How to create a realistic Ai Video Podcast Using NotebookLM (Make Money online in 2025)

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Welcome to @makemoneykck in this video, we’re diving into how to create an AI-powered podcast from ...
Video Transcript:
I'm going to show you how you can create an AI podcast like this particular one and you start making money online hey everyone seems like a lot of you out there are really interested in the world of podcasting yeah especially with all the talk about Ai and how it can really kind of shake things up for sure so we're going to dive into a question that I've been seeing pop up more and more lately okay sure can AI actually help someone launch a podcast and maybe even you know exactly I mean is that really a
thing it's pretty wild but all signs are pointing to yes so you're welcome welcome to KY what dreams take flight making money online teeking s so bright subscribe and say Journey shwn so what you need to do first is to make up your mind on what topic you want your podcast to be about if you can't come to terms with that you can use the help of chat GPT by asking chat GPT uh to give you different podcast ideas okay but in this particular case I know I want our podcast to be about the future
of AI so I'm simply going to come over to CH GPT and give CH GPT a prompt that says like this create me a podcast script focused on the future of AI make it both educational and inspiring for my audience so I'm just going to click on the generate button over here and then char g BT is going to write us a script for our podcast that we are going to be using in our next AI that I'm going to show you so here is the podcast script that GPT has generated for us so all
you have to do is to read through and then make any changes edit everything okay so that you can personalize the podcast so all I had to do here is to come and I asked CH GPT to edit podcast named to make money with K so like you can see CH GPT did that for me like you can see over here then I also came over down here and I added a remove host name CU I didn't want to include the host name I want our podcast to go straight to the point okay so um
I'm showing you this because I I want to show you that you can easily edit anything here okay so once you're happy with um everything what you're going to do is you're just going to copy U the entire podcast okay you're going to highlight and copy it just like this okay now going to click on copy then you're going to head over to notebook LM so you're going to click here where there is create a new notebook so you will click on that okay so you can just Google search to access notebook LM okay so
you're going to scroll down here where there is past text you're going to click over here just like that and then you're going to uh paste our script over here then you'll click on insert then after clicking on insert it's going to bring you this option over here that says Deep dive conversation so you're going to click on generate okay so you click on generate and that way they're going to generate for you a podcast between uh two people so this Tes this takes a bit of time we don't need to stick around so we
are just going to wait for that and then we are going to listen to How it has come out then I'll show you what to do next next in our next step so it's ready now let's just click on play and we'll listen to How it has come out hey everyone and welcome back to the Deep dive it seems like AI is everywhere you turn these days and you know what you guys are just as fascinated by as we are you sent us this script from the make money with kyk podcast oh yeah and honestly
it's really got me thinking are we like right on the edge of some seriously big changes well this script definitely isn't shying away from some bold predictions okay but it also makes this really interesting point right away that AI like it's not just some far off futuristic thing anymore it's already a part of our everyday lives yeah that's so true I mean think about it every time you search for something online every time your social media feed is like suggesting stuff for you to look at absolutely it's all powered by Ai and we're so used
to it by now we barely even notice it you don't even think about it it's just there exactly but what the so like you can see it has generated for you a deep conversation between Two Hosts okay so you're going to listen to that and once you like everything you're just going to come over here and then you're going to click on these three dots over here so you're just going to click on the download button and that way it's going to download on your device and I'm going to show you what to do next
so now you can upload your audio onto any of your favorite uh video editor in this particular case I'm going to be using wersh Filmore so what we are going to do here is we are going to separate the male audio from the female audio so that we can generate a video then we will attach it together don't worry if this sounds a lot much more don't worry you're going to get it as we do it practically together okay so all you have to do is to come here and you click on import so we
are going to import our audio okay so like you can see it's already here so all that I'm going to do is to drag and drop it over there then I'm just going to put position it um at the beginning over here so now we are going to listen to the audio and wherever the man stops speaking we are going to cut that and we'll leave um the man's uh part at the top then we will drag the ladies uh voice audio down here so I'm going to show you how to do that so let's
listen to the audio together and then I'm going to show you how we are going to be uh doing the split or The Cutting okay hey everyone and welcome welcome back to the Deep dive it seems like AI is everywhere you turn these days and you know what you guys are just as fascinated by it as we are you sent us the script from the make money with KY K podcast so um I'm going to just cut because I know I've listen to the video already and sorry to the audio already and I know that
from there it's the female who is going to be speaking next so let's listen um to the female now speaking and I'm going to show you what to do oh yeah and honestly it's really got me thinking are we like so you had where she says oh yeah that's what we want to cut okay only when the female speaks so we are going to cut that oh yeah so you will click on that and then you'll click over here so what you're going to do is you're going to drag it down here so you don't
need to change the positioning or anything you just have to drag it down so we are leaving the male's audio up and then the female audio will be down so let's do it let's do it again together and I see if you guys understood what I'm talking about and honestly it's really got me thinking are we like right on the edge of some seriously big changes well this script so I'm dragging this back okay cuz I only want uh the Mel's voice so I'm just going to drag this back okay get on the edge of
some serious L big changes so um again we are going to click on cut then we will listen to the female okay well this script definitely isn't shying away from some bold predictions that's okay but it also makes this really interesting point right away so this takes a lot of time but it's worth it so uh you just have to be patient and then listen carefully okay so I'm going to drag this down like I showed you guys cuzz this is the female part okay so I'm just going to put it down over there it
also makes this really interesting point right away away point right away absolutely it's all powered by a absolutely it's all powered abolutely it's all so you get that whole point we need two clips one for a male okay and then the other for femal so what we are doing the process we are doing is separating the voices okay so this is going to take some time like I told you guys but it's worth it so since this is a study purpose video I'm going to keep it short and I'm not going to be editing the
whole entire audio so let me uh let me delete the remaining part and then we are going to work um with the audios that I've already uh you know separated so what we are going to do next is you're going to highlight uh the first uh clip and we are going to turn it into a compound clip I'm going to show you how to do that so what you're going to do here is you're going to highlight all these upper clips for the mail just like that and then you will um put the C on
the last one okay you position it on the last one you don't have to click on it then that way you're going to right click once you right click it's going to give you uh different options over here and what we are looking for is the create compound clip so you're going to click on that and then you can name this however um you want okay we can call it u m m clip one and then you're just going to save it like that okay so like you can see it's been turned into one so
we are going to do the same for the female clip okay remember we don't have to change the positioning we don't have to remove the spaces in between nothing okay so you leave everything as it is so now highlight everything just like that okay sorry I missed one I'm just going to redo this so highlight everything as one just like that and then you can right click and then create a compound clip name it as you want so we are going to name it female clip one then you're going to save it as it is
okay so like you can see it's brought up here okay so what we want to do is to drag the femal clip as well and we are going to put it on the same line with the m clip so so that it is as one okay so next what we are going to do we are going to start with the m clip so at this point your clip is longer remember for you you've dealt with the whole entire audio so you might consider breaking it uh within 25 seconds or 35 seconds so you come over
here where it ends uh during the during the 25 seconds that's where you you're going to cut it so you have different clips and you'll name them accordingly hopefully we are still together guys okay by the way if you're finding value in this video I kindly request you to support the channel by liking this video if you haven't already subscribe to the channel and also ring the notification Bell so you don't miss out on content like this if you have any questions you can leave them in the comment section down below and I'll be able
to answer them so what we are going to do here is you're going to right click and then uh you're going to come over here where it says select export selected Clips okay so like you can see I've only selected um this clip so this is where the game is so remember now for the male voice you have perhaps uh like five Clips let's say you've divided it into five Clips so you're going to be saving one by one okay so let's assume this is the clip one okay so right click and then come here
where it says um export selected Clips it's going to bring you over here and like you can see over here you can change the name of the clip so since uh this is the m clip one you're going to name it m clip one okay and then when you're saving the second one you'll name it m c two then the third one you'll save it mail clip 3 okay then the fourth one you'll save it as M clip 4 so you have a organized work okay so after that you can click over here where there
is save to okay then you will click over here it's going to take you to your computer files okay and that way you're going to choose which folder you want to save your work in okay like you can see you can choose to save it on the desktop downloads documents anywhere you feel um you want to save your your work okay so let's just go back then after that you can just click on the export option make sure this is an MP3 okay cuz we only want the audio okay then you click on export down
here then that way it's going to be exported to the folder you want okay and it's going to be easy for us uh to use these clips in our next step like you're going to see so following the same steps like I showed you guys earlier on you're going to save the remaining clips for the purpose of this video um we only have one more left so I'm going to come over here click on it and then I'll right click I'll come over here where it says export selected Clips then um it's going to bring
me the option where I choose a folder that I can save uh my clip in okay just like we did the first time so let's change this to a female okay so yeah we are going to name this female one okay and then the folder I want it in the same folder like the one we just saved it's an MP3 we are good to go then I'm just going to click on export so let's export this and save it into our folder then I'm going to show you what to do next so for our next
step we are going to be turning our audio into a video and to do that we are going to be using the help of Cana so Cana has a new feature known as drum laab so once you're on the ca page you look down here it has this option over here that says dreamlab so you click on this okay and it will bring you to this page over here so this is what we are going to use to generate our images you're basically going to come over here and give uh this AI a prompt okay
so I generated The Prompt with Char GPT so you can do the same or you can use this exact prompt okay so it says generate an image of an African mail podc host seated in a modern studio with a consistent professional background he should be holding a microphone close to him looking happy and smiling creating an inviting and engaged appearance The Studio background should include soundproofing panels warm lighting and sub Deco like plans giving a cozy and stylish feel okay so I want you to remember that we need two images since we are um working
with Two Hosts a male and a female so I'm first going to generate the um the male Emil okay the images for the male and then we will generate the images for the female and remember you can use the same exact prompt all you have to do is to change this to female okay so after that you're going to choose the aspect ratio for the image and we are going to leave it at a one to one okay so after that all you have to do is to click on the create button and then the
images are going to be generated for us okay so here are the images that they've generated for us and what we are looking for is for an image where the Avatar is looking straight to the camera so I think um this is the most perfect one okay so we are going to work with this one so all you have to do is to click on the download button over here just like that and that way it's going to uh download on your computer just like that so let's go ahead and edit the prompt to a
female and then we are going to generate um the female images then I'm going to show you how you're going to make this Avatar to uh speak okay so for the female I think this is the most perfect one and all you have to do is to click on the download button and then it's going to download on your device so after that let's head over to the AI that um is going to help you make this Avatar stock okay so in this particular case we are going to be using did but there is also
hedra AI but I prefer D and like you can see it's what I use for most of my avatars okay so uh basically once you're on the D ID page okay you're going to choose this option where it says create a video so you will click on that okay and then it's going to bring you to this interface over here so basically what you're going to do is you're going to click on create just like that then you'll choose the the standard Avatar option just like that then you're going to choose uh the images that
you want to turn into an avatar okay so um we are going to take this and then um it's going to bring you to this page over here and down here you're going to choose uh the Avatar's emotions okay so we are going to go with happy and after that you're just going to click on the script option over here and then under script you'll go to the AUD part and then we are going to upload our audio okay so you will click on upload and it's going to take you at your different folders then
you'll choose the folder where you saved your file and then that way you're going to be able to access all your files okay so uh if you separated the male clips and female Clips you can choose to start with the male and then after working with the after working with the male Clips you can then focus on the female Clips okay so I'm just going to choose male okay and then that weather audio is going to be uploaded over here and it's going to help us generate our video really quick you can click on it
and then you listen to it to make sure that uh it's the right audio you're using then after that you just going to click on generate video just like that then you're going to choose um this option over here where where it says let's go you'll click on that and then voila your video is going to be generated so now you're going to click on these three dots over here just like that and then you will click on download okay then at that way our video is going to download on our computer and later on
I'm going to show you how you're going to assemble these videos and turn them into a video podcast okay so following the same steps we are going to do the same for the female uh host okay so I already uploaded the image over here I'll just click on it just like that and it's going to bring me over here so yeah I'm going to click on it just like that and then I'll come to uh I'll change the mode okay so the emotions I'll keep them on happy then I can add the movements as Lively
like you can see so um yeah I'm going to click on script and then I'm going to click on audio then I'm going to upload the audio just like we did with the first one okay so yeah then it's just uploading so it's done with the upload so I'm just going to come over here and click on generate video so that way our video is going to be generated okay okay okay okay okay video is ready now we are just going to click on the three dots then click on download and download the video so
let's go ahead and I show you how you're going to assemble these videos into a video podcast just now so to assemble the videos once again you can use any of your favorite video editors it can be cup card it can be W sh filora it can be any video editor and let's switch up things just to show you that you can use any of these okay so this time around we are going to be using clipchamp and all you have to do is uh to come over here where there is your media so you
click on that and that where you're going to be able to import the videos that we just generated in um D with d AI so I'm just going to upload them really quick over here so now what we are going to do next is to drag the videos and assemble them in the correct order from the very first one to the last one and I'm going to show you how to do that so you're going to start with a first clip okay or all the gentleman's Clips you layer them at once okay but I only
have one video cuz that's what I created so what you're going to do next is to drag this to the position where you want it if you want it on the right you put it on the right and if you want it on the left you can keep it on the left okay so if your screen is small over here you can adjust from here and change the aspect ratio to 16 to 9 cuz that's the perfect perfect size for a YouTube video okay so um after that you're going to come over here and let's
first play the video let me increase on the volume and then we are going to play um the video okay so where the gentleman stops talking the very first time is where the ladies video is going to start from okay hey everyone and welcome back to the Deep dive it seems like AI is everywhere you turn these days and you know what you guys are just as fascinated as we are you sent us this script from the make money with kyk podcast so the first time he stops talking from there now I'm just going to
get the ladies video and I'm going to layer it on top of this one okay just there exactly where he stops uh where he pauses while talking okay it's where I'm going to position the first clip of the lady then I'll drag it on the side okay just like that so that they can fit on the same screen okay you can drop this on the side to hide the logo a little bit just like that so yeah that looks perfect now we are going to play this and we listen to it at once and we
see how it has come out hey everyone and welcome back to the Deep dive it seems like AI is everywhere you turn these days and you know what you guys are just as fascinated by it as we are you sent us the script from the make money with kyk podcast oh yeah and I'm honestly it's really got me thinking are we like right on the edge of some seriously big changes well this script definitely isn't shying away from some bold predictions okay but it also makes this really interesting point right away that AI like it's
not just some far off futuristic thing anymore it's already a part of our everyday lives yeah that's so true I mean think about it every time you search for something online every time your social media feed is like suggesting stuff for you to look at absolutely it's all powered by Ai and so used to it by now we barely even notice it so that's perfect guys how cool is that this is really really cool so now what we are going to do next is to cover the gaps over here like at the beginning where it's
only the gentleman visible on the screen and at the end or in between anywhere in your video so this is what you're going to do so if you're dealing um with the gentleman when he's the only one on the screen all you have to do is to get the clip of of the lady the you position it anywhere um on your uh timeline okay then you're going to play the video and you find um you find a space where the lady is not talking where she's silent okay so yeah let's listen to that so like
there she's not saying anything it's the gentleman talking okay so when she says yeah she keeps quiet okay so we are going to cut this okay and then we want the silent part on the where she's silent where she's not saying anything okay well this script definitely isn't shying away so um I'm going to get that well this okay so I'm just going to cut this and then I'm going to bring it over here okay so uh you can go ahead and duplicate this okay to feel uh the enre space over here where um you
know she's not saying anything so like you can see I've done this for the entire video to the end over here so um we are going to watch the video to the end and we see how it has come out with all the gaps being covered okay so I'm just going to uh Zoom this in hey everyone and welcome back to the Deep dive it seems like AI is everywhere you turn these days and you know what you guys are just as fascinated by it as we are you sent us the script from the make
money with KY K podcast oh yeah and honestly it's really got me thinking are we like right on the edge of some seriously big changes well this script definitely isn't shying away from some bold predictions okay but it also makes this really interesting point right away that AI like it's not just some far off futuristic thing anymore it's already a part of our everyday lives yeah that's so true I mean think about it every time you search for something online every time your social media feed is like suggesting stuff for you to look absolutely it's
all powered by Ai and we're so used to it by now we barely even notice it honestly guys I think this has come out really well but you can also let me know what you think in the comment section down below so now that we are done creating our podcast video we are going to come over here and we click on the export button then we are going to uh we are going to download our video at this quality over here 1080p then uh that way you can share your podcast on different platforms for example
like YouTube Spotify Apple podcast Google podcast on all podcast platforms and then you start making money online so guys this is all that I had for you for today's video and if you found value in the video I kindly request you to support the channel by liking this video subscribing to the channel if you haven't already and ringing the notification Bell so you don't miss out on content like this thank you so much guys and see you in my next one bye
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