3 Hours of True Walmart Horror Stories

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Night Time Spooks
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/6gl7cA0XK8j4AAoHAjwnM8 Instagram page https://www.instagram.c...
Video Transcript:
this is my story of when I went shopping at Walmart almost 2 years ago I'm a female for some background and I went to a local Walmart probably about 10 minutes from where I live at maybe 10: p.m. or so when I got there the store was pretty quiet with it being a little bit later at night I started my shopping on one side of the store maybe 10 minutes into being there I was alone in an aisle when a man entered it I didn't really look at him but he approached me and said hi
I just remember that he had really short brownish hair and he was slightly taller than me I said hi back to him and then he asked me if I needed a ride I told him no and was kind of confused the guy asked me again if I was sure I didn't need a ride he came across as a little bit odd to me I told him no I was sure that I did not need a ride the man said that he could give me one if I needed it I started to walk away from him
in the other direction but he kind of followed me he wasn't saying anything but as I walked out of that aisle and into another one he followed me I continued to move farther away and the man remained behind me eventually I stopped and the guy stopped again and told me another time that he could give me a ride it was getting really frustrating by now I turned to the man and told him that for the last time I did not need a ride or want one and I asked him to please leave me alone alone
the guy said all right all right and then he actually walked away after that I resumed my shopping eventually I made my way over to the grocery area and got several items over there I was in that area for probably 15 minutes or so during this time I did not see the guy I went to the self checkouts and paid for everything the next time that I saw the man was right after I was leaving the checkout area and making my way to the exit I started walking to the exit doors and the guy was
walking to them as well but coming from the other side of them I tried to avoid making eye contact with him still I wanted to know where he was going to go and if he was going to try to talk to me again I stopped where I was and just stood there with my bags in my hands I wanted him to leave the store first the guy walked out of the doors and then I started to leave after him I went outside and looked around and didn't see him so I started walking to my car
I was parked a ways down about halfway back as I was walking to my vehicle I heard somebody start walking behind me sort of fast it happened suddenly when I was almost halfway to my car I looked behind me and of course the guy was there he was looking right at me and walking in my direction possibly his car was also parked near the location of mine but I more so felt like he was headed towards me again I started walking faster just to be safe I felt like I could make it to my car
before he would approach me because I was far enough ahead of him so I ignored him and kept walking to my car I arrived and opened the door to the back seat to put my shopping bags inside as I was doing this I heard the footsteps behind me turn into running I looked back and saw the man sprinting towards me I tossed the bags in the back and moved to the front of my car I opened the door and got inside as fast as I possibly could when I was inside I locked the door just
moments before the man arrived he went straight for my driver's door right next to me and unsuccessfully tried opening it then he started knocking at the window I started driving away immediately he kept knocking on the window until I was out of his reach he tried chasing my car on foot for a short time until I was far enough away that he couldn't catch me then finally I was away from him luckily I was able to get out of there before the man actually had a chance to follow me in his car or anything but
since that experience I have not gone back to that Walmart that man was sketchy from the very beginning I can't imagine why he was asking to give me a ride over and over again I would recommend anybody going to Walmart late at night to keep good accounts of your surroundings I work at Walmart and this is something that happened just last month I mostly just stock shelves and work in the grocery department one one night I was working and things were going pretty well we had been busy but things had quieted down a little bit
I finished stocking in the immediate area that I was in and then it was time for my break I made my way to the front end of the store where the break room is when I made it close to the front I noticed that there were some police officers inside I found this to be a little bit strange I sort of had to walk past them to get into the breakroom when I did though it seemed like there wasn't any commotion going on there were maybe just three officers talking with the customer and one of
the managers the conversation was very calm and I couldn't really make out what exactly they were talking about so I just continued and then went in and had my break by the time my break was over everybody was gone I still hadn't heard what it was about or anything though I assumed that whatever it was it had been resolved so I went back to my area in the grocery department to stock some more shelves after going back to work the store only got quieter and quieter I was in one of the grocery aisles towards the
back probably 30 minutes or so after I had been back from my break I was stocking a bottom shelf this aisle that I was in had rice and beans and other things like that the bottom shelf had some large bags of rice on it and that shelf in particular was a little bit taller than the others as I was putting another bag of rice onto this shelf I noticed that there was a person laying down in the back of it they were hid hidden and it was a man when I noticed him he was looking
right at me I stopped what I was doing after seeing him with a bag of rice still in my hands he then started to move out from the shelf and rolled onto the floor and then stood up he was not very tall was thin and had dark hair I asked him what he was doing he didn't answer me and instead just took off running in the other direction out of the aisle I was so curious as to what he was doing that I kind of followed him out of the aisle but he had moved away
quickly and when I got out of that aisle I didn't see where he went seconds later though I heard a commotion a few AES down somebody started yelling and I heard the guy running again I went over there and saw one of my co-workers in that aisle she was saying to call the police I asked her what was going on she told me that the guy had been in the store about an hour earlier he had tried stealing something and then had assaulted an employee near the entrance and took off that's why police had been
there before everybody thought that he had left but I guess he had been hiding inside of the store I was shocked when I heard this because he had been hiding in my aisle the police were called and nobody knew where exactly the guy was the last he was seen though he had been running towards the back end of the store now the police arrived very quickly and talked to me and the other co-worker after that they started searching all around the store it took them about 15 minutes but this time they located him he was
hiding in the back room where there were probably better places to hide looking back I had no idea who he was or why he was hiding in my aisle I'm really glad that he didn't do anything to me I still work at the Walmart and things have been much better since then I had had a terrifying experience involving Walmart very recently this was only a little over a week ago I went to Walmart one night to do my normal grocery shopping it seemed like any other night there other Shoppers were all around but the store
wasn't overly busy or anything I got a cart and went all around getting items I was inside the store shopping for probably 30 to 45 minutes I would say when I was done I checked out and left nothing about the experience at all seemed strange to me in fact it was very similar to any other time that I had been there I shopped at that Walmart probably once a week give or take and I lived really close by as well I returned home later that night unpacked everything that I had bought hung out for a
while and then went to bed the next day though is when strange things started happening I woke up to see that I had a direct message on Instagram it didn't say who it was from though when I got onto the app I saw that it was a request meaning that I didn't follow the person that was messaging me the message was from an account that I had no clue who it was I don't even remember the username because it was like a bunch of letters and numbers all scrambled the message was multiple pictures of me
shopping inside Walmart some were pretty blurry or shaky and it looked like someone had been secretly taking photos of me this was enough to give me the chills I had no clue why anybody would do this I clicked on the user's page and they had zero followers zero posts and weren't following anybody either I replied to the messages asking who this was and why they took my picture they saw my message very quickly but didn't reply this left me frustrated and also creeped out I really didn't know what to do but I figured it was
just some random creep at least that's what I was hoping I guess but when I thought more and more about it as the day went on I wondered a few things how did they find my Instagram I didn't know how they knew who I was and why were they taking pictures of me I thought back to shopping and tried hard to think if IID noticed anybody following me or looking over at me strange or anything like that but I couldn't remember anything out of the ordinary at all I was pretty much just shopping for my
items and focused on that I guess I went to work that day and then home afterwards I didn't go anywhere else that night when it was getting late I was in my living room and about to get ready for bed it was probably like 11: p.m. that's when I noticed a car parked out front on the side of the street it was unusual for cars to to park there and that's why I noticed its lights were off and I didn't know how long it had been there of course I naturally got nervous seeing it wondering
if this car was linked to the Instagram message I knew it was likely just a coincidence but I couldn't help it I closed my curtains and then went to start getting ready for bed but that's when my phone vibrated I looked and it was a new Instagram message I clicked on it really curious and scared to see what it was when I saw it was another message from the same account my heart sank after opening it there was another picture this one was of my house taken from the outside I couldn't believe it I ran
back into the living room and opened up the curtains I was just in time to see the car speeding away I barely got any sleep that night I didn't know what to do this was extremely weird and creepy ultimately I didn't do anything other than blocking the Instagram account and the weird thing is that nothing else that I'm aware of has happened since this was a little over a week ago and I'm hoping not to get any more Instagram messages this is my true scary experience that happened this past may it was a weekend and
a Saturday to be exact I had a lot of shopping to do and I did not have to work so I decided to get an early start in the morning there were a number of things that I had to get and I will spare you the boring details of everything but basically I'd be going to about four different stores around town I live in a suburban area where they have just about everything nearby and most of the stores are only a few miles apart but not all of them when I got groceries I would always
go to a local supermarket so I decided that would be my last stop my first stop was Walmart and I don't typically go there in fact I hadn't been to this particular Walmart in over a month that I started out at I made the 10-minute drive or so from my house to the Walmart and I got there at probably like 9:00 a.m. the store was actually pretty quiet and it made it easy to go in and find what I needed to which is exactly what I did and I was in the Walmart for maybe like
10 minutes that was long enough though for me to notice a guy staring at me for an uncomfortably long amount of time he was wearing sunglasses and a black baseball cap with no logo or anything on it I spotted him when I was in the electronics area and we were the only two people in that particular spot I moved away a short time later but I noticed the man again when I was up at the self checkouts I was checking out and he was just standing a ways away after I left the store I walked
out and got into my car I did not bother to look behind me and I wasn't worried that the guy might be following me or anything like that as far as I was concerned he was still inside of the store so after that I drove to the next store I needed to go to which was a clothing store only about 5 minutes away when I got there I parked in went inside only to see the same man a couple of minutes later I thought that it was a coincidence at first he wasn't staring at me
now but walking a ways away and looking in another Direction I went on with what I was getting and was inside for maybe 15 or 20 minutes in this store but after I left this store I began to get really suspicious when I was walking to my car I could tell that the guy was walking behind me this parking lot was quieter and smaller than Walmart's so it was easier to tell he wasn't like right behind me or anything but a ways back still I could tell that he was behind me I got inside of
my car and then looked around for him he got inside of a vehicle that was a little ways away parked I left and kept my eye on him as I did I made sure that he didn't follow my car out right behind me and he actually didn't he was still parked when I got onto the road I went to another store and didn't notice or see him there at all then I only had one more place to go that was the grocery store the grocery store was not all that big had somewhat of a smaller
parking lot as well after I parked my car and went inside I shopped all without seeing the man I actually forgot about him entirely after finishing my shopping and walking to my vehicle it was as soon as I stepped outside that I noticed him again he was sitting in his car but I could see him watching me as I walked to my car it was obvious because there weren't many cars in the parking lot at all and nobody was parked next to him on either side I didn't know what the deal was there was no
way that this was just a crazy coincidence anymore he didn't even go inside the store but just stayed in his car for a moment I actually thought about confronting him but immediately decided not to I just went to my car put the groceries in the back and then started to drive home as soon as I left the parking lot though this time the man pulled out right behind me now the car was on my tail as I drove home I didn't know what to do obviously I know now looking back I should have probably driven
my car to a police station in the moment though I didn't think of it I have no excuses why I didn't but I was just driving home and hoping that the man would not go all the way there with me but he did for 10 minutes he remained right on my tail all the way until I got to my street now when I reached my street I knew that I had to do something so I drove right past my house after that I went to the next street over and then made a ride this put
me back on a somewhat busier Road and I knew the area pretty well not long after this the guy made an opposite turn than I did I was surprised but it felt so good to see him not behind me anymore and I turned around at the next opportunity and headed back to my house at this point it only took me about a minute to get back to my place after I got on my street I pulled into my driveway I got out of my car and grabbed a few bags to bring them into my house
it was at this moment that I started to see a car pulling onto my street it was the man and I could tell now he was still a far ways away but would likely see me when he got closer my car was right in my driveway in plain view of anybody that would drive past I sprinted to my house and unlocked the door and got inside as quick as possible I literally just made it in a second before he drove past I watched from my front window as the car slowed down and almost came to
a complete stop but it didn't quite stop completely it went probably 2 or 3 mph this went on for about 30 seconds as it slowly made its way down the street right in front of my house then suddenly the car veered to the left and sped up I watched it then drive down the rest of the street and even left my house to make sure that it was gone sure enough it went on to another Street then I went to my car and brought the rest of my groceries and items inside I went back in
and checked out the window several more times to make sure that the guy didn't come back I never saw him since I really don't know who the guy was or what he was doing he was definitely following me around but for what reason I don't know the creepy thing is that he likely knows where I live I'm hoping that he never decides to come back back and that I never see him again I went to Walmart very late at night a few months ago the Walmart located just a few kilometers from my house is the
most convenient place for me to shop especially late at night as the Walmart is open until 11:00 p.m. every day one night at about 10:30 p.m. I found myself completely out of toothpaste instead of putting it off until the next day like I had already done and forgotten I decided to just go and get it over with I headed out and drove to the Walmart as expected the parking lot was pretty quiet when I arrived I got there maybe 20 minutes to close so I knew that I had to be fast when I was inside
the store I made my way to the right and over to where I suspected the toothpaste would be I arrived at the aisle and started looking for the brand that I wanted nobody else was nearby at all and the store was very quiet at this hour after I found the toothpaste I walked past a few more aisles heading to the checkouts but when I passed by one of the aisles I saw what appeared to be a man on the ground I stopped to see what exactly he was doing because of how unusual it was the
man had moved a few items on the Shelf to the side and he then got on to the lowest shelf it looked like he was going to hide on the shelf behind other items I was watching him do this and as he was going behind the stuff he noticed me and kind of stopped when he saw me I turned and kept walking to go check out but I only got a short ways before hearing the man emerg from the aisle behind me I looked back and he was now walking towards me I had a bad
feeling and instead of going to the checkout I went to the right into a random aisle I don't really know why I did I guess I wanted to see if the man was following me for sure or maybe I wanted to lose him somehow I went through where they had the temporary stuffff like holiday merchandise then I turned again and into another aisle I walked a little ways and couldn't tell if the man was following me still or not I didn't see him but I was also changing aisles so often that it was possible eventually
I made it to one far side of the store it was not the grocery side but the other one I made it into the Sporting Goods aisle and felt like I had finally lost the guy I looked to my left and right and didn't see him I decided that I would stay there for a minute or two and then leave by now the Walmart closed in less than 10 minutes I was thinking the guy he' either left or maybe went back to the Hiding Place whatever it was as long as he left me alone I
didn't care I looked at a few items that they had on the shelves just casually I then heard footsteps coming from one of the main walkways of the store going past the aisle that I was in I was near the end of the aisle close to that walkway I wasn't sure if it was the man or an employee or somebody else when they came into view thankfully it was just another customer the guy walked past me and through the aisle and then out of it I went back to what I was looking at I got
a little bit distracted and was looking at some of the exercise equipment suddenly I heard a noise behind me I looked back and saw the first guy who had followed me before but now he was holding a baseball bat he must have picked it right off the shelf at the end of the aisle and he was walking towards me slow slowly then I heard somebody from behind him say what are you doing man it was the customer who had walked past me the man with the bat then turned and headed for that customer the customer
started running away the guy with the bat chased after him I ran after them but a ways back and got out my phone to dial for police I wanted to make sure that the guy with the bat didn't catch the customer because the customer had kind of saved me at the same time I didn't want the guy with the bat to go after me again an employee saw all of us running and I remember yelled at all of us to stop maybe they thought this was some silly prank for a video or something but this
was very serious the customer was able to get far enough away from the seemingly deranged man the guy with the bat was not the fastest I kept my distance and eventually he took a swing at a couple of products on shelves instead I headed towards the front of the store finding every employee I could along the way and warning them about the man the police got there just minutes later they found the man hiding once again in an aisle with his Bat he eventually came out without incident and gave up his Bat this experience deterred
me from Walmart for a while I didn't want to go back because I was afraid that something like this might happen again but recently I have been back just a couple of times it's gone smoothly but I will never forget that night several months ago my name is Justin and this is something that happened almost a year ago I was shopping at my local Florida Walmart and I was going to get just like one or two things it was probably about 9:00 at night so I didn't want to be there for a very long time
when I arrived at the Walmart I parked in the back of the parking lot then I got out of my car and started walking up to the building when I got close to the entrance I noticed something crazy there was a man standing on top of one of the vending machines Walmart had outside the machines were maybe 20 ft to the right of the entrance door I was wondering what on Earth this guy was doing then the man started jumping up and down on top of it there was nobody filming him or anything so I
figured that this was not some kind of a prank as I got very close to the door I sort of stopped to watch the guy another person was leaving the Walmart and saw the man as well this guy started yelling at the man to get down from there but the man did not listen and responded by jumping up and down even higher the guy on top of the vending machine was wearing a large Blue t-shirt baggy jean shorts as well as a backwards hat at that point I figured that I better move along and I
entered the store I just kind of thought to myself that's another day at Walmart I guess when I went inside my main priority was to just get a couple of things for my garden I walked all the way to the far right side of the store and the aisle that I needed to go in was over there after arriving I started to look around trying to figure out what exactly to get there were a few different options and I didn't really know what was best at first so I was in that aisle for like maybe
5 minutes and it was really quiet over there at this time of night then another person walked into the aisle with me I looked over and when I saw him I realized it was the same guy who had been jumping on top of the vending machines started walking right up to me as if he knew me or something but I didn't know him I said hi and asked him how it was going the man then asked me if I had some extra money that I could spare him when he spoke I could tell that he
seemed to be extremely drunk he was also stumbling around when he walked I told him no I did not then I tried to walk away from the man out of the aisle I figured that it would be best to just try to move away from the guy but when I started to walk away the man grabbed my shoulder and stopped me I turned around and faced him and told him to leave me alone I said that he was drunk and he should get out of here before someone calls the cops on him this angered the
man I remember him saying how dare I talk to him like that he then walked over and shoved me a little it was a pretty weak push but I was about to punch him right there instead I resisted the urge I moved back and tried to just walk away it wasn't worth getting into a physical fight with this guy there was a shopping cart just sitting there between the aisle that we were in and another one I'm not sure if it was a customer's cart who just left it or if it was an employee moving
stuff either way the man then went to the cart and flipped it over I chose to just get out of there I walked away as quickly as I could and went towards the back end of the store the man started walking in my direction but he could not keep up with me especially as drunk as he was pretty soon I had lost him after several minutes I walked walked back over to where I had been before and thankfully the man was now gone I finally got the things that I had been meaning to then I
walked up to check out and leave when I got to the self checkout area though I noticed the man again this time I saw that he was at one of the checklanes he was standing on top of the conveyor belt and screaming obscenities there was a few employees standing around him trying to get him to come down from there the man wasn't listening to any of them I'm sure that somebody called the police on him I left the store and went home after that that was the craziest thing that I've ever seen in a Walmart
hopefully that man did not try to hurt anybody I used to work at a Walmart a couple of years ago this was my strangest experience I mostly worked overnights and would stock shelves it was an easy job for me I would start at like 9:00 p.m. and at first the store would actually be open but would close only like 2 hours into my shift there would never be very many customers in that time anyways a good number of us worked overnights because obviously Walmart is a really big store on this one night I happen to
be working in the pets and supplies aisle which is in the back end of the store I'd been working in that general area but not that exact aisle earlier in the night but by now it was about 11:30 p.m. our store closed at 11:00 so we had been closed for 30 minutes now as I was in the pet supply aisle I was just stocking one of the shelves by myself when the store closed I would often put in headphones and listen to music while I worked which is what I was doing it helped work go
by faster and easier for me but out of nowhere I saw something out of the corner of my eye it appeared as though somebody had walked by I looked over but they were now gone I assumed it to be one of my co-workers and once a few minutes went by I kept working then again I saw somebody at the end of the aisle out of the corner of my eye I looked over and this time the person did not walk away it wasn't one of my co-workers though it looked like just some guy that I
had never seen before when I looked at him he disappeared behind the next aisle I got up and walked over and then looked down the next aisle when I did I saw the man disappearing out of that aisle and into the one after that I took out my headphones and then radioed in on my walkie that I thought I saw somebody inside the store who wasn't supposed to be here after that I kept doing my work about an hour later I went to the back room that area was pretty large in our store but I
was the only one back in that section at the time when I was walking over there I was sure that I saw the man again I could see him hiding behind a box underneath one of the shelves there I didn't stare at him and I acted like I never saw him I was going to walk past but I decided to turn around and then go the other way instead he was maybe 30 ft away when I began walking back I heard noises behind me even with my headphones in I started running for the exit to
go back into the sales floor I heard footsteps behind me when I did when I got there I opened the door and the man did not come out after me I ran to find the nearest employee that was Al who was working in the electronics overnight at the time I told him that I saw a man in the back and he decided to come back and see I had a bad feeling and I wondered if the guy was dangerous we both went back there anyways when we opened the door to the back we heard the
sound of another door opening it was coming from one of the the doors we had back there that opened up to the outside they were rarely used we walked in further just in time to see the guy walking out of the store and the door closing behind him after that he was gone I still don't know how the man got inside my only guess is he somehow avoided all employees and hid inside the store until after we had closed I also wonder what he was going to do to me when he was hiding in the
back and then followed me luckily I quit that job not too long afterwards I was just at Walmart last night and something crazy happened I was driving to get some replacement Halloween lights for my balcony it wasn't too late at night but it wasn't exactly the earliest either the Walmart near me was still open for another hour though which was super convenient before I left I wanted to check and make sure that the lights didn't work one last time as I was hesitant about going to Walmart so late to give more context to this story
the city that I live in is not the safest I've seen a lot of crazy stuff over the years but this one event might be the wildest so as I was driving down the dark road to Walmart I was all of a sudden passed by a bunch of police cars and fire trucks they were driving really fast and it seemed serious when I finally arrived at Walmart I saw that it was surrounded by almost a dozen police cars everybody was leaving and when I went to ask an employee he told me the whole story a
few minutes before I showed up some crazy guy hotwired an escavator in a construction site down the road he drove it through a bunch of utility poles and even a storage unit and he completely leveled it eventually he made it to Walmart and started ramming the excavator into the automotive section of Walmart after it stalled out he got out and ran inside and pulled out a machete on a bunch of people when the police got there he refused AR rest and it took seven cops to subdue him this all happened right next to the Halloween
section in the front part of Walmart which is also near the automotive section it's crazy to think what could have happened if I didn't test my lights and showed up earlier I live by myself in an apartment which just happens to be very close to a Walmart it's easy to go out and get my shopping done because it's less than a mile away all I have to do is leave my apartment complex parking lot and drive for less than a minute down a busier Street then I pull into the parking lot because of this I've
gone to that particular Walmart many times since moving into my place a little over a year ago this story happened about 2 months back it was probably like 8:00 or 9 at night I'm not really sure exactly but I was realizing that I needed to go grocery shopping because I was out of a lot of things I planned to just go the next day but I then remembered that I would be busy for most of it I made the decision then that I would just get it over with and go shopping right now it wouldn't
take too long maybe about 30 minutes the Walmart was so close anyways so I left my apartment and walked out to my car my apartment complex has several large buildings and a large parking lot in the middle after I got into my car I drove the probably 2 minutes that it took to arrive at the Walmart on this night things seemed very quiet the parking lot wasn't too full and when I got inside the store things were calm there were other customers but not a whole lot I got a cart and walked around the aisles
trying to remember everything that I needed to buy I always forget to make shopping lists and that causes me to go all around the store sometimes finally after probably 20 or 30 minutes I had everything that I needed it was maybe like 10 items and I then headed up to the check Lanes I used the self check out and then left the store with my cart full of groceries in the entire time that I was inside the store shopping I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary I walked out to my car put the groceries
inside of it and then started driving home a car drove behind me leaving the Walmart parking lot and it then continued to follow me down the street this meant absolutely nothing until the car turned into my apartment complex with me it still was not that big of a deal and I figured that they lived there too the car was a small taller and older looking sedan but I couldn't tell you the exact maker model I'm no car expert I found a parking space near my building and then parked the parking lot is basically a free-for-all
there's no documentation required or anything and luckily the parking lot's Never full I noticed that the car that had been driving behind me parked near where I did but across on the other side facing another building meanwhile I was facing my building I hadn't seen the car before but I also never really paid that much attention after I got out I took all three of my Walmart bags that I had and started to head inside my apartment building as I did so I heard footsteps behind me coming from the guy who was driving the other
vehicle I had assumed that he would have gone into the other building now it was apparent that he was going into mine he sped up a little bit as I got closer to my door now I always went in the side door that was right by the stairs I used it because it was faster than taking the front door and walking down the hall to the stairs or waiting for the elevator I found it a little bit strange that this guy was also going to the door most other people walked in the front by the
time I reached the side door he was only like 5 ft behind me I did get a little bit suspicious but this man probably lived here although I had never seen him before he wore shorts a dark gray sweatshirt with the hood up and was carrying a Walmart bag I didn't really want to let him in but I didn't even know half the people that lived in my building so I figured that he lived there and I did let him in I held the door for like a second extra as he walked in after me
I was hoping that he would walk for the hallway on the first floor as I went up the stairs to my apartment but no he went up the stairs after me the building had four floors and I was on the second when I got there I opened the door and headed down the hallway and The Man Behind Me did the Same by this point I was feeling really suspicious but also telling myself that this was just a coincidence I soon made it to my door which was the second one on the left not too far
down the hallway there was a door directly across from me on the other side of the hallway as well as I got to my door I took out my keys to unlock it and the man walked to the door across the hall I looked over my shoulder and saw the man facing my neighbor's door across the hallway and pulling out his phone I felt relief and assumed that he was my neighbor's friend or something then I opened up my door and went inside the first thing that I did after entering was walked to my kitchen
counter and put the three grocery bags on top of it literally right after I set them all down down I heard my apartment door start to open I looked over and saw the man walking right in I couldn't believe what I was seeing out of instincts I ran for the nearest room which was a bathroom only a few feet away I was able to get inside and close and lock the door the man seemed to be right inside my apartment and I yelled at him to leave now or I was going to call the police
he didn't say anything back to me though I hoped that he wouldn't try to enter the bathroom and luckily he didn't he just stood right inside the doorway for a while and I heard him locked my front door then he moved into the kitchen area and then the living room I wanted to leave but I didn't think that man was far enough away I didn't know if he would chase after me I was wondering what he wanted and why he was in my apartment then it sounded like he was walking into my bedroom when he
did I opened up the bathroom door and ran for my front door then I unlocked it as I heard the man walking back from my bedroom to where I was I was able to make it outside into the hallway and I then sprinted for the stairs after getting downstairs I went into the lobby and called the police the lobby felt safe for whatever reason it had a few tables chairs and the mail room was there as well I waited there the entire time for the police to show up and I did not see the man
at all in that time I would guess that it took the police about 10 minutes soon they appeared out front and I ran out to let them in I told them my unit number and waited in the lobby when they went up but when they got up there unfortunately the man had left I went back up to my apartment to see it quite messed up the man had stolen a number of things from me this was really frustrating but I was okay which was the good part and now he was gone I spoke with officers
for about an hour and then filled out a police report then they left and I was pretty scared for the rest of the night just after what had happened the guy didn't come back or anything though obviously I don't think he was ever found either after this I'm extremely careful now I also haven't been back to that Walmart since the man must have seen me shopping inside and for whatever reason decided to follow me to my apartment I'm a former Walmart employee this is something that happened back when I was 17 years old I had
just gotten my first job ever and I was working as a cashier at Walmart it was not something that I really particularly enjoyed but I was just really happy to finally have a job I could earn my own money so I didn't mind working there probably about a month into my time there is when this happened I was working until 9:30 one night which was the latest that I was allowed to work I remember that things went by pretty well it had become a quiet night soon I noticed a woman approaching my register she was
just buying a bottle of water the woman appeared to be about 40 or so and she said hi to me I said hi and asked her how she was doing I remember that she called me cute and then kind of started flirting with me I was really surprised by this I mean I was like 20 years younger than her and at first I thought maybe she was just being nice but then she asked me what I was doing after work I told her that I was going home and going to bed the woman actually asked
me if I wanted to hang out with her instead I said no I didn't think that would be a good idea because I had school the next day she laughed laugh and told me to loosen up I felt really awkward and was still surprised by this whole situation she then asked me for my phone number but I claimed that I didn't have a phone then I didn't know what else to say so finally the woman said that she would see me later and then walked away I was glad that she was gone I continued to
work after that and only had a few more customers in my checkout lane then at 9:30 I was done I left my check Lane clocked out and then left the store during this time I drove one of my parents' old cars to and from work in school so after I left the store I headed out to my car parked towards the back of the parking lot as I was walking through the parking lot I noticed that a car was running and parked just a few spaces away from mine I got closer and saw that a
man was in the driver's seat and the same woman that had talked to me before was in the passenger seat I just had a bad feeling about it I didn't know for sure but I was afraid that they were waiting for me or something I thought that maybe I might get followed home so I decided not to go inside of my car and drive away just yet instead I decided to go back inside of Walmart by now I was maybe 20 ft from my car I turned around and started to walk back when I did
I guess the man and woman started driving but I didn't notice at first soon I realized that there was a car approaching me from behind I looked and expected it to pass me by it was the man and woman and when they got even with me they stopped and rolled down their window the woman then asked me if I needed a ride I said no thanks she said they could easily drive me any place I needed I didn't say anything and just started running back for the inside of Walmart I was able to make it
in and then stood just inside of the doors their cars seemed to drive away and go out of sight but then I sighed at the back side of the parking lot soon it circled back around and passed right by me at the front of the store I continued to watch and they appeared to just be driving around the parking lot this went on for maybe 5 to 10 minutes I really didn't know what to do I was about to call my parents and ask them to come and meet me here or something but finally at
last I saw their car leave the parking lot I remained inside of Walmart and kept watching for another 5 minutes or so just making sure that they wouldn't come back then I very carefully walked out to my car and got inside died I was able to drive home without a problem after that experience I worked at the Walmart for another 2 months in that time I never noticed seeing that woman again and I'm really glad that I didn't but still I can't help but wonder what she was trying to do it was all very strange
I used to work at Walmart it was back about 4 years ago and only for part of one summer I only lasted about a month before I quit of all the jobs I've had that's by far the shortest amount of time I've ever held a job but it just really wasn't for me I wouldn't have worked there at all but I really needed the money at the time shortly after starting out they would have me work near the self checkouts I would basically stand there at one register and watch over the self checkout area and
I would help any customers if they needed assistance there would often times be problems with registers there would be an unexpected item in the bagging area or somebody would accidentally scan an item twice one night I was working until close which was 11:00 p.m. it was about 9:30 or maybe 10: at night and i' had been working for a few hours already self checkouts were mostly full I think we had about eight registers and one was broken there was like five people scanning their items and I was just standing there in the corner watching I
noticed this one guy was kind of looking around at me once as he walked by and again when he got to the register he had a basket that was full of items I watched him scan an item then put it in a bag then put that bag in his basket he then scanned just one more item and did the same thing then paid I watched him stuff a bunch of other items in the bags and then start to walk away when I saw this I was angry because the man was clearly trying to steal a
bunch of stuff I walked after the man and caught up to him as he was leaving the checkout area I said to the guy you know you need to scan all your items not just two of them he looked at me sort of surprised but then his face turned angry he asked me if I was accusing him of trying to steal and then pointed out how he hadn't left the store yet so he hadn't technically stolen anything then he took his two bags and tossed them into a display of candy that was on sale he
said there I don't even want anything from this place and then he left the bags on top of the candy and walked out I wasn't quite sure what to make of the interaction I decided to just go back to work as we finally closed soon I worked for about another hour and then we were finally closed I clocked out got my stuff and left I walked out into the dark and quiet parking lot when I reached my car I got inside only to immediately be blinded by a bright light right in front of me there
was a car parked directly in front of mine and it must have turned on its brights right when I got inside my car it were shining right on me then I heard a door open and shut the next thing I knew I saw the man again he was approaching my driver's window when he got there he knocked on it I had a bad feeling but I lowered my window just to crack he told me to get out of the car and he wanted to talk to me based on his angry tone of voice I was
not interested in doing so why I asked he then told me to get out and cursed at me then he tried opening the door which I locked just barely on time he then started to go to the front of my car and kick near the headlight I put the car into reverse and backed away then sped out of there thankfully the guy did not follow me in his car after this experience I strongly considered quitting and applied to work somewhere else the next day I ended up getting a different job and quitting about a week
later I've seen some strange people at Walmarts over the years but this man ranks near the top I'm not sure how he knew which car was mine or why he waited for me to get off of work but I'm really glad I didn't have to find out this happened a couple of years ago for some background I'm a female and I went to wmart one night sort of late I went there to get a couple of groceries but not very much the Walmart was probably like 5 minutes away from my apartment so very close by
and convenient for me so I remember I left my apartment drove to Walmart and went inside of the store there were various other Shoppers around but it really wasn't that busy I made my way through a couple of aisles and I was just in a random grocery aisle as I was there I remembered that a man approached me he appeared to be about 20 years older than I was had a goatee and short hair he came across as a creep immediately probably because when I was facing the shelf and getting something he sort of snuck
up behind me he said hi really close to me and I almost jumped back when it happened then he was telling me that I was cute and asked me for my number and stuff I just told the guy no thanks and said that I had a boyfriend even though I didn't I was just trying to get away from the situation without much of a problem the man did not immediately leave me alone though instead he told me that we could still hang out and ask me for my number again I said that I didn't want
to give it to him and then said that I had to go I started walking away from the guy at that point at first he stayed where he was I went to the direct next aisle over just to get away from him but then I saw the man enter the aisle about 10 seconds after me he once more approached me he started trying to talk to me again and stuff I told the guy to leave me alone this was starting to become a big problem I was trying to get the man to leave me alone
and luckily another guy entered the aisle possibly overhearing us he went up to the guy that was bothering me and told him to leave me alone the man bothering me told the guy to stay out of it and mind his own business I remember that the two guys briefly argued and eventually the man walked away leaving me alone I was really grateful to the other guy for helping out the man was like I don't know what that guy's problem is after after that he said that hopefully the guy would leave me alone and then he
walked away now at that point I decided to hurry up get my items and then leave I didn't want to give the man an opportunity to catch up with me again so I went back to the original aisle that I had been in and found the things that I was looking for then I headed up to the self checkouts I bought the items and then left the store within probably 5 minutes but after leaving the store right when I was walking out of the doors I noticed the man again he was standing just out of
the doors on the sidewalk in front of the building I remember seeing him light a cigarette and then smoking it when he noticed me he started walking over without saying anything I started to walk faster to make it to my vehicle but the man appeared as though he was going to try to follow me all the way there I then stopped right where I was and turned around I told the guy to leave me alone where I was calling the police the guy acted all surprised at first and said that he wasn't doing anything wrong
I didn't want to argue with him and then I turned around completely and just started sprinting for my car I was running as fast as I could and I think that surprised the guy a little bit it created a slight head start for me and soon he started chasing after me but I was able to make it to my car I had unlocked the door before I got there so I could get in Faster then as soon as I made it inside I closed the door and then locked it after that the man reached my
car and tried opening the door then he just started banging on it I backed out and left as quickly as possible the man actually tried running after my car briefly which I couldn't believe after I got away I called the police on the guy I'm sure that he left the scene as soon as I was gone but he wasn't able to follow me anymore after that happened I didn't go back to that Walmart for quite some time since then though I have been back and nothing like that has happened I certainly haven't seen the same
man looking back I'm really glad that I stopped to confront the man then I turned and ran sure it was a risk to stop if he would have tried to grab me or something but if I had just walked straight to my car he might have caught up with me just before I got there that's just my opinion anyways I would warn anybody going to Walmart or any place late at night to be aware of your surroundings that was my scariest experience at Walmart this happened on an early Sunday morning at around 7:30 a.m. I
decided to go to Walmart for some shopping I went there at that time to specifically avoid the rush of people that would be in the store all day especially on a weekend I went into the store grabbed a cart and started going through the aisles it was pretty quiet with only a handful of people scattered around everything seemed nor normal until I made my way to the dish soap aisle there out of the corner of my eye I spotted this heavy set guy who seemed to be just sitting there and it was super strange the
guy was like sitting on the edge of the aisle and just staring at me I shook it off thinking maybe he's just sitting there for some reason I moved on but that's when things started to get weird I noticed the guy following me out of the aisle keeping a distance of about 20 ft he continued to follow me throughout the store as I got other items he was always a few steps behind no matter where I went to the store it was like he was shadowing me and I couldn't help but feel annoyed and also
creeped out I tried my best to just ignore him but the longer it went on the more uneasy I became I stole quick glances over my shoulder and there he was trailing me like a lost dog the minutes felt like hours as I continued my shopping and I was aware of his presence the entire time I finished up which didn't take that much longer when I was finally done shopping I went over to the self check area I was planning to tell one of the employees that worked there at the self checkouts about the man
following me but when I arrived I looked behind me to see that he was now gone I guessed that he had stopped and that was a good sight I scanned and then paid for all of my items then I walked out of the Walmart and headed for my car in the parking lot I was parked sort of in the back which is where I typically Park but when I got to within about 50 ft of my car I saw the man again the strange thing was that he was just standing there like 10 ft away
from my car in front of it he was already staring at me as well I have no idea how he knew which car was mine there were no other cars parked in any of the immediate spaces surrounding my car this was really strange I wasn't quite sure what to do and I sort of froze where I was the man had his eyes on me the entire time I decided to just keep walking towards my car although I walked slow I was ready to run if the man decided to go near me but he didn't eventually
EV I made it to my car the man was still staring at me as I got inside and he didn't take his eyes off me the entire time I started my engine and then left the man kept standing there in the parking lot staring at me as I did I drove away and never saw him again that remains my creepiest experience that I ever had at Walmart I'm a female I work a pretty standard job in an office 5 days a week one thing I really like to do though is cook I cook dinner for
myself almost every night in order to do so I go to the store for fresh ingredients probably every other day right on the way home from work there's a Walmart only about a mile from my apartment and I found that they usually have the cheapest prices so I go there for produce and protein all the time sometimes I go to other stores but by far the most common one for me is Walmart the story takes place just a few months back like usual I was stopping at Walmart after work I would never get much just
like four or five ingredients usually and sometimes whatever else I needed as well I got off of work anywhere from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 so I get to Walmart shortly after that each day the store was usually sort of busy one day an employee by the produce area said hi to me I mentioned this because the next time I was shopping he said hi to me again when I was in the same area looking back I hadn't really noticed noticed him before but I had never really paid attention to the employees he was bald had
a small dark beard and was sort of a big guy he seemed very friendly and the second time he asked me how my day was going we made very basic conversation for maybe 30 seconds before I told the man I better go and I went on with my shopping this ended up becoming a regular thing over the next couple of weeks or so every time I was shopping this same Walmart employee would say hi and engaging conversation with me I didn't mind it too much because he was always really nice although when I was getting
ingredients after work I was sort of anxious to get home and didn't really want to chitchat the man did start to ask slightly more personal questions each time like if I was coming home from work where I worked and where I lived things like that they were starting to weird me out a little bit I wasn't sure if the man was just a really friendly employee or something else I told myself he was just a nice guy and like I said it didn't really bother me that was until one time I was walking through Walmart
doing my usual shopping and he approached me again he asked me how my day was and the usual then he asked me for my number I was nice but I told the man no I was afraid he would get the wrong idea if I said yes besides he should know how weird it sounded I mean come to think of it I never really saw the guy doing any real work he would always just be standing around and then talk to me the man seemed offended when I said no I started to try and explain my
reasoning to the man but he just turned and walked away as I started to speak his whole body language changed after he walked away I resumed my shopping he had gone further into the grocery aisles of the store but luckily I didn't have to get anything back there I was inside the Walmart shopping for maybe 10 more minutes before checking out and leaving I remember that on that day I parked in the back of the parking lot and when I got inside my car I noticed that the Walmart employee was inside a car not too
far away from mine I really have no idea how I noticed him looking back but I'm glad that I did I was assuming that he was either on a break or had just gotten half of work for the day he did not appear to be looking at me which I was glad to see I pulled out of my parking space only to see him pull out and exit the parking lot behind me I watched in my rear view mirror and he made the same two turns that I did to get back to my apartment about
a minute later I was arriving at my apartment complex I was kind of creeped out now because I was almost positive that this man did not live here I drove around the parking lot of my complex a little and did not want to go straight to my building I was really suspicious the man's car trailed mine the entire time when I realized that he was probably just going to follow me no matter where I went I decided to leave I did not know where I was going but I needed to get out of there I
drove down the quiet Road near the complex to a busier one then I signal to merge onto a busier Road at this hour that road in particular was really busy because it was almost 5:00 p.m. now and rush hour with the man right behind me I waited for a gap in the traffic after about 30 seconds there was one but I waited until the very last moment and then pulled out I basically cut the car off that was driving down the road and there were several other cars behind it the car honked at me but
The Man Behind Me had no opportunity to merge at all that allowed me to basically get away from the guy I drove down the road for a very short time before turning it was then that I had the idea to go back to the Walmart I was fuming with anger I drove straight back there into the customer service counter when I got there I told them about how one of their employees had followed me home this Walmart didn't seem to be the most organized and they had to call up someone from the produce section to
help when I explained to them what it happened they told me that nobody of that description works there I realized that the man must have just put on a blue Walmart vest maybe he had worked at a Walmart in the past or maybe he had just bought the vest online either way he wasn't an employee of this store I was even more creeped out now they told me that they would keep an eye out for the man if he returned which made me feel a very tiny bit better but but not a whole lot after
that I very carefully drove back to my apartment again thankfully I did not see the man or his car I don't believe he knew which apartment building was mine either since that happened a few months ago I have not seen the man I also have not been back to that particular Walmart either this happened just a couple of weeks ago when I went to Walmart one night I think it was about 8:00 and I went there to only get a few things when I got inside the store it seemed pretty normal to me it wasn't
too busy and it wasn't completely dead either I didn't waste any time and started walking to the right the first thing on my list was to get some more soap as I was walking down that way I remember seeing a man walking in the opposite direction he was wearing a shirt that said human mammal on it I specifically remember remember seeing that but afterwards I passed him by and kept walking after getting the soap I then headed towards the back end of the store I was over there getting the last several items and it took
me a little bit over 5 minutes then I headed back towards the front end of the store when I made it a little more than halfway to the front that particular area was very quiet but there was one person there and they caught my attention it was the man that I had seen earlier and he was standing in a random aisle just pushing things off the shelf it was like he was trying to make a mess the man had slightly long dark hair was somewhat big and a little bit less than 6 ft tall when
I saw him doing this I couldn't help but look I was going to just keep walking past him but when I got kind of close to him I stopped the man looked at me as he continued throwing things on the floor I asked him what he was doing I didn't say it in a way as if I worked at Walmart or as if I was mad at him I was just genuinely curious the man looked at me as I spoke but did not stop his actions after my question he looked away and completely ignored me
I looked around and did not see any employees in the immediate area when I looked back to the man he was giving me the middle finger I thought about saying something to the guy but decided not to and just walked away somebody would see what he was doing soon enough and he would probably get kicked out of the store or banned I walked the rest of the way over to the self checkouts then I checked out and started to leave well I guess as I was checking out the man in the human mammal shirt walked
over to me without me knowing because as soon as I was walking into the parking lot I looked back and saw the guy walking behind me he was like 50 ft back and at first I wasn't sure if he just happened to be leaving at the same time as me or not I don't even know why I decided to look behind me but I'm glad that I did the guy appeared to be looking right at me which was strange but I ignored it I continued as normal and got to my car unlocked it and went
inside I wasn't in a rush to leave or anything but when I started the engine and was getting ready to back out I saw him the human mammal had followed me all the way to my car and was now standing right behind it he was looking at me through the rear window of my vehicle I waited for about a minute and he didn't move at all then I rolled down my window and yelled to the guy asking him to move he ignored me completely he just stood there with barely any expression on his face this
guy was really confusing to me I honked my horn and he still didn't move so then I turned my engine off and got out of my car at first the man still didn't move I asked him what his problem was and he still ignored me I wasn't really sure what to do I didn't want to get in the guy's face or anything because he seemed sort of unpredictable I decided to walk back inside Walmart as I went through the parking lot the man calmly walked behind me following me yet again by the time I made
it to the doors he was maybe 10 ft behind me when I walked inside I wasn't really sure where to go so I just started walking but when I made it sort of pass the self checkouts I saw a few employees standing around The Man Behind Me was still about 10 ft back and one of the employees approached him he tried to walk past but another employee walked in front of him I heard that they were confronting him about throwing things off the shelves of the aisles somebody must have seen him or possibly he was
seen on security cameras this allowed me to get away from the guy and I turned around and left the store while he was still there this time he wasn't able to follow me I left and haven't seen him since hopefully he was banned from the store or something I'm really not sure why he did all of that it was like he was just trying to cause problems hi everyone I just want to say that I'm a longtime viewer of the channel and I've watched some of the other Walmart videos I myself had an interesting experience
not long ago at all I was doing some normal grocery shopping one night and I went to my local Walmart it was probably like 8:00 p.m. and things were not too busy anymore with it being nighttime but still there were a number of other people around and I would not call the place dead by any means so I walked in got a cart and then began my shopping I started heading to the side of the store opposite from groceries I figured that I would go around and do my grocery shopping last as I was walking
to that side of the store I passed by several people one of them in particular caught my eye it was a man and for some reason something about him looked familiar or like I knew him from something but he didn't look familiar at all and I was pretty sure that I had never seen him before but my mind was mostly just focused on remembering the items that I needed to get the man was wearing a t-shirt that said human mammal on it I realized after a few seconds that it was the shirt that was familiar
here I knew that I had seen it someplace and I was racking my brain to remember where I kept walking away from the guy in the opposite direction maybe he noticed me kind of staring at him a little strange when passing him by or something he didn't immediately follow me but later on I saw him again I went to one of the back corner aisles of the store to get food for my dog which was over there this aisle was extremely quiet and nobody else was nearby I was in the aisle for maybe a minute
shopping around when I heard somebody else enter I looked over and there he was the human mammal himself it was at that moment when I remembered a guy wearing the same shirt in another Walmart Horror Story video I've never seen anybody wearing a shirt that says that before I realized that this might be the same guy he had now walked into my aisle and was just standing there staring at me the man had longer dark hair was about average height and a somewhat large build after noticing ing him staring at me for a few moments
I said hi to him in the most friendly way possible the man did not say hi back to me instead he took a couple of steps closer but continued to just keep staring in my direction then he turned around and walked out of the aisle I was relieved to see him go I didn't know why he was acting so strange I remained in the same aisle for just about another minute and then I moved along soon I was maybe a couple of aisles over getting some other things there was still nobody else in the immediate
area over here out of nowhere I heard somebody approaching I turned and looked and saw the same guy when he entered the aisle he picked up the first thing off the shelf and tossed it down on the floor then he revealed his other hand from behind him and he was holding a small hammer in it of course I was instantly nervous when I saw that he then just stopped and started staring at me again was was he trying to threaten me I asked him what he was doing still trying to be friendly he did not
answer but started walking a little bit closer to me I told him that he was making me nervous holding that thing he still ignored me at that point I couldn't take it anymore I took my cart and quickly turned it so that it was blocking almost the entire width of the aisle then using that as a sort of Shield or roadblock I turned and sprinted out of the end of the aisle I could hear the man starting to run out of the aisle in the other direction I ran along the back side of the store
until I found an employee then I stopped and approached her I was also looking around and I did not see the man anywhere so he must have stopped chasing me I told the employee that there was a guy walking around with a hammer acting really weird she told me that she would look into it and then radioed in to another employee at that point I decided to just leave I did not want to be inside of the store with that guy any longer I walked to the front very careful to look out for him and
thankfully I did not see him then I checked out and left the store I remembered that when I got to my car and was putting the items in the back I saw two police cars drive up to the front they parked along the sidewalk in front of the main entrance I figured that they were there for the human mammal guy then I left now I went back after this and listened to the other Walmart story again when I got home this guy seemed to have the the same kind of behavior plus he was wearing the
same shirt now I know he got banned from the other Walmart so either this is a different location or he showed up anyways I really can't believe that it happened still and I had to write in anyways hopefully this guy doesn't cause any more problems this happened just a few months ago as I was shot shoing at my local Walmart I'm a younger adult female there's a Walmart just under 10 minutes away from me one night after work I stopped at the Walmart because I needed to buy some new wireless headphones after mine broke it
was night time and when I got inside I saw that the store was pretty quiet I made my way towards the back middle of the store which is where the electronics department is however about halfway through the store I realized I had to use the bathroom I knew they had some restrooms in the back of most Walmarts and and they're typically used less than the ones in the front of the store so I kept walking back there I found them and then went inside the bathroom I was in a stall for not more than a
minute when I heard the sound of somebody walking in the footsteps were moving closer and sort of fast then they stopped right outside of where I was I saw their shoes from below and they were big they looked like men's shoes through the crack of the door I didn't see the person but I heard a whisper it was a loud whisper and definitely a man's voice voice he asked if I would let him in I was disgusted and said no he then asked again and laughed a little before trying the door which was locked I
told the man firmly to go away and thankfully he finally did I left very shortly after that and made my way back into the store the bathrooms were right by the electronics department so I walked right over to see the headphones I found the ones that I wanted to get which were the same ones I had before but they were locked in a case walked over to find the person that was working in the electronics department and I found a man behind the counter they have there I told him I was looking to get some
headphones that were in a case and he walked out to help me but when he did I noticed his shoes they were the same ones with the man who was in the bathroom I was immediately creeped out as soon as he unlocked the case and I took the headphones I walked as fast as I could away from him into the front of the store I bought the headphones and left once I got in my car I called Walmart and reported the incident I'm not sure after that if he got fired or anything because I didn't
go to that particular Walmart location again until just a few weeks ago but when I did he wasn't there this happened about 5 years ago at the time I was out a little bit later at night and I needed to get a few groceries on my way home I normally didn't get groceries at Walmart but as late as it was I thought it would be the only place that was open I think it was maybe 11:00 p.m. or so and when I got there I parked towards the back of the parking lot there wasn't a
whole lot of cars there but it's always been a habit of mine to park away from places I've never really liked squeezing my car in tight parking spaces because I'm not a very good Parker anyways I parked my car and got out right away I noticed that there was a man smoking a cigarette and he seemed to be kind of just wandering around the parking lot he was a little ways away from me and it looked kind of suspicious but overall I didn't think too much of it I walked inside and got my groceries I
really didn't need too much maybe about five items or so and I was inside the store for maybe 10 minutes I then checked out and left to walk back to my car but when I got about 50 ft into the parking lot and headed for my car I saw the man again who had been wandering around but now he was standing at my car as if he was going to try to break in or something I stopped where I was and froze I watched the man examining my car and walking around it he looked like
he had something in his hand but I couldn't make out what it was I considered what to do should I walk over there and yell at him should I call the police or should I just go back in the store I decided to do none of those things instead I stayed where I was and then pushed the lock button on my car I was hoping the guy would hear this and run away instead he looked around and then saw me we made eye contact but instead of running away the man looked right at me and
smiled it was a creepy smile and he then waved me over as if encouraging me to go near him the insane looking smile on his face did not make me want to go anywhere near I just kept standing there then I saw the Man start to walk towards me I turned into the other direction and ran back into the Walmart when I was inside I called the police and told them what was going on I did not see the man inside the store so I assumed he was still outside I didn't go back outside until
the police were there when they did arrive my car had been broken into but I really didn't have anything of value in there it was just a little messed up basically and the window was smashed the man was long gone though and I pretty much wasn't missing anything so I just told the police what he looked like and then went home the thing that bothers me the most about this was how the man was waving me over to him in the process of breaking into my car it made me wonder what he was capable of
I used to work at Walmart as a cashier several years ago I was in school at the time so I usually was part-time and worked on nights or weekends one day I was working on a Saturday from sometime in the afternoon to about 10:00 at night those were the hours that I usually got it was a pretty typical shift with us being very busy and me getting a lot of customers through my lane at one point a man came into my lane and bought a wireless speaker it was one of the more expensive ones that
we had and I think it was over $100 when the man saw the total he complained immediately saying that the item was on sale and it should have been half off I looked and saw that the item was clearly not on sale but to satisfy the man I even called up someone from the electronics department my cooworker David came up to the Lane and confirmed that the item was not on sale and hadn't ever been on sale since we had it the man was clearly making it up to try to get a discount and after
my line was held up for over 5 minutes because of him he continued to complain and refused to pay I told the man if he didn't want to buy the speaker he would have to leave my Lane because there were lots of other customers waiting he kept on complaining and started to get personal with me generally I considered myself to be a patient guy and always tried my best to be nice and respectful to the customers but something about this guy from the very second he started complaining he was just so rude when he started
saying I was an idiot I told him to leave this only provoked him even more and after cursing at me the man finally left I was so happy that he was finally gone and even though it was a negative experience I was happy to now deal with more normal customers I kept working and several hours later when it was now nighttime I looked up to see that in line was the same guy from before he had a somewhat long beard and wore a hat and sunglasses with a red sweatshirt just like he had been before
I got a bad feeling when I saw him in line with an angry look on his face I I dreaded when it would be his turn in line and when it was I looked to see that he didn't appear to be buying anything he just walked up to me and said to me you didn't think I would come back here did you I didn't say anything the man then said that I better start watching my back and then just walked off I was very surprised at the length this man was going to to show his
anger with me but what could I do I was glad I didn't say anything back to the man even though I wanted to but I kept it professional my shift went for another hour or so and then then I was finally done it was a long day and I was excited to get back home and relax I left the store which was now pretty quiet and walked to my car in the back corner of the parking lot where I always parked as I was approaching my car I heard someone yell at me from about 30
ft to my left I looked over and saw the same guy he immediately cursed at me and started walking towards me from a car parked behind a tree to the right I didn't really have time to say or do anything before I saw the man was coming towards me this prompted me to start running to my car I then heard the man begin to run as well which made me go even faster I made it inside my car and locked it and started the engine the man kicked at the side of my door pretty hard
as I started to back away I drove away as fast as I could and thankfully he wasn't able to get back to his car to follow me before I was out of his sights I went home and when I got there I saw that there was a dent in the side of my car where the man had kicked at me I couldn't believe how angry the man was and how he literally waited for me to get off of work work the next day I went back to Walmart and told them everything that happened I quit
my job and thankfully Walmart offered to pay for my car to get fixed this occurred several years ago I used to shop at Walmarts quite frequently they really sold everything I needed and were all over the place so it was always my first store to go to at one point I had to go out of town for a work conference it lasted about a week and was about a 10-hour drive away after it was over I was driving back I was on the way home about halfway and it got pretty late at night I was
prepared to drive through the night but my car got low on gas so I stopped at the next exit and filled it up I was pretty hungry but noticed that the convenience store of the gas station was closed this town was really small and didn't seem to have much but they did have a Walmart that was across the street this Walmart was one of the strangest ones I had ever seen it just wasn't the typical kind of Walmart building that they usually are in the building seemed smaller and more as if it had taken over
a building of a previous store that had been there the parking lot was quiet only a couple of cars so I looked it up on Google Maps and it said sure enough it was open this seemed kind of surprising to me because it was around midnight but I pulled my car into the parking lot and went inside as I slowly walked in I didn't really know what I was looking for but I guess just some type of food as I walked around inside I didn't notice anybody else the inside of the Walmart looked for the
most part like a regular Walmart but at the same time a lot different it was much smaller inside and arranged differently than most of the ones I had been in still not a big deal though and I tried to find something I could snack on as I walked around I didn't see anybody else in the store at all it seemed a little bit odd to not even see a worker but then again it was midnight in a small town that I had never been in before I had made it to the back aisle and was
looking around when I heard the noise of someone walking they entered the aisle From The Far Side from where I was in and I noticed it was someone wearing one of those horse face masks that covers a person's whole head I looked and it startled me at first but then I chuckled I guessed it was some guy pranking people late at night he stood there looking at me then he walked away I told him it was very funny I finally found a couple of things and picked them up then I headed to the front of
the store as I did I noticed another person walking by also wearing a horse mask I thought maybe it had to be the guy's friend and they were both in on the joke I once again smiled and kept walking I used the self checkout and paid for my things all while not seeing a single employee as I was almost done I saw another two people emerged from behind one of the check Lanes they were both wearing horse masks as well by that time I got a rush of fear run through my body I didn't know
what was going on but it didn't really seem like a joke to me anymore I looked back and saw the other two people in horse mask staring at me from the back near the aisles I tried to not let them see the fear that I had I calmly got my receipt and walked away and out the doors I walked all the way back to my car hoping that I wouldn't hear the footsteps of anyone leaving behind me and to my surprise I didn't but when I got to my car I realized there was a new
car that was parked next to mine I tried to ignore it as best as I could and got to my car unlocked it and quickly got inside as I did I glanced over to the car park next to mine at first it looked like it was empty but then I saw a horse mask pop up in the driver's see I just about had a heart attack in that moment I slammed my foot on the gas and left that City back to the freeway and on my way home I got home the next day and still
wonder what was going on there I used to work at a Walmart it wasn't exactly my dream job but I didn't mind it that much either most of the time that I work there was after clothes I would work in the back organizing and getting products and then I would often bring them to the sales floor and to the shelves I did this for all sections of the store during the time of this story I had been working there for about 6 months already so I was pretty familiar with the place it was a week
night at probably about midnight I was a few hours into my shift I was in the back room of the store I was getting items that would be put on the shelves of the store when I heard a loud noise it was like a thud and it was coming from the back room area right near where I was I couldn't really tell exactly where the noise was coming from though I looked around but didn't see anything the noise startled me pretty good because nobody else was back there with me I finished what I was doing
in silence and then went out to stock the shelves I returned to later to get more items in around the same area in the back about 15 minutes into doing that I once again heard another loud thud I still couldn't pinpoint exactly where the sound was coming from there were lots of shelves back there and many products and Equipment all around there were countless places where somebody could hide if they wanted to and I knew that then I heard the noise once more I looked around still seeing nothing and then I got up I walked
over to the direction of where I thought the noise was coming from but when I got there I couldn't see anything there I looked all around I didn't know if I was in the right spot I was just guessing I asked if anybody was there but got no reply things were extremely quiet I just shook my head and then went back to work wasn't really sure what I could do about it I got more products to put on the shelves and the entire time I was back there though I will admit I was pretty scared
I didn't hear the noise again though when I finished up as fast as possible then I went back out into the the store eventually I had to go to the back room yet again in the same area that I had been in I would be working there for most of the night when I made it into the back again by now it was almost 2:00 in the morning I was there for no more than 10 minutes before hearing the loud noise another time this time I jumped up I was determined to know who was doing
this I ran over to the area calling out who's doing that as I was running but when I got closer I really had no idea where it was there were so many aisles of shelves back there I knew it had been a distance away from me but not all that far I looked up and down left and right all around me and I still didn't see anyone I went into one of the little aisles that we had back there then I quietly looked around as I was there suddenly there was a noise it wasn't a
thud or a loud noise though it was a whisper hey hey you somebody was whispering from the next aisle over I immediately ran out of there I ran all the way back out and into the store I then found the nearest employee he saw how I was shaken up and he asked me what was going on we both ended up going back to look around I felt a little better with another person there but we still didn't find anyone we also didn't hear any noises back there either I ended up working the rest of my
shift in fear but nothing more happened I'm not sure if that was a person who hid back there since we had closed or what that would be my best guess they possibly kept hiding back there or left when I ran out I don't know who or why though maybe it was just to scare me or maybe something else I quit my job at Walmart not too long after this I wouldn't say that was the incident that caused me to quit I'd been thinking about quitting for a while it certainly didn't make me want to stay
though last year I went to Walmart at about 2:00 in the morning I occasionally worked really late and on this day I worked well past 1:00 a.m. I needed to get groceries and I really wasn't that sleepy yet so I decided to stop at Walmart knowing the store was open but nobody would be there I got in the store which was in fact dead and started to shop I only noticed a couple of other Shoppers when I got to the back corner of the store to get y yurt I noticed a man standing next to
the shelves just staring at me at first I thought maybe he knew me but I didn't recognize him at all he kept a completely straight face he just wouldn't take his eyes off me I said hi and nodded my head at him he just kept staring didn't acknowledge me at all I thought something must be wrong with him so I got the yogurt and moved on when I left the aisle I heard him start to follow me I tried my best to just ignore him maybe he was playing a dumb prank on me or something
I only needed about two more things so I quit grab them and headed to the self checkout the man followed me all the way there about 20 or 30 ft behind me the whole time when I was checking out I thought about alerting a store worker about the man but I decided not to I just wanted to get my stuff and go home I finished checking out and began walking to my car I got out of the doors of Walmart and the man continued to follow me out into the parking lot I increased my Pace
to get to my car so I could drive away then the man started to fall out Sprint at me when I saw this I ran to my car I struggled to open the doors with bags in my hands I finally got to the door and jumped inside I slammed the door shut and locked it the man reached my car and tried opening the door just a few seconds later now he didn't have a straight face anymore he had a big smile which looked completely insane he banged on my window until I quickly drove away I
have not shopped at Walmart since I'm a female last year I wanted to get a quick birthday card from my friend I stopped at a Walmart thinking that I could go in quickly get a card and then leave I parked and went inside walking straight for the greeting cards they were sort of in the middle of the store the store was actually not that busy but of course there were some customers around when I got to the card aisle nobody else was in it and I began searching for a decent card for my friend I
had to look at quite a few many of them I didn't like I was focused on this and reading the insides of them when suddenly I Heard a Voice directly behind me what you looking at this surprised me because I hadn't known anybody else was in the aisle with me I turned around to see a man standing there less than a foot away he was around my height but appeared to be much much older than me and he was wearing a hat I told him that I was just getting a card he then stared at
me with a creepy grin for like 5 seconds straight I started to turn back around when he spoke again he asked me if I was going to a birthday party and if he was invited I laughed it off nervously thinking this was a really creepy thing to say I decided that the card that I had in my hands was good enough really I just wanted to get out of there and away from him I told the man that I was in a hurry and I needed to leave then I started walking out of the aisle
the man started walking right along with me okay let's go I remember him saying this really freaked me out did he think he was coming with me I walked almost as fast as I could over to the checkouts but the man was able to keep up with me when I had almost made it there I changed my mind at the last second and decided to walk to the back side of the store I just didn't want the guy around me I especially didn't want him following me out to my car I thought maybe he would
get the hint and leave me alone the guy seemed confused by my Sudden Change of Direction but turned to follow me I walked all the way to the side of the store where they sold makeup and toothpaste and those kind of items then I turned and headed for the back I couldn't believe it but the man was still behind me that's when I saw a Walmart employee I was almost in the back corner and there was a man working near the auto parts area I outright told him that there was a guy following me and
he wouldn't leave me alone I started to hear the man denying it as the employee approached that allowed me to get away I kept walking and made a left into an aisle and out of sight of the man I quickly then walked into the middle of the store and then turned to go back to the front when I got within maybe two aisles of the front of the store suddenly the same guy leaped out from behind the corner I couldn't believe it I didn't know where he had come from I screamed and sprinted away from
the man this seemed to surprise him and he didn't immediately chase after me another employee happened to sort of be in the area and asked what was going on less than a minute later the store security was there apparently when the other employee questioned the man he had ran away so the employee called security it was a whole scene and the police ended up getting called unfortunately the guy ran out of the store right away before security could get him though needless to say I haven't been back to a Walmart since I had a bizarre
experience working at Walmart one time I worked there for a few months after high school when I worked I was a cashier and I would just ring people up all day it was a pretty easy job of course some customers were pretty strange others could be rude or whatever but most of them were fine one day though I was working a shift that started in the afternoon and I got off at night things started out all right and then I got a little busy during this busy time I was ringing up customer after customer when
this one guy showed up up in line I didn't even notice him until he was next up the man was wearing all black and had a ski mask on obviously this was kind of strange it wasn't Halloween I expected the guy to buy something thinking maybe this was just his style but he walked right up to where people pay like directly facing me he didn't give me any items to scan and he just stood there staring at me I could only see his eyes and I noticed that he was even wearing black gloves he didn't
have any items with him at all though it was just like he had came here to stare at me I asked him if he needed help finding anything and he didn't answer just kept staring some of the customers in line behind him began to laugh a little I didn't know whether to join in laughing or to be creeped out the guy just stood there I asked him if he was going to buy anything and he remained there Frozen then he took a step closer which felt sort of threatening before backing up and walking away seemed
like he left the store after that I felt like I had been subject to some sort of prank and I laughed it off then I continued ringing up everybody else in fact looking back immediately after it I actually enjoyed it now I had a story to tell my parents when I got home from work and it broke up the otherwise monotonous shift things carried on and for the rest of my shift everything was normal a few nights later I found myself working again this time I was almost done with my shift and it was probably
like 9:00 p.m. the store was quiet and I was ringing up a customer every now and then that's when I saw the same guy wearing the exact same thing walking into my line again this time it felt different it was a little creepier there were no other customers around to laugh at him and being nighttime it just seemed a little spooky I smiled and greeted him once again the man walked right up to me and just stared without saying anything I asked him if he needed help with anything again and was once again ignored the
guy stood there for a really uncomfortable amount of time I could only smile and laugh so much things got old fast after he stood there for probably 2 minutes straight I asked him seriously what he was doing he still didn't say anything finally he walked away leaving the store he hadn't bought anything this time either I worked for the final hour of my shift not getting too many customers at all then it was finally time to go home I left the store and walked to my car in the parking lot but when I was approaching
it I saw there was a car parked next to mine with the maxed man in the driver's seat I had red flags going off in my head head and I turned around and went back inside the store I just had a really bad feeling about it I waited inside the Walmart for quite some time when I returned he was finally gone I left and luckily never saw him again I still wondered though who he was and what he was doing this happened in the the year 2000 my name is Vanessa and I remember that one
day I went to my local Walmart to do some shopping I would go to several different stores in the area back then but for whatever reason on this day I chose Walmart I believe that it was a Saturday morning after parking my car I walked inside of the store and I remember that I was not inside for that long I think it was maybe 10 minutes at most now I don't recall what exactly I bought there it wasn't grocery shopping but I was probably getting some random household item or items anyways after checking out I
left the store things were not really that busy and I walked back to my vehicle I had parked on one side of the Walmart back then I believe there was only one entrance and the stores weren't quite as big as they are today so my car was about halfway back a little bit to the right of the doors when I was almost at my vehicle I saw that there was another car now parked next to mine I didn't really think much of it at all as I got closer though I noticed that there was a
driver inside the car that was parked next to mine it was a man and the engine of his car was running I got inside of my car and went to start my engine it was at that point when I noticed the man rolling down his window then he sort of waved at me and motioned for me to roll down my window I don't recall in great detail what the man looked like but I do know that he was wearing sunglasses and he had sort of Spike bleach blonde hair that was popular back then so I
rolled down my window because I was curious as to what the guy wanted the guy then asked me for directions to my house I laughed and figured that he was joking something about the guy kind of gave me a bad feeling though I rolled my window back up and as I was doing so I heard him start to say some more things but I didn't hear what and didn't bother to roll my window back down to have him repeat himself then I started to back out and leave as soon as I started driving away though
the man started to drive after me I was hoping and thinking that he would drive in another Direction but as soon as I left the Walmart parking lot and went back onto the road the man followed still I didn't know how far he would be driving behind me it could have been just a coincidence I continued with my route to get home it would take me maybe 10 minutes as I kept driving though I noticed that the man stayed right on my tail the entire time the roads were not really too busy so that allowed
him to easily keep up with me I made it almost all the way back to my house when I pulled onto my street the man did the same I realized then that he was going to follow me wherever I went now this was before I had a cell phone and I didn't know where the nearest police station was so I looped around my street and then went back to a busier Road at first I didn't really know where I was going to go but I had the idea to go to a busy place with lots
of other people then I would feel safer so I decided to just go right back to the Walmart where I had been the man continued to follow me in his car the entire way there eventually I pulled back into the parking lot this time though instead of parking towards the back or middle where I had been before I drove to the front there were far less parking spaces closer to the store but I got lucky and saw that there was one open space I pulled into the space and now there were cars on both sides
of me this did not allow the man to park next to me instead he was in his car behind mine and kind of blocking the lane between parking spaces I turned my car off and got out then I ran towards the front of Walmart I saw a man that was also walking in and I told him that I was being followed I pointed to the other guy in the car when the guy who had been following me saw this he started to drive his car away in another Direction Direction I got to the doors of
Walmart and noticed a man drive towards the back and then park there then I went inside of the store and walked over to the customer service area there I asked them if I could use a phone to call the police I told the employee my situation and she let me use the phone I called the police and then waited inside the store for them to arrive when they did I met them out front unfortunately though the man was now gone I gave a description of the vehicle as well as the man but but I did
not get the license plate number or anything it was also good news though that the man was now gone that allowed me to go back home so after talking with police and Walmart employees for a while longer I left after that I never saw the man again this story happened several months ago now I'm a female for reference and went to Walmart pretty late one night I'm not sure exactly what time it was but the store was very quiet I was just getting about two or three items and was not going to take very long
so when I was inside of the store there was hardly anybody else inside just a few employees and customers here and there I shopped for maybe 5 minutes if that then went up to the front of the store to check out at the self checkouts nobody else was really around but there was one employee standing sort of near it I started to walk inside and the Walmart employee spoke he said that all the self checkouts were out of order and I couldn't use them the man said he could ring me up quick and motion for
me to follow him we walked a couple of lanes down to the checkouts and the guy walked behind it he was sort of short had long light brown hair and was kind of skinny as well I put my items down in front of him and he started to scan them he asked me how my day was going like many cashiers do but after that he asked me where I was going now and I just said that I was going back home the guy then asked me if I wanted to hang out with him and I
said No thanks it seemed really strange for him to ask me this he asked me if I wanted to get some food instead or something like that still I said that I really had to get going the man didn't say anything he angrily handed me my receipt and then I started to walk away I found the whole interaction to be really weird and also awkward so I left the store and then headed to my car in the parking lot I had to go all the way to the other side of the store though because they
had closed the doors on the side that I had parked on so after walking out I had just about made it to my car and was maybe 20 ft away from it that's when out of nowhere I heard a voice behind me I looked and saw the Walmart employee who I had just seen like a minute before it really took me by surprise and he seemed to come out of nowhere he once more asked me where I was going as I saw him walking closer to me I quickly went to my car and got inside
of it luckily he didn't run over and try to get in my car or anything I started the engine and drove away since that happened I have not been back to that Walmart or any Walmart for that matter I'm not sure if that guy was off work when he did that or what but I think it's really crazy how he followed me all the way to my vehicle I also wonder if the self checkouts were really shut down or if he just wanted me to go to his register either way I have no plans to
return to that wall Walmart and I'm hoping that I never see that guy again a couple of years ago I went to Walmart at night with two of my good friends John and David I don't remember exactly what we needed to get there probably food or something but I do remember that we wound up near the sports cards because Jon was really into them at the time the three of us were in high school and we were looking at a box of baseball cards when a man approached us he looked to be about 25 to
30 was wearing a hood and smelled like cigarettes he asked us if we drove here and if we could give him a ride I said no sorry I can't he said that he didn't need to go very far but he really needed a ride I still said no and he stood there for a good 10 seconds before finally walking away my friends and I then went to another section of the store for a couple minutes before checking out and leaving when we left the store we saw the man again he was standing outside the door
smoking he looked at us so we tried to avoid eye contact but he started to approach us again we just ignored him the man started to walk with us to to my car he said once more that he really needed a ride I told him no yet again and my friends and I got into my car as we got in to my surprise he helped himself and got in the back seat he said now we don't have a choice with a smile I told him to leave the car he responded by saying he was not
leaving until I drove him where he needed to go finally I asked him where it was he needed to go he replied by saying I would find out when I got there this guy was being super sketchy and I couldn't help but think of him having us drive him to a spot to get robbed or [Music] something my friend John told him he was going to call the police if he didn't leave the car the man said something along the lines of if we called the police he would hurt us all we were high school
kids and not that big but three against one I thought thought maybe we could take him but then again I had no idea what this man was capable of the man told me to drive and so I started to drive just a couple seconds later though to my surprise we saw a police car that happened to be pulling into the parking lot the man cursed at us and then told me to stop I stopped the car and he got out I don't know if the man just really wanted a ride or if he had bad
had intentions but I'm glad I didn't find out I work at a Walmart stocking shelves I frequently work overnight shifts and that's when much of the stocking is done our store is a 24-hour store so I occasionally have to deal with customers but us usually I don't interact with them much at all a couple of weeks ago I was stalking the shelf of a cleaning supply aisle near the back of the store it was about 3:00 in the morning I was restocking hand sanitizer when I heard someone walk from the aisle behind me to the
aisle I was in I briefly looked and from the corner of my eye I could see someone entering the aisle I kept working and I felt them walk past me into the other end of the aisle the person then walked back over to me and tapped me on my shoulder I looked and I could see it was a man he appeared to be about 25 years old with a goatee and long hair he asked me if I could help him with something I asked him what he needed help with he just stood there looking at
me for a good 5 seconds before he responded he finally told me that he needed some toothpaste I told him where it was but he insisted i' go with so I stopped working got up and started to walk with the [Music] man as we were walking over he seemed to know where we were going and was leading the way when we finally arrived I was shocked at what I saw just about every item from the shelves had been thrown onto the floor and there was a huge pile of toothpaste as well as toothbrushes and other
items all all over the floor the man just looked at me and smiled I asked him if he did this he smiled at me with a creepy smile and said yes he then took off and sprinted away towards the exits and ran out the store I ended up having to clean it up this was by far the strangest thing that ever happened to me while working at Walmart [Music] this is the creepiest thing that happened to me when I used to work at Walmart I worked there for almost a year stocking shelves I would mostly
work nights and we get off of work shortly after we closed now when we were approaching closing time there would be a mix of overnight employees and people like me at the end of their shifts and in a store like Walmart of course there were tons of employees as I was stocking one of the shelves counting the minutes until I was off one night I remembered that this guy approached me by now the store was mostly quiet and probably had more employees inside of it than customers I looked over and saw this man that was
an employee he was wearing the Walmart vest and he said hi to me I said hi to him and he told me that his name was Tony and he was new here Tony had very short dark hair and was about 5'5 or so I asked him if he was working overnights but he didn't answer me he just said that he liked the job so far and asked me what time I got off I said that I was about to leave and that's when Tony said that he was as well he then asked me if I
wanted to do something after I said no I was really tired and I just wanted to go to bed which was true he said that was cool and that he would see me later I said bye and then got my cart and quickly finished it up as Tony was walking away overall I found him to be slightly odd but not that strange of a guy shortly after I left work and went home I did not see Tony for the rest of the time that I was there a couple of days went by and I didn't
see Tony at all but I did get a friend request from him on Facebook I accepted it because I didn't think that it was that big of a deal well over the next few days Tony started messaging me on Facebook a lot he started out just saying hi and asking how I was doing and stuff then he asked me to hang out again I said no once more I really didn't want to hang out with Tony at all but he didn't stop asking I told him no because I was busy at first so he asked
when we could that's when I said I really didn't know him that well and I thought we should not hang out at all I started to just ignore him after that because he kept messaging me Tony probably sent me about four or five messages all without getting a reply then he finally seemed to stop over the course of the next two weeks I didn't see Tony at work at all by this point I figured that he probably quit or else was fired after all I had only actually seen him working at Walmart that one time
he then sent me yet another message on Facebook randomly and at that point I decided to block him the only reason that I hadn't blocked him sooner was because I thought it might be awkward to see him at work if he was blocked maybe he would try to confront me me or something now that I was confident we wouldn't cross paths anymore I didn't care still I was curious and thought maybe he just worked on the other side of the store so I decided to ask my manager the next time I worked when I did
I asked her about Tony and she said she had no clue who that was I was told by multiple co-workers that they were unaware of anybody named Tony working there in the last several months this really creeped me out I realized that he very easily could have just put on the Walmart Fest and pretended to work there I mean they're probably pretty easy to find online after realizing that I was glad that I blocked him for the next couple of days things were back to normal but then I found myself working again until Clos one
night as I was stalking a shelf like I often did somebody entered my aisle I looked over and saw Tony standing there he was probably the last person that I wanted to see he walked over and asked me why I blocked him I told him to leave me alone he ignored this and got like right in my face I told him that I knew he never worked here and he didn't deny it he admitted that he had just got the vest as if he was almost proud of it then he started to curse me out
while he was still yelling at me I started to move away but he followed when I realized that he was coming after me I started to run I was going up towards the front end of the store soon I saw some other people and I went towards them they were just kind of seeming confused though Tony was still chasing after me so at that point I kept going even farther I ran all the way to the bathrooms and then went inside of the women's restroom Tony actually tried to follow me inside however someone else saw
him go in and came over I went inside one of the Stalls and locked the door Tony was inside the women's bathroom and approached the stall that I was in but then I heard another man's voice yelling at Tony to stop being a creep and to get out of there finally after that Tony left I emerged from the bathroom a short time later and was careful to look out for Tony but he was finally gone then I found my manager and told her about what had happened the police actually got called but unfortunately Tony had
left over the next few weeks I didn't see him at all and not long after that I quit I'm hoping that I never see Tony or hear from him again this happened last year I was shopping at my local Walmart just doing some typical shopping on a random week night the store was pretty quiet and it was probably like 8:00 or 900 p.m. I had been in the store for about 15 minutes or so and I was in the aisle where they have the fitness items I was looking at one of those massage guns I
wasn't planning on buying one that day or even buying one at Walmart but I had been considering getting one when I walked by I noticed it and stopped to read the box I was in the aisle looking at it for a few minutes and when I was doing so I remember hearing some voices in the next aisle over it happened to be a toy aisle and this was at sort of the back corner of the store I heard a man's voice and then the voice of a child at first I paid no attention as I
was looking but soon I heard the man say I will buy you this toy if you come with me I assumed it was the child's father father at first but I didn't really know why he would say that I couldn't really make out what the kid said back to him but I heard the man then say something like your mom said it's okay then I just had the crazy thought that maybe this wasn't the child's father the man started saying come on let's go a couple of times I heard him starting to walk to the
end of the aisle I just had a really bad feeling about it at the time I didn't know if I was just being nosy or if I should do something I decided to walk by the aisle and glance down it to see I left the a that I was in and walked into the next one over which was a toy aisle and when I looked down I saw a man wearing a black jacket and winter hat holding the hand of a little kid and leading her to the other end of the aisle their backs were
facing me I was kind of thinking on the Fly and I said excuse me to the guy he turned around and looked really surprised I picked up some random toy from the Shelf it was some type of stuffed animal I said I wanted to ask the man a question if this would be a good gift for my niece I then started walking over to them he said he had no no idea and I said I thought he might know I then asked if that was his daughter he said no and he was just watching her
for the moment but then said they really had to get going him and the child then walked away I really wasn't sure if I should believe him or not maybe I was making too much of it I realized it probably was a reasonable explanation and I turned and started to walk into the opposite direction I was telling myself that nothing was wrong and I was just paranoid but I'm not even kidding about 30 seconds later I heard a woman's voice calling out a name for this story let's just say the name was Sarah the woman
was calling out Sarah not really loud but enough for people in the aisles nearby to hear including me I walked towards the voice and found the woman a few AES down and more towards the center of the store when I reached her I asked if Sarah was her daughter she looked concerned and said yes I had a terrible feeling and I said that I might have seen her daughter with a man and I thought they might be leaving we both started sprinting towards the front of the store the good thing is that this was probably
less than a minute since I had seen the man when we made it to the front of the store we saw the man and the child at the self checkouts area he was buying one of the toys for her the girl's mother started shouting and the man claimed he was just trying to be nice and buy the toy for the girl but he quickly tried to run away after realizing nobody would believe that he ran out the door and was able to momentarily get away I was just happy that the girl was okay and back
with her mother it turned out that the girl had wandered off from her mother to look at toys while her mom was shopping in another area of the store the mother had believed that her child was nearby but it actually wandered off much further I also found out that the guy was located not long after this at all I used to work at Walmart I haven't worked there for years now and when I was there I didn't really like it that much I was mostly just a cashier so it was pretty repetitive it was a
decent job to have at the time I guess and I worked there for almost 6 months I'm going to tell the story of my scariest experience while working there for a little bit of background I'm a female and was 23 at the time of this story during that time period I lived by myself in an apartment I lived about 10 minutes away from the Walmart Super Center where I worked one night I was working until 9:00 I was up at the front of the store at the registry it had been a really typical shift and
things were going somewhat busy until about 700 then they started to quiet down a little after that it was time for my final break of the day I walked into the break room which was very quiet I don't remember if anybody else was inside or not I don't really think anybody was anyways I was hungry so I sat down and took off my Walmart employee vest then I left the break room to go buy something to eat in the store I took my vest off because I didn't want any customers coming up to me and
asking where stuff was when I was on my break that had happened to me several times before until I learned to just take it off so anyways I got some food and then went to a self- checkout and paid for it then after that I went back into the break room and sat back down in my chair now I believe at this time I was the only person in the breakroom I was eating and going on my phone just enjoying my break but when it was over I realized something my Walmart vest wasn't there I
know for a fact that I had put it on the back of my chair like hanging over it my name tag was attached to it as well I found this to be really weird I looked all around for it but nobody was nearby to see if somebody took it or what I couldn't think of any reason why somebody would take my vest soon it was obvious to me that it wasn't in the breakroom I went and found my manager and told him what happened he told me that there were some extra vests in a Closet
near the breakroom I went in and got one and then returned to work I was still confused as to what exactly had happened maybe somebody took it by mistake or something so I finished my shift which was only like another hour and a half longer nobody had returned my vest if somebody took it by accident so I took the new one home that I got I was still under the impression that it was probably one of my co-workers that took it by mistake mistake after I clocked out of work I left the Walmart and drove
home I got back to my apartment which was what I would described as an average building there were several floors and lots of units in the building my apartment was on the third floor when I got to my place I saw that my Walmart vest was sitting on the ground at my doorstep I really couldn't believe it I was so confused I stood there just looking around for a minute then I picked it up and went inside I was happy to get the vest back but I had no idea how that happened I had never
told any of my co-workers where I lived sure I was friends with a few of them but never really hung out with them outside of work the only thing I ever did with co-workers outside of work was go to the Applebees down the street afterwards once so there was no reason for them to know my apartment building much less my exact unit I started to wonder who could possibly be responsible for this I worked again the next day when I was there I talked to at least five of my co-workers about what happened I told
them how somebody took my vest from the breakroom and then it showed up on my literal doorstep they all had no idea how it happened and none of them were responsible this left me just as confused as ever that work shift went by normally though although I will say when I took my break I took my vest off and brought it with me to get food afterwards I left work and got back to my apartment again this night though it was probably like 10:30 at night and I was in my bedroom watching TV that's when
I heard a knock at my apartment door now it was very unusual for me to get visitors especially at this hour so I felt really suspicious immediately especially after what had happened the previous night I got up and quietly walked over to my front door I looked through my pee Pole to to the other side I saw that there was this creepy looking man standing there he had a somewhat messy beard that was dark with some gray in it the man was thin and also had longer stringy hair he was wearing a gray t-shirt and
jeans I had never seen him before that I was aware of I couldn't help but think to myself is this the man that stole my vest and returned it here I was so creeped out and was not going to answer the door he knocked again from right on the the other side my heart was racing and I moved back quickly but also as quietly as I possibly could I just hope that he would go away I sat on my couch with my phone ready to call the police if he didn't leave he knocked one more
time and then I thought I heard the sound of him walking away I felt a little bit better and I got up and went over to the door when I looked this time he was in fact gone I didn't know what to do with this information now though do do I go to the police or do I just hope that this guy doesn't come back I mean I had no proof of anything it could have just been a neighbor accident at the wrong apartment or some kind of other coincidence there was no proof to link
this guy to my Walmart vest even though my hunch was telling me that it was connected I did not call the cops I just decided to hope that the guy wouldn't come back and that nothing else strange would happen the very next day I was working at Walmart again it was another night shift like I often had this time everything went well until I was almost done I was working at the cash register as a cashier like always at one point I was ringing up a customer but noticed something in the distance it was the
man who had been at my apartment the night before he was standing probably about 100 ft away and he was just staring right at me he had this sort of creepy smirk on his face my heart started racing instantly when I saw him I tried to push that out of my head and returned to focusing on the customer in front of me when I looked back up to where the man had been about 30 seconds later he was gone I looked around and I didn't know where he went but I could no longer see him
I just hoped that I wouldn't see him again and for the rest of my shift I actually didn't I was happy about that and then I clocked out and left I drove home from work and got back to my apartment once again I went inside relaxed for a bit and then went to bed bed that night I fell asleep pretty quickly but I woke up sometime after midnight the first thing I remember after waking up was hearing this weird sound it was coming from what sounded like the entrance to my apartment like maybe right outside
of my front door I listened closer and realized that the noise sounded like some kind of song it really wasn't that loud I got up and walked to my bedroom door and then opened it from there I could see into my living room a small part of my kitchen and the front door what I noticed was the S noise was in fact coming from my front door on the other side I quickly ran back inside of my bedroom and then locked the door then I called the police on my cell phone I told them that
I thought somebody was trying to break into my apartment and I gave them my address I was told police would be there shortly but to me it felt like they couldn't come soon enough I continued to hear the noise coming from my front door this went on for probably another 2 or 3 minutes then I heard my front door actually opening I was terrified I ran to the back corner of my bedroom and hid behind my bed the person walked into my apartment and seemingly headed straight for my bedroom door then they tried opening it
I'm really glad that my bedroom door had a lock after failing to open the door I once again heard the same sa noise but this time it was coming from my bedroom door right on the other side whoever this was was just sawing through my doors to unlock them this was honestly crazy the noise went on for probably like 5 minutes straight I didn't know how much longer my door would hold up before it was broken but then I heard that the police were here I heard several more footsteps entering and voices saying police the
person right outside my bedroom door moved away but I could hear the police quickly caught him when it was safe I finally left my bedroom I saw a police with the same man who had been at my door the previous night and he turned out to be the same guy who had stolen and returned my Walmart vest somehow he knew where I lived I honestly don't know how he knew that unless he followed me home sometime maybe I just simply hadn't noticed it was a huge relief that he was caught I didn't work at Walmart
for much longer after that and I quit a short time later this is something that happened like 5 years ago now but I still remember it really well it's probably the craziest experience that I've ever had going to Walmart during this time I shopped at Walmart quite a bit I found it to be the cheapest place to get groceries and things like that however I was not a huge fan of the store it was often really busy and I saw a lot of strange things in my time there well one day I stopped at Walmart
after work which was a bad idea I arrived to the Walmart parking lot at probably about 5:30 p.m. and right off the bat things weren't looking good I noticed that the parking lot was packed and there were cars everywhere I drove along the back side of it and when I was doing so A car pulled out of one of the parking aisles and nearly hit me I had to slam on my brakes to avoid them after that I parked and started to walk into the store but when I was about to go across the crosswalk
right in front of the doors a car blew past it it came within probably 5 ft of hitting me so I was already a little bit aggravated at that point when I walked inside the store I got a shopping basket and started heading to the grocery section I really just had to get groceries and I would be getting about 10 different things or so I noticed that there were several long lines for the checkouts and there were countless people walking around in the store as I walked down one of the main aisles in the grocery
section some somebody popped out and nearly hit me with their cart this was a rough shopping trip to that point but it only got worse so I was at the far back wall in the grocery department getting a gallon of milk out of nowhere I heard this voice behind me it was a child's voice I looked and saw this little girl who was maybe about 7 years old she had a full Walmart shopping cart next to her that looked like she had been pushing by herself the little girl said hi to me and I said
hi back to her and was very confused she then asked me if I could pay for the groceries for her and her family because they didn't have any money I asked her if those were her groceries the cart was literally almost all the way full and it was easily over $100 worth of items not even all of it was groceries there were some other things too I said no I was sorry but I couldn't I mean the whole reason that I was shopping at Walmart anyways is because I didn't have much money at the time
if I wasn't worried about saving money I would have certainly been at Target instead or the local grocery store but those places costed more the little girl didn't say anything back to me and then just pushed her shopping cart away in another Direction I thought it was really strange what was going on and I watched to see where the girl would go the store was busy and a lot of other people were around but I noticed that the girl went not that far away near a display with frozen foods the girl went to a woman
who I assumed to be her mother I had to get yogurt and they were kind of standing near the yogurt so I ended up going closer to them as I was getting yogurt just a few feet away from the mother and daughter with their cart I overheard them speaking I heard the mother say something like now go to that man over there and ask him I looked over my shoulder and saw the girl pushing the shopping cart which was just about as tall as she was she made it over to this guy who was standing
near another section I saw her approach him and speak with the guy for maybe 30 seconds then she started walking back towards her mother with the cart I was thinking that maybe they would be able to get somebody to pay for their groceries if their cart wasn't completely full but I also didn't like the idea of the mother trying to use her daughter to ask strangers to pay for them I continued with my shopping and went to another section of the grocery department I went down several aisles getting numerous items before I was almost done
I would say maybe 15 minutes later and I was just about done shopping and near the bakery now there were still kind of a lot of people around and the store was still very busy when I was looking at a few different breads I heard the little girl approach me again I turned around and she once more asked me to pay for their stuff I told the girl that she already asked me that and I said no I then asked the girl if her mother always makes her ask strangers to pay for their stuff and
she said yes then I asked her why and the girl said so they could get stuff for free after that I asked her if she liked asking the people and the girl was starting to say no but just as she was answering her mother came out of seemingly nowhere the got between me and the full shopping cart and almost got right in my face she angrily asked me why I was talking to her daughter I told the mother that she asked me to pay for their stuff and I asked her why she made her daughter
go up to strangers like this the mother said that it was none of my business she was clearly angry I told the mother that people might actually pay for them if they had less in the cart and the mother's response shocked me she responded by literally saying that they had a cart just as big paid for 2 days prior this made me think maybe she's not so needy when she said this I said something like why do you need so much stuff again then do you have 20 kids at home or something I then told
her to just leave me alone and I started to walk away that's when the woman rammed me with her cart I felt it hit me in the back of my legs as well as my lower back and it was quite painful I almost fell over but didn't I stopped and turned around and the woman cussed at me a few times at that point I yelled at the woman to get away from me and as much as I wanted to get in her face and argue with her I knew that wouldn't be a good idea so
I started walking away again by now several people around were staring at the commotion the woman tossed a few more expletives my way as I walked off so I thought that was the end of that I went a few miles away from the woman and tried to finish up my shopping it was probably 5 minutes later when I suddenly heard a cart coming towards me at a fast speed I looked to my left just in time to see the woman pushing her full card at me again again this time I stopped it with my hands
but she still ran into me pretty hard and it also hit me in the legs a little the woman once again started cursing me out she backed up the cart and then tried ramming it into me multiple more times there were quite a few people nearby who were witnessing what was going on we shouted at each other for a few moments before some Walmart employees and random Shoppers stepped between us the argument was broken up for the most part but the woman would not calm down Walmart ended up calling the police who showed up really
fast the woman then claimed that I had attacked her which was completely false after she got really angry with police as well as Walmart employees and refused to leave the store they ended up arresting her the witnesses nearby also confirmed that she had rammed me with the cart multiple times and that I had never even touched her I really couldn't believe the whole situation but after that I was able to leave the girl who I think was the woman's daughter but I'm not even sure went with police officers I felt bad for her but hopefully
she had family or friends who would take care of her and be more responsible than that woman was after that I never stepped foot in another Walmart when I was 16 years old I got my first job working at a Walmart it was about 10 minutes away from my parents house where I lived at the time I was in high school and would work some times after classes were over or on weekends during this time I did not have a car and my parents would drive me to and from work I was hoping to earn
enough money for my Walmart job over time to possibly buy a car a couple of months after I started working there I had a shift one night I started at 400 p.m. after school and got off at 9:00 I was a cashier and was at the check lanes for my entire shift things pretty much went by as usual the store was not too busy and there was really really only 2 hours where there were a lot of customers other than that it was fairly quiet I actually was able to get off a little bit early
that night at about 8:45 my manager told me that I could leave now because things were so quiet I left the check lanes and went to the employees only area of our store to clock out then I texted my mom letting her know that I was off early she knew that I worked until 9:00 and sometimes I would get off a little bit early or later my mom replied quickly letting me know that she would be leaving to come and get me I left the store and walked to the front of it there were a
few benches looking out to the parking lot on the sidewalk area over there there were also a couple of small plants and trees as well scattered around I sat next to this tree on a bench where I would often sit and wait for my mom to pick me up if she wasn't there already I went on my phone and just waited the parking lot was pretty quiet for the most part by now it was getting to be a little bit later at night still occasional customers would come inside the store or leave there were also
a lot of cars in the parking lot with all the employees we had as well as the customers I remember seeing this one car which was a larger and older looking SUV entered the parking lot it drove around and then drove right in front of the entrance doors which were a little ways to my left then it slowly went forward and passed me going to the other side of doors I watched it go past those doors and take a left going back through the parking lot I really didn't think much of it and focused my
attention back to my phone but I remember a couple of minutes minutes later looking up and seeing the car again it was back as if it was taking another lap around the parking lot it was also moving at a very slow speed this time the car came to one of the parking aisles and then turned to go towards me again it drove along the front of the store and slowed down some more then it stopped literally right in front of me I had a sort of bad feeling about it for some reason but I was
more confused than anything this certainly wasn't my mom's car after the SUV sto the passenger side window which was closer to me rolled down now I could see that there was a man in the driver's seat and he was looking right at me he then yelled to me asking if I needed a ride the man said that he could drive me home or to wherever I was going I shook my head and told him no thanks I didn't get a good look at the guy but I remember that he had sort of dark and long
hair and was wearing a baseball cap he said that I should go with him and waved me over I still said no but the man did not drive away I thought he would leave but for a few moments he just sat there then suddenly his driver's door opened up and the man started walking around the car the next thing I knew I saw the guy emerge from behind his car and he was walking right towards me he was moving at a fast pace and I quickly got up from the bench I turned and ran for
the entrance of Walmart and didn't look back I made it inside within probably 10 seconds and then I finally looked behind me the man had not followed me into the store I didn't see him immediately outside either and figured that he had gone back to his vehicle I remained inside the store sitting on an inside bench until my mom texted me that she was there she arrived about 5 minutes after I had entered the Walmart and let me know that she was in the parking lot out front I walked out and saw my mom's car
and got inside of it when I did I felt much better I told her about what had happened and we looked around then I saw the same SUV in the parking lot this time it was parked in a space and the engine was running we left and luckily were not followed or anything thing I remember that when we got home I called my boss and reported the incident I'm not sure if the guy ever came back or anything for the rest of the time that I worked there nothing like that happened and I never saw
the guy either there's an old saying the freaks come out at night and this phrase seems to be especially true at Walmart I can confirm that from my own experiences I used to shop there very frequently and many times I would go there at nighttime the Walmart located close to where I liveed during this time used to be open until midnight so one time I went there at about 11:00 at night when I got inside I noticed how quiet the store was there were very few people walking around and at first I was happy to
see this I got a shopping cart and then made my way through the store getting the items that I needed one at a time when I reached one of the back aisles in the grocery area there were these three aisles sort of separated from the rest they were almost like bonus grocery aisles and were a little more secluded and quiet when I was in there I was looking at the items deciding what to get the next thing I knew I looked up and saw this man standing in the entrance of the aisle I didn't know
where he had come from but this man was wearing a full Darth Vader costume it wasn't an official costume but it was more like he was just wearing all black clothes a cape and then a Darth Vader mask I assumed that it was a joke at first and I laughed at him he stood there for a moment and then started walking closer to me I told him nice costume but he didn't respond he then got up real close to me and was basically staring at me in the face at that point it got kind of
weird I decided to just walk away I took my cart and moved away from there to a different aisle the Darth Vader man stayed back where I had been before I figured that he would probably approach some other Shoppers when I kept shopping I saw him again though when I was walking from one aisle to another I saw him standing a long ways away just facing me it was like he was watching me and it really creeped me out I didn't know who this guy was or why he was doing this I was sure that
he was messing with other people and not just me but it was still really weird I tried to hurry up and finish shopping by now I was almost done when I was in the last aisle that I needed to get things in I saw the guy again he was standing at the end of the aisle but now holding a lightsaber it was just one of those plastic toys and no doubt he got it from the toy section I wasn't sure whether to laugh or to be really creeped out by this guy but the main question
I had was why did he keep coming back to me then I was done and I walked past him into the checkouts he did not follow me I paid for my items and then left the store I thought that I would not see him any longer I figured that he was inside and probably looking for another customer to mess with the way that he had to me so I walked out to my car and then unlocked it as I was unloading my groceries into the back of my car I looked over and saw Darth Vader
again he was leaving the store and walking towards me he was still a long ways away but I was worried I hurried up and just tossed the rest of my groceries in the car then I pushed my cart into the thing and went to get inside of my car when I got in and locked the door he was maybe 10 ft away from me I started my engine but the guy was now standing like right in front of my driver's window he put his head right up to the window and stared in at me it
was really creepy and he was also still holding the plastic lightsaber toy he then knocked on on my window I ignored him and I then put the car into reverse and started to back up when I did he took out his lightsaber and started whacking my car and it wasn't just some playful wax even though the saber was plastic he was really swinging it I was honestly afraid that it would damage my car the man was going crazy hitting my car like it was a pinata I kept backing out and he was hitting my car
the entire time then I put it into drive and left the man standing there Contin contining to swing his lightsaber around I went home and was still in disbelief as to what had happened to this day I honestly still can't believe it my car was not damaged thankfully I still don't know whether to just laugh about it or to be creeped out looking back the man was certainly an interesting character and I don't know who he really was but what I do know is that after the incident I haven't been back to that Walmart it's
been about 3 months now and I'm hoping that I don't see him again again I got my first job working at a Walmart in the summer of 2014 I was a young 16-year-old who was still in high school at the time this is something that happened about a month into the job I was a cashier so obviously I would just be working at the check Lanes all the time because I was a minor I also wasn't allowed owed to work past 10: p.m. but I would often work up until 10:00 I noticed that after 7:00
p.m. the store would get quieter and quieter and by 9:00 p.m. it would be almost dead back then we were actually open 24 hours and I was really glad that I didn't have to work that late one time I was working a shift until 10:00 p.m. at the check Lanes I started at 4:00 and a few hours in things were starting to quiet down from a busy early evening I had just finished checking out a customer and had nobody else immediately in line a man then walked into the check Lane he was thin average height
and approached me the only thing he was holding was a Snapple which is a bottled fruit drink he held it up to me and said that he wanted to return it he said that he bought the Snapple and tried it and it quote tasted like crap I told him that he had to go to customer service to make Returns the man said no he wanted to return it right here I pointed to customer service and said that he had to go there to return it and it wasn't that far away either he didn't understand or
he just didn't want to because the man told me how much he paid and asked if I could just give the money back to him I was sure that he hadn't bought it at my checklane because I hadn't seen him before and obviously making a return is not quite that simple being the fairly new employee that I was I didn't want to go against policy either I remember that the man took another sip of the drink which was almost halfway gone by now and then finally walked away I watched him start to head over over
to the customer service I wondered if they were going to let him return it given the fact that he opened it and was drinking it but I got another customer in my lane at that point and turned around to help them after that a few more people got in line and I was kept busy for the next few minutes I ended up sort of forgetting about the guy for a little while but probably 10 minutes later I saw the guy get into my line again I remembered him and when it was his turn he told
me that they wouldn't let him return the drink I told him sorry but that that wasn't good enough for this guy he demanded that I give him his money back I wondered why he thought this was my problem after I told him that I was not going to give him any money he really lost it the man cursed at me and then held up the Snapple it was still about half full the lid was off and he then splashed it into my face everything that was left in the bottle hit me and got in my
eyes and hair I was really shocked he then slammed the bottle to the ground cursed at me again and stormed off I saw a couple of people standing around there weren't many people over here thankfully but the few that were looked just as shocked as I was after a few moments somebody came over and asked if I was okay I was fine but sort of embarrassed my boss came over and told me that I could go wash up and then take a 15-minute break he asked me a little bit about the situation as well and
I gave him all of the details that I could I went and washed off my face and then went into the break room when I came back out into the store after my break I headed for my check Lane but as I was on the way there I couldn't believe my eyes down at the end of the checkout area by the exit there were several police officers removing the same man from the store I didn't know that he was even still inside of the store he was yelling something as they slowly exited the store I
had to ask what was going on and found one of my co-workers I found out that the guy had been yelling at another employee near the electronics department I don't think that conversation was about the Snapple the was asked to leave and he refused when he started yelling at the employee and threatening him police were called they arrived quickly and the man did not comply when they asked him to leave it seemed to me like the guy just wanted trouble I also found out that he had no receipt from the Snapple that he got and
that's why they wouldn't let him return it at customer service that guy was by far the wildest customer I have ever seen when the man was angry with me I kind of wanted to just give him the $2 or whatever the Snapple costed but I didn't have any cash on me and couldn't give him cash out of the register I would get in trouble obviously plus given the fact that he harassed another employee for a completely different reason I don't think it would have solved everything I worked at Walmart for a few more months before
quitting and finding another job a few years ago I used to work as a Walmart cashier this this is a job that I only had for about 3 months I would typically work afternoons and evenings and I was only part-time I should also mentioned that I was a 17-year-old female at the time and I'm in my 20s now this was my second job ever and really wasn't that bad I would just scan items for customers and most of my shifts were anywhere from 4 to 8 hours long one time I was working 400 p.m. to
9:00 p.m. at the check Lanes things started out fairly busy and slowly got quieter as the night went on I was kept busy for almost the entire time with many customers going through my line most of the customers were nice but every now and then there would be a strange one or a rude one I would always try to be polite and sometimes make Pleasant conversation early on in my shift probably about an hour into it a man came into my check Lane I don't remember what he bought but it was just a couple of
items when he got face to face with me to pay he asked me what time I got off of work I told him that I got off at 9: not thinking much of it assuming he was just making conversation with me the guy was a little bit taller than me so not very tall I'm only 5'3 he also had short dark hair like a buzz cut and was wearing baggy shorts in a t-shirt after I told him when I got off he said see you then and kind of smiled then he took his items and
walked away I took this as a joke because it honestly seemed like one to me the way he smiled and sort of laughed it was sure weird though but whatever I kept on working after that hours went by and I forgot all about the man but later that night he actually showed up again I was almost done with my shift and still working at the same register things were much quieter in the store now I remember that as I was scanning items for a customer I happened to notice the guy walking near me he was
coming from a direction as if he had just entered the store when he got close to me he looked at me and said just 10 more minutes right I looked at my watch and it was 8:50 I was confused but I just kind of said uh yeah and smiled a little the guy then walked away and I was left wondering why he was here again and why he asked me that at that time I was just glad that he had walked away I kept working still not thinking too much of it 10 minutes later when
it was 9:00 now I was done working and I left my check Lane I went in clocked out got my things and then started walking for the exit when I made it out of the store I began walking to my car I was parked at the far back end of the parking lot because it was really busy when I had got there but I made it no farther than 10 ft when a car suddenly pulled up in front of me it was this little red two-door car and it stopped right in front of me before
I could walk around it the driver's window rolled down and I could see the man was driving it it was the same guy who had talked to me inside he told me to get in his car on the passenger side I said that I couldn't and I started to walk around his car behind it that's when he started backing up before I could get there it was like he was trying to block my way with his car and he told me again to get inside he kept on nagging me and I tried to walk farther
away at that point I just started running I was able to make it past his car and I started running for mine he then began to drive in the direction that I was running in when I got to my car I unlocked it and got inside the man then pulled into the space next to mine before I could drive away I knew that he would probably follow me wherever I went at least my doors were locked and I was away from him he did not get out of his car but instead rolled down a window
again and tried talking to me some more I ignored what he was saying and I texted a cooworker who I knew was still inside working before long he told the store manager about it I waited in my car and tried to ignore the man as best as I could within a couple of minutes one of our store managers had walked out into the parking lot and approached the man's vehicle he asked what the guy was doing and threatened to call the police if he didn't leave the man finally started backing up and then drove away
I waited for a bit and soon after I left and went home after that night I never saw the man again I worked there for maybe another month and then quit looking back I'm grateful to my coworker and manager I really believed that this guy would have followed me home in his car I don't know exactly what he wanted but it was a really bizarre situation many years ago when I was about 10 years old I would go with my mother to the store a lot if we were grocery shopping or whatever I would tag
along because I enjoyed it I have a younger sister and she would usually sit in the shopping cart that my mother pushed around the store one day we went to Walmart and I think my mom was just doing the usual shopping for whatever she had a cart like usual and it was just her my sister and me I don't remember a whole lot but I do know that it was night time and I think the store was fairly quiet I know that I left my mother wherever she was and I went into one of the
toy aisles my favorite things to do when my mother shopped was to go look at toys video games and the fish that Walmart used to sell I would do this just about every time that we went to either Walmart or Target on this time my mother was at the other end of the store when I went near the toy area there were probably about three or four toy aisles one of them was girl stuff and the other would be action figures and the other was Lego stuff I remember that I went into the Lego aisle
and I was the only person there for a few minutes I could have spent all day in just that aisle looking at all the cool sets that they had soon a man walked in he was on the other end of the aisle looking at the Legos for less than a minute and then he walked over to me he stopped next to me and I looked up at him that's when he asked me which set I was looking at I showed him whichever one it was I don't remember though I was a pretty shy kid so
immediately I didn't really know what to say or do with a stranger talking to me the man said to me that he would buy it for me I knew that something wasn't right and I was really suspicious I said to the man no it was okay he looked really surprised by my answer and asked me why not I didn't really know what to say so I told him that I didn't really want it that bad or something he just kind of said okay but kept standing next to me I decided after a little while to
leave the aisle and move to a different one so I went to the next aisle over I was only there for a few seconds before the man then entered that aisle without saying anything this caused me to want to move again and I decided to go much further away this time I wanted to find my mother but I wasn't completely sure where she was at the time I walked out of the aisle and started walking around the store to try and find her when I got near the grocery area I saw the man again and
I just knew that he was following me I ended up walking basically all around the entire store and I saw the man about two or three more times times the whole time I was walking pretty fast and I didn't stop at all because I was afraid that the man would approach me again if I did finally after probably 30 minutes of walking around the store I found my mother I was really happy to see her and I walked over and stayed next to her for the rest of the shopping trip at one point though I
did see the man again it was shortly before we were leaving and he was standing about 50 ft away and looking at me we left and after that I never saw him again I was just happy to be away from him and leaving the store but I really didn't think all that much of it I think I was too young to realize how bad of a situation it really was many times since then I've remembered it and I'm really glad that I walked away from him when I did this is something really creepy and bizarre
that happened to me about a year ago I went to Walmart late one night the Walmart I live by closes at 11:00 p.m. every single day I think it was around 10 p.m. when I got there I didn't need to get that many things just a few I believed that I was just getting a couple of grocery items when I was in one of the grocery aisles I know that I was all by myself I had been inside of the store for maybe 5 minutes or so I was just looking at one of the shelves
that's when somebody entered the aisle that I was in I looked over and saw a woman walking towards me she was short had dark hair was wearing a sweatshirt and a winter hat as well she walked right up to me and I didn't know who she was so I found it kind of strange then she handed me this blank envelope and said that it was for me when she spoke she did not have much emotion in her voice at all it was not friendly or rude but just kind of like she was stating facts I
was really confused I accepted the envelope velope out of curiosity more than anything before I could even say something to the woman she had turned completely around and was walking away I looked at the blank envelope and was trying to make sense of it so some random lady in a Walmart just walked up to me and gave me an envelope at 10:00 at night seems pretty strange to me I opened up the envelope and looked inside there was one thing inside of it and that was it when I took it out I saw that it
was a Polaroid picture picture there was no date or title or anything and the picture was of a man wearing all black and a ski mask the man was looking directly at the camera with an intense stare I couldn't help but feel very creeped out by this I mean it just made no sense at all maybe this woman had the wrong person I looked but she was gone and completely out of my sight now so I walked to the end of the aisle and looked for her by now I saw that she was walking towards
the exit door and almost there I thought about running after her and asking her what on Earth this was about but I decided not to instead I found the nearest trash can and discarded the envelope as well as the photograph so then after that I finished up my shopping I didn't have much more to do and I wrapped up in the grocery aisle and then headed to the checkouts I was in the store for maybe 5 more minutes after checking out I left and headed for my car I was part parked in about the middle
of the parking lot by now the parking lot was pretty quiet but there was still a decent amount of other vehicles there when I got inside of my car I noticed that I saw the woman the same one who had handed me the strange envelope I looked and saw that she was walking towards my car at a pretty fast pace but she was still a good distance from me I didn't know what she wanted but I had enough strange encounters with her for one day so I drove away from there before she could reach me
I left the parking lot and then headed home the woman was left standing in the parking lot just staring at me I remember watching her in my mirror and she was just standing there looking at me it was really weird I was glad to get away from there and I made it home safely after arriving home I went to bed the next couple of days were normal I did not go to Walmart or anything but then probably 3 days after the Walmart incident I got home from work I remembered that I got my mail like
I always did at this time I lived alone in a house that was in a pretty typical Suburban neighborhood after bringing my mail inside I saw this random unmarked letter because of the fact that it had no writing or stamps on it I found this really strange I mean whoever left it in my mailbox would have had to hand deliver it I opened up the envelope out of curiosity inside of it was the same photo of the masked man when I saw this I got the chills it was just so creepy did the woman come
to my home and deliver this to me I had no idea and why did she want me to have this so bad I didn't know that as well after receiving this envelope and photo I really didn't know what to do I talked to a few of my friends about it and we were all pretty clueless I mean I thought at Walmart maybe the woman gave the envelope to the wrong person but the fact that she hand delivered it to my house made me think that she really wanted me to have it but there was no
reason to give it to me maybe it was still some kind of a mixup and not meant for me but I don't know what the purpose of it was after that night I never had anything else strange happen I didn't see the woman again and I got no more strange envelopes or anything I'm really glad about that I'm a female and was 19 at the time of this story I went shopping at Walmart one time at about 7:00 at night the store was not that busy but it also wasn't dead or anything there were a
decent amount of other Shoppers I was getting maybe about five things so not a whole lot I wasn't planning on being there for very long either when I was in one of the grocery aisles this guy approached me instantly giving me compliments he was obviously he was interested in me but the problem was he was much much much older than I was I was polite to the guy but he then asked me for my phone number I said no and felt that this was just really weird I mean even if he was around my age
the way he was going about it struck me as really odd when I said no I tried to be nice and after some obvious disappointment the man actually walked away he went out of my sight and I returned to shopping I felt embarrassment from the really awkward conversation luckily nobody else was around to witness it I was hoping that I wouldn't see the man again as I continued to shop around the store I was fast and only needed a couple of other things I found them quickly and then headed up to the check Lanes I
did not see the man during this time I checked out took my stuff and then left the store then I got out to my car and started driving home now everything about this was very normal it took me roughly 10 minutes to get back home I took a highway for most of it and then a couple of quieter RADS s but when I got to my road I saw a car pulling onto it behind me it was night time so Vehicles behind me I could mostly just see their headlights and not really the car the
car followed me down the street and I assumed that it was one of my neighbors but when I pulled into my parents' driveway who I lived with at the time the car pulled in behind me this was really weird because I knew that both of my parents were home and I didn't know who this could be I parked in the driveway and the car parked right behind me it didn't look like any car that I recognized then the driver's door to the car opened I saw a man get out and start approaching my car that's
when I recognized him it was the same guy from Walmart what on Earth was he doing here he soon reached my driver's door and he knocked on the window I could hear him asking me to open up the door I wanted to get away from the guy but he was parked too close for me to drive away I got my phone and was going to call the police but decided to call my dad first he was inside the house and right there as I was calling him the man was still knocking on my window and
tried opening my door my dad said that he was coming outside and within a minute he was out the front door when the other guy saw him he ran back to his car and drove away I went inside after that and we called the police obviously the guy was long gone but I still wanted to report the incident I had no idea that the man was even following me at all when I drove home it was harder to tell with it being night out but I wish I would have it may me worry for a
while after that knowing that the guy knew where we lived luckily though I never saw him again summer I worked at a Walmart mostly stocking shelves late at night it was pretty easy and was really the first real job that I had one night I happened to be working at around 11:00 p.m. we were still open at that time but we would rarely get many customers then because we closed at midnight I was in an aisle where we sold pet supplies at the very back end of the store just stalking a shelf I heard somebody
walking close by and then saw a man enter the aisle and start to approach me I really didn't like when customers would ask me questions but I would always do my best to answer them he came closer to me and when he did I noticed that some of his clothes were ripped and he seemed a little bit off he said to me that had a question for me then he began to ask something but never really got to the question he stopped himself and slowly said to me that he didn't like me his face changed
to an angry look I had no idea what to do but I figured this man had to be on some sort of drugs he slowly walked behind the aisle we were in I just shook my head and went back to work but I could tell that the man was just standing there barely around the corner as I took products out of boxes and placed them on the Shelf I noticed out of the corner of my eye the man stick his head around the corner for a second and then go back he still had a very
angry look on his face I did my best to ignore him and figured that he would walk away soon enough about 5 minutes passed by and as far as I knew he was still there then out of nowhere several items came flying off the shelf near me as if they had been pushed from the other side now this annoyed me I said in a firm voice to the man that he should just get get whatever he came here to get and leave what he said in response was that he was going to get me and
then he called for me to come around the corner to the other side I ignored it and started to pick up the items that fell he called out a couple of more times for me to come out but I just ignored him once again about a minute later I heard the sound of more people in the aisle next to mine it sounded like four or five men were suddenly in the aisle I decided to walk over and look and saw several police officers start to take the man away one of the officers walked over to
me and I asked him what happened he told me that that man had assaulted somebody in a nearby restaurant a few blocks away in a seemingly random attack and then fled he was found at the Walmart it seemed like he was going for me next this story takes place two summers ago when I worked at Walmart just for the summer I usually stck shelves and worked late nights I only worked about two nights a week but it was a good way to make some extra money the Walmart I worked at wasn't in the nicest of
areas though we would occasionally have shoplifters and just weird and crazy things happen throughout the store in the short time that I worked there it's more of a reason I was glad just to be stocking shelves late at night and not really dealing with the customers a lot anyways one night I was doing what I usually did which was taking products out of boxes and placing them on the shelves I was near the canned goods when I received a call in my walk from someone saying my name I asked how I could help they told
me they needed me in the receiving area to help unload a truck this is something that I would occasionally do so it was nothing really that new I walked through the quiet aisles of the store to the back and then into the back room I got out to the area where the trucks would back into when I got there the truck I saw wasn't a normal big semi it was a smaller one it was still a truck but it was just a lot smaller I had never seen that type of truck deliver anything to us
before but I walked out anyways I saw someone come out of Walmart behind me with a Walky in their hand they said thanks for helping me with this but it was nobody that I recognized at all who worked there there were a lot of employees however so I figured he must be new he had a smile on his face but then it disappeared as he saw the confused look on mine I asked what he needed help with the man then got to the truck and unlocked the back himself he told me to hop in and
get some merchandise from the back that was when red flag started going off in my head I didn't go any closer to the truck but just stayed put that's when the man started to nudge me from behind he caused me to move a couple of steps forward but I wasn't going to let him push me into the truck I started to see there appeared to be nothing really at all in the back of the truck and that's when I suddenly took off off I was fast enough to get away from the man who then turned
and chased after me I was decently fast and made it back inside the store okay then I ran as far to the front as I could where there was more people at that point the man turned and left back out of the store I let another employee know what had happened and soon after the police were called the men were long gone but they did find several videos at them on surveillance I'm not really sure if they were ever found but I know I'm glad I was able to escape them this story takes place last
summer I was at Walmart pretty early one Saturday morning which was a common time for me to do my shopping I got there and began my shopping and was happy to see that the store wasn't too busy yet I pushed my cart around the store and it slowly filled up with mainly groceries when I was in the frozen pizza aisle I noticed that I was hearing a noise from behind me as if someone was there obviously that's not weird at all but when I would look in the direction nobody would ever be there the same
thing happened for a few minutes later in another aisle it was sort of strange but overall not that big of a deal to me and I kept on shopping finally I got to the far back corner of the store where they had some dairy products such as eggs milk and cheese I was buying some eggs when I heard another noise this time it sounded like it was coming from above me I looked to my left and saw part of the ceiling was lifted up and a man was sticking his head out of it staring at
me I was totally freaked out this was about the last thing that I was expecting to see the man then stuck his head back into the ceiling the whole thing was really alarming to me after that I walked over and found someone who worked there and told them that I had just witnessed a man who was in the ceiling they didn't believe me at first but after I explained it to them they went and got another worker and we went to the area we saw where the tile in the ceiling was slightly crooked eventually they
called other employees over and it became a whole thing a lot of people asked me about what I had seen eventually they went up into the ceiling and looked but the man was never found I think that some people didn't believe me but I know what I saw clear as day I don't know who that guy was or what he was doing but he seemingly went up into the ceiling and just disappeared I had a job a few years ago that was pretty tough I worked some insanely long days and got home very late at
night sometimes one night I was working late and I left work so sleepy that I could barely stay awake I began driving home and after about 10 minutes I knew I would wouldn't make it all the way back before falling asleep I pulled into the next exit where there was a 24-hour Walmart that I knew of it was sometime after 2:00 in the morning when I got there my goal was to just walk around a little bit to wake up and maybe buy an energy drink or something with caffeine in it I got inside the
store and began to walk around I only saw a few customers at the front end of the store with some employees but other than that it seemed almost completely empty I was walking around the back end of the store for a little bit slowly starting to feel more awake when I noticed someone walking behind me they were walking behind me at an extremely close distance that was very uncomfortable I stopped and looked behind me there was a man that was no more than 5 ft away he stopped as well and stared at me with a
blank look on his face for a second he was about 6 ft tall wearing a brown suit jacket with a brown turtleneck he then turned and walked away into a nearby aisle I continued to walk around the stre door but it wasn't long until the man was back again this time as soon as he got close I turned to him and said can I help you he once again just changed directions and walked away I decided it would be best for me to just leave at that point I went and got an energy drink and
checked out I was feeling more awake now though and also a little bit creeped out by the man I left the store and walked back to my car something about the way the man was staring at me just kind of gave me the creeps luckily for me I was way more awake now and I was able to drive home without any problems if that were the full story it would be bad enough but sadly it's not I drove home and of course when I got there I fell asleep immediately but I woke up about an
hour or two later to the sound of a truck engine running very loudly I looked out of my bedroom window to the street I saw a truck sitting on the street in front of my window in the front seat was the same man staring at me he still had that blank look on his face almost right away after I looked at him he screeched his tires and sped away I've never been able to figure out who this man was or what he wanted from me but I never did see him again for a little background
I'm a female and live fairly close to several different wall Walmarts there was one in particular though that I would typically go to because it was the closest to my house I would say that I went there maybe once a week on average I did most of my regular shopping there because the prices were cheaper than most other grocery stores one night I went there at maybe 8:00 or so I was going around the store and getting a few things the store was pretty quiet I remembered and because of that I noticed that someone seemed
to be following me around I really didn't know exactly when they started but I walked through about four aisles with the same person trailing me I stopped and looked back it was a Walmart employee he was sort of short and had dark brown hair and glasses and when I looked at him he kind of stopped then I turned and kept going but shortly after I left the aisle I saw him again I couldn't believe it it was so obvious that he was following me but I didn't know why I decided to go to a random
aisle sort of far away he followed me saying about 30 ft back at least when I got into an aisle I stopped there and he stopped at the end of it I couldn't take it anymore so I approached him I walked to the end of the aisle where he stood seemingly looking at items on the Shelf he must have been trying to make it look like he was working and not following me I said to him is there a reason why you were following me around the store the guy looked at me all confused and
claimed that he wasn't he said that he didn't know what I was talking about I told him how he had gone down every aisle that I did for the last 5 minutes at least he claimed that it must have been a coincidence and said that he was always moving around the store I just shook my head and walked away when I did he didn't follow me the fact that I confronted him hopefully let him know that I knew what he was doing I didn't feel like reporting him or anything though I finished up my shopping
and then left without seeing the guy after this experience I figured that it wouldn't happen again after all I had caught him but the next time I went to that Walmart roughly about a week later it did happen this time it was harder to tell he did a better job of following me while still keeping a distance but I could still tell that he was following me I had noticed him not that long after entering the store I noticed him across the walkway in another aisle I moved away hoping that he hadn't seen me yet
at all but I saw him again a short time later closer to me when I moved to another aisle just a short time later I saw him at the end of that aisle at that point I decided to just leave I didn't even bother to buy anything at all I was pretty creeped out by the guy he didn't follow me out of the store or anything and I hoped to not see him again after that I considered not going back to that Walmart after the next time that I had to go to the store I
went somewhere else but several weeks later I must have forgotten about it because I went back to the Walmart and was hoping to have a normal shopping trip I wasn't thinking about the guy until I noticed him again it was maybe 5 minutes after I had entered the store and he was walking by about 20 ft away when I remembered him I decided to just leave immediately I would go to the next closest Walmart instead which was maybe 5 to 10 minutes away I turned and started walking to head out when I did I sensed
him walking behind me I looked over my shoulder and saw that he was in fact walking behind me he was maybe 20 ft back I went straight for the exits and walked out of the doors to my surprise he walked right out of the doors after me I couldn't believe it after maybe 10 ft of walking through the parking par lot he was still following me at that point I just started running I sprinted for my car unlocked it and got inside when I did I looked around for the guy but I didn't see him
at all I'm not sure exactly where he went but he could have easily been hiding behind any car in the parking lot or something I left and went to another store after that I did not go back to that Walmart I called them up and reported what had happened but I'm not sure how they handled it I'm not sure what the guy was doing either and why he thought he could always follow me around like that I thought a few times that maybe he didn't even work at the Walmart maybe he was just wearing the
vest it's possible but I honestly think that he did work there when he followed me out of the store it was really unexpected though I'm hoping that I never see him again I worked at a Walmart store when I was younger and in high school this was one of the first jobs that I had and I didn't have a car yet or a consistent means of transportation most of the time I would get a ride from my parents or older brother my parents worked odd hours and my brother also had a job and played football
as well so I never really knew who could drive me but usually it all worked out well one time I worked a night shift until like 9:00 p.m. or something like that I remember that we lived like 10 minutes from the Walmart and when I got off off I texted my mom she was not able to come and get me so I then texted my dad and older brother unfortunately I didn't hear back from them right away so during this time I was inside the Walmart in the break room sitting down another cooworker who I
was sort of friends with named Rachel asked me if I was off knowing that I got done at around 9:00 I told her yes but I was waiting for my brother to text me back Rachel had to leave the break room to go back to work but said bye or something something like that then there was just one other person in the break room it was this guy named Michael who was about 5 years older than me if I had to guess I really didn't know anything about him other than that he worked at the
Walmart and I think stocked shelves I had never really spoken with him or cross paths with him to that point I had seen him just here and there he suddenly walked over to me and asked if I needed a ride home he said that he had just gotten off and was leaving now because I didn't know him that well I was a little hesitant and I said No thanks but Michael said it would be no trouble and he wanted to he was a coworker so I figured that he must just be trying to be nice
and I looked at my phone and saw that I hadn't gotten a text back I was tired and wanted to leave so I finally said yes I offered to pay Michael gas money but he said no so I followed him out into the parking lot and we walked to his car it was a really old rusty beat up looking pickup truck we both got got inside and I gave Michael my address he said that he knew where that was and it wasn't very far away from his place then we left we started to talk during
the ride and we just got to know each other a little bit asking basic questions and stuff I wasn't paying that great of attention to the road but I did notice that Michael turned before it would have been my street I didn't say anything at first even though I should have he drove down this road a little while and I wasn't really sure what he was doing I was hoping that maybe he was just taking a different way of getting to my house we were close but not at all on the correct Street then Michael
pulled off of that street and into this parking lot of an apartment complex he proceeded to drive up to it and park in one of the spaces I asked him where we were and he said that this was his apartment I told him that he was supposed to drive me home not go to his place he then said that I may as well come inside and hang out for a while then I was angry and said that I didn't want to I told him to drive me home and he said no I told Michael that
I really had to get home it was late and I had school the next morning Michael told me that I could stay the night at his place which I obviously said no to Michael then said too bad and just started walking into his apartment now I was at least a few miles from home in some random apartment parking lot I couldn't believe that Michael had done that to me but I guess it was good he didn't try to force me to go inside with him I called my brother again who still hadn't texted me back
and luckily he actually picked up the phone phone he said that he had just gotten off of work early and could get me I walked to the end of the apartment complex parking lot and waited about 10 minutes later my brother showed up I was able to get home safely that night and after that I didn't bother to report Michael to work or anything I didn't want to make a big deal out of the situation and I figured that I would just try to stay as far away from Michael as I could and never talk
to him again and that was going well at first but only for about a week then one night I got off of work kind of late again this time I had my dad coming to pick me up but I had to wait for him so I walked outside of the Walmart and stood around on the sidewalk things were pretty quiet around the Walmart and the parking lot was also quiet at this time maybe 5 minutes into waiting I noticed a truck driving to the front it was Michael's truck he stopped right in front of me
then he roll down the window and asked me if I needed a ride I said no Michael said he would give me a ride to my place this time I said no again and added that my dad was already on his way Michael didn't answer but rolled his window back up but he didn't drive away like I thought he would instead I heard his driver's door open and saw him start to walk around the vehicle in my direction I walked right back inside the Walmart and didn't stop I went down a few random aisles until
I realized that Michael was not following me then I went straight to a manager and reported the whole thing Michael was gone at that point though my dad arrived a short time later and I got a ride home with him the next time that I worked a few days later I found out that Michael had been fired I was glad and luckily after that I never saw him again I used to work at Walmart I worked there for about 6 months and I mostly just stocked shelves also worked past clothes often and would work overnights
the job was pretty easy and I would usually get there at about 10:00 at night and work until 6:00 a.m. the store closed at 11:00 p.m. so for about an hour I would be working with customers in the store although generally there were very few of them at that hour our particular location was probably one of the quieter ones we were always hiring and often a little bit short staffed even with it being one of the quieter Walmarts I imagine that some other Walmart probably have lots more employees than we did one night I got
to work at 10:00 and had some boxes of items to stock shelves with in the grocery area at around midnight I was by myself in one of the back grocery aisles it was mostly quiet in the immediate area where I was but out of nowhere I heard something fall off of seemingly one of the top shelves in the next aisle over I thought this was weird and I stopped what I was doing to go see I figured that another coworker was there for for some reason when I walked around the corner and looked into that
aisle I didn't see anybody at all I went back to what I was doing and continued with work for the next 10 minutes or so everything was normal but then out of nowhere I saw this guy walk into my view for Just a second he was passing by my aisle and did not appear to be an employee but I only saw him for like a second I got up and walked over when I looked around the corner I saw him disappearing into another aisle I called out asking who was there but got no response I
decided to go and see who it was I walked over and into the aisle where the guy went when I looked down this one though I didn't see anybody it was really strange because I didn't hear him leave the aisle I was sure that he was there I kept looking down that aisle and then I saw him he was hiding within the aisle on the bottom shelf he was mostly covered by boxes and was about halfway down I just barely saw his head peeking out between the boxes it was a really strange sight I should
have just walked away and found my boss but I decided to call out to the man again and ask him what he was doing when I did he did not move or answer me I told him that he had to leave and we were closed I don't think this really had much of an effect on him though he remained hidden even though I knew where he was and he also knew that I left at that point to find my boss I walked aways away and I let him know that there was somebody hiding in one
of the aisles we both walked back over to the aisle where the man was but when we got there we were just in time to see him running away he went sprinting out of the aisle and out of both of our sights we briefly walked over to where he had gone but he had been running pretty fast my boss told me that it would be taken care of and I could go back to work as my boss walked away I heard him radioing in to somebody else and I felt at ease about the situation I
went back to work after like usual I stocked shelves for the next hour and a half or so but then as I was over there by myself I heard a noise of somebody approaching me I turned around and once again was expecting to see a coworker but I saw the same guy somehow he was still here I thought my boss told me he was going to take care of it the guy startled me and I got up and immediately started running away it was the only thing that I could think to do the crazy part
is the man actually started running after me he gave Chase as I ran past several aisles before finding a coworker when another coworker saw us the man finally diverted and ran into another Direction at that point both my cooworker and I went in the opposite direction of the guy the police ended up being called and a bunch of us employees were evacuated from the store when the police got there they went inside and were able to catch the man after probably 10 minutes I'm not sure how but the guy had been able to elude everyone
for several hours he stayed in the store after closing and nobody was able to kick him out he would hide in the store and move around when nobody was watching him what his ultimate plan was was I don't know it really creeped me out though I'm glad that I saw him when I did I'm not even sure why he was approaching me I had a really crazy situation when I was shopping at Walmart just a few weeks ago I went there sort of late at night to buy a couple of things I didn't really want
to go but I knew that I would be busy the next day so I drove to the Walmart which thankfully isn't too far from my place I parked my car in the parking lot which was more empty than I was expecting I parked sort of on the side but still in front of the store I got out of my car and walked through the parking lot to go in and when I did I noticed that there was this one random car parked a little closer to the store than I was and I passed it by
there were at least three people inside of the car and it was running but aside from that I didn't really pay much attention I went inside of Walmart and walked around the store shopping and getting the things that I needed it was really dead inside and so I was able to shop pretty quickly it probably took me less than 5 minutes to get everything that I needed then I went up to a self checkout paid for everything and left so I walked out of the Walmart to go back to my car at this point not
long after I made it out of the store I noticed something there was a man at my car and the passenger side door was open he was looking inside of my vehicle I didn't know how this happened or why but I quickly started running over to my car I yelled at the man saying that was my car when I got about halfway there he suddenly stopped and looked at me then he took off running in another Direction I reached my car and then saw the man run to the other car that had been running in
the parking lot he got inside the back seat and the car quickly squealed away now I went around and got into my car I looked over and saw that my GL box as well as the center console were open there were random things on the floor and passenger seat which had been in them but I didn't really have anything that valuable in my car which was good so I got inside and was about to call the police when I heard a noise from behind me I looked and there was another man in the back seat
of my car on the passenger side he was ducked down and almost hidden From My Sight when I saw him I quickly opened my door and left my car I ran all all the way to the Walmart front doors and then called the police I watched my car from there and at first the man didn't get out then after maybe a minute he opened up the back door and sprinted away to the side of the Walmart building and out of my view at that point I walked back out of the Walmart and went to my
car again this time I got in checked it for any more people and luckily there was no one else then I locked the doors and waited for the cops to get there in the meantime when I was waiting I was constantly looking around I noticed at the side of the parking lot I saw the guy again he was really far away and walking then the car which I had seen before entered the parking lot going really fast it then stopped and the man who had been inside my car got inside of it the car then
sped away once more screeching the tires when it left after that they quickly went out of sight the police arrived just a few moments later I told them everything I could giving a description of the man as well as their vehicle after that I went home I don't know if those men were ever located I had a bizarre experience after shopping at Walmart not too long ago it was a normal afternoon and I was doing some grocery shopping I was at my local Walmart located roughly 10 minutes from my house the store was pretty busy
with lots of other people shopping I was inside for at least half an hour and in one of the grocery aisles when I was there a man struck up a conversation with me the man was probably about 5'8 had glasses and was bald he started out saying hi to me and asked me what I was shopping for it seemed a little bit strange because he didn't work there and usually other people don't talk to you the way he spoke was somewhat friendly but it seemed a little bit odd I said I was doing some grocery
shopping and was almost done he spoke with me a little bit longer asking me if I was going home after and I said yes I found that question a little bit odd but the man then told me that he had a lot more shopping to do and started to go over several things that he was buying I figured that he was just trying to be friendly and I didn't really mind talking to him even though it was a little bit awkward the conversation really only lasted for a couple of minutes then I told the guy
that I was going to check out after I got the last item and I said bye to him he said bye as well and seemed to walk in another Direction I then went over to the South checkout area and started scanning all the items from my cart it was kind of busy over there and every other register was occupied by a customer a line was even starting to form of people after I got there within the crowd of people though when I was almost done checking out I saw the man who had talked to me
he was in line to check out and behind somebody that was also waiting he was kind of hard to see but it was definitely him it seemed a little bit odd to me because I thought he had told told me that he had more shopping to do but I really didn't think too much of it I just finished checking out and then left after leaving the store I loaded up my groceries into my car and then drove away everything went fine and I got back home about 10 minutes later I went inside and put everything
away when that was done maybe 5 minutes after arriving back home I looked out of the front window I have a large front window off the dining room on the right side of my house it looked right out to the driveway and then the street when I looked out there I saw a car coming down the street the neighborhood is usually quiet and cars driving by is not something that happens every minute I just casually watched the car drive by and I didn't know or care who it was that is until it turned right into
my driveway this made me really confused I had no clue as to who it would be after the car parked I was still there about 5 ft away from the window looking out the door of the car then opened and I saw the same guy from Walmart get out of of it he then walked right up the driveway to my front door as he was walking up I quickly ducked down I really don't know if he saw me or not but he proceeded to knock on my door to which I did not answer I was
too creeped out he knocked again and I stayed where I was I didn't even want to get up or he might be able to see me after probably 5 minutes I hadn't heard anything in a little while and I got up I saw that he wasn't at the front door anymore but then I looked over to the left and realized he was at another front window he was looking in and I ran out of the room after that I was ready to call the police if the guy tried to break in or something but when
I went back to look a few minutes later he was actually gone his car was also not in my driveway and I felt much better I haven't seen him since I really don't know how he knew where I lived he must have followed me home without me noticing or something I'm glad he didn't try breaking in why he went to my house in the first place though I don't know I used to work at a Walmart Super Center several years ago I only worked there for about 6 months if that my job was just stocking
shelves and I often worked really late at night and after the store had closed it was a job that was pretty easy so I didn't really mind it that much but one time I was working and the store hadn't quite closed yet still I was stocking shelves in sort of the back middle of the store it was normally a pretty quiet area and I was all by myself about 30 minutes went by and I hadn't seen anybody at all at that point I put in some headphones which I did all the time I think the
store was closing in like 10 minutes at that particular moment so I was now listening to my music and stocking the shelves not long after this though I could sense that somebody was behind me I looked over my shoulder and saw this woman standing there she was wearing this really creepy looking mask over her face it wasn't covering her entire head but just the face including her eyes it really freaked me out at first especially with the music in my ears so I hadn't heard her approaching she was like 20 ft away from me I
took my headphones out and laughed realizing it was probably a joke I jokingly said that she scared me but the woman just stood there and did not say anything at all I then asked if I could help her with something but she still didn't say anything so after another awkward moment or two I said that I was going to get back to stalking and I did so a few moments later I looked back and the woman was now gone it was very strange but I figured it was just somebody trying to get a reaction out
of me I continued with my work for probably an hour I was just working like normal by myself in that area I moved a couple of vs over but was still in the same general location and that area was still very quiet then I remember I randomly turned around again and saw that the woman was back now this was really weird because we were closed now and headb for well over an hour I couldn't believe that I saw her once more she was just standing there like before and I asked her what she was doing
here I said that the store was closed of course the woman didn't say anything at all she then picked up a random item off the shelf and threw it at me it hit me and I stood up she picked up something else and tossed that at me too I didn't know what was going on I just left the aisle out the back way and walked quickly to try to find another coworker when I did this I heard the woman walking after me I headed to the front of the store and at that point I lost
her I found my manager and told her about the woman and she radioed to somebody else before I knew it the police got called and they entered the store and searched for the woman apparently this lady had also done the same thing to another coworker eventually the police were able to locate her and get her to leave the store after that we all went back to work that was my craziest experience working at Walmart
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