What is your Source of Wealth in Horoscope

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Video Transcript:
[Music] so ladies and gentlemen uh I'm going to be covering pretty much the second question from my post about what I should make and so somebody said you already talked about Lords through other houses of other houses in the second house then you did second Lord in other houses but what about when a certain planet is in the second house does that what is that doing meaning like actually Sun Mars Jupiter okay so that's what we're going to cover when these planets turn the second house and as always if you do not know which planet
is in your second house and what sign it's in what nakshatra it's in along with all the astrological details check out the links there caros astrology.com where you'll find my books reports consultations and link to my Academy magav Academy where especially on my wrist watch and weth course I've also put uh smartphone and vastu which is very important it's actually now more important than even um the actual vastu of the home cuz that's one thing that is with you all the time more than even the watch it's your phone anybody and everybody has a phone
that device is now like literally part of your aura so um what happens when planets are in the second house right so as we discussed that a Lord is coming to a house to feed and second house is feeding it's being fed but it can feed by itself you see you are the one and I'm the one who have to feed that graa feed that planet it's saying that hey do this so I can be fed okay and you can't look at Planet as planets you got to look at planets as lessons you got to
look at planets as these billion trillion versions of itself that have mutated in every single chart so it's alive in every single chart so when you have especially son in the second house okay so son has come in whose house son the King right the King has come to feed in the house of the princess or not the princess I should say House of shukra House of Venus right Venus is the wife and here son no longer has the author Authority that it always has right in the first house son son is there in the
White House in the parliament right but when it's in the second house the president and the Prime Minister has gone home and this is where Sun begins to have part of its power diminished okay so it cannot no longer be authoritative because now you're in the house of Venus which is the wife right not the Queen the wife Queen is moon in the actual scenario of the cabinet but the thing is son has gone to the wife's house so her wife is like yeah this is my this is my home this is my kitchen you
just need to clean your shoes wash your hands put your sword away put your weapons away and sit on the table you see it has losing some of the authority so of course when sun goes into the second house you will see one because see sun is your purpose of birth sun is your purpose of birth and so there's a purpose connected with family whether it's your wife kids uh siblings parents let's say especially in a nuclear family in India you may even have your uncles and everybody living together right so in this particular scenario
what happens is Son's power is diminished and sun does not get such an approval when it wants to advice when it wants to say something one will be over powered by other people because Venus does not care for the sun Venus is this is there's this animosity between Venus and son so Venus is like you know we'll listen to you but we're not going to just say what you say we're going to discuss it together and this is where you see that this individual kind kind of frowns in they stay quiet they will not get
involved with the family issues because they know there's not going to be that respect when they give that advice there's not going to be uh that seriousness of their counseling but especially second house is your accumulation right it's your accumulated wealth meaning it shows what is it that you have accumulated so with sun you will see a lot of the um ancestral principles knowledge are given to this individual that's what sun is feeding on you will see with sun in the second oh okay oh look who's here it's the princess it's the queen who's going
to disturb everything yes I know please don't disturb my lights um so usually you will see that a person will always love to either hoard or store gold okay because that's what the king does jewelry but at the same time because second house represents the mode of accumulation which is coming through earnings because it's the ARA house oh no no no no no no no no no no no no penny that thing's going to fall on you so you will see any time when sun is in the second house and you take some form of
partnership counsel of the father government government subcontracts you go into things connected with let's say energy solar technology anything there's a lot of things that are represented by the sun any like energy generation power generation when you get into these type of Industries Sun begins to help you to gain so it can feed itself now of course Venus is wealth Venus shows where the money is coming from so like for example Venus in the first house says you you know you have to make money through being a uh you know an influencer or a brand
in yourself but what are you going to do to gain that brand you're going to use the sun to gain that brand that's what happens so whenever this person works with this father deals with things connected with the father what the father was doing somehow that part of it doesn't have to be oh okay then if um Moon sits in the second moon will say I want to be fed so feed me but I'm going to show you what to do so you can feed me so naturally when the second house you will see when
an individual travels for work somehow the cash flow begins to come in cuz moon is cash flow when a person deals with food chemicals like Pharmaceuticals um money begins to coming and so and then also moon is everything you know that a mother will represent like hospitality and specifically you will see because moon is a planet with the qualities of 16 forms of Arts Sola cin right so musicians artists are seen with this so since the moon represents change right it represents change this person in order for them to make money have to do the
type of work that changes very quickly new things come in many many things come in and they even have to change their location because moon is travel right movement Migra ation so this person I'm not it doesn't mean you have to go to foreign lands you have to move away from where you were established as a child grew up and you have to move away from that place because that's where this then moon will help you to accumulate your second house and especially with uh moon in the second you know this person will um they
they will love collecting you will see well see it's 2024 so you can't really have collections anymore because everything is digital but back in the days you would see you go to this person's home they will have the entire cabinet full of like music cassettes CDs or vinyl records they love to collect items connected with art like you go to their home and they will back in the days uh someone would have like a book of art sitting on their coffee table now again so see a lot of things change um this person will also
collect uh you know things which are connected with cooking they want to buy all these things that makes their cooking easier one will always loved collecting travel gear because that's the consciousness of collecting something one will also like especially you will see with certain uh planets when they're with moon I've actually seen a lot of people will collect like essential oils right because it's chemicals and especially if rahu is also there with moon one is going to um pretty much collect medicines in their in their home then if you have mercury this is this is
a very strange position with Mercury okay because Mercury oh my God this cat has completely ruin my whole thing here oh my God the whole board is falling um Mercury's change right and also Mercury does not know who it is is it a male or female so there's that confusion with Mercury here you will see one will talk a lot and say something but ends up doing something else one will have very dual way of talking not a selected way of talking you know but one thing that this person becomes good at is the management
of money is how what to do with money that's where Mercury's confusion kind of goes away but everywhere else whether it's dealing with family food sales talking teaching there will always be this duess there which kind of becomes a little confusing and also with Mercury naturally you will see that a person will always somehow inclin towards wanting to do business wanting to do trade but usually if they have combinations of doing a job then they will do a type of jobs where there's sales involved where there's um communication involved and through that communication one gets
something Mercury here will also show somebody who will uh be able to make money through being a analyst and also Mercury will also make a great bookkeeper somebody who keeps records of things so when a when you pursue things connected with Mercury you know um you will see especially with Jupiter and mercury a person can even tell jokes cuz they get tremendous amount of humor see humor is not necessarily Mercury or moon or Venus is Jupiter humor requires analysis of the world having a philosoph iCal Outlook in the world having the utmost intelligence to make
something humorous then Venus so when Venus is in the second house anything you know connected with beautifying something will help you to accumulate money textile clothing and especially any form of highend items Venus will help you to get money through those see such people with Venus in the second can't just resell some cheap item on eBay or Amazon no they have to have like highend name brand items that they're going to be selling and especially Venus you know which is a watery Planet okay you will see such a person will have a very sweet voice
like you just want to listen to them but you will do whatever you can to gain some knowledge from them because Venus is one of the top the topmost teacher in the you know cabinet of GRA even higher than Jupiter so when this person talks people listen people stop people see what is this person saying so usually you will see life coach business coach teachers motivators with this Venus in the second and of course Venus is also money so that means anywhere there's money that is being dealt Venus will be giving you money through that
including even jewelry moon is a moon and Venus both actually will deal with jewelry and especially even in my simplified course I talked about even though Venus is a watery planet Venus has a very strong Earth element you know just like Mars Venus has a very strong Earth element to it it's the it's not just water it's water that is on Earth moist it's minerals it has something valuable that's what Venus will represent here then you have Mars so of course Mars being in the second house your situation will be very neutral cuz Mars is
neutral to Venus so here are first of all a person become very straightforward and direct with family members when they have to deal with something that's it it's just two lines and that's their opinion they're out they're like you do what you want to do this is what my thing is there's this stubbornness that comes in with Mars in thei and also with Mars in the second one's ability to make money will happen through some form of technical skill without technical skills money cannot be made and of course anything connected machines okay machines engineering and
surgery this is where Mars will bring about its quality anywhere where there's protection needed guarding needed Mars will bring you that money from there so like for example you know let's say Venus is saying that somebody should become an actor somebody should become a Performing Artist and then they have Mars in the second house so what do you see there you see okay if this person goes and becomes an action hero action heroine then yeah somehow their chart will start supporting them or they do lot of roles related to police army so it's going to
start supporting them Mars in the second if the younger brother is there or especially the husband you know working with them especially if Mars is in a good condition working with them is extremely beneficial for one's ability to make money and accumulate wealth and you know have bank deposit cuz this Mars's help you need including your best friend because best friend is Mars right why because what do you say when you have a best friend you'll say oh man you're like my brother right so it becomes a sibling so working with them becomes beneficial then
of course you have Jupiter in the second so here Jupiter is in the house of Venus okay and there's respect between Jupiter and Venus there's no like literal animosity so what Jupiter does Jupiter through its intelligence obviously is able to make money and especially Jupiter in the second house is known to be the planet of updesh through talking a person will be making money through teaching person will be Mak making money management person will be making money with writing and Publishing uh person will make money or especially getting somehow even let's say for example somebody
has Jupiter Mercury ketu Jupiter Mercury Moon they can go into the business of religious items having a shop connected with you know like for example Diwali occurs and then there's all these 100 different occasions that occur in our Hindu culture they'll have things available for people to buy jashi happens right shivratri happens they'll have some item there so such people can make money through those particular items any involvement with you know religion higher knowledge philosophy will M and it has to because you want to get fed right so that means you have to feed Jupiter
when Jupiter gets fed it feeds you that's what happens and then you have Saturn Saturn isn't a friendly house right a student has come into the house of the teacher so teacher is going to respect the student right when you go and go out to a dinner with your teacher even though teacher would yell at you in the middle of the class this and that but you know there's this respect that occurs and especially with Saturn love for collecting old items love for collecting antiques sometimes even rusted junk a person will collect but if that's
when Shany is bad that's when they'll do that because that will disturb your West uh Direction energy in your home but see Saturn loves to make money from a traditional process Saturn will accumulate wealth slowly and from a uh source that is very consistent they don't need change they one will actually enjoy repetitive work work where there is routine work where there is patience needed work which takes time to do something for example like R&D is seen through Saturn and if Saturn Mars are there then manufacturing because in research and development research development doesn't just
happen overnight an iPhone pretty much was started back in 1998 and it took till 20 actually not even 1998 before that I would say it probably took 7 8 years 10 years to develop something like iPhone so anything that takes time to develop and make that's where one gets rewarded the most but see Saturn is naturally the significator of work itself so of course in second house a person can be working with the family and even banking Institute because it's work and second house is money and wealth and accumulation of things so this is where
Saturn along with impact of other planets will give a better idea of what a person should be doing if rahu is there science technology it softwares okay or one can be a magician one can um make money through especially like photography photography camera x-rays uh somebody who just CT scans this is where a person will make money through but of course with rahu you always have to see the sign that is placed in and what planets are impacting because that's where it'll use those things with it and the thing is especially such a person needs
to be thinking ahead in order for them to make money you have to become futuristic cuz rahu is futuristic you have to think what they you know people who make money in the market and they already know what is to be coming in the next 20 years that's how this rahu behaves but especially you know if rahu gets connected with the sign of Moon Venus you know even Jupiter than any work connected with coffee teas tobacco that becomes a way and a mode of making money if Venus and rahu are there alcohol then ketu ketu
is going to show researcher astrologer accountant lawyer okay somebody who has a very specialized skill to make money if let's say Venus Mars and and kuu are there you can see somebody who does diamond cutting code breaking somebody who will um even go [Music] into producing silk you need K to produce silk so once you see these different combinations and of course picture becomes much more clear but see kuu first of all cannot think about things like rahu rahu is using your five senses to do something when K is in the second house you will
see a person does very well when they follow their intuition versus when they start planning when you plan anything with the second house kuu plan doesn't go anywhere but when you intuitively you're like I'm going to do this that works like especially you know with kuu and this is why kuu is connected with astrology astrology is not about calculations astrolog astrology is not about consuming yourself onto a chart for hours and hours to see what's happening it's like if you want your astrology to be great when you open up a chart you need to start
feeling feeling the chart and planets and say something for example um I was just posting in my group and just with my astrologer friends like four or five you know different replies with people and I was telling them you know yes they're telling me Oh my God how do you know this how did you know this happened to me and that happened to me and then when I look back at their chart I'm like how did I make this prediction it happens because when I'm in that time and Zone whatever I'm saying yes I'm looking
at the chart but something else inside me my vocal cords are wanting to say something that's what I got especially when I do astrology that whenever I say something and then they're shocked I'm like and I'm just looking back at the chart because I want to do my research I want to be like oh this is exactly why I said this okay this is the combination I'm looking at the chart I'm like how would I make this thing how why did I say this because that's ketu it's not rahu where you're looking at the asak
Varga you're looking at the shadbala you're looking at the divisional charts you know you're looking K chakra this and that then then then that's then it's better to do physics in that case and Mathematics astrology is more of the sense here this this this thing has to be opened the heart chakra and astrology comes I'm not saying mind's open but I'm just saying that's what kuu does here it cannot think the moment you think with kuu in the second things go out of whack but the moment when you just feel it and you know it
okay those things will work out better now let's say even if you take let's say Uranus and the second I mean this person is going to do something which is far away from the social norms of society even rahu will take a person into some Norms like it and technology and photography which are still seen But Uranus is like first of all a person will suddenly leave their work and do something else like a lawyer becoming a chef this either it happens willfully or just nature takes place where a person where of making money is
not going to be understood by anybody and then Neptune in the second they'll make money through some mysterious way some hidden way like you'll never even know how is this person making money what might they be doing for making money okay and of course we also see Pluto and I know the reason why I'm I'm in including this because I have those in my chart opened up and so when I'm doing the readings I'm like wow okay that makes sense cuz I'm seeing the Pluto there you know like people who deal with death people who
go into business of funeral homes martition people who um even go into being like criminal attorneys detective like like they're doing detective work for law enforcement where one has to go to such lengths and depths that only a few people people are able to do it so these are the places like it see these three planets is very mysterious form of making money which comes through analysis of the planets and especially their nakshatras but I think people will know what exactly I'm trying to say here okay so anyway this was uh the planets in the
second house so hopefully now all three of the videos will make much much more sense so anyway if you're new to my channel subscribe below so your type of videos you want to know everything about your birth chart consultations books reports can check out the links here otherwise uh we'll see you on Monday bye-bye
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