you to know that this is I mean this strike it is a major problem and I'm going to explain it to you simply I've written down some stats to show you how severe the situation is so we're talking about 30 six major ports from Maine to Texas estimates are around 47,000 Dock Workers if they're not working then all the shipments that are being made on containers
by C they're not going to be unloaded and moved 14 of the ports account for half of the country's container trade so with all the ports from the Ila we're talking about close to 60% of the container trade so the products include and it's just about everything everything from medicine electronics cars clothing food Etc so this will be the Ila's First Strike since 1977 now every day that the doc workers are not working obviously that's problematic because that's going to cause supply chain disruptions and if there's disruptions and you know what happens and the prices
inflate they go up because of supply and demand and I just want you to know that once they do reach a deal it's not like everything's just immediately going to go back on track because there's going to be a backlog of containers that have to be unloaded and moved so every day that the strike continues I mean it's it's going to cause more of an issue more of a disruption so they're saying that a onewe strike could cause slowdowns until mid November now if you want to think of solutions really quickly I mean you can't
just bypass this whole situation you can't just say okay if the East and Gulf are closed and let's just take the the shipments all the way to the West Coast obviously that's going to take a lot of time very expensive and then the West West Coast ports would be all jammed up and backlogged President Biden has the power to stop this strike under the 1947 ta Harley act but Biden has explicitly said that he's not going to get involved well he's not going to get involved by doing that he's not going to invoke it okay
so that is the current situation as of today October 1st now I want to give you my prediction and answer some you know very good questions so the first question is should you go Panic by items right now my honest answer my sincere honest answer is no you don't have to do that you probably shouldn't do that so the doc workers and Port operators they've been battling for months as I told you so retailers saw this coming they prepared for this they stocked up on items you're going to be fine so I'm talking about most
Americans for certain americ for certain areas that got devastated by Helen you know I'm sure it's chaos over there there's already major problems getting Goods they need help but for most Americans there's not going to be shortages on most Goods but I do want to clarify this for certain Goods yes they are at a higher risk of shortages so for example perishable Goods so if you're a retailer let's just say that you're preparing for Halloween sales I mean you could stock up on those items on those goods months in advance right but you can't stock
up months in advance for let's just say bananas so 75% of our bananas are imported in the east coast and Gulf Coast those ports but it's not all perishables like if you're if you're afraid of not being able to you love tomatoes you love potatoes don't be too concerned because we grow that here in America just go to your local farmer it's probably healthier for you anyways but for certain perishable Goods like bananas I can tell you that I can drive around all Chicago I probably won't be able to find a banana farmer so yeah
if you love bananas that much and you're afraid of losing your access to vitamin B6 and potassium then yeah go stock up on bananas like you know go nuts Go Bananas but overall I don't think that you have to be too concerned the reason why I'm saying this is because my prediction is that this strike will not last longer than two weeks I think that relatively soon yes they will reach a deal the government is not going to get involved irly but I believe that yes they will be involved behind the scenes if this gets
dragged out it truly would be chaos for the entire country and the government they're not going to let that happen so close to elections so listen I do want to tell you this when when I talk to you about how screwed our country situation is about inflation the national debt crisis the the politics some people say that you know it could get too I could get too negative right I want you to know that I am not a negative person I'm just simply giving you the truth the facts and the truth and this is a
perfect example of me saying that there will not be chaos there will not be disorder I'm telling you that this is going to get resolved relatively quickly less than two weeks that's the truth and I don't care if the truth is positive and optimistic or negative and pessimistic my duty is to tell you the truth so that you can have good information that will help you but yes this strike it will cause slowdowns and disruptions but it's not going to be Chaos on the streets and you don't have to go Panic by things but listen
I do want to tell you this I want to share this with you this is personal so this is about me so I believe that it is a good idea to be prepared I personally have a stockpile I already have canned goods I have MREs I have water water filtration I have medicine I have an energy source I have ammo I have a lot of toilet paper so in situations like these well personally I'm not going to go Panic by you know you should have been prepared anyways to start with but that's just me and
that's where I'm coming from now if you think that's being paranoid or extreme well I just want to say well first don't judge and second it's good to be prepared you never know what's going to happen just look at this country people are already at everyone's each other's throats it's just crazy and I do want to say that doc workers they do have my they have my deepest appreciation and thanks because they really kept this country running during the pandemic you could say the same thing about truck drivers everyone in logistics and especially Healthcare they're
just I mean I would say there's so many Americans that still have a sense of Duty and that restores my faith in humanity anyways God Bless America Don't Panic don't worry everything's going to be fine this is not going to America it's going to be the politicians and Central Bankers that do that please subscribe thank you for the support and wish you a very nice day take care
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