I'm Thinking of Quitting Youtube.

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Iman Gadzhi
How To Start & Scale A Profitable Marketing Agency: https://growyouragency.com/free-training Six Fi...
Video Transcript:
so guys this is a video that I've been thinking about making for a while actually in Berlin now doing some work from a marketing agency but yeah just once again recently it's just something that kind of came to mind now one thing I want to settle is I've had a lot of people ask me like you know why did you you know I used to put all our Fitness content stuff like that I put out a lot of stuff about you know overall lifestyle overall biohacking overall you know health wellness love relationships just quite a
wide variety people always ask me you know why do you why is it that you do entrepreneurship and business in general is it because it's the easiest one to monetize or whatever let me tell you guys a story I was probably around 15 going on 60 at this point and look I'm sure a lot on through the same thing I remember just day after day walking down stairs and seeing my mom just clip coupons and you know it's not I never had I never had things terrible I was never homeless but I also didn't have
much growing up and I basically you know talk about like dropping out of high school if I had gone to college I would have been like on another level because I did I haven't you know I've never had a father in my life who's properly supported me you know my real dad was how alcoholic abusive runaway you know never met him my stepdad literally just gave up on me and gave up on me and my mom and you know my mom just she just did the best that she could for me but you know I
just remember a day after day coming downstairs and just seeing my mom clip those coupons and I just remember thinking like no like this is not this is not gonna be my life this is not gonna be our life you know and I just remember just instances where I I just I felt so helpless because I'm like you know if I don't take care of my family it's just me and my mom no one is you know and to this day that's the case and entrepreneurship was my way out you know entrepreneurship was my way
out business was no way out you know and I remember even things like meditating I started meditating three years ago I started reading a book a week which actually recently stopped but I read a book a week almost almost like 90% track record for whatever like three years or so you know I by the time I was 16 and you know I I had a six pack you know I had a good physique you know so you know there were all these other things that I was interested but here's the thing did a six pack
feed my family like did a six pack alleviate financial stress did a six pack mean that I could finally pay for my mom to go see her family which she hasn't been able to do for six years imagine not being able to see your brothers and sisters for six years because you can you can't afford to jump on a plane to get like to go back to your home country you know how up is that you know like did my you know did my reading practice or my meditation practice allow for you know my mom
to finally go see Paris something that she's dreamed up since literally being it's like being a little kid you know it didn't and that's that's why I speak about entrepreneurship and business was so much passion you know and that's why I do this entire thing you know I don't do this thing because I want to buy Gucci you know buy a Gucci wallet or some shrug and I just posted you know throw it up on my insta you know I don't do this to have a fancy car I don't do this to I honestly I
don't I don't do this stuff for for any of that monetary stuff you know as I said for me like the reason I speak about all of this with so much passion is because it was the one thing that like once I sorted out you know I could I could I could stall finally worry I could start living life in fear you know and that's why I teach to you guys because I know so many of you guys out there and some of you know the reason there's so many you guys watch my stuff is
because you resonate with with my story you know with the fact that you you felt helpless or maybe you still feel helpless and you know maybe you want to take care of your mom you know allow you guys watching this you don't you don't give a about staying at you know I'm staying at the most expensive hotels in Berlin right now you know for my business trip you don't care about that you don't care about you know the expensive cars you just care about like giving back then you know when I finally had money I
was finally able to give back you know but here's the thing especially especially I've been think about this for a while and it's something I want to speak about what to speak about my niche you know the sort of stuff I I talked about which is wealth creation you know I don't like the idea of like my niches make money or like make money online know my niche is wealth creation right but it you know a lot of people are going here's how you get rich rather than here's how you get wealthy and it's something
that every single day like I wake up and I'm just like I'm disgusted by it you know and at the end of the day even to an extent you know my videos promote that even to an extent you know because here's the thing if I put out a video on you know this one I'll be honest the way I'd love to title and keyword my videos would be you know this one business nuance that led to a 15% increase in revenue over a 90 day slope you know I'd love to title it something like that
or you know this one productivity tip that you know alleviated stress or cortisol in my body by like 5% but no one's gonna click on that so I have to make videos like like how do get rich like just a stupid as and although it means that my message gets out there to a larger audience it also means that you know there's people who are looking for simple truths and one thing that I want to say right now if you are watching this and especially because I've been running a lot of ads recently and I'll
be honest my ads or like their flamboyant they are because at the end of the day like I like to you know like the experience life and whatnot and as I said you know I put out those sort of flamboyant ads to draw people in but the thing is when I draw people in you guys know what my sort of content is about my seller of content is work hard work smart be grateful surround yourself with the right people read don't buy into simple truths if anyone tells you that there is a simple solution be
very very skeptical so my point is if you're watching this and you're someone who wants an easy solution I want you to hit unsubscribe I am NOT the person for you I'm telling you right now I am not the person for you and I don't want you a part of this community and I am probably gonna lose the law subscribers from this and this probably this video probably isn't gonna get this probably this video probably is not going to be taken well right it's going to misconstrue by a lot of people but I'm just telling
you if that's the sort of content you want to look for there's a bunch of other youtubers who are gonna do that for you so that they can sell more of their and one thing I want to clarify right now is I could easily make seven figures in any niche I go into okay I can make seven figures from Fitness I have put very very little time and energy I put literally the amount of energy that brings maximum results and after that I completely stop and even to this day I'm still you know I'm still
struggling with my consistency with for example say something my fitness you know or something along the lines of just personal development in a general sense you think make money online is is a big niche why don't you go look at Tony Robbins personal development hundreds of millions ok so literally any niche I went into or decide to go into I could make money go look at someone like keeno body you go look at someone gonna Kinabalu multiple seven-figure earner it's just marketing what is my main business what am I in Berlin right now for what
am I getting paid for why is it that a company flies me in and spend $6,000 for me to talk to them for two days because I understand more getting so it doesn't matter it doesn't matter what I talk about I can make seven figures from it I can make money from it so when I say that I'm really not doing this for the money probably a part of me is bullshitting and still tricking myself every single day because you know you'd like to believe your own truth but the reason why I got into this
niche for the first place is because it's the reason that you know my mom doesn't have to worry about money anymore it's the reason that she's taken care of it's the reason that when someone's birthday comes up I don't get stressed that I don't have any money to buy them a gift when my best friend's birthday comes up you know I don't I don't think about what can I sell to buy them a gift I don't think about could I give them something used from my house okay so especially look especially after some of the
recent incidents with obviously you guys know big connect like I was never really that involved in that sphere and whatnot you know I'm not this is in a crypto cryptocurrency based channel but like from the beginning it was very very clear that was a Ponzi scheme and someone's selling you a simple truth of 1% return on investment a day it's just it's ridiculous when you put when you you know people say like Tony Robbins who literally have interviewed the smartest of the smart in the investing world and his best advice is put your money into
a solid stock portfolio right a diversified stock portfolio that gives you a six to eight percent return on investment now I'm not saying that's the best advice especially not in this market right I actually think that stocks are a bubble in over themselves but you understand what I'm saying why you know if you go look at the top what the the way you know someone is clever and you can trust them is when they never simplify something for you they give you a bunch of options and then you can make your own conclusions from there
okay so I'll be honest like I think about quitting a lot like I just think about quitting YouTube kind of quitting my personal brand doing something like affiliate marketing there's so many people who do who make multiple seven figures multiple six figures a month from affiliate marketing you never see their face you know you know one of my good friends who does affiliate marketing him and I have this discussion a lot something like Amazon FBA something like my marketing agency literally as I said the company I'm consulting here is a design agency I was talking
to the owner and he's a cookie mint you can the next three years you could easily take this to a five mill Rev a year company easily you know I can I can see your potential okay so I think about it a lot but you know every single time I think about the only thing that keeps me there is the occasional message or not occasional the messages from people saying like dude literally like your is changing my life and I'm I'm still a small Channel and I think the thing is by me saying this and
by me not putting out videos that are just grossly unlike under simplified or oversimplified I will continue to stay a relatively small Channel because who the wants to watch a video on you know these little nuances when you someone you could just believe in a simple truth where someone saying is if you do if you do this one thing the rest of your life is taken care of so you know it's something that like I'm gonna continue to have a little think about I think guys like I mean honestly from all my heart I've to
get to this point today I have worked so hard I have worked so hard and my journey you know I talked about how I went from you know first month of 2017 $1200 to the last month $50,000 that wasn't a one-year journey that was a three four year journey and that you know that three year journey started you know you know that journey started three four years ago where I picked up a book you know things like you know one of the books that changed my life was a Rich Dad Poor Dad you know I
read that book and I'm like I you know I I have to rethink everything here and I picked up that book and I started reading and I started reading more and more books and I've gone to personal development and it's been three four years of me doing this it hasn't been a year where things just completely shoot up okay so um you know I don't I don't really know where else to go with this in this video I mean all I can say is as I said I actually take a lot of pride in you
guys because I know that 97% of you guys or you know I say it in my YouTube video in the YouTube ad that I've been running along we represent a new generation you know we really do we represent something that's never been possible before right but we also represent a generation that understands that things take time that you build that you're patient that you're grateful for where you are now and you just build it on top of that we're you know I know 97% of you watching this on the other side this doesn't apply to
you okay so instead of disregarded but for the 3% of you that are on this other side that are spending all if your search history looks like how to get rich how to get wealthy get-rich-quick schemes I bomb in my heart leave this channel not in a malicious way I'm just telling you what you want and what you want to see you will not get here I am NOT like some of these other channels and I will never be that I refuse to be that and I know that means that will be smaller I know
that means I'll like make less money but I don't care okay if you are looking to buy it's one of my digital products and you think it is a get-rich-quick scheme leave do not buy it I am begging you do not buy they are not that influenced reignited and I've got six figure estimate coming out both of those products show you exactly how to go from zero to six figures in a year in a year not 30 days not 45 days not three days Nora get rich quick quick another get-rich-quick scheme so if you are
that type of person this is not the right fit for you this channel is not the right fit for you but for the other 97% of you from the ball my heart I cannot tell you how proud I am of you and I don't you know of the people watching this I don't know or haven't spoken to maybe the ninety five percent of you guys but from the ball of my heart I want you to know how much I appreciate you and I want you to know that if you are the type of person that
is patient and you understands this stuff I'm saying this video I'm proud of you and you know together as a family in a community we're gonna build something that is so incredible and something that we're gonna look back at and we're gonna go look this this changed the world and I mean that's that's pretty much all I can say guys so yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna rest up another long day tomorrow for for the consulting job and yeah guys uh you know I don't know it's the same
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