Africans we were lied to! - PLO lumumba makes shocking revelations about Christianity

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PLO Lumumba has made shocking revelations about Christianity. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Let's come together in reas...
Video Transcript:
today as Christians we pay tithe we make offerings but many times we pay tithes and offerings with wrong intentions we think that we are in a casino and that we are investing and God will make us Millionaires and when we don't get the millions we get disappointed and we who are here as professionals today it is a day to interrogate ourselves to ask ourselves questions wherever we are whether we can pass the litmas test Suppose there was to be a rupture today that Christ were to come today on the basis of the criteria that is
provided in the Bible would you get to heaven ask yourself that question it is not the number of services that you attend every year it is not the tithe and offerings that you pay would you get to Heaven by your very actions and this is what makes me make reference to the story of the Good Samaritan recorded in the Book of Luke as I said a little earlier chapter 10: 29 through to 37 and Christ was answering what was essentially a very simple question who is you your neighbor that was the question that was posed
and who is your neighbor it would have been possible for to him to say that your neighbor is he or she who lives next to you but he did not answer in that way he said there was a man who was traveling that road that dangerous road and and he was ambushed by robers and when he lay there dying a levite past Levites we are latterday Levites they did nothing another believer past did nothing and then there came a Samaritan and in order to understand the context of this story you must understand the status of
the Samaritans during the times when Christ walked on the surface of this Earth and this Good Samaritan We Now call him the Good Samaritan said he took care of him and went to the inn and said take care of him and if there is any ex additional expense you tell me today cesy of his actions we say he was a good Samaritan how many of you professionals here have found yourselves in situations where you could have been a good Samaritan but you are not how many of you here who are lawyers in government institutions who
when called upon to do that which is good and right you seek to be bribed first how many of you here I'm not asking you to raise your hands but I'm asking you to inspect your heart how many of you here who are doctors who upon whom it fell to save life and asked many questions irrelevant questions and lives were lost how many of you here are Engineers who compromise the standards and qualities of our roads that you may become rich how many of you how many of you who are reporters here who will distort
what we are saying today how many of you because when you find yourself in any situation where your Acts or omissions can harm another that other is your neighbor this is the message so as to who is your neighbor changes from time to time but your conduct must never change in other words as professionals we must make painful choices you know many times I listen to fellow Christians and they say I love the Lord and I do not begr them I'm not in the business of begrudging them because they have their Duty and right to
love the Lord but a few minutes later when they are driving on the road they do not love the other motorists and I said how can they possibly be conducting themselves in a manner that could lead to the death of the other mories and then they say they love the Lord in John 1 you are told that you are a liar if you are such a one as that and you know in this country when we say there is corruption or evil all these other things who are The Midwives of corruption in this country professionals
We Are The Midwives look at any institution that is collapsing or has collapsed who has presided over the collapse of such institutions is it not us who are professionals do we make the right choices when we are called upon to make the right choices whom do we worship do we worship mmon or God do we obey the law when it is inconvenient to us when I read the story of the Israelite as they moved from Egypt through the desert for 40 years to the promised land and it has been dramatized in modern times I do
not know whether you watch movies if you do good if you don't I urge you to and there is one movie which is a dramatization of that event that I want you to watch and I'm citing this movie so that I may make reference to the verse that I talked about in the book of The Prophet Joshua is a movie that was produced in 1956 it's called The Ten Commandments how many have watched it if you've watched The Ten Commandments the sister after only a few days the Israelites say they want a God that they
can see and they make unto themselves an image of a c the sons of Kora are there Dayan is there and they have persuaded the people to rebel against God and when he comes down now in the dramatization he comes down with the tablets of the law and the people have rebelled and one of them I think it is Kora who says you have made unto yourselves laws that you may become a prince over us we are free but Moses says now there is no Freedom outside of the law Freedom must be within the law
and that is why therefore as professionals we must be bound by certain ethics we must have certain taboos the things that we do not do and the things that we do and these taboos are the ones that will prevent us from doing things that are not not in the best interest of our country and our society in other words as professionals we are enjoined to make choices but which choices do we make today as Christians we pay tithe we make offerings but many times we pay tithes and offerings with wrong intentions we think that we
are in a casino and that we are investing and God will make us Millionaires and when we don't get the millions we get disappointed Choose You Now whom You Shall Serve is what I'm coming to but what I want to say before that is we must change our minds and change our hearts this morning I was telling the good president here and we were reminding ourselves that is not lost on us that the Bible says that out of the whole group that left Egypt only two entered the promised land only two Joshua and calb the
rest died because they had left Egypt but there was too much Egypt in them you can leave Egypt but Egypt is telling you so today we who are professionals here we must ask ourselves the uncomfortable question is Egypt still in us or we have left Egypt and exercised the ghost of Egypt and that is how I understand the famous statement that is recorded in the book of Joshua at chapter 24:1 15 because the people were undecided the people are UND decided whether they should worship God or they should worship little gods and he says You
must now make a choice you must not be of two minds Choose You Now whom you shall serve you know when I look at us as Christians I look at us as professionals I look at us as the country I look at the judgments that we make as a country I ask myself if it is said of us that in determining who is a Christian there is no Jew no Gentile no slave nor free do you you remember that there is no Jew nor Gentile nor slave nor free but here in a country where we
have professionals one of the greatest diseases is we call it ethnicity or tribalism we are one of the most ethnic countries on Earth the blood of ethnicity is thicker than the blood of Christ so that when you are making your judgments you don't make judgment on the basis of whether you are Christian but you make judgment on the basis of whether you are Lua luia and when or cenin but when you get to the cenin it becomes nandy keeps cuz when you begin to look for the things that divide you you'll find them I was
asking somebody the other day when we are putting people into positions as Christians because we claim we are Christian when you are boarding an aircraft and and you are L do you ever ask is the pilot L you don't what you want is a good pilot that will make the thing fly and land but when we want to appoint a minister we say is the minister cber what contradiction do we have as a nation when you want to cat a rat what you need is a cut whether the cut is Black or White is irrelevant
you want a rat catching cut but do we as professionals have we liberated ourselves from that professionals today if you look at universities across our country if you go to I dare challenge you the vice Chancellor is likely lure and if he is not the lers in that area will say we want our own does chemistry change when is taught by a cber and when he taught by L if you go to Mo University likely the vice Chancellor is of the Cen in extraction if you go to SEO in machakos the vice Chancellor is likely
a cber if you go to masindo the vice Chancellor is likely AIA of the bukusu extraction if you go to wrongo the vice Chancellor is likely to be a l if you go to Dean kimath University that one maybe a little different but if you go to any of these and the people will say we want our own and these people who say these are Christians for whom there is no je no how do we reconcile that kind of conduct when you want to have the head of the mo teaching and referral you want cing
but when you are dying you want an oncologist how do you reconcile that we must make a choice but we are not making those choices as Christians who are Kenyans because we want to be nice to each other until the day that we are capable of Liber seating ourselves from these Basic Instincts our countries will never realize their potential and I'm aring you that we as a Christian body we must now ask ourselves and comfortable questions in order to give meaning to our Christianity you know I now know churches and there is a very good
friend of mine who is an Archbishop of the Catholic church for the moment the Catholic church is doing a very good job they appoint them differently but I know a church which I will not name because you may recognize it and I want to be politically correct in which you cannot be a bishop unless you are an aborigin of that area we have now put Christ and God into ethnic pigeon halls and it is we professionals who preside over that if you go to different parts of Kenya you are in West poot you are in
Elo Mar you are in different parts in KY the people who are not professionals never talk about these things it is we professionals who remind them about their ethnicity which ought to be celebrated ethnic diversity is something to be celebrated it is the youth the use of ethnicity as an instrument of judgment and discrimination that must be condemned there is nothing wrong with our ethnicity God in his in his Divine wisdom made us different because he's a god of diversity because diversity is what creates Harmony but if we choose to use our diversity to destroy
the harmony that we have then we can never realize our potential you professionals who are here I want you to reflect there was a time in this country and many of you will remember when you left the comfort of your home in kaga and you are a student in shimola in mumbasa we were told here about the Journey of Christianity the Journey of Paul the Journey of movement from the promised land into Malta into different parts of the world that is why we have Christianity here because people thought widely but the current professional is a
professional whose world view is very narrow and he or she claims that they are Christians do you sometimes wonder why therefore we pray and fast and the things that we ought to get we don't get because praying and fasting without belief is superstition that is how I then want to make reference to the book of Matthews Matthews 25: 14 through to 1 you remember the story of that great man if he was great in his days the Bible records that there was this great man a rich man who was going away for some time and
then what he did was to give to his workers according to the ability one he gave five talents another one he gave two talents and another one he gave one Talent do you remember that story and do you remember that when he had gone out for a long time he came back and to the one that he had given five talents he asked Master he told him Master you gave me five talents I've worked the five and here are my five therefore they were 10 and to the one that he gave two he said Master
have worked the two and there are now four and he said good worker and to the one that he gave one he said I know you you in the business of reaping where you have not sown not his words but my words but making the point and then the Bible records and says unto those who do not have even the little they have shall be taken away from them and it shall be given to those who have as professionals how do we use our professionalism to multiply what we have for the general good today in
Kenya and I'll say [Music] this we we have something called Devolution and we love it how many of you here love Devolution none of you love Devolution it is a good thing a few good things have happened but a few bad things have happened Professionals of different kinds are serving in our devolved units lawyers doctors economists and these professionals attend church on Saturdays and on Sundays but I have never seen any Pastor not even in your church not anyone of them rebuke the thieves who have been devolved not one you accept their tith and offering
gly and you say all wealth belongs to God even the stolen ones yet Christ rebuked taxpayers so even the clergy have fallen short of the glory of the expectation of both God and man because we do not rebuke there are thieves here many of them do not rebuke there are thieves here many of them who have been devolved some of them are still at the center and the thieves that are devolved who are Christians they are two things that they love doing they build hotels I do not know why hotels are very popular with thieves
or office blocks and then they invite pastors to bless them and pastors say this block was blessed by Pastor so and so of this church have you seen such buildings even here in ELD they are there I've seen them across the country and I'm saying this because if we don't rebuke then the professionals cannot change have you seen even in churches when thieving professionals arrive in church when a sumon is going on the pastor will stop in the middle of a sermon I've seen this they go and bring the thief and bring him in front
then the professionals cannot change because they are not rebuked so all of us who are are here who are professionals let us remember that when all is said and done it is you and your God you know when two days ago I read the report by the E telling us how corruption has become pervasive in order to get job in Kenya the average amount of money you spend is 163,000 Kenya Shillings only one clergy to my knowledge has spoken about it and against it Arch Bishop Mia none of the cler [Laughter] thank you he will
not [Laughter] succeed you know I say this with pain because it is we who who are professionals who can change this but are we willing to change are we willing in our own small ways to change because you cannot possibly change everybody but you can change yourself while are we ready you lawyers who are here who are professionals you judicial officers who are here who are professionals are we ready to ensure that Justice according to law is done on the basis of evidence rather than on the basis of the size of our pockets are we
prepared you doctors who are here who are in a public hostel and prescribe medicine which is bought at your Pharmacy across the road are you prepared to change because we know you police officers who are running matatus and Border borders whom you allow to break the law are you prepared to change that we may reduce the accidents on our roads are we prepared you teachers who Leck examination to your students and then celebrate with Twigs at the end of the year when they pass are you prepared to change are we you Town planners who are
approving buildings which collapse and kill that you may become a millionaire are you prepared to change you journalists who kill good stories because a brown envelope has been given to you are you prepared to change these are the painful questions that this country country must ask you politicians who are also Professionals in your own right and run CDF and you've Incorporated 10 companies in which your drivers are the directors trading with yourself are you prepared to change youc who are now political professionals who are crying for the world fun because you have companies which you
have Incorporated are you prepared to change are you prepared to be Christians as a friend of mine you remember the conversation I started with we concluded by saying that Bia talk had wish V
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