"It is in this Part of the Brain where GOD Communicates with Men" Barbara O'Neill

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"It is in this Part of the Brain where GOD Communicates with Men" Barbara O'Neill ►Special thanks to...
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it is in this part of the brain where God communicates with man you can rewire your brain show you how you can actually change even the way that you think isn't that good news these pathways are built in our brain we can rewire our brain right up until the day we die we can rewire our brain when you have a look at the head you will see seven Avenues of access into the brain there are two ears there are two eyes there are two nostrils and there is a mouth everything we hear or have ever
heard everything we see or have ever seen everything we smell and everything that goes into our mouth whether it be food or drink has an effect on the brain our decisions determine our destiny so how important that we know something about the decision making part of our brain this is an area that many people are ignorant so we're going to begin by looking at the brain now the brain from side on basically it looks a little bit like this and there is What's called the limbic system and the limbic system basically takes up about that
part of the brain and this limbic system is often called the emotional brain and I think we all know about emotions and I think we all know that emotions aren't a very good guide because they go up and down like the wind but there's another part of our brain that God designed to actually control that limbic system that emotional part of the brain so to do this we're going to have a look at the brain from top down from Top town you will have a look at the brain like this and in the front part
of the brain and we're going to call this the right side of the brain and the left side of the brain and I think the way you're looking it is so in the right part of the brain you could call that the I won't section that's down there now this is a very important part of the brain where it's very important is no I won't have that cigarette no I won't have that cup of coffee no I won't have that big state I'll have a bowl of lentils instead and on the left part of the
brain is that I will and the eye will part of the brain is also very important because I will get out of bed and exercise this morning I will go to bed early I will make decisions that are helpful for my body so you've got the eye won't and you've got the eye well and we need a little bit of balance in there and that's where we come to right in the center is the I want part of the brain what do I want do I want a healthy body and if I want a healthy
body then I can trigger that I won't do that or I will do that and God designed our brain so that this part of the brain just here in the center is where our goals are it's called the prefrontal cortex or sometimes it's called the frontal lobe and this is where our will is this is where we make our decisions and it made and the I will although I want threaded through the won't through the through that I want that's actually what should govern our decisions and that's so important because our decisions determine our destiny
so in the front part of the brain this is where our intellect is this is where our reasoning Powers reside and this is where judgment takes place it is in this part of the brain where God communicates with man in Isaiah 1 18 the Bible says come let us reason together you see this this is where the reasoning happens what should I do should I stay in bed and have another hour or should I get out of bed right now and that influences whether we do the I will or the I want that's the way
God planned it unfortunately there are many things today that people are doing that are actually clouding or compromising the part where our goals are the department where our intellect reason and judgment is and we've been looking at that this week though I haven't actually defined it as such so dehydration compromises it late nights compromise it back of exercise compromises it bad food compromises it bad air compromises it so on the other hand when we're well hydrated when we're well slept when we've got nourishing food in our bodies when we're breathing in fresh air we're having
Sunshine every day then I want part in fact one author called it the guardian that's the guardian that's actually influences the wills and the wants part of the brain which are of course affected by the limbic system which is your your emotional your feeling part of the brain I'd like to use as my framework the seven mental laws that govern the brain and show you how you can rewire your brain show you how you can actually change even the way that you think isn't that good news the first law is the law of cause and
effect effect follows cause with unvarying degree or through nature and never should the effect be blamed as the cause I had a lady come to me and she said I found the cause of all my problems I've got chronic fatigue syndrome I said no no that's not the cause of all your problems that's actually the effect even when someone says I've got depression you know you can't just get depression depression is actually an effect it is not a Cause dehydration affects depression late nights to Fresh affect depression it's Newton's third law of motion to every
action there is an equal and an opposite reaction Proverbs 26 verse 2 states that the curse causeless shall not come you know what that means no problem happens without a cause there is always a reason in fact to say someone just has something is to defy basic science so we should always be looking at the cause of a problem and sometimes the problem for depression could be too much cotton dehydration so that's the best place to start when someone comes to me wanting help with depression do you know that's what I do I said start
drinking more water start easing off your coffee you could stop your coffee straight away but you might suffer a clear indication that it's not doing you any good no we start what you're watching and the effect it's having on your brain start exercising but I don't feel like exercising yes that's your limbic emotional brain but what do you want I want to feel good I want to conquer my depression so I will go and exercise can you see how that all threads in to each other the second law is the law of choice in the
law of choice as you can see is determined is that I want the frontal lobe part of the brain Your Guardian where your goals are this is what you feel like doing but this is what you want so that influences your decisions and when you're well snapped well hydrated well son well exercised well fed that I want part of the brain is a lot stronger but we've got something else coming here and that's habit you've heard of habit habit can be our best friends or our worst enemies to understand habit I'm going to draw your
brain cell here's your brain cell it's your nerve cell and we have one trillion of these in our brain they're the dendrites or the receiving stations and this is the arm that comes out of the nerve cell these are the little filaments on the end they're the bhutans here is the next nerve cell our nervous system is an electrical system and it does not touch they do not touch each other they communicate with each other via little chemical messages in the brain and these little chemical Messengers jump from cell to cell so the chemical Messengers
come in they're encapsulated in the nucleus and then they're sent down the arm and they come into the buttons and then they're released out to the next nerve cells now those messages can be traveling anywhere between two and 200 miles an hour well in a crisis anyone that's been in a war zone They know you're you're moving and you're moving very fast now even though you're just sitting here your brain cells can be moving fast because you're considering everything that you're hearing right now and when you are hearing the things you're hearing your your your
brain is processing it through your eye want in fact you're probably hearing some things and you're probably thinking to yourself I won't have that coffee anymore or maybe you're hearing some things and you might start to say yeah I'm going to do that I'm going to go to bed earlier tonight so that I can I will get up and I will can you see it all threads through that it's an amazing brain in fact science still doesn't totally understand the full functioning of the brain if someone says do you have a computer you have you've
got the most amazing computer on the planet which is the brain and did you know that everything you're hearing today you will be processing you'll be processing through your what you want through your goals you'll be processing it through your intellect reason and judgment and you'll be putting in certain spots and when you go to sleep tonight when you go to sleep tonight between the hours of 9 00 pm and 2 A.M then your brain starts processing and filing the things that you heard today it's an amazing process how does it know where to put
it it knows where to put it because where your your want to put it so if you hear that coffee is no good in fact it interferes with those neurotransmitters in the mat in the brain causing a chemical imbalance in the brain If you hear that and you think well I don't care I want my coffee I will have it when you go to bed tonight it's going to put it in the spot I will continue to have it you see that God gave us a wonderful thing when he gave us choice you see God
is not in every man you would never say God was a Hitler Mugabe Stalin no no no God gave mankind choice and what a gamble is that you see God is a gentleman he will never force entry in Revelations 3 verse 20 there's a lovely illustration it shows God standing at the door and knocking he says and if he said behold I stand at your door and knock and if any man hear my voice and opens the door he said I'll come in how do we open the door it's right here what do you want
I will open that door he will come in I won't open that door I want to do my own thing this is okay he's a gentleman but it does explain the heartache that we see on planet Earth some people say how could God allow that to happen unfortunately God gave mankind Choice he didn't want robots do you want people to love you because they choose to love you or they've got to love that person that doesn't happen in fact there's a name for forced love and that is rape in fact there's no love there at
all no God is a gentleman he loses he knocks no he knocks and God wants us to hear and open the door according to recent intellect and judgment that makes sense when you get to know a person what do you do you spend time with them you tell them your life you listen how do you listen to God you know when he speaks to us very early in the morning so how do you hear that voice you have to go to bed early the night before and there's a verse that's in Isaiah 50 verse 4
it says the Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned that I may know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary he awakeneth morning by morning he awakeneth my ear to hear is not learned I love those early early hours of the morning God gave us choice and one choice that can free human beings from much heartache is the choice to forgive let me tell you the story of a man who came to us his name was Doug I said did you have a healthy happy childhood he said
no I didn't my father yelled at me all my life he was 40. he had prostate cancer I said to him oh sometimes that's all you can say on I kept moving on because I could see it really irritated him talk to him later after the lecture I said Doug you've heard about the power of forgiveness have you forgiven you don't understand he yelled at me all my life I said I can understand that must have been very very hard Doug but you've got quite a serious illness now and and I believe that for you
to heal you need to forgive your father you don't understand hit and he was his voice was Rising I changed the subject two minutes later Doug said to me I've done it oh congratulations Doug now his limbic system his emotional brain said don't do this can you see that and all his life he'd been harboring this my father yelled at me my father yelled at me he yelled at me he yelled at me he yelled at me can you see what's happening in his brain what was happening in his brain was he was developing a
very strong habit pathway of anger towards his father you see it's not a limbic emotional brain decision or you'll never do it it's an I want decision what do I want I want to be free notice what he said I've done it no emotion there at all how could there be how could there be don't wait for your emotions they'll hold you back you see the Third Law of the brain states that your words affect your feelings [Music] so don't wait till you feel like it or you possibly will never do it that's why it's
so important to know about your limbic system to know about your emotional feeling system and understand that your guardian your or what that's where you make your decisions God wanted to be free he said I've done it I said congratulations Doug you've probably made one of the most important decisions of your life when he said I will forgive still the strongest pathway a father yelled at me all my life now the next time he's tempted with what his father did he has a choice which pathway will he go down because he didn't want to be
burdened with this anymore he used his intellect judgment and his will his reason and he said I won't relate that story anymore because I want to be free from this I will go down my new pathway and every time he was challenged he said I have forgiven I have forgiven till eventually he had a new pathway and because he didn't go down that old pathway anymore it got thinner and thinner the research shows it takes 21 days to form a new habit 21 days of going down the new pathway it's a physical pathway in the
brain 21 days of not going down the old one it gets fainter and fainter when we cherish or entertain negativity thornsgrove Thorns grow between the dendrites you see when a negative thought comes in let's do it with Doug when a negative thought comes in my father yelled at me all my life is not fair it comes like a breeze through the branches of your trees and at that point you can hold it we can let it go now all is life Doug had been holding on to it he yelled at me it's unfair he yelled
at me and Thorns were growing and he had prostate cancer these are your psychosomatic diseases when he heard this and with my little bit of a shove he made a decision I won't go there anymore I will forgive his goals his reason intellect judgment said to him time to stop yeah does it ever say to you it's time to stop and that night after he'd made the decision a little bit of battle a couple of times that day but he stood firm when he went to sleep that night little cells were activated they're called glial
cells and your glial cells are your body's vacuum cleaners and there are more glial cells in your brain than nerve cells and because Doug made the decision to forgive when he went to sleep between the hours of nine and two the little glial cells came along and they vacuumed cleaned up all the thorns science is now showing that forgiveness has a physiological effect on our brain to clean it up when you're lying in bed about to go to sleep just think wow when I'm asleep tonight my body's vacuum cleaners are going to clean up all
the thorns my brain's going to process properly file system everything that I did in the day amazing things happen when you sleep forgiveness is a choice just do it just do it you'll get better at it practice makes perfect practice makes permanent repetition is the mother of in retention and repetition deepens the impression these pathways are built in our brain we can rewire our brain right up until the day we die we can rewire our brain and if you say it's good guess what it will be and if you say it's terrible guess what it
will be that's the choice Factor forgiveness is a choice and love is a choice love is not dependent on feelings because our limbic system our emotional brain it goes up and down like the wind your words affect your feelings so be very careful on your words your words reveal your feelings and you can't let them all out some Say It's Your Right to speak your mind it's your obligation not to speak your mind you don't know the effect of your words on your hearer and the proverb that says he that speak there is he that
speaketh like the piercings of a sword you know who it's the piercings of a sword to the most the speaker the speaker the speaker's getting hurt just as much as the one who's receiving them and when people speak to you like that just let it you know what you say poor thing he's got a problem he's got a problem you don't take it on your words reveal your feelings what happens if you're upset what if you're upset and angry go for a run can't run uh have a cold shower it's Melbourne will it have an
even better effect have a great big glass of water have some chamomile tea calm down calm that limbic system that emotional brain down until your guardian's strong your words reveal your feelings so you've got to deal with them back there back there in the I want section the fifth law is the law of adaptation we've got a changeable brain and because we've got a changeable brain we can rewire our brain there's two Proverbs that talk about it interesting to note that medicine only acknowledged it in the last 13 years one proverb is Proverbs 13 verse
20 where it says he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools will be destroyed because of the law of adaptation it's also called neuroplasticity soft wide the other proverb is Proverbs 22 24 where it says make no friendship with an angry man with a furious man Thou shalt not go lest thou learn his ways because of the law of adaptation because of the law of adaptation our brain can grow and our brain can shrink it is true that there are things that damage brain cells and if they're damaged they
don't grow again but there are three things today that medicine is showing can stimulate new brain cell growth in the hippocampus part of the brain three Shockers cause a release of rain-derived neurotrophic factor brain derived neurotrophic factor is a protein that stimulates neurogenesis neurogenesis means new brain cells what are what are the three Shockers they're Shockers prepare yourself you're going to really have to get to the I will to do them because they're Shockers fasting an easy way to do it is to have breakfast like a king lunch like a queen then have an 18-hour
fast through to the next morning or come to Misty Mountain Health Retreat where we make it really easy for you and you do two days on vegetable and fruit juices that's a shocker it's a shock to the body when the food stops coming that's one shock the next shop is finishing every hot shower with a quick cold notice I didn't say long cold I'm kind that's a shocker you'll go it's a shocker but it's going to stimulate your brain to release the brain derived neurotrophic Factor new brain cells number three high intensity interval training running
for your life for 30 seconds uphills then having a break and then doing it again that's a shocker feel like you're dying something else can grow every time we learn something new we develop another dendrite I love memorizing it's one of my favorite things to do and every time I learn new verses another dendrite if you play the piano and learn new pieces there are three things that science shows are the most powerful in developing new dendrites one is learning a new language learning a musical instrument and memorizing Bible verses because the word of God
is quick powerful sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even into dividing asunder of Soul and Spirit and the joints and Marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart that's the word of God that's the Bible how long does it take to really solidify in your brain probably about 21 days I learn a verse a week if I do any more it gets all jumbled up and I can't remember anything so every time you learn something new another dendrite grows that one brain cell can develop 70 000 dendrites I can hardly
get my mind around that one and you know what the research shows we can be growing new dendrites right up until the day we die so there are three things we can grow we can grow new pathways we can grow new dendrites and we can even grow new brain cells what about shrink when you forgive when you forgive anyone who's ever hurt you in your life your glial cells are activated to mop up all the phones and the pathway to that memory actually shrinks so it needn't be part of your daily thoughts that's the good
news so what's the bad news about shrinking if you don't use your brain cells you will lose them number seven the last law is the law of diversion and the law of diversion states that when something is so firmly denied as to refuse any hope for it the brain has the ability to divert to other Pursuits I love that law because sometimes God closes a door but what's the essay when God closes a door he opens a window an Italian man said to me no no no what we say is when God closes one door
he'll open too have you found that so you can see by what I've shown you this morning that you can rewire your brain right up until the day we die and when we start rewiring our brain it will not be easy and my prayer is that you will take up the challenge to rewire your brain rewire your brain so that you can have a healthier happier life
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