Courage the Cowardly Dog is an all-time Cartoon Network classic horror with Four Seasons running at about 52 episodes total it even has a crossover movie with the iconic Scooby-Doo it's safe to say that courage has made a place in all of our hearts and our nightmares I might add while Cartoon Network is known for having darker themes behind most of their shows Courage the Cowardly Dog Takes the Cake in being the creepiest and while the famous cartoon does have its humor it is the only Cartoon Network show to be primarily described as a horror series
we end up up this program to bring you Courage the Cowardly Dog show starring courage now for a little bit of context Courage the Cowardly Dog takes place in the middle of nowhere which just so happens to be located in a fictional town in Kansas as somebody who grew up in Nebraska I can tell you that the name is quite fitting courage is you guessed it quite cowardly he's an adopted puppy who takes care of his owners Muriel and Eustis and while he might be cowardly the entire series is about how he fights a plethora
of different spirits and monsters to protect his adoptive family Muriel acts as the mother of the household and the Damsel in Distress in most episodes she cooks and cleans and watches over the house in most areas she even and protects courage from Eustace who quite frequently belittles and purposely tries to scare courage Eustis on the other hand is quite an old man grumpy-like character he runs the farm and most of the time hates courage his animation is scary looking too look at those soulless eyes Muriel could do better I'm just saying last but certainly not
least of the main family is the computer courage turns to the household desk computer to help him find knowledge on how to deal with the villain of that respective episode computer is loyal and does have its own personality and speaks occasionally to courage when it does speak it has a British accent half Johnny three ample apple and Davey has two apple why don't shut up and eat important probably not but I know you are all dying to know Courage the Cowardly Dog is notoriously creepy especially for children its target audience some of the common creeps
that show up during the show are cats who is the most important villain in the show and is considered to be courageous arch nemesis and Main antagonist throughout the show he appears to be a slinky red cat get it cat with glowing yellow eyes and purple highlights throughout his body he also will be commonly seen wearing an outfit to match whatever scheme he decides to plan for that day another common villain is the quack an evil duck who commonly wants to steal money or other valuables from others he's a con artist and isn't afraid to
get his hands dirty with the law last but certainly not least of the villains is Fred Fred isn't a common recurring character but his backstory is a vast Fred is addicted to cutting people's hair and while being a regular human he's one of the creepiest villains in my opinion he is so much addicted to hair that he is part of the home for freaky Barbers institution with courage a dog you guys can probably guess there will be an unwanted haircut later on in the show the first episode begins with courage Muriel and Eustis stopping at
the cat's Motel after being caught in a rather intense storm once entering the motel they are greeted by cats who becoming aware of courage's existence rudely snaps at the family and shows them that no dogs allowed sign Eustis not really like encourage happily takes courage outside and ties him to a pole [Laughter] what did I do Muriel on the other hand tucks Scourge into a blanket before telling him that it will only be for one night not long after both parties are settled in their respective areas a strange box reveals a large horrifying spider that
attacks courage meanwhile another spider is released into Muriel's bath after courage escapes he instantly goes to try and help Muriel who insists that he go wake Eustis for help instead when courage goes to get him however nothing seems to be able to wake him up when courage goes back to try again he notices that Eustis is missing my loves dinner has arrived he goes downstairs to try and find help but nobody's there to help him because nobody's in the lobby courage decides to go into the private employees only door to try and find somebody but
is greeted by Eustis being completely tied up in a spider web don't worry folks courage defeats the spiders by squashing them with a large wooden plank cats appears and Reveals His evil plans to get rid of the whole family by using his giant spiders so courage quickly evades cats by throwing eustace's tied up body onto him thus the chase scene between the two commence cats eventually Cornish courage and challenges him to a game before he ends him quite gruesome for a child's cartoon I might add meanwhile Muriel being the queen that she is defeats the
spider all by herself and begins searching for courage right as courage is too tired to continue playing with cats hovering over him with one of the horrendous spiders Muriel comes in and whacks cats over the head with a tennis racket come on Courage we're leaving the service here stinks the episode concludes with them all happily driving back to their little farm in this later episode the audience is introduced to another notorious Courage the Cowardly Dog villain Le Quack a specialist con artist who's looking for some valuables the episode starts off with Eustis being a horrible
husband and father as per usual but you stop that noise you're awake The Neighbors we ain't got no neighbors he's working on the roof and while doing this a spare board breaks off and hits poor Muriel in the head after this she doesn't remember anything Eustis takes this opportunity to throw courage out of the house until Muriel that her only Duties are making him food and basically doing whatever he asks of her courage obviously trying to save Muriel and help out his current situation as well calls up a doctor and hopes to cure her of
her Amnesia but instead of a real doctor showing up Le quack impersonates a doctor in hopes that he will be able to steal all of the family's valuables once at the house Le quack knocks out Eustis and heads inside for Muriel this causes courage to come in and try to save her to Twitch come here are you the nation but in his efforts the quack chases him with a giant Mallet out of the house once back in the house Le quack tries to get information out of Muriel on where the jewels are but she is
amnesia so nothing works courage finds his way back in to his open window and contacts the police through the computer while trying to get information out of Muriel Le quack hits her with a mallet which allows her to get her Memories Back although this doesn't really help anybody's situation because she's still tied up oh the police eventually show up and arrest the quack right before he is close to eliminating courage they then find Eustis in the closet with you guessed it Amnesia courage just leaves him in the closet oh well this show then cuts to
a shot of lequack escaping the police car and claiming that this isn't the last we'll see of him in The Following episode we meet Muriel's creepy nephew Fred the first glimpse of Fred we get is in the eyes of courage courage has been worried to meet Fred as courage is worried to do almost anything in life but instead of being relieved he's greeted by one of the creepiest strangest looking humans he's ever laid eyes on while sitting on the couch with Fred Kirch happens to notice a band around his wrist that reads home for freaky
Barbers courage tries to alert Muriel of this but instead she insists that courage show Fred where the bathroom is the bathroom that Eustis just got done explaining locks whenever the door gets shut just don't cry shutting it cause you won't be able to get it open mural realizes that she forgot to get Fred some fresh towels so she asked Eustis to bring him some when Eustis gets up the stairs though he decides to shove the towels and encourage his chest and slam the door shut with him and Freaky Fred inside part 1000 so far of
Eustis being a horrible human and we haven't even gotten past the third episode I'm covering yet while courage is locked in the bathroom with Fred Fred retells his hair cutting Origins while slowly cutting more and more of courage's hair [Applause] [Music] courage finally gets a glimpse of the number on Fred's wrist but he quickly hides it and shoves pancakes in Courage his mouth so he can't speak on the phone Fred finishes cutting courage's hair and while he's distracted happy dancing courage calls the number again and asks for help the hair police show up and institutionalize
Fred once again and while courage is already completely shaved at least he's free from the freakiness that is Fred I'm including this episode because it scared me the most when I was a kid I'm not sure if it was the creepy animation style they chose or the voice of the ghost of king Ramses the Pharaoh but either way it was total nightmare fuel for me when I was a child I'm not going to get too deep into this episode but it was essentially about how Eustis got his hands on a super valuable stone that was
an important artifact the spirit then comes to the house demanding it back [Music] and threatens them with curses if they don't listen of course he doesn't listen but look at how absolutely horrifying that thing is look at him I mean come on how is that not creepy episode they run into courage's most infamous arch nemesis cats this episode starts with Muriel dragging courage and Eustis out of their Farmland onto a cruise courage accidentally throws up into the engines because he got seasick and they end up crashing onto a deserted island now look where we are
I where's my chair once on the island they are greeted by cats who is disguising himself as the owner of a five-star Resort Muriel and Eustis happily joined the resort but courage is quite suspicious of the whole situation you must be wiped out from your excruciating experience where's my chair while on their way to a spa that Katz is offering courage stumbles upon the captain of their fallen ship turned into a soda machine and he warrants courage to get off of the island courage tries to warn his owners but they can't understand him as they
enter the spa they find that much like the other encounter with cats the spa is a no-dog zone They also tie courage up again I'm getting Deja Vu not long after courage here screaming from the spa and Witnesses people being taken out after being turned into machines Eustis is a wrecking ball and Muriel is a washing machine Katz takes them to a Coliseum for them to fight each other in a rage courage goes back to the spa and turns himself into a helicopter to rescue Muriel Finders Keepers Eustis then destroys the entire Island in a
fit of rage and the episode ends later on they are bombarded by cats yet again this time though cats genuinely needs them for a purpose as he has been unable to win the nowhere sweet stuff contest the episode starts with cats using his Jam monster to kidnap Muriel in hopes to gain her secret recipe for her candy apples cats threatens Muriel with her life to spill the beans or rather apples but she doesn't budge meanwhile Eustis arrives home and notices the missing and instantly starts to follow the jam Trail left by the Jam monster courage
chews off his bubble gum restraints and blows a bubble all the way up to cats and lands on him preventing him from sending Muriel to her Doom they fall down the stairs and as the pattern goes Katz decides to challenge courage to a game before ending him this time it just so happens to be a staring contest really Kurtz's concentration is broken when he startled by Eustis who just scared off the purple Jam monster because courage lost the competition Katz throws him into his Gumdrop making machine and he turns into candy meanwhile Eustis helps Muriel
down from her trap and starts battling cats himself okay Eustis we see you courage rolls up and sends cats into the Taffy machine ultimately saving Eustis and turning cats into Taffy Muriel then reveals that the secret ingredient she uses is vinegar the show then cuts to cats still only getting second place in the competition while courage and Muriel won first La quack is back he did tell us that wasn't gonna be the last of him this episode starts with a quack deciding he wants to hypnotize the Baggers he shows up at their door and says
he's there to fix their TV to which they say it isn't broken he then goes onto their roof and breaks their antenna and waits until they call him again for it to get fixed he presumably fixes it and leaves but soon after the TV starts hypnotizing Eustis and orders him to get rid of Courage good job when courage is taken care of Le quack orders both him and Muriel using the hypnotizing TV to go steal the lottery money from the jackpot Lottery that is going on at the time Eustis and Muriel drive to go get
the money [Music] a clown and while Muriel is distracting the guard used to sneaks in they have no idea that courage in his hopes to stop them sneaks in as well courage being conniving in his fear starts leaving a money trail out of the car so that people will be able to see where the stolen Lottery money is going the police end up following the money Trail and ultimately lequack is caught once again although much like last time lequack escapes and threatens that this yet again is not the last we will be seeing of him
in a later episode we finally get to actually meet the computer of the family the episode starts with courage writing in his little diary which is located on the computer while reading courage's Memories the computer tells courage that he isn't courageous at all and he could do better if he was given the chance later that night a bad thunderstorm hits and causes every electronic in the house to be electrified the computer so much so that it Springs to life grows a body allowing it to move now seemingly sentient and Alive the computer downloads itself into
sleepy Eustis and possesses his body but eustis's body proves inadequate it for the computer and claims they need one with more meat computer switches and decides to possess Muriel instead as she seemingly has um more meat computer now using mural's body as a seemingly super suit decides to go around the world and perform what he thinks are courageous acts courage then tries to save Muriel and keep the computer and her from dying during these strenuous tasks up for the Empire State Building and into a sewer ironically courage sacrifices his body repeatedly to save the one
he loves is much more courageous than any of the stunts the computer pulled during his adventures the computer eventually gets stuck in one of their Endeavors and asks courage to help them before they die courage does but not without getting Zapped in the process the computer picks courage up and takes him home and returns to his original state claiming that being a human was boring even after all the adventures he partook in Muriel then reads about all the adventures that happened while she was unconscious and thinks it's just courage's imagination this episode plays a parody
on Awkward Family situations regarding mother-in-laws although I'm sure Muriel's experience is much Stranger than most for context this episode contains a business called growth industries this company is obsessed with people who have a b XYZ hair types because their hair growing formula works best on them as per usual Muriel is the victim since she unfortunately does have this rare genetic blood type the episode starts with growth industries asking the doctors if they have any patience with the ab XYZ blood types as they have been running low on test subjects and after some slight bribing the
doctors reluctantly tell them about Muriel how about this much yeah growth industries show up at the farm and coerce Muriel to their lab even though she makes it clear she doesn't want to go now I might add that courage doesn't agree with this and feels like something is up as per usual he's the only character who thinks things through and immediately decides to ask the doctor and see what's up it would be unethical to reveal my patients personal information so please don't call me again unless there is big bucks involved after going to the clinic
and seeing her file he realizes that she's been taken by growth industries against her will courage also shows Eustis as he probably assumes he will need help getting her back but plot twist when they arrive at growth industries they find that the owner of the business is none other than eustace's Mother Ma upon further questioning mod denies knowing anything about Muriel being there that is until courage sneaks back into the building and finds Muriel along with several other people being tested on horrifically hanging from the ceiling and going through crazy tests and torture courage quickly
finds Muriel and causes a whole scene by tripping fire alarms fighting off all the guards evading Ma and jumping out the window with Muriel in order to escape and this episode concludes with him going home safely and Eustis coming home with a head full of hair and a lot of cash from being a test subject Eustis will do anything for money and courage will do anything for Muriel as per usual in a later episode similarly to the last we covered ma is trying to take advantage of Muriel and ruin her and eustis's relationship the episode
starts with strange hurtful things happening to Eustis throughout the day all of which seem to happen around Muriel this leads Eustis to believe that Muriel was actually intentionally trying to hurt him which was simply not the case Eustis calls his ma to complain and she shows up claiming she is a counseling license she doesn't what's your name work out your problems yes stupid boy she gives them a counseling session but before even trying she claims that their marriage is unfixable courage doesn't like the arguing slash Ma's response so he decides to use computer to get
his own counseling license instead during the counseling lesson led by courage everything goes smoothly and they make up I guess it all started with me mom she never liked me approached by a ghost woman who claims that she has been the one messing with Eustis she believes that mural's ancestors threw her husband into the lake containing Loch Ness that resulted in their death ma believes her and agrees to continue trying to ruin their relationship ma goes into the room and accuses Muriel of doing more harmful things towards Eustis and the ghost helps her conjure up
her claims courage sees this happen and starts using ink plots on Ma to try and distract her from continuing the plan when looking at the inkbots ma goes into a sort of trance and starts opening up about her life one important detail in particular how her ancestors threw a man into the lake with Loch Ness resulting in his death this infuriated the Phantom and resulted in the Phantom chasing ma out of the house in a later episode a villain finally mainly focuses on Courage for once instead of his owners while happily licking his bone outside
courage meets a strange lady who becomes instantly obsessed with him claiming that he looks like her old dog Duncan Muriel sees her affection and assumes that courage made a friend and invites her inside their home to have a cup of tea once inside they learn that she's actually a storm goddess who has lost her dog explaining why she's absolutely obsessed with courage it becomes clear that she is too obsessed with courage and Muriel starts to become aware of this issue during dinner the storm goddess claims that she is the owner of courage and will be
taking him with her when she leaves I just can't imagine never seeing my sweet Duncan oh a courage again this upsets Muriel and she instantly becomes defensive since courage is obviously her dog courage takes advantage of the strong winds from the storm goddess's anger and uses it to Fly Away In Search of her lost dog Duncan it isn't until someone says that they've seen Duncan that courage is directed towards the sewers once in the sewers courage eventually arrives at the god bone it is said that once you start licking it you become addicted to it
and lick until you die courage hears someone licking it so he Waddles around the bone and finds Duncan too bad the urges start to get at courage as well the only thing that allows him to break free is the image of Muriel Dying by the hands of the storm goddess [Music] if he fails in his mission to bring back Duncan eventually courage becomes free and takes the bone back to his house but then yet another issue arises the storm goddess is jealous at how much Duncan likes the god bone and decides she'll just keep courage
instead courage decides to pretend to give in to the storm goddess and starts reciprocating her energy and affection this makes Duncan jealous and he too gets free from the dog bone everyone went back to their respective owners and lived happily ever after not only is used as sick in this episode but the computer gets sick too the episode starts with Muriel trying to find something yummy to make Eustis to make him feel better but he dislikes her recipes because they contain vinegar Muriel and courage look for a new recipe online what does this one do
oh [Music] but the recipe takes a long time to download Muriel comes back into the room to check on the computer and the computer ends up sucking mural into him because of his virus courage goes into the computer as well and tries desperately to fight and save Muriel from the virus Muriel realizes that the virus is a literal virus and is indeed sick and offers him some of her special gelatin that she originally made for Eustis and he hated it she gives the virus some and he eats it up after finding out it has vinegar
he loves vinegar anyway the episode concludes with Muriel being free of the computer and feeding Eustis the good artichoke soup recipe even though that too had vinegar [Laughter] making yet another epic appearance Katz tries to ruin everyone's day yet again crispy bacon and Canadian ham and sausages and estate Muriel and courage are tired of Eustis and books themselves their own little vacation which just so happens to be run by cats it's an underwater submarine type of situation but right when they are about to board cats as per usual claims that no dogs are allowed courage
ends up disguising himself as a ventriloquist doll and gets on anyway no I am thirsty for a big drink [Music] once on the submarine Katz makes Muriel in charge of tea shortly after this she finds something fishy and courage confirms her belief that there's something wrong with the tea after Meryl confronts cats about it he throws her in a Cell courage wrestles The Key away from cats to free Muriel from her cage but in doing so he breaks the controls to the submarine and they start plummeting into deeper waters cats presumably escapes but is then
seen getting eaten by a shark courage saves Everyone by inflating himself with gas and blowing burp bubbles around everyone's body so that when the ship was about to explode they were able to safely float to the surface instead of dying horrifically lequack enters the show again with another crazy antic plan that super atlandish and random this time however he is using Muriel to rob a Swedish Bank the episode starts off with Muriel and courage in the kitchen making cookies that is until Eustace shows up not knowing where his glasses are can this man ever get
his stuff together Muriel instructs courage to go outside and help used his look for his glasses much to courage his dismay lequack reveals himself [Music] is bad [Music] as per usual neither of courage's owners pay any mind to him telling them that something is wrong and while they aren't looking lequack sneaks in and adds two ounces of rare Swedish vinegar to the recipe them founded mural doesn't know how she's going to get her hands on this rare ingredient to finish her cookies that is until the quack who claims to be a part of an air
balloon company offers her a balloon ride to Sweden to fetch some rare Swedish vinegar she excitedly accepts the invitation much to courage's demise when on the hot air balloon she is tied to a bungee cord and repeatedly thrown off the balloon through a trap door she doesn't want to do this though she doesn't really have a choice Against Gravity Le quack then finally reveals his true motives which is to rob a massive Swedish piggy bank after forcing Muriel to practice thoroughly he takes her to the piggy bank swedes were smart bringing us in to guard
their money big Roger on that go and claims that she will find her vinegar under the green leaves when Muriel claims she notices that there's no vinegar and that the leaves look like foreign money lequack pushes her off the balloon for good and begins to cut the cord to make her fall to her death courage catapults himself to save her and they land in a shop that sells Swedish vinegar they go home Happy while a quack gets to answer to the police then inevitably show up in this later episode Eustis finally gets what's coming to
him the episode starts off with multiple announcements that it's hunting season and that there's a big prize for whoever catches the biggest deer this causes Eustis to Showcase his inferiority complex towards his older brother by giving a Shoe Show to Muriel and courage he explains that he used to ask his older brother to go hunting with him and he would always say no actually not only would he say no he would also tell Eustis that he was useless I ain't used [Music] presumably because the two names rhymed clearly Eustis has some deep-rooted childhood drama maybe
that's why he's the way that he is moving on from eustace's sad upbringing he's motivated to start the hunting season to prove to himself that he's better than his older Dead Brother which is unfortunate considering he missed all of his shots because the father dear noticed Eustis shooting at him and his family he decides to get his own gun and Hunt Eustis instead a deer's gonna do what a deer's gonna do [Music] courage tries to prevent eustace's death by having them play a less life-threatening game show unfortunately Eustis still loses against the deer and tries
to shoot him still he misses and hits a deer lollipop Eustis takes the deer antlers and puts his Hunter's hat on the deer so that the bear thinks he isn't the real Hunter but unfortunately nothing goes right for Eustis and real Hunters show up and thinks he's a deer because of his antlers this of course results in him getting captured this later episode is one of two of the only 20 minute long episodes within the series of Courage the Cowardly Dog it starts with a rather ominous person wearing a mask showing up to the farm
and starting to beat up courage claiming that they hate all dogs little girl Muriel misunderstands the situation as per usual and invites the masked person over for tea thinking they were just playing with courage during tea time the mass person reveals that their name is Kitty and tells a tale of their friend bunny who fell in love with a gangster named Mad Dog this dog was abusive and threatened to kill bunny if they ever tried to escape or if Kitty was ever seen near them again after telling their tale Eustis makes a rude comment about
how they would probably have better luck looking for Kitty if they would just take off their mask to which the masked figure shoves all of the silverware from the table onto the ground later that day at dinner The Mask gets brought up again and instead of getting violently angry kitty claims that they aren't afraid to Face Reality when Muriel tells Kitty that everyone must face reality eventually Kitty points out their flaws in reality such as Muriel waking up in the middle of the night to eat sweet food and eustace's inability to fix anything despite being
a Fix-It man too much Nah The Masked lady I can fix anything later on at bedtime courage spies on Kitty and learns after she takes off her mask that she's actually a cat shocker I know I mean come on Courage think about her name anyway courage is completely convinced that the mask is actually an evil monster that takes over Kitty and he begins having visions of the Mask looking much more horrifying than it actually does courage then tries to warn Muriel and Eustis of the scary mask monster but as per usual they have no idea
what he's trying to tell them since they aren't doing anything about courage's perceived danger he decides to lock everyone in their respective rooms as he steals Kitty's toy mouse as supposed evidence for the police later that night while courage is at his local Diner he learns of where mad dog is keeping bunny from the diner's workers after you get bunny out of there tell it Charlie says a meanwhile after courage is at the diner every person in the house tries to escape with Kitty being the only one since she decides to climb out of the
window she assumes courage is the one who stole her toy and she begins to search for it back at Mad Dog's Place courage somehow freeze bunny even while being persecuted by multiple dogs while running away mad dog starts crashing them in his car courage jumps onto the car and swerves them in the way of a train courage escapes relatively fine Mad Dog might as well be roadkill Kitty yells out to bunny as Kitty presumably caught the train to leave courage's house and Bunny tells Kitty about how courage saved her life Kitty then says that all
dogs aren't bad and they write off into the night clutching each other arguably one of the most important episodes we learn of Courage has passed and how we came to be a part of the bag family home the episode starts with courage seeing an ad for missing dogs which is when all the flashbacks begin the first flashback that courage gets is how he was first separated it starts with him playing catch with both of his dog parents he somehow gets his head stuck in the pole so his parents take him to the vet the vet
said Scourge free and kidnaps his parents foreign the flashback ends as a very worried Muriel continues to ask courage what's wrong but he doesn't respond Eustis is also there and eventually becomes worried as well when they mention the vet courage is transported into another flashback only this time it's revealed that the vet had strange alien-like animals locked up and the vet is seen carrying his parents to their own secluded room in real time Muriel and uses take courage to the vet which just so happens to be the same vet that took his parents away this
causes courage to flee from the office upon opening up one of the doors another flashback takes over young courage finds his parents being shoved into a rocket courage tries to save them but the door had already locked them inside meanwhile back in the present day courage is trying to reopen the door that led to the rocket when all of a sudden he's captured by the vet the vet threatens courage that now it's his turn to go into the rocket murielan used to show up Furious wondering what he's doing to Courage the vet reveals that he's
breeding dogs in space to make them larger and more buff once this is revealed courage goes back into another flashback sadly while courage is running away from the vet he escapes and he is to watch from afar as his parents get launched into space back in the present again courage escapes the rocket right as the vet puts Muriel and Eustis in with him all of a sudden courage is trying yet again to save his parents from being launched in into outer space not willing to go out as easily as he did last time courage screams
in the vet's stethoscope steals his keys and while he's distracted from his ears hurting courage unlocks the rocket door and frees his adoptive parents he then puts the vet into the rocket instead and he launches into space finally a taste of his own medicine courage has one more flashback this time of something wholesome young Muriel finds courage after the traumatic event and names him back in present day courage is seen loving every second of Muriel's Comfort the scene cuts to the vet on the other planet with all the dogs ready to beat him up when
doing research I found many claims that this is the scariest episode of Courage fitting as they must have saved the best for last the episode starts with a long day of time-consuming tasks that courage isn't really the best at all of a sudden while courage is trying to help Muriel make Baklava and failing badly at it the perfectionist appears the perfectionist resembles an old classic school teacher but is more ugly and more put together the perfectionist is there in order to make courage perfect claiming that he is a disgrace she then has him complete a
multitude of different tasks including a perfect walk make an exact replica of the Eiffel Tower perfectly sleep perfectly while trying to sleep courage has the most deranged nightmares because of the trauma he gone through that day [Music] I mean just look at that I do believe this is exactly why it's the scariest episode the next morning while courage is brushing his hair in the bathroom a fish approaches from the bathtub and tells him there's no such thing as being perfect and that he can do anything he sets his mind to during courage's next lesson he
purposely doesn't do as he's told and the perfect person melts into the floor to disappear forever leaving courage perfectly happy with his imperfect family ha ha I mean movie courage is a part of as of right now is the Straight Out of Nowhere Scooby-Doo meets Courage the Cowardly Dog from 2021. although there's also word that another movie will be coming out shortly the movie starts with courage and Scooby-Doo hearing a strange noise at the same time Scooby still being with the gang decides to rush off to find out what it was with all them chasing
after him they all end up in the middle of nowhere which is the town that courage lives in they find a group of cicadas attacking courage and Scooby together they squash them all and are invited into the bag's house they hang out and tell stories and watch TV until they all get an invite to attend dinner at the mayor of the middle of nowhere's house when piling into their vehicles it is shown that a queen cicada takes eustace's place the cicada runs eustace's truck into the Mystery Machine and the Gang presumably defeats the cicada and
they reunite with Eustis and continue to the mansion guess what what what [Music] once they arrive they begin dinner and the Gang tries to tell the mayor about all the creepy stuff that's happened to them in town although the mayor is extremely dismissive and doesn't actually listen to courage at all the mayor suggests that they visit the museum but courage and several others stay behind to finish dinner the food is so horrible they go into the kitchen to find their own ingredients food [Music] while they're in there they witnessed the queen cicada back at it
again this time devouring the mayor this begins an epic chasing between courage Shaggy and Scooby with the Queen's cicada in tow meanwhile the rest of the gang finds a secret passage while touring the museums and notices strange things happening to the people surrounding this large machine which is being powered by a meteor all of the sudden the chase scene leads them to the same room and they all crash into the machine once the machine is broken gravity begins to act strangely everyone heads back to the farm but once there they notice corn growing the first
time I've seen anything on that desolate Farm the queen cicada is also there and so are a bunch of smaller versions of her everyone begins to get abducted except for Shaggy Scooby and courage shortly after Shaggy gives courage a big speech on how courageous he is and also gets abducted as per usual courage goes to his computer for help on figuring out how to stop the cicadas the computer needs extra help so they hook velma's computer up to it as well the computer tells them that they need the meteor in order to win so they
start digging deep hole right under the house they retrieved the meteor and free their friends and family when all of a sudden the meteor turns the queen cicada into a giant version of herself after encouragement from Muriel courage also turns himself Giant and fights the cicada to near death he turns small again and runs off with the meteor the Queen's cicada ends up getting crushed by the debris and the Gang unmasks her to find the mare but wait they unmask again and find cats and lequack they tried once again to thwart courage and his family
and get rid of them all once and for all if it weren't for you I don't understand what has happened the two are arrested and the movie concludes