Her WICKED MOTHER IN-LAW Wanted Her Mad #AfricanTales #Tales #AfricanFolklore #Folks

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Native African Tales
"The Wicked Mother-In-Law." This enchanting story captures the essence of African storytelling, fill...
Video Transcript:
once upon a time in a beautiful part of the world called akoko Village there lived a woman named Nana she wasn't much likeed by the Village People because she had a sharp tongue and a hot temper Nana had three sons and oh they were handsome like the brightest stars in the night sky but there was a big problem even though many girls would sneak peeks at them dreaming of being their bride none dear Come Close why because of Nana their mother who was as tricky to deal with as a slippery fish Kofi the eldest of
her sons was as kind as the morning sun and gentle like a cool breeze he had a heart full of love and hands ready to help anyone in need as he grew up like a plant reaching for the sun Kofi thought about finding a bride someone to share Smiles with to walk side by side under The Baobab tree and to tell stories to under the Moonlight one day Kofi met a girl named Amma she was pretty like the pink sky at dawn and had a laugh that sounded like music Kofi thought ah this must be
the one so he brought her home hoping his mother would see what he saw in Arma but oh no Nana did not like this one bit before Amma could even say good day Nana decided she was not right you have no manners Nana was so mad she did something very mean she poured hot water making poor Amma run away and never come back wood spread across aoko like wildfire stay away from Nana's Sons people whispered or you'll get more than you bargained for from that day girls would run away like scared rabbits whenever Kofi or
his brothers came near it was a sad time for Kofi who just wanted to find someone to share his heart with but no matter how gentle or kind he was the shadow of his mother's temper scared all the potential sweethearts away poor Kofi his heart was big but his problem was bigger and that was just the beginning of a story filled with twists and tunes like the winding Paths of a Coco Village one day decided he had enough of the sad lonely days I will find someone who doesn't know about Nana's Hot temper he said
to himself so he packed a small bag waved goodbye to the tall trees of a Coco and set off he walked and walked past Hills that looked like giant sleeping animals until he reached a village he had never seen before the sun was kissing the Earth good night and kofi's legs felt like they were made of mushed yams from all the walking just when kofi's throat felt as dry as the dusty road he saw a lady she was walking like she was part of a beautiful dance a pot of water balanced perfectly on her head
her smile was like a cool breeze on a hot day excuse me young lady Kofi said his voice cracking like dry leaves could you tell me where I can find some water my throat is as dry as the desert the lady whose name was Tani looked at Kofi with eyes as gentle as a dose the stream is far she said but you can have some of my water she offered him a drink from her pot and oh that water was sweet it was like tasting a little bit of the sky after drinking Kofi felt better
he wanted to thank Tani not just with words but by making sure she got home safely as the night had begun to spread its dark blanket over the village Tani agreed and together they walked to her Hut talking and laughing like old friends Tani's heart was as big as her smile and she offered to find Kofi a place to stay she took him to her neighbor's heart where he was welcomed to rest his tired feet and stay the night Tani even cooked for him making a simple meal taste like the finest Feast with her kindness
the next morning Kofi woke up with the son feeling like a new man he hurried to thank Tani who was already up her face bright and welcoming as the morning sun I'm coffee from aoko Village he said his heart feeling light and happy soani gave him a smile smile soft and shy and said I'm Tani looking at Tani Kofi saw her beauty not just in how she looked but in her gentle calmness and her kindness she was like a precious gem shining quietly in a world that often forgot to notice such Treasures kofi's heart danced
a little dance he thought maybe just maybe the stars have led me to someone special Tani with her long dark hair and eyes that held stories of the moon and stars saw Kofi not just as a stranger from another Village but as a kindred spirit the meeting felt like a little bit of magic in the Ordinary World and so kofi's journey to find water turned into a journey to find a heart that matched his own in this new Village away from the shadows of his mother's temper Kofi found a sparkle of Hope and that sparkle
was named tolani in the days that followed kofi's life was like a new song filled with happiness and light every morning he would wake up thinking of tolani her smile brightening his day before it even started he saw her kindness like rain that gently falls on thirsty land and it made flowers of love bloom in his heart even though Kofi was a stranger in this new Village his gentle ways and kind heart won him many friends he found work helping people with their farms and they paid him with more than just coins they gave him
smiles and a place in their Community but of all the people in the village it was Tani who made kofi's heart sing Tani was like the Moon in kofi's night sky quiet beautiful and bright her kindness was not just an act it was who she was and Kofi he was in love not the kind of love that shouts loudly for all to hear but a love that was deep and true like the quiet river that flows steadily through the forest in this new Village girls would sometimes flutter around Kofi like butterflies drawn to his kindness
and his strong gentle ways but kofi's heart was like a tree with deep roots firmly planted in the ground no matter how the winds of attention tried to sway him his heart remained steady pointing always towards Tani as days turned into weeks Kofi and Tani spent more time together they talked about everything and nothing from the way the Stars seemed to tell stories in the night sky to how the rain felt like Whispers of the ancestors with each shared laugh and each shared silence their bone grew stronger weaving them closer together like threads in a
beautiful cloth Kofi knew he wanted to protect toan to be a shelter for her in a world that wasn't always kind he thought about his mother Nana and her temper that burned hotter than the midday Sun but in this Village under the gentle gaze of the moon and stars Nana's Shadow seemed far away here with Tani Kofi dared to dream of a future bright with love and warmth and so in a place far from the Troubles of akoko Village love blossomed like a rare flower nurtured by kindness and watered by shared dreams Kofi and Tani
two hearts finding each other in a wide world began to write Their Own Story a story not of loneliness and shadows but of love and light in Tani Kofi found not just love but a new beginning and in Kofi Tani found a heart that matched her own gentle and true together they stood at the threshold of Tomorrow handin hand ready to step into a future filled with the promise of Happiness after many sunny days and Starfield nights Kofi knew it was time to take tolani to meet Nana his mother whose Temple was as famous in
akoko as the big old bowab tree in the center of the village kofi's heart was like a little bird fluttering with worry what if mother doesn't like her what if she scares Tani away he thought but looking into Tani's eyes calm and trusting Kofi found a spark of hope so they journeyed back to aoko the village where Kofi had grown up The Path was familiar but kofi's steps were hesitant as they neared his home Kofi took a deep breath trying to calm the storm of butterflies in his belly Nana was sitting outside under the shade
of the bobab tree weaving a cap as her fingers danced between the threads her face was Stern like a mask carved from wood Kofi cleared his throat mother I have someone I want you to meet this is tolani Tani stepped forward her grace like the gentle flow of a river she greeted Nana with a voice soft and sweet good day ma what happened next was as surprising as finding a flower blooming in the dry season Nana's face usually so quick to show her displeasure softened like the sky at dawn a smile warm and genuine spread
across her face as she welcomed Tani ah welcome my child you have the glow of the morning sun kofi's eyes widened in shock this was not the welcome he had braced for this was not the Nana he knew he had prepared for a storm but found himself standing in sunlight he watched puzzled and relieved as his mother and Tani talked like old friends reunited Nana's warm welcome was like a cool breeze on a hot day Kofi couldn't believe his ears when Nana laughed a sound he hadn't heard in a long time it was as if
the presence of tolani had woven a spell of Peace around Nana calming the stormy seas within her Kofi felt a weight lift from his shoulders his mother's acceptance of to anani was like the first rain after a long dry spell refreshing and full of hope he smiled watching the two most important women in his life chatting and laughing under the bobab tree it was a moment Kofi wanted to capture and keep forever like a precious gem that evening as the sun dipped below the Horizon painting the sky with Strokes of orange and pink k felt
a sense of Peace he hadn't known in a long time Nana's unexpected welcome of Tani was a gift a blessing that filled kofi's heart with joy as they said their goodbyes Nana hugged tolani Whispering words of welcome into her ear Kofi and Tani walked away handin hand under a sky filled with stars that seemed to shine just for them the shadow of Nana's wrath seemed a distant memory and ahead lay a path lit by the promise of love and acceptance in that moment Kofi knew that no matter what the future held they had taken a
step towards a new beginning a beginning filled with the hope of happiness love and the warm embrace of family the days turned warmer and the laughter in ki's home grew louder a melody of joy and Newfound happiness but as the saying goes in akoko Village the calm sea is not always safe for swimming and so it was with Nana whose warm welcome of tolani was but the Calm before a storm then one sunny afternoon as unexpected as a Souther rain in the dry season Nana arrived at their doorstep bags in hand claiming she missed Tani
and wanted to spend time with her coffee felt a stir of all worries why has mother come is it truly to spend time with Tani or does the Storm still lur within her waiting to burst forth Kofi was worry remembering the past but Tani with her everpresent kindness welcomed Nana hoping that the love and peace of their home would warm even the coldest of hearts and so Nana stayed and for a time all see well Kofi and Tani continued to thrive in their love and work under the watchful eyes of Nana who appeared to have
changed but had she truly or was this just the Calm before another storm only time would tell as days turned into weeks the peaceful village life began to show signs of strain Nana who had been welcomed into Kofi and Tani's home with open arms slowly let her true colors shine through colors as dark as a moonless night at first it was small things Nana would ask Tani to fetch water from the father's well or to prepare meals that took hours to cook Tani with her heart full of patience and kindness did as asked thinking it
was her duty to make her mother-in-law feel comfortable and welcome Nana didn't stop there she followed tolani to the market watching her like a haulk watches a hand when tolani would sell her beautiful crafts and smile at her customers Nana would take Tani's earnings from the market claiming she was managing it for the couple's future Tani's once thriving Store Saw its Sparkle dim as Nana's grip tightened then came the most heart-wrenching Act of all Nana discovered Tani was expecting a secret bundle of joy that Tani had yet to share with cofy wanting to surprise him
upon his return Nana with intentions as smokey as a stormy sea started mixing Madness leaves and other harmful concoctions hoping to read tolani of the child she carried tolani enduring this cruelty found herself in a sea of Silence bearing the weight of Nana's actions alone she hoped for kofi's return hoping his presence would calm the storm that his mother had become each day Tani woke with the son her spirit dimming under Nana's Dark Shadow she worked tirelessly her once Bright Smile Now a rare sight yet through it all Tani's kindness never wavered she continued to
treat Nana with respect hoping that beneath the Thorns there might still be a rose waiting to bloom The Village whispered of the changes of the darkness that had settled over Kofi and Tani's home still Tani carried on her heart holding on to the love she and Kofi shared a beacon in the night guiding her through the storm Nana's two colors a tapestry of Cruelty and spite were fully revealed leaving Tani to wonder if the warmth of Love could ever melt a heart so cold and as she endured tolani clung to the hope that kofi's return
would bring back the light that Nana's Shadow had so cruy snuffed out when Kofi came back he was all smiles excited to see tolani and tell her about everything he saw on his journey but as soon as he stepped into his home his smile faded a little his mother Nana was waiting for him not with open arms but with a long face full of sad stories Nana told Kofi oh my dear son it's been so tough without you here Tani she doesn't treat me nicely I feel so alone Kofi couldn't believe his ears Tani the
sweetest pair in the basket being mean to to his mother confused and worried Kofi went to find Tani who was humming a song while cooking her way of spreading love in the home Tani Kofi said his voice heavy mother says you haven't been nice to her what's going on Tani was shocked her eyes wide almost dropping the spoon but Kofi I've been caring for her just like I care for our home I don't understand why she'd say that she replied her voice shaking like a leaf in the wind the house felt smaller that day as
misunder understandings piled up like too many clothes in a basket Nana watching from a corner almost seemed to have a shadow of a smile Tani kept trying harder than before to show Kofi her True Heart Tani thought about how she served meals with extra love cleaned with extra care and even sung Nana's favorite songs but it was tough with Nana Whispering like a mischievous wind Kofi started looking at Tani with unsure eyes Tani felt like she was walking on a path full of thorns trying to reach Kofi and remind him of the love and trust
that once blossomed brightly between them each day tolani woke up with the son hoping that today would be the day when Kofi would see the truth the day when love would clear the fog of misunderstandings she believed in their love a love that was strong enough to weather any storm even one brewed by Nana's tricky winds one Bright Morning Tani with a heart full of Hope prepared a special meal she thought maybe a delicious meal will warm everyone's heart and clear away the misunderstandings she put extra care into it seasoning the food with love and
garnishing it with kindness but as they sat down to eat Nana suddenly pushed her plate away her eyes wide with fear poison toan is trying to poison me she cried out her voice echoing like thunder across the village Kofi his mind Tangled like a fish in a net didn't know what to believe mother why would Tani do such a thing he asked confusion painting his face Nana tears streaming down her cheeks convinced Kofi with her words I know what I tasted she wants me gone Kofi caught between the woman he loved and the mother he
respected felt lost at sea without a paddle with a heavy heart Kofi turned to tolani Tani my love until we sort this out you must go back to your mother's house toan her heartbreaking like a clay pot dropped on the ground packed her things tears blurring her vision but her dignity intact Tani's mother I abier known throughout the village for her wisdom in herbs and healing heard of her daughter's plight and marched to kofi's home like a storm ready to burst Nana she said her voice steady like a calm before the storm why do you
accuse my daughter of such wickedness The Village gathered drawn by the storm of words and emotions witnessing the confrontation Nana cornered by the truth and Tani's mother's unyielding gaze found herself Tangled in her own Web of Lies the air was thick with anticipation as the truth began to unravel like Morning Mist Under the Sun the village waited breath held to to see whether love and truth would cut through the knot of lies and bring back Harmony to the hearts that had been torn apart in the heart of the village with everyone's eyes on her Nana
felt the walls closing in the air was thick with tension like before a big storm Tani's mother with a look as sharp as a knife asked Nana again why Nana why accuse my daughter Nana feeling like a mous trapped by cats pulled out a charm hidden in her clothes it was a dark and twisted thing looking as mean as Nana's lies I I did it she finally burst out her words tumbling like rocks down a hill I was jealous I didn't want Kofi to love anyone more than me the Village Guest the truth was out
like a dark cloud finally raining down its Secrets Nana told of her plots her spells to keep her son single her lies about Tani even her cruel hope to harm Tani's unborn child the air turned heavy with her confessions each word a weight added to her son's Hearts Kofi his heart sinking like a stone in a river couldn't believe what he was hearing shame wrapped around him and his brothers a cloak too heavy to wear the village wants a place of love and laughter felt cold and Silent the elders spoke the voices carrying the weight
of Justice Nana you must leave they said their decision as firm as the ground beneath their feet your heart has brought too much Darkness here so Nana was sent away to wander far from the village she had tried to rule with her wickedness Kofi and his brothers heads bowed in shame could only watch as their mother disappeared into the distance Kofi his heart aching with regret and eyes open to the truth sought out tolani he found her by the river where they had shared many moments of laughter and love Tani he said his voice barely
a whisper I have been a fool blinded by lies can you ever forgive me Tani her heart as white as the sky saw the sincerity in kofi's eyes the love that had never truly left Kofi she replied her voice soft but strong it is love that brought us together and it is love that will keep us together we will rebuild stronger and wiser and so Kofi and tolani hand in hand returned to the Village their steps light with the promise of new beginnings the village in turn welcome them back the story a reminder of the
strength of love and the power of forgiveness as for Nana her path was a lonely one her heart heavy with the weight of her Deeds but in the end it was a tale of Love's Triumph over deceit a tale that would be told for generations to come in a coko village where hearts are wide and forgiveness is a bridge to a brighter tomorrow as the story of and tolani of Nana's downfall and The Village's triumph over wickedness weaved its way into the fabric of akoko it left a legacy of hope it reminded everyone that even
in the face of great Darkness the light of love the strength of a United Community and the power of redemption can guide us back to happiness and so Kofi and Tani live surrounded by friends family and a village that had stood with them through the storm their love once tested now unbreakable became a beon for all a happily ever after that wasn't just an end but a beginning of a story that would be told for generations to come I hope you enjoyed the story if so please like the video comment what you learned from the
tale and don't forget to subscribe to the channel for more enchanting Tales just like this one thank you
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