Last video of the basic JavaScript course, make no mistake this video is not just a goodbye, he has content here. So watches until the end, but before as usual, answers me the four questions Firstly, did you attend the full course? Did you see all the classes?
Did you follow the resolution of all exercises? And more than following, have you done all the exercises proposed? Did you REALLY do?
Did you enter the code? And more than doing the exercise and typing the code, did you already try to do the exercises without the help of the video? Without seeing what I was doing and repeating?
Or did you just do the repetition of what I did? Have you tried to solve these exercises without my help? And even more so, besides doing without my help have you tried to create your own situations?
Your own challenges and solve them using JavaScript? Well, if you did all that I just said, watched the video, did the exercises did with my help, did it without my help and tried to create your own solutions you are on the right way. That is how it is, this is the posture of the student, this is the posture of the Grasshopper of the Curso em Vídeo.
And if for some of these questions you answered, "No, I have not tried it yet. " No problem, Watch this last video, because I have some advice to give you and class too. Here we go?
Subtitles: Gustavo Ferreira Hello little grasshopper! Welcome to the latest of your basic JavaScript course, fully sponsored by Google. My name is Gustavo Guanabara, I am a teacher.
You know that sadness that gives, I'm feeling a great happiness because it was not easy to record, I go to talk to the other camera, it was not easy record this entire course and cast it all on the same day, try to do a mental exercise of the work that this gave, the amount of hours of dedication to create slide, create the classes, create the exercises, the time it took me to record. Do an exercise see the first class and see the color of my beard, Look at the last, now, the way I am. Try to imagine the amount of time that was to edit all this and leave with these visual effects, the cost of this, because the course is going free for you, but imagine how much it cost.
Firstly I wanted to leave a huge thank you to Google's people, mainly for the girls on Youtube. Clarissa and Indiana, I thanked them the first video and I'm thanking you in the last video, but you can be sure that all the videos we have recorded, edited, produced with special thanks to them both mainly to Google that financed what it cost that course, thank you very much for believe in the Brazil's education . But let's stop talking that what you're wanting here is class.
We came here to class 17, the last lesson of your JavaScript course with a question: "What are my next steps? Now that I've learned this, do I already know everything about JavaScript? Do I need to study anything else?
What is my next step Guanabara? " And that's why I created this video, besides answering that question I'll also teach you a little bit more, stay untill the end that you will not regret. But before answering what are our next steps Let us try to analyze what we have seen so far.
In this basic JavaScript module we saw the following subjects: We saw the fundamentals of the language, what is JavaScript, how it emerged, his evolution, his language's paradigm of client and server , then his evolution with Node. js to reach other levels, conquer the servers, so today you can run JavaScript on both the client and the server. We use Node.
js to run our client very simply, but Node. js has a lot more potential. We worked on the fundamental concepts of all programming languages such as variables, data types, how to put this data inside a variable, like JavaScript and handles primitive types.
We saw, in addition to values and variables, how to handle those values with operations. We have seen the arithmetic operators, logical operators, relational operators we did many exercise with it, practical exercises, proposed exercises. We also dealt with the conditions we saw the simple "if" , compound "if" , aligned "if", we saw "switch".
We also treated the repetitions, we saw "wilhe"," do . . .
while", "for", we did many exercise with that. And in the last module we treated the arrays, which are the composite variables, I showed you that it is not out of this world. And we ended up now, in the last classes, with the functions.
I mentioned that the functions are very important for JavaScript, very important, JavaScript is a multi-paradigm language and it also works with the functional paradigm, so functions are very important for JavaScript. And all that we saw here from the side, we saw in the traditional way, using Node. js running from our own machine, we have also seen running directly on the browser using Google's V8 engine and we also did this by running on our client using the Document Object Model, which is the DOM, is when we get the form data, the visual components of the screen, altered, manipulated, and made JavaScript talk with HTML, with CSS.
Look at the amount of information that we have passed for you. And to beginners that looks this amount of things may be thinking: "But that's all JavaScript, I do not need to continue studying. " I have terrible news for anyone who thinks like this, JavaScript is a giant language, has many functionalities, has many technologies involved you will not stop studying here, your basic course ends in this video, but your JavaScript studies may not end up.
And that's why I came here, at the beginning of this video, to answer a question that may arise in your head: "What are my next steps? Give me a direction, Guanabara. After I studied all this, I did this course, I practiced everything.
" Those 4 questions I asked at the beginning of the video, after you finish this you need do the homework and continue studying. And from now on,what do you have to study? I'll give you a hint, actually several hints.
First tip I give you, before writing anything here in JavaScript, take the course of HTML 5 and CSS, here on the channel we have the course of HTML 5 and CSS, it is above my finger, always been, all classes, when you click here on "veja mais"(see more). you see the JavaScript course, which is always the first playlist, the second playlist is the HTML course, do this course, it's a great case study, it makes a website, it's quite simple, it's quieter than JavaScript , inside there are some JavaScript classes too, but do this course. Next you will see here, study a lot about functions, your functions studies did not end here in this course, we saw the basics of function, you have other concepts to study, you can learn things like, arrow functions, callbacks, anonymous functions, as iife, gives a researched after what is this.
Study a little more about functional JavaScript, knowing these fundamentals is very important, but they are not basic fundamentals they are already a little more advanced fundamentals and would not fit in this course. Another very important thing for you to study objects, JavaScript besides being a functional language, it is also an object-oriented language, you can declare objects, use objects and this concept is also very important to you, we have here in the Video Course, too, a course of object orientation, it just isn't in JavaScript it is Java language, which you know is not the same as JavaScript, and if you are in this doubt still back in this course that the first classes we talk about it. So, this course of object orientation, here of the Curso em Vídeo, is in Java language and PHP language but it's good for you to see the fundamentals of language too, JavaScript also an object-oriented language.
Now that you have already learned functions and will continue to study functions, study also on modularization, for you to modularize your code, leave separate code in separate files, reuse codes using JavaScript, this is a very important concept too and should be on your list of next steps in JavaScript. Another very important thing is a personal tip, study regular expressions, JavaScript also has compatibility with regular expressions, study it for data validation is also marvelous, saves a lot of time and code. You can also study JSON, JSON is kind of object structure that you can transmit data, save data locally, study JSON too.
As I mentioned there at the beginning of the course, when we talked about Google images, that you will scrolling and it will carry the contents forward, there is no more the forward, pass page, you will rolling when it arrives at the bottom of the page carries more thing, Facebook is like this, Google images is so, youtube is so, this is all thanks to a technology that uses JavaScript which is AJAX, it's also something for you to take a closer look at. And another thing to learn is that, besides that you keep these functionalities on the client side, that we learned in this entire course, learn Node. js, so you can get your scripts running on the server this gives a very great potential for the language, without speaking about a lot of libraries, of framework, that we spoke there at the beginning of the course, learn jQery, Vue.
js, Angular. Anyway, there is a lot of thing for you to learn, so your studies in JavaScript do not stop here, we took your hand at the very beginning and brought you here now I'm leaving you with this homework list so you can learn and to encourage your study I will not stop here, I'll give you an advantage , I'll get from these items here, I'll give you the introduction of a very important thing, about functions we've talked of the basic, let's get the second from this list (objects), I'll show you the basics, the fundamentals , what is an object and it porpose on day by day , where it can be useful. So if you thought that this video is just a farewell you are wrong, because we have content I'll give you the introduction of what is an object, but for that I need to go there for our "digital blackboard" because I have some things to explain to you.
I'm already here on the screen squeezed in the corner to remember what we just saw some classes ago, the statement of arrays, Trust me, it will be quick. to you understand the purpose of objects in a programming language, one of the objectives, the main objective in my opinion When we declare an array in JavaScript, you just put any value between the brackets and assign to a variable that becomes a vector we saw this during class, and it's important that you have seen this class, on top of my head there is a link and you can access all the playlists that we separate for you. remembering, when I make this statement it creates a num variable but it is not a small variable, it is a variable with more space, I divide this variable into three pieces and I make the division of the variable into memory into three pieces, each piece receives an index or key and this is fixed, the first element is index 0 and so on until the last.
When I put values 5, 8, 4, for example, these values go into the vector and point. One thing I did not mention in arrays class is that I I do not need to put all the numbers like I put down here, if the first item has a number the other has to have a number too, many programming languages are so, JavaScript not, if you want to put the name in the first space, the address in the second space, the age of the guy in the third there is no problem, the array, in JavaScript, is heterogeneous, it accepts values of different types, you can put a string in the first, a number in the second, a logical value in the third and so on. The big problem with the array of composite variables is that the index stays fixed, if I put the name in the first space I can't call "name" that bottom part , the first space is always 0, the second one is always 1, so when you use array it makes your life a lot easier, because it reduces your code, but during the time you will stay limited in the first space, in the second space, third space and numerical indexes end up messing up when you want to do something more advanced.
For simple things the array serves very well, for more advanced things the array starts to get a bit limited and that's why I put it here as the next step, and here comes the step to beginning to understand what an object is. To declare an object in JavaScript the statement is very simple, array, as you see up here, states with brackets, if you want to declare an object you only use keys, for example, I just created a variable, right here below , called amigo (friend) and I assign it a key as if it were a block of code, but it is not. When I make this statement it will create a big variable just like she did with the num here on the side of my head, the same way I did with array, I can divide into pieces, for example, I will divide into four pieces, when I divide into four pieces it picks up the variable amigo (friend), which is below the screen, and divides it into four parts, just like it just happened here, and the great advantage of this kind of structure, ta very basic thing of the object, which differentiates it from the arrays, is that I can do it here, take a look.
I put: {name: 'José', What will happen when I make this statement? It's simple, the first space is called name, it will not be called "0", it will not have a "{0" exactly as it is up here, it will have a name for real, it will have a literal identifier, is easier to visualize. Inside the object, inside the first space of the object, I will have "José" exactly, compare the line I typed with the visual effect that we have created, then I'll put the sex is Male, what's going to happen?
I'm going to create a field, an attribute, in fact calls this an attribute of the object, a sex attribute. for male value. Another thing I can put, the weight of José, the weight is 85.
4 Kg, it will create an element, a weight attribute and will put the value in there. So, until now, the object that is down there is already more evolved, it is more detailed, it already has more possibilities than the array that is here on the side. And at no time am I misjudging the array, please, array is a very important thing, What I'm showing you here is a next step, when you need to do something a little more evolved, you will have to go to the object because it is better, it even has a much better functionality that the array does not have.
One thing I can do, I've left reserved for the last space, which is here below me, I can put it like this: fattening with parameter "p", opening and closing keys, Actually, what I'm doing here in the last element is creating an item to gain weight. which has a function inside, I'll put here, I have a function inside. The objects are variables, variable keep values, except that beside to keep values, which are the attributes, objects can savefunctionaliteis, which is what we call methods.
we can see the difference here, what I have here on the side of my head is an array, it's a vector, what I have here below the screen is the object and JavaScript has full compatibility with objects. Want to see how? open your Visual Studio Code and let's make a simple example: I'm here in my Visual Studio Code and I will create a folder of class 17, new folder, class 17 and we will put here a file called "object01.
js", I can already shrink here and in this object01 I will create exactly what we saw in class. I'll declare the variable "amigo" (friend) and in that variable "amigo" (friend) will be the object. Want to see a simple thing?
I'm going to show the typeof friend I ran the code, it showed that it is an object. An interesting thing if I put the friend as an array JavaScript when I show the typeof amigo you keep thinking, "It will show array because it is an array. " but when I execute it is also an object, in fact, in JavaScript the array is an object and the object is an object you can get a bit confused with this at first, but it's basically because they are structures of the same class they are structures that came from the same source.
Let's go back here, I'll put it as an object. I have a "amigo" (friend) here, I can put his name I'll put "José", "comma", sex: "male", weight: "85. 4" (Kg) if I run this, instead of typeof "amigo" I'll have show"amigo", F8 He already showed the object, without any problem, I can do even that way to facilitate my creation.
Comma, I'm going to put here, "engordar" (get fat) (p) {, and here I can create a code, here I can write the fattening code, at the time I run you will see: the name is José, the sex is male, weight is that and the fattening is a function that is in here. This is very important here, it's really important. And I can access the elements, for example, if I do not want to show everything I can show only the name of the friend, so amigo.
name, which is the attribute, I'll put it here in the fattening or put console. log ('engordou'). Actually, I'm going to make the weight increase this "p" here, if by chance not pass it is zero, we saw it in the previous one.
I'll put here "this", which is a word auto reference to the object, this. peso += p, which was the last value. If I show here, F8, showed José, if I want I can still put it like this: " ` ", the name of the guy, weighs $ {amigo.
peso} Kg ') It's there, José weighs 84. 4, he took the name of the person and took the person's weight. If before show, I'll put, amigo.
engordar (2) he's going to fatten 2 kilos, if I order two kilos, look, he weighs 84. 4 in an original way, when I order to put on weight two kilos look what is going to happen, instead of 85. 4, I'm going to run here, he's got fat and he's 87.
4. Look at my code, I made my friend fat, that is, my own variable "amigo" now has functionaliteis within it, this takes our programming to another level, I put functions inside variables. Can you see that this is an evolution of language?
Can you understand How many things you have to learn in JavaScript? This did not make the course that you just watched useless because there are some people who may be thinking about it, this made the course you just watched your first steps, What I'm doing here is showing you that there are another steps including the new ECMAScript has the permission, and you already know a little of Object-oriented, you know a little of class creation so you can replicate objects with the same characteristics, but I will not show you on this course, because I'm going to end up despairing you more you'll say, "So I did not learn anything? " Yes, you leraned a bunch, you learned a lot, but what I want to make clear with this video is that even learning a lot, you have not learned everything of JavaScript it's very difficult to know everything of JavaScript, the fundamentals I gave you, train these fundamentals a lot, but notice that you have a bigger road to go through yet, but you may believe you can Then that's it!
It is with great happiness and with a twinge of sadness which I officially announce here: your basic JavaScript course has come to an end. Once again many thanks to you, who watched this video until the end, who subscribed in the channel down here, enabled notifications, we have other courses that are coming out here on the channel, if you knew this channel obecause of the JavaScript course, you are very welcome, be very welcome, we have a lot, much more material here to offer you. Many thanks also to Google who sponsored this course, Thank you to the Youtube girls, who I've talked to a million times, Clarissa and Indiana.
I know there are a lot more people involved in this, but I also know that these two have believed in our work as well. And I wanted to thank everyone, I'm very happy to have participated in this project, I sincerely hope that we will receive other invitations like this, to continue the course of JavaScript or to create another course. if you are seeing this course at launch, we are launching this course in May 2019 and just so you have an idea the recordings of this course began in December 2018, just so you have an idea, just so you have a sense of time, dedication and work that we must have.
This course is part of an initiative very large that is coming from Google, is not only the Curso em Vídeo which was selected for this, there are other courses. And again, to close, I wanted to leave my thanks to Google for believing in national education, to believe that programming is rather a part of education, because until now we were seen as a technology channel not the education channel and I have nothing against technology, but the Curso em Vídeo ends up competing with unboxing channels, travel channels to accompany technology events, and this is not the proposal of the Curso em Vídeo, the proposal of theCurso em Vídeo is education, I'm a teacher, the only thing I know of my life is to educate, to teach and I am very happy to have believed in me, given this vote of confidence and created this project and invited people to participate. Then that's it!
And you small grasshopper your work in learning programming was well advanced We've come a long way, but there's still a lot to learn. I say goodbye here, but it may be that later we will come back. A big hug, good studies, good practice, keep sharing the Curso em Vídeo channel we end up here the JavaScript course, but there's a lot more stuff here on the channel for you.
A big hug and until next time!