15 Rules to Speed Up Progress in Life

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15 Ways to Make Progress Faster in Life The #1 App Rich People Use To Optimize Their Lives! Start a ...
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you know some people are a million years ahead while it seems like you're stuck in the slow lane although time has passed your life hasn't changed that much in The Last 5 Years and realistically it's unlikely you'll catch a break in the next five if you keep going at the pace you are right now the life you envision for yourself will just be a wish you once had other people have the same 24 hours in a day but somehow they're getting substantially more done than you are that's because they know something you don't but you're about to learn it by the end of this video you'll learn how to make 5 years worth of progress in just one here's how to make progress faster in life Welcome to alux the place where future billionaires come to get inspired number one you pick only one goal and you brainwash yourself into believing it's achievable at the core of any form of achievement is belief many people have dreams and wishes that they know deep down are not going to happen so they default to luck and look okay luck is not a strategy it doesn't have to be believable to everyone else you have to believe that you can get there Define it clearly write it down look at the goal daily to keep yourself locked in it turns out that we as humans are actually really good at getting what we want if only we know what it is once a purpose is set and a goal is defined every choice you make should be aligned with it the progress will come from getting closer to the goal it'll probably not be a linear path but make the decisions that get you closer in any shape proximity to it increases the chances of you making it so get yourself closer where most people fail and get stuck is when they pick two goals that are in opposite directions a step closer to one of them will take you a step further away from the other in a panic you take a step back to remedy it you just made two steps each one took effort both were oriented towards your goals but if you look at the map you're back to where you started if there's one thing to remember alexir it is this speed comes from Focus not force number two find one source of Truth research it and commit to it fully you're smart enough to distinguish between what has a higher probability of success and what is clear right okay so find a source of Truth this means a voice a mentor an example of someone who did what you're about to do deconstruct their actions learn their playbook and follow in the footsteps that they've already made since their actions led to your desired outcome chances are that following the same Playbook will at least help you to make substantial progress in the right direction don't change plans don't chase after shortcuts just trust the process and put your hours in the truth is most plans are good enough plans if you just stick with them for long enough where most people fail or slow down in life is they begin a plan and then decide to change it partway through we got rich because we were dumb enough to believe everything we read in business books we committed fully and it turns out those people were right number three you double the daily effort for eight times s the outcome no matter how dumb you are how poor you are how unmotivated if you just double the volume of daily effort you should see at least a 50% increase in your results but if you're really smart if you're excited and you begin to acquire the right tools if you double the effort something weird happens the outcome doesn't double it's increased four to eight times in the medium term why because you have less time to be distracted to waste your resources on crap that doesn't contri to your future effort compounds when you reinvest the extra income you acquire tools that now give you the same output per hour as before but in only half the time if you double your effort daily it won't be long until you double your hourly output double the output and double the time you're now making progress four times faster when you approach life with this amount of volume you'll learn twice as fast as everybody else because you're encountering more situations that is how doubling your effort gets 8X the results number four you remind yourself what you run from and what you're running toward just focusing on the first three numbers on this list is enough to get you some real progress you'll see it in your bottom line and in your bank account because you've made some progress you'll begin to slow down when you slow down Temptation Creeps in shiny objects will try to lure you away from from your past getting back on the horse is a lot harder than never getting off that horse in the first place so you need an easy and effective way to self-motivate that's when you remind yourself what the big goal is what you're running toward you visualize what your life will be like when you get there the impact it'll have on your life and into the lives of those you love this gives an initial push but not enough to get you lift off to drive this home you dig deep into yourself and you realize what you're running from what your life would be like if you don't take action that everything you know you can become will never come to be you will live your life with the regret and disappointment of never becoming what you knew you could be your peers will move on your Idols will get further and further and you will sink into mediocrity as a result you'll become bitter and angry at the world finding excuses and blaming everyone else but you're yourself your family and friends will start to resent you for it and you'll find it painful to just be you spiraling down in that case the only value you'll add to the world is that your children will grow up with your failure as an example of what not to do in life that's what you're running from that's the difference between getting back to work to make your dreams happen and simply not taking action at all number five win the day before the day starts now there are two kinds of people in the world those who Wing the day and those who plan the day those who plan the day outperform the rest on every metric possible by a massive margin okay those who plan the day are more productive they get more done in a day they're exponentially more likely to find long-term success in their professional and personal life they're better adjusted and emotionally stable they're less likely to be depressed anxious or feel lost and they achieve much higher levels of work life balance what planning does is remove friction from your life so here's a simple example it's easier to go for a run in the morning if you get your shoes and outfit ready by the door the night before if everything is set up for you to just do it you're less likely to chicken out or find an excuse not to this is your routine and the discipline to schedule the day the night before is a game Cher you no longer have to fight against that little voice in your head because once you're out that door you might as well run right you might as well work out you might as well get some work done you might as well read or write those pages start with focusing your mind if your mind knows what it should focus on that little voice quiets down a lot so do the hardest thing you can early in the day if you can already win the day before 11:00 a. m. everything else you do will be extra progress this is called eating the Frog you know what actually moves the needle forward and what are just maintainers uploading a new product to your store is superior to just checking in on the numbers or answering emails pay off your dues before everything else the experts call this time blocking where you begin to segment your day in time slots specifically dedicated to action items we start every day with a coffee and a daily alock session and immediately after we jump head first into the highest priority task that we've selected the day before this is how we win the morning in the first half of our day by the time 1 p.
m. rolls around we've already shipped or delivered what most people would consider a day's worth of work from 1: to 6:00 p. m.
anything that we weren't able to ship or get done will just accelerate our progress and we can give it our Focus because we no longer have the pressure of the big thing looming over us 6 to 8 is family time religiously for over a decade before we plann the day and week before the biggest problem is you'll be so productive that at some point you'll struggle to find high priority tasks to tackle in the first half of the day you can make yourself happier by keeping a gratitude journal and reflecting on what you're learning learn specific skills or techniques from experts who've spent their entire lives perfecting their craft it takes 15 minutes in the morning to get all of this set up in a way where you dramatically increase your chances of success so much so that we created the only app designed to do just that go to alo. com slapp right now and download it every morning when you have your coffee or tea open up the app and go through it for 15 minutes listen to The Daily alux write down four lines in your journal for people who just want the benefits of journaling without all the nonsense and then get back to work hundreds of thousands of people are living proof that this app has been a game Cher for them so it's time you did the same step one download the app and create an account step two scan the QR code on screen for an exclusive 25% off the yearly plan and commit to a year of focus step three use it every morning with your coffee and just see how much faster you're making progress in life this is an investment you will not regret number six have an action bias and a speed bias action beats intellect when the clock is ticking you'll learn more by doing than by thinking speed need amplifies learning to this extent done is better than perfect done builds momentum perfectionism keeps you in the same place the path to success is paved by action not hesitation successful people all operate with a sense of urgency this is important even if they have to artificially manufacture it if you make yourself believe that your life depends on you getting things done your output changes okay speed thrives on imperfection the urgency you bring defines how quickly you'll transform your life successful people have a speed bias we learned an incredible lesson from a billionaire mentor of ours when we were discussing growth goals for our company and telling them about our three-year road map he listened quietly thought it through and then asked the question that has changed the way we work what would it take to make all of that happen in only 6 months this forced us to think radically different we would need more people more money and to accelerate the speed of learning by failing faster speed might be expensive but it's worth it when it saves you time for as time passes the opportunity you have right now might not be available 2 years from now this is why Silicon Valley companies raise money so they can make 10 years worth of progress in 18 months and mitigate that risk of the opportunity disappearing before you have a chance to act number seven you stop looking at others or after others as long as you live you'll always be a race of one you're racing against the failure that you could become if you stopped running it's not about anyone else they don't matter you don't need the approval of your peers because they are not your peers you need to build a sense for distractions an ability to identify them for what they are to untrained eye these might present themselves as opportunities but most opportunities are just distractions in Disguise okay once you stop comparing yourself to others you need the bandwidth to focus on yourself you get it by taking your bandwidth back from the people who took it in the first place a sinking ship can save no one so fix your damn ship okay make yourself strong let them carry their own weight for a while and then save them when you're ready if you don't they'll just drown you number eight you don't quit things at 60% so you start something you put in a couple of weeks and you made some progress you're 50 to 60% into something that might change the game for you at which point for whatever reason you quit all the effort you've put in is now lost the ROI on that time effort and money invested is zero okay not sure keep lying to yourself that you've actually learned a lot but you haven't have you unless you ship it go live with it or stick with it you've wasted the opportunity and it kills us when this happens you find a potential great higher the first interview goes well the same with the second or the third when things are about to get serious you unearth a massive red flag that you know makes them a bad fit long term so you end it all of that time and effort put in is w Ed the only thing you can do now is to try again until you're able to get to that Finish Line whatever you do don't make it a habit of quitting at 60% or else you'll always be stuck right where you are number nine get off the platforms you don't need the news or distractions there's nothing for you on Instagram or Facebook Twitter TV twitch or the black and orange your life will be measurably better without you trapped in the new cycle the secret to speed isn't more effort it's less noise removing that Doom scrolling from your life will reveal just how much of unproductive time you're used to wasting with nothing to show for it very soon you'll realize you've been monetizing or at least enjoying less than 20% of your available time everything else was just you idling away with no purpose number 10 if someone else knows how to get there faster pay them to show you how to do it you accelerate a lot when you go from hiring people that you can grow to hiring people who are already grown you can go from hiring cheaply to hiring for specific expertise per unit of time you're getting substantially more with the lad they don't need to be employees they just need to have the expertise to see the things you're missing that's what experts are for they've done exactly what you're trying to figure out so they seen all the mistakes that you're about to make firsthand we used to pay $5,000 a month to a mentor that could be a second set of eyes looking at the decisions we were making just so we could increase our hit rate we realized just how valuable this is and how most people have nowhere near that kind of money to have someone show them the way like we did so we started paying experts a lot of money to share the same kind of insights they've learned the hard way with a closed community of subscribers to the alux app for just $1. 99 a year you get access to thousands of coaching sessions from the smartest people in the world instead of hiring an executive coach for thousands of dollars a month get the alock app and you'll have a portfolio of teachers coaching you and you know we're not supposed to tell you this because it's kind of bad for business but if you sign up for just one month at $29.
99 you'll still have access to the entire library of content to see if it's right for you by far it'll be the best money you spend today so download the app at alux.
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