What happened before the creation of the world?? JESUS EXPLAINED

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Find out which angel you've never heard of - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lseCay5JpP8&t=5s What h...
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what happened before the creation of the world what existed before the creation of the world these are questions that many people ask and few know the answers to however the answer is not so simple let's embark on a fascinating journey into the unknown where chapters of the Bible are written in tones of mystery and Revelation before the universe took shape before the Earth found its place in the vast Universe there is a hidden chapter in the Bible this is an invitation to unravel together the enigmas of creation itself delving into the sacred records that whisper
about what existed before the world in Peter 1: 20 states that he was formed before the foundation of the world but was manifested in the latter times for his sake Genesis documents the beginning of Creation in human history but does not cover the events of Eternity past as Moses chose to Omit them before the cre creation of humanity in the material world there is an independent story of creation God existed before the concept of energy time space and the universe was created by the rest of the scriptures provide some clues about the history of Eternity
past that preceded human life before the creation of the earth God had Majesty with his son Jesus explained who he was before the creation of the world Jesus shared many Mysteries with us including events before creation the prayer that Jesus prayed in John 17 is one of the most significant chapters in the Bible it is considered the most powerful prayer ever made by the greatest person who ever lived through this prayer we can feel the beating of Jesus's heart as he prays to his father the Bible contains many notable prayers while we admire the prayers
of Solomon Abraham and Moses this particular prayer stands out as the most notable prayer recorded in the Bible that Jesus spoke about the Splendor and greatness he shared with God the Father before the creation of the world are described in John 17: 1-5 Jesus spoke these things and lifting his eyes to Heaven he said father the hour has come glorify your son that the son may glorify you just as you gave authority over all mankind so that all those you gave he may give eternal life and eternal life is that they know you the only
true God and Jesus Christ whom you sent I have glorified you on Earth doing the work you gave me to do and now father glorify me with yourself with the glory I had with you before the world was before the creation of the earth God existed and God had Majesty with his son the Book of Genesis begins with the creation of man and other creatures but it is evident that God was not beginning there according according to the Bible God was present from the beginning when the universe was created according to the Bible God existed
before the creation of the universe he is described as an eternal being who has always existed and will always exist this is supported by several verses throughout the scriptures in Genesis CH 1 the word Elohim is a plural noun meaning Gods this implies that God is three in one now this grammatical structure may seem incorrect but it is theologically correct and signifies the Triune nature of God authentic prayers can often reveal a person's deepest thoughts and emotions John 17 offers a rare opportunity for us to witness the true nature and Heart of Jesus through this
prayer Jesus touches on several themes that are explored throughout the gospel including Glory glorify sent believe world love Jesus asked to be glor glorified father the time has come glorify your son so that his son can also glorify you before the hour of Jesus's glorification had not yet come now the time has come Jesus prayed first for himself but his appeal was not selfish his concern for himself was a concern for the glory of the Father the Son can only glorify the father if the father first answers the son's prayer glorify your son Jesus did
not wait until his work on the cross to glorify God the Father all his life he glorified God on Earth Jesus glorified the father throughout his life from his circumcision and Temple dedication to his silent obedience in Nazareth Jesus brought glory to God the Father through his unwavering Faith obedience and diligent work throughout his Earthly Ministry every sermon he preached every blind or sick person he healed every instruction and training he gave his disciples every confrontation with corrupt religious leaders every question he answered and every loving touch he bestowed upon them all they served to
glorify God the Father we then read I have finished the work Jesus with Divine confidence and security saw the work on the cross as already completed Jesus asked the father to glorify him with the same Glory as the father himself this was a prayer of total dependence on God the father not Independence various individuals beg for praise and attention however the call for glorification of Jesus is very different glorify me with yourself the difference is usually between dependence and Independence we also read with the glory that I had with you before the world if Jesus
was aware of his pre-existence and the nature of it he knew that there was a time in eternity when God the son and God the Father shared the glory Glory Jesus could not pray this honestly or sensibly if he were not Yahweh himself equal to God the father in Isaiah 42:8 Yahweh proclaimed that he does not share his glory with anyone if God the father and God the son share his glory they must both be Yahweh one Bible commentator noted that Jesus had a primary petition for the father to welcome him back to the glory
he had given up to fulfill his task this petition for a return to his spotless Glory unequivocally implies his pre-existence and equality with the father this confirms his claim that he and the father are one as stated in John 10:30 the Gospel of John emphasized the glory of Jesus throughout its record John was careful to record the many ways in which Jesus referred to his own glory in this prayer the events leading up to the crucifixion began with betrayal the phrase now the son of man is glorified refers to the reason Jesus came into the
world he would die and be raised from the dead as a substitutionary atonement the son would glorify the father and the father would glorify the son they would promote each other's Glory highlighting God's greatness this is what Christians are called to do everything we do in thought word indeed is for the glory of God Jesus doesn't just pray for himself he prays for us in John 17:4 Jesus says father I desire that those also whom you have given me may be with me where I am to see my glory which you gave me because you
loved me before the foundation of the world whatever we are or become in our spiritual lives we owe it all to the Savior who gave himself for us who prayed for us that we might be one with him and who gave us such a beautiful life as a pattern to follow in our own lives ofay prayer in the end we see Jesus and His glory again in the Book of Revelation John in documenting the things he saw sees a powerful Jesus who is unlike any typical man in Revelation 1: 12-13 John turns to see the
voice speaking to him and sees seven golden lampstands in the midst of the lampstands he saw someone like a son of man dressed in a robe that reached his feet and wrapped around his chest with a golden sash John describes the sound of the voice he heard as distinct and striking similar to the sound of a trumpet the powerful voice is that of the Alpha and Omega the first and the last who are at the beginning and end of Everything Jesus identified himself with these names in Revelation 1:8 clearly confirming his divinity we can imagine
what went through John's head when he compared the sound of the voice he heard with the memory of Jesus 's voice John described it as a trumpet in Revelation 1:10 however he was aware that it was Jesus due to the vo's description as the Alpha and Omega after spending a significant amount of time with Jesus during his ministry on Earth John finally had the opportunity to meet him face to face the robe and belt May evoke images of the Bible's high priest implying that Jesus is the high priest of his people other instances of girdles
in Revelation such as in 15:6 are also gilded and associated with Priestly images of angels in the celestial Temple therefore Jesus appears not only as king but as priest a combination of images familiar to Jews at the time John goes on to describe Jesus's head and hair as white as wool as white as snow his eyes as a flame of fire his feet as polished bronze when and heated until it glows in a furnace and his voice is the sound of many Waters according to Revelation 1: 14 to 15 this description of his eyes is
similar to The Narrative we have of an angel in the Book of Daniel Daniel 10: 6 his body was also like topaz his face had the appearance of lightning and his eyes were like burning torches his arms and feet were like the shine of polished bronze and the sound of his birs was like the sound of a crowd this description of its members is similar to The Narrative we get from an angel in the Book of Ezekiel Ezekiel 1:7 his legs were straight and his feet were like lime Hooves and shined like polished bronze the
Angelic characteristic that appears in John's vision of Jesus does not demote him to the same level as the Angels but rather emphasizes the immense greatness of Jesus he cannot be portrayed as less glorious than an angel glorious eyes like fire describe passionate eyes in Greek literature but can also represent the supernaturally flaming eyes of divine beings or Angels The Shining metal may also represent the glory of God as in Ezekiel 1:27 but other features suggest that although John portrays the glory of Jesus as no less than that of an Angel it is certainly more than
that of an Angel an angel Jesus's face also shines like the sun Greek texts sometimes portray the deity shining like the sun or lightning the Jewish text does the same for angels and others but also for God himself John continues in Revelation 1 verse 16-17 in his right hand he held Seven Stars and from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword his face was like the sun shining with its strength when I saw him I fell at his feet like a dead man and he laid his right right hand on me saying do not be
afraid I am the first and the last although John was an apostle who met Jesus while he was on Earth he was overcome with awe after seeing this incredible sight even the three years that John lived on Earth with Jesus did not adequately prepare him for the moment when Jesus appeared to him in his Heavenly Majesty at that moment John realized the divine power and Majesty that Jesus gave up while living on Earth Philippians 2 vers 7 but emptied himself taking the form of a servant and being born in the likeness of men at this
point John knew what a miracle it was that Jesus could protect his glory and Authority as he walked this Earth Revelation 1 ver8 the living one and I were dead and behold I am alive forever and have the keys of death and Hades Jesus is the one who lives was killed and is alive forever he has Resurrection credentials and lives never to die again the victory that Jesus overcame sin and death was eternal he did not rise from the dead just to die again Jesus is the only one who holds the keys to Hades and
death some believe that the devil has the authority or power to decide who lives and who dies but they are obviously mistaken only Jesus has the keys to Hades and death in its original form apocalypse was known in ancient Greek as apocalypsis the word meaning a revelation and unveiling The Book of Revelation is the revelation of Jesus Christ in the sense that belongs to him he is the one who makes the Revelation Jesus is the person the book tells us about why do we need a revelation of Jesus God gave it to show his servants
this is a significant reason why God chose to reveal this information about Jesus Christ to humanity he gave it to show to his servants God revealed this information so that it could be shared with others and not kept secret this is an apocalypse a revelation not something apocryphal the hidden creation of God's children is often a mysterious identity many Bible readers find the identity of the children of God and the Nephilim mysterious captivating in Genesis 6: 1-4 and the Book of Job in the Book of Job there is a rich man named job who lived
in the land of do with his extended family and vast herds his work is known for being blameless and correct always striving to live a moral life he maintains a disciplined relationship with God however labor soon loses all its possessions and suffers greatly this suffering harms the work making it bitter anxious and Afraid labor wants to confront God and protest eventually God intervenes in the situation three times job asked asked God to speak to him he has now received his wish job 38: 4-7 where were you when I laid the foundations of the Earth tell
me if you know and understand who determined the measurements of the earth if you know either who stretched out the measuring line over him on what his foundations were laid or who laid his Cornerstone when the morning Stars melted together and all the Angels children of God shouted for Joy the purpose of this statement is to make it clear that when God created the foundations of the Earth the work does not present the power that the wisdom and power possessed by God far surpass the power of job his capabilities cannot be compared to God in
any way some the questions Also Serve to remind the worker that there were many things he didn't know when the morning Stars sang together and all of God's children shouted for Joy it is revealed that Angelic beings known as The Morning Star stars and children of God witnessed the creation of the earth and celebrated the glory power and wisdom of God involved in the creation of the earth process after creation there were reports of mixed marriages between the sons of God and the daughters of men which were considered ungodly during a time of Rapid population
growth particularly due to the long life expectancy in the pre flood World Genesis 6: 1 up to 4 now it came to pass when mankind began to multiply on the face of the Earth and daughters were born to them that the sons of God saw that the daughters of mankind were beautiful and they took wives for themselves whomever they chose then the Lord said my spirit will not remain with man forever because he also is flesh but his days will be 120 years during this period the Nephilim were on Earth both before and after when
the son sons of God came to the daughters of humanity and they bore children to them these were the Mighty Men Who were of old Renown but who were these children of God both pre-christian Judaism and the early church held that the sons of God were Spiritual Beings or Angels who took wives and gave birth to the Giants known as Nephilim the three main perspectives on the identity of God's children are as follows first they were Fallen Angels secondly they were powerful human rulers or thirdly they were Godly descendants of Seth intermarriage with ungodly descendants
of Cain the traditional belief is that God's children were supernatural beings who had children with human women resulting in the Nephilim here are the reasons that support this view the fact that the phrase sons of God always refers to angels in the Old Testament lends support for example job 1:6 says there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan also came among them likewise job 2:1 states there was a day when the Angels the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan the
adversary also came among them to present himself before the Lord job 38:7 mentions when the morning Stars sank together and all the sons of the Angels shouted for joy in all of these cases God's children are Angelic Spiritual Beings including Satan the phrases used in job suggest that Genesis 6 is referring to Angel Spirits Genesis 6: 1 and 2 contrasts the sons of God with man implying that these are nonhuman beings Genesis 6:1 says that man began to multiply and daughters were born to them the Hebrew word for man is the generic term for Humanity
as used in Genesis 5: 1 and 2 the children of God are contrasted with man therefore the sons of God were distinct from man and married all the daughters of humanity as a result God's children must be nonhuman beings of some kind the context implies that the Nephilim were the resulting offspring of spiritual and human beings the Nephilim or fallen in Genesis 6:4 are mysterious personalities powerful men who were of old Renown the text does not explain how the Nephilim arrived the Nephilim were upon the Earth in those days and also afterward when the sons
of God were joined to the daughters of men and begat children for them it simply States but when the Nephilim are mentioned in Genesis 6 alongside the internal marriage of the sons of God and the daughters of man it is unclear how these powerful and renowned men came to be if they were were not the result of internal marriage between Spiritual Beings and humans Jude probably understands Genesis 6: 1-4 as referring to marriage between Spiritual Beings and humans in the book of Jude there is a reference to Angels leaving their rightful place of authority and
habitation this verse is believed to refer to the angels who left heaven to come to Earth as mentioned in Genesis 6: 1-4 this passage has traditionally been interpreted to mean that God's Sons had children with human women resulting in the Nephilim although this may seem unusual to us today we must remember that the Bible is full of extraordinary events truth is often Stranger Than Fiction and The World God created is far beyond our limited understanding Jude 6 speaks of angels who did not remain in their position of authority but left their proper Abode unless Jude
is referring to an unknown event he appears to be referring to the angels who left heaven to live on earth as in Genesis 6: 1-4 these arguments support the traditional view that God's Sons mated with human women and gave birth to the Nephilim while this may seem strange to Modern ears the same could be said of all biblical Truth for it is Stranger Than Fiction and the world that God created is far from what we commonly believe the sons of God have seen the Daughters of men it is more accurate to view the sons of
God as demonic angels in Rebellion against God exclusively possessing Men by demons and the daughters of men as human women Jude 6 talks about angels who did not guard their own appointed place of power but abandoned their proper Abode these are kept in Eternal chains under a thick darkness of total darkness for the Judgment of the great day Jude 6 also explains what God did with these evil angels Peter 3: 19 and 20 informs us that Jesus proclaimed his victory on the cross over them in which he also went and preached to the spirits that
are now in prison which in time past were rebellious when the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah while the ark was being prepared in this Ark some that is eight people of Noah's family were brought to safety across the waters fallen angels are rarely mentioned mentioned in the bible as the vast majority of angels in heaven never Fell From Grace and went to the dark side some however chose to do so the Fallen Angels did not maintain their Beginnings meaning they did not follow the path in which they were created angels were
created to be in heaven with God praising him and carrying out his orders just as humans were created to glorify him however humans were created to live on Earth not angels yet these angels left their beginning or starting point in heaven choosing to reject God's plan for their lives by exercising their Free Will according to the Bible these angels are fallen angels as they have left Heaven what happened to these angels according to the Bible according to Peter 2:4 for if God did not spare the Angels when they sinned but cast them into hell and
delivered them into the depths of Darkness reserving them for judgment the leader of these angels is Satan who transforms into an angel of Light the devil plotted against God his creator and he and the angels who followed him lost the battle what happens after the Fallen Angels leave Heaven according to the Bible Matthew 25:41 States eternal hell of fire was prepared for the devil and his angels in other words hell was never intended for a single person although Judas and others will undoubtedly end up there in the end Satan and the Fallen Angels were the
intended recipients of hell hell was created in heaven as the final punishment for the leaders of the Great Rebellion but the Lord allows others to enter the Nations he judges go there too because of the choice of Free Will and the responsibility given by God to man to choose his eternal Destiny whether heaven or hell it is the hell that Satan and the Fallen Angels a third word of those who rebelled alongside him will go too at the end of all things God will exercise his wrath on those who have rebelled against him and Satan
and the fallen angels will not Escape unscathed we have seen here that fallen angels exist even if they have fallen Grace is a difficult concept for some of us to understand we would like to believe that Angels cannot fall but Biblical history proves otherwise the Fallen Angel are known to be one-third of the Angelic host who follow Satan in the Great Rebellion attempting to overthrow God and his throne to take control of heaven we also know that the attempt was a colossal failure and that Satan and his rebellious Angels were cast out of Heaven some
fallen angels have gone to Hell While others are on earth going their separate ways according to Genesis 6 Fallen Angels married humans and fathered Giant children with human women as can be seen Satan is much more than a red figure with horns and a pitchfork he is an ancient being with true spiritual power which he puts to evil and selfish hands he is particularly hostile to Christians and seeks their Annihilation so here are three crucial truths to keep in mind as we navigate this spiritual reality a serious mistake is to consider God and the devil
as Polar Opposites this gives Satan much more credit than he deserves the disparity and power between God and Satan is that of an infinite Creator at his work no matter how cunning or powerful Satan becomes in his Rebellion against God he will never be able to match the power of the one who created him he simply can't no Angelic being whether fallen or righteous can compete with the power and authority of Jesus on the other hand underestimating Satan's power is an equ dangerous mistake he is not stronger than God but he is stronger than you
for Millennia Satan has been concocting dark and wicked schemes he is a skilled liar and a manipulator with power unmatched compared to any mortal human being although we should be wary of Satan we need not fear him we don't even know what his real name is which I believe is a subtle hint that he is not a big enough threat to God in spiritual warfare knowing his name Satan's defeat was predicted icted from the beginning we can see the end from the beginning in the first chapters of Genesis God declares the serpent defeated even after
it has led Adam and Eve astray here is what God has to say to the serpent and we see This Promise fulfilled in Jesus's sacrifice despite receiving the Fatal blow Jesus crushed the Serpent's head when he gave up his Spirit we eagerly await the day when this promise will be fully fulfilled be prepared for spiritual warfare many of us raised in modern times are often blind to spiritual realities and the Unseen forces at work although we learn about them from books and talk about them few of us actually participate in them in doing so we
may expose ourselves to spiritual conflicts the quickest way to lose a battle is to not know you are involved in it the power of Jesus is much more than words on a page and hope after death spiritual battles rage around us every day if we are are to be effective spiritual Warriors we must rely on prayer tune our hearts to the real presence of God and cultivate discernment as we seek to do the father's work our adversary is formidable but our God is even more formidable a spiritual war is happening right now that affects every
person on the planet it is a clash between two kingdoms one led by almighty God the prince of peace and the other led by Satan the prince of Darkness one is the kingdom of good while the other is the kingdom of evil one represents light while the other represents Darkness one represents blessings while the other represents curses one represents life while the other represents death these two antagonistic kingdoms cannot coexist they have been at odds since the beginning of the spiritual conflict what caused this conflict after being expelled from the Third Heaven Satan and his
followers compromised with each other and formed the rebellious Kingdom that still exists today it will continue to exist until it is destroyed by the supreme power of God Paul warned us to keep our main goal in mind so that we can face the devil's Wilds without turning against each other he emphasized that our adversary is not flesh and blood but evil spirits when this event occurred before the creation of the world many people wonder what happened before the foundation of the earth several things occurred however There Was An Occurrence that involved you before the foundations
of the earth God chose you Ephesians 1: 3 and 4 says blessed and worthy of praise be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the Heavenly Realms in Christ just as in his love he chose us in Christ he truly selected us for himself before the foundation of the world that we should be Saints those who are consecrated and set apart for him motivated by purpose and blameless in his passionate eyes the letter Paul wrote to the Ephesians is different from many of his other
letters found in the New Testament like Romans Ephesians was not designed so much to address concerns of a specific church as it was written to clarify some of the enormous principles that permeate the entire New Testament if the letter to the Romans focuses more on the work of God in the individual Christian Ephesians includes the great themes of God's work in the church in the community of Believers when considering the enormous and glorious ideas presented in Ephesians it is essential to remember that Paul wrote this epistle while in prison Paul wrote in Corinthians 2: 9
and 10 but just as it is written in the scriptures things which I Has Not Seen Nor ear heard and which have not entered into the heart of man all that God has prepared for those who love him those who hold him with affectionate reverence who obey him and who gratefully acknowledge the benefits he has bestowed for God has uncovered and revealed them to us through the Holy Spirit to the spirit that diligently examines all things even sound and it measures the profound depths of God Divine counsels and things far beyond human understanding it was
essential to emphasize that these blessings are available to both Gentile and Jewish Believers the Jewish people of the first century had a deep understanding of what it meant to be blessed by having a calling and by being predestined Paul however showed that these gifts are now available to Christians we read with all the spiritual blessings in the Heavenly places in Christ these blessings refer to spiritual and not Material ones and are located in heavenly places in Christ they are superior more valuable and safer than Earthly ones blessings a famous preacher observe that a new heart
is better than a new coat to feed on Christ it is better than having the best Earthly food being air to God is better than being heir to the greatest Nobles having God as our portion is infinitely more blessed than owning broad acres of land God has blessed us with spiritual blessings these are the rarest the richest the most lasting of all blessings they are invaluable in value if you are not able to recognize the benefits that spiritual blessings provide then we will be reduced to the status of animals animals live only to eat sleep
have fun and have Offspring even though we were created in the image of God and God is something much better reserved for us many people prefer to live on the same level as animals God wants us to know all spiritual blessings ings in Heavenly places in Christ Our possession of all spiritual blessings is as certain as our choice for him and choice before the foundation of the world what Paul says In this passage is too essential for us to minimize God's choices Believers this word means to choose to select the voice of this term implies
choosing for oneself and in general usage it means choosing one thing among many this word is used when Jesus chooses his disciples calling them to be part of his inner circle of followers Luke 6:13 when the day came he called his disciples and selected 12 of them whom he also appointed special Apostles personally chosen representative Messengers but its main use in the New Testament is to refer to God's election of Believers in Christ to Salvation we are called out of the world to belong to Christ John 15:16 you did not choose me but I chose
you and I appointed you and placed you and planted you on purpose so that you would go and bear fruit and continue producing and that your fruit would remain and be lasting so that whatever you ask of the father in my name as my Representatives he may give it to you so that there would be no tendency for them to become discouraged and give up Jesus reminded them that it was he who chose them this could mean that he chose them for discipleship or for fruitfulness he set them apart for the mission ahead we must
go and bear fruit it can mean The Graces of the Christian life such as love and peace it can also indicate the salvation of souls to the Lord Jesus Christ both things are connected in a very significant way we cannot bring forth the second type of fruit until we have succeeded in bringing the first type of fruit into manifestation the reasons for God God's choice are not fickle nor the result of a random process although we don't discover it we are sure that they are wise and good in every way but the reasons are all
in him and not in us your choice is according to the good pleasure of your will a popular bible commentator noted that we are chosen in him for if we are chosen in Christ it is outside of ourselves it is not because of our worthiness but because our heavenly father grafted us through the blessing of adoption into the body of Christ in short the name of Christ excludes all Merit in everything that men have for themselves we have been selected not only for salvation but also for Holiness Ephesians 1: 5 and 6 he predestined and
lovingly planned for us to be adopted as his own children through Jesus Christ according to his gentle intention and good pleasure of will to the praise of his glorious grace and favor which he has so freely best bestowed upon us in the Beloved his son Jesus Christ the words holy and blameless are a metaphor taken from the perfect and spotless sacrifices that the law required the people to bring to the altar of God we read having predestined us for adoption as Sons by Jesus Christ to himself this is the plan that the father has for
those he has selected and it is for them to be adopted not only will we be saved and undergo personal transformation as part of of God's plan for us but we will also develop a close self-reliant connection with the father in Roman law when an adoption was complete the person who was adopted gained all the legitimate rights of a child in his or her new family but lost all of his or her rights in the previous family after the adoption was finalized she was considered a completely different individual by the legal system as she was
starting over with her new family death Debs and obligations associated with your previous family were cancelled as if they had never been incurred read to the praise of the glory of his grace by which he has made us acceptable in the Beloved the relational aspect is emphasized again when Paul describes the accepted status granted to every believer because of God's grace Jesus's acceptance by the father was total the totality of who he was what he spoke and what he accomplished were all praiseworthy in the eyes of God the father at this point we are accepted
in the Beloved Ephesians 1:7 and 8 in him we have Redemption which is our deliverance and salvation through his blood which paid the penalty for our sins and resulted in the complete forgiveness of our sins according to the riches of his grace he has showered us with all wisdom and understanding with practical Vision we read that in Christ we have Redemption through through his blood only in him and in no one else can we find Redemption there is no possibility of redemption without Jesus and the blood he shed on the cross note that it is
not Redemption through his power it's through his blood it is not Redemption through his love it is through his blood Apollo 3 from the word Redemption it implies the act of totally freeing Ephesians 2 we understand that we need Redemption because we were dead in our trespasses and sins Ephesians 2:1 he made you alive when you were spiritually dead and separated from him because of your transgressions and sins we had breath in our bodies but we were enslaved to sin the devil and our sinful Natures in Ephesians 2: 2 and 3 we read that you
once walked in the way of this world influenced by this present age in accordance with the prince of the power of the air Satan the spirit who is now at work in the disobedient unbelievers who fight against God's purposes among these unbelievers we have all lived in the passions of our flesh our Behavior governed by the sinful self indulging the desires of human nature without the Holy Spirit and the impulses of the sinful mind we were by Nature children under the sentence of God's Wrath just like the rest of humanity we deserved God's revenge in
the end we owed money that could never get on our own we were enemies of God as Paul explains elsewhere Romans 5:1 for if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of his son it is much more certain that having been reconciled we shall be saved from the consequences of sin by his life in other words we will be saved because Christ lives today but in Christ we have Redemption he died on the cross to free Us by the grace of God through our our belief in Jesus Christ we are
freed from the slavery of sin and the Wrath and Judgment of God Romans 5:9 therefore since we have now been Justified and declared free from the guilt of sin by his blood how much more certain is it that we will be saved from the wrath of God through him in all this it is so that those who have trusted in Christ may exist to the praise of his glory the ultimate goal of God's purpose is to bring glory to himself Ephesians 1: 9-12 he made known reveal to us the mystery of his will according to
his good pleasure which he proposed in Christ for the Fulfillment of times which is the end of History the climax of times to unite all things in Christ both things in the heavens and things on earth in him we also receive an inheritance a destiny that we have been claimed by God as his own having been predes destined chosen in advance according to the purpose of him who does everything according to the counsel and design of his will so that we the first to place Our Hope in Christ would exist to the praise of his
glory Peter 2:9 it says that you are a chosen people a royal priesthood a holy nation God's special possession that you may declare the Praises of him who called you out of Darkness Into His Marvelous Light it is undeniable that God chose those who are believers in Jesus we are not saved because of our good works it is out of gratitude to God's remarkable compassion and favor drawing you to Christ that you have been saved indeed freed from judgment and given eternal life through faith and this salvation is not of yourselves not through your own
effort but is the undeserved and gracious gift of God not as a result of his Works nor of his attempts to keep the law so that no one can boast or take credit in any way for his salvation Ephesians 2: 8 and9 we are all sinners who cannot measure up to the glory of God Romans 3:23 since all have sinned and continually fall short of the glory of God except Jesus all deserve death Romans 6:23 for the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God which is his remarkable overwhelming gift of Grace
to Believers is eternal life in Christ Jesus our lord but in Jesus we can have life it is not because of who we are that God chooses us but because of who he is God also chose us so that he could participate in his work in the world Ephesians 2:10 for we are yours to make your own Masterpiece a work of art created in Christ Jesus reborn from above spiritually transformed renewed ready to be used in good works that God prepared for us in advance paths he laid out for us to walk in living the
good life he pre-arranged and prepared for us Moses explains to the children of Israel in Deuteronomy 7: 7-9 the reasons why God chose them as His People the Lord did not make you his beloved nor choose you because you were more in number than any of the people since you were the least of all people but because the Lord loved you and fulfilled the oath he swore to your ancestors the Lord brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery from the hand of pharaoh know therefore that the Lord
your God is God the god of Faith who keeps his Covenant and his faithfulness for a thousand generations to those who love him and keep his Commandments Deuteronomy 7: 7-9 just as God chose Israel out of love and not because of anything impressive about the nation God chooses us out of love the doctrine of predestination is difficult to understand for we naturally tend to think that those who are predestined are chosen by some Merit of their own to understand why God created you you need to see God's vision for your life a true vision is
the unfolding of the divine plan and purpose each person is created to fulfill a specific purpose on Earth just as every manufacturer releases a product to satisfy a need discovering the purpose for which you were created is called Vision a vision is the unfolding of a divine plan related to a person a group or even an organization God revealed his purpose to the Prophet Jeremiah before he formed you in the womb I knew you and before you came out of the womb I Sanctified you and ordained you a prophet to the Nations Jeremiah 1:5 God
had a purpose for the Apostle Paul all but when it pleased God who separated me from my mother's womb and called me by his grace to reveal his son in me that I might preach him among the Heathen Galatians 1: 15 and 16 you also have a purpose for being here on Earth you need to know God and the vision he has for you when you know God you hold on to strength when he has the strength he exploits one of the most unpleasant aspects which is seeing Believers not achieve in their great and extraordinary
status in Jesus the reason for this problem is ignorance each believer is ordained to perform a specific role as are all members of the same body in the body of Christ Corinthians 12: 27 you are now the body of Christ and individually part of it God has called each of us to full-time Ministry we are all part of the body of Christ and each of us has a role to fulfill as a member of the body you are a steward of a particular position that God expects you to fulfill this same mission is a Ministry
Ministry is not limited to the pulpit it is true stewardship occupying its god-appointed position Gideon was not called to preach but to free His People Israel Abraham was called to be established as an institution through which the families of the Earth would be blessed you have a purpose has a Divine attribution a discovery of this function is what is called Vision vision is a Divine vision of God's plan for you you have a Ministry you are a minister and you must discover what your ministry is a vision gives a defined focus and vision gives you
the mindset of a warrior on a Divine Mission when God wanted to free his people from Egypt who did he choose you and I would have chosen an eloquent individual in Wells but God chose a stutterer in the person of Moses God does this to show the world his glory your natural Talent cannot qualify you for a Divine task that requires Divine resources you will need Divine strength and divine power can only be perfected in weakness 2 Corinthians 12:9 for my power is made perfect in weakness a vision can be oral pictorial or both either
way the vision comes as a spiritual language through which God conveys his plan to chosen vessels a dream is not a vision but a vision can be communicated to you according to your level of understanding it can be through words or images as much as they make it easier to understand you were created to serve the kingdom of God you need to see the vision that God has for you planning his kingdom a good architect doesn't start building before considering the overall layout of the building so it shouldn't surprise us that God was planning his
kingdom before creating the universe God did not like the trigger of any kind of big bang and hope for the best he created intentionally with a specific end in mind and this end was predetermined beforehand for example Matthew chap 25 tells us and he will place the sheep on his right the place of honor and the goats on his left the place of rejection then the king will say to those on his right come you blessed by my father favored by God appointed to Eternal salvation inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of
the world for I was hungry and you gave me something to eat I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink I was a stranger and you invited me in this reveals that God planned his kingdom before creation and that he always wanted Believers to be United with Christ love is an essential part of God's plan for his kingdom it is evident that God did not create the kingdom out of necessity for he already had everything anything he needed within himself before creation however he created the kingdom for his son and his people whom
he intended to bless the ultimate purpose of Salvation is to glorify God but it is important to note that it also results in our glorification when we place our faith in Jesus Christ according to the Bible God's existence predates that of the universe and he exists beyond the physical laws that govern it as stated in Psalm 90:2 Moses declares before the mountains were born or before you gave birth to the earth and the world even from eternity to Eternity you are the Eternal God when we try to contemplate the pre-existence of God we usually think
of him as existing for billions of years before creation but this is an incomplete understanding in fact God Is Timeless he created time itself and can also enter time and space to intervene in events whenever necessary this means that God is outside the constraints of time and he can see the past present and future all at once in addition God's ability to enter time and space allows him to interact with his creation and intervene in human Affairs at any point it is natural for us to ask what God was doing in eternity passed before he
created the universe the concept of what God was doing before cre ation is a challenge for us to fully understand given our limited human understanding however in the scriptures God has revealed certain details about his pre-creation activity that can help us gain a deeper understanding of his nature as well as his relationship with the created world and his plans for it by exploring these details we can gain insights into the nature of God's existence outside of time and space and the ways in which he orchestrated the unfolding of the cosmos this can be a deeply
enriching experience and enlightening study for anyone seeking to know God better let us pray dear God our loving heavenly father there are times when we long to feel his presence to see a sign that you are near us and to know that you care about what we are going through despite our faith and trust in you sometimes we long for a tangible reminder that you are with us guiding us and watching over us we humbly seek forgiveness for our doubts and pray to be lifted to a greater level of faith and understanding we ask forgiveness
for the times when we question and doubt and we beg you to lift us to a higher level of faith and understanding please grant us the wisdom to see beyond our own limited perspectives and the courage to trust your divine plan may we be open to new insights and Revelations and may our faith be strengthened in the face of adversity we offer this prayer with humility and gratitude for your infinite love and guidance I humbly and openly admit that I need to gain understanding in various aspects of my life I recognize that blessings in favor
of the Divine are essential to Leading a meaningful and fulfilling life I pray that the divine presence guides me and blesses me with its Grace dear God I am so grateful that you sent your son Jesus into this world to be my savior I am in awe of this immense love you have for me for allowing him to die on the cross and pay the price for all my sins furthermore I am immensely grateful for his gift of speech the Bible which so beautifully Reveals His Plan of Redemption for all Humanity it is a source
of comfort guidance and inspiration for me in all aspects of my life and lastly I cannot express my gratitude enough for the precious gift of the Holy Spirit who lives Within Me guiding me into all truth and and helping me navigate the ups and downs of life thank you for your infinite grace and mercy and for your unwavering love that sustains me every day amen gracious and loving God God my heart is filled with gratitude as I come before you in prayer I'm humbled by the depth of your love for me and the entire world
you sent your beloved Son Jesus Christ to pay the ultimate price for my sins so that I can have eternal life with you you your word the Bible is a treasure of wisdom and knowledge revealing your Plan of Redemption for all Humanity it is a source of comfort strength and guidance for me as I navigate life's challenges most of all I am amazed at the gift of the Holy Spirit who dwells within me comforting me guiding me and leading me into all truth your love and mercy are endless and I will be forever grateful for
the blessings you bestow upon me every day thank you Heavenly Father for your unfailing grace and compassion father I pray that you will Open the Eyes of My Heart as I read study and meditate on your word so that I can see you more clearly and love you more eternally in the name of Jesus I pray amen
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