so someone reached out to me and basically asked me like hey Nick what's your biggest success Secrets when it came down to Facebook ads and I don't really look at these as Secrets I look at these as like literally hacks to boost your performance and boost your possible success with Facebook ads so we're going to go over these and we're going to start off with number one which is literally creating new ad creatives every week not just creating content but building out creatives every week that are built from research positioning looking at desires across the
marketplace different angles different customer avatars the fun stuff and this is something that we've been doing for all of our clients now for probably about 2 or 3 years now and we saw huge Improvement in results when we start prioritizing weekly creative testing now we were kind of stagnant at first when we started doing it because we we were doing is we're just kind of creating a lot of the same things and what you need to understand is how to POS position your product in the marketplace this is where the different positionings different customer avatars
you can go after different desires you can go after different hooks you can create different angles you can create around those hooks and different sophistication levels that you can go after where these are all big swings at each creative and these big swings at creatives is what we find the most success with when we just keep testing new creatives every week and it's the same thing over and over and over we see a very big downfall on performance so we really want to look at big swings and I cover a lot of this in my
new ebook adsets scaleb you can get a below where I go over all of these key things it's probably one of the best books on writing Facebook ads at scale and what to say in creatives that get people to buy now so definitely check that out below um over 600 people have already downloaded the book it's literally only $29 nothing crazy and it will 10x the amount of knowledge you already have now from an execution perspective and actually how to do it step by step now number two is stop changing the ad account structure
like literally there's so many people I talk to where like literally performance will dip changes ad account structure goes another week oh performance dips changes ad account structure chop changing your ad account structure like we'll literally work with a client for 2 three 4 years and we'll be operating on the same campaign the whole time now we don't always just do one campaign per account there is some accounts where we need different campaigns let's say we're expanding into other countries let's say we're expanding into like we're dominant female right now selling female clothing and then
we want to launch a men's clothing line then cool we'll launch like a men's campaign but like you know for the most part we're operating off one campaign for longterm perspective right there so stop changing your ad account structure every time you see someone oh I hit a 3X row ass on Facebook ads on Twitter oh let me go copy their like stop doing that you need to prioritize like hey this is the account structure we're going to rock this is what we're going to roll with and like we're going to work this strategy long
term now number three and this is a huge one right here stop making decisions based off one day a data all of our decisions is based off a 7-Day window right there because Facebook is consistently inconsistent so if I know Facebook's consistently inconsistent I don't want to make decisions off one Daya data um I think the only exception I have to this rule is like maybe scaling budget and maybe an ad takes overall Spin and we're spending a couple thousand a day and like we got a ton of data back on that ad and like
performance is just bottom out really hard but other than that all of our decisions is based off a 7-Day window next thing is going back to the ad testing side where over 90% of the content we put in ad account month over month is all new stuff you know we're not really doing many iterations we can do variations CU A variation could be like here's an image let's do that same messaging but in ugc script and that's your variation but for in terms of like just like an interation oh let's test a different background color
it's probably like maybe 10% of our content that we're putting inside of an account and then the next one is 90% of our content that we put in at account on a monthly basis is freshly filmed content what I typically see is when we're reusing a lot of the same content I have this belief that Facebook kind of like scans all this content and like if it's a lot of the same stuff it just kind of like doesn't really take off but we film brand new things it gives us a higher probability of finding new
winning ads yes it's expensive I know it sucks but at the same time that's what we got to do to get the job done right next thing is experiment and test with new product offers so you know don't be afraid to just go on your product page and change the offer out and see how it works for a week I think too many people try to over complicate this they'll sit there and spend like a week trying to decide if they should I do a new campaign or should I do new adet should I duplicate
the ad three times and blah blah blah it's like bro I literally just go on the product page change the offer and see how the next seven days go like super Chad but I get it done I test five times more offers than you cuz you spend like 3 weeks just as make a decision like I just get it done and that's how that's that's also mentality you have to have it's like you know if you know you need to go like create this script just go get it done stop procrastinating stop overthinking it stop
over complicating it just go do it at the end of the day and same thing when we come out and test those offers like we'll look 7 days we'll record those results and that way we can have a baseline to test against you know the next seven days right there and that's like an easy thing we like to look at now next thing number seven is only sell genuinely good products I see a lot of people they'll sell this really shitty product and they'll try to launch Facebook ads around it and they already know it's
a shitty product and then they get upset when they can't find a winning creative and they can't scale the product it's like well yeah your product sucks you need to understand when hey we have a lower probability product that's not going to scale and we should walk away from it cut our losses Shar I see too many people just stick to it for too long and they'll go like a year by still blowing money on this product when it's like yo you should just moved away from it like it sucks like you've tested 100 creatives
on it all really good angles and if we look at the market like it's just so like way at the bottom of the list of like how people would prioritize this product in their day-to-day life and you know it's not better than any of the other products in the marketplace so like why the hell would anyone want to use that thing and it's like you need to have of that understanding to be able to walk away um when you see those things right there and then the last one probably one of the biggest cheat codes
is be patient if you've seen a couple of these things in here wait 7 days don't make a decision based off one data really take your time to build a proper creatives a lot of this takes patience and I see so many people so eager to make more money that they keep up their own results like literally like it's like yo bro like your ads are good you everything you're doing is correct you're the problem you keep touching your ad account every day bro youing up your own success and you know like there's some people
like I'll literally tell them like hey bro you're doing good and just remember like you know a couple weeks ago when you were like touching the account every day you're falling back in that Rhythm and you're about to blow your performance out the water right now if you keep touching that ad account and like they need that accountability and that call out right there and you know that's what I love about my inner circle right there so if you ever want some accountability and you want me to review your creatives and stuff like that and
you want me to like give you personal guidance of how to scale your ad account definitely check out my interner circle below cuz those are the types of things that we look at you know uh from a coaching perspective right there so anyway these are some cheat codes right here for Facebook ads like said they're success tips but I think they're just cheat codes that will put you miles like if you take these seriously it will put you miles ahead of any other Facebook Advertiser on the platform as literally allows us to do you know
literally spend over a million dollar a month on Facebook ads for our clients profitably over $100 million in Revenue last couple years at my Facebook advertising agency and you know hope these hope these help you out and if they do hit the like button hit that subscribe button for new videos every Monday Wednesday and Friday and with that being said my name is NI ter I'll talk to you guys later peace out