15 Things You Should Know About Yourself (If You Want to Win at Life)

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You can't make the world better until you make yourself better. Which is why today we are focusing ...
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we are all struggling with breakthroughs maybe you feel like things just aren't changing fast enough or you feel overwhelmed and stressed all the time honestly these feelings are the result of a mismanagement of self you can't make the world better until you make yourself better which is why today we're focusing all on you welcome to alux the place where future billionaires come to get inspired number one what do you want from life now most people think they want peace and happiness sounds great right but that's like going into a restaurant and asking for something with
nutritional value it's too abstract and in reality it doesn't mean anything the real value comes from going into as much detail as you can imagine this if everything works out in your favor what would your life look like in the next 10 years be specific about it do you see a family do you see Adventure do you find do you see yourself being famous what do your weekends look like people don't have goals because they never think of what they actually want from life this should be your number one priority in getting to know yourself
number two what your passion is there are things you must do for money and then there are things that you can do for yourself what can you do for hours and hours and not even notice the time flying by what gets your blood flowing just a tiny bit faster what ignites a flame inside of you when you see other people doing it that is your passion believe it or not there are people who go through their entire lives without ever asking themselves what am I really passionate about they're the neighbor that you never talk to
the one blending into the background the one who never has a story to tell the one who never did anything worth mentioning you only get one life okay so why not indulge in your passion at least a little bit number three what your strengths are your strengths are your competitive Advantage there are things that are easy and even boring for you which others find extremely difficult but you probably never thought of your strengths in this way so let's try to find three of them now since this is probably taking a bit of time we're here
to help your strengths are those things you can consistently and reliably do well you might not think that they're amazing but other people do so here are a couple of question questions that will help you to identify your strengths what's the one instance where people complimented you on the way you did things what do your friends like about you what do other people come to you for help with out of your friend or peer group what are the things that you are better at than they are keep asking these kinds of questions until you're able
to identify three strengths these three things are your best bet at getting the life you mentioned at number one on this list so if you're able to combine these three strengths with the passion that we discussed at number two well you can easily get your number one now building on top of your strengths number four what are your weaknesses these are the things that you see someone else doing and you think to yourself you'd never have the energy or patience to do the same you see a weakness doesn't mean something that you're bad at it
means something that you've got no interest in getting good at it's an uphill battle that's better given to someone else who doesn't find it that tedious everyone should know what they're bad at let's shoot for three of these shall we what activities do you think are just so boring what drains your energy the quickest what did you usually need help with in the past what are some projects that you couldn't wait to get them done so you could get back to what you really love doing dig axer and keep on digging until you have a
good and honest understanding of them later in life your job will be to find people people who are good at things to do them on your behalf in school if you failed at Spanish your parents would give you a Spanish tutor in life you don't waste time trying to improve your weaknesses you Outsource that stuff and go all in on your strengths it'll take time money and effort just to be mediocre at these things and mediocrity won't give you the life that we discussed at number one number five what your core values are values act
like traffic lights in life they're basically decision filters every decision you make will pass through these filters and determine if you get a green light or not there's no universal truth in life okay most things can be true at the same time depending on how you look at them like the old saying goes what's normal for the spider is chaos for the fly core values allow you to make decisions fast knowing what's important to you and what will hold valuable unlock the does this feel right skill think of that like a gut feeling on steroids
number six how are you making yourself happy anyone who wishes to have a fulfilling life needs to understand what actually makes them happy the more you dig into it it's it's not the thing making you happy it's the feeling you get a new dress that dress doesn't make you happy it's the feeling you have when you put it on it's not the wedding that made you happy it's the food or flowers that did it it's knowing that you have someone you trust someone you can care for and will care for you the rest of your
life together happiness is a choice and knowing what makes you happy is really the secret how you view the world how you position yourself the thoughts you think all of these contribute to your general state of Happiness material things give you relief that you don't have to worry about them anymore but it's how you decorate your home that makes you happy to live there number seven what you're willing to sacrifice to get what you want in business and in life everything has a price we call it opportunity cost since we live in a world with
limited resources you have limited money limited time limited opportunities every time you say yes to something you're indirectly saying no to everything else some people sacrifice their family in order to get the money some people who sacrifice health for entertainment others sacrificed money for pleasure you might not be that far down the line but life will always ask for a sacrifice that's what all of those myths and legends are about the offering of Isaac is a great example of this God asks Abraham to sacrifice his own son in exchange for wisdom and this element of
sacrifice is in every single culture in one way or another and they all say the same thing the bigger the sacrifice the bigger the reward but pay close attention because some sacrifices have too high a price what are you willing to sacrifice once you know this the path forward becomes a lot more clear number eight what gets you excited now you might confuse this with your passion but let's not you already know what your passion is okay excitement comes from discovering opportunities for growth whatever shape they may take finding a new artist for example is
exciting trying a new re restaurant or recipe and finding out you love that food great everyone wants to grow and when you find a path to do it excitement builds up this is something that you discover by trying out a bunch of things and once you realize there's a formula to it you are hooked you have to risk the bad experience just so you don't miss out on the really good ones you need excitement in your life otherwise you'll get this feeling of insufficiency some of you definitely know what we're talking about here at one
point you notice every day starts to look the same and you're not loving your life anymore this excitement question fixes this okay so do not disregard it number nine what are you being lazy about now here's an important distinction you're probably unaware of do not confuse procrastination with laziness procrastination is postponing important tasks for later by prioritizing more pleasurable activities instead but you still do them eventually when the due date is knocking on your door laziness on the other hand is ignoring the things that don't have a clear timeline things like how your health has
evolved or devolved in the last few years and where your health is going how much inflation is going to eat at your retirement fund in the next 20 years how will the relationship with your family evolve if you keep avoiding them on the holidays it's usually the things you don't realize you were lazy about until it's too late and the dice is already rolled usually not in your favor it's the things that make you go uh I don't want to think about that right now so figure out what you're being lazy about and do something
about it number 10 how strong you really are now here's the thing no matter how hard your life has been so far you've survived every challenge up until today truth be told you're pretty badass if you think about it going through the things you went through and still being on this path of improvement is no easy task most people would have quit earlier on but not you so give yourself a pat on the back okay straighten your shoulders and take a deep breath it's really important to have a good opinion of yourself you are your
number one fan at the end of the day you spend the most time with yourself of anybody you make yourself get up in the morning and do the things you have to do so treat yourself with respect and if this is something that you really find yourself struggling with the alux app is a great resource for you and for so many other issues that you're tackling in life we have several collections of lessons dedicated solely on Guiding you through strengthening your self-image and redefining how you see and feel about yourself you owe it to Future
you to put in the work right now and this is one investment that will pay off more than you could ever imagine because self-esteem affects everything you do and as a gift from us to you download the app and scan the QR code on screen to get 50% off the annual subscription it's not a cheap subscription but that's because there's over a million dollars worth of valuable content within the app it pays for itself within the first month Alone number 11 what environment works best for you now the same seed can grow faster in some
environments and starve in others and this is crucial if you want to fully develop most people don't realize just how limiting their environment is to their own trajectory in life here's the amazing part unlike the seed of a tree you have the power to control your environment you could either improve the current one by optimizing it for growth or simply relocate to a more fertile ground although it might sound hard and risky just think of the alternative here you can probably tell where your life is going if you don't make the change and if that's
not the outcome you're looking for why it figure out what kind of environment works best for you and your growth number 12 what kind of people you Vibe with your environment is split into two parts it's the actual location the opportuni is provided by the geography the tools you have within reach the room you work in and then there's the other side made up by the people around you if you want to be better find people that make you better find people who challenge you find people who support you you're ready for some truth find
people you enjoy being around not because they're below you and their insufficiency makes you feel further ahead no you're not in a race with them you're racing to try and catch up with your potential self the circle has more value than the sum of its members when we come together with the people in our Circle our value expands exponentially the moment you realize what kind of people you Vibe with with it's easy to avoid those who are toxic to your growth very much like in your garden you're removing the weeds next to a seed to
give it the best chance of growth you need to do that in your life too number 13 how to self-motivate if you've made it this far down the list with your actions it's all about getting that extra Edge this is where your ability to self motivate really comes into play self- motivation is like magic it gets you the result other people can't get self motivation comes from two things first your ability to determine and organize small actions which in the long term lead to Big results and second your ability to harness your inner willpower to
just do it now these two need to happen at the same time or else nothing gets done a common mistake people make is they believe you have to knock it out of the park every single day and that's a standard that nobody can live up to so they quit instead they think of the minimum amount of work they could get done that's still enough to push the needle ahead just a bit more and do that every single day some days you'll see that motivation strikes and you'll make more progress than others but success is made
on the off days too you want to win a championship you got to train in the off season number 14 how far you've come in your journey and how much more you have to go if you want to win it life you have to know where that finish line is you also need to remind yourself that you've grown a lot and you've made a lot of progress Every Mountain seems like a hard and overwhelming climb but you're not going to get to the top in one single step yet that's how people expect life to be
what's the secret to making money fast what pill can I take to have a six-pack is there a product I can buy is there a guru that can teach me the mystical Arts that have been kept away from me knowing how far you come gives you the confidence you need to keep on going and number 15 the difference between how you see yourself and how the world sees you now the last thing on this list has to do with holding yourself to the higher standards you set for others you judge yourself based on your intent
and judge others based on their actions you give yourself the benefit of the doubt that you mean well and we all think of ourselves as good people well allow your actions to prove it okay who are you and no one's looking when you're all alone are you really true to yourself because this is the final step in knowing yourself actually being yourself nobody else can be you that's your job and only you get to do it be authentic it's the best version of you and finally we've got a bonus for those of you who always
stick with us until the end number 16 the things you don't want want to become now if you don't know who you are yet the least you can do is figure out what you don't want to become maybe that's an easier task pessimistic bitter disappointed angry all the time these are all things you can become if you don't make an effort to discover yourself if you have no expectations from yourself and the world around you you will live in a continuous state of disappointment and that's no fun for anyone and we're going to leave you
with that thought to ponder on we hope you learned something valuable here today alexir we'll see you back here next time until then take care my friend
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