Russell Brunson Shares 10 YEARS of Funnelhacking Secrets!

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Russell Brunson
In this presentation from Funnel Hacking Live 9.5 (2024), Russell Brunson shares his journey after 1...
Video Transcript:
hey this is Russell runson right now I'm wearing my funnel hacker for life T-shirt established in 2014 that's when clickfunnels first started and this year at our funnel hacking live event I did a really cool presentation called funnel hacker Evolution showing the evolution of what's been happening over the last decade since we started this movement since we started helping people to start and grow companies online using sales funnels and the community we've developed and the people are called funnel hackers in fact you were probably one of my funnel hackers I'm glad you're here but I
wanted to share with you this presentation for this last F hacking live because on this presentation I talk about the evolution that we all have to go through as people as marketers as entrepreneurs as funnel hackers to be more successful of all the presentations I gave at this year's event this is the one that got the best feedback people were going crazy for it and there are a lot of really cool things I think would be value for you so with that said I wanted to show you guys this presentation if you are a funnel
hacker or you want to be a funnel hacker this is going to show you the evolution with that said check out this presentation called funnel hacker Evolution you ready to jump into my first presentation all right I'm calling this one funnel hacker Evolution uh obviously this is we've been doing this game now for 10 years as funnel hackers talking hanging out uh like going on this journey together and I thought about that lot like what's the evolution like where have we come like where do we come from where are we going what's been happening and
to kind of kick off this presentation I want to start it showing you guys a really quick video and this um obviously yesterday we did the we had the the longer kind of State of the Union video this was in here as part of it but I wanted to take just this video it's like 2 and a half minutes long and um it's going to show show you kind of what's been happening over the last decade here inside the funnel hacker community and I wanted to lead with this to get us in the right state
to go deep and talk about some really cool things to help you on your journey as a funnel hacker so that said let's watch this video really quick I'm showing you guys the last 10 years uh inside the funnel hacking community so we had this idea we're working on this thing right now it's amazing it allows us to actually create marketing funnels most entrepreneurs we have so many stresses the last thing we want to worry about is our sales funnel I felt trapped and exhausted by my life I went through probably 12 business tries and
they were all failures we literally were selling furniture out of our home that's why we created clickfun office that we just moved into we wanted to focus on impact and on Legacy I have a calling yesterday I realized I have to do this well today today is the day that you change the world finding clickfunnels like finding a flashlight in the woods it's brought us home I can help people in ways that I hadn't previously thought were possible I found my people I found people that actually think like me discovered my purpose it's changed not
only my life but my family's life and actually brought us closer like getting Goosebumps talking about it the world's beginning to take notice 6,000 coaching 771 members of 25,000 students amazing Mastermind I'm like we got to come to in unlock the secret, anyone can help it's a beautiful G if you could get there on your own well then we wouldn't need each other if we don't need each other then we would ultimately have no purpose in life and we're there for each other through all the ups and downs the good times and the bad you
guys were born as entrepreneurs but you're here today because of a choice you made so while you're an entrepreneur at Birth you are a funnel hacker by choice for the first time ever FAL hockey live is going virtually keep hacking the world bro this has been quite a journey let's get out there let's change the world let's help people out let's go C family together we're building a whole new world every funnel that you guys launch out there we actually donate money this couldn't have happened without clickfunnel everyone here believes in us there's heart there's
family and we all Advance it's just fire we have amazing god-given talents when we leing into them we can do incredible things you are meant to shine I love you I freaking love you we're ready to make an impact don't find your people that need you we're Nothing Without You The Funnel hackers the people who were crazy enough to take risks to go all in and impact the world in a way that we never could and the gift of that the gift of of that now that's [Music] everything I saw I saw Diane's comment said
great I'm crying again now and so am I so that's how we're going to start today off uh very emotional but man the last 10 years have been uh the Journey of Lifetime for me for our team and um I just looking back and it's just crazy how fast it's gone but like just all the things that have happened all the connections all the people and it's just been uh like I said the ride of a lifetime the honor to be able to serve you guys for so long and we're just getting started though which
is fun so uh today again I want to talk about funnel hacker Evolution and I've got a couple things I want to share some things are very much like the mindset as side of things some things are going to be more focused on uh actual tactical like how to get things done in your business and I just had kind of a bunch of things I want to share that I thought would be fun to talk about today this morning to kind of kick off today so the first thing I want to talk about especially right
now here in the United States I know we're streaming this all around the world but we're in the middle of a whole bunch of like just crazy times right uh specifically right um for here in America it's related to the elections right all the chaos and things that are happening and it's it's tough and um it's funny because I'm not very political I don't get involved I don't watch that kind of stuff but what's interesting is like as I keep seeing these candidates coming up and promising this and that all sort of stuff I'm like
I don't think that that is what's actually going to change the world like it's not going to be political candidates it's not going to be the schooling system like these things are not the things that actually change things right um the people that are going to change the world are us it's the entrepreneurs it's the people who are actually out there creating things that they love that they believe in that they that they want to do and so my very first thing I want to share secret number one here is that you guys are the
hero of the story and I want to share because it's interesting you look at entrepreneurship as a whole like um it's vilified in the mass media uh I heard myON talk about this one time myON said have you notice that like every single time if you watch any um any movie any TV show like who's the villain of every single show it's always the evil billionaire who's got this pling scheme to kill all the people and like ruin the world right it's always like the rich entrepreneur is the bad guy even Disney movies like we're
watching The Lorax with the kids and I'm like man they make the entrepreneurs look like the worst people on the planet like every single thing like uh the world makes us look like the bad guys and it's crazy me because like we're L literally the ones that are trying to change things we're the ones trying to help people we're the ones who are the only ones actually out there getting our hands dirty doing things in each of our individual spheres and um I wanted to kind of re like to begin today just thinking about that
like I don't want you guys thinking like you know entrepreneurship the things that we're doing the things we're trying to create that this is bad or anything like you guys literally are the heroes of the story and if it wasn't for you guys like the world would never change and I have a chance to see it at this level which just so fun you know looking at literally at this point you know hundreds of thousands if not millions of people that have come into our ecosystem at one point or the other all of them with
different missions different messages and then taking inside of their sphere and changing the world um I'm just looking right here in this room just all my inner circle members and like I can tell every single person's story every one of you guys in here has a group of people that you've been called to serve and you've changed their lives and just the impact of this room alone is insane like I would say if we were like take each of your guys' impacts and then look at that how it far rolls out it's in the tens
if not hundreds of millions of people just in this room right here not counting to over 10,000 people virtually all around the world right now who are participating in this event right and so like this is the first thing I want to talk about is just understanding that you guys are the heroes of the story and to lean into that and be excited by that because when you look at that it's like okay I'm the hero this is this is not just like me trying to figure out of make some money like I'm literally changing
people's lives and if I'm willing to step up and step into my calling and do the things I'm supposed to do I can change the world for this group of people that I've been called to serve right that's number one as I was putting these slides together I was uh just thinking about the last 10 years of you know going to funnel hacking live every single year and spending time with everybody and uh this is a quote from Alec Sharin who spoke a couple times of funnel hacking live and it's one of my favorites talking
specifically about us as the entrepreneurs he's he's talking about like what is like where do we fit in this whole ecosystem of the world right we're different he calls us evolutionary Hunters uh but this is my favorite quotes from Alex he said we are the small percentage of the population that goes into the future imagines a new reality and then comes back and insists it becomes real like that's what's different about us most people are not doing that most people wake up every single day and they're bumping into whatever's happening they're bumping into things and
just like they're reactionary uh based on whatever's happening in the world every single day right that's not us like we see Visions right uh and the Bible talks about like seeing visions and Dreaming Dreams like this such a big important thing that what we as entrepreneurs do right every one of us like when you get into this world you don't start with this huge Vision you don't know what you're going to do all you know is that like you see something it's like I feel like I'm I'm supposed to do this I'm supposed to do
these things and it's like this weird feeling I don't know if other people don't feel it or if they just don't act upon it but the entrepreneurs the ones who feel that feeling and then they go and they act upon it right uh another one of my favorite quotes this is from Ryan moram I heard him say this on a podcast one time and it stuck with me as just such a powerful thing he said AR an entrepreneur was someone who took responsibility for a problem that wasn't their own right most people in the world
like 98% of the world is not trying to take on resp like they're trying to like back away from responsibility that's not my problem that's not my problem you see it every single day over and over and over again they do not want to step into the responsibility we're entrepreneurs are different like there's a problem I think I can solve that who does that that's not normal you guys you understand that right we're weird everyone else is trying to Sher responsibility hide from responsibility hide behind somebody else trying to blame somebody else not taking extreme
ownership where we're stepping into things that have nothing to do with us we like I think I can solve this problem I'm going to do this thing this is the thing I want to focus on and then we spend our lives giving and serving trying to figure this thing out and it's tough at first right this is not something where you step into this call and you're like hey I'm going to take responsibility for that how much money am I make am I going to make you going to make $0 an hour for a couple
years like what it's probably going to cost you money cuz you got to invest money and time and energy and team and all these different ideas so you're going to lose a bunch of money for a long long time but if you stick with it long enough eventually you'll make a little bit of money and a little bit more money you'll change a whole bunch of people's lives and the more people's lives you can change the more money you're going to make but it's like we have to believe in this Mission long enough to get
to that point and most people don't most people stop right and so think about how interesting that is I look at again everyone in this room right now but all you guys at home like what is it that you guys are looking into like what is the thing the problem in the world that you're trying to solve like if you entrepreneurship that's all it actually is it's like there's a problem and for some reason I feel called to try to figure out how to solve that that's what Ryan is talking about here right and that's
what's weird and unique about entrepreneurship is we see these problems and say I'm going to figure out how to do this right I think about just me in the clickfunnels world like for a decade I was building funnels in launch game building funnels launching and then for some reason I'm like you know what there's a problem here I'm going to figure out how to solve it right and that's when Todd and I sit down we invested entire life or two or half three years to build this platform every penny we had everything we had we're
putting in this thing cuz like I believe this is going to change the world I believe it's going to be I believe it's going to be and then we launched it okay it's interesting I even look at a decision Todd and I had four years ago was during the last political election so was four years ago I remember it was the night election we were sitting at in uh Georgia at his Penthouse or his um his lake house talking about click phon and we had two options number one is like we could sell the company
walk away rich as ever and never have to worry about working again or we could double down and build something amazing and like this is this opport this is this thing it's like like and it's a hard decision looking back sometimes you're like man we're crazy we could have been done forever but instead we decided like no this is the problem we're going to solve if we want to get to the spot we're trying to be and change fi's life we going to have to do like we have to take this responsibility on ourselves and
that was not an easy thing right like we literally in last four or five years the money that's gone into development process alone for clickfunnels 2.0 like it's it's in the tens 20s 30 million dollars plus just to develop this platform to spot it is today um and it's insane I don't know if you guys have had a chance to play with it or use it like it is so good like anyway but it was like we're risking so much time and energy money to do this thing because we saw a problem that we wanted
to solve and we decided to jump into it and same thing's true for all of you guys so again I want you guys to lean into that understand you're the hero of the story and if you're not willing to do that then nobody will okay number two after you decide like I'm the hero I'm going to step into this the next thing that always happens is resistance and this is something for last year I've been geeking out on I study this I talk about it I try to figure out how to solve this in my
life but resistance is the thing that is trying to stop you okay anytime you have a calling any time you have something you want to go after you start pursuing it and immediately resistance hits okay if you study the hero's journey which obviously is something I'm obsessed with in the hero's journey the hero always hears the Call to Adventure they leave on this journey and as soon as they hear the Call to Adventure the first thing happens was called the refusal of the call where the heroes like I don't want to do that that sounds
awesome that's going to be a lot of work and the the refusal of the call you look at every movie that's ever happened that follows the Hero Journey framework that's what happens hero hears the Call to Adventure they're about to leave on the journey and then they refusal the call like I don't want to do that it's going to be too hard okay that's from this big huge overarching storyline but if you learn about resistance and study you understand that resistance hits us every single day every single morning every time we're going to wake up
now I learned resistance from this guy right here stepen pressfield how many you guys like step pressfield if you don't you're going to love this guy um every time I speak people make a list of like all the books I recommend but this is one of the best books ever you should all read it's called The War of art uh it's like an hourong read you can read it really really really really quickly but the whole premise of this is like us as artists as creators are going out there to war every single day to
go and take our dreams and our visions and make them reality we're going out there to do that and as soon as we go out there it's a war right and the war is not so much with the market or external things the war is with inside inside ourselves it's our own brain okay and Steph pressf inside his book he said resistance is the negative force in the world that keeps you from fulfilling your dreams okay and you feel it a lot for me it's every single morning soon as the alarm clock goes off guess
what I feel resistance like I don't want to get up right now I am so tired snooze right resistance snooze resistance you're like I got to go to the gym to work out resistance hitch I don't want to do that okay um I got to go work on the next thing like whatever the thing might be in fact I think my next quote this is one of my favorite things he said as well in the book he said there's a secret that real writers know that wannabe writers don't and the secret is this it's not
the writing part that's hard what's hard is sitting down to write what keeps us from sitting down is resistance how many authors do we have in the room okay is he right the hardest part literally is like ah I sit down to right that's the hard like the resistance like don't do it do it tomorrow it's going to be hard like like wait okay now maybe you're not an author but it's the same thing if you're doing anything else in life right for me it's like the hardest part about getting in shape is not lifting
the weights it's getting to the gym right the hardest thing about being healthy is not eating the food it's like deciding to order that food right the hardest thing about being successful entrepreneurship is not doing the actual work it's in the morning wake up like tired do I really want to do this I'm going to go and do the thing right resistance hits over and over and over again every single day as we're going through this process now I had a chance a little while ago um to actually interview Stephen prfi it was crazy I
I just read this book I was geeking out about it and then I went to go follow him on Instagram and I opened it up and he was following me have you ever had that before I was like Stephen pressfield's following I was like freak I was like melting down and then I mess him like hey man just read your book mildly obsessed with you I keep talking about with everyone and he wrote back he's like I'm a huge fan too I was like this is crazy see press knows who I am and anyway I
was like can I interview on my podcast I actually asked him he speak I'm like can you come to fun hiking live and speak he's like I don't speak of things I'm like can I interview that he's like sure so we jumped on a podcast and we were talking about resistance and I asked him some questions specifically because for me it's like there are times when resistance feels like too much how many guys ever feel that we just like this is too much this burden is way too heavy I can't do this and then part
of me's like is that a sign that I shouldn't be doing this I get in this thing back and forth and I asked them that question in the interview cuz I was just like man is there times when like resistance is the thing I like I should not be doing this because it's just I'm doing the wrong thing maybe that's why it's so hard you guys ever felt that way I like this is so hard like maybe I'm just on the wrong path and so I asked him this question and his his um his response
was was amazing so I'm going watch this really quick what he said imagine a tree in the middle of a Sunny Meadow the minute the tree appears a shadow appears and the shadow is equal to the tree right if it's a big tree it's a big Shadow so in the terms of resistance the tree is the dream that you have the book you want to write the Venture you want to do whatever and resistance is the shadow so there would NE there would not what I want to say is resistance always comes second there would
be no resistance if there wasn't a dream if there wasn't a calling that was inside you so the good news of that is when you're feeling big resistance that big shadow that shows that there's a big tree there or something there's a big dreams because resistance always comes like Newton's third law of motion equal and opposite reaction it's a reaction to to an aspiration to a book you want to write or a movie you want whatever it is so don't be freaked out I would say to anybody by that dark cloud that Dark Shadow is
an indication that the dream is for real and it's big all right you guys getting that the bigger the dream the bigger the resistance so if you're feeling that resistance like this is so hard this is too much I can't handle this like I'm not going to be able to do this like understanding it's because the calling God's given you is Big right and because it's big because it's hard doesn't mean you should stop right like that's a sign that you should be pursuing forward you should be doing the things now resistance is interesting because
the goal of resistance is to create what's called what Stephen PR called the unlived life right the unlived life this is the athlete who doesn't compete it's the writer who doesn't write the painter who doesn't paint the entrepreneur who's never actually started a business like that's the goal is to give you guys the spot where it's like I don't want to actually live this life right and you look at resistance like the way it shows up is different for everybody but there's a couple things um the first lie of resistance is called procrastination well procrastination
is interesting it's not like oh I'm not going to do that thing I'm not going to follow that dream it's like I'm going to do it tomorrow right that's one of the sneakiest things that resistance does cuz it can give you that thing where you're like you're pacified you're like oh cool this is not that big a deal I can do tomorrow Manana Manana will be great right so the first live resistance is always procrastination so anytime you're in a spot and you're like oh this seems so heavy oh I can just do it tomorrow
I'm just going to go to movie real quick I'm just going to do whatever that thing is like that is resistance hitting you in the face trying to purs like trying to push off the thing you're actually called to do just a little bit longer just a little bit longer but all of us know that like today becomes tomorrow then then Manana is the next day's Manana keeps moving keeps moving and like for most people like the the LIE of procrastination keeps most people from actually having success so it's understanding like do not allow this
first lie to happen Okay procrastination next lie is What's called the shadow of calling and this is interesting when Stephen pres was talking about this with me he said uh he said if you look at a lot of people in life who aren't like they're not achieving the dreams they want they're not actually following their calling typically dudes they have what's called a shadow calling um which is for him it was interesting because like he always wanted to write books books and movies and screenplays right in fact how many you guys ever seen bager Vance
Bagger Vance was like his most famous book that became movie and all sort stuff like that but he spent I think it was like 20 or 30 years before he wrote his very first uh actual book or screenplay that that became something big um and he said during that time he's like I was a writer and I was writing but I was not writing my work he's like I was doing copyrighting he's like I hate advertising I was writing copy for the people he's like that's like what the shadow calling is you're almost doing what
you're supposed to do but it's like it's a version of it that there's no risk right and uh he said that he said for him as a copyright he like I was writing every single day for other people writing these different writing copy writing advertising like that I was I was right like I wanted to be but I wasn't doing the actually I wasn't leaning into my thing and so many times like we have the calling we're supposed to do but we settle for a shadow calling instead because it's easier there's no risk if I
mess up here it's a client work it doesn't really matter versus like if I mess up this is my life this is my mission right and so resistance is going to try to get you to default to something that doesn't actually put you into your true calling it's kind of interesting okay and the LIE number three is it tries to give you pleasure without fulfillment how can it give you the reward without the work okay and this is the world today the world today is always trying to give us cheap versions of the thing that
we're seeking right I think about any part in life like if you if I think the thing that human beings crave the most is love love and connection right it's the biggest thing we have right and for us to go work for love and connection it's hard like putting yourself out there putting your heart out there for for somebody like it's scary it's hard there's all this fear and anxiety right and so but if you do it like that's fulfillment but then the resistance like how can I give them the reward without the actual work
so it takes something beautiful like love and it's like there's a there's a another version of it that's dirty that's nasty it's not good and it's pornography and you can get that you can get the same feelings right you can get the reward without the actual work and it's true anything in life right anything you want to accomplish in life there's always like different versions right there's the version where like you can go out there and be an entrepreneur go crazy and like work your butt off or you can just watch it on TV you
can listen to more podcasts about other people doing it you can watch what's happening over here and you kind of experience a little bit through that you can get the reward without the actual work okay but if you want true fulfillment it's like letting um it's turning off resistance not doing the easy version and going for the harder version okay true fulfillment always comes through the harder option okay so anytime there's something where you're like and I think especially with kids likeing about all the time like with their phones right you can get dopam hits
every 5 Seconds just by going like this right so you got in pleasure but not fulfillment right you're getting the the reward without the actual work versus after going out there and creating and doing and building and becoming something different all right okay um this is one of my favorite quotes from CS Lewis talking about this fact that right now every single day there's us trying to pursue our goals our dreams there resistance fighting against us we're going back and forth and back and forth and CS Le Lewis said our Leisure even our play is
a matter of serious concern that's because there's no neutral ground in the universe every square inch every Split Second is claimed by God and counter claimed by Satan so you have these things like you with your calling and then resistance hitting you like every single second of day like one of those things is going to claim that time and so we're in this battle constantly every single time like I'm going to given resistance or am I going to focus on my calling resistance or my calling right and it's hard what I started doing is I
started actually tracking this in fact in secret of success I had everybody inside the membership doing this I said okay I want you to start tracking your calling so you or start start tracking resistance like everyone got these notepads and they wake up in the morning like every time resistance hits you write it down and at first you're like wow alarm clock went off resistance hit uh I need to go work out resistance hit I'm trying to figure what I'm going to eat today resistance and it's like you start saying it's like man resistance hits
me every single time I have a choice it's not a onetime thing like in the heroes Journey where you have this one time where you you know you refuse the call and then after that you're you're good to go it's like every single step of the way day after day hour after hour resistance is hitting over and over and over and over again and so for us it's like we have to get good at beating resistance to be able to actually fill our calling and it's a constant every single day battle okay all right so
that's the second thing we talk about reason or um uh was resistance third I want to talk about is your reason for being what does this actually mean um I know we talk a lot about like our purpose like what's our purpose like why am I here in this world why am I doing this thing why am I in this room why am I live watching a whole bunch of speakers of around the world like what is your reason for being and I remember um a couple years ago Inner Circle we had one of our
members got on stage and he shared this cool framework that I'd never heard about before and uh I'm sure some of you guys have heard about this but it was brand new to me at the time and ever since been this like really really powerful thing to help me understand like what is my reason what's my reason for being okay and so I'm going to walk you through this process so if you look at this there are a couple different quadrants right first thing is thinking about is like what is the thing that you love
the most right we all have something we love or a couple things we love right so that's the first thing what do you love next thing to think about is what are you really really good at here's what I love here's what I'm really really good at now the cross-section between um oh sorry number three is what does the world actually need and number four is what can you get paid for so these four different quadrants if you look at this you look at the intersection so if the intersection between what you're really good at
and what you love you look at the intersection between those two things this right here is called our passion this is my passion I'm so passionate about this is like what I want to do the rest of my life this is our passion right between what you love and what you're good at okay so that's the first thing to think about okay now the cross-section between what you love and what the world needs cross-section right there this is called your mission okay this is my mission so I can get out of the world the world
uh this what I love this world needs this is my mission to change the world right number three the cross-section between what you're good at and what you get paid for this is called your profession or your job and the cross-section between uh what the world needs and what you get paid for this is called your vocation okay so if you look at this whole thing as a whole there's these four different quadrants and inside the intersections there's passion Mission profession and vocation now if you take all these there's one spot in the Middle where
all four of these things actually cross-sect okay and that thing right there in the Japanese culture they call this eeky guy I had to learn how to say that there really you ever heard that word before eeky guy I kept calling iigi on a video one time and people made fun of me it's called eeky guy hopefully I said that right did I get that right yes Ben told me okay Ben's One coaching me through it it's called your eeky guy your eeky guy in Japanese means your reason for being this is your reason for
being it's the cross-section between all these things it's not just one thing or the other it's like what do you love what are you good at what can you get paid for and what does the world need when you can find that cross-section between all of those like that is your reason for being that is the thing it's why you're here on this Earth it's why you're doing the things you're supposed to be doing okay and so for me when I saw that I was like oh my gosh let me look at my life I
was like I love this I'm good at that um but I can't really get paid for it right like wrestling I love wrestling I'm good at wrestling my favorite thing in the entire world if I could like right now if it's like hey wrestling when you speak fing live there's a wrestling terminal over here you can go wrestling I would go to wrestle like my favorite thing in the world right I love it I'm good at it right it's my passion but guess what the world doesn't need it I can't get paid for it like
it's it's a passion but that's it right so it's not my reason for being I look what do I love what does the world need a lot of things like that as well right the world loves this I need this that's my mission and you keep looking at different cross-sections but as soon as you find all of those things in the middle like that middle section right now that is your reason for being so I want you guys looking at that lens is the thing that you're pursuing right now inside your business right is the
thing you are pursuing the thing you're trying to create the dream you're trying to fulfill does it is it fit in the cross-section is it your eeky guy if it is then you know you're on the right spot if you're only hitting two of the things or three of the things it's like man I love this thing I'm good at it the world needs it but I'm not going to make any money with it it's like man that's hard to like it's hard to do right or I can make money with this uh I'm good
at it the world needs it but I hate this I never want to do this again right you're not going to be happy you're not gonna be fulfilled when you can figure out exactly what your reason for being is then we have something we can work with okay and I wish we had time we could do a workshop and everyone have notebooks and like spend time figuring that out but i' recommend especially as at home everyone like spend some time thinking through this like what is your reason for being what does that look like because
if you can figure that out and you can identify it and really understand it it's going to make the calling that you're trying to do that you're trying to pursue actually something you can grow and you can pursue and you can make a lot of money with with it okay and you can change the world all right and then after you figure out your reason for being your eeky guy finally got that word now I said it wrong every single day for the last two weeks prepping for this eeky guy we got it when you
have that then you can take that reason for being plug it into a funnel and that's how you grow how you blow up the thing you're trying to do okay it's hard to blow up the thing you're trying to do without all those things cross-sectioning I've got a a friend recently who came to me they've got something that they're good at that they love the world needs but they can't get paid for and they can't like hey Russell how do we we fundraise for this how do we build a funnel for this I'm like you
can't get paid for that it's not something people pay money for like as much as I wish like that's like the cross-section is not there it's going to be very very difficult very hard to turn this into something you can grow and you can scale I was like you figure out all four of those things then it becomes really really easy so that is your purpose your reason for being okay secret number four now now I want to get into like the how do you make money side of this right so next thing is called
The Art of Money Getting now I titled the section The Art of Money Getting for a couple reasons number one um PT baram back in the day wrote a book called The Art of Money Getting which is one of the coolest book titles ever I thought he invented that and then um as you guys know I buy a lot of old books I kind of nerd out and I found a book written in like 1820 called The Art of Money Getting that was written TW uh like 40 50 years before PT baram wrote his so
PT Barnum literally saw that title I think funnel hacked it and then copied it for his book so uh The Art of Money Getting know was kind of a cool a cool uh concept that's what I got it from so how do we actually make money so after we know this is our reason for being this is the thing we're supposed to do the next step is we have to create an offer to give to the people if we don't create an offer like we can't like nothing else starts until there's an offer actually made
to the audience right that's how things start happening that's how motion starts happening in the marketplace in the world and I want to share some stories because a lot of times I think less so in the F hacker Community but the world as a whole when they hear about offers they hear about selling stuff like it's this icky weird thing that's hard right but I want you to understand that um the like offers are the way that you change somebody's life I'm not just saying that for me as like I make offers I change people's
lives I want looking from the other side like because other people were willing to make offers it changed my life and um up here on this on the slide these are my first two mentors left hand side is Mark Joiner and the right hand side is Dan Kennedy these are my first two big mentors when I got into this world and um it's interesting because uh my wife and I just got married um we got married we live in this little duplex of the first year of our life and I remember uh during that time
my dad bought me the book Rich Dad Poor Dad I read Rich Dad Poor I was like this is amazing and so immediately I'm like we need to go buy a house and so we went and bought we bought our own duplex we moved into it and um and we're there and I'm trying to figure out to make money in real estate and I just I couldn't figure it out we were the house we bought with it anyway long story but we had a duplex and we couldn't get a renter in there and we were
losing money every single month and we finally got a renter and they were horrible they were like smoking in the basement lying about it they were it was just it was so bad I was like I hate real estate who where are my real estate gurus in here by the way like it's the worst business just kidding I love it h it's great no but for me I was like I don't like this is really really hard for me and I was like I can't figure this out this guy is smoking your house my wife's
upset like everything's falling apart I I don't think you're supposed to live with your renters typically that's probably the biggest issue I anyway that's probably step one of your course like don't live in the house that you're renting yeah I didn't learn that one anyway so I was like I want to figure out the internet thing I started jumping online and I remember I was for 18 months I was studying I was learning I was reading I was listening we didn't have podcasts back then but I was buying CDs and listening to the audios and
all sorts of stuff and I wasn't willing to invest I wasn't willing to buy anything and I was in this like circular motion where I just I wasn't progressing I was trying to figure out how to like have success I was kind of in this this motion I remember about that time there was this guy and I didn't know who he was at the time um but all of a sudden like 50 people sent emails the same day talking about this guy named Mark Joiner and Mark Joiner he's retiring from the internet and all this
stuff and I was like who's Mark Joiner anyone here remember Mark joiner's farewell package anyone here been around that long two of you this is amazing I love it anyway so I was a college kid I'm getting these I'm getting these emails from Mark J I go to the page I remember reading this long long long like 4500 page sales letter um about this thing called the farewell package like I'm retiring from internet marketing I'm putting everything I know into this package plus all my source code plus everything for $1,000 you can get it you
have to understand at the time $11,000 was that was that could be a billion dollars for for like like that's how much money it was $1,000 was for us at the time um I was rest I didn't have a job my wife was working supporting us uh we did not have $1,000 we didn't we had no disposable income like we were just gotten married like it was the worst possible time and I remember watching this campaign and Mark was selling these things everyone was buying it they were talking about how great it was like this
huge thing and I remember like I wanted to buy but I couldn't afford I wanted to buy I couldn't afford I was so stressed out cuz I was like I figured like this is the thing that would change my life I could just afford this thing but I can't afford it and I watched this campaign for like three or four months as everyone's selling it it got the point where like they started selling out they were going to close it down you know they had like the urgency and scarcity happening and it was like two
or three days before like they were closing the offer down forever and I was like this is the thing I need I remember um uh this guy named Mike Chen was one of the Affiliates he launched this like this audio you could buy for 20 bucks or something that talked about the farewell package I bought this audio and was like 6 hours it was a 6 hour sales pitch basically Mike Chen and Mark Jo talking about the farewell package so I go and I listen this 6 hour thing all night I'm listening to it knowing
that they're about to close card I'm going to miss out on everything and I was like I need this offer I want this offer so bad I remember um the next morning I didn't sleep the whole night woke up the next or next morning laying there Colette woke up next to me and I was like I feel like I need to buy Mark Jordan's fwell package she like how much does it cost I'm like it's $1,000 she like whoa like I know that's we don't have $1,000 and she's like do you think this is the
thing that'll that'll help you I was like I really do I think it is like she's like okay I trust you then I'm like what are you serious she like yeah like cool we still have $1,000 like oh okay pick up your phone call the bank so we call the bank like hey can we extend our credit limit to a th I think we have like a $500 a month credit card whatever like can you bump it to, 1500 they said yes I had more credit I bought the farewell package it showed up my house
like a week later and it was the first time I had actually invest in myself to buy something and I remember going through like every sing Listen every single CD five or six times I looked at The Source got in the community I I went all in I played full out went through the whole entire process and because Mark Joiner made an offer he put it out in their world and I stretched to buy this thing I couldn't afford I bought it it literally changed my life forever in fact oh here's some pictures this is
like how poor we were this is uh me and C cutting our credit cards after we got married because we didn't have any money um but because I made that that decision to step into the unknown like that offer changed my life forever okay offers are how you change somebody's life forever you have to be creating offers okay the next time I took an offer a couple years later I've been following Mark Joiner I launched internet business I started making a little bit of money not a lot at this point I think at the time
I was probably making $25 to $30,000 a year I was still going to colge I still going to school at time but it was like it was real money it was insane and all of a sudden I heard about this guy Dan Kennedy and every kept talking about Dan Kennedy like he's the guy like you want to learn marketing Dan Kenny's the greatest and so I remember I I got a copy on eBay of it was this this course called the $272,000 Platinum meeting or something from Dan Kennedy and it was basically a mastermind room
and they recorded them all talking about stuff so I I bought it I was listening to it and in the CD set it was like all the gurus I'd like seen online like Ron the Grand and like all the gurus from all the different spaces we're all in this room with Dan Kennedy and Dan Kennedy's doing this Mastermind and they're all sharing ideas and I was like all the people that I want to like that I see out there doing the big things they're all in this room Dan Kenny's in charge of it they're all
in there listening to him to learning from him like I need to get in that room I got to be in the room where it happens like how do I get into that room so I called uh at the time it was called gkc I called gkc up I'm like hey I want to join The Mastermind group like sorry it's sold out we have a waiting list for like 3 years but we put your name on the waiting list I'm like no I have to be in this group like no we don't have room in
the waiting list I'm like I need to be in this group I kept messaging him and calling him they had they uh if you know Dan Kennedy they don't use emails so I like fax them so I'm faxing all these things I'm doing like I'm the annoying customer who's like will like relentlessly is like won't take no for an answer right I keep messaging keep messaging him and finally after I don't know three or four months of me Annoying them I get a message back like fine you can join here's the link and they sent
me the link and I went to the page and it was like $225,000 to join I was like what never asked the price didn't know what I was like $25,000 like I made $25,000 total in my entire life up to this point and now you and I already spent that I didn't have that money and I was like huh but at the same time I talked to Big Game to Dan Kennedy and his team I was like I can't not do this now so I was like I'm in and so I told them I'm in
I sent them some money that we didn't really have and then a week later I'm in a plane flying to Baltimore Maryland cuz I didn't know why but B is apparently where this is the part is happening fight of Baltimore Maryland I get in this room uh in this room it's a little hotel room there's 18 people in the room and some guy with white hair who I never seen before I get in there I'm looking around and I told I told everybody about going to go meet Dan Kennedy we're going to hang out he's
going to blow my business up I get in there and there's no Dan Kennedy in the room I'm like where's Dan Kennedy at and then like everyone sits down and this old guy with white hair starts talking I'm like who's that guy and they're like that's Bill Glazer I'm like who's Bill Glazer it's like that's Dan Kennedy's business partner like where's Dan Kennedy I'm like he doesn't come to the I'm like oh crap I just spent every penny I have to beet Dan Kennedy and he doesn't come to these what do I do now and
I was so freaked out I was so scared I'm sitting in this room and all of a sudden um I remember the very first and and then it was weird cuz if you haven't been in a mastermind before it was the first time i' ever been there right like Bill's like all right uh you you're up first the first guy gets up uh in this little room and he like talked about his business for like an hour shared some ideas and he sat down next guy gets up and talks and I'm like what did I
sign up for like this is the weirdest thing they're not teaching me anything they're not show like everyone just talking about their business it was the weirdest thing and I remember after after five or six hours of it I was like oh my gosh I get it and I started understanding this and how it worked in this Mastermind group I remember um taking notes on every single speaker that went through and I I remember like CU one guy he had built a huge call center so he had a big call center taking notes build a
call center hire sales guys done and then someone else was doing these Live Events like they run these events and this how it works I'm like okay so I like follow I wrote down notes on how to do the Live Events and then the next guy got up and they were doing phone sales like cool this is awesome so I went through every single speaker 18 other people so 17 plus me 18 people in the Group 17 other people took notes at every single thing they did we left I flew back home and I was
like I'm going to implement everything I learned because I paid more money than I have to be in this group and I went through and literally uh in the next like four or five months before our next meeting uh we launched a call center uh we did a live event um we uh we did a direct mail I learned direct mail that camp I did a direct mail campaign we did radio ads like I did everything I learned in that event I came back six months later to show everybody I'm like hey here's what I
did I went through every single thing and they all looked at me in the room they're like you you did everything I'm like yeah isn't that how it works they're like no people usually take one idea and they try to implement it no one's ever done everything I was like oh no nobody told me I was like okay that's good to know um but that's how I am I'm just like I'm going to go do it right but because I I because I invested more money I had in Dan Kenny in that offer it changed
my life forever I was in that Master marking group for six years it took me from having a business doing $25,000 a year to over eight figures a year uh in the time I was in that program because I was in a group of people over and over and over again okay because Dan Kennedy made an offer it changed my life we you guys understand like the way you take your mission your reason for being and turn it into something amazing you have to get good at creating offers and putting them out there okay in
every Marketplace the person who's willing to make the most offers wins okay how many you noticed I make a lot of offers okay who thinks I make the most offers out of anybody in this Marketplace yeah that's how we're winning that's the game some of you guys are sitting there for three four five years waiting to make an offer it's got to be perfect I got to focus on it like waiting you're waiting you're like no just put an offer out there if nobody buys it nobody knows like put another one put another one keep
doing it okay I told you guys yesterday I'm like we've been launching a lot of funnels in the last year a lot of offers I put out there cuz I don't know I'm looking for my next one funnel wa what's my next funnels going to take me to the next level I don't know what it is but I can't just wait in the laboratory of Russell trying to build something hopefully someday I'll finally figure out the perfect offer and put it out there if I do that I'm going to wait 5 six seven years and
it's never going to be done right it's putting out offers the person in any Marketplace who makes the most offers is the person who wins okay if I ask you guys how many offers you make this month how many offers you make this week like if it's not more than one like what are you waiting for put more offers see what the marketplace wants the only way to do that is by putting out offers the person in every Marketplace who wins is the person who's putting out the most offers okay and last time I talked
about offers I learned this also from myON myON said you don't buy things with money you buy them with offers um and then this is how it worked my told me one day he called me up he's like hey ma'am uh this is the deal uh I don't fly commercial anymore I only fly private I was like that's going to be hard to maintain long term he's like no I got I'm like did you buy a plane he's like no he's like I I only fly private from now on I was like how do you
like I fly private once while that's expensive he's like yeah I just buy it with offers I'm like what are you talking about he's like well uh I decided I'm never going to fly commercial again I'm only going to FY private so if I want to go somewhere um he's like I make an offer to my audience like hey who wants to come on my plane with me and fly for 5 hours to Russell's event and uh it's going to be whatever $50,000 he's like I get three people it covers the gas the flights hotels
and the offers paid for the plane I was like that's so smart my's a genius right so we get better at making offers like you don't have to buy things with money you buy things with offers I can't remember if I Shar this my slide or not um oh I don't anyway um I'll share this later on with you guys but I just look at the things in my life that I want like ever since then I start looking things differently like okay what's the offers I need to create if I want to invest in
this thing I want to buy this thing it's not like how much cash I have it's like what the offers I need to put out there to be able to get people in my world okay so want talk a about offers um offers we could do like a five day event just on offers I want to go over the core things I think are most important okay so whenever you create an offer these are the the there's four core things I think about when I'm creating an offer and if you create the offer the right
way this is how how you get offers to get people to give you money and get them really excited okay so the first thing to think about when you are creating any kind of offer to the marketplace right an offer the very first thing is any offer I make the thing I want I thing you have to understand is when you're making an offer to somebody the thing that you are actually selling them is a result this is where most people mess up they think they're selling a product you are not selling a product you
are not selling a service you are always selling a result okay so that's the first thing understand so what is the result that you're actually selling somebody right you think about this um so here's the results here's you up top of a mountain this is the result that you've gotten in the past and what you are doing is you were coming down the mountain to figure out who are the people down here who want to have this result and that's what you're selling okay now typically for most of us our Dream customer the person we
are trying to sell is basically it's us 5 years ago right so 5 years ago before you ever achieve this result the result could be anything right uh uh this result could be how I lost weight how I made money how I invested in the stock markets how I biohack how I whatever your thing is right everyone's got this result so the first thing is like what's the result that you are selling okay the question is like how did you figure out that result cuz 5 years ago you probably didn't have that result right and
your dream customers doesn't have it if you look at the way most people's Journeys work right uh if you think about before you ever figured out this result you're probably down here just like anyone else you're like hey I want to lose weight I want to go and get six-pack abs I want to get whatever right or I want to figure out how to make money on the internet or I want to sell stocks or whatever the result is you wanted right you probably started on this journey you're okay what how's it going to go
and you started going on this journey you try to get that result you went this way and then it messed up and it didn't work right you went back to go and you started again you went on this journey again trying to get the result and you messed up over here oh didn't make it again you started again you went on this journey and then you messed up again and you try this over and over and over again okay that's what happens in most markets when someone comes to you initially the reality is for most
people the first time they come to you is not the first time they tried to get this result they've been trying for a long long time in fact when we um uh when we bought lady boss from from cin Poland I remember having this conversation with her and she said uh you have to understand Russell that the average woman in America goes on eight diets a year eight the results the same they all want the exact same thing right they start a diet oh they tried keto diet uh didn't work I tried paleo boom Oh
I tried Atkins I tried you whatever they keep trying thing after thing after thing right eight diets a year same thing choose whatever business you're in right someone comes into my world they haven't this isn't the first time like I can make money that's not a that's not a novel idea right they've been trying a lot of different ways they tried on eBay they tried Amazon they tried flipping stocks they tried that like they Tred real estate they're trying a million different ways to get the result right they're coming to my world and I'm like
look like I tried to real estate that was hard I tried and all these things didn't work but then what happens is eventually you guys on your journey of trying these different things eventually you made it all the way up here and you got to the top and you got the result and when you got the result the thing that you got that's the most valuable of anything is that you got a map okay you have a map that shows how to get from here to here so when you come back to your dream customer
who was you five years ago the biggest thing you're saying is like look I've got a map the result you're looking for I know exactly how to get there I've done it I tried this I tried this I tried this and tomorrow we're going to go deep into selling which is my favorite day tomorrow and so we're going to talk about how to use this in the sales presentation but for you guys understand when you're creating offer the very first thing you are giving people is a map to result that's it and you okay what
is the map the map is basically recipe here's the steps to go to get this result right step number one you do this step number two you do this step number three you do this step number four you this step number five you do this and that is the map that gets you from where you are today to the result you want okay how many you guys thinking about the product the business the thing that you're in how many you guys know like okay this is my map my map like for me it's like my
map is I help people to grow a company using sales funnels this is the map I have have right that's my map what do you guys all know your maps are hopefully you all have a map right a map is basically a step-by-step process or recipe of how to get the result okay so that's the very first step in creating any good offer is understanding boom number one is you're creating a framework and your framework is just a map to the result and it's a step-by-step recipe of how they go and get that that result
okay if you look at any offer I create this is the very first thing I always do what's the result I'm promising people what is the map that I've created what's the step-by-step framework and that's the very first part of an offer okay tomorrow we're going talk about offer stack slides and things like that when we get into selling and you notice every single time I start with the offer the very first thing the very first component of the offer is always the map to get them the result that we promise okay step number one
all right step number two now when I'm creating an offer jump over here is how we position the offer this is probably of all the things I learned from Dan Kennedy probably the most important um people miss this all the time we're putting together a product with him right now called selling opportunity to help people understand this because um for most people in the marketplace they position their products wrong and this is a positioning problem not how you create the actual product so this is a messaging thing which is really simple it means you can
change something out to change your entire business okay it's how you structure how you how you um reframe things so what you want to do when you are framing something the two different versions one is called an improvement offer and one's called a new opportunity now Improvement offers are the worst type of offers because for me to convince somebody that they um that they're let me let me explain this better Improvement offers anything that has an ER in it so this product if you buy it it's going to help you have success faster better um
like anytime there's an ER is usually an improvement offer right and the problem with Improvement is me coming back saying okay look you've been trying this paleo diet for a long time and it hasn't worked for you I'm going to show you a better way to do Paleo the problem is that in the customer mindset they're like I tried F paleo and it failed like I'm going to show you a better way to fail like that's literally what you're doing you're coming back and you're making an improvement offer like it's confusing to the End customer
right and so instead we position it as a new opportunity right like when I launched clickfunnels I think about this there was like we were helping people get a result right how to grow their company and I could have come back and said okay we are a website building platform but we do it a little bit better we do it different we do it a little like if I would have positioned as a website building platform we would not have had success right people I already have website building platform oh I already have a way
to do that right or if I would have positioned ourselves as an email Auto responder company yeah we have email Auto responders I didn't position that way right those are all Improvement offers like we do this better than those we do it better than like you don't want to position something that's better you want to position yourself as a new opportunity okay so what I'm saying is in this path right if somebody's coming on this path as a customer and they're trying to get this result I'm not saying oh yeah you're already in this right
fact sometimes it's call a map sometimes in expert secrets we call a vehicle so imagine right here this is the vehicle that they're in right they are in the keto they're in the keto vehicle to try to lose weight and they're trying to go up here to get the result to lose weight right so they're in the keto the keto vehicle if I come back and say you're in the keto vehicle I'm going to show you guys a way to do it better it doesn't convert nearly as well as saying look keto sucks this is
the most painful diet as horrible you've already experienced it you know it's no good don't want to do that I'm going to give you guys something completely new you've never heard of and boom I introduced a new opportunity okay I'm always positioning against everything else I'm never saying this is the better way to do the thing you're trying to do like that's one of the key things it's it's a Nuance that means everything it'll change your conversions from 2 to 3% conversion on an offer to 18 20% conversion on an offer okay because people don't
want to buy Improvement that's not true most people don't want to buy Improvement usually people with the highest Echelon of your funnel like the back of your funnel like for example everyone in this room right here Inner Circle like you guys are my Improvement buyers you guys are all trying to become better and faster and scale quicker so you guys are my Improvement offers but the people that buy Improvement are usually the bottom of your value ladder the bottom of your funnel right the mass funnel the the masses we're trying to get when we bring
a lot of people into our funnel they're looking for something new they've tried this this they've tried all those other things and they are looking for a new way to have success to get the result and so when you position as a new opportunity as a post to Improvement that's when you get the most amount of people into your funnels so you can change their life okay so step number one in the process again is your understanding that you are selling a framework number two is positioning as new opportunity okay third thing then is that
we have this new opportunity we are positioning we have to figure out how to increase the value as high as possible now there's a concept where basically um there's two ways to make your product the cheapest in the world right one is to have the lowest price and the other is to increase the value in both ways makes the product feel cheap now what most people do is they try to decrease price they come into any kind of uh in fact you see this mostly like if you're if someone's selling a commod odity you see
this a lot right where let's say it's an iPhone like someone's selling an iPhone right iPhones cost $800 like gets a commodity right and um and the only way to be like if you go to Best Buy or you go to Target or whatever they're all selling the same phone right so it doesn't really matter everyone's got the same price but some all Su Best Buy is like oh it's $800 everywhere else but I'll sell for $700 right oh that seems cheaper so the people go buy the $700 $700 one right and then it comes
back like oh there $700 $700 there we're sell for $600 and it gets cheaper so you start decreasing the price and make it feel cheaper right but eventually you lose all the margin okay and so for most people outside the funnel hacker Community what most people do is they try to decrease value to win in in the game and by decreasing uh or Sorry by decreasing the price it's the worst way to build a business because you lose all your margin Dan Kennedy who I showed you guys earlier Dan taught me something that changed my
life he said there's no strategic value in being the second lowest price leader in town he's like if you're the lowest price leader if you're Walmart cool that's there's a strategic advantage of being the lowest price leader but there's zero strategic advantage of being the second lowest price leader so you can't be the low price leader he said then you want to be the most expensive okay so there's a huge strategic advantage of being the most expensive because you can deliver you can fulfill more so when we're creating offers I'm not trying to figure out
how to make this as cheap as possible instead I'm saying how can I increase the value what else can I add what can I do to make this offer even better okay so for me what I'm thinking about to offer um again I'm always coming back to this this is the result right so the first thing that I'm selling somebody traditionally am my offer stack the very first thing like I said is is the map right now I'm going to click the next phase cuz this is going to set up my last one okay number
four is that um you're going to build a complete offer stack and you're going to note that each solution you create each solution creates a new problem so let me explain what that means so I just gave somebody a map I said okay here's here's the here's where you are now this is the result you want I'm going to show you how to do this okay so for me it's like uh let's just say it's it's in the click funs world right you need a funnel to grow your company so I'm going to give you
guys a map here's the map to build a funnel so as soon as I give them the map it solves a problem right cool I know exactly how to build a funnel right now right so I solve that problem for them but every time I create a solution every time I give someone a solution it creates a new problem so I give somebody a map here's how you build a funnel for your business like sweet I know exactly how to build a funnel for my business oh wait I need software to actually build a funnel
right so then the next part my offer then is like okay cool now here's the next thing you need to be able to actually fulfill on it okay and then after they have that it's like cool I know how to build a funnel I have the software to build the funnel but then how do I write the copy for the page now they didn't know they had a problem with copy until I until they've gotten through this thing right so next thing next step like here now you need copy and then number four is like
I have copy what's next now I need traffic right so every time I introduce something into the offer it like it solves a problem but then it creates a new problem solves a problem creates a new problem if I come back to this analogy of the hiker hike in the thing right I give the map at the top of the mountain it's like cool I'm going to go hike the mountain it's like wait you're hi you're about to hike Mount Everest if you just hike that you're going to die you're going to need some equipment
and some gear it's like oh I didn't know I need a gear cool so by giving me a map to hike Mount Everest now I need gear to be able to actually I need gear I need a guide I need water I need food I need supplies so I open up all these other things I need so I'm creating an offer my goal though is to look at what all the things the customer actually needs I want to create a complete offer sa where it gives them everything they need to actually be successful to get
the result they're looking for I see people all the time where they come back and their offer is coming back and they're like hey you're going to buy this thing right now and we're going to give you guys the map to go and do it and then that's all they give them and then the person gets the map they try to do it they fail and then they leave and they never come back it's like when I'm creating an offer I want the offer to Feel Complete so it's like here's all the things you actually
need to go and get the result so you got the map you got the sherpa you got the walking stick you got the food you got all the things you need to be successful okay and so those are the core things I'm looking for when I'm creating an offer okay again number one understanding the core part of the offer is the framework of the map number two is positioning as a new opportunity number three is fig how to increase the value by adding a bunch of things that are important to make it better and number
four is as I'm increasing the value everything that I'm adding isn't just some random thing I'm adding The Next Step that all the things they need to actually be successful with the map I'm giving them okay so those are the core things I'm looking at when I am creating an offer okay secret number five we're still good time I'm about to give you guys a really cool gift here in a second I was going to teach you guys earlier about it but I forgot we got something really cool we created for all you guys especially
I'm at home you guys are going to freak out when you see this um but I got a couple more things to share with you before I give you guys a gift okay secret number five uh you're just one fun away now I people all the time the hardest question I get on podcast interviews is like like hey Russell I know that you talk about funnels more than anybody in the world like can you explain to what a funnel is to our audience every time I'm like oh man I'm like well a funnel is it's
like the hardest thing in the world for me to explain because for some people funnel is this and other people like there's a million it could be right it's like the hardest thing for me to explain and I started thinking about this I was like what is the goal ofun what does the funnel actually do and all that a funnel actually does the goal of every single funnel is to help deliver a cell's presentation like that's all it is when're all said and done there's different ways to do different types of funnels the goal of
a funnel is to deliver a sales presentation and I started we um we do a lot of looking through the data we have a chance to see hundreds of thousands of people's businesses and so a little while ago I did this study I was looking through and so we looked through uh over uh 6.1 million funnels over 130,000 split test you guys are running and I started looking all the different stats and the numbers trying to figure out like what are the commonalities I'm always trying to figure out like what's the next thing for us
for the community to like to get to the next level right and what I found out was really really interesting the single biggest secret to selling more inside of your funnel without driving any extra traffic any ideas where it might be it's really interesting it's fascinating because it wasn't the type of funnel people Ed that was not was the number one thing it was not what your design looked like it was not even what you were selling okay the number one thing that showed how much money someone would make inside of a funnel was the
person's ability to communicate their story with someone who entered into funnels like that's the most important skill set is understanding how do you deliver the message people can ask like hey what's the most important funnel like what's the best funnel Russell is it a webinar funnel is a high ticket funnel is it challenge funnel is it a book funnel is it like what's the best funnel in the reality is it doesn't really matter what matters is are you able to communicate your story in a way that gets people to move gets people to go and
buy something that is the most important thing okay I've seen people with the ugliest funnels in the world who are really good at telling the story and they win I've seen people with the most beautifully designed funnels they look amazing they save tons of money on designers and the story the message is wrong hting flops okay your ability to commute your story with people in your funnel is the number one thing to actually make the money you want which is really fun okay and again I look at every single funnel the goal of every single
sales presentation is one thing one thing only is to give you the ability to make your sales presentation so then you can make the offer like that's all it really is we're all said and done okay and so over the next couple days I'm going to be going a lot deeper into all these different pieces in fact tomorrow uh well yeah let me go next Slide the The Three core things we talking L about is offers like what is your level 10 offer what's the offer you're going to be able to create okay most of
the speakers today are going be talking about different types of offers we got a couple speakers talking e-commerce offers couple speakers talking expert offers like you're going to be learning a bunch of different ways to figure out what offer you guys need to help grow your company so number one is figuring out your level 10 offer the Second Step then is mastering what's called a on to many presentation how do you create a presentation that you deliver one time but many many people can see it and they can be and they can convert and buy
from that in fact the entire theme of Tomorrow is this I've got two 90-minute presentations I'm doing specifically about this which is learning how to sell one to many um I'm so excited for tomorrow it's going to be insane okay cuz if you can master that if you can master having a really good offer mastering one to one to many selling the third step end is that what gets you on the road to get two commas worth of impact so that's the process we taking guys through over the next couple days um and my goal
obviously when I talk about one and many selling a lot of people think it's this and it is it's talking to a whole bunch of people but as you'll see tomorrow uh one men selling is more powerful because if you can learn the master skill set you can plug in those presentations to any kind of sales funnel and that's how you grow and how you scale outside of yourself okay so that's what we'll be talking about like I said uh all day tomorrow
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