if you picked up the latest generation Galaxy buds Pros third generation there's a good chance you're not using them to their full potential so rather if you're using on Android device a Samsung phone or even an iPhone this is the complete guy of every little thing that these amazing earbuds can do aside from the on demand illumination let's get started so here they are and I will have time stamps in the description down below because I will be talking about some of the hidden features on the iPhone side and all the hidden features as found
on the Galaxy Samsung Ser phones devices like this fold six that we got here so first thing first let's talk about the hardware every Galaxy Bud Pro earbud charging case does support wireless charging which allows these earbuds to have a total up to 30 hours under single charge including the case earbuds individually can last about 6 hours but if you need a fast charge a 5-minute charge will allow these earbuds to last an additional hour of audio playback time and then the LED stats if you press the pair button once it will show you the
LED stats of the current case including the earbuds so green means more than 60% if it was Amber it means it's between 30 to 60% and if you see a red LED light that's telling you that it's below 30% and if you take the earbuds outside the case and you press that button One More Time same thing the LED colors mean the exact same thing now when it comes to these earbuds they do feature LED lights which by default they do turn off automatically they only illuminate when you they come out of the case but
if you like to manually enable them just hold down the stem so long as the earbuds are not in your ear you can enable the light of this led stem and it's customizable too which I'll talk more about that in a little bit but as soon as you put them back in the case this will automatically reset them because next time when you take them out they're turned off they're not enabled and when it comes to controls they're pressure point on the stems so by pinching it like this you'll feel a little small feedback letting
you know that did to receive one heptic press and the media controls are as follow a single tap will pause or play your track a double tap will skip to the next track a triple tap will go back to your previously listened track and a long hold will switch between the different modes active noise cancellation transparency mode and adaptive mode if that's enabled I'll talk more about that in a little bit as well then when it comes to wire resistance these earbuds are the only things that's water resistant that these do have a water resistant
rating of of IP67 which means you can fully submerge these in water and expose these to dust just it's not recommended to swim with these the charging case is not wire resistant so keep that in mind let me get these out of here and then when it comes to volume control the stem can be adjusted by simply sliding your finger up and down to adjust the audio because we take our device I can raise and lower the audio just like so and again single tap will allow me to pause play double tap go to the
next track a triple tap will take us back but then putting these back in the case obviously there's dedicated groups right here so each earbud can always fall in the correct place without playing the guessing game if right is in left and by Versa and the proper way to remove these out of case is just to pull from here and out now when it comes to the fitting test there is a built-in fitting test built-in for the Samsung wear app which I'll cover more in a little bit but these earbuds do come with three different
sizes and to get these out you simply just pull and it comes out just like so if you ever used airpod Pros it's very similar to that and there's a custom grow right here to prevent wax from getting in the earbuds and it's fixed with a fixed group so it's a one- siiz fits all so there's so there's no concern of this accidentally being placed incorrectly and of course it's nice to pull to make sure these won't come loose while you're wearing them and then as we place them back in you'll notice these are magnetically
held together so if I shake really hard they're not going anywhere including the so these earbuds do support a dual connection and the multi-point connection is only compatible if you're using existing Samsung devices like a tablet cell phones in our case which will allow these earbuds to connect from one Samsung device to the other seamlessly without having to go into bluetooth settings however if you do have an Android and an iPhone as an example you can pair these to an Android device by hitting the pair button right here earbuds need to be inside the case
and you need to have the lid open open and by long holding the parir button right here very soon you'll see the LED light begin flashing green blue and Amber and now this device is in parir mode so if we go into our iPhone and go into bluetooth settings and scroll all the way down we will see it right here buds Pro 3 and just like that they are indeed pair and the cool thing about this although it doesn't support the multiair ability as you can see right here on our Samsung device we could override
and quickly connect to it without having to manually go into the Bluetooth setting mode so it does support a dual connection between two devices where my iPhone could call the earbuds back to connect and I can do the exact same thing on the Samsung e always just call them back to connect to this device quickly just like that so again I could quickly connect to it in no time in real time and VI versa so it's a dual or better known as a uh multi-point connector now let's get out of here and talk about the
Android side so for these to be fully customizable you need to wear them so when you first pair these to an Android device a little window will pop up showing you not only the battery life stats as it showed us earlier but also the ability to quickly One Tap connect and once you do that you do need to download the Samsung wearable app by here by selecting this app and you switch to the earbuds you unlock a lot of good goodies because down here not only can you see the battery life stats of the earbud
themselves but if you scroll down you have the frame to switch between the different modes that these earbuds has to offer in the active noise cancellation you do have a active noise cancellation leveler slider if you want to be really aggressive or not that aggressive you do have adapted mode and in adapted mode there's a new toggle down below here that will do auto switch to Ambient sound by going in here you can have it so the earbuds will utilize AI to detect vocal so if somebody approaches you while you're wearing these earbuds it'll automatically
switch to ambient mode same apply if you start talking this works extremely well and if you find yourself in the city cycling you may want to consider enabling Sirens this way if you have active Point cancellation enabl while you're walking down the street if there's an emergency vehicle driving by these will quickly understand that and switch to ambient mode so you can hear your surrounding better super useful in those type of situations especially if you're like skateboarding or riding the scooter or something like that and then when it says use Ambient sound during phone calls
this is good to enable if you find yourself getting loud during your phone calls because this allows you to monitor your vocal levels so if you get too loud during a phone call you'll hear your own voice so you can actually hear yourself and know that you're talking a little bit too loud to the caller now in the sound quality and effects 360 audio is compatible with these earbuds and very similar to like other devices like apple with spatial audio Sony has something similar too these do have a tracking head ability when you enable this
wherever your phone is facing and if I rotate my head to the right the audio will shift to the position where the phone is facing this is primarily ideal to use if you're watching like a movie as an example and you want to feel like you're in a theater room setting that's when you may want to consider enabling this but for media music listening just 360 audio is more than just enough in terms of equalizer you do have full equalizer settings you can always select the presets but there is a custom one which gives you
full freedom to adjust a base and everything else to your own personal preference is one of very few earbuds that are main flagships that allow us to have this override ability which is quite awesome and then boost dialogues this is good to enable if you're watching like a video with a lot of background sound and you just want to hear the vocals the dialogue enable boost dialogue and it will utilize AI so you can hear people conversations a lot clearer especially ideal for YouTube videos if they have their microphone settings set up in correctly this
technically allows you to edit that so you have a better experience when you're listening to a video with somebody talking very low and then in loudness very similar to boost dialogue but this will be all sound in general so if there's background noise or background noise that's too loud or too quiet by turning this on this will also use AI to make sure the tone and the decibel levels throughout the entire video is even and flat so to the point where you can hear it nicely and it's not terribly edit and then in sound fit
by having this enabled whenever you have to readjust your earbud bus your earbuds will adapt to that Readjustment and will do its best to give you the maximum optimized active noise cancellation or ambient mode enabled I highly recommend leaving this on now in advance quality options in here you'll find a cool Ultra wide quality audio which if you read the description it says get professional level audio playback with up to 96 khz sample rates sound sound respond May lag in some apps I like fing with this because by having this on it will turn off
boost dialog as you see right here as it will utilize AI to do this instead so if you like to favor your sound quality for music listening you may want to consider turning this on so depending on who you are if you watch a lot of vocal videos or listen a lot of music you may want to turn this one on instead for the best music experience and then for the super wideband speech if you feel like you have a harder time of listening to certain people during your phone calls enable this this is set
to help you to understand a color a lot better now going back on the very bottom here is where you'll see the fit test I was telling you about earlier if you're unsure you're using the correct earbuds you could swap the different sizes and place the earbud in your ear it's going to turn into a solid white color and you can start the test and it's going to start playing the sound and if you notice that one earbud is different than the other CU people has different size ear canals it'll advise you right here to
switch to a different ear tip until you get the right seal so I wouldn't H to go in here and do the fit test and make sure you are using the correct silicone tips for you so you can get the best sounding experience out of these buds now again out of sound quality in earbuds control this is where you have the freedom to swap it between media controls if you don't want media controls to be able to pause and play your tracks you could disable it right there but I don't know why you want to
do that and then in the pitch and hold controls if you want one earbud to have access to the noise controls you can always disable it right here but I recommend just leing BS on I don't see why and you can also enable your pinch controls to also answer or pickup calls or a long pitch to decline so if you get an incoming call a single pinch will will answer that phone call and end the phone call and a long hold will just decline but here is where you can find the earbud light controls so
if you want a blinking motion which will show you an animation on how that looks like in real time you can enable it right there if you want to fade in like a breathe effect you can enable fade in and Fade Out or steady which will be a solid line at all times I wish this was more customizable but just keep in mind the LED lights will not go on on if the earbuds fall below 30% and to give you a demonstration how that looks like if we enable them this is how blinking looks like
does like a slight blink and then fade in and fadee out looks like this it's very slow and it goes completely off and in steady the stem LED light will continuously just run personally I wish this was customizable to the point where you could synchronize it with like your EQ settings or something as you're listening to music but going back getting out of here in the find my earbud section this will launch your Galaxy find app so if you don't know what app this is here it is is toine app by click on here you
could pin your device in case you misplaced these and you're having a hard time finding them it'll play a loud sound on both right or left earbud and will'll also utilize the LED light too so you can locate it in case it's like in a dark room but if we place these back in the case it will switch to this icon where it will allow us to search nearby nearby a five minutes countdown will start so it could try to locate these earbuds unfortunately it's not quick it's not Snappy so I have to give it
like about 3 minutes for them to connect so let's wait a little bit longer there we go now this new ring pops up so if I take these further away you will see that the ring starts getting smaller and smaller and the closer these gets the larger and more full the ring gets and it'll tell you that your signal is strong so a cool little tool to help locate your earbuds in case you misplaced them and of course you can still play sound and they're playing sound through the speakers as you see right here and
it's still continu to illuminate that led light to help you locate it in a dark room but now getting out of here and back into the wearable app if we connect these if we scroll all the way to the very bottom in the tips and user guide here's some more adjuster controls and stuff like that you can overview but I quickly just shared this with you not too long ago and there also is a cool 3D recording ability which I'll show you that in a little bit because another thing I want to show you can
be located in your Samsung settings if you scroll all the way to the very bottom where it says device care you can click on diagnostics and you can select between other devices that are connected to your phone or you can run and diagnostic on your phone but if we select earbuds if you feel like your microphone or your battery stats or something isn't wrong you can perform test right here and your phone will actually tell you if it's working properly or not and you may want to consider performing a warranty claim if it detects something's
out ordinary so it's nice that Samsung provides us with diagnostic tools in case we're unsure if our microphone quality just isn't on par to what it's being advertised to perform you could perform the mic test right there and your phone will Diagnostic and give you the results right then and there so you can make the next decision if you want to return these or again do the warranty claim now exiting out of here and go back into the wear app in the earbud settings and voice control here you could have so Bixby can wake up
by just saying hey Bixby as an example so if you want so if you like handsfree virtual Voice Assistant assistants you could just enable that and you can verbally just activate your virtual Voice Assistant you can also enable it so voice commands can do different things by having voice commands enabled like this you don't have to say Bixby or anything like that you could just clearly just say volume up and it'll verbally just pick up your verbal cues and we'll do it right then and there including play music stop playing music next song and Etc
stop music just like that this works extremely well I like having this on personally the big speed One n not too sure now in the ear in ear detection if you want your earbuds to automatically pause and play Whenever you take one out of your ear you can enable the auto pause and play ability right here and then at top here if you read there it says switch calls to phone when both earbuds are removed I like that one and of course down here you can see your earbuds test which I already showed you a
different place to locate that and read notifications outl you can enable this and select all the apps so whenever you receive like an alarm a Mis call or schedule reminder or something like that any of these apps that are enabled if it sends you a push notification while you're wearing your earbuds it will read them out loud for you I like having this one on and just having my messages enabled so I know if I should reply or not during my workout but back out of here the seamless earbud connect this is that multiconnection that
I was telling you about earlier if you have multiple Samsung devices as soon as these earbuds are connected to one Samsung device under your same account this will seamlessly just connect from one device to the other this is what you need to make sure to have that enabled now next stretch reminder if you like to be reminded if you're wearing your earbuds for a long duration and your posture is wrong your earbuds are able to detect that and send you a notification if it's time to stretch out your neck so if you wish to turn
this on you totally can and then in the lab section this is where you'll find game mode if you want to give your earbuds the lowest latency possible for when you're online gaming on your mobile device you could go in here and enable that right there just keep in mind you may want to go ahead and turn off 360 audio for this to work that's why it's great out for us and reset this is what you want to do if you're trying to factor reset your earbuds for whatever said reason in the accessibility tab you
do have the ability to adjust the balance more right or left personal preference you can also enable it so noise cancellation will be enabled even if you're wearing just one earbud at a time ideally for phone call conversations what I find to be useful with this mode enabled and hearing enhancement for ambient noise when you have this enabled everything just sounds more Amplified than it should so if you have a hard time apping you may want to consider enabling these two and basically this will allow you to treat these like almost like hearing aids now
out of there in the software update of course is where you can see your you have an available update to update these if you want to and in diagnostic what I showed you earlier this is where you can run diagnostic texts to your earbuds if you feel like something just isn't right and you like to do a warranty claim then in the about earbud section in here is where you can go in and actually rename these if you like to rename your earbuds to something else you can totally do that and you can find more
information including battery information just so the price they don't include the date when these batteries were produced now out of here if you launch the camera app and you switch to video if you tap the gear icon while you're wearing both earbuds in the advanced video option down here you'll see a new 360 audio recording by enabling this and whenever you record a video it'll utilize your mics on the earbuds and capture a full 360 immersion that's why it says 360 mic enabled on the very top right here so if you record something and you
play back the audio you'll hear everything around you when you were recording giving that 3D immersion I find this super cool especially if you do a lot of ASMR just keep in mind when you send a video to YouTube 360 audio it's not supported on YouTube but your left and rights will sound really great if you're trying to capture that ASMR goodness then lastly if you do have a Samsung device it is recommended to use these on Samsung because you will take advantage to the Samsung exclusive 24-bit codec which is said to give you the
best audio listening experience out of these earbuds possible but this is only useful if you're paying for like those premium music subscriptions but if you're a casual listener like I am who just listen to podcast the AI functions I was showing you earlier are good enough and you really won't notice a massive difference in terms of the New Codex performance for a non audio file so your YouTube videos and stuff like that won't really make that much of a difference then another hidden feature can be located in the Bluetooth settings let me go ahead and
put these back on if you go into your system settings and you go into connections and select Bluetooth and hit the gear icon next to the earbuds down here you'll find most of those other settings I was showing you earlier as well as a quick shortcut aunch the wearable app but here where it says listen to Aura cast broadcast by enabling this this will allow you to actually set up your earbuds to be used as a broadcast I'm not really too knowledgeable how to use this but if you are aware of Aurora cast you do
have that ability with these earbuds and then on your homepage there are two widgets you should at least be aware of by going into the widgets and going into Samsung you'll see a wear widget right here here you could not only include your sound control levels which will give you quick access to noise cancellation turn off completely and Etc another widget that's good to know is the battery widget because here the battery widget will allow you to monitor your earbuds including the case as well and see the battery life in real time right here instead
of having to put the earbuds back in their case and just open it up next to them and having to wait for this little popup card to pop up and show you the battery life stats and then if you have the Galaxy watch either the ultra or any other Galaxy watch the control panel you do have the ability to override these and quickly connect directly to the watch itself as right now is just connected these earbuds to the Smartwatch just keep in mind when these are connected to the Smartwatch if you have the mechanical ticking
sound you can hear them to the earbuds if you don't know what I'm talking about watch that video in the corner right there where I go through the hidden features of the ultra as well as the Galaxy watch 7 but if we go in to our tiles you'll find a buds control you just need to add allow permission hit allow and in here you do have the ability to enable active noise cancellation adaptive mode ambient mode or have it off entirely if you have an Ambient sound enabled you also adjust that ambient mode I was
talking about earlier in the settings on the wrist same applies for active noise cancellation and you can see in real time where you're talking switching between active noise cancellation or adaptive noise but moving out of this and switching to the iPhone side of things so long as you already previously paired this to your phone you can always just go on control center Long hold on Bluetooth and then select the earbuds right here and there and it immediately connects and you'll find all the settings you adjusted on the Samsung side or your Android device stayed so
if we start playing some music you'll notice that a single tap will pause and play then double tap we'll skip to the next track and trible tap will take us back to the previously listened track and of course if you l Hold You can switch between the different modes and you still have volume control where you can increase or decrease the audio as you can see right there just kind of laggy right now for me and then of course if you take both out and you long hold the stem you still have your LED lights
SE enabled and depending on the last setting you selected it will continue even on the iPhone so these do have built-in memory where all the settings you adjusted on the earbuds will stay even if they're not paired to their native phone this also includes gaming consoles window computers Macs and any other device that utilizes a Bluetooth connection for supported earbuds or headphones and I got to say that those a couple times where I took these to the gym connect to my iPhone and my experience has been identical to the Samsung so if you don't have
an Android device or you have a friend who has an Android device tell them to download the wear app connect it to their device customize the EQ settings your own personal preference and tell your friend thanks and parodies to your phone and all the settings you adjusted there will remain on your iPhone which is quite awesome or any other device that supports Bluetooth so because of that these are my now goto earbuds as these already successfully replace my airpods Pros as that noise cancellation is really good the active noise cancellation is amazing but best of
all the audio quality is amazing just due to the fact that it supports a real EQ setting it's not saved with just presets at Apple gave us because you can still do that if you really want to go into your system settings go into music and go into EQ and select between these preset ones but that's basically it full EQ settings is honestly the best way to go so in other words if you have like an old Android phone laying around download the app customize it and pair them to your iPhone that's how I'm able
to do it and that's why I absolutely love these things and if you have like old pair of airpods like these very first generation early airpods Pros right now Samsung is giving people an insane deal because they if you buy these you'll get $100 off if you trade in like old airpods they don't even specify what kind of airpods it is so if you have like old airpods laying around you will get $100 off if you trade in for the Galaxy buds Pros which I think it's an amazing deal and then not only that if
you have like the very first generation earbuds from Samsung these Pro ones they're going to give you a $75 credit if you trade these in for these which is another insane deal then if you have like random brand earbud earbuds that you bought like at for $10 at Five Below Samsung website also says it will give you $50 if you trade wireless earbuds in for the Galaxy buds Pros which is another ridiculously good deal then if you use my referral Link in the description down below it's also going to give you an additional 5% off
discount with your tradein value so you really get an insane good deal for some amazing sounding and feature Rich earbuds so I have those Link in the description down below if you haven't picked those up yet yet and there we have it that is the ins and out when it comes to using the Galaxy buds Pro 3 to its full potential and if you haven't yet picked up yours and you like to pre-order it before it becomes officially released with a new updated tips when that gets released on August 28th I'll be sure to include
a 5% discount code in the description down below All Discount affiliate link it doesn't cost you anything it just s a small kick back to this channel but it'll also be attached somewhere in the video description as well with the image icon now if you wish to watch more make sure to check out this video over there where I go through all the new changes that's available on the Galaxy Ultra including some tips and tricks and some settings you definitely need to enable to really get the most out of that device my name was Eddie
and thank you so much for watching