Como a vida moderna esgota a sua mente | Teoria do Superestímulo

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Por que você está sempre cansado? Darwin explica: segundo a ciência, a vida moderna é uma fonte de c...
Video Transcript:
Hello, lovely person from Internet. Nice to meet you. My name is Thiago and today I came to try to discover a mystery Have you ever wondered where your tiredness comes from?
Not just the physical, but mainly the mental? I don't know if you will identify yourself, but For some time now, I have noticed that I have difficulties being alone with my own thoughts it's almost like if I need to be busy to feel good Wether working or mainly procrastinating and a lot of time it's like i'm tired or running away from myself thinking about it i started to research about the impact that modern life has on our head and how it can lead to feelings like loneliness, nihilism and existential emptiness it's interesting because unintentionally I ended up finding a theory that explains everything including our anguish considering the theory of evolution Today, I want to show this to you before, however, i need to tell a story the story of how you, a simple big-headed primate became the most powerful creature on this planet Once upon a time there was an anxious monkey who knew how to draw one day he called his monkey friends and said: "look, guys I know how to draw" and then one of them answered: "Wait, you also know how to speak" so they concluded: "yeep yeep yoo, our species can communicate" so language was born and the universe got meaning things that for a billion years were just things started to be categorized through the words and that way everything became easier "A" for bee, "B" for ox, "C" for (cannibalism) . .
. . Khaki the time has passed, tic-tac tic-tac and anxious monkeys spread trough four corners of the world until one of them questioned: "Wait, who said the world has corner?
what if we are in a sphere? what if there is something beyond this world? " and then they said to him: "hmm.
. . .
hmmm. . .
. hmmm Hang this son of a *****" eventually the monkeys realized that hanging people it was not the solution, and through the work of mustachioed and very intelligent boys the concept of modern science is born also known as scientific method which can be summed up as: " talking is easy, idiot I want to see you prove your hypothesis using experimentation [modern science] through the scientific method humanity took off literally, once plane as well as the helicopter, the hang glider, the jet packand and pigeon jogging simulators are all by-products of science. Interactivity in games stimulates players to produce dopamine and excess dopamine can block an area in the brain responsible for self-control.
It is possible to argue that technology does not depend on science, after all, long before we mastered the scientific method, our species had already created some crazy gadgets. But with the rise of modern science technology grows exponentially. As that famous quote by Thomas Jefferson would say: "100 years ago my grandfather defecated in a pot.
Today I shit in a bathroom with Wifi while I read about the different types of poop on the screen of my microdevice darkened stools are a sign of hemorrhoids Thanks, science Well, it's not all flowers. Ironically, the same science that brought us here today is threatened by anti-intellectualism. The world is on fire and our leaders refuse to acknowledge global warming.
Optimists remember that there has never been a time so peaceful and if we consider the numbers, it is true but for some reason it does not seem Its hard to have hope for future and more than that, it is difficult not to feel mentally exhausted The question is: WHY? what's going wrong with our species? 2020: why are we still discussing the shape of the Earth or why is it so easy to feel alone, empty and tired?
Well, there are obviously many answers. A good part of them involving criticisms of capitalism In this Video, however, I intend to explore an approach more focused on the Theory of evolution In the beginning there was nothing, until God said "Let there be light" and then there was light But it was light and we know what happens when we turn on the light HELLO INSECTS! Then God said “Fuck, what a lot of insects it's just turn on the light and these little bastards appear.
Why do they like light so much? So He thought and thought and thought. .
but couldn't reach any conclusions because it's hard to reach conclusions when you don't exist [laughs] Then for a change a scientist appeared and suddenly everything became clearer God said: "Well well, who could imagine? the answer is in the Theory of evolution. The reason the moth is attracted to a lamp is because, in nature, when it gets dark they use the moonlight to locate themselves For many years this worked, until a certain primate spread around, and as he liked a lot Christmas he turned the planet into a big christmas tree hey, not cool said the moth you can't do that how am I going to locate myself?
And the primate replied Okay, that explains why some insects are attracted to light but it doesn't explain why they are willing to spend so much energy on this task From the point of view of survival, it makes no sense For a long time it was believed that they did this out of stupidity. But here comes the biologist named And say: no no no It's not just that insects are stupid there's something weird going on here. So he begins to notice a pattern in nature.
Between a real chick and a puppet with a giant mouth, the birds prefer to feed the puppet. Between a real threat and a piece of wood painted read the fish choose to attack the piece of wood So, it is not just insects. In the most varied species the result is the same Faced with an artificial stimulus it is as if the animals were hypnotized.
A kind of failure in the matrix, since the mind of these animals has not evolved to deal with artificial stimuli. Then, in the face of a super stimulus, they get confuse This phenomenon was called "Illusion of Super Stimuli" Thank you, Nikolas for solving this mistery Not you Perhaps you are thinking “Wait, bro. .
. what does all this have to do with the the decline of the human species? Then I will invite you to notice your screen This one you're watching me It is not strange how we spend so much time in front of a cellphone or a computer but we almost never dream with them?
It is easy to forget that we are animals But we are. Have you already realized how you wake up after washing your face? or how do you feel like protecting creatures with big eyes that remember the physionomy of a baby?
These things are heritage of our ancestral reflections that have come programmed in our DNA The problem, however, is that these reflections envolved without consider the Super Stimulus, because in nature Super Stimulus is very rare For example, the moth is as much a slave to light as we are slaves to dopamine this is why is so easy to lose track of time using the internet A social network is nothing more than an algorithm programmed to over-stimulate your brain because the more you are there, hypnotized the more you see advertising and the more they profit Now, it doesn't stop there. The most devastating effect of super stimulus is the one it is having on our future, through these dopamine discharges that social network offers the ignorant feels validated and as ignorance is a simplified version of reality it is spreading like a virus If you open any information portal Wheter news or curiosity you'll find people denying science and are comments full of like and reactions These people are being rewarded for their own ignorance it's like a little mouse that gets a cookie every time he talks nonsense and he feels motivated about it It seems like a harmless relationship, but it is not because instead of mouse we are talking about people who have consequences in the real world Your future and mine is also in the hands of a guy who flirts with dictatorship Bolsonaro is a direct product of the super stimulus as well as other leaders of the extreme right That is why they can say and do whatever they want there will always be someone trying to justify it because that is the power of the super stimulus, it blinds it takes away the ability to think It's every charlatan's dream and thanks to the internet this became a reality So we see every kind of destructive movement gaining more and more strength and it could be worse. Imagine where Nazism would have arrived If at that time there was Whatsapp (and social media) Well, but that’s a topic for another video.
the truth is that nobody is above the evils of Super Stimulus just drinking a soda you are already ingesting an amount of sugar that is hardly found in nature that is the only way to avoid super stimulus would be by adopting a style of 100% natural life. Which is kind of difficult The problem, as always, is excess The consequence of an over stimulated life is mental exhaustion. We feel tired because of so much feeling, feeling, feeling there comes a time when the head doesn't feel anything anymore In other words If you are tired If you don't see meaning in life Maybe you are under the effect of the SUPER STIMULUS Take care of your mind Be kind to yourself Drnk water Exercise, avoid playing LOL, declares to your girlfriend, hug your parents, reinstalls Duolingo and don't be a prey of obscurantism.
Legendado por: Tayná Garcia Thanks for watching I spent 150 hours editing I'm cansadito and not so gordito (brazilian meme) So thanks for staying to the end I think one word that was missing from this script was. . .
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