Lord, if You won’t move the Mountain, Give me the strength to Climb it | Morning Prayer

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Grace Oasis
When the storms of life won’t cease and the mountains don’t move, it’s easy to feel discouraged. But...
Video Transcript:
before we pray I'd like to say a few words and then we'll pray together in life you will go through seasons of struggle times when everything feels heavy and moments when it seems like the weight of the world is on your shoulders it's only natural that during these times you cry out to God asking him to take away your problems to rescue you from the storm you ask him to move the mountains standing in your way but what happens when God doesn't take the problem away what happens when the mountain doesn't move no matter how
much you pray I want to gently remind you that when the storms don't cease when the hardship lingers and when the rain just won't stop falling maybe the prayer isn't for the situation to disappear instead it can be God walk with me through this storm give me the strength I need to face this challenge think about the three Hebrew boys who were thrown into the fiery furnace God didn't stop them from being thrown into the fire but he was right there in the fire with them and look at Daniel God didn't prevent him from being
thrown into the lion's den but God was right there keeping him safe in every one of these stories God didn't immediately take away the danger or the pain but he was present in it he was right there in the middle of the struggle comforting and protecting them in Psalm 23:4 it says even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me notice it doesn't say Lord don't let me walk through the valley instead it acknowledges that there will be tough times but the promise
is this God will be with you every step of the way the Comfort comes not from avoiding the valley but from knowing god is walking with you through it I want to encourage you today no matter what you are going through God is with you whether you feel like you're in the fire facing deep Waters or standing in the middle of a fierce battle God is with you you are never alone when the mountain in your life won't move ask God for the strength to climb limit when the challenges seem too big pray for the
courage to face them head on and when your burdens feel too heavy cast them on the Lord knowing that he cares for you deeply if today you feel like you're in the midst of a battle whether it's a spiritual battle or a personal one know this the battle belongs to God let him fight for you the only way you'll make it through the toughest moments is by fully surrendering to him surrender to Jesus and pray Lord if this challenge doesn't go away face it with me if I must walk through this storm walk with me
be my strength and my comfort when you do this God will give you the grace to endure and the strength to overcome you are never alone and with God by your side you will find the peace and power to keep going now let's pray together father God I lift my voice to praise you with everything within me you are truly worthy of all my honor all my reverence and all my devotion there is none like you Lord you Reign above all and your name alone deserves to be exalted when I think of your goodness and
your faithfulness my heart overflows with gratitude no matter what I face in life you are my constant source of hope and strength so I come before you today humbling myself in your presence acknowledging that without you I am nothing I thank you for your grace your mercy and your NeverEnding love that surrounds me Lord I ask that you continue to guide me and sustain me even when the road ahead seems difficult and uncertain I praise you not just for what you've done but for who you are alight Mighty God and for the love you show
me each day Lord I ask you for strength especially when I find myself in the middle of difficult circumstances sometimes the trials seem too much for me to bear and I feel weak and overwhelmed but even in those moments I know you are there holding me up father give me the strength to endure help me to keep my faith anchored in you even when I can't see the way Way Forward it's easy to feel lost when things don't go as planned but I ask that you help me trust in your perfect timing when doubt Creeps
in remind me that you are in control and even when I feel like giving up you are still working behind the scenes for my good help me to stay strong Lord and not let the pressures of Life shake my faith when I feel like everything is falling apart remind me that you are the one who holds everything together I trust that you will provide the strength I need to stand firm to make the right decisions and to fully place my confidence in you Lord help me to trust in you completely I want to have full
confidence that you will always make a way for me even when I can't see the solution sometimes it feels like I'm standing in front of a mountain that won't move but I know that you Lord can make a way where there seems to be no way strengthen my faith so that when I face tough times I can still choose to worship you even in the middle of the storm I want to lift my hands in Praise even when the world is crumbling around me I want to declare your goodness give me the courage to praise
you not just when things are going well but also when life is hard when I feel crushed under the weight of my problems help me remember that you are greater than any challenge I face you are the God who makes a way who opens doors no one can shut and who provides light even in the darkest moments Let My Worship be a declaration of my trust in you even when it's hard to see how things will work out father I thank you for the strength you have already given me I'm reminded of your word in
psalm 59:16 which says but I will sing of your strength I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning for you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress I will not only Sing of Your strength but I will also declare your unwavering love that never fails you have been my Fortress a place of safety when I needed Refuge even when I was at my lowest you were my shelter and my strong stronghold I know that no matter what comes my way I can run to you
and find safety your strength is what carries me through the toughest days and your love is what keeps me going thank you for being my refuge in every storm for surrounding me with your presence when I need it most I will continue to glorify your name and sing praises because you have always been faithful and I trust you will continue to be Lord Jesus your name is powerful and it is a name above every name creation itself sings with joy At The Mention Of Your Name and there is no force in heaven or on Earth
that can stand against you at your name every demon trembles every barrier is broken and every chain is loosed the enemy is defeated by the power in your name and there is nothing that can stand in the way of your Victory I declare that at the name of Jesus walls will fall strongholds will crumble and every problem I face will bow in submission you are the king of kings and the Lord of lords the Bible tells me that one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that you are Lord but I declare
it today in my life and in my situation that you are Lord and not only do the powers of this world bow to you but the spiritual forces that try to harm me also must bow at the name of Jesus all my fears must flee and every source of darkness is defeated thank you Lord for the power in your name I pray Lord that worry anxiety and fear would have no power over me the enemy tries to overwhelm me with doubt and fear but in the name of Jesus I declare that those things have no
place in my life your peace Lord is greater than any fear and it's a peace that surpasses all human understanding even when everything around me seems chaotic I know that I can rest in your peace help me to fix my eyes on you and not on the problems around me keep my mind focused on Heavenly things on your truth and on your promises when the world tries to pull me down remind me to look up to you help me to stay anchored in my faith to remain devoted to you and to keep my heart fixed
on your goodness your peace is the anchor for my soul and it keeps me Steady even in the storm my heart will not be a fearful heart for I trust in you Lord I know that you are the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob The God Who has proven faithful throughout the ages my confidence comes from knowing that you are with me just as you have promised in your word you have told me to be strong and courageous to not be afraid because you are always with me you will never leave me nor forsake me
and because you are by my side I have nothing to fear Empower me Lord to stand strong in the face of adversity help me to hold on to your promises in Psalm 118: 6 and 7 which says the Lord is on my side I will not fear what can man do to me the Lord is for me among those who help me I declare today that I will not fear because you Lord are on my side no force in this world can stand against me when you are fighting for me I trust that you will
lead me through every Challenge and I thank you for your constant presence be blessed and glorified Lord Jesus you are my king My Savior and my redeemer Lead Me In Your Truth and wisdom each day guide my steps direct my path and help me to walk in alignment with your will thank you Lord for hearing my prayer I pray all of this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen if this prayer has touched your heart please type amen I pray that every blessing in this prayer is now upon you in the name of Jesus
and please let us know in the comments section if you would like us to pray for you specifically May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always
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