Weak Orphan Was Bullied Until He Awakened The Power Of The Hell King | Anime Recap

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from the mythological era every 200 years the goddess Athena and the Earth King Hades would engage in a battle and the time for that battle is about to come once again when the world is plunged into chaos The Hope Warriors of goddess Athena will appear they represent the constellations and always risk their lives to fight in 18th century Europe we meet a boy named alone while walking on the road he sees two young men bullying a dog and goes to protect it these two men want to take the dog back to eat because it had
eaten the food they had worked to buy alone takes out his precious ink bottle to exchange and they agree knowing that selling the ink bottle would fetch a good sum of money but before they could take it away a young man named Tenma alone's friend rushes out and kicks both men in the mouth to retrieve the ink bottle for his friend alone wants Tenma to stop because the two men have their own reasons and alone doesn't like conflict but only wants peace the two men realize that both are orphans from the orphanage and are surprised
that two people with such opposite personalities can be friends alone then goes to continue painting his picture of the Goddess while painting alone's teacher brings a pastor from the forest Cathedral this person came because he was attracted by alone's painting alone knows that the forest Cathedral contains a painting of St Michael that has never been revealed to the public any sinner who sees the painting will repent alone very much wants to see that painting so he tries to become a person of reputation in the church the man wonders why alone hasn't painted the eyes for
the painting and he replies that he hasn't found the right shade of red the man directs him to the northern Mountain saying there are flowers dyed by the blood of angels with broken wings and that color is the true color alone then climbs the mountain with the dog the dog suddenly Barks A few times and runs ahead forcing alone to follow they both arrive at the place the priest mentioned this place has many flowers and is full of true colors but this red is still not the color alone is looking for but since he's already
here alone decides to paint the scenery animals gather around him but suddenly they all stand up and run away sensing something frightening a girl appears and introduces herself as Pandora she has been searching for Al loone for a long time to bring her King back to do this she needs alone's body the body of the person with the purest heart she then places her lips on Al loon and a ring appears she kneels down and calls alone the king of the underworld Hades ghosts from the underworld have flooded into the human world and it's unfortunate
for them when they encounter a warrior of Athena he throws Dragon punches and knocks them them down in one hit he is the warrior of Libra Doo he knows that their Gathering means Hades has been resurrected Doo wants to know Hades location but they are loyal and will not betray their King Alone later wakes up at home Tenma had sensed uneasiness and went up the mountain to find alone unconscious and brought him back alone drops the neckless Pandora gave him and suddenly lunges down not letting Tenma touch it suddenly Tenma hears news that water from
the river is about to flood the town and people in The City Gate have closed it abandoning them to be swept away by the water alone wants to go use words to persuade but Tenma wants to do something instead of relying on others Tenma wants alone to remember the promise between them and their friend from years ago Tenma decides he will protect his family and friends at all costs he runs to the river and sees that a boulder has diverted the rivers flow so he wants to break it but what breaks is tma's hand Doo
walking in the forest senses a weak energy and runs to find Tenma in his helplessness Tenma thinks of alone and the children and the power within him erupts and intensifies helping him break the huge Boulder and return the river to normal Doo rushes down to bring Tenma up and acknowledges his amazing strength he then invites Tenma to become a warrior of Athena when returning Tenma sat for alone to paint a picture before leaving with doo alone wants to find a color like tma's eyes but doesn't have enough skill yet so alone thinks Tenma should go
and when he returns alone will have improved his skills and finished the painting Tenma then goes to meet Doo he sees alone and is startled a bit before leaving with Tenma at Athena Sanctuary there are 12 zodiac houses governed by 12 Warriors representing those zodiac signs and a hall where Athena frequently descends to supervise just now Tenma has finished training when suddenly a group comes looking for him the young man in front asks Tenma if he wants to spar a bit and Tenma immediately accepts Those Behind think he shouldn't mess with Tenma but this young
man believes that the great dto has never feared anyone Tenma has heard of D and thinks he's an arrogant and violent person the two young men then Rush at each other constantly exchanging blows but doto manages to dodge and land a punch on Tenma Tenma is frustrated by his defeat and is mocked by dto who tells him he should go back to his village angry he punches a rock but only hurts his hand without breaking the rock Doo has returned and sees that Tenma has been here for months without accomplishing much Tenma doesn't understand why
he could break rocks before but can't now so Doo explains that he still doesn't understand the principle of power he then explains some Physics knowledge about Adams to help Tenma understand and says he will stay here for a while to monitor tma's training Tenma accidentally senses a familiar figure and runs to catch her he recognizes the girl and the bracelet it's sop his and alone's childhood friend she doesn't recognize Tenma until he introduces himself and shows her the flower wreath he doesn't know why she's here when she was clearly adopted suddenly a monster appears and
Target Sasha so Tenma has to take the hit for her he is then tied to a pillar while the monster continues to Target Sasha Tenma strains to break free he rushes in with a punch that dents the ground but the monster Dodges in time and ties him up again shocking him until he collapses the monster then continues to beat Tenma in front of of Sasha but Sasha suddenly unleashes her power and demands the monster to release Tenma the monster realizes who she is making his job easier but before he can do anything he is dealt
with by the Aries Saint sh according to him Sasha is now the goddess Athena 2 years pass Tenma is now fighting a larger opponent just when everyone thinks he's been defeated he gets up and punches the opponent into a rock a boulder fall and Tenma rushes to punch and break it D sees that he seems to have succeeded and Tenma is now officially recognized and given the title of Saint and his own armor the high priest informs that the situation is now very urgent as ghosts have started to spread everywhere and Tenma who has been
given the title of saint has a duty to eliminate these ghosts to protect the world and the goddess Athena Tenma has now finished his business and hopes alone has finished painting too but alone now only sees his paintings full of gloomy colors everything he paints seems to die Pandora appears and suggests that the way for him to save others is not through painting but through death she then takes alone to the cathedral in the forest where the painting of repentance that alone wanted to see is located so she will help him realize it he notices
that the cathedral is open and the pastor from before is waiting for him here meanwhile Tenma has secretly come to meet Sasha and reminds her of Old Times They both know that ghosts are approaching their Hometown so they must act soon in hope that their Hometown and alone will be okay during this time alone has realized that the pastor is not human he runs in to see the painting but it's a painting of the underworld King Hades yet it looks very much like a loone the pastor shows him inside where he sees that the children
at home are all dead because he painted them a few days ago the pastor and Pandora begin to brainwash alone suggesting that death is the fairest thing and that the children will go to a better place alone begins to think that death is salvation and at this moment the moon disappears signaling that the underworld King Hades has awakened during that time a group of Saint Warriors was sent to deal with some of Hades underlings they intentionally let one escape to follow it to their Lair but when they entered the lair they were the ones who
fell into a trap not long after only three people from the group returned to report they informed that the ghosts were gathering at a cathedral in the forest they then revealed their true faces and turned their armor black they had actually died and been resurrected by Hades to return and take Athena's head Doo and shin rush to intercept and decided to deal with them immediately Sasha heard their true inner voices and tried to stop both but it was too late she approached the three and said she had heard their hearts that they truly wanted to
return to fight for her but it was too late doco and shin felt ashamed for having to attack their comrades and decided to take people to deal with that cathedral in the forest Doo then announced the plan to Tenma and D Doo wanted D not to push himself too hard but he said he wouldn't let Tenma beat him Tenma knew they were about to return to their Hometown and he would try to protect alone in Sasha's place not long after they arrived at their Hometown Tenma worried about alone and seeing a pillar of light shining
in the city separated from the group to go alone Doo only hoped that Tenma wouldn't be too hasty but now the scene before him was full of dead people and the town engulfed in flames he ran home to find only alone's paintings covered in blood a figure came to use him as a sacrifice for Hades but Tenma was completely enraged he blocked the attack and returned a full force punch that sent the attacker flying alone realizing Tenma had returned decided to meet him as promise to show him the painting he had made Tenma was in
complete despair when Doo found him suddenly doto was blown back to them Hades or rather alone also appeared Tenma couldn't believe his eyes seeing his kind-hearted friend become such a brutal genocidal being he remembered when the three of them were together and when Sasha gave them the flower wreath as a goodbye before leaving Tenma needed an explanation from alone but alone only saw that Tenma was still the same Tenma had returned as a saint while alone had become a painter and saved many people but the painting of alone from the past still couldn't be completed
because he had just found the red color he needed to finish this painting and that was the color of blood he then drew two diagonal lines across the painting and Tenma suddenly suffered severe injuries Tenma collapsed and tore off the bracelet on alone's wrist Doo noticed that alone's hair had turned black alone said goodbye to his two friends and also to his former self because now he would officially become Hades Doo without much thought rushed to attack but one of 's underling kagaho arrived and blocked the attack his power was on par with Doos as
Doo was about to go all out Shin arrived to stop him and pull him back because they had more important matters to attend to he then had to watch helplessly as D and Tenma fell below as the ground crumbled Hades also ordered kagaho not to pursue Hades then stated that he had dealt with all his attachments and now it was time to begin the holy war Upon returning Hades gathered all the ghosts under his command he revealed that each of Athena's Warriors represented a constellation so when a warrior Falls a constellation will disappear and turn
black starting with tenas Hades wanted his army to blacken the entire sky with the death of Athena Pandora called the strongest of the ghost Army MOS to the sacred land to demonstrate his power kagaho then came to see Hades and asked to see his hand seeing the wound that Doo had inflicted on hades's hand kagaho became angry and vowed to settle the score with doo he then went outside and saw that MOS had already left for the sacred land so he left as well dto had now woken up under the rubble and found Tenma beside
him a mysterious girl passing by was surprised to find survivors Sasha at this time dreamed of alone completely corrupted and holding tma's head in his hand she was so shocked that she woke up chin and doo have returned here to report hearing that the entire town has been destroyed Athena was shocked that alone was possessed by Hades and Tenma had died but she couldn't let her emotions show she wanted both of them to rest early to prepare to bring troops to defend against hades's attacks DN Sasha was trying to appear strong meanwhile dto was trying
to pull Tenma out of the rubble when when that girl appeared dto rushed to attack but was grabbed by the head and slammed to the ground she revealed she came to take Tenma away and save him before it was too late as he wasn't completely dead yet she introduced herself as ra a warrior she then took both of them underground to her trib's dwelling dto followed but didn't trust this girl at all as she was a strong as a saint like them and knew Tenma wasn't completely dead upon entering D saw the armors of holy
Warriors like themselves so he suspected this organization was shady and tried to leave but was attacked from behind he angrily questioned them but the Elder revealed they were allies who also served Athena the Elder then separated the armor from d and asked ra to pour blood into it he explained that restoring a holy armor requires a lot of blood and he couldn't take blood from Warriors about to go into battle so he had to take it from ra whom he had trained he then tapped a few times and the armor returned to doto who felt
stronger than before do now believed the Elder could save Tenma and went to sea the Elder revealed that tma's Soul was still lost in the Underworld and thanks to the wreath containing Athena's prayer he hadn't gone too far yet but once the wreath falls off completely he would be gone forever D asked what he could do to save Tenma and make Athena happy the Elder suddenly drew his sword and said if D wanted to save Tenma he had to become dead to enter the underworld he then gave D the sword saying it would protect him
for as long as Tenma had left he then separated D's soul from his body and sent him to the underworld suddenly R was also sent down to help dto she urged them to act quickly before Tenma became part of that stream of people as they ran searching they realized these seemed to be people killed by Hades earlier tenmo woke up and found himself tied up a Shadow Demon approached and told him he was at the border between the human world and the Underworld the demon said Hades had been quite merciful to let him linger until
now tenur resisted but was struck back which alerted D's side the demon revealed that the strongest MOS had been sent to the sanctuary and Tenma would soon reunite with his friends down here just as he left the other two arrived but a demon guard discovered them the guard was quickly defeated by D and ra but the Shadow Demon from earlier also discovered them and returned he lurked behind ra and sneak attacked her but Doo quickly came to protect her tenmo warned D about the Demon's deafening screen technique but ra charged in anyway and was blown
away by the Demon's scream ability D was caught by the demon so he kicked off the Demon's hat angered the demon used his scream to blow D away but now Tenma had escaped he charged straight at the Shadow Demon concentrating his power and punching him shattering the Demon's armor dto was a bit annoyed that he came to save Tenma but ended up battered himself he told Tenma why he was still half alive until now Tenma then wanted to come back to life as soon as possible to protect the sanctuary but ra said that they still
had work to do down here and this could determine the outcome of the battle at the sanctuary Pandora now comes to report that one of their Shadow Demons has been defeated and before that this demon had reported finding tma's Soul down there Hades is very surprised but Pandora still thinks it could be a mistake because Hades himself had taken tma's life so he couldn't possibly still be alive Tenma and D are now constantly arguing D claims he came down to save Tenma only to make Athena happy ra wants them both to stop bickering and quickly
go to the deepest part of the underworld first before planning further Hades knows Athena must have done something for Tenma to still be alive but Pandora assures him not to worry because MOS will certainly sweep through the entire sanctuary as the constellations up there are gradually turning black more and more each day MOS is now constantly throwing ropes to tie up the holy Warriors he treats them all like puppets and pulls them until their bodies are twisted and broken they then advance and discover a field of roses two fools step in and die from hemorrhaging
one demon reveals these are demon roses and even inhaling them is Enough To Die the creator of this field is gold St Alba he admits these are demon roses and challenges them to enter if they wish to die or to turn turn back obediently some demons relying on the fact that Alba stands there unaffected by the poison charge in but are met with roses thrown by Alba and fall straight into the Rose Field the blue armored demon reminds MOS to be careful because Alba is like these flowers beautiful but very dangerous Shino notices Alba is
defending well out there so they must also try to strengthen the defenses inside they're not sure if Alba can handle everything out there alone Shin reveals a past rumor that Alba's Temple has a demon rose garden and Alba and his soldiers had to adapt to the Roses poison Alba perfected this to the point where his blood became the poison of the demon roses because of this despite his handsome appearance no one can get close to him outside Alba challenges MOS to come down and fight the blue armored demon volunteers to face him claiming immunity to
the demon Rose poison however his strength isn't enough to harm Alba who has a type of rose that can corrode anything it touches the demon manages to escape and begins to reveal his trump card he releases a stream of poisonous air that causes all the Roses to wither worried this gas might enter the sanctuary Alba decides to absorb it all the villagers in the sanctuary worry Alba is at a disadvantage but a little girl still believes he won't be defeated because because he's very strong however the villagers also worry about their own safety living in
the sanctuary during a holy war meanwhile Alba has absorbed all the purple poison and is immobilized the blue armored demon takes the chance to attack a few times but Retreats sensing danger Alba recovers and converts the poison back to Red he then creates many poisonous thorns and stabs the blue armored demon defeating him while the demon is protected by poison on the outside his insides are vulnerable MOS now has to enter the battle himself he creates a whirlwind that sweeps away all the poisonous air and flower remains he reveals that he never needed the blue
armored demon to fight because he alone is enough he then throws his strings and catches Alba telling him he can no longer control his own body noticing villagers nearby MOS sends someone to deal with them first while he stays to play with Alba a bit longer Alba tries to resist but is controlled and held back by MOS MOS then contemplates what to do with Alba and decides to destroy his handsome face first he made Alba punch himself in the face and then waited to see whether it would be hands or feet next looking at the
determined eyes he knew where to aim but Alba then deliberately broke his own shoulder to make the previous attack miss his eyes Meo thought Alba could do nothing now and the villagers were surely dead but he said MOS was mistaken to think he had only set one trap the group that went ahead earlier had now fallen into the Trap of hidden weapons he had set before each rose that shot out would pierce the target's heart and once it turned completely red that person would be considered dead Mino saw that what he said was true so
he decided to devastate Alba's body more severely but the poison appear appeared once again so he wanted to see whether he would die from his poison first or if he would be destroyed by him first he then used all his willpower to push the poison towards MOS but he used his wings to block it and then made him kill himself before turning away the villagers were now trying to evacuate but MOS had come here and decided to destroy the rest of this Village the little girl who believed in Alo was trying to find her father
but her father had been crushed by rocks her father wanted her to run to the sanctuary while he would pass away right here the girl then ran away believing Alba was still safe in the past when she was walking home in the rain Alba had given her his cloak to cover herself and told her not to come near she only thought Alba was cold until her father told her about Alba's condition she then ran away hoping to see Alba again but MOS found her seeing she had a rose he he knew she was connected to
Alba and decided to send her off as well but chin had come here to fight MOS he believed that as the leader of the 12 gold Saints he had to stop the leader of the specters from rampaging anymore but he himself was also tied up and controlled by Minos just as he was about to have his arm broken a black rose Cut the Rope Alba came once again despite his body being very battered he apologized for troubling Shin but this was was a battle he had to end himself he asked chin to take everyone as
far away from him as possible because now he would use his final card MOS thought that no matter how hard Alba tried the result would still be the same someone without power like him would just be a toy for others he still respected Alba's Beauty so he would let him live but Alba refused his pity because he had lived in solitude for so long but that was the way of life he chose and no one had had the right to judge he then launched a lot of poisonous blood Thorns towards MOS Shin realized Alba was
using all the blood in his body to drag MOS to die with him Alba then collapsed and Mos thought it was Shin's turn now but Shin told him to look down the rose that Alba had been holding in his mouth earlier was now on his chest actually this was a white rose that Alba had died red to deceive him and now that the Rose had turned truly red his life was considered over he then intended to take this whole area with him but chin had locked him in a glass cage making him only able to
leave bitterly and resentfully Alba then spoke his last words he said he had lived his whole life with these roses and this was the first time he saw them so beautiful Shen then brought Alba's body back the little girl had run after and asked if the holy war continued would the gold Saints die one by one but he thought they fought for ideals and Justice not to die it's just that if death was what they had to face while realizing their ideals they would also fight to their last breath suddenly people from the underworld came
and asked Shin to lead them to the high priest Hades now knew that MOS had died along with a gold saint but he could still resurrect his Fallen subordinate the high priest told Shin about this but assured him not to worry because MOS was now in the barrier created by Athena so Hades magic couldn't penetrate to revive him however they needed to defeat Hades soon before Athena ran out of strength but the people from below informed them that in just one more day good news would come for Athena regarding tma's Resurrection meanwhile Tenma was running
without knowing where he was heading according to ra they needed to reach the great tree of the underworld because the shadow beings had no concept of death the one on they had just defeated would sooner or later be resurrected and the way to counter them lay with that great tree the three of them later found an exit but as soon as they got up they encountered the three-headed dog Cerberus dto wanted to handle it himself because he still had his armor but he could only focus on one head and was disrupted by the other two
with no other choice dto had to drag the dog towards Tenma to let him deliver a blow that completely defeated it but they hadn't gone far when Hades appeared again Tenma was surprised to see that Hades hair had turned black Rea wanting to seize this opportunity to eliminate the future threat rushed forward but was blocked by Hades and blown away because he was busy conversing with his old friend Hades was very pleased with tla's excellent survival skills he wanted Tenma to join his side and fight against Athena but Tenma refused because he didn't want to
turn the whole world into hell he said he would fight alongside Sasha to show Hades or rather alone which world was better Hades was very intrigued by tma's words knowing that Tenma was very true to his promises he decided to let him go and promised a future reunion he then told Tenma to go to the Holy Land so that all three of them could meet again D then said some foolish things and got punched by Tenma the three continued on and reached reach the Blood Waterfall as they climbed up Tenma felt something was wrong and
turned to ask the other two but they both suddenly seemed Frozen in time then suddenly a gold saint named ATM me appeared he noticed that Tenma seemed to have just encountered the underworld King Hades once again tenna didn't understand why there was a gold Saint in the Underworld meanwhile Doo had passed by gold St Baron's Palace he had just heard about the shadow beings and felt that although Alba had departed and pushed back the enemy they still couldn't be careless the good news was that Tenma was still alive and the bad news was that Baron
suspected something was wrong with gold St atmy the enemy had reached the holy land but atme still refused to leave his Palace at the same time ATM's ideology was quite foreign compared to the other gold Saints it was rumored that ATM could travel through dimensions and talk to God so no no one knew what atmy was thinking or what his true identity was ATM now called Tenma the cner of the Heavenly realm and believed that Athena might lose this holy war tenna suspected ATM me was an enemy and attacked but was blown down the waterfall
not understanding what at me meant tenmo was told that he and Hades had a karmic connection from many past lives and this connection always reversed in each holy war in previous lives Tenma or SA St Pegasus was always close to and protected Athena strong enough to destroy both gods and the underworld King Hades but in this life he was too weak Tenma said he didn't care about what atmy said and rushed up to fight but atmy reminded him that these weak attacks would never harm him tma's mind suddenly saw an image of aty as a
living Buddha and with just a wave of his hand atme made Tenma Fall Down The Blood Waterfall once again he then asked Tenma who Tenma are and what purpose Tenma fight for what he needs is the answer you've figured out for yourself not the Arrogant words of someone who sees himself as a hero he then showed Tenma the five Realms that a life must go through the hell realm the realm of hungry ghosts the animal realm the assur realm and finally the human realm where people must endure countless sufferings Tenma have experienced all the suffering
in the human realm before he then revealed that your previous life had once wounded Hades so he was afraid and hid his true body in the deepest part of the underworld and then possessed the body of the purest human in the mortal world that's the reason why your friend alone was corrupted Tenma upon hearing this thought that it was because of himself that alone became Hades but now he doesn't care anymore however he has found his own reason to fight which is for his two friends Sasha and alone no no matter what era it is
he doesn't care he charges forward to attack but is pushed back by atme atme has understood your reason for fighting but your strength is still too weak he then stopped meditating and decided to stand up and unleash his strongest technique the secret of the universe Tenma is trapped in a space where he cannot Counterattack or move he will gradually have his senses taken away by ATM and once all are taken his soul will disappear he soon loses all five senses and no longer has any feeling or Vision around him the only thing left is his
Spirit or sixth sense he then sees at me killing Sasha because he thinks she is too weak and won't be able to take the Earth from Hades Tenma senses suddenly return and he can move in this space to attack at me he is determined not to let the scenario at me just painted become reality he successfully hits at me but in truth what he just hit was the great tree of Hell aty had trapped him in an illusion but the feeling that came to his soul was real atme acknowledges his abilities and decides to let
him take the fruit from this tree to bring back to the elders he also promises to duel with him on Earth one day Doo and ra can now move again Tenma suddenly Falls and shows them the fruit he just obtained but his flower wreath is almost gone so he needs to be quickly brought back to the surface ATM has now come to meet Athena we learn that aty was born with very few senses but with just a few senses he could see how full of suffering this world is when he met Tenma he saw what
kind of person he was at me then asked Athena for a favor he later met Doo again and admitted that Doo's younger brother was quite outstanding he didn't understand how ATM knew about Tenma but atmy now just wants to go into battle Doo's group has almost brought Tenma to the surface but as soon as they reach the surface of the underworld all three are blocked by a ghost wearing Beetle armor Doo decides to stay and fight so ra can take Tenma away before it's too late after that tenur returned to the mortal world and met
the Elder he asked where the other two were but only ra had regained Consciousness she informed Tenma about D fighting down there although he truly hated dto he didn't want him to die for his sake at that moment dto was struggling in the battle below because the opponent was quite large and tough he was grabbed by the shadow ghost and they both simultaneously struck each other in the face suddenly the sword doto was carrying began to glow and transported him straight back to the mortal world however as soon as they arrived the Elder informed them
that the shadow ghosts had quickly pursued them here they were tasked by P Pandora to reclaim the fruits of the great tree but they would also find excuses to fight and eliminate tma's group at all costs however no matter how far they went they couldn't enter because they had fallen into ATM's illusion he decided to send them back to the underworld Tenma didn't know why at me was here simply put he came to pick up Tenma and also to meet the Elder as known the shadow ghosts cannot die but this thing could etch away their
immortality and seal them down there the reason at me came here was to turn these fruits into weapons outside a rather powerful Shadow had arrived also coming to reclaim those fruits even if they fell onto the rocky Thorns they still survived and crawled back up they attacked but were currently trapped by the barrier Tenma and D thought this situation would be fine because they had a gold Saint here but at me informed them that they had to handle this themselves as he had other matters to attend to specifically atmy would use his own blood to
repair tma's armor while infusing the power of the great tree fruit into it while the ones outside were still trying to get in tenur rushed out to intercept them he felt much stronger with this armor meanwhile atmey decided to dedicate everything he had to the cause he then took the rosary to the top of the tower and sat in meditation to refine all of this ra and D went out to assist Tenma and informed him that they needed to buy enough time until aty finished refining after fighting for a while tma's group was exhausted but
the others were still as persistent as leeches however atme had begun to show significant changes causing the shadow ghosts to worry and Rush up to stop him but Tenma chased after them to block their way at me now recalled the time when he first met Athena and she explained a few things about life to him he thought this world had nothing but suffering but she saw the suffering in him and believed she was the same however she accepted her own suffering to prove that she was still human after that he finished refining and began to
bring those shadow ghosts into the truth of the universe with one flick causing them to die permanently without the ability to resurrect he could now open his eyes and see the light of Life see tma's true face at me then passed away because he had used all his power to refine the rosary he may be gone but the Legacy he left behind would help Athena's army fight on par with hades's army meanwhile those who had been killed by Alba's poison flowers earlier had now resurrected they noticed that Athena's barriers seemed to have weakened and shrunk
which was why they were able to resurrect now however they hadn't gone far before being dealt with by gold St Baron they thought that without a poison garden like Alba was Baron wouldn't be able to handle them but he just stood with his arms folded letting them charge at him as soon as they approached he released a shock wave and dealt with them beautifully Doo arrived and saw that he didn't seem to need much help Baron asked Doo to take the bodies of these guys back to the barrier to prevent them from continuing to resurrect
he had heard about ATM's story and didn't know what atme had done at the underground base suddenly he sensed a rather powerful being approaching and this being was not at all good and the one who came looking was kagaho he came to settle the score with doo but Baron of course would have to teach him some manners meanwhile the disciples in the sanctuary were still striving to train so they could contribute to the gold Saints fighting out there kagaho at this point ignored Baron and stepped past him to find doco but Baron held him back
so he started to ignite a flame to burn Baron however Baron thought this week flame couldn't do anything and taught him how to bow with a powerful strike to the ground kagaho was forced to turn into fire to escape and keep his distance from Baron he then had to introduce himself to Baron and baron continued to cross his arms making kagaho angry that he dared to show such an attitude in a battle like this of course Baron could be this nonchalant because he believed he could defeat kagaho without even trying kagaho admitted that Baron was
quite interesting so he launched a blazing light attack but Baron still didn't need to move to block it he then counterattacked kagaho sending him flying far away Baron noticed that although kaho's fire was strong it burned everything including himself he began to think that kaho's ability was nonsense but kago claimed he didn't care about anything other than serving Hades at this moment three disciples were remembering their time with Baron in the past he had taken an orphan Children Under One Roof and raised them but one day he was called back to the sanctuary so he
had to leave the children behind the three who loved him the most chose to follow him to be trained as Saints but the training was too harsh one was scared because he only wanted to follow Baron to be close to him war was indeed very frightening but just as a stone pillar was about to fall Baron ran to support it and Enlighten them about the ideal of strength thanks to that now everyone was full of determination to become stronger to stand on par with Baron suddenly they noticed Baron's power surging recently at this point Baron
had faced kaho's attack to see how strong he was Baron countered with a bll charge which kagaho managed to dodge kagaho was confident that he had figured out Baron's technique Baron's crossed arms were a away to hide the timing of his attacks although Baron's speed was very fast kagaho was also confident in his own speed so he decided to test who could be faster him or Baron Doo had sensed kagaho nearby and quickly ran over discovering many silver Saints had been defeated along the way they had all been knocked down by an extremely fast opponent
without being able to resist Doo suspected he was right and ran even faster and now Baron truly had to pay for his arrogance he started to get burned by kaho's fire when kagaho recklessly charged at him Baron grabbed his head and slammed it into the wall but kagaho Unleashed a technique that bound Baron with fire unable to move Baron couldn't block kaho's attacks and when Doo arrived he only saw Baron severely burned Doo furiously charged at kagaho thinking he had killed Baron kagaho managed to dodge and claimed that he came looking for Doo but Baron
interfered so he bound him with fire and burned him to death however Baron wasn't actually dead and asked Doo to step back from his fight he believed that a gold Saints battle should be one on one and he wouldn't be easily burned by this fire just then Baron's three disciples arrived none of them wanted Baron to die this image momentarily reminded kagaho of his brother one disciple picked up Baron's hat and returned it to him they wanted to become stronger so Baron could lead them in future battles so this time he absolutely had to survive
Baron then returned to the battle and kagaho decided he wouldn't stop until Baron could no longer stand he then began to launch his attack and created a large Pillar of Fire Inside it he added three explosive light orbs to overwhelm Baron Baron endured this heat and then launched an attack that smashed the ground the entire ground suddenly shattered causing kagaho to lose his footing and be crushed by rocks he managed to stand up afterwards but had lost a wing he questioned Baron for not finishing him off when he had the chance to which Baron replied
that kaho's nature was still good kagaho wasn't completely on the side of the specters but was seeking an ideal figure to serve he believed that Saints or specters meant nothing to him he chose whom he wanted to serve himself he then turned his back and left while Baron could now lie down although he was beaten up badly Baron could still smile because it had been a long time since he had used all his strength Baron then reported back to the Grand Pope who was quite surprised that someone as strong as him was beaten up to
this extent he reported on the fact that the barrier was gradually shrinking and the Shadows were being resurrected gradually they had to find a way to deal with it before Athena completely collapsed at this moment a gold saint named Copus arrived he informed them that Athena was also nearing her limit and they had to release her from the duty of maintaining this barrier soon Copus then noticed that currently two gold Saints had departed and one was seriously injured but Baron thought he could still fight so Copus lightly struck him and saw that Baron was more
injured than he thought Baron knew that that Copus was the one who cherished Athena the most because he had been close to Athena since she was brought here and it was also he who had taken Athena away from her two friends now he wondered if bringing Athena here and then causing alone to become Hades was the right decision but at this moment a pillar of energy descended Athena's barrier had been broken and Hades had personally come here Sasha was very shocked to meet alone again but he claimed that he was now Hades Hades ruthlessly destroyed
Athena's Temple everyone was angry that Hades dared to intrude here and moreover he came alone as if challenging them Doo and shin still harbored hatred for the Day Hades destroyed tma's Homeland but Hades didn't like anyone interrupting his reunion with Athena so he used a technique to immobilize Shin andoko Baron and Copus were no exception Hades approached Athena and claimed that he was no longer her brother but now he was Hades and he tried to evoke Athena's memories from previous lives within Sasha Copus had to struggle to stand up Baron had to admire Copus because
he himself couldn't stand but Copus still managed to get up but the result was only being pushed down harder by Hades Copus stood up once again and Drew his bow trying to aim at Hades he realized that Copus was the one who had taken Athena away 5 years ago he still believed that what he did then was to protect Athena but sometimes he still thought he was wrong to do so he then shot an arrow at Hades but it was deflected back and he departed Athena was extremely angry and this was exactly what Hades wanted
but at this moment a teleportation occurred and Tenma had arrived to reunite once again he had taken out a rosary and sealed all the souls of those who were about to be resurrected Hades was quite surprised because in just a short time of not seeing him he had obtained a weapon to counter his army Tenma believed that he had been fighting until now because of the promise to stay by his two friends side not to confront his close friend he asked Hades if he really had the heart to attack Sasha the way he had destroyed
their Hometown he remained silent while Tenma noticed a dog running towards Hades it was the dog he had saved before and it suddenly turned into Cerberus Hades claimed that things were different now because now it was the holy war Tenma had to pull Sasha away from Cerberus Hades thought it was good that he could help him seal the Shadows because his mission was to bring death and salvation to all creatures from Saints to Shadows Tenma took the rosary and rushed up to punch cerberus's mouth then rushed straight to Hades to fulfill the promise made in
the Underworld but Hades easily immobilized Tenma and claimed that he was no longer as radiant as before after that he was about to thrust his sword into Tenma when suddenly a magic formation appeared Hades suddenly lost his power and was surrounded by talismans the grand Pope appeared and said that surely Hades still remembered him he recognized the pope as one of the survivors from the previous holy war he had partially dispelled Hades po so everyone could move again the grand Pope had prepared this trap beforehand but unexpectedly caught Hades however Hades blew away the grand
Pope with one hand claiming these talismans were just outdated things from The Holy War 200 years ago moreover he was interfering with his reunion with Tenma making him even more deserving of death although reluctant to admit it the grand Pope was indeed no match for him he then signaled Sasha to use her power and teleport the entire Temple to a tower this was where all of hades's army had been sealed 200 years ago go and he planned to seal him here once and for all returning a kind alone to Sasha and Tenma but Hades just
thought they were too naive at this moment a voice rang out and struck at Tenma and Sasha both managed to dodge and a h drawn carriage landed it was Pandora's Carriage the grand Pope recognized her as Hades right-hand woman and the one who had released evil into this world Pandora admitted that she had always been Hades loyal servant and that she should have been the one reincarnated as either Hades sister or lover yet a goddess like Athena dared to take a mortal body and become Hades sister to monitor him however Athena didn't care about those
words because the days spent with alone and Tenma were very happy for her Pandora thought she was still talking back so she was about to slap her when Tenma stood up to block it Hades had started to get bored so he asked Pandora to return When didn't let them go Hades showed him how vast the difference in their powers was Hades then created a painting in the sky depicting the gold Saints and all people in the world once Hades completed the painting everyone would die everyone in the sanctuary could see this and knew it was
created by Hades Hades told Tenma that this painting would be completed when it covered the entire sky and contained The Souls of everyone in the world and Tenma surely knew what would happen to to those painted by Hades as he had experienced it himself and knew how terrible it was Hades then got on the carriage to return because he was too bored Teno wanted to chase after him but was attacked by a spectre Baron had to stand up to block her because he believed Tenma was the one who could defeat Hades he had rushed up
and clung to the carriage to demand an answer from Hades but when he was about to punch Pandora shot him down the Spectre also left just just like that Hades asked Pandora if she had secretly let the Spectre follow to monitor him but she stammered and dared not answer meanwhile the high ranking specters saw that Hades was still too impulsive because he still couldn't cut off the memories of being with Athena and Tenma they needed to do something to truly awaken Hades and completely discard alone's Memories the grand Pope and Athena realized that the opportunity
to bring alone back was almost gone and the the only thing they could do now was to confront Hades 3 days had passed everyone began the process of rebuilding the sanctuary but everyone was anxious about Hades painting Doo had to come and knock on tma's head to make him go to work he was still glad that he was alive and had returned here to confront Hades he felt sorry for Copus because he was hit by Hades and was still unconscious according to the Grand Pope Hades could inflict damage directly on on human Souls so Copus
was still unconscious and might be difficult to wake up again Tenma now had no lingering feelings for alone because if alone had retained his Consciousness he wouldn't have done these cruel things Doo also advised him to defeat Hades as soon as possible because Hades was now a terrible threat to the world but somehow they still hoped he could bring alone back because both Copus and Athena believed that he and Hades had some kind of connection Tenma was then approached by Baron's student for help with carrying things seeing the student carry more items than himself made
Tenma even more eager to become stronger and help him meanwhile Pandora suddenly encountered two other underworld gods they believed Pandora was too slow in controlling Hades and suggested that if she didn't do her job properly they would be the ones to help Hades Focus entirely on completing the painting Pandora's task was to eliminate what was distracting Hades she then decided to take decisive action once and for all she went to the room of the other constellations and summon two assassins with the aim of targeting Tenma they believed they would act quickly so Tenma wouldn't have
time to react Pandora was determined to help Hades become unburdened and her own heart would no longer be uneasy at this time Baron had gone to Athena's Palace to pay respects with a glass of wine Baron and wanted to apologize for once having doubts about Athena but now he swore to join the Gold Saints in sealing all the specters with the rosary that Athena had given her life to create upon leaving Baron noticed quite a few bats around he then saw Tenma and his students training together so he decided to join in and help Tenma
practice he stood still for Tenma to strike but even when Tenma used his full strength to hit Baron he couldn't move him and was instead thrown back by Baron they practiced until evening when Baron's students suddenly fell asleep unable to resist Tenma who was still training also fell asleep upon hearing the bat's sound Baron was no exception taking advantage of this moment the two assassins snuck in to kill Tenma however before they could act Baron told them to stop he had destroyed his own hearing to avoid hearing the bat's sound and launched an attack that
shattered one assass ass's mask but the bat controller arrived and stabbed Baron in the side the two then decided to team up against Baron they originally only wanted to deal with Tenma but taking down a gold Saint would be even better they continuously attacked causing Baron's Old Wounds to reopen despite being beaten like a punching bag he managed to grab one by the neck and slam him to the ground the other decided to summon the messenger of death believing that we Baron could hear the song or not it would stop his heart Baron then collapsed
and the other assassin thought he had finished the job so he turned his attention to Tenma but Baron still had a bit of Consciousness left he only hoped that his students and Tenma would continue to live and grow he reached out to grab the head of the Mast assassin and launched his ultimate technique in the end only one weak assassin survived and planned to deal with Tenma to claim credit however kagaho arrived and stopped this weak assassin kagaho believed that Hades wouldn't want anyone to take tma's life so he would keep Tenma alive in question
who ordered the assassination after hearing it was Pandora and the purpose of this assassination the other assassin tried to persuade kagaho to join in killing Tenma and share the credit but kagaho promptly eliminated him when Tenma woke up he saw that Baron had died kagaho informed him that Baron died because tenmo was too weak that Pandora had ordered his assassination and that Baron died protecting him if Teno wanted to know more he would have to become stronger and find out for himself kagaho then turned away believing he had repaid his debt to Baron Baron's students
also woke up and couldn't stop grieving Tenma could only feel remorseful as the fault was partly his the next day Tenma heard people discussing how Baron had died protecting him Tenma decided to leave this place partly due to guilt and partly because he didn't want anyone else to die for him Doo and shenen had to set out to find Tenma as they suspected he was feeling uneasy after witnessing so many gold Saints fall worse Tenma could be charged with desertion if he left at this moment meanwhile Baron's two disciples visited his grave the girl thought
she might give up on becoming a saint due to lack of talent but she would step back to serve as an assistant to help in the war she hoped her friend would soon develop an inherit Baron's gold cloth Tenma passed by and saw both of them which only increased his sense of guilt suddenly another gold Saint approached him and informed him that Doo and shin were frantically searching for him Tenma believed he was currently a Target being hunted by Pandora and if he stayed more people like Baron would die but the goal Old Saint just
laughed and said Baron died because he was weak This Is War and death is inevitable moreover a bronze Saint like Tenma couldn't stop the holy war bluntly put Tenma was too weak and that's why he was running away if Tenma intended to Desert the gold Saint would execute him however he had no intention of killing Tenma as he was still useful so he would imprison him and release him when needed Tenma struggled and tried to break out of the prison but it was feudal his armor had been taken away and he didn't know what he
was trying to do anymore he knew how ashamed he would be if atme and baron saw his current state they had sacrificed themselves and placed their trust in him yet he couldn't do anything worthwhile meanwhile Pandora realized her assassination plan had failed if Hades found out about her acting on her own he would surely be angry but she believed Hades would understand her suddenly the Bishop from before approached he would forgive Pandora's failure this time but she must explain herself to Hades no matter what she did Hades would never care about her feelings and eventually
they would grow apart Hades would neglect his painting and go looking for Tenma but they would lend her power to keep Hades here Pandora then went to see Hades and was reprimanded for daring to act on her own but she noticed that Hades still retained childhood memories with his two friends so she decided that those memories had tainted Hades she used the Flower Branch given by the other person to lock Hades in a closed space to focus on painting Tenma at this time was trying to break out of his cell using both his powers and
bare hands suddenly doto arrived and showed him an Escape Route he had dug dto couldn't understand why he always had such bad luck when it came to Tenma Tenma was led outside and reunited with ra who had also become a saint and would go with d and Tenma to the end he knew the Elder was involved in this matter and stated directly that he wanted to go to hades's Palace the high priest believed that Tenma should be kept imprisoned for safety within the sanctuary's territory Athena reluctantly agreed but the Elder had arrived he thought they
should let Tenma act as he wished because they couldn't clip tma's wings if they did he would never be able to reach alone the Elder had released him on his own authority and took full responsibility for him the high priest had to accept letting the Elder take care of Tenma he also advised Athena or rather Sasha to meet tenmo once to say goodbye she left her sacred staff and ran off alone the high priest and the Elder knew there were two people behind manipulating Pandora those two now realized that Tenma was coming to find Hades
so they decided to set traps outside the palace so he couldn't get inside dto was complaining about not being able to meet Athena one last time before leaving when suddenly she came to find them when Tenma met Sasha again he decided to promise her that all three friends would meet again he would be determined to face everything in this holy war that was his promise and he would try to fulfill it this concludes the first part of the film
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