The Four Bodies of Consciousness // Spiritual Intelligence 09

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Aaron Abke
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Video Transcript:
[Music] namaste my friends and welcome back to the channel so this is our ninth episode of spiritual intelligence and so far we've laid a lot of the groundwork for this series we've talked about the seven levels of spiritual intelligence the three states of mastery we went over the sq test and talked about where these seven levels map onto our brain waves so now we're ready to move into the next phase of this series which is going to be much more focused on the process of inner healing and balancing and the process of cleansing our nervous
system to allow these higher states of spiritual intelligence to begin manifesting within us so i want to begin teaching you something over the next few episodes that i call the ascension spiral and this episode is going to lay the framework for understanding the different layers of healing that we move through and this teaching comes directly from the ancient teachings of the vedas which have stood the test of time and have been taught by spiritual masters for thousands of years so i'd like to invite you to join me for this ninth episode of spiritual intelligence as
we explore the four bodies of consciousness [Music] so we're going to talk in great detail about the ascension spiral in next week's video but in order to understand what the ascension spiral is we first have to understand the four bodies of consciousness and so these four bodies could also be seen as four different stages or levels of self-perception that consciousness can have and depending on our level of spiritual intelligence we're always in one of these four corresponding bodies at any given time and we're going to look at where these four bodies map onto the sq
chart here in a minute but when we understand each of these four bodies in great detail it makes it very easy to identify which of the four stages of healing that we are currently moving through for any given catalyst we know that spiritual healing is not linear in the sense that i become aware of a trauma and then i do a session of shadow work and then it's completely healed we oftentimes have to spiral back around to the same issue multiple times before it's unblocked within us because we are multi-dimensional beings and the four bodies
of consciousness sort of show us the four dimensions that consciousness experiences as a self in the manifest universe so spiritual healing in that sense is a science it is a transmutation of energy within the nervous system which can be directly observed within us as it unfolds if we know what to look for it can also be seen as an art form in that there are definite methods and techniques and approaches to our healing that facilitate this transmutation as well as definite approaches which block or stagnate the process as well so the vedas teach that there
are four distinct bodies of consciousness which we perceive reality through at any given time and the first body is called the gross body and gross in this context doesn't mean disgusting it means gross as in physical or dense so the physical body or gross body is the first mode of perception that consciousness has and it represents the waking state of consciousness this is when our perception of self is that we are definitely a physical body living in a definitely real physical world and we connect with that world through the five senses seeing tasting touching smelling
and hearing the gross body is the only body of the four that experiences physical death or dissolution being essentially nothing more than a costume that the self is wearing to inhabit the manifest universe it is a mass of flesh blood and bones and it holds our instincts and our animal nature it experiences only the manifest world and nothing beyond it and everything the gross body perceives is through the lens of duality such as pain and pleasure good and evil and so forth so the physical body purely operates on biases and preferences and so when the
gross body is seen as i then all the desires and cravings of the body are my cravings and desires and now i can suffer at the hands of them so this is the lowest level of self-perception and the first body of consciousness that we are all born into the second body is called the subtle body and it represents the dream state this is our energetic body which consists of the five different forms of prana that run through the nervous system as well as the mind and the imagination so what it looks like are the seven
energy centers the 72 000 knotties that spread through the gross body and the toroidal field that looks like that little bubble that wraps around the energy body so all of the movements of the gross body are only because of the subtle body and the energy that's animating it the subtle body contains our memories our personal desires and all the impressions or karmas from our current incarnation the subtle body only experiences the mind projected world of concepts and labels and biases of course in miracles calls this the dream world so when the subtle body is seen
as i we begin to know ourselves as a soul on an evolutionary journey and we begin to become more concerned with our spiritual well-being rather than just our physical well-being so this is the point where a person will begin engaging with spiritual practices like meditation pranayama yoga because it's understood on a deeper level that i am an energetic being and i am here to evolve and to expand my energy level the third body of consciousness is called the causal body which represents the sleep state it is also sometimes referred to as the bliss body it
is a state of pure forgetfulness where nothing is known but the experience of bliss and emptiness it is the body we plunge into during deep dreamless sleep many monks and yogis who reach this non-dual void state of consciousness believe it to be the highest state of consciousness attainable as it creates an incredible feeling of inner space vastness and emptiness of mind it is the body you experience in the space between thoughts in the first few seconds upon waking up before thought arises it is called the causal body because it is the body that holds all
of the inactive impressions and karmas of our countless lifetimes and it absorbs all the experiences and karmas from the subtle body after each lifetime is finished these karmas are then placed into the deep subconscious void of the causal body and that information is used to create or cause one's next incarnation this body represents the don't know mind of zen where although one sees objects one knows that they cannot truly be known conceptually and that everything is ultimately a mystery the causal body experiences only the unmanifest world it is like enjoying deep sleep while being fully
awake life appears like a dream which one is only watching there's no ability to be worried or concerned about one's life anymore because everything is seen as arising out of the void and quickly disappearing back into the void again the present moment is felt like a speck of dust floating on the surface of the ocean all that one truly knows is emptiness and inner silence so it can be said that to forget everything while in an awakened state is to enter the causal body the fourth and final body of consciousness is called the great causal
or supercausal body and this body represents the lucid or transcendent state it is where one knows themselves as pure infinite consciousness for even though each of the three states of waking dreaming and sleeping comes and goes the witness of these states does not come and go the great causal body says i am not a physical body or energy nor even space i am the witness only it is the body where we experience samadhi in deep meditation which is the god absorption that lies beyond the bliss of the causal body in the waking state we take
the physical body to be the most real in the dream state we take the energy body and the imagination to be real in deep sleep we take the void to be real yet in the fourth body all three states of waking dreaming and sleeping only appear on the screen of consciousness they are all seen to be equally transient and so it is said in the vedas that the one who witnesses and is unaffected by all three of these states is forever awake the truly awakened one knows i am the fourth state everything appears on myself
for i am pure consciousness the four bodies of consciousness represent the four modes of self-perception that consciousness can perceive reality through because you always see reality the way you see yourself so it can know itself in the waking state as a physical body it can know itself in the dream state as the subtle body it can know itself in deep sleep as the causal body or it can know itself directly as pure consciousness infinite and eternal and this represents self-realization or the singularity state and as you've likely assumed we can also map these four bodies
of consciousness onto the sq chart just like we did with our brain waves and we can see which body of consciousness that we are currently perceiving reality through depending on what our sq level is we know that our brain waves tell us which body of consciousness we are in whether in the waking state dreaming state deep sleep or beyond our brain waves will reflect it so let's take a quick review at a few versions of the sq chart to see how all of these models of consciousness tie in together in this chart we can see
that at the gross body level we are at the first two sq levels of insanity or sanity and this is where the vast majority of humanity currently is full identification with the physical body and no knowledge of anything beyond it so life is basically just an endless fight for survival and dominance over others at the subtle body level though we rise to the sq levels of empowerment awakening and illumination the subtle body cannot be penetrated completely until one has transcended duality which only happens at the end of the illumination level the causal body starts where
the illumination level ends at the level of mastery at the third eye this is a very difficult body of consciousness to move through as the pull from the void is extremely heavy from within why progress when there's so much bliss here nothing really exists so who cares it's all just pure source energy appearing and disappearing into the void people in the causal body are very silent within and are invulnerable to the ebbs and flows of life it's an extremely peaceful and happy state of consciousness but eventually consciousness must transcend even this and move to the
final layer of the great causal body at the singularity level of the crown now let's review our episode on the brain waves when we stack this chart over the four bodies chart this is how the five brain waves compare with the four bodies of consciousness at the level of the gross body we are purely in beta but once we enter the subtle body we progress into alpha and at the final level of the subtle body we move into theta alpha brain waves are produced during daydreaming and deep contemplation and theta waves are produced during our
dreams at night and during peak spiritual experiences this is the illumination level but once we enter the causal body we are now in the realm of delta which are the waves we produce in deep dreamless sleep this is the state of consciousness at the third eye level of mastery where one knows only emptiness inner silence and bliss beyond that though is the land where very few souls and third density have tread the great causal body of the singularity level this is when gamma waves are predominant in the brain as one's energy and perception are heightened
to super-human levels so the reason that i'm providing you with so many different reference points in this series to study these seven levels of sq from is because when we look at something from multiple angles and points of view it helps us to understand that thing on so many different levels and dimensions and it also further serves to show us that these seven levels of spiritual intelligence within us are not just mere speculation but they are absolutely real and they correlate perfectly onto so many other systems and models of consciousness which we have but as
i said at the beginning of this episode the most important reason why i'm teaching you this model of the four bodies of consciousness is to help you understand what we're going to cover in next week's episode on the ascension spiral because this i believe is the most helpful model we have available for understanding the process of spiritual healing and integration as it uses these four levels of self-perception we've just gone over today to help us better understand the process of healing that's playing out within us and again when you understand the process you're going through
while you're working on healing or transcending something it just makes the journey a whole lot smoother the ascension spiral will serve as a powerful guide or reference point to know exactly which aspects of self have been healed based on what's showing up in my experience and also which aspects of self might need to still cultivate more awareness around so it's designed to show you where you are in the healing process and what still needs to be done in order to progress to the next level of healing so in our next episode we're going to explore
the ascension spiral in great detail to give us even more tools to expand our spiritual intelligence and unlock all of that potential that exists within us so i want to thank you again for watching and i'll see you in our next episode hey everyone thank you for watching today's video i hope that you were truly blessed by it and i wanted to let you know that i'm really excited to now be partnering with an amazing conscious supplement company called organifi a lot of you know that i'm also passionate about holistic health and nutrition and organifi
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