Consecrate Yourself || Sunday Sermon Kris Vallotton

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Kris Vallotton
On July 21st, 2024 Kris Vallotton preached a powerful message called “Consecrate Yourself.” At the b...
Video Transcript:
turn to Luke 24 and we're going to uh use the Bible tonight in case I forget we have a school of the prophets August 5th through the 8th I believe this is our 17th year we need to go back and figure it out Barbara are it's our 19th year it's our 19th Year my math sucks tonight doesn't it our 19th year so uh 5th through the 8th you can still register we're going to have a th students this year last year we had 3,000 in Brazil they had to actually turn people away so uh this
year we're going to do one here and one in Brazil it's going to be amazing um okay I want to talk about the opening of a new era I've been talking about it for probably a year and I feel like the Lord's giving me uh T tonight I feel like the Lord's giving me a message I actually had it last week but when uh president Trump uh former president Trump was shot didn't feel appropriate but tonight I want to talk about here I did give this message a title called consecrate yourself so uh Luke 24
if you'll turn there um this this story probably be familiar to you verse 13 I want to start there behold two of them uh talking about disciples two of the disciples were going that very day to the Village of emus this is uh the day Jesus rose from the dead which is about 7even miles from Jerusalem they were talking with each other about the things which had taken place uh Mary goes goes to the tomb they can't find Jesus it's it's that whole story and they're like what happened and where's Jesus and they haven't yet
disciples haven't yet encountered Jesus so Mary encountered Jesus and so she comes back and she tells disciples I was in the Tomb he was the tomb was empty and then an angel showed up and then Jesus showed up so there's this uh interlude right here where he hasn't evidently yet talked to the 11 the disciples who are left and but he's talked to Mary and so there's this day when they're like trying to figure out like is Mary crazy is she is she okay is she is her story credible you know so there there's kind
of that story so um so these disciples are walking down this road of emus and they're talking about the rumors of Mary uh it seems like they have like secondhand information like they're not sure if that's a true story and so they're they're talking among thems like could this be real verse 15 and while they were talking and discussing Jesus himself approached and began traveling with them but their eyes were prevented from recognizing him and he said to them what are these words you're exchanging with one another as you are walking and they stood there
looking sad and one of them named Copus answered and said are you the only one visiting Jerusalem and unaware of the things which have happening in these days and he said to them what things and they said to him the things about Jesus Nazareth who is a prophet Mighty in deeds and word in sight in sight of God in in word and in sight of God and all the people and how the chief priests and our and our rulers delivered him to sentenced him of death and crucified him and we were hoping that it was
he who was going to redeem Israel indeed besides all this it's the third day since all these things happened and also some of the women among us amazed us when they were at the tomb early in the morning they didn't find the body and they came saying that they hadd also seen a vision of angels who said he was alive and some of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it just exactly as the woman had said but they did not see him and he said to them oh foolish men and
slow of heart to believe in all the prophets have spoken was it not necessary for Christ to suffer these things and to enter his glory look at verse 27 this is kind of a a little takeoff verse 27 then the then beginning with Moses and all the prophets he explained to them the things concerning himself in the scriptures I'm going to read a little bit more I just want you to notice it says then beginning with Moses and all the prophets he explained to them things concerning him in all the scriptures remember they don't have
a new testament yet right so we're talking about he's explaining from Moses through all the rest of the the prophets explaining Jesus to them in the Old Testament are you with me and they approached the village where they were going and he acted as though he would go on further but they urged him saying stay with us for it's getting towards evening and the day is now nearly over so he went in to stay with them when he reclined at the table with them he took bread and blessed it and breaking it he began giving
him giving it to them then their eyes were open and they recognized him and he vanished in their sight and they said and they said to one another were not our hearts burning within us while he was speaking to us on the road while he was explaining the scriptures to us and they got up that very hour and returned Jerusalem and found and gathered together the 11 those who were with them saying the Lord has really risen and has appeared to Simon and they began to relate their experiences on the road and how he was
recognized by them in the breaking of bread um one I uh the first part of this message is about building credibility for the fact that the Old Testament is actually relevant to us that you can find Christ in the Old Testament and that's a story of the Old Testament although the Covenant is fulfilled the story is still very much alive in 1 Corinthians chapter 10 Paul writes this for I do not do for I do not want you to be unaware Brethren that our fathers were under the cloud and they were all with through the
sea and they were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea and they all ate the same spiritual food could someone give me something for my boers please I'm hoping this will stop but I don't know it feels pretty heavy up here um yeah thank you I do not want you to be unaware Brethren that our fathers were under a cloud and they passed the sea and they were baptized into Moses in the cloud and the Sea and they all ate the same spiritual food and they all drank from the same spiritual Rock
for they were drinking from the spiritual Rock which follow them and The Rock was Christ this is getting really weird nevertheless with most of them God was not well pleased for they were laid low in the wilderness okay again got to tell you the story in case you don't know these stories finding more and more people new Believers sometimes we don't know the Old Testament stories and so you know Moses um led the Israelites out of Egypt I'm sorry if I'm boring the heck out of you guys I'm trying to Moses led the Israelites out
of Egypt after they were in bondage 400 years in slavery God said in the 400th year that he was going to release them and then Moses if you don't know the story Moses when he was 40 years old when he was 40 years old he tried to actually deliver the is Israelites from Egypt and he actually killed an Egyptian Soldier and then he tried to separate his brothers were fighting and his brothers are like who made you a ruler over us because Moses grew up in the Palace of Egypt um because the Egyptian king the
Pharaoh uh wanted to destroy all the firstborn male Jewish children and his mother put him in the uh in the River Nile he floated down the river and guess who picked him up out of the basket the daughter of pharaoh the princess so she takes him as her own he's raised in the family of pharaoh uh and he becomes you know the son of pharaoh and when he's 40 years old he realizes that he is not an Egyptian he's an Israelite and the Egyptians are oppressing Israelites and he tries to save he tries to deliver
them but it doesn't work and he ends up as as I said killing the Egyptian get in a fight with his brothers and he gets so discouraged and so depressed that he runs into the Wilderness for 40 years that's a long depression and when he gets out there he encounters a bush you remember that not George a burning bush and the bush talks to him and this is how desperate he is he talks back and the bush says you're going to deliver my people so through a very very long story which is really not really
our our story today he ends up going to Pharaoh does 10 signs I think and gets the Israelites finally out of Egypt through much turmoil you know blood water turns to blood frogs in invade the land lice mice I mean just crazy stuff finally was it mice I don't know if his mice I know we got him on our farm and I'm like I hate them things whatever 10 plagues and uh finally we even heard about one of them tonight the last plague was that the Lord when Pharaoh refused to let the people go the
Lord said fine I'm going to kill all your firstborn children and the Lord said to Moses what I want you to do and we heard tonight I want you to put kill a lamb and put the blood of the Lamb over all the doorposts of the Israelites so that when the death angel comes that he everyone who's in that house everyone who's in the houses that have blood over them will'll be spared and so you can imagine when the Egyptians wake up in the morning in all their firstborn jail are dead and all the Israelites
are safe let me stop right here and say this was Jesus in the old Covenant are you with me this would when Jesus was telling the boys at emus Road and he was teaching them about him from Moses through the prophets this would have been probably one of the first stories guys you know when they put the blood over the doorpost remember that yeah and remember that we call that Passover specifically because the death angel passed over the house didn't go in and kill the children yeah and remember it was the blood of a lamb
an innocent lamb like an innocent lamb that had no sin had to be what the blood came from yeah yeah and remember that we had a Passover and remember what they called The Last Supper was a Passover and remember I said I'm the bread and I'm going to break and I'm going to spill my blood yeah yeah the gospel written in the sand are you with me the gospel written in the sand I'm saying you can find the entire gospel in the story from Moses to Malachi are you with me so just like they're walking
with Jesus and they're and Jesus is like what are you guys talking about like where you been haven't you been on Facebook you haven't been on Instagram like what are you what are you talking about are you the only one who doesn't know like there was a guy he said he was the Messiah we were all following him and he did Miracles and wonders and raised people from the dead and then then he dies then he's like somebody said he's supposed to rise on the third day and then are you the only one who doesn't
know and just like Jesus is talking to them and they don't know it's Jesus he begins to reveal in the Old Testament the only Bible they have at the time hey let me teach you about me in the Old Testament and so they Passover after Passover the Pharaoh finally lets the people go if you don't know the story he finally goes get out of here Pharaoh's son dies by the way and Pharaoh's like get out get out of here and so they leave and they get a little gone right and then Pharaoh's like changes his
mind he's like sends the Army after him says go kill them and they go after them and they cross and and they get to the Red Sea which is actually a sea the F the Egyptians are chasing them and the Israelites like they brought us out here to kill us and now we're all going to die because they obviously have no weapons and and the army of the Egyptians Army after them and and they're pretty mad because their children have died and the Lord says to Pharaoh I'm sorry the Lord says to Moses lift up
your staff and the water parts are you with me it's the Red Sea and they go through the Red Sea on dry land and when they get through the Red Sea Moses moves his staff again and the Sea collapses and all the Egyptians die and Paul said that when Moses led him through the Red Sea that they were baptized into the Red Sea did you get that they were baptized into the Red Sea what I'm getting at is when you leave Egypt the first thing that happens is you have to be baptized into the blood
of Jesus you came out of G Egypt and in order to get into the promised land you have to be baptized into the Red Sea are you with me and so they get baptized into the Red Sea I'm saying that they I'm saying God was telling the story of Salvation in pictures are you with me and just like he's walking with them and they didn't know it many people read the Bible and don't get the story because the Old Testament is actually the story of Jesus written in allegories and Parables and stories in the sand
are you with me so they get in to the Wilderness and in Exodus chapter 16 they were in there 40 years remember that yes Chris remember thank you for telling us look at verse 6 chapter 16:1 listen this and they set out from ilum and all the congregations of the sons of Israel came to the Wilderness of sin do you see that the name of the city was SI n who didn't get that and they were there for and they at elim on the 15th day of the second month they departed from the land of
Egypt look at uh Exodus 16:1 and all the congregations of the sons of of Israel journeying by journeyed by stages from the Wilderness of sin according to the command of the Lord are are you do you have any idea what's going on right now I'm saying that the Lord wrote the gospels in the sand they came out of Egypt they had to be baptized in the Red Sea and then they had to leave the Wilderness of sin but they left did you see it in stages this is your life you you get saved you get
baptized we dunked you in the in the in the water are you with me you got baptized you left Egypt you're now in the wilderness and God's like okay you have sin in your life and we're like okay I just gave you the power over sin and what's happening little by little CU I'm no longer a sinner sin is leaving my life but it's like in stages I'm on a journey first of all I want to say you're in stages on a journey some of you are brand new Believers and you're like you know I
don't know why I do this but it's like it's okay because the power of the Resurrection is moving you out of the land of sin some of it's in stages are you with [Applause] me okay so finally they spend 40 years in the wilderness and finally through another Series this probably needs to be like a three message it's getting to be a documentary trying to keep up with the horses and all that stuff so so finally after 40 years Moses dies okay are you with me Moses dies now Moses took him out of Egypt and
took him into the Wilderness which is supposed to be a 40-day journey from the Wilderness to the promised land are you with me but it freaking took him 40 years and finally Moses dies are you with me why does Moses die because God said okay I got to TI this part there was a rock following them a rock why they're in the wilderness when I say Wilderness you think hard time think desert no water so every time they need water Moses complains and a rock shows up like a literal Boulder and God says talk to
the Rock and Mo's like this is ridiculous I'm not doing that and God's like yes you are and so he talks to the Rock and The Rock starts sprting water and that saves them like it falls them through the Wilderness and Paul says the rock that fall them through the Wilderness was Christ on this rock shall build my church and the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail can you see the gospel what is saving them in the wilderness is the rock it keeps spilling water there'll be a river of water that'll flow you know I'm
getting this are you with me the Rock is following them through the Wilderness like literally they maybe think it's a different Rock but Paul says it's the same Rock and finally they get to this place where the Rock they're thirsty and the you know the Israelites they're just they're unsaved right they're just like complaining you never do that of course and they're complaining they're grumbling they're like we should be why didn't we stay in Egypt like gosh there we had it made yeah we were slaves but you know we ate every day and Moses gets
so mad that instead of talking to the Rock he hits the rock which was Christ not a great plan like like some of your PR anyway and God shows up and says you can't go in the wilderness you're you're you're dead you're going to die now I I think that you know obviously Moses ends up on the mount Transfiguration a New Covenant so God must have kissed him to death but whatever happened he died and Joshua becomes the new leader you know what the name Joshua is it's the Hebrew name Jesus do you know on
the mount is this too complicated on the mount Transfiguration when Jesus goes up on the mount Transfiguration with Peter James and John who shows up there Moses and Elijah why was it Moses and Elijah because why wasn't it David why wasn't it Enoch walk with God and was not why was there was all these righteous people why was it Moses and Elijah because they represented the what the law and the prophets so Moses and Elijah show up and Jesus is talking to them and Peter goes we should build three churches one to Moses one to
Elijah one to you and a voice from Heaven interrupts him not a good plan and the voice says this is my beloved Son what listen to him how many know the Lord came to fulfill the law Moses and the prophets and what I'm getting at is when they went into the promised land Joshua took them into the promised land are you with me why couldn't Moses go because he represented the law and the law doesn't BL in the promised [Applause] land and they had to cross what to get into the promised land to get out
of Egypt they have to cross the Red Sea but to get into the promised land they had to cross the Jordan River there's two baptisms the first baptism killed the old man the second baptism became a river did you ever notice that when they got when they the first baptism they went through on dry land the second baptism the priests had to get in the water to their loins before the river parted why because the river is coming from your belly come on it represented the baptism in the holy spirit that causes the river to
come out of your belly the first one was a Red Sea the second one was a river that came from your belly are you with me this is the gospel written in the sand on and who takes them through Joshua who's the Hebrew name Jesus why can't Moses go in because he disobeyed the Lord but why could he not go in just because he disobeyed the Lord because he represented the law and the law I'll never let you go in out of Disobedience but Grace will let you go where the law won't let you go
we're getting close to where I want where I want to say what I want to say okay now look at girl let the horse go it's going to be [Applause] okay so now Joshua's leading Now read let's go to Joshua chapter 3 we're going to read a few paragraphs verses out of Joshua Joshua chapter 3 then Joshua said to the people consecrate yourselves for tomorrow the Lord will do Miracles wonders among you let's say it again then Joshua said to the people consecrate yourself for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you why are we
talking about this I'm not really trying to tell you old testament stories I'm trying to tell you that we came we're coming into a new era and every time you go to the nextev level God says consecrate yourself because I'm about to do new wonders around among you I'm about to do wonders among you but it requires something of you what's that consecrate yourself are you with me consecrate yourself for tomorrow everybody say this consecrate yourself yourself for tomorrow tomorrow the Lord the Lord will do wonders do wonders among you among okay now let's go
to verse 14 so when the people set out from their tents to cross the Jordan with the priest carrying the Ark of the Covenant before the people and when those who carry the ark came into the Jordan see they came into the Jordan the feet of the priests carrying the ark were dipped in the edge of the water they got wet you got me for the Jordan overflows its banks in all the days of harvest for did you notice that the Jordan overflows the banks when during harvest the Holy Spirit was poured out in Acts
chapter 2 right the Holy Spirit was was called the what the river when does the river flow during Harvest did you get that and the waters which were flowing down from above stood and Rose in a heap a great distance away at Adam did you get that at the city that is beside jerapah and those were flowing down towards the Sea of abar the salt sea completely cut off so the people crossed over Jericho I want you to point I want to point out that they've now crossed the Jordan River so logistically they're in the
promised land but the promised land was actually physically a little ways ahead in a place called Canaan are you with me so they're they're on the right side of the river but they haven't actually come into the territory that we'd call promised land and before they could come into the promised land they had to pass through a city called Adam you do not get in this your old man has to be left behind before you can come into the promised land are you with me you have to leave sin you have to be baptized in
the Red Sea you have to come across the Jordan get baptized in the Holy Spirit and then you need to let your old man die Adam can't go with you come on into the promised land now when they get through the Jordan River they set up some Stones does anybody know how many stones they set up you want to take your guess how many say 12 how many say more how many aren not going to vote for anybody any president you just get stuck and you're like I don't know I don't know I don't know
what the right answer is so I'll do nothing well if you said 12 you're wrong they set up 24 Stones do you know where they set the stones up they set 12 Stones where in the middle of the river and now they're out of place look at Joshua chapter 5 verse 8 now when they had finished circumcising the nation they remained AED in the place in the camp until they were healed then the Lord said to Joshua today I have rolled away the approach of Egypt from you so name so the name of that place
was gilgal I want you to notice that I'm going to tell you about stones in a minute but I want you to notice that before they could get into the territory of Canaan they had to be circumcised now let me tell you circumcision Was the removal of a man's front skin of a man's penis and when Moses made a covenant with God God said this is how we'll know that you and I have a covenant that you will circumcised all the firstborn you were circumcised all the male children from uh before eight days on the
eighth day but when they got to the Wilderness they stopped obeying God and for 40 years they didn't circumcise their sons and God it cost them nothing God didn't kill them for it but when they came into the promised land they had to consecrate themselves and they had to take care of the things that they had not done before as a matter of fact it wasn't any of them who disobeyed because all of the people who disobeyed they all freaking died in the wilderness so these were the sons and daughters of a new generation they
were their genz if you will this was the new generation they were actually actually all born in the wilderness except for Joshua and Caleb are you with me and God goes your parents your parents did not obey the Lord and you can't go in without fixing that and it's nothing they did wrong it was their parents who disobeyed and God goes we got to take care of the generation that went before you because they polluted you and I can't have that so they circumcised all the men and they stayed in the camp for several days
is waiting for things to go better you can imagine Joshua's like we're going to have a men's meeting and the men all go home how'd it go well Joshua made some good points I don't know I don't know how it went honestly I don't know and they said up 12 Stones at gilgal okay you you you may not remember I'm telling you the gospel that's written in the sand what does that mean how many Elders are there around the throne in the Book of Revelation 24 24 who are they 12 Stones born in the river
12 Apostles born in the river 12 Stones born in for from gilgal what was gilgal it was the place of the first circum circumcision there was 12 Patriarchs right do you know this Israel had 12 Patriarchs it was the 12 sons of Jacob changed Israel 12 Stones in a place called gilgal where they circumcised it how many know there was 12 Patriarchs that was born out of circum ision and there was 12 Apostles born out of the river you didn't get that one but but they all end up around the throne is my point okay
you didn't like that one but now chapter 7 of Joshua are how we doing I don't know how much we're supposed to preach but here we go verse one so they go into the land I I'll tell you this part of the story they go into the land and God says Okay first city is Jericho I want you to go to Jericho and I want you to drive the people out I want you to destroy the city so they get to Jericho and the night before they get to Jericho Joshua is terrified he's terrified he's
like scared to death and so he gets up early and he goes to Jericho do you know the walls of Jericho that fall down do you ever notice it's called walls not a wall it's because Jericho was fortified with two walls so when you got over the First wall you're stuck in between two walls that's why it was the most it was their it was their very first war and was going to be their hardest because Jericho had double walls so Joshua gets up in early in the morning and he gets to Jericho and he
realizes that Jericho is double walled and all of a sudden he sees a man who he thinks is a man who has a sword drawn and Joshua says to the man are you for us or you against us and the man says no are you for us or are you against us no rather I come as the captain of The Lord of hosts the point Joshua isn't am I for you the point is are you for me see this is the point of the New Covenant Lord are you on my side no I'm wondering if
you're on my side I've come to be the captain I'm in charge of this ship I got this listen Joshua there's no reason to be afraid you aren't the captain I'm the captain okay here's what we're going to do you're going to March around the city seven times and on the last day you're going to March around seven times you're going to March around every day for seven days and the last day you're going to March around seven times all day and and then this is going to be the challenge nobody can talk no not
even the women through that in I thought you know the women made a bigger sacrifice CU they did more words and I'm sorry I'm I'm not running for any office as you can tell and then on the seventh day after the seven times you're going to shout and you're going to blow a trumpet and the walls are going to fall down and that's exactly what happens they shout they blow a trumpet the walls fell down but the lord gave them this one thing listen everything everything that is in the city like all the spoil you
know the jewelry the money whatever whatever you see that's valuable it's all the Lords don't touch any of it it's the first it's the tithe you can't touch it you can have the next city and the city after that and the city after that and the city after that you can have all the spoil but this city is Mine by the way I don't agree that the tithe isn't in the New Testament if you don't believe in a tithe then the the other the other agreement God has it's all mine so I'm like I'll give
you 10 cents on a dollar uh everyone who argues over the tithe is not trying to give more anyway okay that was kind of quiet too but so they go in the city and they take the city and they it's the walls fall down they take Jericho it's all great they destroy the city obviously this is old Covenant so obviously it's got some you know not so beautiful pictures it's a little bit like you know Gladiator and and and and everybody dies except for one thing happens a man named aen takes some of the spoil
and hides it in his tent that's why he's called aen and the next city is called Ai and AI is not a very big city and they just had a great Victory and the the the Army generals get together and they said hey let's just send a few soldiers we can just wipe them out and so they just send a few thousand soldiers they get to they get to Ai and they totally lose and 36 men die in the battle and they come running back and Joshua is completely demoralized and he's like I thought you
were with this you said drive out everybody and he's complaining and God goes whoa whoa wait whoa whoa wait I said the first city is mine and you got someone who stole from the city and God says draw straws cast lots this is weird and see who the lot Falls to and the lot Falls to ain's family and and Joshua goes what have you done and Akin goes ah I just took a few small things and he dies and the sad part of the story my point would be that no one ever sins alone that
you think that your sin doesn't cost other people I can live however I want because it doesn't cost anybody no actually your sin costs other people on and I I I I I'm I'm going so long that I probably need to speed this up and tell you the rest of the story in John 8 there's a story of a woman who got caught in adultery remember the story and so she gets caught in adultery the Pharisees catch her in adultery they bring her to Jesus and they say to her uh the law says we should
swn her to death what do you say he doesn't say anything he just kneels down and sand he's riding in sand they ask him again hey the law says we should Stone her what do you say he continues to write I think he's writing the names of the Pharisees girlfriends but I don't know that for sure finally as they press him he says I'm with you let he who has no sin cast the first stone and little by little over a few minutes they peel off they leave and Jesus turns to the woman and says
does no one condemn you she said no Lord no one condemns you he said neither do I condemn you go your way and never send again and I want to kind of end the last 10 minutes with this thought remember the message is consecrate yourself Jesus doesn't say he who's never committed adultery throw the first stone he said he who's never sinned throw the first stone notice that the crowd has a grading system for sin it's called relative righteousness it goes something like this I have never sinned at the level of your sin therefore I'm
more righteous than you and it goes like this I don't view myself as a villain when I sin because my sin is a victimless sin it affects no one and I want you to notice this last thing that Jesus doesn't say neither do I condemn you he doesn't finish there he says neither do I condemn you go your way and don't ever sin again and by the way it's truth that set you free but truth while you're holding a rock doesn't set people free it puts them in a deeper place of bondage and I have
told you this last 40 minutes of stories so I could say this to you the Lord is opening a new era and whenever he does that it begins with consecrate yourself for the Lord's about to do wonders I believe that the Lord has put on us a stricter judgment because we're coming into a Promised Land I would remind you that in the wilderness they were uncircumcised and never corrected but when God brought them into the promised landine he goes we got to fix some things you haven't dealt with in 40 years when the Lord poured
out his spirit in Acts 2 and the church begin to get to be saved and to grow in Acts chapter 4 they are living community I I don't mean they're living in each other's houses obviously they're living close and they begin to take meals together and they dedicated themselves to the apostles teaching the fellowship the breaking the bread into prayer and it says and they there was they they were all of one heart and one mind and they got so connected they didn't think that anything that they had couldn't be shared and they began to
say well why aren't we taking care of the poor Among Us so everybody who had like extra property you know you had two houses whatever you just sold it and you didn't give it to the poor person you laid it at the apostles feet cuz you weren't just generous you build trust and so it was such a profoundly powerful statement that created can I say a movement that people there were people who were half-hearted not completely in not sold out but they wanted to be with the in spiritual crowd and we know at least these
two of them sold their property as everyone was doing but let's say they sold it for 100,000 instead of doing what everyone else was doing which was giving it all let's say they gave 50 we don't know what the amounts were they gave 50,000 which was all fine but they said they gave it all so Peter brings ananas in and his wife is on a trip somewhere shopping with the 50 Grand they kept back probably and said ananas you've been telling everyone you gave it all how much did you sell the property for and ananas
says 50,000 in my analogy ananas no you didn't you lied ananas when the property was yours was it not under your control in other words you didn't have to sell it at all there was no there there was no pressure for you to sell it but when you sold it as an act of I'm giving all but you only gave half of it and you represented yourself as being in being all In Dying For Christ being being completely sacrificial when really you were only a half-hearted half bited Christian but you wanted to fit in you
can't live like that anymore and he fell dead and his wife came in a little while later 3 hours later and they asked her the same question so she had the same chance to say oh yeah we only sold it for 50 but she lied and Peter says the people the men who carried your husband out will carry you out and she died now let me tell you this is my opinion but I do think it's the word of the Lord I don't think they died and went to hell I think that they were going
into a new land and the Lord said consecrate yourself don't touch anything under the band the first offering is mine but they touched it and I believe that we are going into a new era and I believe the word of the Lord is consecrate yourself for tomorrow the Lord does wonders Among Us and Peter said it this way it's time for judgment to begin with the house of God and when I think of judgment I and and God's a judge I'm thankful he sits on the mercy seat so I think of discipline and I think
it's important to realize that the Greek word for Time In this passage for it is time for judgment to be with the house of God the word time there is the word chyros it means the right season the proper time I I want to read you what I wrote It's probably faster the Greek word for Time In this passage is chyos it means the opportune time the proper time the right time the season the concept of kyos chyros judgments has never been EV more evident than it was in the early church when when God killed
anit and fire for lying about a property sale the church was young and innocent and the Lord wanted the foundation of the spiritual Community established on honest honor and and generosity honesty honor and generosity the congregation was living all living giving it all laying down their lives for the poor and the needy by selling their properties and giving all the proceeds their extreme generosity CA became a spiritual standard that separated those who were half-hearted double-minded or lukewarm from those who were on fire Allin and passionate an and safire got caught up in The Passion of
the moment and sold their property but only gave a portion of the proceeds then they lied over their half-hearted financial transaction to appear as if as if they had laid down as as to appear to appear as if they were laid down lovers both of them lied let here's the point but I would like to point out that it wasn't that they lied that killed them it's when they lied if this was God's standard for everyday life in the church I'm not sure that one one of us would still be alive but they were living
in a chyros time when God was building a pure Church and he was not going to allow a double-minded half-hearted people to pollute the foundation of his holy Believers this Cairo season appears to be honest again when God himself is purifying his people and there's a bunch more but I want to point out that we're seeing things that have been happening behind the scenes of churches for decades all of a sudden exposed like suddenly exposed like this person did something 40 years ago exposed this person did something 20 years ago exposed this person's having ongoing
things not no one's ever complained or or seemingly I'm not trying to offend anybody but it's still hidden however it's hidden and it's all all a sudden exposed and now we're seeing this person exposed and last week two more people exposed and another person exposed and what is happening in the church right now is not bad it's good the Lord is like listen listen your forefathers did didn't circumcise them themselves like God told them and it's time to take care of that right now achen he took stuff under the band shouldn't have done that want
to take care of that right now and God is doing something Mighty because he's like we're about to go into a promised land it's a new era you've wanted this your whole life and God goes I want it to but it's time to consecrate yourself it's time are you with me we got it we got to get obviously we got to go through the Red Sea of course probably everyone in this room and everybody on our church has probably gone through the Red Sea we got baptized in the Red Sea and then we went through
the Jordan River and we're all excited go I can prophesy I can speak in tongues I can heal the sick and God goes good you got the river now you got to leave Adam got to leave Adam oh Lord the Lord's like let go of Adam let go of the old man let go of the old ideas it might be a little you know you are you with me it might be in stages it might be immediately but the Lord's like Let it go you got to let it go and the Lord's like are you
with me and then the Lord's like okay we got out of Adam we're like yeah we're we're really growing the guys God's like come over here I got some things I want to talk to you about you know what I'm saying some things I want to talk to you [Music] about before we can give birth to anything else we got to clear up some things we got to take care of some things we got to take care of some things that haven't been taken care of for a while maybe your mama didn't teach you maybe
your daddy didn't talk to you about it maybe your Grandpa didn't teach you maybe he didn't have a mama maybe he didn't have a daddy whatever but come over here I want to have a conversation with you we're going to have a men's meeting tonight and we're going to take care of some things that you need before you go into the promised land because I can't let you go into the promised land the same way you were in the [Music] wilderness I'm not looking to bring slaves in the promised land I'm looking to bring princes
and princesses I'm I'm king of kings and Lord of lords I'm not King of slaves I am king of kings and there's some things that we need to get cleaned up around here and the Lord says consecrate yourself and then when we get in the Promised Land the Lord goes uh okay the way you behaved in the wilderness all that greedy stuff you're fighting all the time over what you want to eat and what you don't want to eat and why you want to eat and what you don't want to eat and I say don't
do that but you do it anyway God goes we're not coming in the promise sign like that we're not behaving like that come on are you with me I said don't take anything under the band I ain't playing with you don't take anything under the band listen I'm giving you the whole Promise Land you can't give me 10% I've given you the whole Promised Land you can't give me 10% what kind of gratitude UD do you have towards me I said don't touch the things under the band this is a very simple lesson don't touch
it leave it alone well it's just a little bit it's not a lot you know I know you said but you know I saw that diamond ring for my wife you know I was you know happy wife happy life and 36 people died because they did not consecrate themselves and they behaved in the Promised Land the same way they behaved in the wilderness and the Lord says that was okay in the promised land but it ain't going to work here are you with me and we're just opening of a new era we blew trumpets kings
are coming but I want to tell you you have to consecrate yourself I have to consecrate myself I told you this like now it's probably 14 months ago I have to look up in my journal I woke up in the middle of the night I told this story many times already just middle of night 3:00 in the morning as soon as I came awake I felt like it I'm not saying I saw anything it felt like the Lord was waiting for me I had this picture in my mind it wasn't a vision it was a
picture in my mind and as soon as I came awake he said these words to me stop cussing no actually he said no more cussing that's what he said no more cussing so I said we didn't have a dialogue we didn't have I know I know it's hard I know you've been doing this for for 68 years I know you need a little process I know we're in the New Covenant I know what you're preaching but I said no more cussing and I woke up 3:00 and I'm like I just said this okay and I
woke up the next morning and it was gone like I actually thought well this will be a challenge because you know I grew up in the streets I'm not making excuses I am actually actually I thought I thought I was going to tell you why but then I just realized [Applause] I thought I had reasons but I just realized as I shared the story they were all excuses I just been doing it for a long time you know when I got saved I cleaned up about three4 of my language but I didn't clean it all
the way up and the Lord's like we're not no we're not doing that anymore and I actually just thought it was for me and now I realize like it's for y'all all y'all and maybe yours isn't language maybe yours is something else you know I I'm I'm not thinking that I'm done I don't know what else I'm going to wake up to hopefully I think I'm doing good I think I am I didn't even think of a cuss word for the last three days I did think some bad thoughts towards the horse but when I
was 112 out I was like you better heal bro or I'm going to send you to heaven myself I did have some of those thoughts but I just want to you know sometimes it's not what you do but it's what you tolerate right the Church of Ephesus in the Book of Revelation God's like I love your Deeds I love the the things you do amazing I do have this one thing it's just a small thing you tolerate the woman Jezebel they didn't do anything except become too [Music] tolerant you didn't hear that from me I'm
saying what you tolerate dominates some things that are called love are not love at all I can't change my Doctrine for people to get saved because it's not called salvation once I take out all the things like don't said so I want to pray for us I say us because I'm including myself I really am sincerely including myself and I'm praying that the consecration chyos moment we're in would lead to beautiful defeats of the enemy that have been plundering us for Generations I believe that our country is coming into a new era and by the
way I know that you're not all from America and I just want to say I I believe this word is bigger than America right now I'm speaking to Americans um but I'm speaking to you too I mean you should take this for your own land but I believe that America is in a chyos moment actually he preached it in 2018 and 19 actually he said that we're in a Providence moment a to use the word Providence in fact the message was come the message was called Providence Providence and I believe we're in a Providence moment
I believe that what happened to former president Trump was a Providence moment where God steps in and by the way there's lots of lovely wonderful people that God goes it's just time for you to go home but every once in a while the Lord goes no you can't no not now George Washington was one of those men you might know this George Washington came home from one of the battles this is many stories like this for George but and and where bullets three bullets pass through his front and back coat and yet he was untouched
and he and the and the Native Americans said about about George Washington they said this man can't die and although he had all kinds of pain from ill ailments like his teeth were all rotten and he lived in terrible pain he couldn't be killed until his time was finished and I believe that we're in a a providential moment in history where God has taken history he's taken history by the neck and he is moving us forward and I think the one thing we don't want to do is get in the way and the other thing
we want to do is consecrate ourselves this isn't against us this is for us this is the CL the climax the the combination of history at least in our day when I believe that we're going to enter a season we might call it the third Great Awakening or whatever uh but I feel like we're going from woke to wake and and I believe that there's powerful move of God happening in the earth and I think the Lord has taken our country and probably all the nations but I right now I feel I I feel feel
like there's a specific message to America like the Lord is on America he's on Americans but he's on the church and so you know we're going to see I I this is my my my my conviction is I don't know if I'm carrying a word I'm carrying a conviction my conviction is that there's going to be a few more national leaders who are uh uh will will be exposed and I think you should it lose heart because the Lord is doing this like the Lord is taking and by the way there's going to be many
behind the scenes who you will never hear of who are repenting I I I I believe it's happening already behind the scenes there are women and men who are saying hey I did that I never told anybody and I pray that they find the mercy seat and not the Stoners you know we don't want the Stoners who uh who who are carrying the uh the carrying uh the truth we want we want the mercy seat for everyone who wants to repent we want that for leaders we want it for the victim especially for the victims
of course and and uh and so I just want to pray why don't we stand right now and I want to pray for us all the online family pray for you I I always joke with you online family but if you if you can if you can stop what you're doing wherever you're at and just come into uh agreement with us if you're in the kitchen or you're watching television or kind of you're you know doing what I do often times I'm listening to a message and watching TV multi asking if you could just like
pause anything else you're doing for a minute if we could just have like a consecrated moment together and uh I really I really appreciate it a lot I just want you to get this prayer because I feel like there's a there's some kind of impartation that's coming prophetically right now that's important for all of us like we need Grace to leave the land of sin we need Grace to leave the land of Adam and we need Grace right we need Grace to lead leave the land of broken covenants represented by circumcision by the lack of
and so I just pray right now holy spirit as you woke me a while back and said no more cussing Lord I pray that you would that each of us would have an Awakening we would have and and and Lord maybe for some people it's actually it's actually uh not a correction for some people it's maybe a new identity you see yourself as broken or fragile and God sees you as fixed as a warrior as an armored up more than a conqueror and I believe that the Lord is walking through the crowd and he's given
many people a new identity and want to tell you that you can't also go into the promised land as a slave you can only go in as a daughter and a son no slaves in the promised land only sons and daughters and so Lord I pray holy spirit that you would move Among Us right now on our online family our on campus family and that you Holy Spirit would bring conviction that you would do what David said search me Lord and and and and find anything that's in me that's that's not good or that it's
not you and lead me to the Everlasting path David said I sought the Lord and he answered me and he delivered me from all my fears I looked to him and I was radiant and my heart will never be ashamed and Lord I just release that over every single person in here I pray even for those who aren't present the congregation that will maybe hear this later or maybe never hear this message but the the holy spirit will still be saying it's time to leave the Wilderness it's time to come in to the land that
I promised your forefathers some of you don't even have a promise but your mother and father did your great grandparents had a promise and you have come here to receive that promise they went before you and they opened a way for you and you've never experienced what it's like to not be under the law to not have to to live under rules to not to not and to not realize that Jesus is walking beside you but you didn't even know it and I just bless every single person I pray your eyes would be open like
what those boys found on the road to emus where they were walking and talking to the Lord and had no clue the Lord was with them Lord I pray for all of us and I really would include myself that you would Open the Eyes of your servants Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord Open the Eyes of My Heart I want to see you I want to see you let's sing it again Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord Open the Eyes of My Heart I want to see you I want to see you see
you high and lifted up shouting in the S of my [Music] glory pour out power and love we sing holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy I want to see you Will Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord Open the Eyes of My Heart I want to see you let's sing that again Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord Open the Eyes of My Heart I want to see you I want to see you put your hand on the shoulders of the person next to you we're going to sing this
as a prayer Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord Open the Eyes of My Heart I want to see you I want to see you one more time Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord Open the Eyes of My Heart I want to see you I want to see you see you high and lifted up shining in the light of my glory pour out your power in love we sing Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy holy holy holy holy holy holy I want to see you sing it as a prayer holy holy holy holy holy
[Music] holy holy holy holy I want to see you Open the Eyes of our hearts Lord Open the Eyes of our hearts we want to see you let's sing it as a prayer Open the Eyes of our heart Lord Open the Eyes of our hearts we want to see you we want to see you thank you Lord Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord bless the Lord thank you [Music]
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