if you don't know these five styling hacks then you're probably styling your thin fine hair all wrong if your hair is too flat on top it can actually make your face look droopy and make your hair look thinner or if you use the wrong products or the right products incorrectly it can make your hair look greasy and again make your hair look thinner but if your hair is too stiff it can actually make your overall look look too rigid and oddly enough still make your hair look thinner but don't worry I'm going to show you
five styling hacks that will absolutely make any thin fine hair look 10 times more flattering and Fuller and this will work on any hair length and I want to say a quick thank you to liyen for sponsoring this video now before we start I want you to take a look at these two different photos we have a before and an after the craziest part is we didn't cut or change the cut in any way shape or form all we did was style the hair to manipulate it in a way that You' be able to see
what happens if you don't implement the different techniques that I'm going to be showing you today and I also want you to understand that these techniques are not only going to help you get more volume but they're also going to help protect your hair from excess damage which can cause breakage and is a really big problem and very common on thin fine hair now technique number one is using the correct product correctly now once we get out of the shower the first thing we need to do is we need to make sure that the hair
is Taw dried and that means that it's even dampness okay so it's not super wet in any specific area dripping cuz that's just going to dilute the product and then it's not overly dry in one area so that we get a random distribution of product because it's going to apply differently in the areas that it's dry versus the areas that it's wet first thing we're going to do is we're going to grab a comb or a brush and we're just going to comb the hair out that we comb out any Tangles that we need to
get out this is what everybody does go straight for the roots we actually want to start down here and work our way up so that we can minimize the amount of damage that we're going to apply to the hair what'll happen is if there's a tangle down here and you start up here you're just going to work that tangle in and you're going to make it actually much harder to get that tangle out that cause breakage it heads up any product that we use today we are going to make sure that there Linked In description
now the next thing is we want to make sure that we use a heat protectant and this is going to be important because again thin fine hair is prone to damage and many times that's because it's a little bit more fragile to begin with so everything we need to do during the drying process has to make sure that we're not adding any extra stress to the hair that we don't need to add and that we're minimizing any stress to the hair that we do need to add we're going to spray that in so I'm going
to kind of start at the mid shaft and the ends and then just comb it from there we're going to go through and we're going to comb this through just to make sure that we have good distribution so comb it through starting again kind of at the midshafts and then working through the ends next this is probably I would argue the most important product that you're going to use this is a volumizer do you use a volumizer right now okay does that look a lot to you or does that look like very little to you
that's about what I use about what you use okay good so let's use more many times I find that people will especially with thin fine hair they'll use a little bit of product and they're scared to use too much and then they use a tiny bit get the feeling of of the product but none of the potential volume that it can create and they go that product didn't work for me I'm going to start basically the same way you did right I'm starting it at the roots up here on the top okay and then I'm
working it through I want the majority of this product to be up here in the crown area because we want to create volume on the top CU that's usually what lays flat is first right like usually you're like this lays flat and the sides they tend to get more volume for most people I don't need as much product on the sides I want to concentrate where I need volume up here to create more volume and on the sides I'm just going to comb it through now the next step or technique is to blow dry for
volume and not for damage it's really important to understand that when you're blow drying your hair you can minimize the amount of damage that you're creating from the blow drying process there's an inherent amount that's going to come with it right but if we take every step to minimize that then it means that we're doing our hair especially in your case a favor but we're still getting the result that we need to get I'm going to use the life and dryer now if you've spent any time around the channel you know that I've used this
forever I've talked about it forever but it's very specific why I'm using it in this case Okay so this dryer actually has four different temperature settings it has hot medium and cool shot plus if you hold this button right here for a few seconds it'll actually start to cycle between the hot and the cold settings now that's great because it can minimize frizz but it also can help to minimize damage now but what I'm going to have you do is at home I would recommend that you use it on medium setting and the fact is
that that's going to help to minimize the damage even on that Medium setting it's still going to dry your hair super quickly oh and by the the way they are having a holiday deal right now where you can save up to 30% off I'm going to make sure to go ahead and throw a link in the description so that you can find that what I found in working with this specific dryer against other dryers is that it dries hair faster with less heat and it's quieter which is to me is just nice we know where
we want to keep volume and we know we want to take the volume away where do we want to keep it on the top boom and we want to take it away from the sides to encourage the illusion of volume on top I still want to make sure that it's going down the hair shaft so even though we're drying hair like this I'm not doing this I'm still going down the hair shaft right or the sides down the hair shaft if your hair is longer it's still down down down do you see how that's still
making s right and then I'll use that to basically get this about 50% so now we're going to move into step three which is creating less volume on the sides and the back we're creating more volume on the top and there's a specific process us to achieve that so first thing we're going to grab the dryer again and I'm actually going to apply the modifier now because now I'm going to use a round brush and I do want to be very careful about where that air flow goes I do not want to use this and
just a round brush this is like 50% of the overall result that you're going to get just that right there okay so where we don't want volume is right on the sides right so we don't want a lot of Bend there because that's creates volume so we want those to be a little bit straighter does that make sense what we're going to do is we're going to get this off your face we're going to start down here and I'm actually going to take this and I'm going to blow dry this down right and very little
bit so I'm not doing this and getting a lot of Bend in it I'm just trying to pull it basically straight and the simple fact that it's a round brush it's going to give me some Bend it's going to give me some roundness so even if I try to pull it straight I'm still going to end with some roundness and it's going to be basically the right amount put this in here point this airf flow down the hair shaft not at it down it like this and I'm just going to pull through it go slow
over the ends I'm just going to do that and it's just going to be [Music] quick this which takes us into number four which is creating more volume on the top and more control in the front and this is going to be a big deal for you what what happens when you put your hair that when you it does that right and it drives you crazy so we want control out of that but we also want volume out of here we're actually going to lift it up not just out from the scalp but actually almost
opposite the way you're going to part it this way so we're going to go this way with it so I can do this okay and now I'll just hit a button right here now we know we're going to cold okay that little blue thing it's very obvious okay and now while it's here I'm just going to cool it down a little bit to lock that in right this is a basic Tech that a lot of people have heard about but if we put this together with everything else now when we mess this up we're going
to create a little bit more lift through there this ends up looking like it's actually got a lot more volume here because there's so little volume in there and you don't need a ton of volume through there right because it's just going to make the bigger this gets see what happens when I just did that that one little thing right yes cold button again we're just going to cool it down just just locking that in okay okay now I'm going to put you on the spot here I feel bad all right do you use a
round brush on your front area on the bang area yes okay I'm going to give you this just give me an idea show me what you would do without turning it on just show me what you would typically do roll them up like a curler okay yeah and then I and then you hit him with a blow dryer I hit it with a blow dryer so that is really good it's going to change the way you approach it what we're going to do is what I like to call non-directional you're always parting your hair on
the side so you naturally did this when you went to style it yes okay I want to see a little bit of bend a little bit of lift of those roots area which basically means that I'm just going to take this section and instead of going one way or the other I'm going to go with the center straight down this way over here I'm going to bring it this way over here I'm going to bring it this way and I'm going to style it as though you're going to wear a very thick strong bang even
though you're not and then we'll use our fingers to style it we'll get into number five which is kind of the the key this way okay I am going to bring all of this I'm going to start it off a little bit this way only because it's so dramatic that way okay so I'm kind of going against the grain here a little bit we're going to go a little bit this way again that air flow is pointed down the hair shaft I'll take this section and I'll bring it this [Music] way this [Music] way I
still love that this is quiet yeah the fact that I can film this right now and like have this on and the audio isn't totally trash is impressive to me so I can do this okay here you can hit a cold button and cool that down there you go nice I told you you get volume technique or tip number five which is you're actually going to style it but you're going to style it with your hands the reason I say this is so specific is because people like want to either like get it combed into
place they'll do the Locking with the brush okay I've got kind of a style going then it's like oh my gosh let's just not move like it's going to fall flat if I touch it let's spray it into place does that sound familiar okay what we're going to do now is just you should be able to mess this up do whatever we want with it okay get in here get crazy with it and go okay now I'm going to style it back off your face I'm going to just comb it with my fingers I'm going
to get it back off your face and I'm going to go what I want this to look like well we're going to part it to this side okay so I'm going to bring this back off your face got a little bit of Bend there I want some pieces to kind of come down in your face so I'll just kind of use my fingers and what you'll find is the more times you do it oh I'm almost there that looks cute wait a minute let me start over again this is something that I do constantly with
people right the more times you actually play with it and kind of break it up you'll find many times that it actually gets a little bit more movement a little bit more shape and ends up actually looking better so I'll start this side now we're kind of styling with their fingers right and I've got two different potential special sauces if you will one have you ever used wax before okay so what we want is we want some control now the way that we get that hair out of your face is either by spraying it out
of your face or cutting it so short there's no hair to be in your face so this is a wax this is something that can go really wrong or it can be really great the key is when you find one of these you're looking for a matte finish wax it's very important sometimes they'll say things like high shine high hold you're looking for low or no shine and high hold that means that it's going to have the least amount of weigh your hair down greasiness and the most amount of actual control to be able to
hold it kind of like a liquid hairspray almost so with yours I'm going to put about this much in okay so that's about this much what you're going to do is you're going to work some like this through your hand so you see what's in the Palm I'm going to put this like this okay now most of your product is in your palms so what we want to do is we don't want to do this which is what people do right 90% of the product goes in 90% of your hair I want to start back
here and kind of work this in okay so I get some of that product off in the back where you have most of your hair all right and then I'm going to work it through again my hands and now I'm actually going to comb it through the very front Okay so I'm going to do this and see how now like when I do this see how I'm getting more movement or control out of it okay okay so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to mess this up and I actually want you now
I want you to kind of just put your hands in and play with it and even when you do it and it's messy you're still getting less volume here you're getting more volume here and it's because all of the techniques that we used from the time that it was wet to now have given us a foundation that allows you to mess it all up and start over again you can continue to do this no matter what you do it's not going to lay your hair flat all of a sudden right you're going to mess with
it you're going to play with it and you'll still be able to finger it back into place because we have the foundation that we need to have I've got one last little thing of Special Sauce let's say You're really really thin like in this area what you can do is you can take these fibers let's go like this so now it looks much denser just around the hairline right there but you would never know that there's anything going on there it doesn't fall off it doesn't like come off on your fingers ridiculously just rinse it
out tomorrow it's like it was never there I my hair is thin here and I have these in right now to make it look thicker legitimately so to me that's like the three-part system you deal with the ends then you deal with the style process to create more volume to help it look more dense and then if you're really like insecure and you've got some pieces that you can see the scalp through you use fibers your hair looks 10 times thicker it's got volume in the right areas more volume and all in all it just
feels much more youthful much more flattering so again I want to say a huge thank you to lifean for sponsoring this video and if you want to learn more about the life and dryer I am going to make sure that there's a link in the description as well as the pin comment and there'll be a discount code if you use Justin 13 you'll save an unconditional $13 off so go ahead and check that out make sure you do you're going to love it I promise that actually here's yours right now this is for you so
that you can take that with you from lyen thank you Lifey in otherwise if you liked this video thanks for hanging out you are probably going to love this video so go over there and I'll see you over there bye