one away you one away you w away from a better life you got to understand that you're one decision away it took me one decision to say you know what I need to start a YouTube channel that's the one decision that it took me for us to have all of this right here it it took one one thought and me acting on it just one just one decision just making one decision like okay you know what today man like let me stop let me stop being a little a little bee let me start actually waking
up early let me stop being scared of going after my goals and dreams and following my purpose pursuing my goals on Earth you know what let me start working out man let me start getting on the floor and doing some push-ups staying active at least at least taking my 5,000 steps 10,000 steps a day 20,000 steps a day at least let me start giving life more of me let me start giving life my all cuz I can't expect everything if I don't give everything and there's a lot of us expecting so much out of life
but you ain't giving nothing let me tell you you just one decision away we just keeping it real you one decision away where you can change your whole trajectory of your life it takes one day one minute one second one thought one action it's the mind frame that you have a lot of us we don't have a good mind frame because we don't understand that one decision leasts one good decision leads to a better decision leads to a better decision leads to a better decision leads to a better decision leads to a better better decision
leads to a better decision leads to a better decision leads to a better life the same way one bad decision leads to another bad decision leads to another bad decision leads to another bad decision and you end up with a bad life you see what I'm saying but you have a lot of chances in these decisions that you making you might have made five bad decisions in a row but you can make one good one and change the whole trajectory of where you was going you one decision away from a better life it's a fact
it's it's a fact heyy I remember that day when I was in college it was my freshman year in college bro and I was like I was in my dorm you know I was in my dorm I was with my girl I was with my wife you know we went to the same college and I said you know what I'mma start going to the gym I'm like we have a whole school gym here it's free I'mma start going I'mma start working out and I will go two times a day I will go early in the
morning at 6:00 a.m. before she woke up before the sun was up before God woke up I was up let me stop playing God woke me up right but I was I was up before everybody was up I was the first one in the gym every single morning and I would come home and I do my homework I go to my classes and the evening time I went back again cuz how bad do you want it how bad do you want that body how bad do you want the success y'all don't really want it that
bad bro it's a every single day decision okay let me do it but it starts with that first you one decision away you're one decision away you're one decision away it just takes one it it don't take 50,000 it take one after that one there's another one then there's another one then there's another one then there's another one then there's another one then there's another one but it starts with that one you can change your life today it just takes you saying that I'm going to start doing everything that I need to do and I'mma
put the BS away everything that's not serving me everything that's not serving God everything that's not serving a higher purpose anything that's not serving the best version of me I got to let go of it it has to evaporate it can't live no more it can't stand here no more but got it all around you you piling it all around if I open your closet you got hella skeletons but it's okay cuz you can clean out your closet and you can start fresh that's what y'all don't know the past does not define you it's who
you are today it's what you choose to do today but y'all ain't really choosing purpose y'all ain't really choosing to lock in y'all ain't choosing a better decision a better way a better Outlet come on man come on let's talk about it it's it's one decision you're one decision away from a better life right that's about getting started let's talk about people who are already on the journey let's talk about people who already made the decision to keep going who already made the decision to be on their purpose right now you might be at a
Crossroads where you feel like you want to quit you feel like you gave everything your all you feel like you gave life your all and you waiting to see when you're going to reach the levels of success that you want to reach well let me tell you something you have to keep going it only works out if you keep working working the work only works if you keep showing up you could be one day away from the life that you want you could be one day away from everything working out you could be one day
away from you know what let me not quit let me just put in one more day let me just put in one more day what are we putting in every listen dog we get one day I don't know about tomorrow I don't know if we gonna be here tomorrow but I know that we here today so it's all about the decision that you make today if you choose to be the best version of yourself today in my opinion you're winning in my opinion you're truly living life in my opinion you're giving life your all it
it it's about what we do today it's about what we doing right now it's about what we do today it's about what we do today it's about what we do today you one decision away from a better life you're one decision away from a better life you have to understand everything is the butterfly effect I don't care what you believe man I'm I'm I'm speaking facts bro everything is the butterfly effect everything that's why when we watch movies about time travel when they go back in the past you cannot make any mistakes you cannot interact
with nobody y'all don't think time travel exists for real that's a whole different conversation if time travel does exist it happened in the future right people from the future are probably walking around right now they can't make a sound they can't tell you they from the future the butterfly effect they will destroy everything that's what the movies tell us it's the same thing in real life what are you gonna do right now today if you decide to make a better life for yourself you create a positive butterfly effect the future the future of your life
will look better the if you don't think the butterfly effect is real then then we have a problem here it's 100% real what you do today Echoes In Time For Eternity what you do today Echoes In Time For Eternity that's why the past is so important the past got us to to the present moment the past got us to where we at today an accumulation of you being on your purpose could bring you success or it could bring you pain and failure because of that one decision that you made a year ago two years ago
I decided to make this channel one year ago one year ago that one decision changed my whole life that one decision changed hundreds of thousands of people's lives and it's my job to empower you to let you know that you can change your life you can change your family's life you can change hundreds of thousands of lives too if you make one decision you know what let me stop playing around you know what let me lose this weight you know what let me let me stop being afraid of Love Let me Give Love A Try
you know what let me stop being afraid of this this heartbreak phase and let me just go to the gym and lock in you know what let me connect with God he been waiting on me he been waiting on me let let me talk to him you know what let me get my mind right let me go on a walk you know what let me start writing this book I got a story to tell let me start writing this book even if only one person reads it let me start writing this book hey you know
what let me start this YouTube channel hey you know what let me quit this job that doesn't value me let me go search for another job another opportunity that can work for me you know what let me not quit this job I need the money let me suck it up and keep grinding while I go look for other opportunities you know what let me start that business you know what let me start that business hey man I'm going to need y'all to lock in bro we one decision away we decision away because listen one bad
decision could ruin your whole life so why don't you think that one good decision could Echo and time for eternity to make your life better it can going to the gym today can help you go to the gym tomorrow being a better version of yourself today can help you be a better version of yourself tomorrow you're one decision away from winning you're one decision away from winning you're one decision away from winning stop sitting on your behind get up and make it happen get up and start moving get up and start moving in the right
direction we don't have time to waste we not going to be here forever we have to lock in when there's something on your heart for you to do you got to do it when you know you got to do something who you think that is talking to you that's God and every time you want Comfort that's the devil bro on your shoulder bro what side you GNA pick bro real talk oh I'll just sit on the couch and I'll just do it tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow ain't exist tomorrow don't exist it's all about today you don't
know if there's going to be a tomorrow you got to change your life today you got to appreciate the present moment you got to have gratitude you got to lock in you one decision away you one decision away you one decision away you one Decision One Gym session away right you one day away you one minute away one second away it it's all a mindset where it's like you know what I'm I'm going start giving life my all I'mma stop playing around it's it's a it's a mindset you got to be a go-getter you got
to be a showstopper you got to be locked then you got to want this bro because it's never going to be handed to you you got to go ahead and grab it in this life all this Soft Stuff it don't work all this stuff where I'll just wait I'll just wait yeah we got to be patient but you got to give it all you can in order for it to happen right you you got to put some sort of action in you can't just be waiting on God oh I'll just wait on God God got
me God got me yeah God got me but then you don't got God you ain't backing him up but you expect him to back you up you ain't putting in the work but you expect him to put the work for you you don't deserve the life that you asking for you haven't shown up faith without works is dead your faith ain't going to carry you to the promised land bro I'm sorry what did you do what actions are you doing on Earth to Warrant you a better life everybody think they deserve a good life everybody
don't deserve a good life if you not locked in you don't deserve a good life you deserve food you deserve you know you deserve the you know you know the basic necessity and stuff it ain't going to be the best food you you got to put the work in okay how do I know what I need to do how do I know what my purpose is how do I know what that's why you have to build a relationship with yourself that's why you have to build a relationship with God that's why y'all have to get
curious about life y'all ever wonder what the definition of born is you think you just born for no reason n since you've been in the womb there was a purpose for you bro let's talk about it man the definition of born means you are here purposely with the specific skill or task you are good at a specific skill or task you were born for this you were meant for this that's the definition of born bro real talk go ahead and look it up skilled for a specific task so you need to figure out what your
specific task is this is my specific task I'm supposed to be here I'm supposed to be talking I'm supposed to be you know having multiple cameras around the house you know trying to help people self-improve and be the best version of themselves is my purpose what's your purpose bro why are you here bro you just here to float around I'm just here to float around my name is Mr float I'm just here to float around like the like the clown on the movie it like the clown on the movie it I'm just here to to
be in tunnels and stuff like that and just and just float around hey bro you God's child bro you royalty bro real talk we got to lock in the way that we moving is disgraceful you got to start making decisions you got to start being a man on a mission you got to start being a man with purpose you got to start being a man that got fire inside of him we not playing around bro I at least I'm I'm not playing around it's the discipline it's the consistency it's the consistency it's the discipline it's
the discipline is the consistency it's the consistency it's the discipline it's the pathways that we taking it's walking walking walking walking walking it's the work it's the work it's the work it's the discipline it's the consistency it's the fire inside of us the burning desire to be great the burning desire to be the best man that our Bloodlines ever seen the burning desire to be the greatest that we've ever been you got to want that you got to be obsessed with that the greatness has to consume you you got to want to be great you
got to you got to want to be great you got to want to be great it has to make you sick that you're not great it has to make you sick that you don't got the body of your dreams it has to make you sick that you don't have the mentality that you want it has to make you sick that you not come on come on bro it has to make you sick it has to make you sick it has to make you sick that you're not living the life that you want to live right
now you know you can lock in more you know you could do better you know you got fire inside of you that needs to burn but right now it's so cold it's so icy Life Is Life is tough for you I get that but you still got to wake up with that fire inside of you for that life that you want y'all think I'm playing bro see your future self is going to thank me you may not understand what I'm trying to say right now but you going you going to be done with this video
you GNA think about it you gonna think about it you GNA carry it with you you gonna be like man I need to I need to do better I need to do better but don't just say I need to do better actually do better actually do better like I said when I first started going to the gym I went two day I went two times a day I wanted to really understand the Machinery I wanted to understand what I was doing I wasn't playing around I went on weekends I didn't I didn't take rest days
I'm not saying that you can't rest you should rest that's great but you have to be obsessed with something where it's like even when you want to rest you still want to be in the presence of greatness you still want to show up for yourself even though you're supposed to be resting you still want to put the work in it has to be that mentality inside of you you it has to be burning inside of you man bro we we we we can't be slacking like this bro we we can't be slacking off we one
decision away from a better life come on man like like who do you want to be in this world man what type of man do you want to be remembered as you are only in accumulation of your of your decisions remember that you're in accumulation of your decisions bro you're in accumulation of your decisions that's all I am I'm just I'm I'm just Mal bro that's my family nickname I'm just m and and and Ma got here ma got here man M got here because because he put the work in man because of the decisions
that he made from day one cuz when I was a jit I didn't I didn't think that I needed to when I was a little kid bro that's Florida slang if you didn't know if I was a little kid when I was a little kid bro I didn't expect handouts bro I understood that Mama worked hard I understood where I was I understood that we was in the hood I understood that if I wanted to be successful it was going to take discipline it was going to take consistency I never thought that anything needed to
be handed to me but y'all think that you just deserve a good life cuz you here it doesn't work like that okay Welcome To Earth it's unfair we have to put the work in these are the rules of the game you still got to play the game you still got to play the game if you want to eat and there's a lot of y'all starving you're not living a life that you want to live your goals and dreams ain't coming true cuz you ain't putting in the work cuz you're not putting in the work cuz
you're not putting in the work cuz you're not putting in the work cuz you're not putting in the work if you came from the dirt why you not motivated why you not inspired to be better if You Came From The Trenches like me why we not motivated why we not inspired to do better if you ever had heartbreak in your life why aren't you motivated why aren't you inspired to do better if people didn't believeing you why aren't you motivated why aren't you inspired why do you think those things happen why do you think your
life trajectory started in the hood why do you think it started in the trenches why do you think it started with no money why do you think it started why do you think it started like that cuz that's supposed to motivate you for the rest of your life ain't nothing else can motivate you nothing else can ever motivate you if your own story can't motivate you any trauma that you have anything that went wrong anything that went bad that's so you can overcome it and be great not so you can just sit in therapy 34/7
and talk about it all day long is therapy good yes therapy is a tool but so is getting your butt up and putting in this work that's a tool too you got to work too we can't just talk about the trauma we got to use the trauma as fuel as motivation you didn't go through it for no reason all the great started low Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem with almost nothing nothing nothing and poverty the Christ the Lord of lords the King of Kings the greatest human greatest god to ever walked this Earth was
born in Bethlehem in a town with nothing much worked as a carpenter Superman Superman Superman was dropped off in Kansas have you ever visited Kansas have you ever visited Kansas bro Superman was in Kansas bro in a farm in a farm hey man great people start with nothing but you got God on your side and you're not using him CU he's everything so even when we started with nothing we had everything in our heart we were rich in spirit cuz we had God on our side all that is supposed to motivate you all those humble
beginnings it's supposed to motivate you it's supposed to motivate you it's supposed to motiv at you it's supposed to motivate you n you just want everything handed to you bro [Laughter] okay you just want everything handed to you bro you never going to make it your life will always suck because you don't want to take this serious that's on you bro that's on you that's on you your life is on you your life is on your decisions it's your decision who you want to be it's your decision if you want to elevate it's your decision
if you want to be great it's your decision if you want to elevate it's your decision if you want to be great or if you want to stay the same if you want to be average if you want to be like everybody else I don't care where you born I don't care where you at I don't care what country you watching this from I don't care if you in a third world country I don't care if you in the first world country you got to get to work you got to have belief you got to
believe in yourself you got to know that it's possible you got to lock in you got to be disciplined you got to be consistent you got to make a better decision you can't wait for tomorrow tomorrow don't exist bro stop being arrogant stop being cocky bro all that I'll do it tomorrow that's Cockiness you think you actually got time you think you can actually be here tomorrow you only here today today is all you know the present moment is all you know you got to do something now you got to do something now you got
to do something now you got to make a better decision now you got to make a better decision today I don't care how I don't care how low life has brought you you got to understand when you hit rock bottom when you hit rock bottom when you hit rock bottom it's only up from there that's the beauty about hitting rock bottom everything is a win hey I woke up today that's a win we got to understand what what's going on man you know I remember when I was a kid and I was in the pool
this the last example I'mma give y'all y'all please listen to me bro if you watched up to this point please comment below I hey man please please comment below I'm locked in that that's how I know you really locked in y'all got good attention spans everybody else they not going to get the main point they done missed out they thought they got it everything I said before ain't even going to hit the way this is about to hit when I was a little kid I almost drowned in the pool I was fighting for my life
to breathe I was fighting for my life to breee and that's the same way I fight for my success today that's the same way I fight for my purpose today that's the same way I fight for my God today that's the same way I fight for my family today that's the same way I fight I don't need no external motivation I remember when I was a kid I was in the pool and I almost drowned and I to live and I had to swim my way I couldn't even swim I had to fight my way
to the to to the side of the pool and I lifted myself up and I gased for air that's how bad you got to want success that's how bad you got to want a better life if you don't want it that bad your life will always suck you need to get it together you need to lock in and you need to make better decisions it's not an option bro it's not an option it's a necessity the better life is a necessity you need to live a better life if you're not willing to put the work
in unsubscribe for me bro if you haven't been going to the gym unsubscribe for me bro cuz I only need people over here that's serious about the life that they want to live I only need people over here that really want to be the best man that they want to be we got people out here bro and they not putting in the work and they not disciplined this ain't the place for you bro it's time for you to make a better decision today it's time for you to lock in today and if you weren't fighting
for your life as bad as you wanted to breathe today is your chance to be a rebirth to do it again you need to fight for a better life as bad as you want to breathe that's the only way that's the only way this life is cold this life is cold ain't nobody going to celebrate you when you win either that's a whole another topic that's a whole another subject but it's true once you start to win people ain't even going to give you your flowers that's why you got to be locked in bro that's
why that's why you got to use it as fuel y'all sitting here taking things personally oh they don't they don't they don't love me they don't support me uh they don't they don't want to see me win nobody believes in me use it as motivation why you not at the top already why you not showing up why you skipping gym sessions and nobody believes in you have you lost your mind he just he lost his mind he lost his mind like a goofy like a goofy nobody believes in you right so you going to skip
the gym does that make sense does that make sense [Music] [Music] I say all this to say that I love you man and I believe in you and I believe in you so much that I'm passionate about what I'm talking about because I know that we can achieve greatness I came from nothing I came from absolutely nothing I put the work in I had faith I had belief and now I'm in a position where I could take care of my wife she doesn't have to work if she doesn't want to I'm in a position where
I'm able to take care of myself I'm in a position where I'm able to be a mentor for so many of y'all for for men all across the world I don't take this life for granted but let me tell you one thing bro I earned it bro I earned it bro I put the work in for this bro I put the work in for this bro I use my pain and I use it as motivation I didn't just sit down and think about it all day man I got up I got up when everybody canceled
me and counted me out ain't nobody believing me I got up when I wasn't partying and everybody was like why he don't party I got back up now they see why now they see why so many people graduated college they don't have nothing they don't have no opportunities they don't have nothing they not doing nothing with their life yet cuz they was partying every day let's talk about who's really winning in life it's the people who's willing to sacrifice ain't nobody believed in me people probably thought I was weird cuz I Ain want to drink
like them or party like them every Saturday I was working every Saturday I was locked in I was clocking into my purpose I was clocking into my dreams who's really winning in life now bro who who's really winning bro I'm I'm crashing out I'm crashing out cuz it's true I could crash out now cuz I wasn't crashing out the past four years I was locked in I was locked in I was learning about discipline I was learning about hustle I was learning about motivation I was learning about how to keep that Everlasting flame going that
Everlasting discipline going I always talked about the the success that I'll have one day in my mind I'm I'm just repeating it I'm outside I'm running I'm running two miles 3 miles I'm I'm running 4 miles in the snow in the rain every morning 6:00 a.m. ask my wife bro every morning I'm I'm I'm running I'm I'm outside running plotting trying to understand where do I want to take my life what man do who am I trying to be in this world outside running in the snow 30° weather 20° weather negative weather outside running just
thinking plotting where it's like man I could be going harder I could be going harder talking to myself being honest with myself like bro I suck bro like I I I suck you got to be honest with yourself bro the same way I'm honest with you you got to be honest with yourself bro look in the mirror bro you suck bro you got to be honest with yourself cuz that's the only way that we can turn that pain into Fuel and and start living a better life I told myself I was going to be here
one day I told myself that you got to believe it if you don't believe it it ain't going to happen if you don't believe it it ain't going to happen if you don't believe it it ain't going to happen haha he watching right now he think it's going to happen but he don't believe it's going to happen so it's not going to happen you got to believe it's going to happen got to put this work in bro on my Lord bro we put this work in bro real talk man who who's winning now who who
got the laugh who got the last laugh now there's people who they wanted to take position from me they wanted to take position from me they want to be like me but they can never be me they want to do what I do but they can never do what I do they not as disciplined as me they not as consistent as me they not as hungry as me they not locked in the way I'm locked in they not doing the work I'm doing they ain't showing up to the gym like me they not as handsome
as me they don't got a good good skin routine like me they don't got a wife as beautiful as mine they not locked in like I'm locked in they don't have a relationship the way I got a relationship with God ain't nobody put this work in the way I put this work in bro I work for this bro this ain't just what this wasn't just handed to me I understood that God had glory on my hand he put glory on me he put Honor on me he put Integrity on me I'm his child I move
like a king I am a king I'm confident it's me versus me so when I say ain't nobody like me I'm comparing my current self to my past self I ain't in competition with nobody but I'm letting you know you got to Hype yourself up you got to talk about yourself you got to be confident in the work that you putting in the problem is you're not confident if you're not telling yourself you handsome married ain't nobody going to think you handsome if you ain't telling yourself you successful you never going to be [Music] successful
you never going to be successful you got to tell yourself that you got to tell you got to let yourself know that everything everything in my life right now bro I talked about it bro they probably laugh behind my back bro I had I had I had Mentor I told them what I wanted to do in my life they probably laugh behind my back and said man he want who he want to be on YouTube man what is that that's not going to happen who's winning now you can't expect people to believe in you bro
you you got to believe in yourself we we having a real conversation you're one decision away from a better life you have to choose to lock in you have to choose to lock in bro like I said I had I had people in my life I told them what I wanted to do I told them what my true goals were ain't nobody support me ain't nobody tried to really figure it out with me everybody told me play it safe don't chase after your goals and dreams like that don't put your goals and dreams first well
sir if I don't put my goals and dreams first how the hell is going to come true Real Talk can't be around you bro energy whack that energy is whack bro that energy is whack oh my Lord that energy is whack dreams got to come first the goal got to come first the the goals got to come first on my Lord I'm going bro