7 SYMPTOMS THAT A HEART ATTACK IS ON THE WAY | causes, treatment and how to avoid a MIND Hello! Did you know that mortality from heart attacks in young women, between 15-49 years old, has been increasing here in Brazil? That's right.
It has increased by more than 60% in recent years, despite significant improvements in the treatment of heart attacks. And worse, 1 in five women is at risk of suffering a heart attack. So pay attention.
Cardiovascular diseases are the main causes of death here in Brazil. Number one! Around 400 thousand Brazilians die every year.
And a serious problem is that many people don't know that what they are feeling could be a heart attack and many lives are lost for this reason. That's why this video is so important: you will learn to recognize the first signs and symptoms of a heart attack. Less than 5% of Brazilians know.
And knowing this, you will be able to protect yourself and your entire family. Because the sooner you remember the heart attack, the faster you will act and the greater your chances of surviving. So, pay attention to what your body is telling you!
But I'm going to talk about more than just the signs and symptoms. I'm going to talk about how a heart attack happens, the newest treatments, do you have to take the vasodilator under the tongue or is it more risk than benefit? And I'll also tell you the real reasons why young women are dying more than men, and how you can prevent it.
Stay until the end and find out! But first tell me. Have you ever had a heart attack?
Do you know someone who has had it? What part of Brazil or the world are you from? Write it down below.
Let's go! What 7 signs and symptoms should make you think someone is having a heart attack? 7th symptom- intense sweating associated with paleness When you are having a heart attack your body knows that something is wrong with your heart and that it is an emergency situation.
What does he do when you're in trouble? It releases adrenaline—and adrenaline will cause intense sweating, which is why your clothes stick to your body, and you become pale, because adrenaline causes vasoconstriction. Sweating is very different from when a person is exercising.
It's a cold, sticky sweat all over the body. 6th symptom - nausea and vomiting - you may feel nauseous or have stomach discomfort, this is because the person may have a diaphragmatic infarction, which causes nausea and vomiting, or because of the activation of the sympathetic nervous system. Be very careful with diabetics, who sometimes have no pain, due to neuropathy, and the only signs and symptoms of a heart attack may be precisely these: cold sweat and paleness associated with nausea and vomiting.
Be careful because sometimes people think it is a virus, or gastric discomfort and it is a heart attack. I remember when I was on cardiology duty and a recently graduated clinician came to ask me how to stop the nausea and uncontrollable vomiting of a diabetic he was treating. I asked: where is the electro.
They hadn't done it. When they had, surprise, a huge heart attack. There was no point in giving plasil or vonau.
He needed to open the blocked artery, simple as that. 5th symptom - dizziness Dizziness during a heart attack can have several causes - it can be due to low blood pressure which can reduce blood flow to the brain, due to the stress of the moment and also due to cardiac arrhythmias. And if you are a woman, be very appreciative, as dizziness is one of the symptoms that women most describe.
I once treated a judge who was having a heart attack. He was even young. I was fully monitored, waiting for hemodynamics to call me to do the catheterization, when she looked at me and said she was very dizzy.
At the time I looked at the monitor, which was calm and, suddenly, a malignant arrhythmia appeared on the monitor. I needed to give her two shocks to return to normal and we could go to the catheterization. 4th symptom- Feeling of numbness in the arm, or heaviness in the arm.
It could be in the left arm, which is more common, but I've only seen it in the right arm, or just in the hand or pain in both elbows. See how interesting, pain in both elbows can be a symptom of a heart attack! But the person may not feel heaviness, they may feel numbness in the arm, they may feel the arm tingling or even just the inside of the hand, as if the little finger is numb.
Why does this happen? The innervation of the arm and hands have common nerve pathways with the heart. When your heart muscle is ischemic, your brain may interpret that your hand or arm is having the problem, hence the tingling and numbness.
When the infarction is in the main artery of the heart - the one that can cause a fulminant infarction - the person may feel pain or discomfort in the jaw. Run to the hospital! 3rd symptom- Shortness of breath.
A heart attack can lead to shortness of breath, which can be with or without chest discomfort. People who suffer a silent heart attack find out by undergoing electrocardiogram because they are feeling short of breath. But the person may also have shortness of breath because ischemia of the blood muscle means that the heart cannot pump blood efficiently, leading to the accumulation of fluid in the lungs, or even because of stress and anxiety, generated by adrenaline, which we talked about At first, it may cause difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, without having lung fluid.
2nd symptom Anxiety. A person who has anxiety has an increased risk of high blood pressure, arrhythmias and a heart attack, but those who are having a heart attack have a great feeling of misfortune, as if they were having a panic attack. This is because of the adrenaline that is pumped into your bloodstream when you are having a heart attack, but I have seen people suffering because of the impact of having a heart attack or even if the heart attack will resolve in the best way possible.
1st symptom, the main, most frequent, CHEST PAIN. What is heart attack pain like? Everyone asks me that.
The most characteristic pain of a heart attack is a severe pain in the middle of the chest — the one where you have no doubt that something is very wrong, which can be like squeezing, oppression or crushing, which lasts more than a few minutes more than 5 minutes and that can come and go. So note - they are not dots, no. It's a pressure, strong grip, that feels like an elephant is sitting on your chest.
And of course, with this pain, there may be pain radiating to the arm, or tingling, you will feel shortness of breath, anxiety, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, sweating and paleness. This is the most classic pain of all. But our body doesn't follow what the books say, there are people who feel burning in the stomach, stomach pain, the pain, instead of being strong, can be mild, and diabetics may not have pain.
I'll be very honest with you - If you or someone you know has any of these symptoms, the most characteristic of which is pain, don't let it go! Don't wait to pass! You have to go to an emergency room, the one closest to your home.
You ca n't waste time. In a heart attack, time is muscle. If you get to the hospital quickly, the damage to your heart muscle may be mild, meaning you can have a good life, with no limitations ahead of you.
Now, if you feel sick, hoping to get better, taking Sonrisal because you think it's gas, luftal, sparkling water, the damage could be worse than you imagine. And the first hour is the most critical. This is what we call the golden hour, where a person's survival is closely linked to the action they and their doctor take during the first hour of the heart attack.
Most deaths from arrhythmia, from cardiac arrest, happen at this time. In Brazil, every 2 minutes a person dies due to cardiovascular disease. He dies because he doesn't get to the hospital.
Or it arrives too late. Now, the main symptoms are these 7. But I'm going to ask you a question.
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So share it there. Back to the video… How does a heart attack happen, do you know? The heart is a muscle that pumps blood to keep your body alive.
But the heart needs blood too, and it is the coronary arteries that bring oxygen and nutrients to the heart. In a heart attack, there is a blockage of blood flow in one of these coronary arteries. Then the artery became clogged, due to a fatty plaque that ruptured, atherosclerosis, because of vasospasm (the artery contracts strongly, clogging the flow), because of a thrombosis - a woman who took contraceptives, because she had covid, some reason, but the main cause is atherosclerosis, the fatty plaques that, For some reason, they break.
When the fatty plaques rupture, the platelets, which are used to stop bleeding, will try to stop it, resulting in the formation of a clot. A clot inside an artery completely blocked it. That's why sometimes the person took a test and saw that they had 30% plaque.
A few months later he had a heart attack. It wasn't that the board grew from 30% to 100%. That's when the plate broke.
It went from 30 to 100% of obstruction due to the stopper made by the platelets. What causes plaque rupture? The person is experiencing stress, is in debt, owes money.
It could break the plaque she already had in her heart. The person may be making a lot of physical effort, pushing the refrigerator, starting with chest pain. Even the daylight saving time change can increase heart attacks.
And the genius wanting to return daylight saving time… With the loss of 1 hour of sleep, in the United States, the number of heart attacks that day increases by 24%. You sleep less, the fatty plaque ruptures in the coronary artery, causing a heart attack. When the coronary artery obstructs, there will be ischemia of the heart muscle.
If no blood arrives, what will happen? The muscle will run out of oxygen, there will be ischemia, leading to the death of the heart muscle. Can people have symptoms days before a heart attack?
Yes. When the plaque is soft and wants to break, people may have some symptoms. The main thing is shortness of breath on exertion.
You go up the stairs and feel tired, with disproportionate shortness of breath, something you've never felt before. There are men who suddenly become impotent. In other people the pressure starts to rise.
And in others, you may experience angina, which is pain in the chest, triggered by exertion. Go walk, your chest hurts. Stop, get better, walk again, the pain returns.
You have to see a doctor quickly. Listen to your body. If you can notice these symptoms and appreciate them before suffering a heart attack, even better, the video is worth it!
Why are deaths in young women increasing? Mainly due to 2 causes: women have risk factors for heart attack that are not classic, and heart attack symptoms in women may be milder, but even so, heart attack can kill. Let's break this down: Women have non-classic risk factors.
What are the classic risk factors? If you watch all our videos, you already know by heart Smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, physical inactivity, drug use, family history. I'm going to emphasize the family history a little.
It's very, very important. If you have a family history, father, mother, brother had an early heart attack - women before the age of 65, and men before the age of 55, go take a good look at your heart. Appoint a cardiologist.
Today we have tests that allow you to see your coronary arteries from the inside, without needing a catheterization. Cardiovascular disease should not even be among the 7 leading causes of death in the world, if we used the weapons we have against it today. So these are the classic risk factors.
What other risk factors are women carrying? Mental stress—you have to take care of the house, the children, work, do the shopping, make the food. Doesn't it weigh?
Not for you who are a man. But tell me if it doesn't matter. Another risk factor is those related to mental health.
Because they are overworked, they have a greater risk of depression, anxiety, insomnia, everything that is a pump for the heart. An American study showed that the rate of stress-related heart attacks is double in women. And as we know, there is a tendency not to value mental health very much.
And the second factor leading to greater mortality in women is slightly different symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms are milder. Chest pain appears in almost 95% of men.
And in women it reaches 75-80%. That's why I told you not to rely solely on chest pain. Value dizziness, shortness of breath, feeling faint, back pain and even difficulties to sleep.
What are the treatments for a heart attack? You have severe chest pain, do you have to take isordil or sustrate? No!
Go to the hospital. There the doctor will give you oxygen to oxygenate the heart muscle, aspirin or if you are allergic, another antiplatelet therapy. He may also give you a vasodilator such as nitroglycerin, isordil, sutrate, monocordil.
But only after seeing the electro, because if it is a right ventricular infarction, it could worsen the condition. Remembering that if you have recently taken medication for erectile dysfunction, you cannot take vasodilators, with the risk of your heart beating dry. .
. If you are in pain, you can take morphine and a beta blocker to reduce the heart's oxygen consumption . a heart attack with supra, which is the heart attack that shows on the electro, the doctor may opt for: thrombolysis - which is used to dissolve clots that are blocking your coronary artery or, better yet, take you for catheterization and perform an angioplasty.
For angioplasty, the catheter will be introduced through an artery, in the hand or groin, and will reach the coronary artery that is obstructed. The catheter has a small balloon at its tip. Once the catheter arrives in the right place, the doctor will inflate the balloon, squeezing that fatty plaque against the artery, making more space for the blood flow that will irrigate that muscle again.
The stents are like little wets that expand to cover the plaque. It's like a tunnel, which won't let that fatty plaque close again. Of course, as you had a heart attack, after the procedure, you go to an ICU, or a Coronary Care Unit, to be monitored.
How can you reduce your risk of having a heart attack ? Is there a way? Of course there is.
You must reduce those risk factors that I mentioned. Half of heart attacks can be prevented just by changing a few habits. If you smoke, stop smoking.
Quitting smoking reduces the risk of a heart attack by 30%. Keep your pressure under control—120x80. If you need it, you have to take medicine!
If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar well controlled. Glycated Hb in the range, below 7. Eat Right A healthy diet reduces your cardiovascular risk.
If you can, eat a Mediterranean diet . Avoid ultra-processed foods, peel more than you unpack, increase fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Reduce sugar, increase olive oil.
If you have high cholesterol, treat it. With medicine? If you have plaque somewhere, carotid, coronary, without a doubt!
Medicine yes! Or do you want to have a heart attack? Exercise – get out of your chair and move!
If you are overweight or obese, try to lose weight. Sleep well- 7 to nine hours a night And get a cardiological check up. I repeat.
Cardiovascular diseases should not even be on the list of the top 5 causes of death in Brazil and the world. And today she tops that list. Let's do our part to change this situation.
Well that's! Share this video with your friends and family! You can save a life!
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And what will be the next video you watch? I will leave two recommendations here. My video about fatty liver.
And the best fruits for those over 50. My name is André Wambier, cardiologist and this is Cardiodf. com.
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