Luke Belmar: 20 Minutes of Nonstop Motivation | Mindset Shift

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This isn't your typical pump-up motivational speech. In this video, we're diving deep into the true ...
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winners win and losers lose I want to synthesize this thought so that you can digest it in a very easy way what do I mean by winners win and losers lose I get asked this question all the time I want to share it with you today winners are people that everything that they do all the habits that they instill are the habits of a winner a winner isn't a final product a winner is a lifestyle a winner is a concurrent set of actions that lead you to a final destination same way is for losers usually
losers inhibit behaviors of losing people who they hang out with what they eat what they listen to what they consume on a regular basis how they think about themselves how they view the world they view everything through the lens of a loser that's why they are where they are today so when people come to me and they're like Luke why is my life [ __ ] all I have to do is look at your action what how are you operating dude most of you guys are operating at a 2 out of 10 and you're expecting
a 10 out of 10 life it's impossible you want uphill results with downhill habits it's not going to [ __ ] work dude you got to level up and that means understanding that if you follow a list of successful ingredients you're going to achieve success if you're not motivated it's for a few reasons either you don't like what you're doing either you don't understand the mission as to why you're doing something if your family's starving if you have to feed your kids dude you'll get your you'll get [ __ ] done most of you guys
are comfortable soft they don't want it you don't want it dude if you want it you get up and do it you do the things that you want to do you put time into the things that you want to put time into how is it that I can do do all of these things I'm committed I'm committed to my goals I can't cheat myself bro I'm done with the [ __ ] I'm done with the self- sabotage like dude I'm here to win not win against the world I'm trying to beat myself I beat myself
every day conquer conquer conquer because if you can conquer yourself you can conquer anyone because you're the most difficult enemy you will ever face if you can conquer self dude you can build multi-billion Empire from the ground up if you can literally commit to developing yourself fulltime dude you can build an Empire what is holding you back nothing yourself yourself myself so we got to commit get it done if I can do the, 1400 text with tens of millions of dollars in the bank account what is holding you back mother like all you have to
do is show up and commit you can't cheat it you can't cheat it like you could cheat your way through school you could cheat your way through lying to your parents but it's like fighting it's like the gym you got to show up and if you don't show up the moment that you have to prove yourself you fall you start going to the gym you feel weak in order to become strong you go to the library you read you don't understand you feel stupid in order to become smart the process of discomfort is inevitable you
have to go through it most people have that initial feeling that initial lack of self-belief because they don't understand that they have to be humbled first in every aspect in order to grow so you go to the gym you feel like [ __ ] that's a good thing it just shows you that you need to improve most people go to the gym feel like [ __ ] never go back put on an oversized t-shirt problem covered no it's not the problem's not covered you need to go through that paralleled problem solving you solve it and
then you get the reward every aspect of life has it you can go from zero to hero from peasant to King if you change the way that you think and if you don't know how to change the way that you think begin to digest new information stay away from the haters stay away from the losers stay away from the people with weak minds and weak mentalities and find those people that Empower you find those people elevate your spirit and your soul and understand that your potential my friend is Limitless you my friend are Limitless but
you must believe you have to believe in yourself you have to believe that it's possible because you can create your reality the perception that you have of the world if you think there's only scarcity there's no opportunity that's how you are going to interact with reality if you think that there's abundance if you think that there's opportunity then these things will manifest themselves to you so you have to believe that you can right and the way that you believe and the way that you can get to that state because a lot of people like you
know I have I have a lot of Doubt so do I I have it all the time even at these levels right you're doing seven figure months dude there's people doing eight figure months that's hard that's hard to Fathom that's hard to imagine but it's still possible is it difficult absolutely but it's a mindset shift the ingredient list is out there you just got to be paying attention you don't have to reinvent the [ __ ] wheel there have been successful people before you there will be successful people after you the question is will you
become successful will you instill the habits of a winning person will you embody the beliefs of a winning individual will you cut out the [ __ ] that makes you a loser are you going to keep consuming and being like Oh what's wrong with me what's wrong with me what's wrong is you're wrong your life is wrong everything you do when the moment you wake up you self-sabotage you're setting yourself up for failure and then you're asking why you suck at life you suck at life because everything that you do is sucking and draining you
away from your foolest potential focus on leveling up focus on winning every single action everything that you do focus on winning focus on becoming a champion and you know what the outcome will be you will become exactly what you put in you will become the outcome of your actions you will become the outcome of your decisions I I'm a winner and I'm I'm not a winner by what I've achieved I'm a winner by what I do today not what I did yesterday not by what I do tomorrow not how you perceive me but how I
perceive myself did I cheat myself today or did I win did I beat myself at this game of life that's all that matters I ain't competing with you I ain't competing with him with her I'm competing with myself winners win losers lose every day is a chance to win or to lose what you did yesterday in your business what you did yesterday at the gym what you did yesterday to level up in your knowledge or in your network doesn't really matter every single day you need to show up because you're only as good as your
last shot you're only as good as your last win you're only as bad as your last loss but every day the clock resets to reshape your future the clock resets for you to reset the dire direction of your life every day is a new shot for you to change your life every day is a new shot for you to reinvent yourself if you understand the power that when the sun comes up is a new opportunity for you to live your life a new life of purpose a new life of achievements and a new life of
success you wake up with intention stop waking up like an accident start waking up with purpose and understand that nobody is coming to save you nobody in the world gives a [ __ ] about your problems and you my friend have to handle it yourself I want to teach you an extremely important principle a principle that had I learned long before I did I would have tenfold my net worth I would tfold my relationships I would ATT tenfold my access to deal flow and I would ATT tfold my ability to put myself in the right
Rooms To Succeed that principle is the power of positioning there is power in how you position yourself now many times people talk about hustling grinding working hard you know waking up working 19 hour days as the ingredient for success if that was the case then the construction workers or the plumbers or the garbage men those would be the wealthiest people but the reality is hard work alone hustle alone is not equate to success why is it that all these trust fund kids why is it that all these sons of bankers and Daughters of Bankers or
Finance years how is it that they get access to deal flows access to IPO and companies and Seed rounds and really good investment vehicles and you don't are they any more intelligent than you well potentially yes but I could debate that the power and the position that they have gives them access to multiply at a faster rate than the average man than the average woman so the question is in your career how have you positioned yourself to win or you're always constantly hustling and trying to find your ability to make a quick Buck or thinking
that working hours equates to productivity I know a lot of [ __ ] that work a lot and produce nothing practice train so that when the opportunity comes through your positioning you can actually deliver you can actually follow through you can win you can succeed power is in positioning how are you positioned lonardo Da Vinci famously said God will sell you anything at the price of Labor and that is true so what you have to do is if you want something you have to work for it and most people that think that the world is
based off of luck have never truly worked for something not enough to understand that luck does not exist it's merely a game of probabilities you work hard you work more you work longer and eventually you can increase your odds of success I often talk about the Symphony of success what does success sound like to you not what success means to me not what success means to your parents to your friends to the system what does success sound like to you what is your Symphony of success when you he successful living a successful life what comes
to mind mhm for a musician it may be be really good at playing an instrument for me it may be developing a phenomenal business mhm for an athlete it may be developing a great athletic career what is your Symphony of success it really depends on the individual that's why there's no one spectrum of success there isn't one number to achieve that defines success that is my definition of success but that is for me why because every person beautifully has been created to have their own specificity so you have your own dreams you have your own
Ambitions you have your own Symphony of success you need to find that and how do you find it from deprogramming that everybody else has told you of what it means to be successful winning is about accomplishing your goal if you say you're going to accomplish it if you accomplish it you win if you don't accomplish it you lose that's it no philosophy no science if you say you're going to do something you don't do it you lost you're a loser until you do the winning habit until you perform the winning behavior and until you receive
the winning outcome winners win losers lose it's very simple bro you do it or you don't do it most people don't focus on their mindset most people are focused on exterior factors they think that everything that happens to them is by chance and they don't realize that a lot of the things that happen to them are things that they attract because you attract the things that you are and you are what you do and you do what you think about most people don't understand the power of the mind that's why they haven't tapped into the
power of the mind and the power of the mind is one very simple thing the ability to direct your attention towards a specific given objective and then to have the will power to pursue it and is mental limitations verbiage is extremely important how you speak about yourself how you speak about opportunity how you see the world uh needs to be seen from a place of abundance and opportunity not from a place of scarcity and need and a lot of people whether they believe it or not they operate out of a place of scarcity and need
and fear because they haven't developed the mental framework of believing and confiding in themselves and trusting themselves so I think it initially people need to reshi their Frameworks once you understand that you can control the future of your life it gives you the single most powerful emotion that you can feel hope and most people live in a state of quiet desperation can't pay their bills they don't feel healthy they wake up and they're anxious so why are these things taking place and if you can address that and understand that if you want to feel different
you must believe that that what you want is already yours and that time space continuum just has to catch up I'll tell you why you limit your beliefs you limit your beliefs because you don't trust yourself why don't you trust yourself because every time you tell yourself that you're going to do something you break your own promise if you can't trust yourself as an autonomous individual no wonder you're not going to advance in life imagine your entire mindset was just like it's possible to get to the next level it's possible to be great it's possible
to make more money it's possible to be more healthy and your entire perspective on life your world was positive even if you had to lie yourself into believing that sometimes you have to create a delusion a delusion that is so far out there that people will think you're crazy you won't be remembered for the money that you make bro you won't you won't even be remembered the businesses you build they won't last the customers that you that you serve they're going to die as well the haters that you have their opinions will die with them
the lovers that you have their opinions will die with them so there's nothing to accomplish Beyond yourself means that your focus in life should be to develop and enjoy existence how many people can say that they enjoy existence truly very few that to me my brother's success ultimate success what is the best vehicle for me to get to my goal maybe your goal isn't to get rich that's okay mhm like maybe your goal is to become healthy you can have a different goal at a different time wow yeah you can change your goal to tomorrow
you're not bound to your goal you're not bound to your identity so maybe today you just have to get fit maybe tomorrow your goal is to have a good attitude so with enough time enough dedication laying These Bricks consistently focusing on income producing skills multiplication skills preservation skills and just taking it a day at a time being authentic regulate ourselves then we can actually be in control of Our Lives the path of success and the path of Entrepreneurship and the path of greatness is lonely and you have to be willing to be alone in the
process to getting to the top I realized in my life and my Pursuit my Pursuit my main perspective in life wasn't to become successful my perspective of life has become to pursue truth and when I T told God hey I will sacrifice my family my relationships even my life for the pursuit of truth then that commitment and that dedication carried me through any insecurities any doubt any loneliness and eventually all these things things played out well you cannot be a happy person all the time so to pursue happiness is an unachievable goal but to pursue
freedom freedom is a state of mind freedom is a state of being it's not an emotion I can still be sad and be free I can still be happy and be free so if somebody that's like well I want to be a happy person well good luck bro this idea of being happy is this concept that people have been sold that life is about happiness but what if life wasn't about happiness what if life is about experiencing every aspect and every emotion that life has wouldn't you want to experience the full sudden range of emotions
MH that life has to offer you the sadness the heartbreaks The Joy right you can't have happiness without sorrow you can't have pleasure without pain and to neglect one thing is to neglect life so why would you neglect these things and in order for you to achieve freedom you need to be able to understand that you need to be unwaveringly decided to enjoy every aspect of the experience of life it makes no sense to be living in the past living in the past makes you what depressed why cuz you can't change it living in the
future makes you what anxious cuz you can't do anything about it both are imaginary all you have is right now what are you going to do with this moment to enjoy at the fullest caliber and at the highest degree so if your life is is not great it's because you are ing up that's the name of the game unsuccessful people broke people instead of looking themselves in the mirror and assuming responsibility they want to point it because it sucks to be like hey my life sucks because I suck it's not easy I get it 100%
however when you win in life hey you're the first one to raise the hand and be like hey I did it but with that same level of responsibility you now can dictate what your behaviors so just start inputting positive behaviors man so Solitude is extremely important because most people don't create the time the space in order to converse with themselves in order to think in order to get to know who they are know thyself why because if you know yourself you know your Tendencies you know your habits you know your behaviors you know what you're
good at you're bad at what's your weakness what's your strength you can develop a strategy a plan to build yourself up Solitude is key because it creates the silence in the space in order for you to grow and in the darkness putting in the work in the quiet hours that's where winning is made you need to stop listening to others and start listening to yourself but the problem is no nobody knows how to listen to themselves they're scrolling on Tik Tok music onone loud every day when they're driving [ __ ] radio turned on when
they're home scrolling on their phones when they ask for opinions they ask for opinions from other people they ain't even asking opinions from themselves when is the last time you sat down and Def find your Symphony of success what does success look like to you to me it's not having a ton of properties and living in a big fat box and having a ton of supercars no to me it's freedom and I found that early on you have to sacrifice who you are today for who you want to become Tomorrow there's a verse in the
Bible that says when I became a man I put away childish things you can't become the best version of yourself unless you're willing to neglect who you are today the bad habits the bad friendships bad relationships the bad ideas the bad mindset because if you want to become a millionaire if you want to become a person that's successful if you want to develop a better physique it will require sacrifice and if you want to get to the next level it'll cost you there is a price to success it hurts if you're going to try and
satisfy your soul with the things of this world you will always fail maybe you're going to satisfy it with luxury what is the [ __ ] is luxury what a nicer watch a nicer house more cars better food more women none of these things will satisfy they may make you happy for a short period of time but the void will still be there because the void is is a spiritual void you take none of it with you you don't take the money you don't take the success you don't take the accolate you take nothing but
what we you will take is was your Devotion to God in check how you treated other people did you love God more than you love the things that God gave you and you will be tested with these things so what I've come to realize is the most important thing for me is to develop myself the more I develop the more I understand the more data sets I acquire the better understanding I'm going to have as to how the world works I'm in no place to Give opinions as to this and bro I'm here to explore
here to be a student and here to be taught based off of that you live a free life cuz you know you're not accountable to anybody accept God so you operate really really smoothly people pray and ask God for patience but then when God sends them a situation that tests their patience and is very difficult they don't realize that that's what God sent them in order for that patience to be developed you want the patience but you don't want the process in order to achieve the patience life's not going to be easy welcome to the
game we're all playing it some people have different levels of of suffering some people have more privilege some people have less privilege it is what it is so take the cars that you're dealt with elevate your Consciousness be grateful that you have the opportunity to change your life so somebody at their lowest moment right now watching this video what do you say to them there's only one way One Direction if you're at the bottom there's only one way but you got to look up and when you look up there's somebody there waiting for you his
name is godod MHM and he's there with a hand reaching out waiting for you to take control of your life because I learned one very important lesson your relationship ship with God is like that of a captain and a crew member mhm one rows the other one steers but it's very interesting because many times in our life we want to get confident and cocky and arrogant and God says I steer but I do not row mhm we need to put in the work and God will guide and that's the greatest lesson I've learned I need
you guys here with intention because all you need is one good shot all you need is one good play for your life to change that's the data set baby
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