I think I found literally the fastest way to accelerate wealth creation and get rich quick I don't have a course there's no 997 course or Community to S you I'm going to give you a technique that I did in my life when I was around my early 20s and it made me millions and millions of dollars really damn quick and if you can't sit and watch a video for 10 minutes on how to do this I'm sorry to break it to you but you're dead in the water there's nothing here for you okay so full
screen this thing if you implement this it will literally 2 to 10x the speed at which you can actually make money and Achieve Financial free so let's get into it the relationship between the amount of work you do and what you get is exponential and financial and business success is exponential and what this means is that if you plotted someone's effort on a graph and the results they get what a lot of people think is that if they put in maybe 25% of the effort as everybody else then they'd get 25% of the results and
they they think if I put in 75% of the effort as everybody else that I'll get 75% of the results success doesn't work like this and money doesn't work like this and what we find is that you don't really start getting results until you're in the 90th percentile of effort and focus and so this is why most people they don't make money and they suck because most people they fall into this category between you know really 10% and 90% effort and in this category this is where you maybe get 10 to 15% of business results
or financial success it's really when we enter this realm of the 90 plus percentile of effort and focus that we really start to make some progress and one of the things that basically inhibits your ability to make progress and make money is how much thinking you do because what I can tell you is whatever you think about is you're going to be quite good at it and the human brain has about 85 billion neurons which means you've got a pretty strong processing ability which means that even if your IQ isn't that high you're pretty damn
smart the human brain is built to problem solve okay that's in entire purpose of this evolutionary phenomenon that is the brain it's designed to solve problems the issue that a lot of you have is you've got an abundance of processing power but the issue is you're you're splitting it and so maybe maybe half maybe 20% of your processing power is going to a game maybe you know another 30% of your processing power is going to shows maybe you know another 40% is going to drama and basically what happens when you've got a big complex Life
Is You split your focus and so this is why I will never ever watch a Netflix series it's why I will never ever play a video game and it's why I will never ever engage in Social drama because social drama like you know in your in your personal life or the news or social media video games Netflix serieses any any sort of series or anything like this any sort of ongoing story that is is an unclosed Loop what it does is is your brain isn't very smart because it won't it's just say this is your
brain with your brain stem here right you know your brain's here what we've got here is a series of different problems to solve so let's say that you're engaging in lots of social drama let's say that you're also watching the news and you're on Twitter and social media whilst you're at it let's say that you also have a story based video game like Skyrim or whatever the hell then you're also watching two Netflix series and you're trying to run a company so we've got six different things going on in our brain here and what your
brain's going to do is it's going to prioritize them all equally it's not like that your brain doesn't have the context obviously the most important thing in your life is the business because you know that's making money and and that's basically allowing you to become successful but your brain operates in ones and zeros it's a binary machine and it doesn't have any cognitive or conscious context as to what you're actually doing in your life and so what it will do is it will divvy up your processing power between these things to problem solve accordingly and
so one bit of your brain is going to be you know is going to be dealing with all of this social drama and trying to like find the best solution for one of your friends or you know trying to discuss what your friend was doing last week when they were drunk and how it affected this person and this person nightmare your brain's dedicating Ram it's allocating memory and neurons to solving these problems and dealing with them likewise if you're a news Watcher or you binge to watch the news your brain's constantly thinking about the news
and what's happening next and it's trying to problem solve and pattern recognize the news same thing with social media if you're scrolling through short form content if you're watching social media drama or you're scrolling through Twitter or you're on Facebook before you know it you're going to get engaged in posts and you're going to get engaged in stories and basically what happens in all of these things on social media is these things they basically open what we call a loop which is like a it's kind of like a thing that you think about that you
can't finish thinking about so if you come on Facebook and you see someone talking about how they've lost their dog and it's in your area and you know that person now part of your brain a small part of it a small portion of it is dedicated to this bloody dog thing which you know until it's until it's resolved or enough time has passed it's going to stay there and the same thing with a video game so if you're playing a video game and it's a complex video game you're going to think about it like you're
going to be thinking about how to level up how to get the next sword how to get the next Rank and you know you'll you'll be sat there at like midnight trying to like process and and think and like do I do this or do I do that or maybe if I go down this route or upgrade this spell like you start thinking about it the same thing is true and this is a really dangerous one that no one thinks about with Netflix so if you're watching Netflix Amazon Prime Paramount plus Disney Plus Hulu all
of these things when you watch a long drawn out Netflix series what happens is your brain treats that series as if it was real life and it will start trying to optimize and problem solve for the problems the characters are facing and you'll be thinking about it you might not know this consciously but your brain doesn't have context realize if your brain sees a group of like a family of 10 people interacting on a screen continuously and it's watching them do that for two three hours a day through a screen listening to what they're saying
professionally produced like a Netflix series right your brain just assumes that's real life and so if there's a real threat in the screen unconsciously your brain will dedicate mental processing power to solving the problems that the characters face and you'll treat them as if you're their friends because you become familiar with them it becomes a real problem but this is why everyone's poor and this is why everyone's unsuccessful is because what you get good at is what you think about and kind of comes back to what I was saying earlier is how if if you
know if 5% of your brain is on social drama if 10% is on the news depending on any given time let's say that another 5% you know is on social media thinking about that then you've got 15% on games and you know you've got a further 10% on Netflix now we don't have much left for the business and the reason this is a huge problem is because remember what I told you earlier is to be great at something which means like if you want to actually make money with a business and if you want to
succeed and become a millionaire you need to be allocated like 95% of your brain to this thing if we've got five here 10 here another five here another like we've only really got like 40% left over for the business and you might be like oh well that's fine because you know I'm like you know I don't mind that because most of my brain is still on my business like half of it the business but remember that results are exponential and so when we've got all these distractions what happens is we we're left with like 30%
to 50% of our mental processing power to to go into the business the issue here is remember what I said earlier that results in business are linear and so putting 50% of your brain into the business means you're probably going to get 10% of the results but if you put 90% of your brain in then you might start getting like you know 70% results and what we find is there's a really strong um exponential relationship here where the Leverage is it is it is it the higher percentiles and so if you put in 90% of
your brain into the business then maybe you get like 65% of the results but as soon as we jump to 91% it becomes like 75% and if we go to like 95% then it becomes like 92% results and then 99% you know it kind of looks like this where the difference between someone who's putting 90% of their brain in and all of their brain in it's like almost double right you someone who puts all their brain into one specific thing is going to be like a hundred times better and I'd go as far to say
that you know someone putting in let's say 80% of their brain into the business this person might only get like maybe 40% results but then someone putting in you know 95% of their brain over here this person could literally get like you know 90% results and so this is why all of these things are so incredibly dangerous because you only have so much brain to go around and the more you think about the company the better it gets so when you remove social media when you remove the news when you remove X or Twitter when
you remove games and video games and when you remove friends and all this well I don't mean remove friends but when you remove social drama and you basically cut all this away and all you have left is a business or a career then what happens is all of your brain latches onto this thing and you can allocate you know more than 95% of your neurons and mental processing power to this now this gets even better and you can take this even further when you simplify everything you know for example what I will do in my
personal life is I will eat the same thing every day I will wear and dress the same every day I will drink the same water every day I will go to the same gym every day I talk to the same people every day you want to eliminate as many new variables in your environment as possible I work in the same space every day I live in the same house I'm not traveling around when your life is really simple and all you really have is work that's when you unlock just these ridiculous exponential results because when
you're falling asleep instead of thinking about how to get the next sword or how to get the next rank on a video game or instead of thinking about what the family in Ozark's going to do to you know bypass the cartel this time or what Game of Thrones character is going to win it's like you're thinking about the business and your optimization engine is perfectly tuned to the thing that actually matters and so I've been doing this now for about 5 years and before I did it I was making like I was still making some
good money I was making like million $2 million a year but now I'm making like 10 times that and I have a theory that if I continue to do this it's going to help me get even further to probably a billion in the future so yeah that's how it works bye